The healthiest cheese for weight loss. Is cheese dietary?

Russian cheese is the most consumed in our market. It has excellent taste, beneficial properties and an affordable price. It is produced both in our country and in Belarus and Ukraine.

Calorie content of Russian cheese

Russian cheese is made from pasteurized milk of the highest quality with the addition of rennet and lactic acid bacteria. The cheese matures in approximately 65 days.

A special recipe and adherence to technology make it possible to achieve elasticity and the presence of holes of various shapes, excellent taste, which allows it to be used in almost any dish.

The calorie content of Russian cheese is quite high - per hundred grams of product there are 363 kcal, of which approximately 29 g of fat, 28 g of protein, 0.25 g of carbohydrates. This is an ideal product for those who adhere to a protein diet and lead an active lifestyle.

Beneficial properties and harm

The beneficial properties of hard cheese are simply invaluable for a vegetarian menu due to its high protein content; it can easily replace meat and fish. Protein helps form muscles and organs, calcium and phosphorus build bones and joints.

Cheese contains almost a complete complex of vitamins B, PP, A, C, amino acids, potassium, iron and many other useful substances, which are almost completely absorbed and together affect the body, strengthening the immune system.

For example, B12 helps in the treatment of hepatitis, anemia and anemia, and is involved in liver regeneration. In addition, cheese is useful for pregnant women and children, students and those engaged in active mental activity. It relieves tension and fatigue, improves mood.

Zinc and protein are especially beneficial for men and are essential when building muscle mass. For athletes, cheese is simply ideal as an “activator.”

Any product has properties such as benefits and harm, and cheese is no exception.

If you have increased stomach acidity, gastritis, or colitis, it is not recommended to use this product. It is also harmful for hypertension, pyelonephritis, kidney stones, due to its diuretic properties.

Eating cheese while dieting

There are ongoing debates about whether it is possible to eat cheese while losing weight. On the one hand, milk fat is easily absorbed by the body, and the beneficial properties of Russian cheese can prolong youth and enrich it with energy.

On the other hand, a fairly high fat content prevents weight loss. However, this product is on the list of dietary products, which means you can eat cheese while losing weight. You just need to follow some rules:

  • This delicacy should be consumed in the first half of the day;
  • no more than two slices per day;
  • and of course, physical activity is necessary.

During a diet, it is important not only to lose weight, but also to protect your health and maintain muscle mass; cheese copes well with these tasks. It is used in the preparation of salads, sandwiches, and goes well with fruits and pasta (for the diet - only durum varieties).

By adding cheese in the right proportion to your diet, you can not only diversify your menu, but also easily fight extra pounds without depriving your body of nutrients. Nails and hair, which primarily suffer during a diet, will remain healthy and beautiful, and this is important for women, because they lose weight precisely for the sake of attractiveness.

It is believed that the secret to the beauty of French women is the regular consumption of cheese. So why don’t our Russian women use domestic Russian cheese for the same purpose? It is enough to follow the above rules, and the calories will not harm any figure!

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When losing weight, people have to adhere to a diet consisting of healthy and low-calorie foods. In most cases, the standard diet menu is not particularly sophisticated, but you can diversify it with the help of certain types of cheese. At the same time, many doubt whether it is possible to eat cheese on a diet, so we will now look into this.

The benefits of cheese for weight loss

Nutritionists confirm that cheese is allowed and even healthy for weight loss. In addition, there are cheese diets, with the help of which some manage to successfully lose weight, according to reviews on the Internet.

Nutritionists believe that cheese can be eaten and is even necessary, as it contains protein that is valuable for a person losing weight. Lack of proteins is dangerous. That, together with fat, muscles are broken down, decreasing in volume. This has a bad effect on the figure and disrupts the functioning of internal organs. Like other dairy products, certain types of cheese are very beneficial for the diet for the following reasons:

  • intestinal microflora is normalized;
  • material metabolism is regulated;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • toxins are neutralized and removed.

Even a large amount of cheese is quickly absorbed in the body without being stored as fat. In this regard, those losing weight should not give up curd cheeses and hard varieties that contain a minimum of fat. The product contains linoleic acid, which helps the body consume energy from fat reserves.

A useful property of cheeses for overweight people who want to lose weight is the quick satisfaction of hunger. A small 30-gram piece is enough for this, and the energy intensity is minimal, but depends on the type and fat content of the product.

How to eat cheese while losing weight?

When losing weight, you can eat hard cheese and other varieties, but you need to do it correctly. Remember that this product should be consumed in limited quantities and treated as a treat. You should definitely pay attention to the percentage of fat content, which determines the calorie content.

Don't be lazy to use a kitchen scale if you want to lose extra pounds. A single serving of cheese should be no more than 60-70 g, but it all depends on lifestyle, body type and diet.

When is there cheese?

Cheese will bring the most benefit to the body if consumed in the first half of the day, preferably for breakfast. By including the product in your diet, you will add many valuable vitamins and minerals to it. This food product, made from milk, also provides energy for the whole day ahead.

In the afternoon, when eating properly, especially before bedtime, eating cheese is not recommended. It does not have time to be absorbed, and all the calories are deposited as fat reserves in problem areas.

What kind of cheese can you eat while losing weight?

There are many types of cheese in stores, from which you need to choose a healthy one. All cheeses have a fat content percentage - this is what you should focus on first if you are interested in losing weight. Give preference to low-fat ones, which contain up to 20% fat. It should also contain a lot of protein - ideally about 30 grams.

Be sure to look at the composition, which determines the taste. Natural cheese suitable for losing extra pounds includes the following:

  • milk;
  • sourdough with lactic bacteria;
  • salt;
  • rennet enzymes;
  • beta-carotene (sometimes annatto extract) are natural dyes;
  • calcium chloride.

All additives in the form of palm oil, sodium nitrate and vegetable fat are harmful, so don’t even consider such options. If you want to lose extra pounds, experts advise buying cheeses in vacuum factory packaging. Products sold by weight harbor bacteria and mold.


It is made from whey and does not contain simple milk proteins, but contains albumin protein. It is found in human blood, so it is absorbed especially quickly. Low-calorie cheese contains approximately 172 kcal, and fat content varies between 8-20%. The amount of protein is small - about 11 g. The product contains a lot of vitamins and calcium. When losing weight, it is better to choose Ricotta with 8% fat content, made from cow's milk.


It is prepared according to a Swedish recipe and has a recognizable taste with a nutty aroma. The cheese has a semi-hard consistency, and there are many small holes on the surface - salty droplets sometimes protrude from them. This should not be confusing, but on the contrary, they give this product maximum benefits in the form of magnesium, calcium, vitamins A, B and D. The calorie content of cheese is low - only 220 kcal per 100 g, but the amount of protein reaches 30-31 g.


The most delicate curd cheese, which is easily digestible, so you can eat it while losing weight. It is made by rennet ripening, that is, the raw material is partially broken down by special enzymes. This technology retains maximum beneficial properties and vitamins. The calorie content of cheese can reach 350 kcal per 100 g, so when losing weight you need to choose a variety made from skim milk - it contains no more than 150-160 kcal.


Tofu cheese holds the record for the lowest calorie content - 70-90 kcal per 100 g with a fat content of 5%. The amount of protein reaches 8-9 g. It contains many essential amino acids, and complete protein competes even with meat protein. The product is quickly absorbed and provides energy, which is often lacking when losing extra pounds.


An affordable low-calorie cheese, containing up to 240 kcal per 100 g. It contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium, and also supplies the body with fat-soluble vitamins. The dense consistency of the product allows it to be used on a diet for preparing salads and other low-calorie dishes.

Feta and Fetax

It contains almost no carbohydrates, so nutritionists give this product the green light when fighting extra pounds. Even people with allergies to cow's milk are allowed, since Feta is made from sheep or goat. The calorie content of this cheese is not the lowest - about 290 kcal per 100 g, so do not rely on it on a diet. Fetax cheese has a similar calorie content, although it is a similarity to the original Feta.


Soft curd cheese with 23 percent fat content. The amount of protein is 21 g with a calorie content of 291 kcal per 100 g. This blue cheese has a creamy, nutty taste, it contains many amino acids and minerals that the body needs when losing excess weight.

Processed cheese

You can also eat processed cheese, including sausage cheese, in small quantities. At the same time, it is better to exclude smoked from the diet, as it is less healthy and contains more calories. On a diet, processed cheese can be spread on slices of rye or whole grain bread - this will be an excellent breakfast. The average calorie content of processed cheese is 220-240 kcal per 100 g, and the amount of protein is 21-24 g.

You now know about all the cheeses that you can eat when you are losing weight and on a diet. Use this information wisely and learn how to prepare truly healthy dietary dishes with hard, curd and processed cheeses.

“A meal without cheese is like a one-eyed beauty,” said the unsurpassed French culinary specialist Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, and he was somewhat right. We are all accustomed to this product: for breakfast it is the basis of a tasty and nutritious sandwich, at lunch it makes an excellent cream soup, and in the evening what else, if not it, to snack on exquisite red wine?

But the time comes to get rid of extra pounds, and everyone begins to ask nutritionists with longing and hope in their voices, is it possible to eat cheese while losing weight - well, at least a little? The question is justified, because the calorie content in this product is simply off the charts and amounts to 300-400 kcal per 100 g. This is clearly a non-dietary indicator. However, a loophole can be found.

Is it possible?

Many people hesitate to eat cheese while losing weight. For different reasons:

  • high-calorie;
  • does not apply to ;
  • contains a lot of fat;
  • Expensive;
  • is not the basis of mono-diets;
  • in a number of diets it is included in the list of prohibited foods.

Calorie content plays a decisive role, but it is precisely this that turns out to be the easiest problem to solve. Cheese can be eaten as part of most diets, because it does not interfere with weight loss because:

  • at one time you are unlikely to eat more than 1-2 pieces, the weight of which does not exceed 20-30 g, respectively, it will be only 60-80 kcal;
  • Those on a vegan diet can enjoy tofu;
  • There are varieties with a low percentage of fat;
  • the same tofu is not so expensive;
  • there is no cheese mono-diet, because this product cannot provide the body with all the necessary substances;
  • prohibited only in certain diets: vegan, raw food, low-fat, vegetable. And allowed in all others.

And one more huge plus in favor of cheese as a dietary product: almost all its varieties have a low GI. For comparison:

  • tofu = 14 units;
  • cheese = 0 units;
  • suluguni = 0 units;
  • cottage cheese = 29 units;
  • durum varieties = 0 units.

We conclude: when losing weight, you can eat low-calorie cheese, rich in proteins and low in fat, observing the daily norm. This will not harm your figure, will allow you to diversify your diet and improve your health.

Did you know that... Do the French consider a day when they haven't tasted a piece of cheese a wasted day?


If you regularly include cheese in your diet while losing weight, it will have the most positive effect on your health, as it has a number of beneficial properties:

  • improves digestion;
  • is a source of potassium, calcium and proteins;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • increases performance, gives a boost of vigor and energy;
  • activates cellular respiration;
  • relieves insomnia;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to cope with stress, thereby reducing the production of cortisol, which promotes fat deposition and stimulates appetite;
  • normalizes the processes of growth and development in childhood and adolescence;
  • increases erectile capabilities in men;
  • Promotes visual acuity and prevents eye diseases.

It is not surprising that it has such a complex effect on the body. After all, it is a storehouse of easily digestible proteins, milk fat, amino acids, mineral salts, water- and fat-soluble vitamins (A, B1, B5, B12, C, E, D, PP).


According to production method

  1. Fresh is cottage cheese, which in many countries is considered a cheese product.
  2. Soft - has a crust made of mold: with a washed crust (it is treated with alcohol) and fluffy (with mold).
  3. Semi-hard and hard: boiled (Parmesan, mozzarella) and uncooked (Gouda, cheddar).
  4. Brine: feta cheese, suluguni, feta.
  5. Blue - with mold (Roquefort).
  6. Fused: orbit, viola, friendship, amber.
  7. Smoked: sausage, braid.

Based on this classification, it is recommended to eat fresh and hard cheeses when losing weight. Those with mold are expensive and require getting used to their smell and taste. Despite the low calorie content of pickled varieties, they contain too much salt, which disrupts the body's water balance and promotes the formation of edema, which is unacceptable when losing weight. Processed cheese contains too many additives, dyes and flavors, so you should be careful with them. It is also not recommended to use smoked ones, since this method of preparing products is prohibited both in diets and in proper nutrition.

By raw materials

  1. Cow: more than 85% of varieties.
  2. Goat: chevroux, manchego.
  3. Sheep: feta cheese.
  4. Kobyliy: kurt.
  5. Mixed: feta (sheep + goat milk).

The healthiest one comes from goat's milk, but it is far from dietary, as it contains a large amount of fat. Sheep and mares are difficult to obtain. Therefore, all that is left for losing weight is cow.

  1. Dietary (10%).
  2. A quarter fat (20%).
  3. Bold (30%).
  4. Three quarters fat (40%).
  5. Bold (45%).
  6. Very fatty (50%).
  7. Creamy (60%).
  8. Maximum creamy (85%).

Many varieties have a similar gradation. Therefore, it is important to carefully study the packaging and buy cheese with no more than 40% fat content. The best option is lean.

By type of starter

  1. Whey (ricotta).
  2. Rennet.
  3. Fermented milk: grated (green), curd.

Fermented milk is the most natural, made from skim milk, which is fermented using lactic acid starter. It can be safely eaten on any diet.

According to the presence of additives

  1. With nuts.
  2. With greens.
  3. With onion.
  4. With sugar.
  5. With mushrooms.
  6. With salmon.
  7. With chocolate.
  8. With ham, etc.

Want to lose weight without giving up cheese? Then it’s better not to buy it with additional flavors: to extend its shelf life, manufacturers add a lot of preservatives to the product.

It is a fact. Until now, no one can calculate how many varieties of cheese are produced in the world today. The largest review of this product was made by André Simon, a French cheese maker. His treatise “On the Cheese Business” mentions 839 types; he wrote it over 17 years.

Calorie content

Since to lose weight you need to choose the lowest-calorie cheeses, this table will show you in comparison which of them are dietary and which are better not to abuse.

Calorie content in the table is presented in ascending order, i.e. the lowest calorie varieties are in the first positions.

Low calorie

High calorie

According to this table, the leaders are:

  1. The highest calorie is Mascarpone, the lowest calorie is Tofu.
  2. The highest protein content is Parmesan, the lowest protein content is Mascarpone.
  3. The fattest is Mascarpone, the least fat is Fermented Milk.
  4. The most carbohydrate-rich one is Omichka.

From the world of stars. Salvador Dali's favorite cheese is Camembert.


You should refrain from this method of losing weight if you have the following conditions and factors:

  • obesity (we talk about methods of combating this disease);
  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • tendency to edema;
  • pancreatitis;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • cholecystitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • kidney diseases;
  • children under 2 years of age.

Naturally, one piece 2-3 times a week will not worsen the listed diseases. However, if you plan to include cheese in your regular diet, the presence of these diseases will prevent you from doing so.

In addition, do not forget that each variety also has its own list of contraindications. For example, those with mold are prohibited to eat during pregnancy. But tofu can be consumed by people suffering from lactase intolerance. So each case requires separate consideration and consultation with a doctor.

This is interesting. The shelf life of some varieties is very limited, and after it expires they can be poisoned. This, for example, is brie.

Ways to lose weight

Fasting day

The daily dosage is no more than 200 g, i.e. approximately 40 g for each meal (2 plates/pieces). For this purpose, you can choose tofu, Fitness Cheese (semi-hard rennet), curd or Serbian cheese, as well as any hard varieties. Green tea and water are allowed. You can't eat anything else. The result is minus 1 kg. You can repeat it only once a month.

Cheese diet

Type: low-calorie, protein. Duration: 1 week. Results: 3-4 kg. Difficulty: medium.

Recommended for weight loss during intense training. All low-fat protein foods are allowed (chicken breast, fish, fermented milk drinks, egg whites, legumes). The main condition is to eat a slice of low-fat cheese three times a day. Nutritionists recommend mozzarella, ricotta, almetta, Philadelphia, Adyghe. It is advisable to include different varieties in your diet.

Interesting fact. The French are passionate about cheese. They consider it not only dietary due to the minimal amount of carbohydrates, but also prolonging life and giving the joy of love (an aphrodisiac).

How to choose a quality one?

Calorie content should be no more than 300 kcal per 100 g of product, fat content should not exceed 40%. The lower these indicators, the better the weight loss results will be. The composition should contain only natural ingredients: sourdough and milk, possibly adding spices. Don't forget to look at the expiration date. The wax coating must be smooth, solid, uniform in color, without blisters, damage or white deposits.

Color - milky, with a yellowish tint. The smell should not be sour or pungent. It squeaks on the teeth - it contains starch, it’s better not to buy it. A sticky consistency indicates a violation of manufacturing technology. The taste of a quality product is salty with a creamy tint.

When is the best time to eat?

The optimal time is for breakfast. According to scientific research, in the morning the stomach is able to fully absorb all the nutritional elements of cheese. For lunch, you can use it as an ingredient in a dietary dish (cream soup, julienne, vegetable salad). For dinner, you can eat a small slice, since, according to the principles of proper nutrition, the last meal should be protein. But late in the evening, at night, it is not recommended to eat it either when losing weight or with a normal diet. Proteins and fats will weigh down your stomach and slow down the digestion process.

In any form?

Exclusively fresh. A baked cheese cap and a viscous mass of creamy soup are the height of culinary sophistication, but they are of little use. During heat treatment, the protein is destroyed and the amount of fat increases. And try not to eat it cold. Cut a piece and keep at room temperature for at least half an hour.

How to store it correctly?

On the top shelf of the refrigerator for no more than a week. As soon as mold appears on it, it becomes hard, covered with a yellow crust or droplets of liquid, do not risk your health - throw it away.

With the world - one by one. The leader in production is America. The leader in consumption is Greece. The best product is made in Switzerland. The experts are French.

Review of the best

  • Adyghe(264 kcal)

Homeland - Cherkessk. It is prepared from cow's milk with the addition of fermented whey and is pasteurized at high temperatures. Refers to soft dietary varieties. It has a sour-milk, spicy, slightly salty taste, and is distinguished by a delicate, dense consistency. Contains amino acids, vitamins A, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, H, PP, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, copper.

  • Fetaxa(251 kcal)

Homeland - Mediterranean. It is prepared from sheep's milk based on rennet starter by coagulation. Refers to the brine processed varieties. It has a specific, spicy, slightly salty taste, somewhat reminiscent of Philadelphia, and a cottage cheese smell. Rich in vitamins E, D, C, B, A, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, potassium, iron. Recommended for dietary programs, as it normalizes intestinal microflora. Good in vegetable salads.

  • Suluguni(286 kcal)

Homeland - Georgia. Produced from cow and buffalo milk by pasteurization based on rennet starter. Made entirely by hand. No machine technology is used in this process. Refers to pickled cheeses. It has a sour milk, slightly salty taste. It has a dense, layered consistency. It contains vitamins from group B, amino acids, iron, zinc, copper, calcium, phosphorus, potassium. Can be used as part of weight loss, as it solves problems associated with the circulatory system.

  • Ricotta(147 kcal)

Homeland - Italy. Refers to soft, curd varieties. Made from cow's or sheep's milk. It is based on whey remaining after the preparation of other cheeses, with the addition of rennet. It has a sweetish taste, without a sour odor. Contains phosphorus, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, D, E, K. Stimulates brain activity, quenches appetite, blocks hunger attacks.

  • Feta(264 kcal)

Homeland - Greece. Made from sheep's milk with the addition of goat's milk. Refers to soft cheeses. It has a slightly salty taste and spicy aroma. Contains calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin. Improves the psycho-emotional background, preventing overeating (you can learn how to cope with irresistible gluttony and what it leads to).

  • Mozzarella(253 kcal)

Homeland - Italy. It is made from black buffalo milk (the classic version), but in stores you will only find cow’s product. Refers to hard boiled cheeses. It has a delicate but fresh taste. Rich in protein, fatty acids and monosaccharides. Used for weight loss due to its low calorie content and improved digestion.

  • Brynza(262 kcal)

Produced in different countries. Made from sheep, goat and cow milk. Refers to pickled cheeses. It has a sour milk, moderately salty taste. Enriches the body with vitamins and minerals. Calcium in feta cheese is absorbed much better than from any other type of cheese.

  • Sirtaki(231 kcal)

Homeland - Greece. Made from cow's milk. Refers to pickled cheeses. It has a specific salty taste. It contains protein that is well absorbed by the body, so sirtaki can be eaten for dinner without fear of stomach problems. Improves digestion and blood circulation.

  • Tofu(85 kcal)

Produced in different countries. Made from soybeans. Has a neutral taste. This is the healthiest cheese for weight loss, as it contains many bioactive substances and a minimum of calories, and can be included in the diet of any diet (including vegetarian), as it is of plant origin. It can be hard (dense) and soft (silk).

For comparison. Everyone wonders why tofu stands out from all other varieties with its low calorie content and low price. It won't seem like a miracle after you know the following numbers. It takes 10 liters of milk to make regular cheese; the same amount of tofu requires only 600 grams of soybeans.

So you can eat cheese while losing weight, the main thing is to choose the right variety and not exceed the daily intake.

If you're watching your caloric intake, you've probably wondered more than once whether you can eat cheese while losing weight, because it's not only tasty, but also a very nutritious product.

This is true. Cheese can contain up to 50% fat, and its calorie content reaches 350 - 400 kcal (50 grams = 200 kcal). Light cheese (up to 20% fat content) has less energy value, but, nevertheless, you should not relax.

Let's find out whether you can eat cheese on a diet, what kind and in what quantities.

The benefits of natural cheese (not a cheese product) are obvious. The product is enriched with calcium, iron and contains a lot of protein. It helps restore muscles, strengthens ligaments and bones, and normalizes intestinal microflora. Cheese is indispensable in the diet of athletes who combine terrain training and intense cardio, so it’s not at all necessary to give it up (unless you’re into sports). You can eat cheese on a diet, but in moderation.

How to eat cheese correctly if you are losing weight?

To avoid overeating, remember the main rules:

Cheese is not food, and neither is candy. This is a delicacy that can be consumed in limited quantities. And preferably not every day. 3 – 4 times a week is enough to satisfy the body’s needs without adding weight to the scale.

Consider the calorie content of cheese. Always! Even if you bought cheese by weight and there is no information about the energy value, you can always use ours.

Count what you eat. Use a kitchen scale. In the absence of them - by eye. A piece of cheese when losing weight should be the size of a matchbox. This is approximately 70 grams. Less is better. If possible, no butter, buns, or sausage. It’s better to forget about these “delicacies from childhood” while losing weight. Instead, cheese can be added to a salad, grated into a hot dish, or eaten with coffee or a glass of dry wine.

Prefer hard low-fat cheese (9% - 20%), as well as soft cheese (feta, mozzarella, ricotta). Avoid highly salted foods (they retain water). This includes pigtail cheese. In general, even hard varieties are not so scary, and you can eat cheese while losing weight, the main thing is to carefully read the composition on the labels.

What cheese should you buy in the store if you are on a diet?

The best cheese, as you know, is not in a mousetrap. He's at a private cheese factory. But it is not always possible to purchase a natural farm product - you have to go to the supermarket.

The task is to find low-fat cheese for the diet.

Based on fat content, cheeses are usually divided into:

  • low fat (up to 20%);
  • light (20 to 30%);
  • regular (from 30%).

The fat content is indicated on the packages: 20%, 40%, 50%. These numbers indicate its content in dry matter. To find out the exact quantity, you need to look at the BJU in the description.

One way or another, you should not buy a product based solely on the “fat content” criterion. Ingredients must be read, even if the packaging says in centimeter red letters: “low-fat”, “9% fat”, “light”, “healthy lifestyle”. It is better to give preference to products with the lowest fat content (up to 17%) and high protein content (about 30 grams).

The composition of high-quality cheese includes: milk (highest, first grade), salt, leaven based on lactic bacteria, rennet enzymes, calcium chloride, beta-carotene or annatto extract as a natural coloring. Various additives such as sodium nitrate, palm oil, vegetable fat are evil!

  • It is advisable to buy cheese in factory vacuum packaging (by weight it is not recommended, since mold and other harmful bacteria very quickly grow under the film).
  • For the Russian Federation, the inscription on the packaging “Complies with technical regulations for milk and dairy products No. 88-F3” (meets all standards) is relevant.
  • Look for cheese, not cheese product. The latter contains no more than 20% natural milk, the rest is vegetable oils and cheap milk fat substitutes. As they accumulate, they cause cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, obesity and a host of other diseases.

The color of the cheese should be uniform and yellowish. If it's very pale, it's likely high in salt and low in vitamins and nutrients. If it’s too bright, there’s a lot of dyes. Low-fat cheeses are light in color because... made from skim milk.

What kind of cheese can you eat while losing weight: manufacturers

Let’s make a reservation right away: good cheese cannot be cheap. Therefore, mega-economical options are immediately missed. However, the price is not a guarantee. The best cheeses are still imported - we do not produce a product of this level on an industrial scale. Unfortunately.

  • Optimal: Valio Polar, Valio Oltermanni Light, Fitness, Grunlander, Gaudette (fat content from 5 to 10%). But they are difficult to find. In small towns this is generally a problem.
  • There are more affordable, but slightly lower quality: Sarmich Gurman Light, Syrobogatov Light, Light Brest-Litovsk, Meadow Freshness, Thousand Lakes (15% fat), Chembar Light, Natura, Paradise LOW FAT, dietary cheese Ichalki and others. These products are more affordable. They can be found in almost all supermarkets.

So, the answer to the question of whether you can eat cheese on a diet has been found. Can. The main thing is to buy cheeses with a good natural composition and not get carried away.

You can't give up cheese on a diet. This is a source of protein, calcium, phosphorus, necessary for the construction of muscle tissue. When losing weight, it is advisable to choose low-fat types of product. It is important to monitor the quantity.

How to choose cheese for weight loss

The product is high in calories, so cheese on a diet must be chosen carefully. This will help you achieve weight loss rather than weight gain. Helpful Tips:

  • for weight loss, low-fat varieties or home-cooked varieties are suitable;
  • salt retains water in cells, causing swelling;
  • fatty varieties are undesirable - they contain a lot of cholesterol, which negatively affects the condition of blood vessels;
  • For vegans, soy tofu is suitable.

What kind of cheese can you eat on a diet?

Low-carbohydrate varieties with a low glycemic index, low-calorie, and fat content up to 35% are optimal. On a diet, you can eat these in the morning, afternoon, evening. Best options:

  • tofu;
  • feta cheese;
  • curd;
  • Suluguni;
  • solid;
  • ricotta;
  • amber;
  • Mozzarella;
  • oltermanni;
  • Camembert;
  • Adyghe;
  • with different types of mold;
  • feta


Almost any diet allows you to eat Adyghe cheese. There is little fat in it, but it is enriched with calcium, phosphorus, and contains a number of vitamins - A, K, E, D. It is a proven and accessible source of magnesium, sodium, and valuable microelements - zinc, copper. It also contains enzymes that improve digestion and normalize microflora. Taking the product eliminates anxiety, improves sleep and mood.

The cheese is made from cow's milk, fermented whey, and pasteurized at high temperatures. The soft dietary product is distinguished by its fermented milk, spicy, slightly salty taste and delicate dense texture.


Tofu cheese is made from soy milk. The fermented milk product is rich in vegetable protein, iron, amino acids, calcium, and does not contain cholesterol. The cheese has a neutral taste, hard dense or soft silky consistency.


This variety eliminates digestive problems. Mozzarella is useful at any age. Ideally, it is prepared from the milk of black buffaloes or cows, in reality - more often from the whey of Anglo-Nubian goats.


Brine cheese is made from sheep, cow or goat milk. It is low in fat and high in protein, additionally containing calcium, vitamins B, C, E, and minerals. The product is stored in natural brine. Retains beneficial properties for 2-3 weeks.


Greek feta is good for your diet. It is made from sheep and goat milk and has a soft consistency, slightly salty taste and spicy aroma. The product is useful due to its high content of calcium, B vitamins, and phosphorus. Improves psycho-emotional background, copes with overeating.


Italian soft curd ricotta is prepared from low-fat cow or sheep whey, rich in albumin proteins, to which rennet is added. A nutritious and tasty product calms the nervous system, improves liver and immune function.

The cheese has a sweetish taste, does not have a sour smell, and contains vitamins A, E, K, D, potassium, and phosphorus. The product stimulates brain function, blocks hunger pangs and keeps you full for a long time.


Traditional Finnish Oltermanni has a pleasant sweetish creamy taste and medium-density consistency. The product is made from whole cow's milk. Oltermanni is rich in calcium, phosphorus, and saturates with fat-soluble vitamins.

When and how much cheese can you eat on a diet?

It is optimal to eat cheese during a diet during breakfast. For lunch, it is advisable to include the product in soup, salad, or julienne. For a snack or dinner, you can eat a piece (no more than 30 g) with whole grain bread. Not recommended for the night.

Cheese should only be eaten fresh. The baked or melted product is tasty, but not very beneficial - after heat treatment, the protein is destroyed and the amount of fat increases. Cold cheese is also not recommended - it is better to take it out of the refrigerator in advance and leave it for half an hour at room temperature. It is recommended to eat 1-2 pieces weighing 20-30 g at a time. Up to 50 grams per day.

