How to learn the art of throwing knives, sharpening blades, axes, nails, needles and other improvised means introduction. Cold and hot steel: balancing Balancing the scout knife

Throwing knives, as the name suggests, are special knives designed for throwing. There are many types of them, varying in weight, size and design, but they all have one thing in common - they are designed to be thrown at a target.

This highly concentrated activity not only relieves stress when you need a release, but also develops spatial coordination and eye control. In addition, it will help you make a bunch of new connections, of course, if you don’t throw your knife anywhere. There are a considerable number of knife throwing clubs, among which competitions are even held. In addition to the knife itself and the target, you will need a huge supply of patience - only persistent training will allow you to master this useful skill. And we will tell you about everything else that you should about this purely male hobby.

Knife selection

The success of any enterprise depends on the right tool. Knife throwing is no exception. When choosing a knife, you need to rely on the relationship of three factors: weight, length and balance. Most throwers prefer knives weighing from 250 to 450 grams and a length from 25 to 38 cm. The larger the knife, the more difficult it is to twist it when throwing, so beginners are usually advised to take knives slightly smaller than what is written here.

Knife weight and balancing.

The weight of the knife should be 200 g. Its balancing is checked in this way: the index finger of, say, the right hand is placed in the place where the handle starts from the blade, and the index finger of the left hand slightly holds the knife in a horizontal position at the sting. When you release the finger of your left hand, the handle of the knife, as if pausing, should pull the knife smoothly and unconditionally towards the floor (Fig. 5). If the handle of the knife is significantly heavier than the blade, the knife will immediately fall to the floor towards the handle. Therefore, such a handle simply needs to be lightened.

Rice. 5

From the book Guide to Knife Throwing author Kasyanov Tadeush Rafailovich

From the book Guide to Knife Throwing. author Kasyanov Tadeush Rafailovich

Knife weight and balancing. The weight of the knife should be 200 g. Its balancing is checked in this way: the index finger of, say, the right hand is placed in the place where the handle starts from the blade, and the index finger of the left hand slightly holds the knife in a horizontal position

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and perfectly fulfills the role of a mini-course for a novice fighter-thrower of sharpened metal.
Well, the drawings with the dimensions of the required applied projectile make this post just a godsend for those who want to join this exciting and educational activity.

Shape, sharpening, dimensions, steel, balancing, weight

Having dug through and studied a lot of literature on edged weapons, I have not found any material in any source that covers the section “throwing knives” correctly or competently, or rather, professionally. A few amateurish authors have attempted to explore this topic. The books by Victor Popenko and Anatoly Taras showed a lot of knives, the shapes of which came to us from ancient times and, naturally, from different peoples. I very much doubt whether all of these knives are suitable for throwing, but I am far from thinking of offending the mentioned authors; obviously, this happened due to some objective reasons. It is unlikely that the above authors have seen how this is done, and I think that they have not tried to do it themselves, although with a certain desire and skill, as I myself have seen in the past, any object in the hand of a professional can become a formidable weapon (knives, plates, needles , axes, ordinary plates and even hats).
But still, I have a desire to move on to what I have seen, experienced myself, what I can do and what I can teach.

Knife shape

Over the long 30 years, standing at the leadership of the School of Martial Arts SEN’E (path of life, road of life, life’s work), I had to try and become familiar with many types of weapons, including throwing ones. somehow it happened naturally, but rather under the influence of A.A. Kharlampiev, that over the years I developed my own method of using a knife, its canons. The form should be extremely utilitarian and functional. That is, only this way and no other way. Based on the Teacher’s experience, and further on my own, I came to the conclusion that a throwing object, namely a knife, should resemble the silhouette of a swimming shark (Fig. 1). Such a knife is not only convenient to throw, but it is also convenient for working in close combat and fencing at a distance.

The only way the “swimming shark” knife differed from knives of subsequent forms was that the lower cutting edge was more shallowly sharpened relative to the upper, resembling in profile the transition from the upper jaw of a shark to the lower.

With the correct position of the hand, it seems to strike, and the knife looks up diagonally, somewhere at an angle of 45″; if the position is incorrect, the hand is tilted down, and usually the knife begins to somersault and hits the ground. When throwing a knife, the hand must be completely relaxed. And only at the end, when releasing the knife, she, as if stopping, imitates a blow. The student's eyes look at the point where he wants to go, watching his hand with lower or lateral peripheral vision, directing and stopping his hand where his eyes are looking.
A classic example of all the listed actions is a distance of 3 m, when a student, holding a knife by the blade, lightly touching the handle with his thumb and not extending his thumb beyond the area of ​​the bent index finger, sends the knife to the target (Fig. 11).

This throwing style is suitable for a distance of 2.5 to 4 m. At a distance of 1.75 to 2.5 m, the palm is placed on the knife to the middle of the blade.
Now that much has already been explained, I would like to talk about the need for sharpening knife blades. Of course, a master is always a master; he will throw a knife even without sharpening it, i.e. smooth. But if we talk about the high art of throwing, then the masters use a form of knife that is close to the heart and feeling. For a student, when he is required to learn this or that exercise, it is important to have some necessary detail that will increase his understanding of what is happening and his qualifications. So, when we are talking about the knife hitting the target horizontally or vertically, this is where we need to say how sharpening interferes or helps the result.
As already mentioned or shown above, there are different sharpenings. I returned to this topic once again to show how the thumb of the palm lies on the knife before throwing (Fig. 12).

Much of what is shown above cannot even be explained; it is on the verge of intuition. But, while practicing, the student comes to the point that he begins to feel the distance, the knife and the sharpening groove with his finger, i.e., a feeling of understanding and sensation of the knife is born: when to press lightly, when to release, so that the knife hits the target horizontally or vertically. I repeat once again, saying that the sharpening plays a very important role in the arrival of the knife at the target, and the thumb, when releasing the knife from the hand, plays exactly this role.

* Sharpen - a system for sharpening knives and other bladed weapons.

After the publication of this post, I became aware of the real author of this material. This is Tadeush Kasyanov, athlete, actor. He is the author of the manual Manual for Knife Throwing, from which the above text is taken.
Special thanks to commentator for information about the real author.

As practice shows, absolutely any knife can be thrown. A table nail, a pennail nail, even a long and sharp nail - it doesn’t matter in the slightest, since the principles are the same everywhere. Only, of course, after several successful throws such an improvised throwing weapon will become loose and dull, so it will no longer stick into the target as quickly. It can also be difficult to balance, since all these cutting objects are extremely rarely balanced. Therefore, it is to study knife throwing It’s best to use specialized throwing knives, which can be bought at any military store. If you can handle them normally, then any other knife will no longer be a problem for you. But let's start from the beginning. So, 5 basic rules throwing knives. Yes, in this case we are talking about reverse throwing, since in flight the knife makes from half to one and a half turns.

Find the center of gravity

To find the center of gravity, try to balance the knife on your finger. A weapon ideal for throwing knives, it is located at the geometric center. But if the center of gravity is shifted, it doesn’t matter. However, this must be taken into account in the future if you want the knife to fly exactly to the target.

Estimate the distance

Depending on how many meters separate you from the target, the capture point for throwing knives. Typically, a distance of three to four meters is used - in this case, the knife has time to turn 180 degrees in flight and enter the target with a sharpened blade. And this is exactly what the calculation should be.

Take the knife correctly

Use your thumb and forefinger to grasp the knife at the found center of gravity. Use your remaining fingers to press the blade into your palm. The cutting edge, of course, should be directed outward. There is no need to press hard. Don't care about your hands either. This will increase friction and reduce control of the thrown weapon. This grip is recommended for standard distances. If it is less than three meters, take the knife closer to the tip. If the distance is from four to five, then the grip should be closer to the handle. Well, if the distance of throwing knives exceeds five meters, then immediately take the knife by the handle. In this case, the knife will make about one and a half turns in flight, so it will be able to stick into the target normally.

Get into the correct stance

If you are right-handed, then place your left leg slightly forward, and move your right hand with the knife clamped back and up. The wrist should not be bent. You also cannot unclench your fingers at the moment of throwing, since they play the role of a pistol barrel - they help guide throwing weapon exactly where it is planned.

Throw correctly

Immediately at the moment of leaving your hand, the knife should not be positioned horizontally, but at a slight angle to the vertical. Yes, it is precisely due to this that it is given a torque impulse, which ensures sticking into the target. Therefore, throwing should be carried out when the hand with the knife is somewhere at head level. There is no need to squat and throw your hand as far forward as possible, because in this case the knife will not have time to turn 180 degrees and will not be able to stick anywhere.

Actually, that's all. Nothing complicated, but only practice will make you skilled throwing knives perfect. So take your knives and head into the forest, fortunately the weather is already permitting.

Any knife is suitable for throwing, even a folding one. True, after only a dozen throws it will become loose, and its flight will not be controlled,” says Vladimir Sergeevich Kovrov, an instructor in sports knife throwing at the “Solid Hand” club.

If you ever plan to get serious about throwing cutting steel, look at a hunting store for one of the models of throwing knives (for example, “Sturgeon-2”). In the meantime, for fun, you can use any object that comes to hand with a handle and blade.

The throwing rules apply equally not only to special throwing knives, but also to ordinary cupronickel silver cutlery and even long nails.

After an unsuccessful throw, the knife bounces off the target at the same speed as it flies towards it, but whether you have time to rebound is another question. Therefore, dull the blade (a lot) and the tip itself (a little). The knife will still get into a tree, but it’s unlikely to get into you.

Drive all spectators away from the target. When throwing, the penetrating force of the blade is twice as great as when striking. You may not hit a person on purpose, but by accident you may unexpectedly succeed.

Do it once!

Find the center of gravity of the knife by balancing it on your index finger. It’s good if at first it is a “balanced” knife - one whose center of gravity is exactly in the geometric center.

Do two!

Grasp the exact point you find with your index finger and thumb. Use the tips of the rest to press the blade to your palm, placing it on the life line towards you.

“Don’t squeeze the knife as hard as you can. Hold it as if you are trying not to let a sparrow out of your palm,” Vladimir Kovrov appeals to your imaginative thinking. The blade should fit freely between your fingers.

There is no need to hoot and spit on your palms. Moisture will increase friction, and the sliding of the knife will slow down. If your palm is sweaty, just sprinkle it with talcum powder or starch.

Stand at a distance of no less than three and no more than four meters from the target. A knife thrown from this point, having made a half turn, will certainly fly up to the target with the tip forward (thanks to the section of physics “Dynamics of Rotating Bodies”).

When experimenting in the future with the throwing range, remember: if it is less than 3 m, hold the knife a little closer to the edge, if it is more than 4 m, move the grip closer to the handle.

The knife is thrown at a distance of more than 5 m, holding the handle. In this case, in the air it manages to make one or one and a half turns. However, you need to start training from a distance of approximately 3.5 m.

Do three!

Place your left leg forward and swing your right arm up and back without bending your wrist. By turning your body to the left and using the same movement that you throw a snowball, send the knife to the target.

The moment your arm is fully straightened, the knife will fly out of your grip. “Do not unclench your fingers under any circumstances,” Vladimir Sergeevich instructs. - Together with the palm, they play the same role as the bore of a pistol.

If you instinctively open your grip at the last moment, the knife will wobble in the air and change its trajectory.”

Make it four!

Pay attention to the picture below. It is in this way, and no other way, that your wrist should be fixed at the moment the knife leaves your hand. You will definitely want to lower your hand down, since your mind will be sure that from this position the blade, which is almost perpendicular to the ground, will definitely fly up somewhere. But don't trust your feelings. Your inner voice is wrong again, just like that time when it advised you to bet all your money on zero.
