Maria Golovina: “I’m at home in the village! Personal finance: Maria Golovina How do you feel about loans and credit cards.

In Kemerovo, where Maria Golovina lived until 2015, everyone knew her. Maria is a speech pathologist and speech pathologist, she headed the “Curative Pedagogy Service”, worked with children with disabilities, was actively involved in charitable and social activities. And suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, Maria leaves for the village of Chumai - her small homeland. But even more people are beginning to talk and write about her and her projects.

Maria, when did you have the desire to return back to the village? AND main question- For what?

We left Chumai when I was 15 years old. I didn’t want to leave, family circumstances just happened that way. I always had a desire to live in my native village, but it depended on two important issues: housing and work. Besides, my husband didn’t want to move, and I always felt like I had no choice. In a village you have to live with a man - I grew up with this belief.

The children became sad; the housing problem arose for them - they are now renting an apartment.

I managed to make the decision to live in Chumai in 2014. This happened at the peak of success in Kemerovo, when everything promised stable prospects in the city. Many years of psychotherapeutic work on myself helped me decide. I was involved in psychotherapy as a profession, because when working with children and parents it is important to understand the nature of the emotions and feelings that arise in relationships.

Why did I go to Chumai? I realized my childhood dream, this is my place of power - it has been tested over the years. My uncle lives in the village; every summer we grew a vegetable garden here and made food. New Year We also tried to meet here, gathering all our relatives.

Of course, just making your childhood dream come true is not “grown-up”. Around 2007, I started making plans to create a guest estate in Chumai. Friends often came to see me there; tourists raft along Kiya every summer, so I understood that our village was attractive and its location at the junction of mountains and valleys creates a special climate and atmosphere here. In general, I went to Chumai to build the Marusino guest estate. I had 1.5 million rubles from the sale of an apartment, my profession and childhood experience of living in the village. Well desire realize your dream!

For reference. Chumai is a village in Chebulinsky district, Kemerovo region. Located on the left bank of the Kiya River - the left tributary of the Chulym River (Obi basin). The Chumai River flows in the center of the village. Population - about 1300 people. Area - 9 sq. km, 15 streets.

What about the husband?

By that time I had separated from my husband. He believed that I should work less and spend more time at home. He had another request for his wife's functions. I decided that self-realization was more important, and, sobbing, I left.

How did your loved ones and family react to your decision to leave the city?

My family knows me well, so no one began to argue - it’s useless. The children became sad; the housing problem arose for them - they are now renting an apartment. Although the son tried to encourage his daughter-in-law to live in the village, she resisted. Mom thinks that, in essence, I did the right thing.

Conditions are still difficult. Mom helps the most, because she is retired and still full of energy, her son comes when he is not working. He started his own project on our estate - building a chicken coop. My daughter-in-law comes less often. Grandson Timur is the most happy; he will be three years old in the spring. He chases dogs and cats, knows their names, digs snow and sand, and carries water from the tap with his grandmother. He has a lot to do here!

Well, how did the residents of Chumai evaluate your arrival? How do they perceive the innovations that you bring to the life of the village?

My classmate, who lives in Chumai, called me a fool. A friend who has dreamed of moving to the city all her life has come to terms with it, but is sceptical. The head of the local administration, who was agitating all the Chumais who had left to move to the village, was shocked - he couldn’t work with anyone except me.

At first there was a lot of open distrust, some of whom still have it. I didn’t come quietly, but immediately with the “Art Bay” project - a place for children’s creativity. State employees were afraid for their jobs, especially teachers, so they were hostile to me and the project. Although my parents worked as teachers at this school, and my mother left the village as a school director, the school definitely didn’t need me.

For reference. "Art Bay" is something like rural house creativity. In an ordinary hut, on weekends local children host master classes in all sorts of areas - from carpentry to baking buns. Since its opening, Chumai children have come here just to chat with adults and with each other. Classes are taught by local masters and those invited from the regional center. Kemerovo friends of Maria Golovina and Elena Mitrofanova, a partner in the project, came to renovate the hut for the “Art Bay”.

Now the situation in relationships has changed a lot with everyone budgetary institutions and with part of the population. The village needs an “Art Bay”, this has become obvious. A lot of people come here a large number of children, and no one is forcing them. At the same time, none of the adults come to help at the cleanup days, although the parents are glad that there is a home for children’s creativity. Only one large family helps - Alekseenko, they came to the village three years ago.

In general, there is more support in words than in deeds. People in the village feel “abandoned”, “second-class”: the millionaire state farm has fallen into disrepair, there is no work. People have no community, no moral guidelines. All that remains is the past, as they believe, and they live in it. Therefore, it is difficult for them to see something good and useful nearby today. I hope the situation will change.

Maria, who are you friends with in the village?

The people I interact with every day are my neighbors. You can live in a village and not communicate very closely with your neighbors, it depends on the person, but I value people. I managed to gather the creative intelligentsia of the village into a community, we created a creative association, now we meet and sing, read poetry, listen to original songs, come up with something. So we decided to do it next year our Chumai calendar, let's call it “Chumai tales”. Photographers will take our local photographs and put together stories from our rural life.

Do you feel a lack of communication after a very rich life in Kemerovo?

I don’t experience a lack of communication; another thing is that the quality of communication has changed. There is more internet: correspondence, Skype. The seminars organized by the Timchenko Foundation for the designers who won the “Cultural Mosaic 2015” competition greatly enriched me. The circle of friends has grown, and people have appeared who are engaged in similar practices in other regions. We are now a "gang".

What is your typical day like now in Chumai?

I get up at 6 or 7 o’clock, rarely at 8 - this is only in winter. I heat the kettle, light the stove, feed my three house cats, my three dogs and one neighbor’s, and fill the bird feeder. Then I run to Art Bay: there I feed the two teenage kittens I picked up near my house, charge the stove, and in the cold, I turn it on in the morning. I run home: I bring water and firewood, have breakfast, and clear the snow in the yard if I have time before work. Then at 10 or 11 o’clock I go to the museum (since February last year I have been on a budget at the Chumai Museum of Local Lore), it’s about 1.5 km along the streets. Everything in the museum is according to the work plan, but sometimes you can work on the Internet, look at email and social networks. I go home, at best, at 15:00, more often at 16:30. I go to the store to buy bread for the animals, and buy something for myself. And then until 19 o’clock everything is according to the morning scenario. In the evening I usually sit down at the computer, work, read before going to bed and fall asleep no later than 23:00. This is the daily routine if there are no events and if I don’t go to Kemerovo. It happens, of course, that I forget about work and just watch a movie in the evening.

I have always dreamed of living in a village, having a large plot and a large house with rooms for all generations of the family, with a river and a forest nearby, with dogs in the yard and cats in the house only in winter.

What are the main difficulties you have to face - both everyday and moral?

The main difficulty at home is heating the stove in two houses in winter and carrying water for irrigation in summer. So far, these processes take a lot of time and effort. I have strength, but no time. The moral difficulty is that people are inactive, “dead” for the most part. There are several categories among them. For able-bodied and active Chumais from 35 to 45 years old, the main concern is “how and where to earn more money and send their children to the city to study and live, because they themselves no longer have the chance, but they want to.” There are those that “don’t dry out.” And no one raises the bar in consciousness above questions of survival.

What then is the main advantage of living in the village?

I think that everyone has their own advantages, depending on how they look at life in the village. For me it is the constant spiritual joy of being at home. I have always dreamed of living in a village, having a large plot and a large house with rooms for all generations of the family, with a river and a forest nearby, with dogs in the yard and cats in the house only in winter. To have space and fresh air so that sunrises and sunsets in the window, so that cows and milk with sour cream on the table and so that caring people, for example, like Aunt Lisa the neighbor, can tell me: “Masha, why did you smear that on your eyebrows? What a disaster! They are already black, why are you smearing them? Better put some makeup on your lips, otherwise they look pale.”

Maria, is there something that you sorely miss in Chumai?

I really miss being surrounded by colleagues, like-minded people, and a team of professionals. One in the field is not a warrior, they say. And here is a warrior, if people live in this field. There are always “living” people among people, especially children. But I need those who will stand shoulder to shoulder with me.

What plans do you have for the future? What hopes?

There are enough plans and hopes. For 2017, I plan to create an NGO, build a carpentry shop at Art Bay, hold a gastronomic festival in the village to develop gastronomic tourism in the future, and participate in the project competition “Cultural Mosaic - 2017”. Over the next five years, I plan to create an art residency, a summer creative Kid `s camp, organize the sale of workshop products, develop gastronomic tourism in Chumai. On your estate - finish building a house, plant a garden, dig a pond and get a bird. And celebrate the New Year with your family in a big house. Now there is not enough room for everyone in the house.

And so my hopes are connected with these plans of mine. But there is one greatest hope that constantly lives in me, it is from the “personal” category. This is the hope that I will be able to overcome all my “closed circles” and learn to love my neighbor without getting irritated.

You have been in Chumai for almost two years now. Now you can say who needed whom more - you Chumayu or him?

Chumai is the country of my childhood, here I always felt at home. When I moved, I didn’t think about whether Chumay needed me, I needed him! Now I see that he needs me too.

Although... So I thought. And Kemerovo needed me, and I still need Kemerovo as a source of energy, which I do not find in Chumai today, including financial energy. But the point, apparently, is that in Chumai I am closest to my Father’s house. But for me this has become important only in recent years.

You have many difficulties, but still you live in harmony. Let's return to the very beginning of our conversation: it turns out that it is still possible to live “without a man” in the village?

Certainly! I live.

We met Maria at the Happiness for Children foundation. Maria then worked in the Curative Pedagogy Service and we still cooperate with this organization. Then Maria went to a natural village in the Chebulinsky district, to the village of Chumai. She works in Chumai as the head of a museum department. Let's find out what they look like from a distant Siberian village.

What do you do for a living today?

I'm working hard! The only thing that feeds me so far is my profession - speech therapist-speech pathologist, and high qualification. To earn money I have to travel from the village (180 km) where I live Last year, in Kemerovo. In the village, by happy occasion, I was hired at local history museum! But only thanks to the ongoing project from the regional museum, where I am the director. The salary in the museum is meager, but this is the ceiling for a rural institution and the social package.

How old were you when you first earned money?

I earned my first money at the age of 16. She worked in a pioneer camp as an assistant cook for 2 seasons. 160 rubles!!!
Should I count the scholarship? They gave it to us only if there were no C grades in the record book. I received it regularly for five years. During the holidays I worked in a clinic as a receptionist or in a kindergarten as a teacher. At the age of 23, after graduating from college, I got a job in a government agency. She received a salary of 120 rubles.

Has your spending structure changed over the past 2 years?

Yes. I started building a guest estate. I want to have income from the activities that I like. I spend almost all my income on construction.

Have you tried keeping track of your money, recording expenses. Are you doing this now?

I tried it. I kept records. especially at the beginning family life. I was constantly short of money, so I tried to figure out through calculation where I could save. But! I quickly realized that this was pointless for me. There is nothing to save on, and so all purchases are necessary. And excessive control over finances made me depressed.

How do you feel about loans and credit cards?

I don’t like loans, but I can’t earn or save my own funds to buy expensive and necessary things. I always tried to avoid loans, but I only succeeded when I was married. Credit cards are a lifesaver. I use it because it is possible to borrow without problems and interest for at least 50 days!

How many bank cards do you have, which banks, why?

Two Bank of Moscow cards: one deposit, the other credit. The same thing with Sberbank. I respect the Bank of Moscow because it is easier to get a loan there. There are opportunities for credit holidays and so on.

Is there something you need that you can't afford today?

Car!!! I had an accident. The car was broken. I really need it, but loans are already strangling me.

What monthly income do you need to live comfortably today?

from 50 to 80 thousand rubles.

Are you preparing for retirement in any way, financially?

Yeah! I work)) I transferred the savings part to VTB Bank.

If we talk about money, what would you wish for your 20-year-old self today?

Don't be afraid to do what you want! It's about entrepreneurship. And don’t look for support outside. Support is only inside!

Photos of ElenaMitrofanova, from the heroine’s personal archive

Maria Golovina is known and loved in Kemerovo. In 2008, despite many difficulties, she organized in our city a regional public organization, “Therapeutic Pedagogy Service,” which united parents and children with disabilities.

Then Maria took a step that allowed these people to feel part of society, because the problems of these children either go unnoticed, or are solved by ineffective methods, or cannot be solved due to inaccessibility possible ways. Thanks to this initiative, many children who would forever remain “invisible” are now able to be part of the team.

In 2014, Maria received the title “Kemerovo Woman of the Year”. And in May 2015, she transferred the management of the “Curative Pedagogy Service” to other hands and left for the village of Chumai.

After some time, it became known that Maria was building a guest estate “Marusino” in Chumai. She builds it herself, with the help and support of only her family.

Why she decided to change her life, what Waldorf pedagogy is, why children choose their parents, what is most important for Maria in personal relationships, we learned from our heroine.

“My internal connection with Chumai has never been broken”

I was born in Mariinsk, and later my family moved to Chumai, and I lived there until I was 15 years old. Then my parents divorced, and my mother and I left. And my father stayed here, and I came to visit him.

I always felt sorry for Chumai. Many childhood and teenage experiences were associated with this place. It was here that the first serious life experience was gained.

This is a special place where I know every path, every pebble on Kiya, where I can walk along the birch forest, collect herbs, and think, think, think. There was a lot of thinking, but the internal connection between me and Chumai was never broken. My soul remained in these places.

And in 1999, we made an exchange with relatives, and we got a family house in Chumai. We all support him together. It turned out to be such a family nest that you always want to return to.

“Fate never gave me a single chance to change my path”

In general, I never wanted to work with children, although I grew up in a family of teachers. Maybe this is why the profession of “teacher” became “forbidden” for me even in childhood. I wanted to be a veterinarian, biologist, archaeologist, but not a teacher. And in the tenth grade I decided that I definitely wanted to work in the reserve. Not in a zoo, but in a nature reserve, because the animals are free there and you can study scientific research, For example.

And one day after the New Year, my mother said: “Masha, you will enroll as a speech therapist.” I heard this word then for the first time. And she said that I would not apply to any speech therapist. “No, Masha, you will. You will succeed. This profession is in great demand and most importantly, a speech therapist earns good money, and work time Such a specialist works four hours a day, it’s very convenient!” I am in tears - all the plans for the life I dreamed of have collapsed.

My mother took me to a speech therapist who practiced in a special school to see how he worked. I didn’t like everything terribly, and my opinion has not changed at all about future profession. But my mother said: “Cry, don’t cry, but as long as you depend on me, you will study where I decide.” And then, my mother always believed that if I am so kind and merciful towards animals, I cry constantly when something happens to them, then working with children will strengthen my nervous system (smiles).

And I went to Yekaterinburg, then Sverdlovsk, to become a speech therapist. The competition was crazy. It was there, during the entrance exams, that I realized that this profession was really in great demand. Kemerovo region gave me a direction that increased my chances of success, because, of course, the preparation in a rural school was weaker than that of city children. But my certificate was good, and this paper helped me get required amount points. I entered.

During my studies, I never developed any desire to become a speech therapist. I failed to love her. But I became acquainted with such a science as psychology and became very interested.

Returned from Yekaterinburg already family man. I had a husband and a child. As young people, we really needed housing, and finding it was difficult. They offered me a room in Belovo, but my husband, if he worked in his profession, would have a very small salary. The region had to let me go to Novokuznetsk (it was called detachment back then), where my mother lived at that time.

In Novokuznetsk I got a job at an aesthetic gymnasium. I tried to be just a psychologist or even find another profession, maybe a manager, and sent out stacks of resumes. But fate never gave me a single chance to change my path; I never received any offers. And in the end I came to the conviction that a person does not always choose his own path: sometimes, as was the case with me, one of the parents solves this problem. I chose who I would be born to, I knew who I was going to - that means it had to be this way. And then I calmed down. I stopped being puzzled by the question of whether it’s mine or not. And the profession of speech therapist became comfortable for me.

“I realized that I was on the right track”

IN free time I read a lot, including philosophical literature. And one day I came across the name Rudolf Steiner. At first I came across only quotes from his works and biographical facts, and then I became interested in his works. In 2000, she moved to Kemerovo, found Steiner’s books on the Internet and learned that he was the founder of Waldorf pedagogy.

I really liked its principles, I became more interested in this topic. The attitude towards this type of pedagogy was ambiguous. But it had an interesting branch - therapeutic pedagogy. And Steiner’s philosophy resonated with me greatly. It became clear that the principles that psychologists apply when working with special children do not work. But what Steiner proposed is very similar to a way out of this situation. And when I plunged headlong into therapeutic pedagogy, I realized - yes, this is exactly what I need.

But Waldorf pedagogy has completely different approaches to working with special children. Not everyone can agree with them and accept them. Those parents who really wanted changes (who have difficult children) themselves found a very strong specialist in Tomsk, and asked me to get acquainted with his methodology. I was so happy that my parents themselves suggested that I use in my work what interested me so deeply. From that moment my project activities.

This was in 2008 and at the same time we created the Kemerovo regional public organization"Therapeutic pedagogy service."

“Each child comes to his family with a specific task”

The results were already in a year. But here a lot depends on the parents. There were parents who were focused on the fact that the result is an individual concept for each child. Those who expected to see an instant miracle were disappointed. For example, they wanted the child to develop speech and cognitive processes, and the main task of therapeutic pedagogy is to correctly form in the child those processes that unfold according to age. And if we are talking about preschoolers, these are play activities and social skills: the ability to contact other people. And this was possible with many children.

Children were brought to us who, before classes, were sitting at home with very serious diagnoses, who were not taken anywhere and would never be taken. And thanks to the activities in our group, several children became social. They go to school, a correctional school, but a school. They do not speak, but, nevertheless, they are in the community, and the parents are happy that at least for half a day they can take the child to the group, and he is happy to go, stay and do something together with others. That he is not confined within the apartment. One four-year-old girl was able to adapt only after six months. She could not part with her mother even for a second. But she adapted.

A child comes with a certain social task to a certain family. Not for her to commit spiritual feat, but in order to solve this problem and help your family members solve it. And if such a special child is born, for example, into a wealthy family, then this family can definitely change the life of not only their child, but also other children, thanks to the means that they have.

Everyone has their own philosophy and guidelines in life. For me this is anthroposophy. And the fact that I moved to Chumai is also her influence. A person has age-related tasks. The time comes when you begin to look at yourself more consciously, listen to yourself, analyze previous experience, and then you can make decisions that can change something in your life.

“Love, if it happens, never ends”

My first marriage was very young. I wanted to be friends, kiss, hug, go dancing with someone. Then we got married and the child was born. We were very young and self-oriented. They were not ready for family life at all. I really wanted to change our family situation, but it didn’t work out.

And my last marriage was a painful, but very important experience for me. For a long time, almost five years, I hoped that everything would work out, and it still hurts me very much that it all happened this way.

Everything was fine, despite the fact that we were people of different backgrounds in many ways, but emotionally we were very close. In this marriage, I first came across the understanding that sometimes a person becomes a hostage to the family system in which he grew up or lived. It may seem to him that he makes decisions himself, but this is not so. My husband was part of a system built by his mother, passed on to his granddaughter, his daughter. And my presence and desire to build a relationship with him regardless of this system, his mother and daughter perceived as a threat. But, unfortunately, he could not resist this.

It was in these relationships that I realized that love, if it exists, never ends, no matter how people's life circumstances turn out. Whether they build relationships or destroy them, the feelings still remain.

We broke up at the time when my project activities began. And when suddenly it worked out, there was hope for grants, I took on a certain responsibility, he said no. I don't need this, I need you to be at home. And a situation arose for me: either live as he wants, or finish what I started. Because there are already trustees among parents, projects have appeared. And I said that if we cannot agree, then it is better to part.

It always seemed to me that a happy family- these are people who have common topics for conversation, common cause. But with us everything was completely different, they were ordinary everyday relationships, everyday life brought me together more, and in this I had a lot of support. I really liked it. But apparently, when people are on different levels consciousness, sooner or later a situation arises that provokes separation.

At first we succeeded through inspiration; we tried to understand each other and meet each other halfway. And when the relationship became more routine, it was impossible to overcome. Maybe my psychology is such that I get a thrill from overcoming...

As far as I can remember, I never wanted to leave the village. And, despite all the advantages of living in the city, I always wanted to return to Chumai. And when my husband and I started talking about “moving,” he was categorically against it.

“Because family is very important”

Somehow it turned out that in social life I gave a lot, but in my personal relationships I liked receiving more. And now I want a relationship where I can give. Give your feelings, your care, your energy.

Nowadays it is often unclear and invisible on what basis a family exists. I myself grew up without this experience, I did not give this experience to my child, because I went at random. But there were family traditions, clan traditions. I, of course, have examples of people who managed to form these lost values ​​themselves and pass them on. But rather, it was somewhere inside their family, their clan before, and even if not entirely consciously, they relied precisely on this experience.

I now want to revive them in our family, preserve them and pass them on. Because family is very important, it is what will later hold us tightly, not allowing us to fall when we stumble.
