How to take revenge on an offender - smart ways to take revenge on people’s misbehavior. What gesture used to be used to remove stye from the eye in Rus'?

It is human nature to want to live better. To do this, he spends a lot of time and energy to buy a house and a car, start a family, and get a prestigious job. But there will be people who will envy, seek to harm, and rejoice at the failures of others. Enemies surround you both at work and among friends. Magic will help you protect yourself from the evil eye, take revenge and punish the offender. IN magical practice apply special programs who will avert misfortune, will do harm to those who once caused harm. How to take revenge on the offender in such cases? You can have a negative impact on the enemy either with the help of a practicing magician or independently at home. True, few people know how to punish an offender so that he is mutilated, without using aggressive rituals.

Magic will help you protect yourself from the evil eye, take revenge and punish the offender

Black magic against enemies to punish

When you already know who specifically did or wants to do evil, magically or arbitrarily, the desire for revenge increases. The question arises of how to punish the offender in such a way that it hurts. I want to get rid of this person. We will tell you further how to take revenge on the enemy using magic. After causing trouble, the natural desire is to destroy the enemy. Revenge causes a negative impact on enemies; clients, using witchcraft, simply destroy the enemy, want to kill. Hatred towards the offender forces one to resort to conspiracies.

Black revenge using photos

For this purpose, photographs of enemies are more often used; in the absence of such, clients use dangling dolls or drawn silhouettes. For the ritual you will also need candles and needles. After piercing a photo with a needle or inserting a needle into a doll, which symbolizes the enemy’s body, into the heart area, the following spell is pronounced:

“Let the happiness, luck and health of the servant of God (name) be abandoned overnight, let them break on this needle and never return. May my needle prick the servant of God (name) both day and night, may he never know peace, may he always feel a sharp thorn in his body. Let the servant of God (name) be tormented, let him dry up from my needle, let him not know peace and happiness. My will is strong, my words are indestructible. Everything that has been said will come true and no one can turn against me. Let it be so".

Practicing magicians claim that you will need a new needle for this witchcraft, otherwise you will harm yourself. You can pierce both the heart area and any other parts of the body. More often they even stick needles into the head, in which case the offender will suffer severely. headache. If the offender is a girl, then the doll’s stomach is burst with a needle, which indicates possible problems with the birth of children. This black magic ritual is popular in movies about unrequited love. It also helps in life, because it is endowed with power that will deliver the enemy forever.

Ritual for mental curse

In magical practice, another ritual is used, with which people punish enemies from a distance, if they constantly think about revenge. During the ritual, imagine the face of the enemy in front of you. This action was used against ill-wishers by our grandmothers, so it is suitable for use at home. For this ritual you will need berries, it’s better to take blueberries. A thick jelly is made from the berries.

When the water with berries boils, pour into it a large number of starch.

While stirring, pronounce the spell:

“I will remember your work with jelly, quickly, boldly, skillfully. As Yegoriy fought, as he defeated his enemies, so I will crush (name)’s enemy, I will destroy his cause in an instant. My jelly, jelly, you boil all day, you boil, rise, strengthen my work, and strengthen it. I am the first, and my enemy will always be behind me, will not overtake me, will not lead me astray from my path. God is with me, helps me, protects me, guides me. As it is said, it will come true. Key, tongue, lock. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The prepared jelly must be eaten while thinking about the enemy. You should imagine the face of the offender in front of you and mentally remind yourself of the desired result magical influence. If you want to bring bad luck to your enemy, think about humiliating this person in front of your boss at work; if you want to see how your enemy suffers, think about the deterioration of the offender’s health with possible complications. The ritual with jelly requires attention and patience. The jelly is eaten to the end. The punishment will come true soon. You will get rid of enemies at work and the negative energy of others.

White magic against enemies

You can teach a lesson and humiliate the enemy with the help of white magic. There are known spells and conspiracies that will help protect against envy and damage at home. Correct and timely magical protection will save your career and love, restore good luck, health, and bring happiness to every family member. During magical rituals individual details are important, including time. It is better to cast a spell against the enemy on the days of the full moon, after sunset.

Ritual to tame the envious

Magic programs use a spell to punish an offending colleague. There will be someone at work who is jealous of your achievements and would like to take your place. Such a person should take revenge. The proposed method of revenge through a magic ritual can be easily reproduced at home. You will need some things that can be found in your apartment or house:

  • Matchbox;
  • two candles, not yet used;
  • black thread;
  • photo of the offender

Magic programs use a spell to punish an offending colleague

Do not use group photos under any circumstances, otherwise damage is possible for those who did nothing wrong: did not cross the road, were not jealous. In this case, it is recommended to cut out a photo of the person against whom the resentment has grown and the desire to repay for the harm caused. Having prepared what you need, make sure that the process will not be interfered with; for this it is better to retire to a separate room. The ritual should be organized closer to midnight. Light the candles, making sure they don't go out. Take in left hand photo of the enemy, right hand take the end of the thread and wrap it around the photo. Don't forget to pronounce the spell:

"I, the Servant of God ( given name) I am sending strong will my strong word so that my enemy, the Servant of God (colleague’s name) will no longer be able to commit his dark deeds towards me. And what he did so that it never achieved its goal. I am not winding a black thread, but a magical web, and I am weaving the dark matter of my enemy into it forever. He will get lost in it and forget about me forever. Amen". “I, the Servant of God (proper name), want it this way, so it will be.”

After the spoken words, blow on the photo three times and burn the image over the candle.

Protection with magical powers for yourself

When you feel a negative energetic impact on yourself from employees at work or friends, you need to think about protecting against him in advance. Most magical actions do not cause difficulties in performing, but will be appropriate in your favorite life situations.

Simple amulets

Carry it with you everywhere protective amulet. This is a cross or a red thread, which we often see on the hand; the words of the conspiracy are pronounced over these things:

“The amulet will protect, protect from evil. Everything that the witches conjured, everything that the enemies sent, will not get to me, it will return doubly to them. Amen"

The amulet against enemies is made from ordinary paper. To do this, you need to write the above-mentioned text on a small piece of paper, fold the paper in four and attach it to your clothes with a pin or put it in your pocket. It is important to wear a talisman near you in difficult circumstances.

Rituals for protection from an invisible enemy

But, as often happens, we experience a dark streak in life, without even guessing who wants to cause damage. A series of troubles does not frighten you at first, it seems to encourage you, but when over time the situation does not improve, think about how to get rid of this negativity. In magical practice, a simple ritual is used that helps stop a streak of troubles. Everyone can do the ritual, but it is better to do it at home, in your own room. On a full moon, stand near the window and say the following spell:

“I appeal to you, Lord God, the Most High and All-Powerful, I, the Servant of God, protect me, my loved ones, my home! Save me and my work, save my work from ill-wishers and enemies, visible and invisible. Deliver me from the evil of those whom I do not know and do not want to know. Amen".

This ritual is powerful with magical energy. The conspiracy is not designed to destroy an ill-wisher, but will help get rid of such people in the future and prevent harm to oneself.

Magic is a proven way to protect yourself against possible troubles in life, which more often occur as a result of envy and even damage. Negative energy, which we eat when we communicate with other people, will lead to consequences. Therefore, be careful to guard yourself against the evil designs of your enemies.

We women sometimes don’t even imagine how often others envy us. You won’t believe it, but malicious envious people can be not only the old neighbors’ old ladies or the saleswoman from the meat department, but also our loved ones, whom we trust. How many people have stumbled over the envy of their best friend, who broke up their family. How many other women have suffered from envious colleagues at work? Imagine, sisters, brothers and even own mother(who else could be dearer and closer?) are guilty of this vice.

I would really like to touch on the topic of envy in our modern life: what it is, why it is dangerous, from whom and how to protect yourself, and why young children are most vulnerable.

What is envy and how is it dangerous?

Envy is a very negative and all-consuming feeling that eats a person from the inside and pushes him to do mean things. They envy beauty, success, happy marriage, good earnings- everything that has value in the eyes of people deprived of these benefits. It is because of this that people often curse each other and destroy not only other people’s energy, but also their own.

This sinful feeling is dangerous because it begins to control the life of the envious person, and he commits vile acts to annoy someone he envies. In addition to purely moral and physical negativity, there is another danger for the victim - a weakening of the biofield, that is, energy. The more it weakens energy protection a person, the more often he gets sick, the less success comes into his life, the worse his family relationships. Life forces disappear from his body under the influence of negative messages from the envious person, especially if the victim has constant contact with the pest.

Children are most susceptible to envy. It is very easy to jinx them and spoil them, because their energy is still weak, and the Guardian Angel has not gained enough power to protect him from evil. It’s not for nothing that our great-grandmothers used all sorts of spells and amulets against envious eyes and bad tongues. In fact, there are not only conspiracies, but also church prayers, helping to maintain a balance of power when dealing with an envious opponent.

Who is jealous of us?

So, protecting yourself and your family from envy is not only possible, but also necessary. How to do this and how to generally determine who wishes you ill? I am sure that any person who is able to listen to his feelings will feel where the “wind is blowing” from. “Symptoms” may be too frequent staring in your direction, attempts to be sarcastic and offend, spreading gossip and rumors, open actions in order to annoy in the absence of provocation on your part.

I can give a few examples from my own experience:

Girlfriend. She regularly discouraged me from buying things that suited me perfectly. How many times did I not listen to her, and then brought my sister, brother, aunt to try on dresses or trousers - everyone refuted her opinion. She gave me equally bad advice about young people. Those who, in all respects, were worthy candidates, in her words, looked like completely negative characters.

Colleague. I couldn’t understand who was so persistent in telling everyone at work that I never put money into a common pot for the holidays (that was our custom), although this was a blatant deception. Then I didn’t understand who spread the rumor that I had lost the key to an important box, although I had never held it in my hands. When the origins of the lies were finally found, I analyzed the behavior of the rumor monger from the moment we met. She always looked at me intently and did not forget to give out another portion of sarcasm about my appearance.

Dear grandmother. Grandmother has two daughters. Eldest daughter(my mother) got married successfully and has an apartment, loving husband, two children - simple woman's happiness. The younger one was the less fortunate groom. They were busy with business trips and rented apartments, were able to support only one child, and purchased their own home only when they were 40 years old. Both my mother and I always felt that my grandmother had an extremely negative attitude towards any positive events in our family, but how she rejoiced at the slightest progress in her life. youngest daughter! That granddaughter was the smartest, kindest and most decent, but my grandmother tried to find some kind of wormhole in me and my brother and spent years procrastinating on it.

If you have similar examples in your life, then I congratulate you, you are surrounded by envious people from whom you need to protect yourself.

We protect ourselves from envy without pity or regret!

I have a personal protection scheme that I have developed over the years from such malicious lovers of feeding on other people’s happiness:

  • We reduce the distance between you and them as much as possible. Even if it's close relative, try to minimize contact.
  • At direct communication do not let the envious person touch you, your clothes, things. Avoid physical contact.
  • When insolently examining your person, also look intently and impudently at the pest, without looking away. Get the person to look away.
  • With such people, it is important to learn to visualize invisible protection. For example, I imagine that around me there is a dense glass dome, from which black sharp spikes emanate in all directions, or an iron wall surrounded by water. Why water? Because it washes away negativity perfectly.
  • Do not try to politely listen to the flattery of such a person. Cut him off at the approaches. Does he admire your wonderful hair? You, in turn, say that he has them even better and try to touch them with your hand. A few repelled attacks, and the envious person will fall behind.
  • Don’t talk about your personal life, brag less about your successes, don’t try to stand out from the team so as not to attract a lot of negative messages from other employees. I knew a woman who lived luxuriously supported by her husband and worked in the department social protection solely for internship purposes. She loved to invite a manicurist to her work during lunch breaks and paid almost a third of her salary for nails. I think you can imagine how many snake heads were hissing behind her back.

The best defense will be the magpie about the health of your envious person and you. It won’t be superfluous for you to cleanse yourself through a prayer request in church, but if the higher powers direct the saboteur and put him on the right path, his thoughts will stop returning to you.

Don’t forget to order prayer services for children, because it’s even easier to spoil them, and sometimes our negativity passes on to them “by blood.” And remember, the fewer photos we post for everyone to see, the better our health!

Answer to a 5 letter crossword puzzle starting with the letter U:


What does the word mean SUCCESS in dictionaries:

  • "At the very beginning of the path to perfection, he stumbled over his crushing..."
  • "For mediocre minds the only reliable criterion of wisdom is..."
  • "Red rag" for competitors
  • "The best way to annoy the envious
  • "Guide" of the lucky one
  • "Consistent... makes good businessmen out of robbers"
  • “Let him be capricious... he chooses from those who can laugh at himself first!” (from song)
  • “You won’t find out right away how much you will have to pay for...
  • “Persistence + goal definition + focus.” What's the difference?
  • "The more you rely on someone, the more precarious your chances of..."
  • “...marriage is not so much about finding ideal partner, how much is it to be one yourself?
  • "...rarely comes without a fight"
  • “There will always be someone to thank for your...”
  • "Outstanding... does not tolerate small actions"
  • “If... it was easy, everyone would have it”
  • The Englishman Bernard Shaw believed that a truly great man... does not spoil
  • IN football team The captain changed, and the team began to win all matches in a row. The former captain thinks: “What’s the matter? The players are the same.” I called the new captain and said, explain why this... . The new one explains: - Yes, it’s very simple. Before a match, did the referee ask you for a coin to cast lots? - I asked. - What did you give him? - Well, I don’t know, a dime. - And I'm a hundred bucks
  • A good reason to feel dizzy
  • Universal recognition
  • Achievement
  • The only unforgivable sin in relation to one's loved one (according to Ambrose Bierce)
  • What result are you happy with?
  • When everything works out!
  • Reward for the past, intoxication for the present, fuel for the future
  • Public acceptance
  • It makes my head spin
  • Excellent results
  • Recognition of the actor by the audience
  • Provocateur of envy
  • Play by Russian playwright V.V. Lavrentiev
  • Luck realized
  • The result of an undertaking, the most common reason for toasts
  • A novel by Lion Feuchtwanger
  • Novel-study of the Russian writer D. Merezhkovsky
  • Slava is a fly-by-night
  • Oat variety
  • Cucumber variety
  • A way to annoy envious people
  • Happy ending
  • A happy ending
  • Such a “staircase, where with each next step you will be thrown off by the one who follows you”
  • What many people strive for in life
  • Luck
  • Successful completion of the case
  • Furor in a different way
  • Furor, triumph
  • Harvey Mackay defined it as "persistence + goal definition + focus"
  • What makes us intolerant of failure?
  • Why can't a loser see his own ears?
  • Noisy recognition of merit


1. What kind of skier is accurate? Answer: Biathlete.
5. Where is the choir in a Christian church? Answer: Kliros.
9. A suitable unit for measuring the height of the fairytale Little Humpbacked Horse. Answer: Vershok.
11. Which city was destroyed during the Third Punic War? Answer: Carthage.
12. Who appeared next to the Red Army soldier Sukhov “at every shot”? Answer: Said.
13. Normal ending for Russians folk tales. Answer: Feast.
14. What is cut during an economic crisis? Answer: State.
15. What turns perfume into dust? Answer: Spray.
18. What is captured in the painting “The Last Shot of A. S. Pushkin” by Adrian Volkov? Answer: Duel.
19. “Hangover” with vegetable notes. Answer: Brine.
22. “One position for two” between Cattani and Maigret. Answer: Commissioner.
23. “And for you, I see, he is also good who hands you his fake...”. Answer: Grosh.
25. The cries of the “three little pigs.” Answer: Squeal.
27. Sovereign trident of a gourmet. Answer: Fork.
30. It has been established that Bulgarian ... has a beneficial effect on nervous system. Answer: Pepper.
31. “Only women can be not only the best judges of women, but also their executioners” (American classic). Answer: Twain.
35. Software… . Answer: Security.
36. School “box”. Answer: Pencil case
41. What do they put into a payphone? Answer: Token.
42. Magic talisman. Answer: Amulet.
45. What ivy did the Americans call the “house eater”? Answer: Kudzu.
47. Collective brainstorming among programmers. Answer: Hackathon.
48. “Fluttering Tie.” Answer: Butterfly.
49. Best friend Barbie dolls. Answer: Midge
50. Ordinal…. Answer: Number.
51. “Cotton Breadbasket” USA. Answer: Alabama.
52. “Eternal flame” with the icon. Answer: Lamp.
53. Canadians came up with the “squealing …” to scare away stray dogs. Answer: Umbrella.
54. Master of smiles. Answer: Clown.
55. Red-breasted bird. Answer: Bullfinch.
56. Logs of the dugout. Answer: Roll up.
57. Antediluvian beast. Answer: Lizard.
58. “Caviar for the poor” among the Serbs. Answer: Aivar.


1. What prevents you from hitting someone who is down? Answer: Nobility.
2. Dance at a wedding from the cartoon “Three Heroes and the Shamakhan Queen.” Answer: Twist.
3. Who excommunicates the hero of the drama “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer”? Answer: Archbishop.
4. What did Thomas Edison propose to use for death penalty? Answer: Current.
6. What is the old “flying chair” now? Answer: Elevator.
7. What did the Black Sea resident record on an American typewriter from the story “Dictaphone” by Mikhail Zoshchenko? Answer: Swear word.
8. What musical creation did the great Ludwig van Beethoven dedicated to the Parisian violinist Kreutzer, whose playing so delighted the genius? Answer: Sonata.
10. Cyanide…. Answer: Potassium.
13. In the American state of South Carolina, the world's largest castle, 15 meters high, was built. Of what? Answer: Sand.
16. What was the previous gesture in Rus' to “remove stye from the eye”? Answer: Kukish.
17. “Heart of the Czech Republic.” Answer: Prague.
20. How did Ginger and her husband get rich from the drama “Jasmine”? Answer: Lottery.
21. Which Giordano did the inquisitors burn? Answer: Bruno.
24. Patron in the boss's chair. Answer: Chief.
26. “Bonds of Illusion.” Answer: Misconception.
28. A thought with a claim to exclusivity. Answer: Idea.
29. Rejuvenating…. Answer: Cream.
32. “The best way to annoy” envious people. Answer: Success.
33. Rice noodles. Answer: Mifun.
34. Loop carrier. Answer: Page.
37. Business of raftsmen. Answer: Timber rafting.
38. Which sorcerer among the Slavs previously took on an animal form in order to devour the sun and moon? Answer: Volklodak.
39. "Spineless food." Answer: Slut.
40. All that remains of the child. Answer: Adult.
43. “Land of a Thousand Smiles.” Answer: Thailand.
44. Georgian writer who “gave” the nickname Koba to Joseph Stalin himself. Answer: Kazbegi.
45. First capital of Portugal. Answer: Coimbra.
46. ​​Male from the flock. Answer: Ram.
48. The fish that supplies the most expensive black caviar. Answer: Beluga.
