Poplar m affected area. Loading the Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile into the silo

Complex RT-2PM2 "Topol-M"(code RS-12M2, according to NATO classification - SS-27 Sickle "Sickle") - a Russian strategic missile system with an intercontinental ballistic missile, developed in the late 1980s - early 1990s on the basis of the RT-2PM "Topol" complex .

The first intercontinental ballistic missile developed in Russia after the collapse of the USSR. Adopted into service in 1997. The lead developer of the missile system is the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering (MIT).

Rocket of the Topol-M complex is solid fuel, three-stage. Maximum range - 11,000 km. Carries one thermonuclear warhead with a power of 550 kt. The missile is based both in silo launchers (silos) and on mobile launchers. The silo-based version was put into service in 2000.

Stationary complex "Topol-M" includes 10 intercontinental ballistic missiles mounted in silo launchers, as well as a command post.

Main characteristics:

Number of steps - 3
Length (with warhead) - 22.55 m
Length (without warhead) - 17.5 m
Diameter - 1.81 m
Launch weight - 46.5 t
Throwing weight 1.2 t
Type of fuel - solid mixed
Maximum range - 11000 km
Head type - monoblock, nuclear, detachable
Number of combat units - 1 + about 20 dummies
Charge power - 550 Kt
Control system - autonomous, inertial based on BTsVK
Method of basing - mine and mobile

Mobile complex "Topol-M" is a single missile placed in a high-strength fiberglass transport and launch container (TPK), mounted on an eight-axle MZKT-79221 cross-country chassis and is structurally practically no different from the silo version. The weight of the launcher is 120 tons. Six pairs of eight wheels are swivel, providing a turning radius of 18 meters.

The ground pressure of the installation is half that of a conventional truck. Engine V-shaped 12-cylinder turbocharged diesel engine YaMZ-847 with a power of 800 hp. The depth of the ford is up to 1.1 meters.

When creating systems and units of the mobile Topol-M, a number of fundamentally new technical solutions were used in comparison with the Topol complex. Thus, the partial suspension system makes it possible to deploy the Topol-M launcher even on soft soils. The maneuverability and maneuverability of the installation have been improved, which increases its survivability.

"Topol-M" is capable of launching from any point in the positional area, and also has improved means of camouflage, both against optical and other reconnaissance means (including by reducing the infrared component of the complex's unmasking field, as well as the use of special coatings that reduce radar signature).

Intercontinental missile consists of three stages with solid propellant propulsion engines. Aluminum is used as fuel, ammonium perchlorate acts as an oxidizing agent. The step bodies are made of composites. All three stages are equipped with a rotating nozzle to deflect the thrust vector (there are no lattice aerodynamic rudders).

Control system– inertial, based on the on-board central heating system and a gyro-stabilized platform. The complex of high-speed command gyroscopic devices has improved accuracy characteristics. The new BTsVK has increased productivity and resistance to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. Aiming is ensured through the implementation of autonomous determination of the azimuth of the control element installed on a gyro-stabilized platform using a ground-based complex of command instruments located on the TPK. Increased combat readiness, accuracy and continuous operation life of on-board equipment are ensured.

Launch method - mortar for both options. The rocket's sustaining solid-propellant engine allows it to gain speed much faster than previous types of rockets of a similar class created in Russia and the Soviet Union. This makes it much more difficult for missile defense systems to intercept it during the active phase of the flight.

The missile is equipped with a detachable warhead with one thermonuclear warhead with a capacity of 550 kt of TNT equivalent. The warhead is also equipped with a set of means to overcome missile defense. The complex of means for overcoming missile defense consists of passive and active decoys, as well as means of distorting the characteristics of the warhead. Several dozen auxiliary correction engines, instruments and control mechanisms allow the warhead to maneuver along the trajectory, making it difficult to intercept it at the final part of the trajectory.

False targets indistinguishable from warheads in all ranges of electromagnetic radiation (optical, laser, infrared, radar). False targets make it possible to simulate the characteristics of warheads according to almost all selection criteria in the extra-atmospheric, transitional and significant part of the atmospheric section of the descending branch of the flight trajectory of missile warheads, and are resistant to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion and the radiation of a super-powerful nuclear-pumped laser. For the first time, decoys have been designed that can withstand super-resolution radars.

In connection with the termination of the START-2 treaty, which prohibited the creation of multi-charge intercontinental ballistic missiles, the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering is working on equipping Topol-M with multiple independently targetable warheads. Perhaps the result of this work is. A mobile version of this complex, placed on the chassis of an eight-axle MZKT-79221 tractor, is currently being tested.

/Based on materials rbase.new-factoria.ru And en.wikipedia.org /

The safety of all life on earth is ensured by the balance of nuclear weapons of the eternal enemies of the United States and Russia. On the scales of these scales lie the Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile on one side and the Trident II missile on the other.

Can someone tell me why such a weapon is needed? We must destroy it and fight with conventional means. But war is very bad. This is the loss of territory, resources, and most importantly, the death of people, most of them civilians. And the presence of such weapons has a deterrent character. The enemy will think a hundred times whether he should attack our country when “Polars” begin to grow on his territory in response. It gives a chance, a huge chance, to prevent war without starting hostilities.

History of creation

After the end of World War II, the Soviet Union and the United States of America carried out large-scale developments in the field of nuclear weapons and means of delivering warheads to their targets. Developments were carried out with varying degrees of success. The Americans were the first to create atomic weapons and were even able to test them against Japan. The USSR soon caught up with its opponents and conducted its own tests of this type of weapon.

In the middle of the 20th century, the Cuban missile crisis flared up, and again thermonuclear weapons were at the forefront. Although the Soviet Union was inferior to the United States in terms of the number of warheads, the Americans still did not dare to start a third world war, sparing their territories. The USSR had delivery systems that made it possible to strike American territory, and this cooled down the hotheads. The remoteness of the continent no longer plays into the hands of the United States.

In 1985, a new deterrent appears. The first missile regiment, equipped with Topol launchers, went on combat duty. At the end of the same decade, work began on a new ICBM for the silo and mobile complexes. The following were involved in the development:

  1. Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering (the design team already had experience in creating a moving soil complex);
  2. Yuzhnoye design bureau in Dnepropetrovsk (the main developer of silo-based missiles).

This tandem was supposed to produce a unified complex

But this was not destined to come true, as the country collapsed. As a result, many enterprises involved in the creation of the new complex ended up on the territory of different states. For example, the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau began to belong to Ukraine.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1993, all developments on this installation were preserved and formed the basis for a deep modernization of the existing RT-2PM complex. The task was set to create the Topol-M complex. Having carried out profound improvements in characteristics and almost completely redesigned the rocket, the designers did not go beyond the framework of existing international treaties. They left a large foundation for future modernization, thereby maintaining the Strategic Missile Forces in an effective and combat-ready form.

During modernization, great attention was paid to breaking through the promising missile defense of a potential enemy.

"Topol-M" was supposed to be able to deliver a retaliatory or retaliatory missile strike on enemy territory.

This implied the possibility of launching missiles when a nuclear attack on our country had already taken place and the damaging factors from it were raging around. Or enemy missiles are in the air. Then another problem arises that the complex must solve successfully. This is overcoming a nuclear shield over targets. Also, such installations should have greater autonomy.

Democracy was raging in the country. Scientific institutes, technical laboratories collapsed, factories of the military-industrial complex went “for free” into private hands. Big-headed people fled to the west to have a decent salary and the opportunity to provide for their families. But, despite all the difficulties, the patriots of their Motherland worked on its defensive power.

A year later, a test launch of a silo-based missile was carried out. By the end of 1998, the first modernized mine complexes began testing duty near Tatishchvo. At the beginning of the 21st century, the mine-based complex was put into service. After this, work on the mobile complex accelerated. Six years after the mine complex was accepted, the first Topol-M mobile division entered combat duty.

This missile became the first mass-produced, universal, land-based intercontinental missile. Even unification was carried out with the sea-based Bulava missile system.

Description of the complex

The Topol-M rocket incorporates all the innovations in rocket science and all the best in the scientific and technical sector of our country’s development. According to many experts, everything related to this project can be summed up in one term: “For the first time.”

Almost all the differences from the first model are inherent in the process of delivering the warhead to the target.

They hide in a system of stable flight and penetration through the countermeasures of a potential enemy. The active phase of the rocket's flight has been reduced due to improvements in the propulsion engines. And the control devices make its trajectory difficult to determine for enemy detection means. The guidance system has also been improved; it has become insensitive to powerful electromagnetic pulses.

The rocket has three stages. All of them are solid fuel, created from composite materials according to the Cocoon project. Control is carried out by tilting the nozzles of the main engine. The body is coated with a special coating with a high content of rare elements. The control circuit cables are covered with a special protective casing and shielded from all types of radiation.

The control system of the Topol-M complex is created on the basis of a high-power digital on-board computer and a gyro-stabilized platform with command gyroscopic devices. An element base has been installed that increases survivability in conditions of a nuclear explosion.

The warhead is detachable, designed as a monoblock type, and contains a thermonuclear charge with a power of 550 kt in TNT equivalent.

Can be equipped with a block-type split warhead. The number of blocks varies from 3 to 7. Each block has a personal guidance system.

The missile defense system installed on this instance consists of:

  1. active and passive decoys. Moreover, they are practically indistinguishable from the original in all tracking ranges along the entire flight path. In the atmospheric portion of the trajectory, they can confidently overcome high-resolution radars. It consists of 15 to 20 targets of the “Waveship” class;
  2. means of distorting characteristics. They consist of a combination of various coatings and active noise generators, dipole reflectors and aerosols. Affect enemy detection means;
  3. trajectory correction engines. They create a chaotic movement of the warhead towards the target, making it difficult to target countermeasures systems.

A rocket launch is similar to a mortar shot - vertically upward. This provides additional security for a complex technical control system.

After the rocket exits the TPU, the first stage engine starts. The warhead itself is moving along the descending branch of the trajectory.


  1. The installation received the designation RT-2MP2.
  2. The missile was given the designation 15Zh65.
  3. The mobile complex was given the name 15P165. The complex includes 9 ICBMs on the launcher.
  4. The stationary complex was given the name 15P065. The complex includes 10 ICBMs in silos.
  5. According to international agreements, the complex is designated as RS-12M2.
  6. The NATO designation for the SS-27 is “Sikle-B”, which means “Sickle”.

Possibility of accommodation

The complex can be either stationary or mobile based. Partial unification with the Bulava was carried out.

Mine launchers are used for placement. A silo is a vertical well with supporting structures with fastenings placed in it, as well as devices for servicing and launching a rocket.

On top it is covered with an armor plate, which can slide to the side or rise on a hinge, depending on the design features. Ensures compliance with specified climatic and temperature conditions. Maintains the rocket in constant readiness for launch. Currently, converted silo launchers from Stiletto and Voevoda are used for stationary complexes. In the silos, the missiles are placed in a metal transport and launch container.

One complex includes 10 missiles and a command module with a high degree of protection. The process of loading a rocket into the silo takes more than 8 hours. The combat duty period of one missile is up to 15 years.

To accommodate the Topol-M complex, the MZKT-79221 self-propelled chassis was used. This is a special multi-axle heavy-duty chassis, developed by Minsk designers in 1997.

Serial production started in 2000.

The wheelbase provides good maneuverability, overcoming various obstacles and driving on various types of soil. The rocket is housed in a fiberglass TPU, which performs all functions to ensure launch readiness. The dimensions of the mobile installation allow launching from almost any place:

  • length – 22 meters;
  • width – 3.4 meters;
  • weight 120 tons.

The complex includes 9 mobile units, escort and security vehicles, and a control vehicle. Since 2013, the complex began to receive engineering camouflage vehicles. They hide traces of the complexes that entered the database. They also create clearly visible traces leading to false positions.

The area of ​​responsibility along the patrol route of one complex is 25 thousand square kilometers.

Performance characteristics

The mobility of the complex is ensured by installing a powerful turbodiesel engine on the chassis. The tractor uses pneumatic tires measuring 1600*600-685, allowing it to move off-road. Additionally, a pressure regulation system is installed.

Damage radius, km12000
Launch weight, t46,5
Flight speed, km/sUp to 7
Length of the missile with warhead, m22,6
Length of the rocket without warhead, m17,5
Case diameter max, m1,81
Rocket weight in TPU, t76
Warhead weight, t1,2
Diameter of probable deviation, m150-200
FuelSolid mixture
WarheadFusion charge
Warhead power, t (TNT equivalent)550
Engine power, hpEngine power, hp
Load capacity, t80
Weight, t44
Length, m22,7
Width, m22,7
Width, m3,4
Height, m3,3
Ground clearance, mm475
Turning radius, m18
Fordability, m1,1
Cruising range, km500
Speed ​​max, km/h45
Tank volume, l875

The missile guidance system ensures that targets are hit with a small error. And given the power of the warhead, this deviation can be ignored.

Bottom line

The characteristics of the Topol-M missile allow us to say with confidence that the enemy will be defeated in any conditions of warfare.

Our country's Strategic Missile Forces will always maintain parity, armed with such a strategic complex. And overseas “friends” will look back a hundred times before taking a rash aggressive step towards starting an armed conflict.

In addition to the Topol, the latest ICBM complex with a multiple warhead will soon enter service, finishing its testing.

The characteristics of this weapon are secret; the appearance of some data is possible only after the complex is on combat duty.


The standard distance along the Earth's surface that intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) cover is 10,000 km. This is enough for old friends the United States and Russia to be able to hit any targets on each other’s territory. It is more difficult for China due to America’s greater distance, although the Celestial Empire’s ability to launch spacecraft allows it to reach any point on the globe with a thermonuclear club. And Russia is just a stone's throw away from a good neighbor.

Image source:http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/space/lectures/lec18.html

Optimal in terms of energy consumption are trajectories with an apogee of 1000 - 1500 km. In this case, the flight time is about 30 minutes, and the active part of the trajectory ends at an altitude of 200 - 350 km.The relatively short acceleration section can be ignored when assessing the flight range of the missile warheads. The latter describe long ballistic curves, accelerating up to 7 km/sec in sections of descent towards the target. Let us model them numerically using the following equations of the dynamics of a material point:

The center of the Earth is at the origin, and when falling onto its surface, the following occurs:

Let us assume that at time t = 0 the deployment platform (bus) is at an altitude h km and has a speed v km/sec directed at a certain angle to the horizontal (pitch angle). Neglecting the fact that in the disengagement area the trajectory of each warhead changes slightly, we summarize the calculation results for different initial data in a table:

The table shows that a slight decrease in flight range, which is not significant for SLBMs, leads to a sharp decrease in flight time. The time factor can be critical in a situation where the attacking side launches a preemptive strike on the enemy’s control centers and nuclear forces.The first escape velocity at an altitude of h = 100 km is 7.843 km/sec, and at an altitude of h = 200 km - 7.783 km/sec. It can be seen that with the intercontinental flight range of the so-called. flat trajectories are possible only in the case when, in the active phase, the rocket accelerates to a speed significantly exceeding 7 km/sec and approaching the first cosmic speed.

Who are you, Mr. Topol M?

The most modern of the Russian ICBMs, which is a minor modification of a Soviet product, is the 15Zh65 missile, also known as the Topol-M. The propaganda myth that there is no effective missile defense against Topol became very popular in the 2000s. Let's take a closer look at this source of national pride.

Length 22.5 m, maximum diameter 1.9 m, take-off weight 47 tons. It has 3 stages with solid propellant engines and a warhead weighing 1.2 tons, which is equipped with a warhead with a capacity of 0.55 Mt. In addition to this, Topol’s payload includes dozens of decoys + electronic means of countering missile defense: both radar and infrared methods of target selection. According to information from http://rbase.new-factoria.ru/missile/wobb/topol_m/topol_m.shtml, the first stage engines create a thrust of 91 tons. Circular Probability Deviation (CPD) expresses the radius of the circle into which the warhead has a probability of at least 50%. The CEP indicator is critically important from the point of view of attacks on missile silos and underground control centers. A vague estimate of 200 - 350 m is given for it. It is possible that in this Topol-M is not inferior to the veteran Minuteman-3, which has been the main American ICBM for more than 30 years.

There is no reliable information about Topol-M flight data. It is stated that the range reaches 11,000 km and there is an estimate of the speed of 7.3 km/sec that the warhead has when entering the ballistic part of the trajectory. Numerical simulations lead to various options. For example, it is possible that the warhead separates at a level of 300 km with a pitch angle of 6 degrees and, rising to a maximum altitude of 550 km (apogee), covers a distance of 11,000 km along the surface of the globe in 27 minutes. However, such a flight profile is not adequate to popular ideas about the low, flat trajectory of the Topol-M. The scenario looks very realistic, according to which the monoblock separates at an altitude of 200 km with an initial pitch of 5 degrees, ultimately flying 8,800 km in 21 minutes and reaching an apogee of 350 km. This range is quite sufficient for shelling US territory from various directions, and the flight time is significantly less than that typical for ICBMs at a distance of 10,000 km (~30 minutes). This creates additional difficulties for the missile defense system, which must have time to select the warhead among the decoys. It is clear that reduced flight time is a more important factor in a preemptive strike than a retaliatory strike.

In order to somehow understand the “exceptional” capabilities of the Topol-M, it is useful to compare it with its American counterpart LGM-30 Minutemen-3. Length 18.2 m, maximum diameter 1.67 m, take-off weight 36 tons. It has 3 stages with solid propellant engines and a warhead of unknown mass. Which is currently equipped with a W62 warhead with a yield of 170 kilotons, and also carries decoys along with small metal debris that impedes radar detection. The CEP of Minuteman-3 is estimated at 150 - 200 m. According to data from http://www.af.mil/information/factsheets/factsheet.asp?id=113 , the starting thrust of the first stage reaches 92 tons, and when entering the ballistic section, the warhead has a speed of about 6.7 km/sec. Moreover, the ICBM has a range of 9,600 km and an apogee1,120 km. This “classical” flight profile corresponds to an initial pitch angle of 15.5 degrees and an altitude of 450 km when entering the ballistic phase. The Minuteman's flight time is 28 minutes. With such modest speed characteristics, a flat trajectory of intercontinental flight is out of the question. This contrasts with the Minuteman-3's thrust-to-weight ratio, which is 1.3 times that of the Topol-M. In the video of the launches, he doesn’t look like a particularly fast sprinter.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHuFh_PNc68&feature=related , and the relic Minuteman-I took off no worse even without a “kick” from the mortar launchhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrnfRfawtI0&feature=related . Let's try to explain this discrepancy.

Available information about the flight data of Minuteman-3 relates to its modification, which was equipped with three W78 335 Kt warheads, with individual targeting. But the same missile is capable of accelerating a relatively lightweight monoblock to a higher speed than the stated 24,000 km/h in order to throw it over a longer range and along a flatter trajectory. This is indirectly confirmed by the fact that there is information about Miniman’s maximum range of 15,000 km. For the United States, such a distance is relevant due to the growing military power of China, which is located quite far from America. The high thrust-to-weight ratio of Minuteman 3 could also be important in a three-warhead configuration, providing a more energetic launch and escape of the missile from a nuclear strike in the area where the launch silos were located.

Horror flying on the wings of the night?

Thus, Topol's outstanding abilities in terms of the ability to quickly gain speed and reach a flat trajectory are greatly exaggerated.But if the Topol-M warhead flies along a flat trajectory, then this means the following. At the end of the active section, the monoblock practically enters a circular orbit, having an unlimited flight range. In this case, the trajectory can be very low (see lines 7, 8 in the table), although this circumstance is a dubious advantage, given the capabilities of missile defense interceptorsoperate at altitudes up to 200 km. ABOUTit is also obvious that the new generation of class anti-missiles Standard-3 will reach great heights. In addition, a monoblock flying along a flat trajectory, as a target for interception, differs little from a conventional satellite. But shooting down a satellite in low orbit has not been a problem for a long time. In this case, you won’t be able to go too low, because... atmospheric resistance comes into its own - already atat an altitude of 120 km The shuttles used aerodynamic maneuvering instead of rocket engines (new article on flat trajectory problems) .

This can be countered by another popular property of the Topol-M, which supposedly lies in the monoblock’s ability to perform maneuvers using special mini-engines in the ballistic section of the trajectory. This ability is partly mythological in nature, because in many sources it is written only that Poplar May be equipped with such monoblocks. Enthusiastic reports about something elusive to interceptors and really the existing monoblock is not confirmed by serious sources, while frivolous sources have added that there are combat units with ramjet engines that fly and maneuver like hypersonic aircraft.

Orbital maneuvers of warheads have a bad downside, which propaganda is modestly silent about. Namely, during any maneuver of the monoblock, the surrounding shielding cloud of false targets, sources of interference and any metallized debris will remain aside, continuing to move along the ballistic trajectory. The warhead will seem to emerge from under the protective blanket and remain naked, which will immediately remove the selection task for the missile defense system. After the first maneuver, the monoblock will be clearly visible on radars. At the same time, it will not have enough fuel and time to scour from side to side for a long time, given the not very large payload reserve of the Topol-M and the need to aim at the target.

Thus, it is doubtful that a good Topol-M ICBM is significantly superior to the Minuteman-3 in any way, except for the use of a mobile launcher. However, the number of such deployed installations, according to various estimates, is 20 - 25, so they are not the main part of the Russian nuclear deterrent forces. Interestingly, China also loves mobile ICBMs and has no less of them.

Dmitry Zotyev

Articles about flat trajectories, hypersonic warheads and other missile defense nightmares:

"Heat of the Stratosphere"

"Space slalom".

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Rocket 15Zh58 (RT-2PM)

Rocket 15Zh58 made according to a scheme with three marching steps. To ensure high energy-mass perfection and increase the firing range, a new, more advanced mixed fuel of increased density, with a specific impulse increased by several units compared to the fillers of previously created engines, was used in all sustainer stages.



Installed on all three stages Solid propellant rocket engine with one fixed nozzle. On the outer surface of the tail section of the first stage there were folding rotary lattice aerodynamic rudders (4 pieces), used for flight control together with gas-jet rudders and 4 lattice aerodynamic stabilizers. The second stage structurally consists of a connecting compartment and a main stage Solid propellant rocket engine. The third stage has almost the same design, but it additionally includes a transition compartment to which the head part is attached.

12. First stage

13. Second stage

14. Third stage

15. Tail compartment

16. Combat stage of the RS-12M rocket

The bodies of the upper stages were made for the first time using the method of continuous winding of organoplastic according to the “cocoon” pattern. The third stage was equipped with a transition compartment for attaching the warhead. Controlling the firing range was a very complex technical task and was carried out by cutting off the third stage propulsion engine, using a thrust cut-off unit, with eight reversible bells and “windows” cut through DUZ ami ( DUZ- detonating elongated charge) in the organoplastic power structure of the housing. The thrust cut-off unit was located on the front bottom of the upper stage body.

An autonomous, inertial control system was developed at NPO Automation and Instrumentation under the leadership of Vladimir Lapygin. The aiming system was developed under the guidance of the chief designer of the Kyiv plant "Arsenal" Serafima Parnyakova. The inertial control system has its own digital computer, which made it possible to achieve high shooting accuracy. The control system provides missile flight control, routine maintenance on the missile and launcher, pre-launch preparation and launch of the missile. All pre-launch preparation and launch operations, as well as preparatory and regulatory workfully automated.

The warhead is monoblock, nuclear, weighing about 1 ton. The warhead includes a propulsion system and a control system that provides a circular probable deflection ( KVO) 400 m (this is what our sources say; in the West, the accuracy is estimated at 150-200 m). " Poplar» equipped with a set of means to overcome the missile defense of a potential enemy. The nuclear warhead was created at the All-Union Research Institute of Experimental Physics under the leadership of the chief designer Samvel Kocharyants. According to Western sources, the missile was tested at least once with four individually targetable warheads, but this option was not further developed.

The rocket's flight is controlled by rotary gas-jet and lattice aerodynamic rudders. New nozzle devices for solid fuel engines have been created. To ensure secrecy, camouflage, decoy systems, and camouflage means have been developed. Just like the previous mobile complexes of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. Rocket 15Zh58 produced in Votkinsk.

The entire life of the rocket 15Zh58 (RT-2PM) carried out in a sealed transport and launch container 22 m long and 2 m in diameter.

Initially, the warranty period for the rocket's operation was set at 10 years. Later the warranty period was extended to 15 years.

Launcher and equipment

During operation, the missile is located in a transport and launch container installed on a mobile launcher. It is mounted on the basis of a seven-axle chassis of a MAZ heavy-duty vehicle. The rocket is launched from a vertical position using a powder pressure accumulator ( PAD), placed in a transport and launch container ( TPK).

The launcher was developed at the Volgograd Central Design Bureau "Titan" under the direction of Valerian Soboleva And Victor Shurygin.

A seven-axle vehicle was used as the chassis of the mobile complex launcher. MAZ-7912 (15U128.1) , later - MAZ-7917 (15U168) wheel formula 14x12 (Barricades plant in Volgograd). This car from the Minsk Automobile Plant is equipped with a 710 hp diesel engine. Yaroslavl Motor Plant. Chief designer of the rocket ship Vladimir Tsvyalev. The vehicle contained a sealed transport and launch container with a diameter of 2 m and a length of 22 m. The mass of the launcher with the missile was about 100 tons. Despite this, the complex « Poplar"had good mobility and cross-country ability.

Solid propellant engine charges were developed at the Lyubertsy NPO Soyuz under the leadership of Boris Zhukova(later the association was headed by Zinovy Pack). Composite materials and container were developed and manufactured at the Central Research Institute of Special Mechanical Engineering under the leadership of Victor Protasova. The steering hydraulic drives of the rocket and the hydraulic drives of the self-propelled launcher were developed at the Moscow Central Research Institute of Automation and Hydraulics.

32. An example of the location of structures at the starting position

32.1. Starting position Novosibirsk-2

32.2. Starting position Novosibirsk-2

32.3. Starting position Novosibirsk-2

Some sources reported that the launch could have been carried out from any point on the patrol route, but according to more precise information: “ Upon receipt of the order to launch ASBU, calculation APU is obliged to occupy the nearest route point suitable for launch and deploy APU» .

In the field (i.e. on the field BSP And IBP shelves " Poplars"are on combat duty, as a rule, for 1.5 months in winter and the same amount in summer).

Start RS-12M could have been produced directly from a special unit 15U135 « Crown" in which " Poplars» are on combat duty on stationary BSP . For this purpose, the hangar roof is made retractable.

Initially the roof was retractable, and on the locking device, which did not allow cables with loads - concrete counterweights - at the end (like a weight on a chain on a walker) the fall was installed squibs.At the start command (in the mode cyclogram« Start"), a command was issued to activate the squibs, and then the loads pulled the cables with their weight and the roof moved apart.

In harsh winter conditions, such a scheme proved to be negative (it was impossible to determine the exact mass of the counterweight due to snowfall; the average reading led to either jamming or falling off the guides; in addition, without shooting it is not possible to determine the condition of the squib). Therefore, the squibs were replaced with older and more reliable ones (compared to Pioneer electromechanical drives have been improved. [Ed.]

Combat readiness (time to prepare for launch) from the moment the order was received until the missile was launched was brought to two minutes.

To enable starting PU hung on jacks and leveled. These operations enter deployment mode. The container with the rocket is then raised to a vertical position. For this in the “Start” mode, the powder pressure accumulator is activated ( PAD), located on the very APU. It is needed in order for the hydraulic system to work for lifting the boom from TPK to the vertical. In other words, this is an ordinary gas generator. On the Pioneer, the boom was raised (i.e. the hydraulic pump engine was running) driven by the travel motor ( HD) chassis, which led to the need to have a system to maintain HD in a “hot state”, duplicate the starting system HD air cylinders, etc. But such a scheme somewhat reduced reliability.

Launch type - artillery: after installation TPK into a vertical position and shooting off its upper protective cap, the first one is triggered first PAD TPK– for extending the movable bottom TPK to “rest” against the ground for greater stability, and then a second PAD already pushes the rocket to a height of several meters, after which the first stage propulsion engine is launched.

Control APU carried out PKP « Zenith"(divisional link) and " Granite"(regimental unit).

A mobile command post of the regiment was developed for the Topol complex ( PKP RP). Aggregates PKP RP placed on the chassis MAZ-543. Compound PKP RP:

Unit 15В168- combat control vehicle

Unit 15В179– communication machine 1

Unit 15B75– communication machine 2

Each of these units was accompanied by a unit MOBD(combat support vehicle), also on a chassis MAZ-543. At first it was a unit 15В148, then (with 1989 d.) unit 15В231.

One MOBD included the functions of 4 units of the complex Pioneer: MDES, canteen, dormitory, MDSO). Those. had diesel units, a utility compartment, BPU.

APU RK « Poplar» were equipped with a modernized system RBU, which made it possible to receive launch commands using the “ Perimeter» across 3 ranges.

5:06 / 24.04.16
Strategic Missile Forces: mobile ground-based missile system "Topol" with ICBM 15Zh58

RT-2PM "Topol" (GRAU complex/missile index - 15P158/15Zh58, according to the START treaty - RS-12M, according to NATO classification - SS-25 Sickle, translated - Serp) - Soviet/Russian mobile ground-based strategic missile system with three-stage solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile RT-2PM.

APU 15U168 of the 15P158 “Topol” complex / Photo: tvzvezda.ru, Konstantin Semenov

Development history

The development of the Topol strategic mobile complex (RS-12M) with a three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile suitable for placement on a self-propelled vehicle chassis (based on the 15Zh58 ICBM on solid mixed fuel weighing 45 tons with a monoblock nuclear warhead weighing 1 ton) was started on July 19, 1977 years at the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nadiradze in 1975. After the death of A. Nadiradze (he was director and chief designer of MIT 1961 - 1987, died in 1977), work was continued under the leadership of Boris Lagutin (general designer of MIT 1987 - 1993). The mobile launcher on a wheeled chassis was developed by the Titan Central Design Bureau at the Volgograd Barikady plant.

Alexander Nadiradze / Photo: liveinternet.ru

Boris Lagutin / Photo: liveinternet.ru

Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 668-212 on the development of the Topol missile system was issued on July 19, 1977. The first flight test of the rocket took place on October 27, 1982 at the Kapustin Yar test site and ended unsuccessfully. The second (according to other sources, the first) launch was carried out on February 8, 1983 at the Plesetsk training ground by the combat crew of the 6th Research University and was successful. The first three test launches were carried out from a silo launcher of the RT-2P missile, converted specifically for this work.

Launch of the 15Zh58 / RS-12M Topol ICBM from the Plesetsk training ground / Photo: pressa-rvsn.livejournal.com

On August 10, 1983, the fourth launch of the RS-12M rocket was carried out, it became the first carried out from a self-propelled launcher 15U128. In total, at the stage of joint flight tests of the complex from February 1983 to December 23, 1987, 16 missile launches were carried out. The missile system was put into service on December 1, 1988.

From November 1984 to September 1994, during the period of serial production of elements of the complex and placing missile regiments on combat duty, 32 control and serial launches were carried out (in defense of the party). During the period of operation of the PGRK in the Strategic Missile Forces from April 1988 to November 2005, 33 combat training launches of the RT-2PM missile were carried out.

The RS-12M is a mobile ground-based intercontinental strategic missile, which significantly increases its survivability in combat conditions.

One of the most successful modern Russian complexes was considered to be the Topol mobile ground-based missile system (SS-25 “Sickle” according to NATO classification) with the RS-12M missile. It became the first mobile complex equipped with an intercontinental-range missile, put into service after almost two decades of unsuccessful attempts made by various design organizations.

Rocket 15Zh58 (RT-2PM)

The 15Zh58 rocket is designed according to a design with three sustainer stages. To ensure high energy-mass perfection and increase the firing range, a new, more advanced mixed fuel of increased density, with a specific impulse increased by several units compared to the fillers of previously created engines, was used in all sustainer stages.

Layout diagram of the 15Zh58 rocket: 1 - warhead; 2- transition compartment; 3 - stage III sustainer solid propellant rocket engine; 4 - connecting compartment of stage II; 5 - second stage sustainer solid propellant rocket engine; 6 - connecting compartment of stage I; 7 - first stage sustainer solid propellant rocket engine; 8 - tail section of the first stage / Image: rvsn.ruzhany.info

Rocket 15Zh58 of the 15P158 “Topol” complex / Photo: rvsn.ruzhany.info

All three stages are equipped with solid propellant rocket engines with one fixed nozzle. On the outer surface of the tail section of the first stage there were folding rotary lattice aerodynamic rudders (4 pieces), used for flight control together with gas-jet rudders and 4 lattice aerodynamic stabilizers.

The spent first stage of the Topol ICBM after launch from the Plesetsk test site - the lattice aerodynamic rudders are clearly visible / Photo: www.edu.severodvinsk.ru

Nozzle block of the first stage of the 15Zh58 rocket of the 15P158 “Topol” complex / Photo: www.edu.severodvinsk.ru

The second stage structurally consists of a connecting compartment and a sustainer solid propellant rocket engine. The third stage has almost the same design, but it additionally includes a transition compartment to which the head part is attached.

The first stage of the 15Zh58 rocket of the 15P158 “Topol” complex / Photo: rvsn.ruzhany.info

The second stage of the 15Zh58 rocket of the 15P158 “Topol” complex / Photo: rvsn.ruzhany.info

The third stage of the 15Zh58 rocket of the 15P158 “Topol” complex / Photo: rvsn.ruzhany.info

The bodies of the upper stages were made for the first time using the method of continuous winding of organoplastic according to the “cocoon” pattern. The third stage was equipped with a transition compartment for attaching the warhead.

Launch stage of the 15Zh58 missile warhead of the 15P158 “Topol” complex / Photo: rvsn.ruzhany.info

Controlling the firing range was a complex technical task and was carried out by cutting off the third-stage propulsion engine, using a thrust cut-off unit, with eight reversible bells and “windows” cut through by DUZs (DUZ - detonating extended charge) in the organoplastic power structure of the body. The thrust cut-off unit was located on the front bottom of the upper stage body.

An autonomous, inertial control system was developed at NPO Automation and Instrumentation under the leadership of Vladimir Lapygin. The aiming system was developed under the leadership of the chief designer of the Kyiv Arsenal plant, Seraphim Parnyakov.

Vladimir Lapygin / Photo: faceruss.ru

Seraphim Parnyakov / Photo: space.com.ua

The inertial control system has its own digital computer, which made it possible to achieve high shooting accuracy. The control system provides missile flight control, routine maintenance on the missile and launcher, pre-launch preparation and launch of the missile. All pre-launch preparation and launch operations, as well as preparatory and routine work, are fully automated.

In the foreground is a mock-up of an ICBM warhead / Photo: militaryrussia.ru

The warhead is monoblock, nuclear, weighing about 1 ton. The warhead includes a propulsion system and a control system that provides a circular probable deviation (CPD) of 400 m (as our sources say; in the West, the accuracy is estimated at 150-200 m). “Topol” is equipped with a set of means to overcome the missile defense of a potential enemy. The nuclear warhead was created at the All-Union Research Institute of Experimental Physics under the leadership of chief designer Samvel Kocharyants.

Samvel Kocharyants / Photo: atomic-energy.ru

According to Western sources, the missile was tested at least once with four individually targetable warheads, but this option was not further developed.

The rocket's flight is controlled by rotary gas-jet and lattice aerodynamic rudders. New nozzle devices for solid fuel engines have been created. To ensure secrecy, camouflage, decoy systems, and camouflage means have been developed. Just like the previous mobile complexes of the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering. The 15Zh58 rocket is produced in Votkinsk. The 15Zh58 (RT-2PM) rocket spends its entire service life in a sealed transport and launch container 22 m long and 2 m in diameter.

TPK with 15Zh58 missile / Photo: rvsn.ruzhany.info

Initially, the warranty period for the rocket's operation was set at 10 years. Later the warranty period was extended to 15 years.

Launcher and equipment

During operation, the missile is located in a transport and launch container installed on a mobile launcher. It is mounted on the basis of a seven-axle chassis of a MAZ heavy-duty vehicle. The rocket is launched from a vertical position using a powder pressure accumulator (PAA) placed in a transport and launch container (TPC).

The launcher was developed at the Volgograd Central Design Bureau "Titan" under the leadership of Viktor Shurygin.

Victor Shurygin / Photo: topwar.ru

The seven-axle MAZ-7912 (15U128.1) was used as the chassis of the mobile complex launcher, later - the MAZ-7917 (15U168) with a 14x12 wheel arrangement (Barricades plant in Volgograd).

SPU 15U128.1 on a MAZ-7912 chassis with TPK - Topol complex (official photo from documents under SALT agreements) / Photo: www.fas.org

Serial APU 15U128.1 on the MAZ-7912 chassis, complex 15P158.1 / Photo: military.tomsk.ru/forum

APU 15U168 on a MAZ-7917 chassis with TPK - Topol complex (official photo from documents under SALT agreements / Photo: www.fas.org

SPU 15U168 of the 15P158 "Topol" complex. On the starboard side of the SPU there are some required structural elements missing. Exhibition "Patriot", Kubinka, 2015 / Photo: Vitaly Kuzmin

This car from the Minsk Automobile Plant is equipped with a 710 hp diesel engine. Yaroslavl Motor Plant. The vehicle contained a sealed transport and launch container with a diameter of 2 m and a length of 22 m. The mass of the launcher with the missile was about 100 tons. Despite this, the Topol complex had good mobility and maneuverability.

Solid propellant engine charges were developed at the Lyubertsy NPO Soyuz under the leadership of Boris Zhukov (later the association was headed by Zinovy ​​Pak).

Boris Zhukov / Photo: liveinternet.ru

Zinovy ​​Pak / Photo: minpromtorg.gov.ru

Composite materials and the container were developed and manufactured at the Central Research Institute of Special Engineering under the leadership of Viktor Protasov. The steering hydraulic drives of the rocket and the hydraulic drives of the self-propelled launcher were developed at the Moscow Central Research Institute of Automation and Hydraulics.

Viktor Protasov / Photo: liveinternet.ru

Some sources reported that the launch could have been carried out from any point on the patrol route, but according to more precise information: “Upon receiving an order to launch via ASBU, the APU crew is obliged to occupy the nearest route point suitable for launch and deploy the APU.” In the field (i.e., at field infantry fighting stations and infantry fighting vehicles, Topol regiments are on combat duty, as a rule, for 1.5 months in winter and the same amount in summer).

The RS-12M could also be launched directly from the 15U135 Krona special unit, in which the Topols are on combat duty on stationary BSPs. For this purpose, the hangar roof is made retractable.

Unit 15U135 "Krona" (official photo from documents under SALT agreements) / Photo: www.fas.org

Combat readiness (time to prepare for launch) from the moment the order was received until the missile was launched was brought to two minutes.

SPU exit from structure 15U135 (Krona) / Photo: rvsn.ruzhany.info

To ensure the possibility of launching, the launcher is hung on jacks and leveled. These operations enter deployment mode. The container with the rocket is then raised to a vertical position. To do this, in the “Start” mode, the powder pressure accumulator (PAA), located on the APU itself, is activated. It is needed in order for the hydraulic system to work to lift the boom from the TPK to the vertical. In other words, this is an ordinary gas generator. On the Pioneer, the boom was raised (i.e., the hydraulic pump engine was running) driven by the chassis propulsion engine, which led to the need to have a system for maintaining the HD in a “hot state,” duplicating the HD starting system with air cylinders, etc. But This scheme somewhat reduced reliability.

Missile division, on combat duty / Photo: rvsn.ruzhany.info

The type of launch is artillery: after installing the TPK in a vertical position and shooting off its upper protective cap, the first TPK PAD is triggered first - to extend the movable bottom of the TPK in order to “rest” on the ground for greater stability, and then the second PAD pushes the rocket to a height of several meters , after which the first stage propulsion engine is started.

The APU is controlled by PKP "Zenit" (divisional link) and "Granit" (regimental link).

A mobile regimental command post (PKP RP) was developed for the Topol complex. PKP RP units were placed on the MAZ-543 chassis.

Combat duty support vehicle (MOBD) of the Topol complex on the MAZ-543M chassis / Photo: www.fas.org

Composition of PKP RP:
  • Unit 15B168 - combat control vehicle
  • Unit 15B179 - communication machine 1
  • Unit 15B75 - communication machine 2
Each of these units was accompanied by a MOBD unit (combat support vehicle), also on the MAZ-543 chassis. First it was the 15B148 unit, then (since 1989) the 15B231 unit.

One MOBD included the functions of 4 units of the Pioneer complex: MDES, canteen, dormitory, MDSO). Those. had diesel units, a utility compartment, a control unit. () The Topol RK APUs were equipped with a modernized RBU system, which made it possible to receive launch commands via the Perimeter system in 3 ranges.

Testing and deployment

In February 1983, the Topol PGRK entered testing. The first flight test of the missile was carried out at the 53rd NIIP MO (now the 1st GIK MO) Plesetsk on February 8, 1983. This and two subsequent launches were made from converted silos of stationary RT-2P missiles. One of the launches was unsuccessful. The series of tests continued until December 23, 1987. In total, more than 70 launches of this missile were carried out.

The head of a silo of type 15P765 / 15P765M at the Plesetsk training ground, footage of the launch of the Topol ICBM / Photo: militaryrussia.ru

In 1984, the construction of stationary structures and the equipment of combat patrol routes for Topol mobile missile systems began in the positional areas of the RT-2P and UR-100 ICBMs being removed from duty and located in the OS silos. Later, the positioning areas of medium-range complexes removed from service under the INF Treaty were arranged.

The development of the elements of the complex proceeded in stages, and apparently the greatest difficulties were associated with the combat control system. After the successful completion of the first series of tests, completed by mid-1985 (15 test launches took place during April 1985), on July 23, 1985, the RT-2PM entered service and was put on combat duty in the Yoshkar-Ola area first regiment of the PGRK. At the same time, development of the combat control system obviously continued.

Test launches of the Topol rocket / Photo: rvsn.ruzhany.info

Serial production of missiles has been located at the plant in Votkinsk (Udmurtia) since 1985, and the mobile launcher was manufactured at the Volgograd plant "Barricades".

In parallel, in 1986, on the basis of the second and third stages of the 15Zh58 rocket, a medium-range mobile soil complex “Speed” was developed with a maximum firing range greater than that of the front-line “Temp-S” complex and shorter than that of the “Pioneer” complex. Such a range, with powerful combat equipment, made it possible to squeeze into the launch weight of the missile, which ensured acceptable total weight and dimensions of the self-propelled launcher. Acceptable for “riding” around the territory of Eastern European countries. Thus, the question of flight time for London, Rome, Bonn was removed.

The first regiment, equipped with a mobile regimental command post, was put on combat duty only on April 28, 1987 (in the area of ​​Nizhny Tagil).

Part of the Topol PGRK was deployed in newly created position areas. After the signing of the INF Treaty in 1987, some position areas of the dismantled Pioneer medium-range PGRK began to be re-equipped for the deployment of the Topol complexes.

Test launches of missiles, as already mentioned, ended on December 23, 1987, but the full testing of the mobile complex, and not just the missile, ended only in December 1988, so the final decision on the adoption of the Topol complex for service dates back to December 1, 1988 g., i.e. more than three years after the start of trial operation.

On May 27, 1988, the first missile regiment with a modernized mobile regimental command post (near Irkutsk) was put on combat duty.

Example of the location of structures at the starting position / Image: rvsn.ruzhany.info

At the time of signing the START I Treaty in 1991, the USSR had 288 Topol missile systems. After the signing of START-1, the deployment of these systems continued. () The first missile regiment with the Topol missile system was put on combat duty on July 23, 1985 (according to other sources on July 20), even before the completion of joint flight tests in the 14th missile division (Yoshkar-Ola) (commander - Colonel Dremov V . V.), and until the end of 1985 - another missile regiment.

On May 27, 1988, the first regiment entered the database, the divisions of which included an improved mobile command post (PKP) equipped with a new automated control system.

Development of the RT-2PM group. Number of launchers on combat duty

1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
RT-2PM 18 72 81 99 162 234 306 333 351 369 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 345 333 315 291 254 243 213 180 171

Total ICBMs 1398 1398 1398 1390 1398 1398 1398 1333 1305 1129 975 870 832 748 756
% of RKSN (including RSD) 0,94 3,76 4,23 5,37 9,34 14,63 21,21 24,98 26,89 32,68 36,92 41,38 43,27 48,13 47,62

The Topol missile divisions were deployed near the cities of Barnaul, Verkhnyaya Salda (Nizhny Tagil), Vypolzovo (Bologoe), Yoshkar-Ola, Teykovo, Yurya, Novosibirsk, Kansk, Irkutsk, as well as near the village of Drovyanaya in the Chita region. Nine regiments (81 launchers) were deployed in missile divisions on the territory of Belarus - near the cities of Lida, Mozyr and Postavy.

As of the end of 1996, the Strategic Missile Forces had 360 Topol PGRKs.

Each year, one control launch of the Topol rocket is carried out from the Plesetsk test site. The high reliability of the complex is evidenced by the fact that during its testing and operation, about fifty control and test launches of missiles were carried out. All of them went without a hitch. On November 29, 2005, a mobile-based combat training launch of the RS-12M Topol ICBM was carried out from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in the direction of the Kura training ground in Kamchatka. A training missile warhead hit a simulated target at a training ground on the Kamchatka Peninsula with specified accuracy. The main purpose of the launch is to check the reliability of the equipment. The missile remained on combat duty for 20 years. This is the first time in the practice of not only domestic, but also global rocket science - a solid-fuel rocket that has been in operation for so many years has been successfully launched. Based on the Topol PGRK with the 15Zh58 missile, the following were created:

1. Complex "Perimeter-RC", missile "Sirena"- a complex with a command missile - a missile system to ensure the delivery of information about the need for a retaliatory strike in the conditions of the cessation of normal communications. The regiment of the Perimeter-RTs ICBM, created on the basis of the 15Zh58 Topol ICBM, took up combat duty in December 1990 in the 8th Missile Division of the Strategic Missile Forces (Yurya, regiment commander - Colonel S.I. Arzamastsev). In December 2011, the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Lieutenant General Sergei Karakaev, stated that the Perimeter system exists and is on combat duty. The command missile of the Perimeter-RC complex was tested with five ICBM launches from the Plesetsk test site from August 8 to December 25, 1990.

2. rocket 15Zh58E "Topol-E"- experimental launch vehicle for testing new types of combat equipment for ICBMs, tentative name 15Zh58E.

Launch of the Topol-E ICBM, Kapustin Yar training ground, site 107, 2009 / Photo: militaryphotos.net.

Projections of the Topol and Topol-E missiles (15Zh58 and 15Zh58E) - SS-25 SICKLE / Image: militaryrussia.ru

3. "Start-1" - satellite launch vehicle. The development of the launch vehicle began in 1989. The first launch was made on March 25, 1993. The design is a 5-stage launch vehicle. Payload mass for low orbit - 500 kg

Launch vehicle "Start-1" in the workshop of the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant / Photo: www.iz-article.ru


According to the START-2 treaty, 360 units of the Topol missile system were reduced by 2007.

After the collapse of the USSR, some of the Topols remained on the territory of Belarus. On August 13, 1993, the withdrawal of the Topol Strategic Missile Forces group from Belarus began, and on November 27, 1996 it was completed.

As of July 2006, 243 Topol missile systems were still on combat duty (Teykovo, Yoshkar-Ola, Yurya, Nizhny Tagil, Novosibirsk, Kansk, Irkutsk, Barnaul, Vypolzovo.

An interesting fact is that the Topol complex is the first Soviet strategic missile system, the name of which was declassified in the Soviet press in an article refuting accusations from the American side that Russia was allegedly testing a new missile system in violation of the current arms reduction treaty .

Tactical and technical indicators

Performance characteristics
complex "Topol"
Preparation time for launch, min 2
Thermonuclear charge power, Mt 0,55
Firing accuracy (CAO), m 900/200*
Area of ​​combat patrol area, km 2 125000
Launcher 7-axle chassis MAZ-7310
Guaranteed shelf life of the missile in the TPK, years 10
(extended to 15)
Launcher type mobile, group launcher with mortar launch

Intercontinental ballistic missile 15Zh58 (RT-2PM)

Firing range, km 10500
Number of steps 3 + dilution stage
combat blocks.
Engine Solid propellant rocket engine
Start type ground from TPK
due to PAD
- full, m 21,5
- without HF, m 18,5
- first stage, m 8,1
- second stage, m 4,6
- third stage, m 3,9
- head part, m 2,1
- first stage housing, m 1,8
- second stage housing, m 1,55
- third stage housing, m 1,34
- TPK (transport and launch container), m 2,0
Launch weight, t 45,1
Mass of the loaded first stage of the rocket, t 27,8
Head part monobloc detachable
Head mass, kg 1000
Control system autonomous, inertial with on-board computer

Autonomous launcher (APU)

Number of missiles on launcher 1
Base - wheeled MAZ-7912, MAZ-7917
Wheel formula 14x12
- launcher without TPK, t 52,94
Overall dimensions (without TPK/with TPK):
- length, m 19,520/22,303
- width, m 3,850/4,5
- height, m 3,0/4,5
Engine diesel V-58-7 (12V)
Power, hp 710
Fuel capacity, l 825
Speed, km/h 40
Cruising range, km 400
Time to transfer to combat position, minutes. 2

Combat duty support vehicle (MOBD)

Weight, kg 43500
- length, m 15,935
- width, m 3,23
- height, m 4,415
Power, hp 525
Cruising range, km
Type garage with sliding roof
Purpose for storing one SPU
Built, units 408
- length, m 30,4
- width, m 8,1
- height, m 7,2

Composition of connections and parts

Missile division 3-5 missile regiments
(CP and 9 SPU in each).
Regimental command post stationary and mobile
"Barrier" or "Granite"
(based on MAZ-543M).
Division composition:
- preparation and start-up group, pcs. 3
- combat control and communications group

What's next...

At the end of the 1980s, on a competitive basis, the development of a universal dual-based ICBM began - silo-based and on a mobile installation. At MIT, which traditionally dealt with soil complexes, they began to develop a mobile complex, and at the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau in Ukraine (Dnepropetrovsk) - a mine complex. But in 1991, all work was completely transferred to the Moscow Institute of Heat Engineering. The design was headed by Boris Lagutin, and after his retirement in 1997, academician Yuri Solomonov, appointed general designer of MIT.

But that is another story...
