How to completely remove Java from your computer. How to completely remove Java Complete removal of java windows 7

Before you remove java from your computer, let's still figure out what this programming language is, how and when it arose, and what functions it performs.

First of all, I will say that the date of official release of java is considered to be May 23, 1995, and its developers are usually called specialists from Sun Microsystems. However, this company existed independently for a fairly short time and was later acquired by the computer giant Oracle. What is good about this development? Well, it is mainly preferred due to its special bytecode, which ultimately allows it to work with any modern computer architecture.

Section 1. Features of writing and pronouncing java in Russian.

In most cases, if a beginner is dealing with this program and encounters any problems, he is forced to seek help from a specialist. And that's when difficulties arise. What? Well, for example, you need to state the essence: “I can’t remove java!”, But how to correctly pronounce the last word so that the interlocutor understands you correctly?

In fact, both variants are equally common in the Russian language: both “Java” and “Java”; they are considered equivalent. However, if we ask the opinion of the developers themselves, we find out that they only recognize the first option, i.e. "Java". But the second name for them is associated with the geographical name of the island of Java, located in Indonesia.

In addition, be prepared to be asked again: “How to remove java, you say?” Is it a toad? Yes, you heard right! In Russia, the word “toad” in the computer world refers to this particular programming language, and the name is so firmly rooted that advertising calendars, posters and even business cards began to be published with this image.

Often users are also interested in the question of why a cup of steaming coffee is drawn on the java logo. Well, this language was originally invented for programming some electronic devices that were used in everyday life. A little later, it received the name “Java” in honor of the creator’s favorite type of coffee, and only after some time the word “Java” turned into “Java”, but nevertheless the emblem remained, as a tribute to the fact that the language was originally created for programming household appliances. devices.

Section 2. How to remove java from your computer?

Most often, it is required if an older version of a program begins to interfere with updating or installing a more modern one.

How to do this correctly? Everything mainly depends on what operating system is installed on your computer.

Let's take a closer look at each of the options. Although I will immediately note that uninstalling java in most cases is no different from uninstalling any other software.

  • Windows 7 or Vista installed on your computer

Click the “Start” button located in the lower right corner of your screen, then go to the “Control Panel” and find the “Programs” menu. Ready? Select "Programs and Features". In order to uninstall the required application, select it and click the “Delete” button. Keep in mind that in order to uninstall the program, you will need administrator rights.

  • Windows XP is installed on the computer

As in the previous case, select “Start”, “Control Panel” and then “Add or Remove Programs”. The last window should display a list of all software products that were once installed on the hard drive, one of which will be the Java we need. Found it? Select and click “Delete”.

Section 3. How to completely remove java if standard methods do not help?

Yes, indeed, sometimes it happens that we seem to be doing everything right, but the program throws an error and, therefore, remains on the computer.

Probably, many users have already heard about special programs that may be needed in this situation. The most common uninstallers are Revo and RegOrganizer, but, as it turned out during testing, none of them coped with the task. They simply didn't recognize the application.

According to the official website, before uninstalling java (an older version, since such problems do not arise with modern ones), download the free J2SE Runtime Environment or Java 2 Runtime Environment programs to your computer, they should definitely help.

The Java platform is the No. 1 environment among software developers for computers and portable devices due to the simple architecture of the programming language of the same name and the translation of executable code into specialized bytecode. Thanks to this capability, software developed using Java can run on virtually any device or virtual machine. As a result, the library that provides support for the technology must be installed on any user’s computer controlled by Windows 7.

Due to the constant improvement of technology, its developers release new versions of the environment, execution module and plug-ins from month to month. They include both completely new and updated components. An update most often means improving security and performance, correcting detected problems, and optimizing executable code.

Before updating Java, developers recommend uninstalling the old version of the product from Windows 7 in order to avoid conflicts or the inability to replace one of the files due to its use by third-party software (browser) and to ensure that programs work using a completely updated environment.

What’s noteworthy is that starting with revision number 45, Google Chrome stopped supporting NPAPI for Java applets.

Let's look at how to remove Java from a personal computer running Windows 7 in order to update the product or after the last attempt to update the environment has failed.

Removal using tools integrated into Windows

To uninstall Java that does not have an uninstall shortcut in the Start menu, you must use a special control panel component responsible for uninstalling applications.

  • We go to the “Control Panel”, where we call “Uninstall a program” if you choose to display its icons by category or “Programs and Features” if the icons are displayed as icons.
  • Then we look for “Java” in the list of applications installed on Windows 7 and use the element’s context menu to call the “Delete / Change” command.

  • We confirm the uninstallation of Java from the computer.

  • We wait several tens of seconds while the installer prepares to make changes to the installed program.

By following the above steps, the classic msi installer will allow you to quickly remove the software environment with all components.

Delete manually

In Windows 7, like any other operating system, almost every program can be uninstalled using a method that is used by a significant number of beginners - by deleting the directory with the application.

  • To do this, go to the “Program Files (x86)” directory if you are using a 64-bit operating system, or visit the “Program Files” directory in 32-bit Windows 7.
  • Then we look for all folders whose names begin with “J”. “Java” will definitely be on their list.

  • Call the “Delete” command through the context menu or using the “Del” hardware key and confirm the uninstallation of the directory.

If an error occurs that an object is being used by some program, unload the problematic application from RAM or use the Unlocker utility.

Cleaning tails using JavaMSIFix

When problems arise after uninstalling an old edition of Java, it is recommended to use the JavaMSIFix utility. It was developed by Oracle specifically to troubleshoot this kind of problem.

  • Download the application for Windows 7 from the official developer website.
  • Run the executable file (the program does not require installation) and click “I Agree” to indicate that you agree to the terms of use of the provided product.

  • Then click on the “Click to Fix” button to execute the algorithm for identifying and correcting errors.

  • At the end of the procedure, close the window.

By following these simple steps, you are guaranteed to be able to remove Java from your computer and fix problems that arise with updating the environment. Now you can safely download the updated Java for Windows 7 with an increased degree of security and expanded functionality.

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Any item has the ability to break and fail. Whether it was created by nature or man. Likewise, any computer system is subject to the effects of time. After using a personal computer for a long time, system errors may accumulate in it, which lead to certain malfunctions. For example, you can often find people looking for advice saying, "I can't uninstall Java." What can you tell them?


Before you uninstall Java, try to understand what you're dealing with. After all, this software package is responsible for launching applications and applets created on it. In addition, if you work and play via the Internet, without this software package many functions on the sites will not be available to you. Problems with Java occur mainly due to a failed update or incorrect uninstallation. To correct these errors, you need to do a few fairly simple steps, which we will talk about.

First way

So, if your Java update fails, but this software package continues to work normally, then you do not need to worry about the question: “How to remove Java?” You must do all the operations that are necessary to remove any normal program. To do this, go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Programs” - “Uninstall programs”. There, find all the entries that mention Java and JA and click "Uninstall a program." Be careful: some programs and games may have a similar name, so check with the developer. After you have deleted everything, you can try to install the new version downloaded from the official website.

First problems

It may happen that the required package will not appear in the list of installed programs. How to remove Java in this case? Try doing this manually. To do this, open “My Computer” and go to the disk where the operating system is installed. Go to the Program files folder and look for Java. Delete this folder manually by right-clicking "Delete". And don't forget to empty your trash. You also need to find and remove all traces of Java in the Common Files subfolder. After you have completed all the steps described, you can try to reinstall this software package.

Next step

So, if all the previous options did not help you and you still do not understand how to completely remove Java, then there is only one thing left to do. Install a program such as CCleaner on your computer. It allows you not only to install and remove programs, like the built-in manager, but also to search for problems in the registry and already installed programs. Thus, after launching CCleaner, you need to do the following.

  1. Go to the "Service" tab. You will see a menu in which you should have "Uninstall programs" selected. Try finding and uninstalling Java. If it’s not there, then we move on.
  2. Open the sub-item “Cleaning” - “Applications”. Uncheck all elements. In the "Internet" item, check the box next to Java and click "Cleanup". Restart your computer and try installing the required software package again.
  3. If it doesn't help, there is only one option left. Problems in the registry. Still in the same CCleaner, go to the tab with the appropriate name. Click "Search for problems", then "Fix everything". In the dialog boxes, agree to all actions. After clearing the registry, reboot again.

Cardinal method

If everything that was written above did not help you, then there is one more way to remove Java. User programs and utilities. The creators and developers of the Java software package are not the only ones who understand programming. There are people who are able to create applications themselves and have encountered the problem of uninstalling/updating Java. You can download utilities called JavaMSIFix or JavaRe. They weigh little and can be launched with a double click. In theory, they should fix all the problems that you have with the Java package. However, before and after use, be sure to check your computer with an antivirus, since no one can guarantee that you will not introduce some kind of virus onto your computer.

Often, an update failure or incorrect uninstallation results in an impossible secondary installation of the program. The whole point is that the installation detects current entries in the operating system and software components.

This happened with the Java platform, which incorrectly completed the current update. Subsequent attempts to restore the interrupted process were unsuccessful. Even manually deleting files from system directories did not produce visible results.

How to completely remove Java from computer?

A little about it - Java. Java Platform is a cross-platform software for running applications created in this language, as well as some applets used in programs for additional functionality. Can be used on low-budget smartphones, along with expensive server solutions.

So, if there is a problem with the update or Java notifies about errors, you should try to remove it using standard means Windows:

Manual Java removal

If after the above steps re-installation fails, you should use manual removal. Open the system directory “Program Files”, located in the root of the local drive C:. From the list of installed programs, find:
previous versions of Java: J2SE, Java 2, Java SE or Java Runtime Environment.
(Names may vary depending on software version.)

Delete the folders with all contents, and then try again to install the updated Java. If the attempt is stopped by an error, you should use the correction utility - JavaMSIFix.

Then click “Click to Fix” to begin the fixing process.

Many of us have wondered how to use Java correctly from a computer without affecting the correct operation of existing programs. First, let's remember what Java is and why it is needed.

Java is one of the main software components, which is installed on the vast majority of Windows computers (taking into account the architecture: 64-bit / 32-bit). As a result, the runtime environment provides users with the correct operation of many modern applications, including: computer games, programs, Internet sites and various online applications.

It is very important to keep the version up to date to avoid failures in the operation of the necessary programs and favorite applications. One way to update the software is to download the latest version and install it manually. However, in order to install the update correctly, you must first remove the old version of Java.

In this article we will show how to remove java from your pc based on various versions of Windows operating systems.

How to remove Java on Windows 10

  1. In the lower left corner of the screen, open the Start menu and find Settings.
  2. Then, open the System menu and select Items and Applications.
  3. In the list that opens, indicate the installed version of Java and click on the “uninstall” tab.
  4. In the window that opens, answer the questions and click on the delete button.

Instructions for Windows 8

  1. Launch the Start menu and place the cursor in the Search field.
  2. In the search bar, enter “Control Panel”. After that, activate the found icon.
  3. In the window that opens, select Uninstall programs.
  4. In the list that appears, find the installed version of Java and right-click on it. Select Delete.
  5. To confirm the deletion, click Yes.

Removal instructions for Windows 7

  1. Open the Start menu, then go to Control Panel.
  2. Next, in the window that opens, go to the “Programs” menu.
  3. Then find the installed version of Java.
  4. Having selected the installed program, click on the remove button.

Uninstallation process on Windows XP

  1. Open the Start menu and select Control Panel.
  2. In the window that opens, find and open the Add or Remove Programs menu, wait until the list is built.
  3. In the list that appears, find the installed version of Java, select it and click Remove.

Sometimes, the process of removing this software may occur with glitches and errors. This may be due to damaged files, as well as entries in the system registry. In order to resolve any problems, use a system utility from Microsoft, which will automatically fix the problems.
