Scenario of the concert on May 9 at school dance. The script for the theatrical concert “Thank you, veterans, for the Great Victory Day”

Target: understanding together with children the feat of the Russian people in the Second World War
1. Tell your parents and grandparents about your understanding of the feat of the Russian people in WWII
2. Prepare students’ artistic reading of texts about the Second World War, performance of military and patriotic songs.
3. To promote the development in a teenager of a citizen and patriot of his country.
Purpose: to the work of middle and high school teachers in preparation for the celebration of May 9

Presenter 1: What is this? Can you hear?
Presenter 2: These are bells. Bells of memory...
Presenter 1: Memory? Do such things really exist?
Presenter 2: It happens, listen! This is what memory itself says...
Presenter 1: But is memory ever alive?
Presenter 2: Don't you believe it? A person can die twice:
There on the battlefield, when a bullet catches up with him
And the second time - in people's memory.
Presenter 1: Is it worse to die the second time?
Presenter 2: The second time a person must live!

Presenter-1: For four distant years, 1418 days, the bloodiest and most terrible war in the history of mankind was fought on our land. On June 22, 1941, at 3:15 a.m., German troops crossed the border of the Soviet Union. This is how the Great Patriotic War began.
Presenter-2:“Russia must be liquidated,” Hitler announced at a meeting at his headquarters on August 1, 1940. And on May 12, 1942, he clarified: “The goal of my Eastern policy is to populate this territory with at least 100 million people of the German race.”
Presenter-1: These goals were formulated in more detail in the "Ost General Plan".
Presenter-2:“The Russians who survived the destruction will be resettled in South America and Africa, 65% of Ukrainians will be deported to Siberia, 75% of Belarusians will be evicted from the territories they occupy.
Get up people! Hearing the cry of the earth.
The soldiers of the Motherland have gone to the front.
Their sons were with their fathers,
And the children walked the roads of war.
Soldiers went into battle for the Dnieper and the Volga.
They fought for their beloved native land.
For every city, every village.
For everything that grew on my land.
For a child's smile, bright class,
For peace, for the happiness of each of us.
Reader 2:
Each German officer had with him a booklet containing the “12 commandments for dealing with Russians,” which, in particular, said: “You must realize that you are a representative of Greater Germany. In the interests of the German people, you must apply the toughest and most ruthless measures "Kill every Russian. Don't stop if there's an old person, woman, boy or girl in front of you."

Reader 3
They were shot at dawn
When the darkness was still white,
There were women and children
And there was this girl.
First they were told to undress,
Then turn your back to the cliff,
And suddenly a child's voice was heard
Naive, pure and lively:
-Should I take off my stockings too, uncle?
Without reproaching, without scolding,
Looked straight into your soul
Three-year-old girl's eyes.
"Stockings too..?"
And the SS man is overcome with confusion.
The hand itself is in excitement
Suddenly the machine gun lowers.
And again shackled by a child’s gaze,
And it seems that it has grown into the ground.
"Eyes like my Duck's" -
In a confused confusion he said,
Covered with involuntary trembling.
No! He can't kill her
But he gave his turn in a hurry...
A girl in stockings fell.
I didn’t have time to take it off, I couldn’t.
Soldier, soldier, what if I had a daughter
Yours would lie here like this,
And this little heart
Pierced by your bullet.
You are not just a German person,
You are a terrible beast among people.
The SS man walked stubbornly,
He walked without raising his eyes.
For the first time maybe this thought
It lit up in the poisoned mind,
And again the child’s gaze shone,
And again it is heard again,
And will not be forgotten forever

Reader 4
If you want to know about the war
And about the victorious spring of May,
Ask the soldier's mother
Read her son's letters.
Years froze on the pages.
He will always be 22:
"Mother! I am healthy and alive."
And in the morning the last battle.

Reader 5
The mother has aged thirty years,
But there is no news from my son.
But she still keeps waiting
Because she believes, because she is a mother.

And what does she hope for?
Many years since the war ended.
Many years since everyone came back.
Except for the dead that lie in the ground.

How many of them are there in that distant village,
No mustache boys came!
...Once they sent me to the village in the spring
Documentary film about the war.

Everyone came to the cinema - both old and young,
Who knew war and who did not.
Before the bitter memory of people
Hatred flowed like a river.

It was hard to remember...
Suddenly the son looked at his mother from the screen.
The mother recognized her son at that very moment,
And a mother’s cry rang out:

Alexei! Alyoshenka! Son!
As if her son could hear her.
He rushed out of the trench into battle.
The mother stood up to cover him with herself.

Everyone was afraid that he might fall,
But through the years the son rushed forward.
- Alexei! - the fellow countrymen shouted,
- Alexey, - they asked, - Run...

The frame changed. the son remains to live.

He asks the mother to repeat about her son.
Asks the mother to repeat about her son...

And again he runs to the attack,
Alive and well, not wounded, not killed.
Alexey, Alyoshenka, son.
As if her son could hear her.

At home everything seemed like a movie to her.
I've been waiting for everything - right now through the window,

In the midst of alarming silence
Her son will come knocking from the war.

Presenter 1: A woman comes into the world to light a candle.
Presenter 2: A woman comes into the world to take care of the hearth
Presenter 1: A woman comes into the world to be loved.
Presenter 2: A woman comes into the world to give birth to a child.
Presenter 1: A woman comes into the world to make flowers bloom.
Presenter 2: A woman comes into the world to save the world.
Reader 1
Women of the formidable forties had a chance to save the world. They were nurses, doctors, orderlies, intelligence officers, and signalmen. Many soldiers were saved from death by gentle, kind female hands.
Women of the ended war... It is difficult to find words worthy of the feat that they accomplished. Their fate cannot be measured by the usual measure, and they will live forever - in the grateful memory of the people, in flowers, the spring glow of birch trees, in the first steps of children on the land that they defended.
Reader 2
Years have passed
And I remember how now,
A door boarded up with plywood,
Number six written in chalk
The lamp is oily tin,
A snow stream sways the flames,
The soldier is delirious...
And next to the bed is me.
And death is nearby.
It's hard for me to remember
But I can’t help but remember him...
In Moscow, on Bronnaya, a soldier has a mother.
I know their six-story house,
Moscow house...
In the Primus kitchen,
A gorge-like corridor
Loud loudspeaker,
Eternal dispute
On the stairs... children's voices...
He ran, flushed, in the snow,
Unbuttoning my coat while running,
He threw a bunch of books onto the table -
A student returning from school.
Here he lies: not a boy, but a soldier,
How dark are the shadows on the cheekbones?
It was as if he had died and not fallen asleep,
Moscow schoolboy... wounded soldier.
He won't live.
That's what the surgeon said.
But we cannot help but believe in miracles,
And I warm up my fingers...
A minute... ten... twenty... half an hour...
I take off the blanket - how easy it is
A hand pricked with syringes.
For the umpteenth time this night
I hold life on the edge of a needle.
Prickly frost whitened the corners,
The clock below struck the fifth hour...
Oh, how I hated him ever since
The cool smell of camphor!
Blueness runs down from sunken cheeks,
He speaks incomprehensible words
Tears off the gauze covered in caked blood...
Like this. More. Don't give in! Live!

Reader 3:
There are still people alive who taught this lesson to the whole world. You can also look into their faces, eyes, and hear their simple, ingenuous stories about those times.
We dedicate our concert to them and everyone who fought for our Motherland in all centuries.
The path to victory was long and difficult. Every day of war is blood and death, pain and bitterness of loss, the joy of large and small victories, fearlessness and valor of heroes.
The Great Patriotic War, the most popular and truly the most sacred of wars on earth, will forever remain a great lesson in human courage.
Yesterday, May 9, the Immortal Regiment marched, these were our great ancestors. And we walked next to them.
The song “And our fathers, and great-grandfathers, and grandfathers” - sounds performed by 4th grade.

Presenter 1:
The years go by, the dates grow old,
But every year it hurts more and more
For the grizzled soldier
Memories of the war.
Presenter 2:
And they dream of those who did not die -
Alive, every single one of them,
After all, it was only eighteen,
Or twenty years in total!

Song performed by 3rd grade students “Veterans are Walking”

Presenter 1:
Under bullets and shell explosions,
Through swamps and meter-long snow
We walked towards Victory for four years in a row
And they drove away the insidious enemy.
Presenter 2:
We crossed water barriers,
They destroyed the enemy in Kerch and in Orel,
Neither day nor night he knew no mercy,
There was a battle at sea, in the sky, on the ground.
Presenter 1: And in that battle, our soldiers defended their Motherland.
Presenter 2: It was this native land that we inherited.
Presenter 1: 1st grade schoolchildren will perform a song about the Motherland
Song "About the Motherland"
Presenter 1: Our people know well the value of peace and peaceful life.
Presenter 2: Peace is a morning full of light and hope. : The world is blooming gardens and earing fields
Presenter 1: The world is a school bell, it is a school with sunshine in its windows.
Presenter 2The song “Red Sun” performed by 2nd grade high school students

Presenter 1:
Yes, every year there is less
Passed through lead hell.
Blessing sons and women,
Plant gardens, raise grandchildren.

Presenter 2:
Plant, grow! But not then again
All this became a victim of war,
And so that this damn word comes across
Only in a dictionary of enormous thickness.
The 6th grade choir group performs the song “About That Spring”

Presenter 1:
Young fallen heroes
You remained young for us.
We are a living reminder
That the Fatherland has not forgotten you.

Presenter 2:
Life or death - and there is no middle.
Eternal gratitude to you all,
Little tough men
Girls worthy of poems
7th grade with the song “From the Heroes of Bygone Times”

Time is a healer.
And this role
It repeats with everyone.
But it happens
Human pain
Above which
Time has no power.
Here we go again
After few years!
This woman
On Victory Day
Not a wreath, not a flower,
and the bread
I brought it to my grandfather's grave...
Presenter 1:
Everything is remembered, nothing is forgotten,
Everything is remembered, no one is forgotten
Day and night in a granite bowl
The holy flame burns reverently.
The flame burns day and night
And illuminates the globe,
Our memory does not subside
About those who were killed by the war.
Presenter 1:
Tens of years have passed between us,
The war is history.
We are in the heart with eternal words
We write the names of the dead.
Presenter 2:
The memory of generations is inextinguishable
And the memory of those whom we honor so sacredly,
Come on people, let's stand for a moment.
And we will honor the memory of those who did not come.
(Minute of silence)

Presenter 1:
“No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten” -
Burning inscription on a block of granite.

Presenter 2:
The wind plays with faded leaves
And the wreaths are covered with cold snow.

Presenter 1:
But, like fire, at the foot there is a carnation.
No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.
The concert with the song “Do the Russians Want War” will end the 5th grade

Natalya Lishchishina

Thematic concert program"We true to this memory» , dedicated to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Time spending: 16-30

Location: Music hall

Hall festively decorated

Wartime melodies are played in the hall before the event.

Audio recording of words:

To those who fought for their Motherland, survived and won.

To those who lived in the cold of the blockade with the air of faith.

To those who at river crossings walked like a stone to the bottom.

To those who are nameless for centuries and sank into fascist captivity.

To those who paved the way with their bodies instead of pontoon bridges.

Those who were ready to give their lives for the sake of freedom and the cause of justice.

To all the heroes of our country, living and fallen.

Famous and anonymous.

To those who have gone into immortality and to those who won


3 couples come out, dance a waltz, the music is abruptly interrupted. Call signs sound that the war has begun.

The rumble of planes, the explosions of exploding bombs, the dancing couples leave

On the screen "Burning Candle", girls in military uniforms come out to the music with candles, and stand with their heads bowed while the announcer's text goes on.

The text is recorded:

The Great Patriotic War claimed more than 20 million lives. Hundreds of thousands of people were tortured, died from wounds, disease, hunger and cold, burned alive, strangled in German gas chambers concentration camps and shot people. War struck with its black, ominous wing, unceremoniously intruding into the peaceful life of people, how much grief fell on the Soviet people, how many tears were cried. Our people had to drink a full cup of suffering, despair and difficulties. Young and old alike rose to defend the Fatherland. Our people called this holy war the Great Patriotic War, it went down in history as the bloodiest and most terrible war, and in memory She still has a long life to live as a human being, because her history is written in the blood of lost lives. Eternal glory and everlasting memory, memory of those, who died defending the Honor and Glory of our Motherland, we bow our heads before you in low bow.

Text in the post

Let the candle fire, as a symbol of faith, burn for those who were betrayed beyond measure.

Those who laid down their heads for peace above their heads, a candle burns for their eternal peace.

The music changes, the presenters come out

Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear friends. This year's fireworks Victory will thunder in honor of the 70th Anniversary of the Day Victory. So many years have passed, but the echo of that war still does not subside in people’s souls, because time has its own memory - history.

Presenter 2: Stop, time! Stop and look back. Look back at those who are in stone from their heights monuments looking at us.

Look back at those whose names are carved at the foot of the obelisks. For those who gave for you and me the most precious things they had - spring and the first kiss, happiness and life that was just beginning.

Presenter 1:

Inextinguishable memory of generations, about those whom we honor sacredly today,

Let us stand for a moment in a moment of grief, stand and be silent.

Metronome counts down the minute Minute memory

Presenter 2: IN memory The people's immeasurable suffering of the war years and the immortal courage of the people are alive! Today we honor those who sacrificed their lives on the battlefields Victory!

Presenter 2: Decades pass, and each new generation, entering life, rethinks the heroic and tragic pages of the past, pays tribute to the great feat of the people. And our institution could not stand aside.

Presenter 1: Throughout the entire school year, the activities of our kindergarten are connected with a significant date - the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. Our students participated in many events such as the “City Competition of Reading Families” We tell our grandfathers, a drawing competition "Postcard to a Veteran". In a creative competition "Songs Victory» they sing for you winners in the category

"Today there are fireworks"- preparatory groups

Presenter 2: Today we remember with reverence and respect those who laid down their lives on the battlefields, thanks to them we live, hear children’s laughter, and see how carefree and joyful our children live.

Presenter 1: Gratitude and low bow to the participants and eyewitnesses of the Great Patriotic War who live next to us today. In our country memory about the war will always remain sacred, and veterans of the Great Patriotic War are the pride and glory of all generations.

Presenter 2: In our hall there are dear guests - prisoners concentration camps, children of war, home front workers.

Presenter 1: Kravets Alexey Alekseevich,

Presenter 2: Gubaidulina Liniza Saitovna

Presenter 1: Tolmacheva Valentina Markelovna

Presenter 2: Dmitrachko Varvara Zakharovna

Presenter 1: Asmanova Olga Fedoseevna,

Presenter 2: Stormy applause to you, who bore on your shoulders a load the likes of which history has never known.

Presenter 1: It was you who gave us blue skies and bright sun. Please accept flowers and a low bow from us as a token of gratitude. Children give flowers

The word for congratulations is given

Presenter 1: Today we have invited internationalist soldiers to our meeting, for whom the years of service in Afghanistan are behind them, years filled with anxiety and risk. After all, heroism is conscientious fulfillment to end and in any conditions of his duty - human, military. We recognize those who served in Afghanistan not only by the order stripes on civilian clothes... We recognize them by their calm, firm faces. These are people you can always rely on. Our guest is a representative of the generation who stepped into the war in his early twenties.

The word for congratulations goes to...

Presenter 2: Appeal to the heroic past of our Motherland, to memory, to military traditions, to the glorious history of the Armed Forces is the sacred duty of every citizen. Events taking place in hot spots convince people that they cannot survive in Russia without an army. The army was and remains a stage in the formation of a young man, a school of courage and heroism. A musical gift for you from middle school students "Why Chicks"

Song "Our army is strong" middle group

Presenter 1: A lot of water has passed under the bridge. But only memory the memory of the distant Great Patriotic War is alive, and neither years nor distance can erase the events of that war.

Presenter 2: Many were not destined to return to your home door, But memory of those who doesn't returned from that war who passed away time will be eternal.

Presenter 1:

Through the evening fog and under the darkened sky

The cry of the cranes can be heard more and more clearly.

My heart rushed towards them, flying from afar,

The echo of war is brought to us from the steppes.

Presenter 2:

Now they are flying close, and sobbing louder,

It was as if they brought us sad news.

The widows of Russia keep in their hearts,

Memory of soldiers who did not return from the war.

ManchenkoL. G. with a song "Widows of Russia"

Presenter 2: Day Victory Spring for Russians is also wonderful because the best holidays We celebrate in the spring. One of the brightest and memorable there is always a day Victory it's light spring holiday, holiday military glory of the people-hero, people- winner.

Presenter 1: A dance gift for you.

"Russian Waltz" ballroom dance group "Allegro" KSK "Anniversary"

Presenter 1: Time will never erase it from memory people's most difficult and cruel of all wars in the history of our Motherland. And How memory about that war there are memorials, obelisks, hundreds of figures made of stone and bronze that live for decades and centuries, erected as evidence of an incredible desire for victory.

Presenter 2: No conversations or laughter are heard here, no funny songs are sung. Only silence froze in the honor guard. Adults and children come here to pay respects and lay flowers.

The tulips bloomed brightly.

The fire is always burning here,

Russian soldier Alyosha is here

He sleeps on the eternal mound.

Talashova E. V. Lishchishina N. N. "Alyosha"

Presenter 1: We were born and raised in peacetime. It’s hard for us to believe that ending a human life is as easy as a morning nap. We can judge about trenches and trenches only from films and the stories of front-line soldiers.

Presenter 2: For us, and for our children, war is history, but our children learn it from the lips of teachers and parents.

Presenter 1: In a waltz Children will spin in victory. The columns went out for parade.

Fireworks thunder to the waltz victory, And the songs sound joyful.

"Waltz Victory» - preparatory groups

Presenter 2: Today's boys and girls in our country do not know the horrors of wars, but the lessons of the past war must be remembered in order to protect the future and with a feeling of deep gratitude, respect and admiration, we try to pass this on to our grandchildren and great-grandchildren who listen to stories about great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers who fought in war. Reading for you by our young pupil of the kindergarten Winner of competition«___» Yura Skorikov.

"To Grandma ___"

Yura Skorikov verse.

Presenter 2: From the first day of the Second World War until festive victory The song of the salute always accompanied the soldiers' formation, lived in dugouts and dugouts, it helped to survive irreparable losses and hardships, raised the morale of soldiers, strengthened faith in victory, instilled cheerfulness, helped to fulfill my duty.

Presenter 1: Both at the front and at the rear, the song was the most reliable commissar. How memory These songs are passed down from mouth to mouth about the past, we remember and sing them. Years have passed. The country has healed the wounds of war, but the songs of the war years still sound today, shaking hearts. And we invite you to remember the songs of the war years.

Medley of songs victory

Presenter 2: After a long and fierce battle, when it seemed that their strength was already running out, the soldiers, lying in the thick, unmown grass, admired the beauty of Russian nature and listened to the rustle of birches.

“Choreographic composition of Berezka”

Presenter 2: For us, the Great Patriotic War is not only the past. Many people still feel her breath. Because she's cool turned the whole life of the country, entered every home, every family.

Presenter 1: Every year on these May days our people remember the terrible years of war and honor memory of fallen heroes. Although 70 years have passed since the Day Victory, but time has no power over memory people of different generations. May 9 Day Victory, a day of national rejoicing, joy, but joy with tears in our eyes.

"Day victory» - everyone sings

To lose the word: There are many important things in the world words: Mom, Motherland, Happiness. And there is also a word - Peace. Earth, Sun, sky, stars. The world is people. The world is children, a calm, joyful life. No war, no grief, no tears. Peace is the most important word in the world. Everyone needs peace.

Presenter 1: Let me congratulate you on the Great Day Victory I wish you fortitude, courage, vigor and optimism, good health, joy, confidence in the future, peaceful skies above your head, harmony and love of family and friends. See you again!

Glory to the people - the winner.
Scenario for a concert dedicated to Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.

Call signs.

Before the start, music sounds and a curtain opens in the background. The stage is festively decorated. The presenters of the concert stand in the center of the stage; when the curtain is fully opened, they go to the microphones. The music sounds quieter, and the presenters speak the words against its background.

1- War... From Brest to Moscow - a thousand kilometers, from Moscow to Berlin - one thousand six hundred.

2- If by train, it’s less than four days, and by plane – about four hours...

3- And by dashing and on the belly - four years!

1-4 years of war. 1418 days and nights of national feat. 34 thousand hours. And twenty-seven million human lives.

2 – This is 14 thousand killed daily, 600 people per hour, 10 people every minute.

3 – Twenty-seven million graves over two and a half thousand kilometers - that’s almost ten thousand killed per kilometer, twenty for every two meters of land!

1 – Fascism brought countless victims to the peoples of the earth. Every European country has its own village and city of pain and tears. They blame fascism.

2 – Gas chambers in concentration death camps are blamed for fascism. The prisoners of Buchenwald, Dachau, Auschwitz, the dead of Babyn Yar, and the residents of the Belarusian village of Khatyn who were burned alive are crying out for retribution.

3 – Every sixth resident of our country died during the war. If a minute of silence is declared for each of them, it will last 38 years.

The music stops.

1 – Everything is remembered, nothing is forgotten,
Everything is remembered, no one is forgotten
Day and night in a granite bowl
The holy flame burns reverently.

2 – The flame burns day and night
And illuminates the globe,
Our memory does not subside
About those who were killed by the war.

3 – Dozens of years have fallen between us,
The war is history.
We are in the heart with eternal words
We write the names of the dead.

Musical number.

(The team remains on stage, the presenters approach the microphones.)

1 – Inextinguishable for generations
And the memory of those whom we honor so sacredly,
Let's people stand up for a moment
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

2 – Stand up! Let your silence be the most formidable protest against the war!

1 – Stand up! Perhaps then, one less drop of blood will be shed in the world!

(metronome sounds, there is a minute of silence)
The dance group leaves the stage. The presenters continue the concert.

2 – The war ended a long time ago, the soldiers returned from the war a long time ago.
And on their chests their orders burn like memorable dates.

3 – On the same day and time for a meeting, you rush to see your friends.
But every year there are fewer of you, and you will forgive us for that.

1 - To all of you who endured that war - in the rear or on the battlefields,
Brought a victorious spring, bow and memory of generations!

2 – Today all the flowers are for you,

3 – All smiles are for you,

2 – All the warmth of the May sun is for you!

3 – To you – who defended, who did not bend, who overcame death!

1 – To you, dear veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War, we owe our lives to you. Low bow to you, gratitude and this festive concert!

3 – ________________ sings for you.

1 – The war of 1941 was called sacred –
Our native country fought for a just cause!
For life against death,
For the right of any people,
Under the howl of shells, the earth trembled in fear!..

3. “At an unnamed height!”

2 – Year after year, we celebrate Victory Day on May 9th.
Fireworks roar in the sky,
And with a moment’s silence we honor the memory of the departed,
And we hurry to the Eternal Flame.
And we will never forget those who managed to win!!!

3 – “You survived, soldier!” performed by: Ekaterina Zakharchenko.

4. “You survived, soldier!”

1 – Oh, so many inconsolable mothers
They shed bitter tears.
Their pain cannot be overcome, it cannot be warmed up
Under mourning black scarves.

Sings for you: Natalya Tsoi.

Music number.

Children - 6 readers - come on stage to the music. The music stops.


When fireworks thundered from one end to another.
Soldiers, you gave to the planet
Great May, victorious May.
Even then we were not in the world,
When in a military firestorm
Deciding the fate of future centuries,
You fought a holy battle.
Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with victory,
Soldiers of May, glory to you forever
From all the earth, from all the earth.
Let everyone remember the feat of your life,
Let people remember your names.
And let the wars that exist in the world be silent
On the day when the bird cherry blossomed.
We were born when everything was in the past
Our victory is more than a dozen years old,
But how close to us is what is already in the past.

Thank you that we did not know war,
That we do not hear the noise of terrible years,
That you gave us life with your life!
May God grant you, veterans, many years to come!

The song “Tell the Birds” sounds, and children with pigeons in their hands appear on stage. The readers change places at the microphones. The music stops.

So that the light does not fade forever
On the best of planets,
For all people, for all children
We will tell the war -
So that, wherever you look,
Gardens were blooming everywhere,
The sun was shining in the sky,
For all the children of the earth!
You fly, fly around the world,
My dove, from end to end!
A word of peace and greetings
Tell it to all peoples!
The heroes defended the world,
We vowed to remember them.
Flying in the blue distance,
Go down to the obelisks!
To prevent explosions from being covered up
The sky is a black veil,
My white-winged dove,
Fly around the entire globe!
And the white-winged one takes off
Dove of peace from our hands.
Sun of the Motherland beloved
Illuminates everything around!

The introduction of the song “Don’t take the sun away from the children” sounds, the readers give microphones to the children from the vocal group “____________”.
6. “Don’t take the sun away from children” performed by: vocal group “_____________”.

A few more muses. numbers.

2 – We wish everyone on the holiday May 9
Peaceful sky, family happiness,
Health, love and patience!

3 – Sings for you: ________________!

9. “Don’t marry girls...” performed by _______________.

1 – Blessed spring!
Spring of Victory is with us again!
The war is history.
Peace and quiet under the skies...

10. “Russian round dance”.

3 – The white angel circles and circles,
Drawing you into bottomless distances.
Where the moon and the bright sun coincided,
There is tenderness in our hearts!..

11. “Let’s pray for our parents” is performed by ______________.

1 – The last explosion has long since fallen asleep,
But grief for loved ones remains.
At our dear obelisks
We are on guard!

2 – We, the young generation of the country, are the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who, without sparing their lives, won freedom, happiness and peace.

3 – We, the generation of the beginning of the 21st century, value the future of the planet.

1 – We promise to remember the price of the Great Victory!

2 – And may the fire always burn at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

3 – Let May 9 remain the biggest and brightest holiday, which no one, not even time, is allowed to cancel.

1 – Victory Day is a spring holiday,
The day of defeat of a cruel war,
The day of defeat of violence and evil,
Sunday of love and kindness...

12. “Victory Day” celebrates ___________________.

The song “Victory Day” is played, to which all participants of the festive concert take the stage.
The presenter invites veterans of V.O.V. to the school canteen for a holiday lunch.
The melody of the song “Victory Day” sounds.


festive concert program dedicated to

Fanfare sounds

The presenters come out.

The purpose of the event: to educate children in love for their Motherland, a sense of pride in their people, respect for their great achievements and worthy pages of the past; consolidation and deepening of historical knowledge, development of independent creative work skills, development and education of patriotic feelings using vivid examples of the heroism of our army, including representatives of the Ingush people.

Objectives: to instill in the younger generation a sense of patriotism and respect for the memory of the defenders of the fatherland, to expand students’ knowledge about the Great Patriotic War and to promote the development of creative abilities in children.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear friends!

Presenter 2: Hello, dear residents and guests of our city!

Presenter 1: The Great Victory Day - May 9 - is the most important holiday in our country, the most beautiful and touching.

Presenter 2: And today, when all of humanity celebrates the 66th anniversary of the Great Victory!


Presenter 1: Our dear veterans!

For us you are like stars,

Peace on earth was created by your feat

We are ready to congratulate you on Victory Day

On holidays, weekdays, all over again!


Presenter 2: Ordinary people like you and me

When trouble came knocking,

They got up and did not spare their lives,

Saved their cities...

Not a day, not a week...

For four winters they fought to the death...

So that at least once a year we think,

How grateful we are to you.

Don't let your feet walk

My eyes are watering

From the gentle May rays

Let's find him!

Is it true! It’s impossible for the main character to be anyone’s!

Let us bow at his feet,

Let's listen to a quiet story,

After all, this is just a tribute to the one

Who took this fight for us!


Presenter 2: I understand what Victory means

For veterans who have known all the troubles

A terrible war, survivors with hope,

That Victory Day will come inevitably.

Everything that is dear to us, beloved and sacred,

It was in the heart of every soldier!


Presenter 1:

Friendship is stronger with song,

With a song the joy is stronger,

To be friends with the song

You must be generous at heart!


Presenter 2:

The song finds friends

People smile at her.

And wherever she goes,

Anything goes well!


Presenter 1:

I love Kuban - the pearl of Russia,

Here you can breathe freely, here is your home.

And in the whole world you won’t find anything more beautiful,

I am proud that I live in such a country!


Presenter 1: Everything that is dear to the heart just begs to be danced,

And the crimson dawn, and a grove under the sky,

If you look from the hillock, you see a blue river,

You can see the endless distance that is called Russia!


Presenter 2: In everyone's heart there is a Motherland, Russia!

School, class, teacher, sun over the wave,

There is no one more free than you, there is no one more beautiful than you,

There is no other Motherland like this in the world!


Presenter 1: The years fly by and smooth out the wounds

Tired hearts and native land,

And with every Veterans Victory Day

The formation is becoming less and more solemn!

Presenter 2: But we still hear the sound of drops

Victorious that and early that spring

It's good that the birds started singing again,

How nice it is in the world without war.


Presenter 1: We only read about the war in books,

We watched films and then froze

In horror, anger and heartache.

You are not in a movie, but in battle to the end

They fought to the death to save their

Homeland, your city, home and family.


Presenter 1: We don’t want war anywhere, ever,

May there be peace everywhere and always.

Let the children dance and the bees buzz

The guys are looking at the peaceful sky!


Presenter 1: May day of light and joy,

Holiday in Berlin, hour of sweetness!

It will be an eternal day of conscience,

Wisdom, Courage, Valor!


Presenter 1: Dear friends! Victory in the Great Patriotic War is a feat and glory of our people. No matter how the facts of our history have changed in recent years, May 9 - Victory Day - remains unchanged, everyone’s favorite, dear and bright holiday, like a small ray of hope for a small ship that is about to set off on a long voyage.


Presenter 2: Dear friends! The Victory Day has entered our hearts as a symbol of heroism and unparalleled courage of the people defending peace on earth.

Presenter 1: We sacredly honor the memory of our fellow countrymen who did not return from the battlefields, and all those who did not live to see this day.

Presenter 2: We remember and thank the defenders of the homeland who dedicated themselves to serving the Fatherland.


Presenter 1: You can’t count the heroes - the victims of the saints,

Everything he gave to his homeland

Both old and young of all nationalities,

So that Victory Day comes quickly,

And it has come! The hour of victory has come!


Presenter 1: Dear veterans!

We are inspired by your feat,

We bow our heads to you...

You shed blood for us,

Congratulations on Victory Day!

Presenter 2: For the Victory Day, we have prepared for you, dear friends, the best congratulations in poems and songs. And let children's voices merge with the rhythm of the hearts of people dear to us - veterans of the Great Patriotic War, all those who know the real price of Victory!


Presenter 1: To us, friends, on this spring day

Spring itself sends greetings.

The sound of streams and the first snowdrop

She gives for the holiday!


Presenter 2: Dear friends! This year, the entire world community is celebrating another victory - the victory of man in space. Exactly 50 years ago, the first person on earth, the son of great Russia, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, made the first heroic flight into space.


Presenter 1:

In the minds of scientists for many years

Lived a cherished dream

Take off with rockets

Into interplanetary space!


Presenter 2: While the planet is spinning,

People need to live in peace.

And the planet is not a weapon,

And surround with love!


Presenter 2: The holiday of May 9 is the most expensive date. How you got this victory cannot be described in words, but your hearts hold all the sorrow of those long war days. And even though we were born in peacetime, in a fertile place by the gentle sea, from childhood we have had the most tender and reverent feelings for this May holiday.

Presenter 1: Russia weathered the storm

Stepped over all the lights!:

And through the mists of centuries

They believe in us, love us and wait for us!


Presenter 2: We guys know why we live,

What we dream about, what we sing about -

We sing about friendship, we sing about sports.

Let's all sing about the sun and peace together!


Presenter 2: If the battle catches you in the grove,

And you'll have to burn in the night,

It's tougher here, yes, tougher

After all, it’s not at home on the stove!

Presenter 1: If it's cold too

And you can’t light a fire...

Samovars - self-made ones,

There is no need to be friends with sadness


Presenter 1: What paths have you, soldiers, taken?

What barriers were you able to break?

Faces are erased, dates are erased,

Never forget military roads!


Presenter 2: In the name of the Sun, in the name of the Motherland

We take an oath!

In the name of life we ​​swear to the heroes:

What the grandfathers didn’t finish singing, we’ll finish singing,

What our fathers did not build, we will build!


Presenter 1: Dear friends! We - the generation of the 80s, 90s, 2000s - will do everything to be worthy of the feat of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, in order to fully fulfill our sacred duty!

Presenter 2: Let there be harmony and prosperity in every home, because the eternal desire of the people for peace and freedom is invincible!

Presenter 1: Happy Great Victory Day! Hooray!


Dear guests! We were born and raised in peacetime, we have never heard the howl of sirens announcing a military alarm, we have not seen houses destroyed by fascist bombs, we do not know what meager military rations are. It’s hard for us to believe that ending a human life is as easy as a morning nap. For us, war is history. We dedicate today to the glorious victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War.


Today will be a day of remembrance
And my heart is tight from lofty words.
Today will be a day of reminders
About the exploits and valor of our fathers.


These formidable years of the Great Patriotic War are moving further and further away from us. 70 years have passed. But every year, again and again, on the eve of May 9, we remember those who defended our Motherland in that terrible ordeal.


On June 22, 1941, disrupting the peaceful life of people, suddenly, without declaring war, Nazi Germany attacked our country. On a quiet, peaceful Sunday morning, when people were still sleeping, the war began.

Everything breathed such silence,
It seemed that the whole Earth was still sleeping.
Who knew that between peace and war
Just five minutes left!


June... The sunset was approaching evening.
And the sea overflowed during the white night,
And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,
Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.

June... Then no one knew yet
Walking from school evenings,
That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,
And it will end only in 1945, in May.


This war was so terrible and unexpected that many went to war without even saying goodbye to their families.


From the endless Siberian plain
To Polesie forests and swamps
The heroic people rose up,
Our great Soviet people.

He came out, free and right,
Responding war to war,
Stand up for your native state,
For our mighty country!


The war caused an unprecedented surge in literature, music, painting, and cinema.Several significant dates came together in this anniversary year:

105 years since the birth of A.T. Tvardovsky,

70 years of the Great Victory,

70 years since the completion of the famous “Book about a fighter.”

“Vasily Terkin” is one of the most famous works created during the Great Patriotic War, glorifying the feat of an unnamed Soviet soldier.


In battle, he is a resourceful warrior; at a rest, he won’t go into his pocket for a word, but he can even play the accordion. Simple and cheerful in communication, after being wounded he enters into battle with Death.


In the battle for their native land, everyone who could hold a weapon in their hands fought to the death. And the Nazis were furious. On the front line, not a single piece of land remained intact from the explosions of shells and bombs. What helped them survive in this bloody battle? The love of a mother, wife and children, bride. Letters arrived from home at the front line, so welcome. The soldiers wrote to them about how they missed their native land, home, family, and dreamed of victory.


The son wrote a letter to his father and put an end to it.

My daughter also added a line to the letter.

It takes many days to write a letter to reach its goal.

There will be mountains on the way, echoing tunnels.

The wind will drive sand behind the glass of the car.

And then a forest, a station garden, flashes by.

And then there will be fields and dense forests,

Plowed black land - Central Russia.

Two pieces of paper in an envelope will travel across the country

And they will come to war, to the land of fire and death.

The carriage will bring this postal cargo to the front.

There the postman will receive his canvas bag.


In the fire of battles, from bombs and shells, from fascist captivity, soldiers saved civilians - women, children, old people. Songs became one of the most popular songs of the wartime.


People fought, guns and tanks fought, art fought. Musical art deeply and truthfully revealed the themes of the war years. Among them are beautiful songs, picked up by millions of people at the front and in the rear, by composers such as A. Aleksandrov, V. Solovyov-Sedoy, A. Novikov, M. Blanter, N. Bogoslovsky and many others. Soviet composers created a military chronicle of the Great Patriotic War. If in the pre-war years the song helped “build and live,” then during the war it helped “live and fight.”


Songs of the war years are songs about heroism and courage, about soldier's friendship, about loyalty, about short moments of glory. They taught people perseverance and hatred of the enemy. They raised the spirits of the soldiers, helped them endure separation from loved ones more easily, instilling faith in victory.

Who said that we should give up singing during the war? After the battle, the heart asks for doubly music!


There were battles at sea and on land,
Shots roared all around.
Singing the song "Katyusha"
Near Rostov, Kursk and Orel.


And the shells fly into the thick darkness,
And the sky is painted with fire.
We defend our native country
And “Katyusha” sings to us in battle!


No matter what songs we sing,
We sing songs of that war,
They haven't worn overcoats for a long time,
But everyone should remember them!


Oh, you song, a song of fire,
Let your enemies tremble.
You sound, sound, without stopping,
Help us win quickly!


The Great Patriotic War lasted for four terrible years. The enemy of our people and all humanity was defeated. On May 2, 1945, Egorov and Kantaria raised the Victory Banner over the Reichstag. On May 8, 1945, the act of surrender of Nazi Germany was signed.


On the ninth day of jubilant May
When silence fell on the ground,
The news rushed from edge to edge:
The world has won, the war is over!


And if children are laughing now,
Steel is melted and books are written,
If bread grows in native fields,
That's because there was Victory!


Victory! Glorious victory!
What happiness there was in her!
May the sky be clear forever,
And the grass will turn green!

On June 24, at the Victory Parade, Moscow honored the heroes, and at the Mausoleum on Red Square lay defeated Nazi standards. The people survived! The country has won!


All over the country from edge to edge,
There is no city like this, no village,
Wherever Victory comes in May
The great ninth.


Suddenly there was an overwhelming silence.

And in complete silence

The nightingale sang, not yet knowing

That he is not singing about war.


No matter how quickly the years fly by,
She doesn't move away from us.
And soldier’s medals suit her,
Military orders suit her.


The youngest soldiers of the last military conscription are already over eighty; many have not only grandchildren, but also great-grandchildren. Research projects, dedicated 70 -Victory anniversary in the Great Patriotic War "Our heroic relatives"

we dedicate:

To all generals, all colonels.

To all lieutenant colonels, all majors and captains,

To all sergeants and sergeants.

To all the privates, to all the home front workers,

Who, their children, their grandchildren, their great-grandchildren

Bound by evergreen grass, blue river,

Blue sky, silver air.

Everything called life!


We understand that for everything that we have today, we owe to all those who fought, died, and survived in those hellish conditions when it seemed that it was impossible to survive. And on behalf of all the children, we want to thank you for the peaceful sky above us.


Victory! Victory!
In the name of the Fatherland - Victory!
In the name of the living - Victory!

Every year on these May days, our people remember the terrible years of war and honor the memory of the fallen. Although more than half a century has passed since Victory Day, time has no power over the memory of people of different generations.


Victory comes to us again and again,
Beautiful and young, like in forty-five,
Comes in the splendor of old orders
On the jacket of an experienced soldier...


Washed by tears - not by rain,
Sparkling not with fire, but with the happiness of life,
Victory comes to us on a spring day,
So as never to forget about
What a feat was accomplished by the Fatherland!


The memory of the war, of the victims of the war... It rings the alarm bell in our hearts, commanding us not to forget the feat of the people, to carefully preserve the peace won at the cost of more than 20 million human lives. Honor and eternal glory to those who defended their Motherland from the enemy during the war, who stood in the rear at the machines and grew grain in the fields, to all those who, with their labor and feat of arms, brought the long-awaited victory closer.


On May days, celebrating the Victory Day, the whole country honors the memory of those who died with a minute of silence, and people lay flowers on the graves of soldiers and monuments in their honor. And we, guys, remembering the heroes of the Great Patriotic War in May days should bow to those great years and lay flowers at the obelisk of the fallen heroes and the eternal flame.

Bow down, both young and old,
In honor of those who are for happiness
Who gave his life for life.


Burns, burns unquenchable
Fire of loss, fire of loss.
Don't pass by, people,
And remember all the soldiers.

They, who died in battles,
Call to souls and hearts:
Keep their memory for generations
It went to their descendants, to us.

Spring came so quickly
We bring them flowers again.


The entire globe is underfoot.
I live. I'm breathing. I sing.
But in memory it is always with me
Killed in battle.
Let me not name all the names,
There is no blood relative.

A minute of silence...(metronome)


The war brought difficult trials to children. Thousands of children showed immortal heroism and courage. Many of them did not spare their lives for the sake of victory.


The winds blew through the marching trumpets.

The rain was beating like a drum...

The hero guys went on reconnaissance

Through thicket forests and swamp swamps.

Won't be, Won't be, Won't be forgotten

The guys are heroes of our native land!


We didn’t hear bomb explosions, we didn’t stand on cold nights to buy bread. We didn’t know what a funeral was, but from the stories of adults we know that in almost every family someone died or went missing, or died from wounds.


Through the years, through the centuries -
About those who will never come again -
At all times of the immortal Earth

Leading ships to the twinkling stars,
Remember the dead!
Welcoming the tremulous spring,
People of Earth, kill the war,
Carry your dream through the years
And fill it with life!
But about those who will never come again,
I beg you - remember!

The song “Buchenwald Alarm” sounds (against the background of the film, all the speakers stand near the stage)


We need peace on the blue planet!
We need peace to build cities
Plant trees and work in the fields.
All people of good will want it -
We need peace forever! Forever!


For the sake of happiness and life in the world, for the sake of the soldiers who fell then, let there be no war on the planet!

Together Never! Never! Never!


Let the sun drown the whole earth in its rays!

Together Let be!


Let the peaceful stars shine above her!

Together Let be!


Let you breathe deeper, calmer, freer!

Together Let be! Let be! Let be!


May there always be sunshine!

May there always be heaven!

May there always be a mother!

May there always be peace!

Children sing the song “Sunny Circle”,
