Palm Sunday what you can do. Palm Sunday: what you can and cannot do on this day

The great Christian holiday is approaching - Palm Sunday. Orthodox Christians will celebrate it in 2017 on April 9. In order not to sin and spend it correctly, you should know what is allowed and what is prohibited to do on this holiday. Palm Sunday April 9, 2017: on this day.

Our ancestors believed that on Palm Sunday it was necessary to eat several willow buds. This increased general health, improved health and healed a sore throat. Also in the old days they baked bread, adding willow buds to it, which was then fed to domestic animals. This was done to keep the livestock healthy.

Also on this holiday, you should definitely gather for a quiet family dinner in honor of Palm Sunday. At the festive table you can taste fish and some red wine. Church, despite Lent, makes such an indulgence.

Since Palm Sunday falls during Lent, noisy celebrations by the church are not encouraged. On this day you should not abuse alcohol, have too much fun and have fun.
You should also not get carried away with work on April 9, 2017. Consideration should be given to reflection on life and prayer.

On Palm Sunday, April 9, 2017, you cannot prepare hot dishes. Therefore, you should prepare porridge, buckwheat pancakes, lean bread, and other holiday treats in advance, even the day before.

There is also a belief that you should not comb your hair on Palm Sunday. Otherwise, you can cause trouble and reduce your health.
It is strictly forbidden to use foul language or swear on a holiday.

Happy holiday!

On Sunday, April 9, exactly a week before Holy Easter, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the most significant church holidays- Palm Sunday. It is believed that on this day Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem, and the inhabitants of the holy city greeted him with palm branches. Since palm trees do not grow in Russia, and the first tree that blooms after winter is the willow, the willow branch has become the symbol of the holiday in our area.

Palm Sunday 2017: traditions as celebrated

As the diocese told News Agency, on Palm Sunday Orthodox Christians come to church with palm branches for their consecration. Before the start of the service, a procession with willow branches and candles is traditionally held around the temple or in the temple itself. This action as if symbolically representing the meeting of Jesus during his entry into Jerusalem.

After this, the believers return home and decorate the house with consecrated willow. It is important to note that willow branches should be stored throughout the year - as a sign that you, like the ancient Israelites, are ready to let Jesus into your home. In addition, it is believed that consecrated willow branches have cleansing powers and save livestock from damage, disease, evil eye, beast of prey, from evil people and evil spirits.

Palm Sunday 2017: what not to do and what to do

On this day, it is customary to please children by treating them to sweets, so that the holiday is filled with children's laughter. At the same time, it must be remembered that Palm Sunday falls during the period of Lent, therefore festive table should be covered quite modestly. However, on Sunday, April 9, there is still a relaxation - you can eat fish and drink a little red wine.

Palm Sunday 2017: congratulations, SMS

Palm Sunday
I wish you:
Stay true
You are your dreams!

Palm Sunday
It has come again
Let the flowers be the first
Love will come into the house
Joy, hope,
Every moment is full
And nature is fresh,
And the face shines!

May the Lord give you
Happiness and peace
Know the value of words
On this holiday you are a saint!

Year after year, for the umpteenth time
Comes with Palm Sunday
Savior in our City, so that we
Then save in your torment.

He is our protector, healer, friend.
He is the first among us forever.
So let everything that is around
Drown in endless love!

Palm Sunday is upon us
It came stealthily
I want to be the first to congratulate you,
May you be lucky in everything.

Let the sun smile
Let the nightingales sing
Flowers are blooming
And they bring you good things!

Congratulations on Palm Sunday,
Let all good things happen in life,
And with a light, gentle, spring wind
Luck will return soon.

May your home always be happy,
And many guests await
May you be surrounded by devoted people
And nearby there is a sea of ​​relatives and friends!

, Palm Sunday(Old Glory. Week Vaiy, lat. Dominica in Palmis de passione Domini) - a Christian holiday celebrated on the Sunday ("Week") preceding Easter Week, that is, the sixth Week.

Every sixth Sunday of Lent, exactly one week before the holiday, all Orthodox Christians celebrate Palm Sunday.

Story. The history of Palm Sunday marks the day of Jesus Christ's entry into Jerusalem for the Christian world. The rumor about the resurrection of Lazarus at the hand of Jesus spread throughout all the cities, people saw in Jesus the solution to their problems, their new ruler, the king whom they would like to see on the throne. In those days it was a custom for the ruler to ride into the city on a donkey, showing that he came in peace. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. People greeted him with palm branches, and the entire path of the Messiah's progress was covered with flowers. The palm tree in Judea was considered a symbol of virtue and closeness to God. Only kings were greeted this way. Jesus Christ knew that he was bringing people not an earthly kingdom, but a path to the salvation of their souls - the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus also knew the price he would have to pay for this.

Why then a willow and not a palm tree? Not all countries where Christianity is practiced have palm trees. Therefore, in countries they are replaced with tree branches, which are the first to bloom in the spring. Therefore, Orthodox Christians replaced palm branches with willow. In addition, among Orthodox Christians, the willow symbolizes virtue, renewal and new life.

Orthodox Christians began to call Palm Sunday, but Catholics still have the name Palm Sunday.

Signs, customs and rituals for Palm Sunday. On Palm Sunday, people bring willow branches to church to bless it. The consecrated willow branches, which are brought into the house after church, on this day are a symbol of the fact that people, just like the Jews in their time, meet Jesus Christ. Blessed willow is kept for a whole year.

Since ancient times, willow branches have been attributed healing and magical properties. The consecrated willow was considered a talisman for the whole family - they touched loved ones with a twig, wishing them health and happiness. There is a ritual when after church service When people come home, they beat each other with willow branches and say: “I don’t hit, it’s the willow that beats. Be as healthy as water and rich as the earth” or “Whip the willow - hit until you cry. Be as healthy as the willow,” etc. The meaning of the ritual is that to wish to a loved one health and well-being. And people simply believe that after such rituals, health, strength and prosperity will come to a person. Palm branches decorate the icons in the house. This ritual should bring happiness, prosperity and health to every inhabitant of the house.

On Palm Sunday, it is customary to pat little children with bunches of willow that were blessed in the temple so that they do not get sick throughout the year and grow up healthy.

Swallowing palm buds on Palm Sunday was known in Ukraine, where children ate the buds “so that their throat wouldn’t hurt.”

It is also believed to have healing properties and the water in which the branches of the consecrated willow stood - they bathed sick children in it and believed that the disease would thus recede. On Palm Sunday, healers made various decoctions and powders from willow for a variety of diseases throughout the year. In the old days, this was how many diseases were treated.

On this day, men wore willow buds as a talisman to give physical strength boys, and girls - to help conceive a child.

Traditionally, on this day you can eat delicious dishes, and please the kids with sweets. But, since the holiday falls during Lent, dairy and meat products should not be placed on the holiday table. On this day you can eat fish and drink a little red wine.

According to ancient legends, on this day no one drove cattle out into the street, as they believed that they would definitely be spoiled evil spirits. And the girls on Palm Sunday always combed their hair, saying: “Water, go to the ground along with your headache.” And then they put the comb in water and watered the willow with this water.

Happy Palm Week, especially last days her, there are many signs associated with the weather and the future harvest. In the old days they believed that whatever wind blew on Palm Sunday, it would be like that all summer, but if the weather was warm and clear on that day, then the whole village would prepare to collect good harvest fruit. If “it’s frosty on Verbnaya, spring bread will be good.”

On Palm Sunday you cannot work, swear or be offended.

Photo: iStock/Global Images Ukraine

Palm Sunday: what date is it in 2017?

On April 9, 2017, Orthodox believers around the world celebrate Palm Sunday. This holiday has a variable date and is celebrated seven days before Easter, on the 6th Sunday of Lent. According to church calendar Palm Sunday refers to the great twelve solemnities and is called the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

Palm Sunday 2017: history of the holiday

According to biblical tradition, after Christ raised Lazarus from Bethany, rumors about him spread to many cities. The Savior rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, accompanied by the apostles, and the Jews recognized Jesus as the Messiah, who would deliver them from sin, death and slavery. People showered Christ's path with flowers, palm branches, and also laid clothes at His feet.

Palm Sunday 2017: traditions and customs

IN Orthodox churches On Palm Sunday, palm branches are blessed, and in our latitudes they are replaced by willow trees - willow, willow, willow, which are the first to bloom and sprout. This use of willow during services gave the holiday its name in our country.

Palm Sunday 2017 begins to be celebrated the day before, on Saturday. People went to church for an all-night vigil. Also on the eve of the holiday, believers prepare willow branches, which, by the way, should be cut from young trees where there are no hollows, broken or dried shoots. It is also not recommended to use trees that grow near cemeteries or bodies of water. Then people bring the blessed branches home and place them in the corner near the icons.

By folk tradition With these branches one should easily whip the children and adult members of the family, saying: “I don’t hit, it’s the willow that hits!” It was believed that such a ritual helps protect against the evil eye and evil spirits.

On Palm Sunday, young girls cast love spells on their future husbands, and in some regions they organize bazaars or fairs.

Palm Sunday 2017: what can you eat?

Palm Sunday invariably falls during the Great Forty Days of Lent before Easter. However, on this day some food allowances are allowed: fish is allowed.

On Palm Sunday it was also customary to cook vegetable salads, stew with the addition of peas, beans, corn, beans, lentils, porridge from a mixture of cereals. A very popular product during fasting is mushrooms.

For dessert they serve fruit, lean marshmallows, jam, marmalade, halva, dark chocolate, and cookies. Traditional drinks are jelly, compotes, and uzvars. Also, on Palm Sunday, a small amount of red Cahors is not forbidden.

Palm Sunday 2017: traditions and customs, what not to do?

On Palm Sunday it is forbidden to do housework: cleaning, washing, washing dishes. It is also not advisable to cook hot dishes. It is not recommended to sew, knit, embroider, or comb your head. You cannot engage in heavy physical labor: chopping wood, working in the garden. On Palm Sunday you cannot quarrel, swear obscenely, wish evil, or think about bad things. It is also better to refrain from watching TV, computer games, noisy feasts.

Palm Sunday 2017: signs

Good weather on Palm Sunday promises a good fruit harvest.

It is believed that in order for there to be prosperity and prosperity in the house, on this day it is necessary to plant or replant indoor flower. If it grows well, then you should expect profit, and if it withers, prepare for losses.

A girl who wants to get married should break branches on a young willow tree before dawn, place them at the head of the bed and think about her loved one all day.

Before committing an important task, you need to eat three willow buds stored on Palm Sunday. They can attract good luck.

Orthodox Christians celebrate many different church holidays. Palm Sunday is one of them. This important date in the calendar, especially revered in the Orthodox world.

Palm Sunday is a moving holiday, that is, it does not have a specific date and depends on the celebration of Easter. In 2017 it will take place on April 9. On this day, people bring blessed willow branches from the church, as a symbol of the sacrifice of our God for all humanity.

History and traditions of the holiday

On this bright day, Jesus visited Jerusalem, and the people greeted him with palm branches. In our country, a willow is used instead of a palm tree - its branches are covered with peculiar flowers in early spring. However, Palm Sunday is also a sad date, because Jesus was forced to die to atone for the sin of mankind, amid the cries of a greedy crowd opposed to the Messiah.

Before coming to the city, Jesus performed a miracle. On his way to Jerusalem, he stopped at the house of Lazarus, who lived with his sisters. Four days before Jesus appeared, he died, and the Son of God, learning about the grief, went to his tomb and raised Lazarus.

In Jerusalem itself, he saw that the temple of God was used not only for prayers and cleansing of the soul, but also as a trading premises. There were shops with various goods, as well as livestock brought in for sale. It was also possible to exchange money in the temple. Seeing this attitude, Jesus became angry and drove out all the merchants, overturning the trays of goods.

On Sunday night, Orthodox Christians come to church services: throughout the entire service they hold lighted candles in their hands in memory of how Jesus entered Jerusalem. They also bring willow branches with them, which the priest sprinkles with holy water. These bouquets will stand in a place of honor in the home of every Orthodox Christian for a whole year, protecting household members from troubles and adversity.

Celebration of this date is usually held in quiet family circle. The clergy call on all Orthodox Christians on this great day to renounce the sinful world and devote more time to prayer in order to properly prepare for the celebration of Easter. Palm Sunday falls during Lent, but in honor of the holiday, Christians are allowed to eat fish.

Spend Palm Sunday in devotion. Avoid conflicts and bad language and, together with your family, ask God for forgiveness not only for your sins, but also for the entire human race. We wish you peace and love, and don't forget to press the buttons and
