80th anniversary program for a woman. Script for the anniversary of your beloved mother

A festively decorated hall. The walls are decorated with posters containing photographs from the birthday girl’s archive: childhood, youth, study, wedding, maturity, photos of children and grandchildren, significant dates. One of the posters shows a large number 80. The hall is decorated with flowers, balloons, and tinsel. All guests line up on both sides of the entrance to meet the birthday girl.

Friends! I am sincerely pleased to welcome you in this cozy hall for a festive anniversary evening dedicated to the birthday of a beautiful and wise woman, caring mother and grandmother, devoted friend and keeper of the family hearth (name)!

Solemn music sounds and the birthday girl enters the hall to warm applause. The host invites all guests to the table, the hero of the day takes pride of place at the head of the table.

They say that wisdom can be determined not by the numbers on your birthday, but by the deeds and actions of a person. Our birthday girl (name) had many wonderful deeds and good deeds in her life. So let us all together wish that your love and wisdom will decorate the lives of your loved ones and those dear to you for many, many years, who have gathered in this room today to congratulate you on the best holiday of the year - your birthday.

At the command of the presenter, everyone shouts three times in unison - congratulations!

First toast.

Anniversary - what a word!
This is a holiday, this is a celebration!
And there is joy and warmth in the house!
Friends and employees, without sparing words,
They want to congratulate you on this anniversary day!
You are full of light and joy, happiness,
Your advice is important and necessary for us.
Your family loves and appreciates you,
Hopes, your faithful friends.
We all wish you health and strength;
So that youth, happiness, luck, success
Fate has always given you without hindrance!

Dear guests, I invite everyone to fill their glasses and drink to the bottom of the birthday girl’s health!

I invite everyone to go back 80 years and remember what significant event happened then. In the family... a beautiful golden-haired girl was born named... (The following is a very brief biography of the hero of the day, perhaps in a comic form, without mentioning specific dates).

Second toast.

I propose to raise a glass to the people closest to the birthday girl - her children and grandchildren. (Word to relatives).

And now we will try to find out the name of the person who, over the years of acquaintance and friendship with the hero of the day, best learned her character and habits, who knows all the main main events of her life. A quiz is held to determine the most informed guest.


1. When our birthday girl was born ( exact date birth)?
2. Where did this significant event take place (city)?
3. What was (name)’s favorite toy?
4. The year in which (name) went to school?
5. The name of the hero of the day’s first school love?
6. Name of the best school friend?
7. In what year did (name) graduate from school?
8. When did the birthday girl get married (date and day of the week)?
9. Where did the future spouses meet?
10. Who were the witnesses at the wedding?
11. In what year were the children of the hero of the day born?
12. Who in (name)’s family chose the name of the child(ren)?
13. What are (name)’s favorite flowers?
14. What is the birthday girl’s hobby?
15. What is (name)’s favorite song?
16. Which pop performer (name) do you like best?

At the end of the quiz, the host sums it up and gives the winner a prize.

Third toast.

Dear friends! Today is a significant day for our dear birthday girl, and, of course, for her other half - her beloved man. I propose to make a festive toast for your beloved woman to her husband (name)!

I invite everyone to fill their glasses and applaud to congratulate such lovely couple, wish them family happiness, immeasurable love for a long time, for long years life!

Guests are invited to the dance floor, where between dances there is a competition for best couple who will perform a waltz dance. The best couple is chosen by the hero of the day and awarded prizes.

The host invites the guests to join in a round dance.

We'll be doing a round dance now,
Our hero of the day needs to be in the center,
For starters, she has 80 compliments,
For wonderful spiritual moments,
And then let's congratulate
Praise our hero of the day!

The guests form a large round dance, the birthday girl stands in the center of the circle. Everyone takes turns saying compliments in her honor, and then doing the “Loaf” round dance and singing.

After a dance break, guests are again invited to the table.

Fourth toast (congratulations to sisters and brothers).

Since childhood, brothers and sisters have been united not only by family ties, but also by strong friendship. And now we invite you to say congratulatory toast people dear and close to the birthday girl - brother and sister.

Fifth toast (friends).
Sixth toast (former colleagues).

Musical break.

And now - a competition for those with loud voices,
For the perky and frisky!

It's called "Chastushechka". A competition is being held to sing ditties. The prize is awarded to the one who performs the most ditties.

The next competition is musical. The prize will be given to the one who knows the most love songs.
(Guests take turns singing a few lines from songs dedicated to love. The prize is awarded to the most active participant).

Guests are again invited to the dance floor.

The presenter invites everyone in the network to festive table.

A birthday cake decorated with candles is brought into the hall on a beautiful tray.

Dear friends, our wonderful holiday today was filled with the light of your smiles, the warmth of friendly hearts, warm greetings that sounded in honor of our (name), wonderful man, whom fate rewarded with talent, wisdom, true friends and wonderful children and grandchildren.

And now we’ll ask the birthday girl to make a wish cherished wish and blow out the candles on the festive birthday cake to your thunderous applause!

On your anniversary day,
Memorable, solemn,
May the blue skies smile on you,
Let the stars intertwine
In your longevity
Many years to you,
Honor and praise to you!

Dear (name)! Let me once again congratulate you with all my heart on this wonderful holiday and thank you for your warmth and kindness, wisdom and responsiveness. May your long and happy life will be filled with bright and joyful moments, and your radiant smile will illuminate the hearts and souls of your family and friends for many years to come! Good health to you, vitality and a lot happy days life!

The presenter invites everyone to the street, where a festive fireworks will be given in honor of the hero of the day.

Your grandmother is celebrating her birthday, you need to congratulate her - what’s the best way to do this? Scenario for grandmother's anniversary, invites you to present congratulations in an original way dear person, she will be pleased to hear toasts in the form of poems, songs, she will be able to take part in games, watch interesting scenes.

Scenario for grandmother's anniversary - the beginning of the celebration

Make way, friends, make way,
At this moment, smile from your heart.
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one who has the Jubilee.
(The hero of the day comes out.)

Dear Granny!
Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star to them.
So may your rays continue to grace us with affection,
And life seems great to us a fairy tale.
So that we can extend this fairy tale,
At least for a little bit
Take your time, manage to walk
Star track.

Every star is just a mystery
You only need one guess.
Feel free to stand up Star Trek
And guess something!

1. Each of us dreams about this,
I think that includes you,
Get it from a man's hands
Now beautiful... (flowers.)
(The godfather gives a bouquet of flowers.)

2. To remember your biography later,
We will take this now... (photo.)
(The subject takes pictures)

3. From now on, spoil your DAUGHTER more often,
After all, she gives you her... (kiss.)
(The daughter kisses the birthday girl.)

4. For all the heroes of the occasion
In moments like these,

5. We are ready to give endlessly... (applause.)
(Applause from the guests.)

6. And it’s time to honor these minutes
We can hear the anniversary here... (fireworks.)
(Crackers explode)

You passed the test, birthday girl, amazingly.
We want you to invite everyone to the table.
(The birthday girl invites everyone to the table. The guests are seated.)
They undress and enter the hall

In winter, when it’s cold and your nose is frozen,
There is various amazing demand for the holidays.
And today we are celebrating grandma's anniversary
I warmly welcome the assembled guests,
(Fanfare sounds) Theme ball claps
Our occasion today is simply wonderful - exactly eighty years ago this amazing woman, an affectionate mother, a caring grandmother and great-grandmother, was born!
May your soul bathe in pure dew today kind words all your dear, family and close people who came to congratulate YOU on an amazing holiday - your anniversary!

It's time to make a hearty toast!
So that laughter, fun and smiles
Didn't disappear until the morning
Let's shout without hesitation

In honor of the birthday girl “Hurray”!
The eighty-year anniversary in a woman’s life is a grandiose event that turns the birthday girl into a legend, regardless of whether she was famous, performed a heroic deed, or created something outstanding. It is enough that she was able to live such a huge and, in any case, difficult life.
Eighty years is like a prize medal for longevity. And this is certainly admirable
Presentation of the medal


News about this anniversary
She became known throughout the area.
The one whose holiday we celebrate,
The table sits at the head.
This is my dear grandmother
I gathered everyone today.
I alone will say for the guests:
This is her whole success!
Our dear grandmother!
WE are very grateful for ALL,
I can no longer remain silent.
We love you, respect you,
As a mother-in-law, grandmother and mother!
Let's all move the glasses together,
And we’ll dedicate this toast to you alone!

(The guests drink.)

5.Meeting guests

Now I suggest we get to know each other a little... I ask everyone to think of a number from 1-5
I ask whoever made the wish to rise up
number 1 – Applause to the most beautiful guests of our wedding!
Number 2 - Applause for the most dancing guests!
Number 3 - Applause to the most cheerful guests!
Number 4 – Applause for the sexiest guests!
Number 5 – Applause for the best dressed guests!

And now, dear guests, I would like to introduce you to a basket, but not a simple one, but a fabulous one.
we will fill it now to the brim, dear guests, with your good wishes,
your bright cards, your rays of happiness, from which our birthday girl will shine, sparkle, smile and enjoy every moment of this... today's holiday....

And so we begin


relatives, dear
To those who have been nearby for years,
With whom adversity is not terrible.
Behind whom, like behind a stone wall, granny
This is of course mommy and daddy

Mom's song
Diploma IM


We gathered for the anniversary -
Favorite holiday of kings!
And in honor of a wonderful event
Great discoveries await us:
Treasures are allowed to be opened!
There is so much treasure that it cannot be counted!
Treasures are wonderful words!
Their brilliance makes you dizzy.
And every smile in them is a diamond.
For you, madam, for you!
Today, here and at this very hour
We'll take out the crown for you!

The crown is carried out amid fanfare

For such a queen we can only say thanks to my grandmother's parents
And I think the moment has come
Fill a glass for your parents!
Glory, praise and honor to the parents!
I think the people will agree

TOAST Mikhailovs
And now congratulations brightly
Family of the grandson of the hero of the day

Host: And now I have my first task:
Who can come up with the best continuation of the famous saying “between the first and the second...”
For example, “Between the first and second
another liqueur with caviar...
I'll pass a glass of water...
I'll kiss...... Toastmaster!

Toast mom

Toast of grandchildren

(They sing a song to the tune of “A smile will make everyone warmer...)

My grandmother's birthday
With the first ray of light today we woke up
Let's run to grandma quickly,
So that she would be the first to smile at us.

Birthday is your holiday
Have fun and sing songs,
Let caring hands rest,
For you we are the whole crowd
We baked a big pie.
All your children and grandchildren congratulate you.

You live, dear, for many years
You and I are not afraid even of ice and cold
We send you warm greetings.
We really, really need your wise advice.

May your days be long
In happiness, joy, love,
And health too often fails,
We will come to visit again,
Let's start the song again,
Let sadness bypass your house.

I'm singing a song
Max invites grandma

Arina’s dance “If it’s fun today, do this”
Musical break, dancing

I ask you to take your seats
And continue our feast
Dancing merrily

Now let's try to make it even hotter...

Everyone raised their hands together,
They waved their right hand.

well and left hand goes down for now
On your knee. Not your own, but your neighbor's.

Right hand is hot
We are the neighbor's shoulder
We hug indecently.
Did you like it? Great!

We swung left and right.
You're rocking great! Bravo!

Now let's stroke our belly.
Let's smile from ear to ear.

Let's push the neighbor on the right.
Let's wink at the neighbor on the left.

We continue the fun -
Let's clink glasses with the neighbor on the right!

So that the glass does not fog up -
Let's clink glasses with the neighbor on the left!

And with the opposite neighbor,
Support the team!

Let's shout loudly: "Hello!"
And we drink everything to the bottom!

T Masha toast

Masha, can you tell us about your grandmother?
Are you in a good relationship?
Can we say that you understand each other perfectly?
Can you communicate with gestures?
Let's check it out?
Show me what mood you are in? IN

Is everything fine in English?
How did your bosses threaten you?
How was grandma greeted at work?
Well, the main gesture of the holiday
Let's have a drink, how about?
Make friends at the table Pour
Congratulations to your colleague having fun

The most charming and attractive.
Two people play. Each person is first given one sucking caramel (such as “Barberry”, “Mint”). The first player puts the candy in his mouth and says the following words:
"Vera Vladimirovna is the most charming and attractive woman Ekaterinburg".
The second player does the same. After this, take a second caramel into your mouth. And so on in turn. The one who last uttered the cherished phrase won.

toast SVATY

Knowing how much grandmother cares for each of us, sometimes you are amazed at her patience. And the most important thing is that behind all this trouble she perfectly manages to hide her real age. After all, only the young are able to be always on the move and radiate so much energy! And we, friends, do not hide this today, and immediately dedicate the song at the table to her. A song is heard
Song to the tune of "Old Grandmother"

Who usually treats you to sausage every time?
Who are we used to seeing in their hands?
Who knows so many different fairy tales by heart?
Let each of you here guess that hour. (2 times.)

Today we all came to grandma's for dinner,
Because we all really need this day.
Heart-to-heart conversations and memories.
They give grandma and us only exclamations. (2 times.)

Grandma, grandma is not an old lady at all,
Grandma, grandma, you are our friend!
We love you, appreciate you, respect you.
Sometimes we dream of living to see the same years. (2 times.)

Gargan's toast

toast Krivyan

Host: Friends! The birthday girl celebrates her anniversary in the Year of the Horse. This suggests that all illnesses and troubles will quickly disappear into the past, and they will be replaced by happy, cloudless days.

It’s probably no coincidence that this year
Three horses are already standing at the gate.

(Music with bells sounds. Three guests play the role of horses. Raising their legs high, they rush into the room. Their manes develop (long hairpieces), the troika dances in the Valley to the song

1. Coffee
You will be cheerful and energetic,
And therefore all a year will pass Great!

2. Tea
You are the darlings of fate, which means
Success and good luck await you.
Celebrating your successes,
Stock up on more tea!

3. They say that money multiplies
if this really happens,
you are very lucky oh la la.
let KOPEYKA give birth to you from the RUBLE.
So that money is transferred and not transferred,
Store separately, don’t waste – take care!
money box

4. You can press a note to the door with it,
to remind you of something
Or you can just stick them like that
to fill the empty wall.
(Fridge magnet)
5. Cookies
You have friends, acquaintances of the sea,
And everyone will come to visit soon.
Prepare tea and treats.
Here's a cookie to get you started!

6. Cocoa
Who will receive this miracle?
Live happily all year!

7. The prize is the best this week
Latest model pocket computer

8. Soap
And you with household worries,
There are a lot of household chores waiting for you.
But in the family and in personal life
Everything will work out great for you!

9. When guests arrive for the holiday
and the meeting will be hot,
let him give comfort at the table
A CANDLE lit by you.

10. Photo frame
Your hairstyle appearance
It will pleasantly surprise us all.
From then on you will continue to
Everything is getting prettier and younger!
.Now you won’t have to be bored in the toilet
You get a collection of jokes
(Toilet paper with jokes)

Fate will turn into happiness today
After all, you get a roll of bucks
(Toilet paper with dollars drawn on it)

Your winnings are a roll of rubles,
and how many thousands there are, measure it yourself
(Toilet paper with painted rubles)

12For power outages
you won't care
with such a bright light reflection
you can look for a needle in the hay.

13. Candy
You are used to living in the thick of things,
Work is your main destiny.
We don’t promise you peace,
We'll treat you to candy!

14. Having put in your efforts
Create a vernissage
AND ALBUM for drawing
This is your prize today

15So that there is
everything without delay
You get it
cute little angel
(Angel figurine)

16To always be healthy and strong
You don't get candy,
Big and juicy vitamin
Here's an orange for you

17Write, draw
Anything is possible
You can tear off a leaf
If he's no good

18You can put business cards in it
can you use discount cards?
It is convenient to carry and store in it,
tested repeatedly.
(Little business card holder)
19As the advertisement states,
this is the most important tool
so that the teeth become
cleaner, harder and whiter!

20And to you, my friend, as of old,
we will give you a CALENDAR!
Looks great
and the benefits are undeniable.

(Siren soundtrack " ambulance". The following hurriedly run into the room: Doctor Aibolit(ira), a nurse (Max in disguise) with a suitcase in his hands, two mouse nurses (their role can be played by children). Everyone lines up in a semicircle to greet the guests.)
Dr. Aibolit:
We heard about the anniversary a long time ago
And the ambulance arrived immediately.
I will introduce myself, as my upbringing dictates,
Before you - good doctor Aibolit.
There are two nurses next to me,
We call them “Mice” in the ambulance.
I have an intern.
Meet the nurse!


Today we got very busy,
But they managed to get the vaccine.
So that the table in front of you does not double,
Now we will give the guests an injection.

(The nurse takes out a vitamin from her suitcase:

And we already need a double dose,
So that prose fits better onto poetry.
(The mice are served by the medical staff, not forgetting about themselves.)

Dr. Aibolit:

You, grandma, are like God's dandelion,
Always fresh and pretty.
Now let's look into our suitcase,
To support your image today.
For the disease, we will exclude all causes,
When will we prescribe these vitamins?

(The nurse takes cream out of the case)

So that you surprise the whole world with your health,
Take this magical elixir from us.

(The nurse hands over the elixir purchased at the pharmacy.)

I'm sure you'll dance hopak,
When you get a five-star cognac.
(The mice bring a souvenir inflatable bottle of cognac from another room.)
Dr. Aibolit:

We make an accurate diagnosis,
It's called an anniversary.
There was an urgent visit to you,
So accept it (a certificate is presented)!

(The guests drink. The feast continues.)


Scene with Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga appears. Sings to the tune of ditties “And the locomotive ran, the wheels rubbed”:

My broom is all dusty...
You weren’t waiting for me, but I showed up!
Are you celebrating your birthday here?
And you don’t notice anything around!
And I hid a gift for you!
And I didn’t even print my fingers!
They will all remain as a keepsake for Yaga,
But the birthday girl won’t get it!

Presenter No, grandma! We disagree! Better drink with us to the health of the birthday girl and have a snack!

B. Ya.
Fathers! She lived to be a thousand years old, but she had never seen such a table! Well, thank you, you respected the old lady! (drinks a glass of wine)
So be it, I’ll help you find a gift! Here's your first hint:

I swear I'll be old and stooped
If there is no note on the leg... (of the chair)

The host gives candy to the person who guessed it and invites all guests to look for the note. The one with the note tied to the chair leg is given a piece of candy.
The note contains the following text:

The one who guesses correctly receives candy and brings a note with a rebus:

On O k, then SNOW without the first and last letter

* * i.e. ON THE WINDOW)

The one who deciphers the rebus receives candy. The birthday girl is again given the gift that was lying on the window.

B. Yaga is about to fly away.

B.Y. - Oh! Completely forgot!
Koschey came with me
(Koshey comes in)

Kashcheya - congratulations!
Sings to the melody of V. Dobrynin’s song “Plantain-grass”:
Where the stitch is beaten
Overgrown with quinoa
We walk in love with you, -
Young Leshy and I!
Plantain grass! Sofushka, listen
We will tell you our main secret:
Eat a rejuvenating apple -
And shine with beauty even up to a hundred years!
He takes out a rosy apple.

- He couldn’t give me a gift for the millennium! Well, it’s okay, I’ll rejuvenate with you!
After all, if you put this apple on the table, then all wines turn into the elixir of youth! So, let's pour everything, drink...
Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather!
Everyone is now seventeen years old!
Baba Yaga takes off her nose with glasses and a scarf.
- Well, I’ve become rejuvenated, thanks to your birthday girl!

Dance break

Baba ya leads everyone out into a round dance
Well, not only an apple will help you become young
And you also need a magic spell

We will lead a round dance,
And the hero of the day will be in the center,
At the beginning of 80 compliments,
For soulful moments,

We want to continue the feast, friends,
Please take all seats at the table.
(Guests take a place at the table.)

And now, guests, attention!
Show your efforts
And give your applause
In honor of this wonderful moment.
(A soundtrack sounds. A cake with candles is brought out. The guests applaud.)

Dear birthday girl!
Feel free to cut the anniversary cake
And treat your guests to tea with a smile and laughter.
(Music. Tea drinking.)
And in order for grandma to laugh, I prepared.....
Competition: “Anniversary ditties.”
Tray with earflaps and scarf
I passed by here
And I smelled wine
And even though I have emptied everything,
But I will congratulate you all the same!
I don't know a better gift
Why sing a ditty loudly,
Let your heart be warm
But just so as not to burn!
Everyone's drinking today
And of course, for you,
Raise your glass too,
To drink to us too!
The hero of the day is super today,
It's impossible to take your eyes off
I wish you a Cooper car,
And there are so many dekas!
Lopez, Angelina Jolie,
They can't compare with you
You are much better at 60
And there is nothing to be ashamed of!
Happy Anniversary,
A beautiful woman
And at “60” we wish her,
Great, passionate love!
So what if it’s 80 syat?
So what, what about grandma?
It’s still a girl for us
And for the tormentors - okay.
I will give everything for my dear!
I'll forget the whole world!
There is nowhere so beautiful!
You are alone and there is nothing better!

Next to this hero of the day
Consider me born again.
As he looks with a passionate gaze,
This is how the blood boils in your veins!

We will sing about the anniversary,
About love and beauty.
The guests will be impatient
You will be on top!

Choose a big spoon
Open your mouth wider.
Everyone is faster and bolder
Eat a huge sweet cake!

Anniversary, so anniversary,
Every hour we have more fun!
Do not regret wine and vodka,
Pour for our health!

To the hero of the day on his birthday
We send warm greetings.
Love - sea, happiness, money
And health for a hundred years.

Congratulations on your anniversary
Our anniversary,
We wish you happiness and joy,
Don't ask about anything else

What will I say for my anniversary?
Pour me a shot of vodka!
Then I'll sing to you,
Yes, I will tell you the whole truth!
Here I look at the hero of the day,
I can’t stop looking!
Invite me to dance
I'll be happy to go!
Congratulations on the anniversary,
And I wish you well!
Never get sick,
Be happy always!

We have waited for the anniversary,
And you won’t regret it for years!
Let them go with benefit,
They bring a lot of joy!

I came to the Anniversary
You need to drink quickly!
They tell me to have a bite
And you couldn't get drunk!
Congratulations to the anniversaries,
And they give them gifts.
It's just a pity that the years
They run too fast

How old is she -
This is not a secret at all!
She will always be twenty years old
Even at eighty years old!

Outside the window the blizzard is angry
And a mess of snowflakes.
It's good when you are 80m,
It's good when it's winter.

There are many anniversaries these days,
Anniversaries too,
But we congratulate him
Who is dearer to us all?

A fun lottery with tasks for guests for the anniversary

Kohl came to the Jubilee,
Drink some vodka quickly!

Have a glass of wine
For a rosy face!

Treat the neighbor on the left
Skillfully shoot a shot of vodka!

You, my friend, have the right
Give your friend a peck on the cheek on the right!

Give a compliment now
Birthday girl from us!

To make it more fun
Sing us a song quickly!

Good guests today,
Throw away your timidity,
Tell a joke
This is what the people expect from you!

We'll have fun
If you get up now
In the swallow position, my friend,
Give us a small toast!

We have a birthday girl
A sight for sore eyes, simply classy!
Come to her, hug her
And smile at all the guests!

Kiss the birthday girl
Just don’t spoil too much!

Well, and you, my friend, the wall
Kiss me with your back turned
Forget at least for a while
About your beloved chondrosis!

Describe a circle with your right foot,
Knocking on the tummy with my left hand,
At the same time, try to drink a glass,
You shouldn't spill a single drop!

Use modern jargon now
Confessing your love to the birthday girl,
The order of the toastmaster is the strictest law,
Speak without hesitation!

Scenario #00084

Meeting the hero of the day
song "Blue Car"

(The guests line up and begin to clap their hands, making way for the words of the presenter. The hero of the day enters the hall and stops opposite the “star path.”)

Make way, friends, make way,
At this moment, smile from your heart,
Skip ahead without a doubt

You are the one whose birthday it is!
(The hero of the day comes out.)
Dear Anniversary!
Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star to them.
So may your rays continue to grace us with affection,
And life seems to us like a big fairy tale!
(I wear an anniversary ribbon + crown during Applause)
So that we can extend this fairy tale,
At least for a little bit
Take your time, manage to walk
Star track.

Every star is just a mystery
You only need one guess.
Feel free to take the star path
And guess something!

Each of us dreams about this,
I think that includes you,
Get it from a man's hands
Now beautiful... (flowers) (They give a bouquet of flowers)

To remember your biography later.
We will do this now... (photo)

For all the heroes of the occasion
In moments like these,
We are ready to give endlessly... (applause.) (Applause from guests)

We can’t avoid miracles today,
Let it fall from the sky now... (confetti.)
(A star with confetti is attached to the ceiling.
One of the guests pulls the string and showers the birthday girl with confetti.)

To always be with friends,
We all need to perform... (song.)
(Guests sing the song “Happy Birthday.”)
(Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you Zina! Happy birthday to you!)

And it's time to honor these minutes
We can hear the anniversary here... (fireworks.)
(Guests, piercing air balloons, imitate fireworks).
You passed the test, birthday girl, amazingly.
We want you to invite everyone to the table.
(The birthday girl invites everyone to the table. The guests are seated.)
I warmly welcome the assembled guests,
And I open with joy a wonderful anniversary!

Let this day go down in history forever,
And it will only bring joy to the birthday girl,
And let the guests have fun carelessly,
I hope no one leaves the anniversary sad.
To start the celebration as it should be,
Everyone is asked to fill their glasses.
(We fill the glasses)
Birthday is a special date!
This holiday cannot be compared with anything,
Someone wise once came up with
Give joy to the birthday boy.
Let there be happiness and fun,
After all, this is the only thing we live for,
And we say: “Happy Birthday!
Have a bright and joyful day!"

And now I invite the guests to rise from their seats and drink while standing to celebrate the anniversary of our birthday girl!
(The guests shout three times: “Congratulations!”

Dear friends, before we taste all the dishes of the anniversary table, I would like to remind you that there is such a good tradition of lighting a candle on all birthday holidays, because fire is a symbol of life, warmth, comfort, beauty and goodness.
I suggest you, dear Zina, also light a candle.
May the flame of this light never go out, giving light and warmth to your loved ones, and may only your most beloved and dearest people gather for this light, just like today.
Song by I. Nikolaev “D.R.”

One song says “Birthday is a sad holiday!” But for the birthday person, a birthday is an annual gift to rejoice in the love and affection that they have for him

relatives and friends, and for guests - a reason to come to a person and say what is in your heart!

So today, to the birthday girl with a low bow
The constellation turns
What belongs to family and friends.
(Congratulations to relatives - mom + dad!)
Among all the constellations it is brighter, more cheerful
We are seeing a constellation of friends here.
It hurries to congratulate you on your birthday
And express congratulations to your friend.
(Congratulations from friends.) + N. Kadyshev’s song “D.R.”

Recommendations for preparation:
The script is designed for an apartment, so you need to prepare everything in advance. You need to start by planning the menu and assigning guests. Next, you should decorate the room in accordance with the holiday. You can do everything in one color scheme, or make do balloons, ribbons and posters. As for the presenter/presenter, it is better to pass this role on to a grandson/granddaughter, so the evening will be easier and more soulful.

a reward for the Jubilee (it would be better to build a commemorative cup, make a certificate signed by all family members), prizes for participation in competitions, a toast for guests, facts about the Jubilee.

Presenter (in in this example- granddaughter of the hero of the occasion).

The guests take their places, solemn music sounds, and the host begins.

Good afternoon, hello friends,
I'm very glad to see
Let's sing and celebrate
Our (name of the hero of the day) congratulate!

Anniversary is a great holiday,
This is a holiday for the soul,
Prepare your toast
You didn't come here in vain!

How are you feeling? How are you?
I'll tell you a little,
About our glorious Anniversary,
Listen to me!

Our dear (name of the hero of the day),
And beautiful and wise,
He sings songs so loudly,
She helps everyone!

Good-natured and warm-hearted
Always fiery
Conquers everyone's soul,
Never gives up!

Our (name of the hero of the day) loved,
She's amazing
And it is necessary
To each of us always!

I think I’ve said enough, and it’s time to invite her to our chic, festive table!

(The Anniversary Girl comes out to the applause of the guests and the sound of fanfare)

You are so beautiful with us,
Don't take your eyes off,
You shine like a star
You always surprise everyone!

You have lived many years
There is nothing more beautiful, more beautiful in the world,
And for you for all the years,
I have a reward in store!

(Gives the award and continues)

And to start our holiday,
I must give my word
Such a nice child,
Beloved and dear!

We continue our holiday,
I offer you a game
Not enough compliments
I want to fix this!

Game "Clap-click".
Rhythmic music is turned on, the presenter begins to snap her fingers, and the guests must repeat after her. Without warning, she starts clapping, and whoever gets confused compliments the birthday girl.

Why are you friends silent?
Don't you want to say a word?
I have a general toast,
It's time to read it!

(Before the start of the holiday, each guest receives numbered cards with lines of toast (distributed in advance according to the number of guests). Each person in turn begins to read.)

General toast option:
I've known you for so many years,
I've loved you for so many years
I admire you
I value our friendship!

You and I danced, sang,
At the same table more than once,
Managed to maintain friendship
Our light has not gone out!

I don't know such people
You are beautiful and kind
Amazing, beautiful,
Be happy always!

We've known each other for many years,
But only you are more important to me than anyone else,
You are a nice person
Don't regret anything!

Be healthy, that's important
Don't count your years
You mean a lot to all of us,
Never be sad!

Let go of your grievances
Let not the soul suffer,
And today on this holiday,
I drink to the bottom for you!

(After toast, pause for 5-10 minutes)

How sincerely you said
Thank you from me
Your congratulations are very wonderful,
Kind words from you!

Somehow the guests stayed too long,
It's time for you to dance
Set up the music
I'm in a hurry to invite you to the dance floor!

(A dance break is possible only if space allows; if there is not enough space, you can offer another drinking song or)

I continue our holiday,
I'm announcing a new competition
The house will be filled with laughter,
Everyone will remember the holiday!

(Jokes competition. The best storyteller will receive a prize)

All the congratulations did not sound,
It's time to voice them, friends,
And for this to happen,
I give up my place to you!

(Those who have not yet made a toast, or want to say something else, say congratulatory speech birthday girl. We take a 5-10 minute pause)

We continue our evening,
Let's sing a song with you!
I listened a little
And the hero of the occasion,
I hasten to convey the word,
I want to hear it!

(The hero of the day thanks the guests)

We laughed, we sang songs,
Have fun as you want
It's time to blow out the candles
May your dream come true!

(They bring out the birthday cake)

Note: the script can include several skits or congratulatory numbers. All this must be agreed and agreed upon in advance.


80 years is a chic date, and not everyone manages to live to see it, so this day must be celebrated with only dignity, with pride, with great triumph. Make sure that your grandmother and mother are truly happy with their family and friends. And if you play out this holiday according to the script, then it will definitely be the most expensive gift for her.


"A real Russian holiday." Since the hero of the day is many years old, she will definitely appreciate this topic, because it is closer to her than to us. Decorate the table with dishes with Khokhloma paintings, place nesting dolls. Be sure to include such Russian dishes as jellied meat, boiled potatoes, herring, and pickles on the menu.


Good evening, dear guests,

The guests are Russian, simple,

I greet you with bread and salt,

And I invite you to the holiday,

Someone will be 80 years old

That's what lunch is for,

But to start eating,

We'll have to call her!

Let's go one-two-three, (name, patronymic), come out!

(the celebrant of the day is called in chorus, she enters to applause)


We pay tribute to old age,

And we’ll call (name, patronymic) princess!

(the presenter hands the hero of the day a princely crown (you can buy it in a store, but if you have a lot of imagination, you can make it yourself))


You need to drink for this title,

I ask you to come to the table,

Let's pour glasses all at once,

After all, we are immensely happy about the holiday,

We drink to the health of (name, patronymic),

May her home always be cozy!


Competition for shooters,

For expert hunters.


The competition is called: “Russian Hunting”. Four people take part. Everything is prepared in advance; animals are drawn on large posters: bear, fox, wild boar, hare and duck. They are all suspended from one large long rope at a certain distance. Participants are blindfolded one by one and given toy pistol bullets and give the right to one shot, where they fall, that gift is received:

Bear - jar of honey;

Fox - cheese;

Boar - a can of stewed pork;

Hare – carrot juice;

Duck - loaf;

(at the end of the competition, sit down to their seats, to applause)


This competition was good.

It’s beautiful for our men,

The hero of the day watched

I was happy about what was happening!

Let's go for her anyway

Let's drink idle wine!

(musical break, meal)


For the most singing and frisky!


The competition is called: “Ditty”. 4 people take part. They themselves pull out a piece of paper with the text of the ditty, and if a man gets a female ditty, then they put a scarf on him, and he must sing in a thin voice, and if a woman gets a male ditty, then they put on a hat accordingly and make his voice rougher. Also, after performing the ditty, everyone presents the hero of the day with a corresponding gift. Everyone receives prizes: a painted wooden souvenir whistle.


Today I'm with a yoke,

She went to the well for water,

I knew exactly what made sense,

(name, patronymic) baked a cake!

(hands the birthday cake to the hero of the day)

I thought today is the day

About (name, patronymic) Anniversary,

To give you,

I will hasten to hand over the scarf!

(presents the hero of the day with a beautiful down scarf)

To while away the evenings,

To drive away all sadness,

I give you delicious tea,

Let him help by chance!

(hands over delicious flavored premium tea)

Come on, sweets, teas,

We don't need them,

It’s better to drink the balm sweetly,

And forget about illnesses)

(hands over a balm like Bittner or any other purchased at a pharmacy)


That's how they sang, with a bang,

The princess is clearly having fun!

We say thank you to you all.

Now our affairs are in wine,

Hurry up and fill your glasses,

And lift them up at once,

Let's drink to peace of mind,

Give joy to the hero of the day!

(musical break, meal)


And now I hasten to say,

Let's dance with you!


The competition is called: “Dancing with Spoons.” Everyone is welcome to participate. Each participant is given wooden musical spoons, the music is turned on and they must skillfully tap them to the beat, the style of music changes, but they must match, because the main prize will be real Russian tap dances. The winner is chosen by the Jubilee.


That's how you danced

How you banged spoons

Now it’s just a sin not to drink,

Let's have a successful holiday!

(musical break, meal)


We will lead a round dance,

And the hero of the day will be in the center,

At the beginning of 80 compliments,

For soulful moments,

And then let's congratulate,

(name, patronymic) praise,

And don’t hide gifts,

You all give them with all your heart!

(All the guests stand in a round dance, the hero of the day stands in the center, everyone takes turns saying compliments in her honor, 80 in total, and then congratulates one by one, during all this time some Russian folk song is playing)


For such congratulations,

Wine to everyone without delay,

We drink to our eightieth birthday,

And we give him his due!

(the holiday continues, but without a presenter)
