Money toad according to Feng Shui, where to place the figurine to attract wealth and good luck? Feng Shui money talismans.

Feng Shui has in its arsenal many amulets that bring good luck and protect against misfortune. The most common are figurines of gods; according to Feng Shui, their meaning and scope of application are very diverse. Some bring success, health and wealth, others protect from enemies and troubles. Even with very modest knowledge of Feng Shui, figurines depicting deities can be safely used to improve the energy of the home. Next we will describe the properties of some of them.

7 Gods of Happiness

Seven gods of happiness

Usually they try to get all seven together. But individually they will help you in those areas of life for which they are responsible.

Ebisu patronizes artisans and people involved in trade. Initially, he was the god of fishermen, so he is often depicted with a fishing rod and fish. The Tai fish (sacred carp) is a symbol of good luck. Later, Ebisu took under his protection all artisans and merchants seeking to conduct their affairs honestly. Protects against fraud and loss of money during transactions.

Daikoku is the god of fertility, abundance and wealth. He holds a mallet in his hand, each blow of which fulfills one human wish. Behind his back is a bag of rice, which symbolizes wealth. Occasionally the bag is depicted as torn by rats. Is not bad sign, it shows the generosity with which benefits are poured out of the bag into people’s hands.

Hottei (aka Buddha Maitreya) is a very good-natured and cheerful deity. He usually smiles widely and wears a kimono that is open at the belly. Can sit astride a toad or hold a gold bar above his head. It is believed that by rubbing your finger on the figurine’s tummy and asking for the fulfillment of a wish, you will soon get what you wanted. This deity brings wealth, luck and joy to the home. The best place for him is the money sector.

Jurojin is the god of longevity and wisdom. In his hands is a scroll with the inscription “Heaven gives immortality” and a magical musical instrument, the sounds of which restore youth and make wishes come true. Jurojin also patronizes wanderers.

Fukurokuju represents wisdom and intuition. Patronizes scientists, as well as schoolchildren and students. Helps with passing exams and defending scientific works. He is often depicted with an elongated skull, a forehead furrowed with wrinkles, and holding a staff and a scroll in his hand. He can grant longevity or even immortality to those who, from his point of view, are worthy of it.

Bishamonten is the patron saint of warriors and all who study martial arts, provided they are willing to follow his motto of “duty, honor, loyalty.” However, he is also supportive of peaceful people and is ready to share spiritual and material wealth with them.

Benzaiten is the deity of water, happiness and music. In her hands she holds a sacred lute, the music of which gives inspiration to people of creative professions, purifies the soul and bestows eloquence. Benzaiten is also believed to protect against natural Disasters, supports the mistress of the house and gives long life.

3 Star Elders

Three star elders

Fu-hsing brings happiness, good luck and material wealth to the whole family. He is usually depicted surrounded by gold bars or coins.

Lu-xin holding a child or surrounded by children symbolizes abundance, prosperity and protects younger family members from troubles and illnesses.

Shu-shin (Shou-shin) bestows good health and prolongs life. In one hand he holds a staff made from ginseng root, in the other - a peach that brings immortality. This figurine is often given to men as a symbol of their undiminished strength.

This three is very popular because it symbolizes success in literally everything. The best place for the Elders - a study or living room. Moreover, they should be located no lower than the head of a standing person in order to be able to take everyone in the room under their protection.

8 Immortals

Eight Immortals

This is a popular group of canonized heroes. They are almost always depicted together, feasting on a terrace, talking with Lao Tzu, or sailing on a ship on the waves. This is a very powerful and happy talisman, which in China is usually given as a wedding gift, so that it protects the home of the newlyweds from any adversity and helps them in all life situations. The northwestern sector (the sector of patrons and helpers) is best suited for this composition. In your office, you can place it behind you, which will provide you with powerful support in any endeavor. Let's talk a little about each of the eight immortals.

Lu Dongbin. There is a funny parable about him. One day he was unable to pay for his hotel stay and, as compensation, painted a pair of cranes on the wall. They were made so skillfully that their appearance attracted visitors and thereby increased the income of the hotel owner. When the additional profit brought by the cranes exceeded Lü Dongbing's debt, the birds came to life and flew away (so Picasso was far from the first to pay with his drawings). In addition to honesty and a sense of humor, this hero also has powerful weapon- a sword that destroys demons.

Cao Guo-jiu is the patron of artists and is depicted elegantly dressed and holding castanets.

Te Guaili was mistakenly cremated when his spirit was not yet ready to leave Earth. He returned in the guise of a lame poor man with a stick, having found no more suitable dead body. Considered the patron saint of magicians and sorcerers.

Zhang Kuo-lao. No one knew where and when he was born, no one saw him as a child. He rode around on a white mule, which at a halt he miraculously put into a jug, and then removed and revived with water. Once, in the same way, he revived a court magician who revealed to the emperor the secret of the origin of Zhang Guo-lao. According to him, he was a werewolf bat that appeared at the time of the creation of the world.

Han Zhong was an alchemist. He turned tin and copper into gold and silver and shared them with the poor. He is depicted with a fan in his hand.

Han Xiangzi studied occult sciences and grew flowers. One day, while climbing a sacred tree to get the peaches of immortality, he fell, and at that very moment his soul gained eternal life. Han Xiangzi provides support to the gardeners and is depicted with a basket full of flowers or fruits.

He Xiangu became immortal after eating the magic peach. She patronizes household work and helps healers.

Lan Caihe is a holy fool who walked around in a torn dress and one boot. He sang and danced in the markets, and generously shared the coins he earned with the poor. He helps musicians, singers and dancers.

3 Warriors

These are also canonized heroes who became famous during the period of the Three Kingdoms. 3 legendary generals - Zhang Fei, Li Bei and Guan Di protect the house from evil entities and people with evil intentions. Together they embody all conceivable virtues and patronize people of all professions. The figures should be placed facing the front door. Moreover, the more severe and ominous they look, the greater their power. I would like to tell you more about one of the warriors, since his image is often used separately from others.

Three warriors

The prototype of Guan Di was the ancient commander Guan Yu, famous for his fearlessness, honesty and unwavering devotion to his overlord named Liu Bei. The commander’s virtues were so great and widely known that in 1594 he received the highest title in the country, “di,” which means “emperor.” By order of the then ruler, portraits of Guan Di were hung in military tents so that soldiers would always have before their eyes the standard of courage, honor and valor. Now Guan Di is revered as a kind of god of war, helping the military, police and politicians and protecting those who cannot stand up for themselves. The image of Guan Di should be placed in an unfavorable sector of the apartment to protect against any harmful influences.

Tua Peh Kong, Guan Yin, Chen Loban

Tua Peh Kong

Tua Peh Kong

God of power, luck and prosperity. He is dressed in a robe of longevity, holding an unrolled scroll in right hand and a gold bar in the left. Compassion is written on his face, so he will pay attention to your requests and needs. The talisman depicting Tua Peh Kong is quite universal; it can be used to attract good luck in any sector of the house.

Guan Yin

Guan Yin

The name of the goddess Guan Yin translates as “contemplating sounds.” She is the embodiment of mercy, peace and immense compassion for all living beings. Saves the house and all its inhabitants from any troubles, gives happiness and joy, saves from poverty. Guan Yin especially favors women: it promotes easy childbirth, helps childless people get pregnant, helps heal female diseases, and protects the mistress of the house from the rudeness and neglect of other family members.

Chen Luoban

Chen Luoban

He is also called the “master of money.” The figurine depicts a sage sitting at a table, busy with calculations. This is a kind of amulet designed to preserve and increase wealth. Chen Loban protects you from unreasonable and unnecessary expenses, as well as from dishonest or unprofitable transactions. This figurine would be appropriate where money is kept - in a safe, at a cash register, on a box with family capital.

Chuanggong and Chuanmu

Chuanggong and Chuanmu

These are male and female deities who patronize spouses, especially newlyweds. Chuanggong is called the “lord of the bed”, and Chuanmu is called the “mother of the bed”. They guard the bedroom, help improve relationships between spouses (including intimate ones), and are responsible for the creation of offspring. Figures of Chuangong and Chuanmu can be placed anywhere in the bedroom, preferably at the head of the marriage bed. And, of course, you should not purchase them separately - this is a paired composition, and these talismans alone will not bring harmony.

Lao Tzu is considered the highest Taoist deity. This famous sage is usually depicted flying on a stork, holding a magic peach in his hand. This fruit, grown in the Heavenly Garden, bestows health, beauty and good luck. The stork symbolizes the imminent appearance of a worthy heir or successor in business. If the first option is preferable for you, keep this talisman at home; if the second option, keep it in your office.

Now you can choose which deities to invite into your home depending on your needs and wishes. Feng Shui considers these figures as wonderful and effective talismans that help achieve various goals. Almost all of them are friendly with each other and, given the right location, will not come into conflict or somehow neutralize each other’s action. If you cannot determine the correct place for a particular deity, place it in the zone of helpers and patrons.

Feng Shui figurines. Feng Shui symbols of wealth.

Feng Shui is the art of living in harmony with surrounding a person environment, at least, this is what the ancient sages and philosophers taught. The teaching of Feng Shui dates back six thousand years of its existence, and during this time it soared to the heights of popularity and fell into the abyss of oblivion, but always returned, because the teaching of Feng Shui was built on observing the life processes occurring in a person himself, around a person.

Each Feng Shui figurine is a talisman, which is a kind of zone activator that attracts certain type energy. For example, some talisman helps to gain wealth, another to attract success, a third to improve health, a fourth to the appearance of mutual love... We can say that talismans are unique magnets that attract favorable energy flows into your living space, harmonize them, generating a certain magnetic field, which is designed to increase the owner’s well-being and strengthen his position. However, you shouldn’t turn your apartment into a museum of mascots. But well-chosen and correctly placed Feng Shui figurines can really work wonders!

When choosing talismans, purchase exactly those figures that you like, both in appearance and in symbolism and meaning.

Never buy a talisman if you don't like it.

The Dragon

One of the most revered symbols in the East is the Dragon, this creature is sacred, it embodies complete harmony, nobility, courage, strength, greatness and wisdom. In China, the Dragon holding a pearl in its paws was considered a symbol of the emperor, his heavenly patron. The most powerful element of Feng Shui with pronounced Yang energy, the Dragon protects strong half humanity, promotes career growth, helps achieve financial success, protects from competitors, unscrupulous partners, and generally from bad people.

It is recommended to place the Dragon figurine in the East; it is better if the figurine stands on a pedestal, stand or small elevation, but not higher than the owner’s eye level, otherwise the Dragon will dominate. Since the Dragon is an exclusively yang animal that creates active energy, we do not recommend storing it in your bedroom, since the bedroom should be conducive to rest, and yang energy flows are not suitable for this.

Do not be afraid of the dragon, honor it and believe that it is a guard protecting you from troubles and enemies, in this case the dragon will be beneficial.


A variety of fish, both together and separately, are a very common talisman in Feng Shui. gold fish- a symbol of success in financial affairs, so a very successful placement would be the wealth zone in the Southeast. Fish figurines are also well suited for activating the territory of the water element - North - zone career growth, new opportunities and beginnings.

It is best to purchase a figurine of Carp or Arowana. Carp or sacred fish "Tai" symbolizes good luck and spiritual achievements. Placing it in the wealth zone in the Southeast contributes to the accumulation of capital and material well-being. Two carps represent the harmony of relations between spouses, and nine carps represent enrichment and prosperity. Carp is also a symbol of determination and perseverance, because Carp persistently overcomes the current and river rapids, reaching the mouth of the river.

However, the most successful way to activate the wealth zone is to purchase a fish under the mysterious name Arowana, also known as “Dragon Fish”. In nature, this is a fairly rare and very expensive fish; the cost of some of its species can be tens of thousands of dollars. In Feng Shui, Arowana symbolizes enormous, simply fabulous wealth. She is characterized by a bewitching gracefulness, amazing beauty coloring and proud appearance.

“Dragon Fish” is considered the strongest magnet for wealth, which always works. The only peculiarity is that different people Arowana bestows different amounts of material wealth. It is also worth noting that just one Arowana is enough to activate the wealth zone in your home. If you want to have several of them, then you should purchase only an odd number of these beautiful fish, otherwise they will create friction between you and your friends, and quarrels may begin over money.


In China, and throughout the world, a dog is a symbol of loyalty and devotion. And the arrival of an unfamiliar dog portends prosperity in the future. Some people believe that if a strange dog comes and stays in their house, then this is a good omen for the family and a harbinger of future prosperity. Puppy - symbolizes renewal, energy, joy and growth. A dog figurine can be placed in the office on your desktop as a symbol of good luck in your career or business. For people born in the year of the dog, this talisman will be doubly favorable.

United talismans, so to speak, have gained particular popularity. For example, a dog holding a coin of happiness in its paws protects the owner from evil forces and brings material well-being, other popular talismans have a similar meaning - a dog with a gold bar or a chest. A powerful talisman is a dog holding Ba Gua octagon. In the center of the octagon is Yin-Yang, this ancient symbol in Chinese philosophy, denotes the harmony of two opposites Yin and Yang. Yang - white (day) - male sign, Yin - black (night) - female sign. Eight tigers represent a magical amulet - protecting against evil spirits.
Such an amulet can protect a room from negativity and harmonize the space.

It is recommended to place the dog figurine in a visible place, then the dog will know that its arrival is welcome and expected. In return, the dog will become you true friend and an assistant. It will protect your profits, help you achieve your plans, and will protect you throughout the entire time.


The magical king bird Fen Huang or Phoenix, the patron saint of all feathered creatures. This bird has such strong energy that it can be reborn from fire and ashes and rise above the most terrible circumstances. The Phoenix figurine very effectively activates the energies of success, fame and prosperity. The figurine of a magical bird is recommended to be placed in the South, since it symbolizes the warmth of summer, sun and fire. In Feng Shui, the Phoenix brings happiness, the opportunity to change the unfavorable outcome of circumstances and win, receive unexpected support, wisdom, beauty and prosperity. The fire bird promotes the development of your creative inclinations and helps your wishes come true. The Phoenix requires free space in order to rise unhindered into the sky in order to look out for danger in the distance and learn about news.


The talisman of heavenly protection and support, the turtle, is also a symbol of wisdom, longevity and persistent movement forward. In Feng Shui, a black turtle brings good luck to its owner and helps in business, steadily and smoothly increasing income and standard of living. The support of a turtle is especially important for the owner of the house and the head of the family. The one who has a turtle behind his back is safe, since his rear is protected from attacks. The turtle is a symbol of hard work, which will be rewarded in the future. A figurine with three turtles lying on top of each other denotes the well-being of three generations; this talisman is especially good for families who live under the same roof with their parents.

The turtle is the guardian of the north, by the way, which is why it is recommended to place the study in the north of the home. It is best to purchase a turtle made of metal, or with a metallic tint - bronze, golden or silver, since in the circle of the generation of elements, metal creates the element of water. Black also suits the turtle well. However, keep in mind that the bedroom for water talismans is a forbidden territory. Water symbols standing in the bedroom destroy the romantic atmosphere.


The rooster is an intermediary, a watchman, making contact between Heaven and Earth and being a conductor of solar energy, which is why it is also called the bird of the Sun. Thus, in Japan, the Rooster is associated with the first ray of light and hope for a better and more successful life. In China, the Rooster is endowed with an image that combines five virtues. He is a protection for the weak and oppressed. The ability to protect his home from evil forces makes him an excellent watchman, and the ability to fairly distribute food among the inhabitants of the yard, feeding the weaker, speaks of his kind heart. Fearlessness, kindness and wisdom make one treat him with great respect.

The rooster figurine can be placed at the entrance or in the wealth sector in the Southeast. The rooster also perfectly activates the fame zone in the south, where it helps those who need not just a good reputation, but fame in certain circles and even fame. However, few people know that the rooster is an excellent talisman against infidelity. It is believed that the figurine of a rooster can suppress sexual promiscuity, debauchery and infidelity. If you are afraid that someone may try to steal your partner from you, then in this case the rooster figurine should be placed above the entrance or opposite the main entrance. If you believe that your companion is prone to cheating, then put the rooster in his closet. It is optimal to place two figures of roosters - on the right and on the left side.


The most popular deity in Feng Shui is the fat man named Hotei, he symbolizes happiness, fun and prosperity. Hotei predetermines the destinies of people and helps in the fulfillment of desires. There is a belief that if you make a wish and rub Hotei’s belly 300 times, it will definitely come true, the main thing is not to make a mistake in the calculations.

The character Hotei has a real story - he was a monk who lived in China in the 10th century, he wandered through the villages with a large canvas bag and rosary, and wherever he stopped, fun, joy, happiness, prosperity and good luck came. And when they asked him what was in the bag, Hotei answered: “I have the whole world there!”

Figurine of Hotei is considered a universal talisman, so it can be placed in almost any sector. If Hotei is depicted with coins, a chest or a bag of gold, then it should be placed in the wealth sector in the Southeast, if Hotei is made with a ginseng staff or a gourd, then this is a talisman of health and longevity - this place is in the eastern sector which is responsible for the health of the whole family, a laughing Hotei surrounded by children will bring you long-awaited offspring - such a figurine should be given a place in the southwestern part of your home - the zone of love and relationships. Hotei with a pearl symbolizes wisdom, with a fan - protects against bad energy, holding the Rod of Ruyi - a symbol of high position in society.


In China, they believe that the elephant attracts happiness and good luck with its trunk. It is a symbol of stability, stability, wisdom, prudence, longevity, royal greatness and indestructible strength. In Feng Shui, an elephant brings peace, prosperity, stability and a rich harvest to its owners, and also protects against all dangers and risks. According to an ancient Myanmar legend, the ruler whose ruler is an elephant with its trunk raised will achieve success in governing the country. Therefore, such an elephant will be an excellent gift for managers, bosses and heads of families.

Elephant figurine It is advised to place it on the windowsill, with its trunk directed towards the auspicious star, then it will draw good luck into the house from the street through the window.

To attract wealth and prosperity, a figurine of an elephant with a raised trunk is placed in the Southeast. The elephant personifies indestructible strength and power, which is why it is also used in the North-West sector of patronage and assistance. Among other things, the elephant helps to reduce unnecessary material waste; its stability and stability can affect the wastefulness of home owners, curbing their ardor to spend money on unnecessary, empty things.

An elephant with its trunk down protects the female sex, it gives motherhood. Therefore, women who are trying in vain to have children should pay attention to this figurine. As a rule, such elephants are depicted next to their offspring - one or even several baby elephants.


A magical three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth symbolizes wealth, immortality and money luck, she is considered the guardian of home and wealth. There is a legend according to which, in ancient times, when Buddha still walked the earth, and Feng Shui was just emerging, there lived a three-legged toad, she was a very greedy and malicious creature with a bad character, but Buddha did not like it, and then he captured her , and obliged as payment to help people gain wealth. Since then, the toad has been paying for his excessive greed by spitting out gold coins. She appeared at the doorstep of the house in the evening, and the next day the owners’ income increased significantly.

Usually a figurine of a three-legged toad is placed in the southeastern or northern sectors, you can place one toad in the southeastern sector of each room, this will increase monetary energy. Also, a figurine of a toad can be placed in a composition with moving water (a fountain, a waterfall) - this will further increase your monetary luck. It is believed that the toad should be placed with its back to the front door, so that it seems as if it is jumping into your house. You cannot place the toad so that it looks out the window or faces the front door.. This talisman is very common in China; it is widely used in business and at home.


The horse figurine is a classic symbol for the glory zone. It is believed that the horse brings success in career, business, helps restore a damaged reputation and strengthen the image.

If in life you often face difficult competition at work or in business, then by placing a horse figurine on your desktop you can attract good luck and success. A horse directed upward is especially effective. Feng Shui recommends that businessmen and enterprising people have at least one such figurine in their office as a talisman of victory, perseverance, endurance, courage, strength, respect and unquenchable optimism.

The place where the horse figurine should be located is the southern or southwestern sector of your office, but the horse should not be facing the window or door.


In Feng Shui, the ox symbolizes a long, stable, sustainable and fruitful life, and also indicates hard work, perseverance and perseverance in achieving goals. With the help of this talisman, you can activate the zone of prosperity and wealth in your home so that your income is stable and constant.

In some countries, the bull is considered a sacred animal that brings wealth, prosperity, abundance, success and happiness. The bull is a better talisman than the cow, its muscular structure is intended for those who want to achieve wealth and abundance. A bull figurine will be a wonderful gift for a manager, as well as for beginning entrepreneurs.

Each animal, be it an elephant, a sheep, a bull, a rhinoceros or a horse, reflects its own specific frequency. That is why images of animals in painting or sculpture influence our soul, bringing peace, inner harmony and healing.

To attract wealth, a bull figurine should be placed in the southeast corner of your living room. By placing the bull figurine in the north, you will give impetus to your career growth and overcome obstacles at work. The Ox will protect against the bad intentions of competitors and increase the profits of your business.

Mandarin Ducks

A pair of mandarin ducks symbolize tenderness, love, luck, eternal fidelity and happiness in marriage; they are used to activate the partnership zone.

The imperial duck or mandarin duck received its nickname due to its unusually beautiful plumage and superiority over other species. According to Feng Shui, any paired symbol is very favorable for marital relationships, but these birds are special, they select a mate once in their entire life and can even die if they have to be separated. If you want to meet a person with whom you will live a long and happy life, sharing love and joy, then you should activate the “love angle” with any paired symbol. Mandarin ducks are one of the most common “pairing” talismans.

It is best to place a figurine of ducks in the love zone - in the southwest. This talisman will bring well-being, prosperity, good luck to your home and will help normalize or strengthen marital relations. Also, an image of a pair of ducks can be placed in the bedroom. If in your bedroom the bed is in the partnership zone, then make sure there are two pillows on it. To activate your romantic space, a pair of swans or doves, or a crystal lotus - a symbol of double happiness - are also suitable.


The eagle represents knowledge, wisdom, freedom and power, it is one of the best talismans for the glory sector. Thanks to its keen eyes, the eagle has good review, or in other words, has a broad outlook, he is able to see what is usually impossible to see and appreciate environment. The Eagle can rise to heights and achieve a holistic view of the world. Based on this, Feng Shui recommends that managers, businessmen, and those who want to achieve success in work or business have an image of an eagle in their office. This powerful bird helps you look at things more insightfully and makes it possible to assess the weight of a particular undertaking from other heights.

If you have big ambitions or grandiose plans, and you need a strong activation of the south zone, then you should put an eagle figurine there. This will strengthen your good reputation and bring success in business and fame.

Pi Yao

Mythical creature with the muzzle of either a lion or a dog, one horn, hooves, a tail and small wings called Pi Yao - is considered a very powerful talisman that protects the house from unfavorable energies and evil people. He himself does not harm anyone. According to Feng Shui, figurines of these magical animals are placed in places where flows of negative Sha Qi energy pass, that is, opposite sharp corners, towers, peaks, cemeteries, and certainly facing outward. Pi Yao creatures are loyal, very faithful and devoted to their owners, and in addition to protecting the home from unfavorable energy, they also help to gain wealth and increase income.

For the Chinese, like the Dragon Turtle, Pi Yao is one of the few creatures capable of pacifying the formidable Prince Jupiter (Tai-Sui).

Since, according to legend, Pi Yao has an immensely large appetite, it will undoubtedly suit those who are engaged in business. The figurine should be placed below the eye level of the owner of the house, and should be avoided from being in the bedroom. If you travel a lot, are away, or often leave your home unattended, then you need to place the Pi Yao at the front door or in the hallway.

In the east they really love this figurine and mostly place not one, but a pair of Pi Yaos.
To keep the power of the talisman from running out, you need to ring a bell around it once a week (or hang a bell nearby) or burn a large candle near the Pi Yao once a month.

dragon turtle

The animal with the head of a dragon and the body of a turtle is a powerful combination of these two creatures. The dragon turtle stands guard over your home and protects it from problems and failures. She embodies wisdom and ambition, and is a symbol of peace, tranquility and longevity. This almost universal talisman promotes career growth, a good position in society, attracting wealth, good health and mental balance.

The Chinese believe that any object symbolizing wisdom and knowledge, be it a book, manuscript, typewriter, fountain pen, pencil or even a computer, placed in close proximity to the Dragon Turtle, doubles its power.

For a career, the figurine is placed in the north, for successful studies it should be located in the northeast, to attract wealth it should be placed in the southeast, and for family health, in the east.

It is hardly possible to meet a person now who has not heard or known anything about the teachings of Feng Shui, which is becoming more and more popular every year. In our society, the phrase “Feng Shui” evokes mixed reactions among people. Most people perceive this as something frivolous, supernatural or magical, although in fact the opposite is true. It would seem, what difference does it make where to hang a mirror or place a sofa? These are little things that don't matter.

But isn’t life made up of such little things? If we give them the attention and importance they deserve, our lives can become much better. Our best assistant for this is Feng Shui.

Origin of the concept of Feng Shui

The art of Feng Shui goes back centuries. It originated more than three thousand years ago in Ancient China, continuing its development and improvement up to our time. Feng Shui has been passed down from generation to generation and has retained its original principles and ideas.

The concept of Feng Shui implies the harmonious interaction of people, objects and nature, teaching how to properly manage energy for the benefit of oneself and others. It does not contradict traditions, customs or any of the known religions, and is close in meaning to such areas of life as ecology, design, geography and astrology. The fundamentals of Feng Shui are consistent with the sciences of psychology and astrophysics. However, it differs from other sciences in some of its principles that are difficult to explain logically.

The founder of Feng Shui is considered to be Yang Yun Tsang, a Chinese master of this art, whose works formed the fundamental principles of the teaching. One of the pioneers is also the philosopher Confucius, whose main principle of belief is the following: in the world there is a force that binds man and environment. Energy flows cross every point in space, as well as in the human body acupuncture points operate on the same principle. When energy flows collide in them, a person becomes ill. According to scientists, the Earth is a living organism that conducts waves of time through itself.

Doctrine of Qi

Qi is the most important concept in the teachings of Feng Shui, implying the life force present in all living things. This energy can be created in different ways. For example, slowly flowing water in a body of water creates energy, making us feel energized after relaxing by the water. Hurricanes and storms, on the contrary, carry away qi, and luck passes us by. A pianist skillfully playing on stage creates energy, good performance athlete too. Everything perfect radiates qi, so we need to strive to make sure that there is as much positive energy in our home as possible. Then we will be filled with strength and prosper every day.

Qi is divided into several types:

  • Human is the inner strength of people.
  • Natural - the energy of nature, flora and fauna.
  • Celestial is the power radiated by the sky, stars and space as a whole.
  • Social is the energy of each individual people.
  • Domestic is the force that circulates indoors.

Each of these qi directly and daily influences our lives. A person has virtually no influence on heavenly, social and natural qi, while human and domestic energy can be developed by working on oneself. This is what the art of Feng Shui teaches.

I Ching Ideas

The I Ching is a book of predictions that the Chinese have used for several thousand years to look into their future. The main idea of ​​the wise text is that cyclical changes are constantly occurring in the Universe. The two fundamental forces influencing the Universe are yin and yang. They are opposite to each other and together make up the harmony of all things. The two energies are in constant interaction, colliding in the Tao. The teachings of Feng Shui are based on Taoism.

  • Yang is an active type of energy, day, light, fire, masculine, brightness, summer, wakefulness.
  • Yin is a passive type of energy, darkness, night, cold, sleep, silence, night, calm.

Yin and yang complement each other, like day and night, black and white, good and bad. Their combinations and interaction, suppression and dominance, create everything in our world. According to teaching, yin and yang are in balance. To understand whether you have achieved this balance, it is enough to think about whether you feel comfortable and harmonious.

The interaction of yin and yang gives rise to the five main elements. Here they are:

  • Fire
  • Earth
  • Metal
  • Tree

These elements continuously influence each other in a certain sequence, for example: water nourishes a tree, and a tree generates fire (combustion). The destructive cycle occurs in the diametrically opposite order: the fire is extinguished by water, and the soil absorbs water, preventing it. Chinese ancient scientists also drew analogies between the five elements and human anatomy. Water is represented by the kidneys and sexual organs, fire by the brain and heart, wood by the liver, soil by the stomach and intestines, and metal by the lungs.

Classic housing location

Most Feng Shui scientists are confident that the most favorable place to build a house is an “armchair-shaped” hill. The Chinese consider this shape to be protective and reminiscent of a mother hugging her child, or a dragon guarding its wealth. The facade of the house should be located towards the south, and its rear should be fenced with a high fence or mountain. The western side of the home should be slightly lower than the eastern side. This variation in the shape of the house provides the location and protection of the four canonical animals - the dragon, turtle, phoenix and tiger, interacting and emitting chi energy. This is an ideal housing location. If this is not possible in your case, it is best to seek advice from a geomancer who will help you achieve balance in your home.

House according to Feng Shui: energy balance

Housing should help you achieve peace and inner harmony, help you achieve your goals and promote self-realization in all areas of your life. To do this, you need to follow some simple rules. Feng Shui experts advise minimizing poor planning, Negative influence corners and unpleasant view from the window.

Corners, walls, mirrors

Sharp corners negatively affect the energy inside the house. Naturally, it is impossible to remove them completely, since most of the furniture is rectangular or square shape. The main thing is to neutralize the impact of the corners. For example, you can decorate a floor lamp with decorative crystal balls, balancing the positive and negative energy.

A very important point is the choice of mirror location. You can't hang them so that they reflect sharp corners. On the contrary, it is desirable that they “double” objects with positive energy: flowerpots with plants, jewelry boxes, works of art. This will contribute not only to well-being, but also to the possibility of increasing wealth.

The color of the walls in the house is another factor for stabilizing home energy. Coatings in yellow shades will help if there are a lot of sharp corners in the rooms, or the kitchen contains a lot of knives and sharp objects located on the surface. This color not only visually enlarges the space, but also helps calm the nervous system, uplifting and neutralizing negative energy.

The same function is performed by green color, or rather its light and bright shades. They increase a person’s performance, while rich green and emerald colors relax. The first option is good for an office, the second for a bedroom.

View from the window

The view from the con can only be ideal if you yourself chose a piece of nature to build your home and adapted it to the teachings of Feng Shui. If you bought a ready-made house or even live in an apartment, then it is likely that there is something that is causing interference with the chi energy. This is not a reason to give up - even the view from the apartment can and should be fought.

The energy in your home can be degraded due to the fact that power lines run under your windows and are not hidden by trees or other vegetation. The proximity of a construction site also causes a negative impact. Neutralize the negativity by arranging your windowsill. Choose plants that will make you happy beautiful view. It is recommended to pay attention to cactus, basil and geranium. Remember, the more unpleasant the view from the window, the longer the cactus spines should be.

Don't forget about the Bagua mirror - a universal symbol of Feng Shui, which can be hung "facing" the courtyard on the windows. They will not allow negative energy to enter your home.

Wind chimes are another great help. Buy a bell with feathers or a Chinese pagoda with straws that will make a pleasant sound. The material of the decorative device does not matter; the most important thing is that the musical sound produced gives you pleasure.


An ideal home that complies with the principles of Feng Shui should have the correct arrangement of functional rooms.

  • The northern part is responsible for career, and the southern part for fame, so you need to arrange an office here.
  • The children's room should be located in the west, the side of creative orientation and creativity.
  • The eastern side is an area of ​​health and family well-being, ideal for the kitchen and dining room.
  • The center of the house is a good place to gather the whole family and welcome guests, so it is worth organizing a living room here.
  • The southwest side is a place of love and passion, choose it for the bedroom.
  • The northeastern zone is characterized by wisdom and knowledge, and would fit perfectly as a children's learning area or library.
  • Organize a storage room or other place for storing equipment, sports equipment and clothing in the northwestern part of the house.
  • The southeastern zone is the identity of wealth; it can pass for an office or a safe.

Of course, such an arrangement cannot be implemented in any home. It represents perfection to be strived for. Multi-storey buildings with small apartments will not allow you to disperse and greatly change the redevelopment, so you need to adapt what is available. If you don't have a separate room for your bedroom, then place the sofa (for sleeping over) properly - in the far right corner of the room. Place a table with a computer opposite or at the wall opposite the entrance. The dining table is best placed on the left side of the kitchen, thereby satisfying the basic rules of teaching.

What you can and cannot keep in your home

Let's start with objects that attract positive energy.

  • Health. It is promoted by dried herbs or flowers collected in a bouquet. Hang it on the kitchen wall and attract prosperity.
  • Wealth. Products made from fur or genuine leather attract money and help increase capital.
  • Safety. Decorative animal figurines protect the owner of the house and save him from possible troubles.
  • Happiness married life. Bright pillows are a symbol of happiness and passion, and the floral pattern of the linen helps to bring closer people and establish peace of mind.

Now let's move on to the so-called “prohibited” items.

  • Quarrels and conflicts. Get rid of broken or cracked dishes. Plates and cups are a symbol of family, and their deterioration leads to quarrels and separation.
  • Depression. Bad mood and lack of performance is caused by old worn slippers.
  • Diseases. The Chinese are sure that climbing plants attract health problems and lower immunity. If you still like them, grow them in such a way that they form a ball.
  • Misfortune. It is facilitated by ordinary reeds, which some use for decoration. Reeds are harbingers of family troubles.

Basic tips for home improvement

  1. Cleaning the premises. Physical fatigue after a working day often causes laziness and reluctance to perform household chores. Always keep it clean, throw away unnecessary things, wash the floor and give Special attention cleaning dust behind beds, sofas, cabinets.
  2. Zone optimization. When arranging your home according to the principles of Feng Shui, start with those areas that make you feel... this moment Problems. Are there problems in your relationship with your husband? Rearrange the bed in your bedroom. Failures at work? Think about it correct location working area. When you get things going in these sectors, move on to the next zones and improve them.
  3. Talismans. To successfully activate zones, you will be helped by certain talismans that correspond to the elements of a particular sector of the room.
  4. Measure. Don't overdo it with talismans and don't clutter up the entire space of your home with them. Different talismans perform different functions, so it is important to choose the right one for your zone. Then they will not come into conflict with each other and cause trouble for your family.
  5. Dust. You need to ensure that indoor plants, talismans and other attributes of space optimization are always clean and free of dust.

In conclusion, it should be noted that arranging your home according to the rules of Feng Shui is an important, but not the only aspect of well-being. You need to work on yourself and your life, try to develop and achieve your goals, live in harmony with yourself and others.

The element of our planet Earth is associated in Chinese tradition with stability and confidence in all directions of life.

According to Feng Shui, land animals are distinguished by their extraordinary strength of will and spirit, so even a simple small snail will become a symbol with enormous potential in your home.

True, such talismans should be selected taking into account the personal characteristics of the owner, and not only on the basis general recommendations feng shui.

Tiger in Feng Shui

One of the oldest manifestations of courage and strength is the tiger, which, as a rule, is white in color according to Feng Shui. This animal is one of the four main defenders of the home. It is no coincidence that the most famous feng shui painting of a tiger in China shows a predator guarding a house.

Tigers also act as good luck talismans when placed above the front door on New Year's Eve. Then the whole family is provided with his patronage. In addition, some Chinese provinces believe that the tiger in Feng Shui has significance for the birth of healthy children and a successful marriage.

Today the following types of talismans are distinguished:

  • The tiger that sleeps is one of the most balanced symbols, so it is ideal for those who are overly emotional and energetic people. Such a talisman looks appropriate in a small apartment.
  • The beast sitting on a handful of coins represents successful business. It can be placed in the career zone to acquire a new position or in the wealth sector to increase your wealth.
  • A predator with an open mouth and bared fangs helps add status. It enhances the leader’s energy and helps protect against evil forces. Keeping this figurine is allowed only if there is a dragon talisman in the house.
  • A Feng Shui painting of a tiger can be on a fabric basis and imply only the head of the predator. A similar talisman in China is hung on gates. It is also allowed to use paper images as curtains, and Feng Shui also allows images of a tiger to be used as a basis for creating toys and bedding.

When choosing a tiger figurine, you need to be sure that there are no people born under the signs of the Rooster, Rabbit or Boar in the house. eastern horoscope. Otherwise, the risk of premature death of such family members increases.

Please note that any of the directions of light in the apartment will correspond to a specific animal (you can read in our magazine). U white predator this is the northeast. According to Feng Shui, the tiger zone for a water rat, for example, is not very favorable, but for dragons it is not prohibited.

Spider in Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, the spider is the constant meaning of creative energy. The spiral web in this case personifies the entire process of the universe. In a large-scale sense, the Spinner represents the creator of the planet, forming the web of time. In addition, according to ancient legends, spiders are identified with the feminine principle.

Interestingly, Feng Shui gives the spider a divine and cosmic meaning due to the structure of this creature. The eight legs act as the sum of the winds of change and the cardinal directions. Therefore he is identified with the wheel of life. If you choose a spider as a totemic protector, it will always warn you of danger and, conversely, congratulate you on the results of smart decisions.

A sign of approaching happiness in China is a descending spider. What is the symbol of Feng Shui in this case, this eternal worker? Of course, family luck and prosperity in all areas. Such a talisman is also necessary for individual use if a person wants to look into the depths of himself and learn to control his emotions.

The spider symbol will help you become far-sighted and do only the right things. You can also keep a small spider talisman made of expensive materials in your wallet to attract money and preserve your accumulated savings.

Among Chinese mascots, few animals are honored and respected for their slowness in helping humans. The snail is a feng shui symbol associated with extraordinary calm and tranquility. This talisman increases financial income and helps achieve goals, albeit not too quickly, but confidently.

Trying to evenly divide the energy of well-being and prosperity in the house, you should definitely find its place for the figurine with a snail. She guarantees success in achieving business goals in the Career zone, and the wealth sector will exist under her protection if necessary to save up the required amount. Surround the snail with elements from the element of Water, and it will respond to you with goodwill.

In addition, you can buy a living creature and plant it in a beautiful and spacious aquarium. For overall harmony in life, you can purchase paintings, wallpaper and even a bed with snails.

For the bedroom, in turn, a sculpture of two snails in love is suitable.

Dragonfly in feng shui

It is interesting that even within the framework of one Eastern tradition, dragonflies are perceived ambiguously. In Japan, for example, it is an expression of courage and victory, an image of luck and bravery. At the same time, among the Japanese there is a growing attitude towards the dragonfly as an irresponsible creature.

In China, the dragonfly became the concentration of grace and lightness. What is the feng shui symbol of this weak insect? To begin with, this is a sign of the onset of summer, which means the arrival of warmth and sun. Joyful flying dragonflies fit perfectly into a child's room, a creative workshop, or even a bedroom. But the wealth and career sectors, where carefree and playfulness are not virtues, will do just fine without this talisman.

Dragonflies are also a sign indicating the salvation of our souls, the personification of rebirth and immortality. They are great at restoring old feelings, so for couples who have been married for many years, this is an excellent symbol. But even for single girls, this is an effective talisman that adds beauty and grace.

This image should be used to activate the love zone only when full readiness to change. Even a small picture of a dragonfly makes relationships easier and also brings changes in the sexual sphere.

Ladybug in feng shui

An expression of extraordinary luck is the ladybug according to Feng Shui. The significance of this tiny creature is very great, because it transforms all negative energy and cleanses the house. It must be taken into account that the strength of the talisman and its specific focus depend on the number of spots on the ladybug’s back.

  • One dot characterizes the symbol as an assistant in a new business, including business, family, and profession. Such a talisman is appropriate in a study or office, on a desktop.
  • A ladybug with two spots is necessary for harmonizing relationships with the outside world. It gives inner peace, good dreams, self-confidence, and also destroys fears and misanthropy. To become kind and positive person, you should keep the talisman in the bedroom: on the dressing table, bedside table or near the head of the bed.
  • The trinity of spots on the back makes the insect a protector from wrong actions and rash decisions. This talisman is quite appropriate at work, but you don’t need to keep it on the table; it’s better to put it on the windowsill.
  • The ladybug's four spots are responsible for protecting the house from theft and robbery. Store the figurine in the hallway, but away from prying eyes.
  • A string of five dots symbolizes a creative talisman. But one spot more means the development of learning abilities. Such a ladybug should be placed on the school table, in the office or living room.
  • Ladybug with 7 points helps to achieve success in your personal life. Such a talisman only works for one owner, so it should be kept in his favorite room (even in the bathroom).

The butterfly symbol in Feng Shui is associated with sincere joy and love. This insect perfectly helps lonely people meet a loved one, but such a talisman is useful in family relationships. For long-time partners, butterflies bring passion and romance, helping them forget about the routine of their days.

Feng Shui butterflies are used to activate the love sector only in pairs. You can also hang a picture with a whole group of butterflies, but one image will not add any benefits to the marriage. The ideal location for a butterfly in the bedroom is the ceiling above the bed. Placing the talisman in the southwest also helps improve communication with everyone you know in general.

What do butterflies mean according to Feng Shui for most Chinese people? This is the immortality of the soul and real rebirth. Therefore, there is so much divine and supernatural in the appearance of this insect.

Talismans with butterflies in the Chinese tradition are usually divided according to color scheme, shapes and materials.

  • Many people are interested in knowing what the feng shui butterfly symbolizes in a wind chime composition. In this case we are talking about family happiness, and if the insects are made of metal - about success in your personal life and the fire of passion. Such a talisman should be placed only on the southwestern side of the house.
  • According to Feng Shui, a silver or gold butterfly has a more sacred meaning. This symbol fulfills personal desires in love and family, while brooches of this type make girls very confident.
  • A ceramic multi-colored butterfly brings a festive mood and positive changes to life. What is the symbol of what in Feng Shui is a wooden butterfly? This is the harmony of spouses and general well-being.

Please note that dead butterflies on needles are bad feng shui with the energy of death. Such an item in a home or office leads to a deterioration in all relationships of the owner. Also, you should not place sculptures near the windowsill and attach butterflies to the curtains: love and joy will definitely fly out into the street.

But feng shui butterflies in the workplace are a good option for those for whom it is important to establish friendly communication with colleagues.

Rhinoceros in feng shui

According to Feng Shui, the rhinoceros is a brave animal with excellent defensive abilities. Talismans with it always look impressive and naturalistic, and they are used to protect the home from accidents, incidents and crimes. Rhinos attract good luck to business, neutralize negativity and make the family happy.

  • Gold, silver, and black rhinoceroses are not only an important part of the apartment design, but also add endurance and strength of character to the owner. If gray and white figurines are made of ceramics, crystal, porcelain, they are intended to protect against the influence of bad people.
  • Rhino made of wood attracts natural energy with positive charges. This talisman helps to survive the consequences of stress and quickly restores a person’s mood. It can be either a plain, simple animal or a decorated animal with a multi-colored pattern.
  • In Feng Shui, the blue rhinoceros has the strongest protective powers. It turns negative flows into positive ones and reliably protects the apartment from uninvited guests and aggressive intrusions. It helps to protect yourself even from the evil thoughts of secret enemies, intrigues and gossip. Such a talisman perfectly promotes the owner’s career.

Where to place a dragon according to Feng Shui? The figurines should be kept in the living room or near the front door, preferably in pairs.

The dragon in Feng Shui is a fundamental talisman that ensures peace and harmony in the home. In China, this is not an evil creature at all, but a strong, strong-willed, revered image. The dragon consists of cosmic energy Qi and its every breath gives people hope. This talisman is able to reveal the potential of the owner's mind, soul and body.

As a rule, according to Feng Shui, the dragon has financial and career significance. This means that it protects the owner from bad partners, competition and brings good luck in new business.

There are different types of dragons in feng shui:

  • The Tian Long or Sky Dragon is the most powerful and has five legs. Typically this is a golden dragon in feng shui. Its location sector is east, with its head directed to the south.
  • Shen Long or the Dragon of Rain and Sea is a divine being who determines the weather and rules all directions of the world. He is responsible for financial prosperity and has 4 claws (previously had 3).
  • Di lun or the dragon of the Earth is the most generous and sows wealth with cosmic breath. Sometimes you can incur his wrath, and then any business will not lead to enrichment. This is the green dragon in Feng Shui, and in the eastern sector it also helps strengthen family relationships.

The feng shui dragon symbol can be depicted in different poses or with certain animals. This affects the semantic load of the talisman:

  • A dragon paired with a phoenix means well-being in the family and is often kept in the love sector. In the workplace, it protects against intrigue.
  • A curved dragon with an open mouth and a pearl in its paw. This golden dragon in Feng Shui represents harmony and helps achieve goals.
  • A turtle dragon with a pile of coins is a figurine that attracts happiness for children, including wealth and health.
  • Imperial dragon with five fingers. This is a very powerful energy talisman. Such a golden feng shui dragon is not often ordered through a store, because it is very rare and is not suitable for home use. You need to install it at work.

Feng Shui dragon symbol: where to place it

Most, of course, are very interested in the question when there is already a feng shui dragon: where to place such a symbol so that its powerful energy is fully revealed? It is best to keep it in the eastern part: in the office, in the living room, on the left side of the door. A feng shui dragon figurine can be activated by the presence of water elements, such as a kitchen faucet or an aquarium. If you are wondering where to place a dragon according to Feng Shui to improve your well-being, choose the central sector so that it feeds you with Yang energy.

Additional activation of the talisman takes place at the hour of the dragon according to Feng Shui. You need to calculate the day of this creature from 7 to 9 am local time according to the Chinese calendar and put black paint on its eyes. It is important that he faces east throughout the ritual.

The image of a dragon in Feng Shui cannot be placed in the bedroom due to the activation of insomnia and in the bathroom due to loss of luck. You should not use more than 5 figurines. The dragon in feng shui should also be located no higher than eye level, and there should be no people born in the year of the Dog in the house.

According to Feng Shui, a dragon in a keychain is allowed, but the meaning of the talisman does not change. You can carry such a thing with you to bring changes to your life and attract heavenly or natural forces. The feng shui dragon even through photos helps single girls attract good luck in love.

Giraffe according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, the giraffe has the meaning of a talisman of wealth. It increases family income and preserves the money already accumulated. Interestingly, not only figures can be used as an active symbol. According to Feng Shui, the giraffe is also effective as a soft toy, drawing or photograph.

If you have a giraffe, according to Feng Shui, the question of where to place the talisman is not too pressing. It can be placed in the Career zone or in the money sector, and if the animal is chosen as a totemic talisman of power, it is suitable for placement in a favorite place in the house.

Please note that the giraffe does not value haste, it likes friendly people who know how to listen to others and their intuition. This talisman is suitable for those with the gift of providence and courageous individuals. The giraffe will help its owner to become taller than everyone else in the best qualities and make him kind, caring, and loyal.

Feng Shui cat

According to Feng Shui, a cat figurine is associated with the secrets of the Universe. This animal brings good luck, protects the home from misfortunes and increases overall well-being. If we talk about a real animal, then the cat is a feng shui symbol associated with the restoration of energy flows. This creature is able to neutralize stagnant zones of energy and remove all obstacles to the movement of Qi.

In addition, cats are able to indicate to their owners which sector of the house needs urgent activation. True, a lot depends on the color of the pet:

  • Ginger cats help set up your personal life, but do not get along well with dark pets.
  • Gray animals protect against negativity and are useful for people working with constant risk.
  • According to Feng Shui, a black cat adds good luck only to initially successful people. Those who are deprived of fate are unlikely to gain anything, since dark animals only strengthen the energy they already have.

According to Feng Shui, a cat figurine should ideally have hieroglyphs to attract good luck and wealth, and the materials should be porcelain or ceramics. In Feng Shui, a paired cat has the meaning of personal luck and wards off loneliness, so you can safely purchase two figurines at once.

Money or lucky cat

The money cat feng shui is of particular importance. It is also called Maneki-Neko or Lucky Cat in China. This is a very popular figurine in the East because it opens a person to new opportunities. In addition, this Feng Shui cat wards off evil spirits at night. This figurine differs in that one of the animal’s legs is raised, and the other holds a sign with a hieroglyph of happiness and wealth. This talisman comes in two types:

  • With its left paw raised, a cat in Feng Shui has the meaning of an attracting symbol. It not only attracts financial flows, but also guests and visitors. The figure can be placed in the Wealth zone, in the office, in the northeast sector.
  • If the animal's right paw is raised, it is a guard. This means that already accumulated wealth is protected. This figurine is useful for those who are involved in trials or are afraid of criminals.

There is also a Maneki-Neko figurine with a kitten. According to Feng Shui, this cat has the meaning of respect. The talisman helps mothers and the elderly.

According to Feng Shui, the lion is a person's protector from external threats. The talisman brings peace and stability to the family, and also fights well with the envy of other people. This symbol adds fearlessness to its owner.

  • According to Feng Shui, the image of a lion with an open mouth means a call to submission. The owner of the talisman sets priorities in the social ladder.
  • The beast on the pedestal symbolizes the general superiority of the owner over other people.
  • A sneaking predator evokes human confidence and develops hunting instincts.
  • An animal in a jump reflects the leader's concentration and power.

According to Feng Shui, where is the best place for a lion to live? Of course, near doors or windows. The animals are charged by the sun and pass all the energy through themselves, transforming the flows if necessary.

Feng Shui cow

Cows have long been associated with the positive energy of the Earth, and in China they are associated with wisdom. According to Feng Shui, a cow has a very broad meaning: it is the attraction of material wealth, and general success, and the achievement of desired goals. The talisman also lures family well-being, fertility, monitors the fate of the offspring.

It is necessary to place the talisman in the study, in the office, especially if the figurine is made of porcelain, copper or crystal. Even a picture with animals will do. Usually a large female is depicted with calves, and gold bars may be present. You can keep the sculpture in the northeast of the house.

If the figurine is called “Wish-Fulfilling Cow,” it can be activated in the western sector.

Feng Shui horse

According to Feng Shui, the horse has a very majestic meaning. This noble animal attracts success, usually in business and profession. The Feng Shui horse symbol is associated with courage, tenacity, speed and glory.

Typically, figures are divided into several categories:

  • Festive horse figurines according to Feng Shui usually rear up. They bring recognition and popularity, therefore they are effective for creative individuals and athletes.
  • Feng Shui running horses, or, as they are also called, victorious horses, are symbols of success in career and competitions. They are also identified with complete freedom, especially if a herd is depicted.
  • According to Feng Shui, a gift horse figurine with jewelry is needed to attract good luck and wealth. It should be positioned towards the apartment. As for colors, preference should be given to white and gold shades.
  • A feng shui picture of a horse that includes a rider rarely has a strong impact. If an animal is ridden by a fly or a monkey, then one can hope for career growth. It is useful to place a gold coin on the saddle of such a figurine.
  • According to Feng Shui, a pair of running horses refers to strengthening relationships. Two graceful creatures are improving their personal lives and work. If they are black, then the power of victory is enhanced, if they are red, good luck comes. It's about partnership and family with friendship.

Where to place horse figurines

Horses should be placed in the south or in the office on the desktop and walls. Surround the symbol with red objects, sun designs and candles, but not water elements.

According to Feng Shui, a pair of horses running across a field will be a good gift for leading people. But the image should not look at the window or door.

feng shui elephant

Feng Shui elephant is an expression of the best human qualities. He is distinguished by willpower, wisdom and kindness. But its main characteristics are stability and general well-being. What does an elephant symbolize according to Feng Shui? High social position, power and energy. With its trunk, the animal attracts good luck and positive vibes, and also absorbs negativity in the sharp corners of the room.

A Feng Shui elephant, a photo of which is found on the Internet, does not necessarily need to be enhanced in its action. However, it can be decorated with beads, rhinestones, and chains in the area of ​​the trunk and saddle. A feng shui painting of an elephant can also be framed amber beads or cypress rosary. Naturally, ivory decorations, like similar frames, are not desirable.

The feng shui elephant can be represented in the house in several forms, poses and materials:

  • According to Feng Shui, an elephant with its trunk up attracts material wealth. Such a talisman will protect the whole family from waste. According to Feng Shui, an elephant with its trunk raised gives a person moderation and prudence in financial matters.
  • According to feng shui elephant female with the baby symbolizes motherhood. The talisman helps conception and improves children's relationships with their parents.
  • According to Feng Shui, the seven elephants are highly revered in the East. The power and strength of the talisman attracts a full cup to the house: love, luck, wealth. More precisely, 7 elephants express the completed lunar cycle and give seven benefits at once.
  • If you have a feng shui elephant with its trunk down, it is a symbol of abundance and fertility. There is also a version that according to Feng Shui, such an elephant has a meaning associated with longevity.
  • Rhinoceros elephant in feng shui means very strong defense. This is not only the protection of the apartment itself from intrusion, but also the stamina and balance of the family members themselves.
  • Where to place a wooden elephant according to Feng Shui? Try to compare the material of the talisman with the elements of the sectors. It is beneficial to keep it in the east, southeast and south zone.
  • Many porcelain lovers are interested in whether a white elephant is a symbol of what in Feng Shui? It should be remembered that this is the personification of protecting the home from negativity and an excellent talisman for preserving the family.
  • Three elephants in Feng Shui are associated with the unity of heaven, earth and man. Such a talisman brings harmony in all areas of life.
  • The personification of maximum financial luck is a toad on an elephant feng shui. Where to put such a strong talisman? The best option is the wealth sector, freed from other symbols.
  • What does elephants with their trunks clasped together mean in Feng Shui? This is not only attracting good luck, but also preserving it. Such a romantic couple in the bedroom will maintain the loyalty and love of their partners.

Where to place an elephant according to feng shui

When you have the right feng shui elephant, where should you place such an animal? It’s best to place it on a windowsill, with the trunk pointing towards the positive star. You can point your trunk into the apartment, but this will mean that there is already good luck in the house.

According to Feng Shui, the elephant is very unpretentious when choosing cardinal directions, so you can place it in any part of the apartment. For example, in the northeastern sector, the talisman attracts patrons to the house. What does an elephant mean in Feng Shui in the southeast? This is support for the head of the family.

Feng Shui land animals often have similar meanings. The specific choice of mascot depends on personal preferences and the overall interior. Whether it is a huge dragon or a barely noticeable snail, the Feng Shui symbol always works effectively with proper care and attention.

How to create an atmosphere of warmth in your home? How to attract prosperity and money? How to strengthen family relationships? Feng Shui at home can handle all these issues. To ensure that good luck never leaves your home, feng shui experts recommend having 12 strong talismans that will help you create a favorable environment in your home and solve personal problems.

Chinese red lanterns is a talisman that helps you find love and strengthen relationships. They must be kept in the feng shui love zone - in the southwestern part of the house.

dream Catcher- This powerful protection from negativity in the house during the period when we sleep. The dream catcher is a talisman of the North American Indians, and it has nothing to do with feng shui, but it is still necessary to keep it in your home in order to ward off evil spirits during sleep. This talisman is best hung in the bedroom above the bed.

Horse figurine- a talisman for those who strive for successful life and wants quick career growth. The most important thing is that the horse figurine is directed upward, thereby your career will strive to the top.

Fan is not only an elegant accessory, but also a powerful talisman. It is especially needed by those who have many sharp corners in their home. As you know, sharp corners are sources of accumulation of negative energy in the house. If you have a lot of angular furniture and sharp objects, then the fan will dissipate negative energy and transform it into positive energy.

Eagle- a talisman for those who set high goals for themselves. This is a talisman for ambitious people who crave fame, money and influence. If you place it in the feng shui glory zone, that is, on the south side of the house, then it will contribute to your personal growth and success.

Fish is a talisman for attracting money. It is best to place the fish figurine in the wealth zone - in the south-eastern part of the house. This talisman promotes wealth, attracts money to the house and protects savings from theft and loss.

Lotus- a talisman of wisdom and health. This amulet is best kept in the center of the house so that its effect spreads evenly to all household members.

Ship, perhaps the most powerful talisman for attracting life success and profit. A figurine in the shape of a sailboat will help you find what you want most. It is best to store this talisman next to the front door or next to a window. To fully activate it, you should put coins, bills, jewelry and jewelry in it and place its nose in the center of the house, thereby creating the appearance that the ship is arriving at your house and bringing profit.

The Dragon- a strong talisman that can bring both good luck in work and money, and improve the atmosphere in the house. It is a symbol of wisdom, success, life, development and prosperity. It will work best in the eastern part of your home, which represents development and financial success.

Fountain- a symbol of inexhaustible energy. This talisman helps restore strength, relieves fatigue and gives a boost of energy for the whole day. In addition, it attracts well cash flows into the house, as it is also a symbol of abundance.

Elephant- a good luck talisman according to Feng Shui. In order for it to attract success and luck, it must be placed next to the front door or at the window with its trunk looking into the center of the house, so that it seems to bring good luck into the house from the street.

Three-legged toad- this is not only the most popular symbol in Feng Shui, but also the most effective. This talisman can be placed at the front door or placed in the southeast, in the wealth zone. You should not store it on high cabinets and shelves, as it is believed that toads are afraid of heights.

These talismans can help you achieve success in all areas of life: love, career and money. They will attract good luck and create an atmosphere of lightness, warmth and love in your home! Useful article? Then be sure to put

06.10.2013 12:00

In feng shui apartments important has not only the furnishings, but also the view from the window. Counts, ...
