Anna Sedokova - biography, information, personal life. Anna Sedokova: beautiful and strong woman New song by Anya Sedakova

Anna Vladimirovna Sedokova (b. 1982) is a popular Russian and Ukrainian pop singer, actress, and television presenter. Former member of the “golden” lineup of the Ukrainian pop group “Via-Gra” (2002-2004). She is engaged in literary activities and has published the book “The Art of Seduction.”


Anya was born in the Ukrainian city of Kyiv on December 16, 1982.
Her mother, Svetlana Georgievna, was engaged in teaching, teaching children English and music. She met her husband, Vladimir Lvovich Sedokov, in the city of Tomsk, where both were from. They left their hometown due to difficult relationships between their families.

Anya’s mother’s parents were people of modest means - her grandmother worked as a radiologist, her grandfather was a photographer. Dad’s family, on the contrary, was very wealthy, my grandparents had professorial titles, and it was they who opposed the future daughter-in-law. Then Anya’s parents decided to move to another city and chose the Ukrainian capital. There they got married and gave birth to two children (Ani also has an older brother, Maxim).

When the girl was five years old, her father left the family. To feed two children, my mother had to work two jobs. After school music lessons, she also gave private English lessons in the evenings. It was not easy for the woman, because in Kyiv she had neither relatives nor close friends. Little Anya was taken to Tomsk by her grandmother, but then her father arrived and took her daughter to Kyiv.

After some time, the girl returned to her mother again, having lost contact with her father for almost twenty years. Dad tried to contact Anya by email when she was already married and expecting her first child. He wrote her a message, but the singer did not consider it necessary to respond, as she considered it disrespectful to her mother. In 2010, Anya learned that her father had died.

School years

When it was time to go to school, Mom sent Anya to several sections at once. This was the only and reliable way to keep the girl occupied so that she would not be idle or wander around the street. Anya tried all the clubs that were nearby - drawing, embroidery, dancing, athletics. She also studied at a music school, from which she graduated with honors in piano. But the teachers of the circle immediately appreciated Sedokova’s dancing abilities, and soon the girl was transferred to the Ukrainian folk ensemble “Svitanok”. I had to get to rehearsals by two buses and a metro, so Anya had no time left for walks in the yard.

At school, Sedokova was not popular among her classmates - she was an excellent student, and on top of that, she was the daughter of a teacher. The guys were in no hurry to communicate with her, because they were afraid that she might pawn her mother. As a teenager, Anya did not shine with external appearance, so the company did not particularly call her. There was only one thing left to do - study.

Higher education and first job

Sedokova graduated from school with a gold medal, and the girl was faced with questions: Where to go next? What can I do? Who to become in life?

Anya thought that she could sing and dance well, and applied to the theater institute. When I went to the audition, I borrowed fashionable and expensive things from my friends. But in both the first and second rounds she was given C grades. The girl was upset and decided that she was completely untalented and had nothing to do at the theater institute. Only later did she realize that her grades had been lowered on purpose, because applicants with a minimum number of points could get into the paid department. Judging by her clothes (rented from her friends), the commission probably decided that everything was in order in this family with money, they could study on a paid basis.

All in tears in the pouring rain, the girl took her certificate and wandered to the Kiev National University of Culture and Art, choosing her specialty as “Actor and TV presenter.” Here Anya passed all exams with excellent marks and became a student. This was the first experience in her life of never giving up.

From the age of fifteen, the girl made a firm decision: her mother would no longer work alone in the family. Anya was constantly looking for some part-time work. By the age of sixteen, she had turned from an ordinary teenage girl into such a beauty that it was not difficult for her to get a job in a modeling agency.

Anna combined her studies at the university with work in a nightclub. She deceived the management, saying that she was already an adult, and she was accepted for the position of presenter. She went on stage and announced who would now sing for the visitors of the establishment. For one working day she was paid 25 dollars, and at that time this was fabulous money for their family. At four in the morning she returned home by taxi and at the same time prayed to God for only one thing - not to fall asleep in the car. Young Anya was afraid that if she fell asleep, the taxi driver would certainly take her somewhere into a dark forest. At home, I then dozed off for a couple of hours and hurried to the university for classes.

Later, Anya began working as a journalist on television. On the music channel “O-TV” she was offered to host the program “O-TV Models”. The bright, beautiful girl quickly attracted attention. Soon she was invited to the New Channel to host the morning show “Rise.” In parallel with this work and study at the Super-Nova radio, Sedokova hosted the show “Bachelorette Party”.

Anna graduated from the university with honors, but by that time the best female pop group in the post-Soviet space “Via-Gra”, recognition, fame, popularity, millions of fans and the title of the sexiest singer had already firmly entered her life.


At the beginning of 2000, Sedokova took part in the casting for the pop group Via-Gra. Anna did not set any specific goals for herself; at that time she was already studying and working part-time in a nightclub. I just decided to give it a try, and round after round I got almost to the final audition.

Anya was told that she was suitable, but they did not call again. As it turned out later, the girl was too young, she was not yet eighteen years old.

A year has passed, Sedokova has already forgotten to think about “Via-Gra”, she worked as the host of a morning show on Ukrainian television. And then one day Dmitry Kostyuk (the creator and general producer of the group) called her and said: “Come, we are waiting for you.”

The group at that time had two members - blonde Alena Vinnitskaya and brunette Tatyana Naynik, who replaced Nadezhda Granovskaya, who had gone on maternity leave. But the creators came up with the idea of ​​turning the duet into a trio and needed another singer - a red-haired one. Anya very quickly became the leader of the group. And soon the composition of the team changed: Nadya Granovskaya came out of maternity leave, and Vera Brezhneva came instead of Alena Vinnitskaya. It is these three performers that fans of the group and journalists will later call the strongest, sexiest and most successful in the entire history of the group - the “golden” line-up of Via-Gra.

Their songs instantly occupied the top lines of the Russian charts and brought the group prestigious awards and prizes:

  • "Stop! Stop! Stop!";
  • “Don’t leave me, my love!”;
  • "I didn't understand";
  • "Kill my friend";
  • "Ocean and Three Rivers";
  • “There is no more attraction.”

All the work in the Via-Gra group became a real thrill for Anya. They worked as many concerts a day as the producer told them. It may have been difficult, but thanks to Konstantin Meladze in the world of show business, the girls were able to jump over a thousand steps in an instant. Yesterday they were still singing in the kitchen, and today they have concerts in the Kremlin, their voices were heard from all radio stations.

But in 2004, the “golden” line-up of Via-Gra broke up, as Anya met her first true love and was expecting a child.

Solo career and other projects

Anna wanted to devote herself entirely to family life, but her beloved husband did not need such sacrifices. Then the singer decided to return to the stage. She took the pseudonym Annabelle (derived from her first and last name in marriage - Anna Belkevich). In 2006, the premiere of her song “My Heart” took place.

Since 2008, she began to work fruitfully on television. Russian Channel One invited Sedokova to host the project “King of the Ring,” and on Ukrainian television Anya hosted the show “TV Star – Superstar.” She also, at the invitation of Ilya Averbukh, took part in the Ice Age 2 program, where she skated together with figure skater Andrei Khvalko.

In the same 2008, a video was released for Anna’s new musical composition “I’m getting used to it”; this song brought her a diploma from the festival “New Songs about the Main Thing”. At the end of the year, Sedokova was recognized as the sexiest presenter in Russia and the most stylish presenter in Ukraine.

In 2009, Anya took part in the television project “Two Stars”, where she sang in a duet with showman, Comedy Club resident Vadim Galygin. Sedokova also presented two new songs “Selyavi” and “Frozen Heart”. And she continued to collect titles and titles; this year Anna was recognized as the most desirable TV presenter in Russia and the best TV personality in the country.

90% of men's magazine readers wanted to see only Anya on the covers. She did not torment her fans with long waits; she starred for Maxim and Playboy publications.

World cinema star Antonio Banderas chose Sedokova for a photo shoot, during which he presented his signature line of women’s perfume “Queen of Seduction.”

In 2010, the singer shared the result of her literary work with fans; her book “The Art of Seduction” appeared on store shelves. On Ukrainian television, Anya took part in the project “Star + Star”, her partner was actor Viktor Loginov. In Los Angeles, Sedokova began studying acting at Scott Sedita's studio.

In 2011, the comedy film “Pregnant” was released on Russian screens, where Anya played one of the main roles.

Personal life

In the summer of 2004, Sedokova married the famous Ukrainian football player, captain of the Dynamo (Kyiv) team Valentin Belkevich. For her, this was her first true love, which was supposed to last forever. The singer sacrificed a successful stage career for the sake of her loved one, and in December 2004 gave her husband a daughter, Alina. She really wanted great female happiness, an ideal family and a cozy home.

The couple lived in a rented apartment. Anya wanted to constantly please her husband, give gifts, and prepare culinary delights for him. She generously spent the money she earned at Via-Gra on Valik.

But no matter how hard the singer tried, she couldn’t build a good family. Immediately after the wedding, my husband began to come home with traces of someone else’s lipstick on his clothes. Anya endured this for a long time, and at the beginning of 2006 the couple announced a divorce. The parting was also darkened by the fact that there was almost no money left in her account; generous and open, she spent everything on her family.

Sedokova took out a loan from the bank to buy an apartment and started working hard. The word “alimony” was unfamiliar to her; Anya raised and raised the baby alone. In the summer of 2014, her first husband Valentin Belkevich suddenly died from acute blockage of a blood vessel with a blood clot.

Anya married for the second time in February 2011 to businessman Maxim Chernyavsky. He was the manager of the Grand Prix races, lived in Los Angeles, and Sedokova moved to the USA. The lovers got married in this country, and their daughter Monica was born here in a California medical center in July 2011. But this marriage also turned out to be short-lived; Anya and Maxim lived only two years. They managed to separate peacefully and communicate normally after the divorce.

Anya remained to live in America. It was very difficult, two children, no relatives or loved ones nearby. She constantly traveled for work, either to Russia or to Ukraine, while the children remained with a nanny. At the same time, Anna never allowed herself to speak badly to her children about their dads.

In April 2017, the singer became a mother for the third time; in an American clinic, Anya gave birth to a boy, whom she named Hector. The child’s father is the son of an oligarch, the owner of a pipe-rolling plant in Chelyabinsk, Artyom Komarov, he is nine years younger than Sedokova.

Now Anya has a small business, she has developed her own line of women's and children's clothing. I made the first sketches myself, sitting in my kitchen at home in Los Angeles. Then she hired a manager and a seamstress and set up an office. Now it already has thousands of customers and representative offices in the USA, Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan. Anya has mastered the 1C accounting program and handles all financial transactions independently. I had to become a little tougher, sometimes I have to fire people so that they don’t sit on my head.

Show business stars often appear on TV screens. The psychology of many people is structured this way: seeing that someone managed to achieve popularity, fame and money, but they did not, justifications for success flow like a river: rich and influential parents, everything was bought through bed. But not many people would realize that a person has overcome many difficulties to become what he is now. A striking example of this is Anna Sedokova.

The popular singer has gone through a lot in her life; we can say that she is the creator of her own happiness. After all, Anna Sedokova did not encounter miracles. There was some special spirit in her that made her move on, not sit in one place and rely only on her own strength. And, probably, this was facilitated by childhood, which was not so rosy and happy. Namely, it is during this period that important qualities are laid down that predetermine the behavior and reaction of people to life events.

Anna Sedokova was born on a cold winter day in 1982 in her hometown of Kyiv. But the parents themselves were from Russia, from Tomsk, and lived there for a long time. The plans did not include moving to another republic, but circumstances turned out differently: as in William Shakespeare’s famous tragedy “Romeo and Juliet,” a conflict arose between the lovers and the older generation, which predetermined living in another part of the world.

The two families were completely different, far from each other: the parents on my mother’s side were not very wealthy and lived modestly, but my father’s parents were wealthy people, highly respected in society. They were actively involved in science and wanted to see next to their son a daughter-in-law of the same level as himself. But love knows no boundaries, so the lovers literally fled to Ukraine to build their happiness.

But this happiness was short-lived; three-year-old Anechka’s parents quarreled in front of her eyes and soon divorced. The mother was left alone with two children (Ani had an older brother, Maxim) and was forced to cope with all the difficulties on her own, because there were no close people nearby.

The girl wandered from place to place, at first she lived with her maternal grandmother in Tomsk, later her father took her in, but ultimately Anya lived with her mother. True, she saw her very rarely, in the morning and towards night, since her mother disappeared at work around the clock to give everything her children needed.

From a very early age, Anechka studied music; it was her mother, having a musical education, who instilled in her daughter a love for the world of sounds. At first these were home lessons with my mother, and later classes at a music school. The girl had many hobbies, one of them was dancing. Anna Sedokova was part of a folk ensemble, studying in which she got the opportunity to see half the world with her own eyes, going on tour.

At a more conscious age, in order to help her mother financially, the girl looked for a job. Sixteen-year-old Anna was not hired for a serious position, so she tried her hand at various fields: she was a model, organized parties and hosted them herself as a host. But after graduating from school, the series of part-time jobs ended, the girl entered Kiev University to major in “Television and Radio Announcer” and already during her studies she found a job in her specialty.

Her place of work was the O-TV channel, thanks to which Sedokova began to gain her small fame. Rare live broadcasts were replaced by constant work as the main presenter. This progress made Anna very happy, but she knew that this was not her ceiling, and she was right.

Career at VIA Gre

Constantly striving for something more, Anna Sedokova joined the team of the VIA Gra group. It was not easy, strict selection and 200 worthy rivals, but only one girl was needed. As a participant in this project, Anna received the popularity she had always dreamed of. After some time, Sedokova received an interesting offer, to work as a presenter on a major channel in the program “Rise!” The girl left her singing career and returned to television.

But VIA Gra returned to Sedokova’s life more than once. Anna again became one of the three spectacular participants. The group was distinguished by its sexuality, and this was its definite highlight. Anna Sedokova was offered cooperation by the very famous men's magazine Playboy.

The girl was not interested in nude photo shoots, but she was so popular and loved by Russian men that the magazine made an exception and allowed Anna to shoot in a way that suited her. It was this issue that gained the greatest sales during the entire existence of Playboy.

“VIA Gra” gave a lot to Sedokova, but she decided that it was time to start something new, something of her own, and actively began a solo career. This was a firm and conscious decision, so serious work awaited the girl. It began with the choice of a pseudonym; it was under the name Annabel Sedokova that she released her first songs. Soon a video was recorded for the song “My Heart”, which became the very first.

The singer’s career took off, and Anna Sedokova began collaborating with a large recording company, recording the second song “The Best Girl”, and later filming a video for it. The singer did not expect such success, because there is a lot of competition in this area, but she was developing a solo career and had already planned the release of her first album. The lucrative offer that Anna Sedokova receives forces her to leave her job as a singer for an indefinite period.

Other facets of talent: films, careers as a radio host and TV presenter

The return to television began with the “King of the Ring” program, for which Channel One invited Sedokova to become the host. Ukrainian television also became interested in the popular and ambitious girl. Anna did not miss this opportunity and tried with all her might to participate in several projects at the same time.

In an effort to try her hand wherever possible, the singer becomes a participant in the show “Ice Age 2”. Having mastered skating at a professional level, Anna Sedokova takes to the ice together with experienced figure skater Andrei Khvalko. The girl also tries her hand as an actress and plays one of the roles in the Ukrainian television series “The Power of Attraction”, and very successfully, because in the future this is not Sedokova’s only acting work.

Anna’s career has not seen such a rise as at the moment, because they wanted to see her in many serious and large projects. So Channel One again offers Anna Sedokova to collaborate, and she becomes a participant in the “Two Stars” music program.

The idea of ​​the TV show itself is very interesting: famous singers perform duets of songs from past years with completely ordinary people who have a love for music. The judges of the program evaluate the performance of both, and it may turn out that the amateur surpasses the one who plays music at a professional level.

Little by little, the girl returns to her solo career, recording the song “Selyavi”, which was played for the first time by Russian Radio. This composition occupied an important place in the singer’s life, because she poured her soul into it and wrote it on her own. And a little later, Love Radio presented the release of a new song “Frozen” - a collaboration between Anna Sedokova and rapper Dzhigan.

Writer - why not?

“The Art of Seduction” was warmly received by society and widely read. In the book, Anna Sedokova shared the most important advice that she came to on her own - to know what you want, down to the smallest detail.

For her rich creative experience and extensive career, Anna Sedokova has received many awards. The singer won her very first victory in 2008 on the project “New Songs about the Main Thing,” where her composition “I’m Getting Used” took honorable first place.

Then more than once she was awarded the title of the sexiest and most stylish TV presenter. She was nominated as “Best Female Video” at the Muz-TV channel awards, and also in 2016, she was included in the “Woman of the Year” category in Glamor magazine. The list of awards and nominations can be continued for a long time, because it is very voluminous.

Personal life, family and children

Anna Sedokova's personal life is as eventful as her career. It all started with meeting Valentin Belkevich, who played for the Dynamo football team. It was he who became the singer’s first husband and gave her a beautiful daughter, Alina. But the happiness did not last long, and the couple broke up. Soon the reason for the divorce was announced in the press: Valentin maintained a love relationship with his former lover, which is why, naturally, he was rejected by Anna.

The second husband was Maxim Chernyavsky, a young businessman who later starred in the popular show “The Bachelor” on the TNT channel. Having met Maxim, Anna was forced to periodically fly to Los Angeles with her daughter, because the businessman’s house was located there. A daughter, Monica, was born, but her parents soon divorced.

Anna Sedokova became a happy mother of many children. In a relationship with singer Artyom Komarov, she had a son, Hector.


At the moment, Anna Sedokova is not in a relationship; she devotes herself entirely to raising children. He is engaged in the promotion and development of his solo career, releasing worthy compositions. He is working on releasing new albums and delighting his listeners.

Anna Sedokova is a Ukrainian singer, former member of the pop trio “VIA Gra”. Now he is confidently building a solo career.

Childhood and family

Anna Vladimirovna Sedokova was born on December 16, 1982 in Kyiv. Her parents moved to the Ukrainian capital from Tomsk. The Sedokovs were forced to exchange the Russian city for a Ukrainian one by the complex relations between the families of Anna’s parents. As Anya Sedokova recalls, the situation between mom and dad was standard:

“Mom’s parents, grandfather a photographer, grandmother a radiologist, lived, one might say, meagerly. My dad, on the contrary, had a very wealthy family. My paternal grandparents are professors. They categorically opposed their son's future marriage. And then dad and mom decided to flee to distant lands, to Kyiv.”

When the future artist was three years old, her father left the family. The singer’s mother was left alone with two children – little Anya and eldest son Maxim. However, Anya lived with her grandmother in Tomsk for some time, after which her father took her. The girl did not live with her father for long; as a result, she remained with her mother, who taught English and music and spent almost all her time at work to provide for her two children.

Almost from the cradle, Anya Sedokova began studying music and dancing. The girl graduated from school with a gold medal. Simultaneously with general education, she graduated from music school. For the first time, the future celebrity appeared on stage as a member of the folk ensemble “Svitanok”. As part of this dance group, Anya toured half the world.

The future star had a difficult childhood. They lived in a disadvantaged area near Lake Raduzhnoe. Her mother had no relatives in Kyiv, and so that the girl would not get bored at home alone, she was enrolled in all kinds of clubs. In addition to the above-mentioned dances and music, embroidery and athletics were added. “In a word, I didn’t have a childhood as such,” admits Anna. They didn’t like her at school: she wasn’t a beauty, and many were afraid to be friends with the teacher’s daughter.

First steps to glory

From the age of 16, Anna Sedokova was constantly looking for part-time work. The underage girl tried herself as a model, organizer and host of parties in nightclubs, sang in restaurants, earning $25 per evening - a lot of money at that time.

The girl entered the Kiev National University of Culture and Art and graduated from the university with a degree in television and radio announcer. While studying, Anna continued to sing in clubs and restaurants, returning home at 4 am, and in the morning she ran to class.

Success came to Anna Sedokova when she worked on the O-TV channel. In just a year, the girl rose from a simple participant in live broadcasts to a permanent presenter.

"VIA Gra"

The girl gained fame from her participation in the pop group of Konstantin Meladze “VIA Gra”. The girl passed a tough selection at the castings - out of 200 applicants, she was chosen. However, the girl did not stay long in the trio and, after a rapid rise up together with VIA Groi, she returned to television, becoming a co-host of Maxim Nelipa in the program “Rise!” on the New Channel. She combined this work with her studies at the university. Workdays did not prevent Anya from receiving a diploma with honors.

The VIA Gra group appeared in Sedokova’s life again in 2002. She replaced Nadezhda Meikher, who left the group due to pregnancy. For two years, the girl, as part of a sexy group, one of the members of which at that time was the famous Vera Brezhneva, recorded songs such as “Stop-stop-stop”, “Kill my friend ", "Don't leave me, my love", "There is no more attraction", "The Third Ocean". In addition to singing songs, Anya was involved in staging and directing the group’s performances.

VIA Gra – Biology

Thanks to her spectacular appearance, Anya became a regular guest of glossy magazines. Only for her sake did the Russian Playboy organize a photo shoot without a full nude. This issue with dressed Sedokova on the cover broke all sales records.

Solo career

At the peak of her popularity in the VIA Gra group, Anna Sedokova began a relationship with Dynamo football player Valery Belkevich. Having made a choice in favor of family happiness, she left the group. Immediately after leaving the team, Anya starred for the glossy men's magazine Maxim. The photo shoot turned out to be more than piquant - the girl was four months pregnant.

After VIA Gra, the singer begins a solo career. In April 2006, a girl under the pseudonym Annabelle released a video for the song “My Heart.” And for the first time, after a break, Anna Sedokova appeared on stage in September of the same year at the “Five Stars” festival in Sochi. There the singer becomes the winner of the Audience Award. Before the new year 2007, Sedokova passed the casting and became the host of the program on Channel One “New Songs about the Main Thing”.

Anna Sedokova and MONATIK - Hush

A little later, Anna signs a contract with the recording company Real Records and releases a video for the song “The Best Girl.” Her solo career began to gain momentum, the release of her first album had already been announced, but due to personal reasons (read about them below), Anna took a creative time-out.

In 2008, the singer received an offer to become a co-host of the “King of the Ring” show on Channel One. In parallel with this, Anna manages to host the Ukrainian show “TV Star - Superstar”. Anna Sedokova also finds time for Ilya Averbukh’s project “Ice Age 2”. Professional figure skater Andrei Khvalko was chosen as the artist’s skating partner. Also in 2008, Anya shot a video for the song “I’m getting used to it” and starred in the Ukrainian TV series “Power of Attraction”.

“Ice Age”: Anna Sedokova and Andrey Khvalko

Anya’s career is going uphill by leaps and bounds and the girl is in great demand at various shows. So, already in March 2009, Sedokova participated in the musical project of Channel One “Two Stars”, where Vadim Galygin became her microphone partner. And a few months later, Anna’s new song “Selyavi” (later “Drama”) was presented on Russian Radio.

By the way, the author of the song was the singer herself and her music producer Dmitry Klimashenko. Some time later, Anna Sedokova pleased fans with another hit - the premiere of the composition “Frozen Heart”, which was recorded in a duet with Dzhigan, took place on Love Radio. In the same year, Anya’s next success as an actress followed - the girl starred in the film “Moskva.RU”, and donated the received fee to charity.

Other facets of talent

In March 2010, Anna made her debut as a writer. The girl publishes the book “The Art of Seduction,” which is in great demand among fans. In the same year, two videos of Anna Sedokova were released simultaneously - “Drama” and “Frozen”, and the girl performed in the Ukrainian analogue of the show “Two Stars” together with Viktor Loginov. In October, the singer goes on a big tour of the cities of the CIS countries with a new show program.

After leaving VIA Gra, Anna Sedokova reunited with the group only once - in November 2010 at an anniversary concert in Ukraine. The girl, together with her former colleagues, sang several songs, and the audience greeted the singer with a storm of applause, as if they were just waiting for her to come out.

Anna Sedokova - Heart in bandages

At the end of 2010, Anna shot a video for the song “Jealousy,” which has a fairly frank plot and obvious hints of lesbian love. The working video and photo reports from the set caused a scandal, and the clip was urgently re-edited for showing on TV channels.

By the way, last year Anya consolidated her acting experience with a role in the comedy “Pregnant”, starring together with Dmitry Dyuzhev and Mikhail Galustyan. In the film, the girl got the main role.

In the fall of 2011, Anna became the host of the Russian version of the reality show “Project Podium,” which premiered on October 8, 2011 on the MTV Russia channel. On January 31, 2012, the premiere of the song “Taxi” took place on First Popular Radio. On September 11, the premiere of the video for the song “What have I done?” took place, and in November - the premiere of the video for the song “Unsafe,” sung together with Misha Krupin.

In 2013, Sedokova, together with Zhan Alibekov, was the host of the Kazakh reality show “The Seventh Race,” an analogue of the “Battle of Psychics” project.

In 2014, a new show “I want to go to Meladze” was released, where participants competed for the opportunity to become members of Meladze’s “M-BAND” group. Anna Sedokova was present among the mentors, but due to a conflict situation with her other colleagues, the singer had to leave the show. Sedokova still managed to cope with her emotions and returned, and her team reached the final, losing to Sergei Lazarev.

In March 2016, the singer released her debut solo album “Personal”. The album includes 10 compositions. The lyrics of many songs are excerpts from Sedokova’s personal diaries. All odd-numbered tracks on the album were called "Day (day number) without you." The album was dedicated to her father, who abandoned their family, and her ex-men.

Anna Sedokova - About you (2016)

2017 was marked by the release of the live album “The Present” - 12 old and new songs recorded from a live performance.

Personal life of Anna Sedokova

Anna Sedokova's first husband was Dynamo football player Valentin Belkevich. It was because of the relationship with this young man that the girl left the popular trio “VIA Gra”. In 2004, the singer gave birth to the athlete’s daughter Alina.

After the birth of the child, information began to appear in the press about a crack in the marriage of celebrities. In 2006, Sedokova and Belkevich filed for divorce. The reason soon became clear - the football player cheated on his wife with his former mistress. For the next two years, Anna disappeared from the media radar, then returned to duty.

In 2014, 41-year-old Valentin died due to a detached blood clot. Anna, who maintained a friendly relationship with her first husband, was heartbroken. In 2019, she won a lawsuit for the inheritance, for which she fought with Belkevich’s common-law wife.

Having recovered from her first divorce, the girl began to actively organize her personal life. Anna met a successful businessman, Formula 1 manager Maxim Chernyavsky. A young man of Ukrainian origin lived in Los Angeles, where Anya and her daughter often came.

In February 2011 they got married. 5 months later, their daughter Monica was born in a California clinic.

Anna Sedokova's second marriage lasted exactly two years. After the separation, Anna accused her ex-husband of cheating on her with another former Viagrian woman, Santa Dimopoulos, although she disowned her relationship with Chernyavsky: “I supported the Sedokova-Chernyavsky couple with all my heart, and I’m offended that now Anna is saying such things about me.”

The current communication between Sedokova and Chernyavsky cannot be called friendly. For the sake of their common daughter, they sometimes “reunited” for a short time, as happened on Monica’s 4th birthday. However, later Chernyavsky limited her communication with the baby. After much debate, Anna managed to agree that Monica would spend the summer with her, with the exception of three weeks, and the rest of the time she could come to her in California. Chernyavsky also insisted that Sedokova not post photos of their daughter on Instagram.

For about three years, Sedokova was in a close relationship with dancer and choreographer Sergei Guman. The couple quarreled and made up, but in 2016 Anna put an end to the relationship, simply tired of the busy schedule of concerts, filming, flights and raising her daughters.

In April 2017, Anna Sedokova gave birth to a son, who received the exotic name Hector. The father of the child was the singer’s fiancé Artem Komarov (9 years younger than Anna). Alas, this union was destined for a short life - in August 2017, fans learned about the breakup of Anna and Artem.

In September 2019, Internet users figured out the name of Anna Sedokova’s new boyfriend from a beach photo from Turkey and were indignant. The singer's lover turned out to be Latvian basketball player Janis Timma. The outrage was caused not by the fact that the guy is almost 9 years younger than Anna, but by the fact that he has a wife and a small son.

Sana Timma, the deceived wife of the athlete, made an angry statement, calling Sedokova a “bitch” and saying that her husband, who was carried away by the singer, kicked her and her son out of the house. In response, Anna threatened Sanya with legal action.

Anna Sedokova now

Now Anna Sedokova is torn between raising children and a solo career. The latest studio album at the moment is “On the Outside” (2017). The album includes 12 tracks, including a duet with Artem Pivovarov.

In 2018, Anna appeared in Ida Galich’s video for the song “Find You,” and in 2019 she delighted fans with her own videos: the lyrical “Santa Barbara” and the provocative video “YAM.”

Anna Sedokova – JAMMAT

Anna Sedokova is a popular pop singer, talented actress, TV presenter, native Kiev born on December 16, 1982.


The story of the relationship between the girl's parents could be suitable for writing a novel. They met and fell in love in distant Tomsk. The romance was passionate, and the young people soon wanted to get married. But the parents of the future spouse stood in the way. They believed that a simple girl from a poor family by those standards was not a match for their wealthy professorial son.

Anna in her youth

When it turned out that the fruit of their love would soon be born, the future parents of the star packed their bags and left for Ukraine to build a full-fledged family for the unborn child. After some time, little Maximka (Anna’s older brother) was born, and soon Anechka was born.

But the parents’ marriage still broke up. When Anya was still very young, her father left the family. Mom was forced to work two jobs to feed her daughter and son, so she sent Anechka to her grandmother in Tomsk.

After some time, her father came for her and took her to Kyiv again. But very quickly he declared that he could not take care of his daughter and returned her to her mother. Anya considered this a betrayal and stopped all communication with her father.

The girl’s artistic talent manifested itself very early, and her mother did everything possible to develop the girl’s abilities. She collected money and bought the baby a piano, which Anya had dreamed of since early childhood. The girl went to regular and music schools at the same time. And a year before school, she began dancing in the best Kiev children's ensemble “Svitanok”.

The girl saw what enormous efforts it took her mother to provide her and her brother with everything they needed, and she tried very hard not to upset her. Anya graduated with honors from both schools, and from the age of 15 she worked part-time as a model, collaborating with several agencies.

Anna decided to continue her studies at the Institute of Culture in the acting department. She even managed to enter the budget department, having gone through all the difficulties of pre-selection.

Carier start

In 2000, he conceived a new musical project, for which he needed talented and sexy singers. He arranged a casting in one of the Kyiv clubs, where young Anya came. That year she was not accepted into the group solely because she was a minor.

The project involved participation in fairly candid photos and videos. Anya was extremely upset. But she had no idea what surprise awaited her soon.

In 2002, the producers themselves found her. During the formation of the group, the composition of the group changed quite often, and Melazde was in search of a new performer. He called Sedokova and, without auditioning, invited her to become part of the team. Anna was simply beside herself with happiness. The Sedokova-Brezhnev-Granovskaya trio is still considered the best line-up of VIA-GRA.

With the group, the girl traveled almost half the world and very quickly became super popular. At the same time, he starred for advertisements and glossy magazines. She still recalls her period of work at VIA-GRE as one of the most striking episodes of her life.

But when she found out she was pregnant in 2004, she had to choose between continuing her career and having a child. Anna made a choice in favor of her family and left the group.

Solo career

But the talented performer simply could not live without a stage for long. Two years after the birth of the baby, Anna again appears on the stage with her debut solo song “My Heart”.

To return, she chose the creative pseudonym Annabelle, but somehow it did not catch on. And already in the fall, at the Sochi song festival, Anna appeared on stage under her own name. There she received the audience award.

The same song brought her a diploma from the most prestigious music television festival in the country, “Song of the Year.” At the same time, Anna worked as a TV presenter in several music programs at once. And since December 2006, she began hosting “New Songs about the Main Thing.”

In addition, the singer regularly appears in Russian and Ukrainian star television projects. She even tried her hand as a producer in Igor Kondratyuk’s project “Chance”, and then became an integral part of another television project “I Want to Melazda!” By the way, she still has very good relations with the former producer and other members of VIA-GRA.

Personal life

It was his personal life that became the reason for Sedokov’s break with the legendary group VIA-GRA. According to the contract that the girls signed, they had no right to get married or become pregnant while working in the team. But it so happened that Anna met the Belarusian football player Valentin Belkevich, and he proposed to the girl. Without hesitation, Anna chose family.

With Valentin Belkevich. Wedding.

When journalists ask her if she regrets the choice she made many years ago, she always answers that no - the reward was her beloved daughter Alina. But the marriage itself broke up almost immediately after the birth of the child. Anna's husband turned out to be completely unprepared for either fatherhood or a full-fledged family life.

But soon, while in Los Angeles, Anna meets a successful young man who organized Formula 1 races, Maxim Chernyavsky. He managed to charm not only Anna, but also Alina. The passionate romance was very beautiful and quite soon a new wedding took place, a few months after which another girl was born - Monica.

With Maxim Chernyavsky and daughter Alina

Alas, this marriage did not work out either. History repeated itself almost identically - the couple broke up within a year after the birth of their daughter together. Although Maxim continues to touchingly take care of the girl and often takes her to his place, they have a rather complicated relationship with Anna - the girl cannot forgive him for another disappointment.

Then Sedokova had a new romance with choreographer Sergei Guman, who was seething with “Italian passions.” The couple constantly quarreled, then passionately reconciled. But after two years, Sedokova was very tired of the constant instability and decided to end this relationship.

Anna Sedokova is a singer and actress, TV presenter, writer and director. She attracted attention and made her debut on the music scene as part of "", but then left the group for a solo career and creativity outside the music sphere.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Anna Sedokova is interesting due to her bright appearance on stage. The parents of the girl and her older brother Maxim moved to Kyiv from Tomsk. The mother was left alone with two children when the future artist turned 5 years old. Since childhood, Anna Sedokova studied dancing and music, growing up as a creative and developed child.

Anna Sedokova and Maxim Chernyavsky got married in America in February 2011. Like the previous one, this marriage was short-lived; after 2 years of married life, the couple broke up. During this time, the star managed to give birth to her husband’s daughter Monica. After the divorce, the father took the child from Anna. There was even a question of depriving Sedokova of parental rights, but over time the singer settled the dispute with her ex-husband. Today Monica often lives at her mother's house.
