Extravagance, star fever and dates at the expense of the British treasury: what Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle would like to hide from the public. How Prince William took revenge on Prince Harry at the wedding

Once the most eligible bachelor in Britain, the heir to the royal title, Prince Harry, would seem to be the embodiment of the dreams of all girls in the world. He is very attractive, athletic, brave, he has high growth, incredibly red hair and a wide snow-white smile. Well, the charm of the youngest child in the family, the most spoiled of all, always gave his image a certain playfulness and attractiveness.

But the coin has two sides; Prince Harry managed to mess things up during his turbulent youth, becoming a participant and initiator of several serious scandals. And for a long time he didn’t have a good time in love - his beloved girls ran away, unable to withstand the onslaught of demands on a potential life partner crown prince. Will the prince's new relationship with a little-known American actress in Britain turn into something serious, or will everything remain the whirlwind romance of 2016 - that's what people around the world are gossiping about.

Harry is the fifth heir to the throne, the second son of the royal family. Harry's mom and dad, Prince Charles, doted on their youngest, mischievous son. As a child, Harry was naughty but charming. Like his older brother, Harry did not receive an individual education, but went to a London school with ordinary children of non-royal blood.

It was a real royal ceremony, which was watched all over the world, so the entire process and actions of the participants were clearly calculated and distributed in minutes. Chelsea could not withstand such intense pressure, although she carried herself with dignity. After the wedding, she admitted that she was not ready to live her whole life under such close attention, so she fled from England to Africa to live with her father and broke off her relationship with Harry.

Poor Harry had no choice but to accept the girl’s decision - he himself could not follow her to the other side of the world, abandoning the responsibility and obligations imposed on him by his origin.

After Chelsea, the prince had a long downtime on the love front; he could not find a worthy chosen one. He had models, aristocrats, and singers. At one point he fell in love - the famous actress became the object of his adoration. The girl was flattered by the attention shown by the prince, but their fleeting romance did not lead to anything serious.

In 2016, Harry begins a relationship with an American actress who stars in popular television series. They kept their budding relationship a secret for a long time; the affair became officially known only in the fall of 2016. At the end of the year, journalists finally captured the couple together - photos of Meghan and Harry walking hand in hand through central London spread all over the world.

According to representatives of the couple, they highly value the opportunity to lead their personal life in a private, almost secret manner, but they do not want to hide from the press and are not at all opposed to sometimes appearing together in public. Needless to say, the whole world is watching this royal romance.

At the beginning of 2017, rumors appeared that things were very serious with the couple. It is quite possible that the dream of millions of girls will soon change their bachelor status and get married. Harry has already begun to introduce Meghan to family members, the first being his brother’s wife Kate - she is very close to Harry, and he often listens to her opinion. The Duchess liked Meghan and the meeting was cordial.

Of course, the most difficult thing for Markle is still ahead - Harry’s grandmother, the current Queen of Britain, judging by rumors, is not very happy with the choice of her youngest grandson. She still believes that for the sake of the crown, all heirs of the royal family should marry their own kind, and not according to the call of their hearts. But times are changing, and a new generation of British heirs to the throne are ready to do anything to marry for love.

Prince Harry now

Many people remember that Prince William and Kate Middleton got engaged in secret from the public. Harry and Meghan still turned out to be less secretive. On November 27 it became known that.

On May 19, 2018 it took place. The ceremony was attended by members of the royal family, famous personalities And ordinary people. Prince Charles himself led Markle to the altar, since the girl’s father could not come.

Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

In October 2018 it became known that. Prince Harry's first child will arrive in the spring of 2019.

He is a British prince, she is an actress from the USA, the star of a television series. Before they met, their lives were very different. Harry had a difficult childhood at court, the tragic loss of his mother, and military service in Afghanistan.

Megan was born into an interracial family (her mother is African-American), began her career under the influence of her father, a lighting operator, lived for two years in a marriage with director Trevor Engelson and became popular, receiving a role in the TV series “Suits.” Harry also had a serious relationship, but all the potential brides ran away from the prince. TV presenter Natalie Pinkham, childhood love Chelsea Davy, journalist Caroline Flack, singer Mollie King, models Florence Brundell-Bruce and Cressida Bonet... Even actress Emma Watson did not accept the heir's courtship. The girls were frightened by the prospect of becoming a princess and living according to the rules of royal protocol.


Without long courtship

Harry, 33, met Meghan Markle, 36, in June 2016 at friendly party and just a week after meeting, he invited the actress to go with him to Botswana, where the prince had charity events. Harry quickly decided on his intentions, but proposing was not a problem. But getting the blessing of my grandmother, the reigning Queen of Great Britain, is much more difficult.

Against the Queen's will

Of course, Elizabeth II did not approve of her grandson's choice. A commoner from another country, divorced, Catholic and older than the groom - unthinkable! For a long time the issue of the engagement was in limbo, because the queen’s word is law. But Megan was not one of the weak. If the prince’s previous girlfriends gave up under the pressure of journalists and the gaze of the queen, then Miss Markle began the struggle for happiness. Harry and Meghan turned a blind eye to the queen's ban and continued to appear in public together. Parting was out of the question.

The bride is not an ordinary one

Megan is mixed race. Her mother is African American, and her father is of Dutch and Irish descent. Prince Harry commissioned ancestry researcher Gary Boyd Roberts to study Meghan's paternal ancestors. Roberts reached the 17th generation in the pedigree of Megan's father and discovered that the actress and the prince are very, very distant relatives of each other, and Megan's father is a descendant of King Edward III of England!

Great victory for Megan

Elizabeth II surrendered. In October 2017, Her Majesty invited the couple to the palace for a tea party and discussed the details of Markle's possible admission into the palace. royal family. The Queen immediately made it clear to the girl that if she marries her grandson, then with her career as an actress and Megan’s usual social life it will be over. Becoming the wife of a prince means constantly being under the gun of cameras, thinking through your every step, living strictly according to a schedule and following strict and sometimes strange rules. Markle accepted all the conditions, which earned her the queen's approval. The couple received consent to marry.

Elizabeth II gave her consent to the marriage, but the queen still will not come to her grandson’s wedding - these are the same strict and strange rules. After all, this will be Megan’s second marriage, and Elizabeth II, being the head of the Anglican Church, cannot attend such a wedding. The Queen also did not attend the wedding of her son, Prince Charles, to Camilla Parker Bowles. By the way, before the wedding, Megan will be baptized and join the Anglican Church.


Almost immediately, Kensington Palace announced the engagement of the prince and the actress. But everything could not be so smooth. While the lovers spent time together and told reporters about how happy they were, the actress’s ex-husband decided to curb Megan’s happiness. Having learned that the ex-wife was not only feeling great after the divorce, but had also found not just anyone but a prince to replace her ex, Trevor Engelson decided that this simply could not happen. But when he found out that Prince Harry and his ex-wife— however, he began to think of ways to put Megan in her place. The director couldn’t think of anything better than to make a film about his relationship with Megan and make fun of the fact that his missus left him for the prince. Engelson has taken this project seriously and intends to play the main character—himself. So far there has been no reaction to such a provocative act from ex-wife The director couldn't achieve it.

How to become a queen: Meghan Markle's method

Megan refused her ex-husband's money, won the favor of the royal family and entourage, and responded with dignity to the attacks of the press.

With her royal response to gossip and criticism, Meghan has earned the respect of Harry's brother, Crown Prince William, and his wife, Duchess Catherine. This was another victory for the lovers, because the opinion of his older brother always played for Harry special role. And having received Kate's approval, Meghan enlisted the support of someone who had already gone through similar difficulties. After all, Kate Middleton is also a commoner who did not immediately come to court.

As soon as Megan established a warm relationship with Kate, her subjects began to compare them. The girls are similar in type, but Kate has already firmly entered the framework of the royal style, and Megan is used to wearing bright makeup and dressing. But after the wedding, she, as a representative of the ruling family, will have to give up colored manicure, bright lipstick, and will need to dress discreetly and only in clothes from those brands that the stylists will select for her.

GettyImages The whole world doubted that he would propose to her. Meghan Markle is not at all a representative of the English aristocracy. American actress, divorced, daughter of a dark-skinned mother - there are a lot of arguments against the heir to the British throne declaring her his bride. But that’s what happened in the end.

Not a childish test

Diana and Charles

Prince Harry was born during the marriage of his parents, Prince Welsh Charles and Princess Diana - was already bursting at the seams. The father was upset when he found out that the second child was also a boy. But Diana doted on both of her sons.

Lady Di insisted that William and Harry attend a regular school, have the opportunity to see the life of ordinary Britons, and sometimes even take her sons to McDonald's.

The divorce of their parents was a difficult experience for the boys. Now they rarely saw their mother and always - under the gun of paparazzi cameras. But an even more severe ordeal was Diana’s death in a car accident in August 1997.

Harry was only 12 years old at the time. Together with his older brother, father and maternal uncle, he walked in the funeral procession behind Diana’s coffin, never even allowing himself to cry.

“No child should be forced to do what I had to do,” he would say many years later about that painful experience.

Breaking Bad

It was the trauma from the death of his mother that largely influenced the further behavior of the growing up prince. Harry was the only member of the British royal family whose actions regularly gave rise to scandals and gossip.

A “naked” party in Las Vegas, when the prince played strip billiards, a costumed appearance in a uniform reminiscent of a Nazi one - Harry made one official apology after another, but at the same time continued to lead a far from ideal lifestyle.

Chelsea Davy and Prince Harry His faithful companion in those years was Chelsea Davey, the daughter of a millionaire from Zimbabwe, whom Harry met as a schoolboy.

They were united by a craving for freedom and protest against generally accepted rules and conventions. After graduating from a girls' school in London, Chelsea attended the University of Cape Town, but ended up deferring her studies to travel the world.

Their romance with Harry blossomed when the prince visited Africa on a charity visit. For five years - from 2004 to 2009 - they came together and then diverged, and during periods of cooling, Chelsea did not hesitate to date other men.

Harry calls her his first true love. A year after the final breakup, he invited Chelsea to Prince William's wedding as his girlfriend. After watching how they become princesses, Chelsea emphatically stated that she was not ready to become part of the royal family.

“This life is not for me,” she decided, and Harry had to come to terms with it.

Great game

Cressida Bonas and Prince Harry

The next person the press “married” Harry was the Englishwoman Cressida Bonas. Both the origin of the girl (Cressida is the granddaughter of Count Edward Curzon) and the duration of the novel spoke in favor of this union. They dated for two whole years - this is longer than all other affairs that happened after the prince broke up with Davey.

During his relationship with Cressida, Harry had already served in Afghanistan. Personal participation in military operations greatly influenced his behavior: the prince matured, settled down and no longer did anything that would make his grandmother blush.

Rumors about Harry's engagement and wedding to Cressida circulated long after their separation in 2014.

For two whole years, Prince Harry became the most eligible bachelor in the world. And then I met Meghan Markle.

Half black, half white

Megan has faced the problem of her own self-identity since childhood. Her mother is African American and her father is white. Her parents divorced when the girl was only 2 years old, but Megan remained in a very close relationship with her father.

When one day at school she had to fill out a form that asked her to check a “black” or “white” box, Megan skipped the question.

A the best way out the situation became the action of her father. He bought a set of dolls for Megan with different colors dolls and modeled her family: a black mother, a white father and two daughters of different skin colors.

It was this fact of Meghan Markle’s biography that the British tabloids used for provocative articles. Will a “black” actress become a member of the royal family? Where is the queen looking?

In November 2016, a few months into their relationship, Kensington Palace issued an official statement.

“The Prince's girlfriend, Meghan Markle, has been the target of harassment, some of which has spilled over into the public sphere - front-page coverage in a national newspaper, racially charged comments and inappropriately sexist and racist comments from media trolls. "Prince Harry is concerned for Ms. Markle's safety and is very upset that he did not have the opportunity to protect her."

After this, the tone of newspaper publications changed to a more respectful one, but Megan, at the insistence of the prince, still had to hire security.

For six months they managed to maintain privacy and meet secretly from the press and paparazzi. For the first time alone, the prince and modern Cinderella stayed in African Botswana: she agreed to spend several days with Harry, living in a tent far from civilization.

Megan's ring It was from Botswana that Harry brought the central, largest diamond on Megan's engagement ring. He took the other two stones from Princess Diana's personal collection.

Meghan has already announced the end of her acting career: she has pleasant pre-wedding chores ahead and learning new things leading role in life - a real princess.

And most importantly, the queen approved the marriage!

The friendship between the two royal brothers is unbreakable and touching, but still not without mutual jokes and witticisms. Prince Harry had a good laugh at his older brother's expense when he married Kate Middleton in 2011. Seven years later, Prince William took revenge - and it was very funny.

Prince William and Prince Harry at St. George's Chapel, May 19, 2018

“Oh, wonderful... Revenge is always sweet,” these were the promising words the Duke of Cambridge responded to his younger brother’s offer to act as his best man. Seven years ago, Prince Harry performed this role brilliantly at the wedding of William and Kate Middleton, delivering a classic “ best friend“The groom is a kind of impudent merry fellow, who is given the sacred right to make fun of the newlyweds and the pathos of the whole day.

“William didn’t have a single bone in his body that was in any way responsible for romance,” Harry joked during the Dukes of Cambridge’s private wedding reception. “So when I heard him cooing on the phone with Kate, I immediately knew that things were very serious between them.” In his speech, the prince repeatedly called the groom “dude,” and also did not miss the opportunity to tell the guests that at home, Kate calls William Billy, and he calls her baby.

Brothers at William's wedding, April 29, 2011

In short, the Duke of Cambridge definitely had something to “revenge” on his younger brother for - especially since on the morning of May 19, Prince Harry was an ideal target for jokes. Usually smiling and cheerful, the groom was noticeably nervous on the eve of the ceremony and could hardly control his excitement. But his brother clearly felt like he was “experienced”: while Harry impulsively waved to passers-by, adjusted his gloves and seemed to barely understand what was happening, the Duke of Cambridge walked towards St. George’s Chapel with a light gait, smiling and, probably, secretly laughing at awkwardness of the groom (of course, in a kind way).

William's triumphant calm, rising above his younger brother's nervousness, would in itself be a good revenge for 2011. However, as lip readers found out, the Duke of Cambridge still tried to help his brother and defuse the situation, putting the groom in a less serious mood.

“My pants are really tight,” William said casually to his brother as they headed toward the Chapel.

That awkward moment when you realize your pants are tight

The young people continued to talk in the Chapel itself while they were waiting for the bride. Experts were able to find out that at times the princes remembered, for example, their mother or talked about Megan. Prince William, however, even in the Chapel did not give up the idea of ​​reducing the degree of pathos of the entire event. You can guess this only by watching a short (and very funny) video from the church. It is not known exactly what the brothers were talking about, but some amateur, apparently inspired by the Duke of Cambridge’s remark about pants, interpreted the conversation as follows:

William:“There are potatoes in my pants.”


William:“There are potatoes in my pants.”

Harry:“Does your wife know that you have potatoes in your pants?”

William:“No, he doesn’t.”

But the most interesting thing lay ahead for the groom, because in the evening Prince Charles gave a private reception in honor of Harry and Megan. This is where, as they say, all the fun began - with plenty of drinking, dancing and, of course, “awkward” congratulations ( more details:). Of course, Prince William was well prepared to repay his little brother for his 2011 best man speech. The Duke of Cambridge's oratorical exercise, according to insiders, was a great success - it is no coincidence that many guests described his speech as “shameless”, but very “touching”.

Here are just a few funny quotes from Prince William's congratulations, shared by sources in British and international publications.

About Megan

William is said to have referred to the Duchess of Sussex as “the sister he never had” (return courtesy: Prince Harry spoke of Kate in a similar way in 2011). The Duke of Cambridge generally chose the classic strategy of any best man: praise the bride and joke about the groom. Megan received the following compliment: “She is the best thing that happened in Haz’s life” (Haz, as a derivative of Harry, which is what the prince is called in his inner circle).

Oh Harry

In 2011, Prince Harry, in his best man speech, publicly sympathized with Kate for marrying such a “bald man” (William was only 28 at the time). Could he have thought that just seven years later a small bald spot would form on the top of his head too? “Yes, soon everything will be as bad for you as for me,” the Duke of Cambridge assured the groom with a smile.

About their love

One of the most controversial reactions was caused by Prince William's philosophical discussions about love. Appreciate the beauty of English humor: “My brother is in love, and it shows. Love is like a little boy who wet himself. You don’t realize that you peed yourself, but others see it - and you only feel pleasant warmth.” Well, poetic.

About the general atmosphere

“With all this talk about love, emotions are just going through the roof,” added Prince Harry’s best man. “Look, even the cake is crying!” What exactly Prince William meant by the delicacy remains a mystery, but guests at the reception swear the joke was a success. Perhaps something really happened to Claire Ptak's confectionery masterpiece? Or was it the Duke’s attack on the fashionable and deliberately carelessly applied buttercream, which the newlyweds preferred to perfectly smooth mastic? (

Journalist JoeInfoMedia Anna Ash reminds us that we previously told who you will have to curtsey to future wife Prince Harry. According to the rules of curtsy etiquette, Meghan Markle after becoming a wife royal heir, in front of some people.

In 2011, the Duchess of Cambridge underwent this test shortly before her wedding to Prince William. In 1983 military training ended traumatically for Princess Diana, whose hair caught fire from the explosion of a shock grenade.

Preparations for the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, whose engagement was announced last week, are in full swing. The date when the prince and his bride will become legal spouses, and the place where the wedding will take place. And now it has become known that Harry has decided on his best man. The prince made a formal request to his elder brother to support him during the ceremony, and he enthusiastically agreed. But William's wife, Duchess Catherine, refused the proposed honor, saying that she could not become a bridesmaid.

On celebration Prince William and his pregnant wife Kate Middleton were present. 35-year-old Kate complemented her classic white outfit with family jewels of the Windsor dynasty: Elizabeth II's necklace, as well as Princess Diana's earrings and tiara.

Remembering the year of struggle against bullying and cyberbullying (bullying on the Internet), we collected the most absurd quotes and worked on the mistakes of the defenders of the honor of the British Empire and the conservative heart of Elizabeth II.

Prince Harry got married on December 12, 2017. Top news today 12/12/2017

Kate Middleton, who recently supported Meghan, has now teamed up with Duchess Camilla, who, unlike Prince William’s wife, always believed that Markle’s marriage to Harry could adversely affect the reputation of the entire royal family. According to insiders, the wife of Prince Charles is especially embarrassed by the fact that Meghan Markle’s filmography includes several films with sex scenes.

Yes, Meghan was indeed married from 2011 to 2014. Yes, in December 1936 the King of Great Britain Edward VIII abdicated the throne and became an ordinary Duke of Windsor because he wanted to marry Wallis Simpson, who was divorced twice. In 1936, 81 years ago!

The text ends with a promising phrase: “The haters will keep coming, but all they have to do is keep looking forward,” or “ only grow, and all they have to do is look forward.”

Prince Harry biography. All news.

Even though Sophie entered royal family back in 1999, Meghan should not curtsy to Prince Edward's wife of 52 years, unless the prince is in the room with them. Otherwise, Megan must bend her knee.

Let us remember that Queen Elizabeth, unlike the tabloid workers, keeps up with the times - first she invited Meghan to have tea, then she gave her grandson permission to marry her beloved in St. George's Chapel on the grounds of Windsor Castle in Berkshire. Of course, Meghan will receive British citizenship and join the Church of England by at will- while journalists are creating multi-level barriers between the actress and royal family, they just continue drinking tea.

In addition to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, the reception at Buckingham Palace Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla visited. Prince Harry and his bride Meghan Markle were not at the celebration; on that day Harry attended a charity concert in Chelsea.

Before Meghan Markle became famous actress, and later became famous as the bride of the British heir, she was an ordinary girl who had to endure a difficult childhood filled with discrimination. Previously, we told you who Prince Harry's future wife curtsies to, Joinfo.ua reports with reference to InoSMI.

Recall that 33-year-old Prince Harry and 36-year-old actress Meghan Markle announced their engagement on November 27. The heir to the British throne proposed to his beloved at Nottingham Cottage Kensington Palace in London. The wedding will take place May 26 at St. George's Chapel at Windsor Castle in England.

Meghan will be required to curtsy to anyone with the title "prince." But for people like Peter Phillips - The only son Princess Anne, etiquette does not require this.

Prince Harry's future wife Meghan Markle has put her beautiful apartment in Toronto, Canada up for sale. Since she will move to live in London in a cottage on the grounds of Kensington Palace, she no longer needs the house. At first glance, Meghan Markle's two-story house looks completely inconspicuous, but inside the building there are luxurious, bright apartments. A dark gray walled three-bedroom suburban Toronto home with a modest backyard is on the market for £800,000. Megan herself was born in sunny Los Angeles, but she often stayed in this house, too, and Western media said that Prince Harry stayed in this house several times at the beginning of their relationship.

A Western celebrity will have to salute some members of the royal family so as not to embarrass her lover.

Megan herself is accused by the press of being unsuitable for british princess skin color, inappropriate date of birth in the passport and divorce stamp from producer Trevor Engelson, incorrect feminism, poor parents and even ceramic veneers on the teeth. Law firm assistant Rachel Zane from “Suits” is also being married to Harry - they emphasize that with Mike Ross they should have been more restrained, and they should have worn wider skirts.

Prince Harry and his beloved Meghan Markle are ready for a serious step - a wedding ceremony. By the way, this is an important event. will happen on the grounds of Windsor Castle in St. George's Chapel. And recently the lovers announced their wedding date.

Prince Harry: who did he marry? Latest information.
