Sea battles in the game sea battle - naval strategy. Board game sea battle

In Game "sea ​​battle" The game is played by two people who take turns calling the coordinates of ships on the enemy map. If the coordinates are occupied, then the ship or part of it is “sinked”, and the one caught has the right to make another move.

The game takes place on a field of 10x10 cells for each player, on which a fleet of ships is located. Horizontals are usually numbered from top to bottom, and verticals are lettered from left to right. In this case, letters of the Russian alphabet from “a” to “k” are used (the letters “ё” and “y” are usually skipped) or from “a” to “i” (using the letter “ё”), or letters of the Latin alphabet from “ a" to "j". Sometimes the word "republic" or "snow maiden" is used, since in these 10-letter words not a single letter is repeated. Since there are various options for specifying a coordinate system, it is better to agree on this in advance.

The fleet consists of

* 1 ship - a row of 4 “four-deck” cells

* 2 ships - a row of 3 cells "three-balloon"

* 3 ships - a row of 2 cells "double deck"

* 4 ships - a row of 1 cell "single-deck".

When placed, ships cannot touch each other at their corners.

Ship decks should be built “in a line” and not in curves. The main thing: you cannot build the decks of one ship diagonally.

Before the start of hostilities, players cast lots or agree on who will go first.

The player making the move makes a shot - calls out loud the coordinates of the cell in which, in his opinion, the enemy ship is located, for example, “K1!” .
If the shot hits a cell that is not occupied by any enemy ship, then the response is “Past!” and the shooting player places a dot on someone else’s square in this place. The right to move passes to the opponent.
If the shot hits a cell where a multi-deck ship is located (more than 1 cell in size), then the answer is “Wounded!” The player who shot puts a cross on someone else's field in this cell, and his opponent puts a cross on his field also in this cell. The player who shot is entitled to one more shot.
If the shot hits a cell containing a single-deck ship or the last unhit cell of a multi-deck ship, then the answer is “Sunk!” or “Killed!” Both players mark the sunken ship on the sheet. The player who shot is entitled to one more shot.

The winner is the one who is the first to sink all 10 enemy ships. The loser has the right to ask the opponent to study the playing field after the end of the game.


The player has his field drawn incorrectly: the number of ships does not correspond to the rules; ships touch each other; incorrect field dimensions and incorrect coordinate system.

The player made changes on his playing field that were not provided for by the rules of the game (during the game you can only put dots and crosses and only according to the rules), for example, he completed the drawing of the missing ship, the player spied the location of the enemy ships or missed his turn.

Almost everyone in our country knows the rules of the game "Battleship". This is one of the most famous, popular and simple board games, however, it is highly interesting and has a variety of rules. The principle of "Sea Battle" is very simple - you place your ships on a 10x10 field, and your opponent places his.

just like in a regular board game - but now with a stylish board, ready-made ship pieces and convenient screens.

Inside the board game box are two "fleet admiral's suitcases", which are sets with a board and a screen. The suitcase does not open completely, blocking its top

cover the field from prying eyes. Both parts contain mounts for ships or shot chips, which allows you to very conveniently and clearly mark the situation at sea.

Shots are fired until the first miss or simply one at a time;

Ships cannot be placed diagonally;

Ships cannot touch each other, including diagonally.

The game "Sea Battle" is not only exciting, but can also help develop your child's intelligence. One winning strategy in particular is to minimize the space occupied

“long” ships, that is, placing them in one of the corners of the field, which allows you to maximally cover the “dead sectors” around each one - and distribute small torpedo boats over the rest of the field so that the opponent takes a very long time to look for them. Such a strategy has a lot of nuances, but the most important thing is to reach it on your own, understanding that even a 90% loss at the very beginning is the norm when the goal is to win.


  • 2 playing fields;
  • 2 cruisers;
  • 6 destroyers;
  • 2 aircraft carriers;
  • 8 torpedo boats;
  • 2 submarines;
  • 320 white chips;
  • 80 red chips;
  • 2 suitcases.
  • Reviews for the board game Battleship


    For me it's better classic version there is nothing on paper. Both cheap and cool.

    Answer: Cheap, yes. But it’s much cooler and more enjoyable when you have a convenient playing field and model ships in front of your eyes. This set is convenient to take with you and you don’t have to worry about the paper tearing or not having anything to write with.


    The game is wonderful! I ordered for my nephews New Year(received for Christmas - delay at the post office). Children are delighted, adults too)))) There are spare “bombs” of 20-25 pieces. The only drawback is that the suitcases do not latch. In general, as it is fashionable to say now, the game develops thinking, logic, attention, memory and fine motor skills hands))))

    Answer: Glad you liked it and thank you for the excellent review of the game! To be honest, there is nothing to add. Indeed, this game is a living classic and many will think why buy it if you can play it on a piece of paper? But it’s still much more exciting to immerse yourself in the world naval battles, seeing live models of ships in front of you!) And regarding the mail, unfortunately, this is not surprising and therefore we always recommend buying gifts in advance or using the services of courier services, if available for your region.


    We went to visit our 6-year-old nephew. Bought the game at a quick fix since we didn’t have time, but we’ve known the game since childhood. As a result, the nephew, in wild delight, has not been letting everyone live in peace for several days, asking him to play Naval War =)

  • The game "Battleship" helps people pass the time during classes, lectures, lunch breaks or just cold winter evenings for more than 80 years. During this time, many generations have changed, but the game still remains relevant. Although it is being replaced by more modern and dynamic computer games, today it is almost impossible to find a schoolchild who does not know how to play naval battle and what it even is. I will tell you about the rules of the game, and also describe winning tactics. Let's look at how to play sea battle.

    Rules of the game

    Each player's playing field is a 10x10 square on which ships are placed. The field must contain numeric and alphabetic coordinates (vertical numbers are 1-10, and horizontally letters are from a to k). For the classic game, four one-cell ships (submarines), three two-cell ships (destroyers), two three-cell ships (cruisers) and one four-cell ship (battleship) are used. They are drawn inside the square. According to the rules, the ships should not touch each other. It is best to play on a sheet of paper with a square, because the drawing of ships is a circle of squares. One deck - one cell. Ships can be placed both horizontally and vertically. Next to his square, the player draws a second one, on which he marks “shots” at the enemy. When hitting an opponent's ship, a cross is placed on the opponent's field. The hit player fires another shot.


    • The number of ships does not correspond to the rules
    • The ships are located close to each other
    • Changed field size
    • Incorrect coordinates specified

    Game process

    • Players decide who will go first
    • The player making the move names the coordinate where, in his opinion, the opponent's ship is located. For example, square A1.
    • If he misses, the opponent must say “Miss!”; if he hits, “Hit,” “Wounded,” or “Killed,” depending on the size of the ship.
    • The game continues until all the ships of one of the players are sunk.

    How to win a sea battle

    This strategy is one of many options for building a battle. Its essence lies in the fact that all large ships (from two to four cells) are located in one corner of the field and as compactly as possible. But single-celled ships are scattered throughout the rest of the field. As a result, your opponent will quickly find a grouping area of ​​large ships quite quickly and begin to mercilessly destroy them. At this moment he will feel like a real genius, but we know what the catch is. During the time that your opponent spends searching for small ships, you will most likely have time to understand his tactics and destroy most of the ships, thereby making him nervous. The rest is a matter of technique. This article talked about the rules, the process of the game and gave examples of winning tactics on how to win a sea battle. With the right approach, all of the above can serve as a good knowledge base for getting maximum pleasure from the game.

    A couple of days ago, I was surprised to learn that some of my friends do not know how to play sea battle. Those. They, of course, know the rules, but they play somehow haphazardly and in the end they often lose. In this post I will try to outline the main ideas that will help improve your game.

    Rules of the game

    There are many options for naval combat, but we will consider the most common option with the following set of ships:

    All listed ships must be placed on a square field of 10 by 10 cells, and the ships cannot touch either the corners or sides. The playing field itself is numbered from top to bottom, and the verticals are marked with Russian letters from “A” to “K” (the letters “Y” and “Y” are skipped).

    An enemy field of similar size is drawn nearby. If there is a successful shot at the enemy ship, a cross is placed on the corresponding cell of the enemy field and a second shot is fired; if the shot is unsuccessful, a dot is placed in the corresponding cell and the turn goes to the enemy.

    Optimal strategy

    There is always an element of randomness in a naval battle game, but it can be kept to a minimum. Before moving directly to the search for the optimal strategy, it is necessary to voice one obvious thing: the probability of hitting an enemy ship is higher, the fewer unchecked cells are left on his field, similarly, the probability of hitting your ships is lower, the more unchecked cells are left on your field. That. To play effectively, you need to learn two things at once: optimal shooting at the enemy and optimal placement of your ships.

    In the following explanation the following notation will be used:

    Optimal shooting
    The first and most obvious rule for optimal shooting is the following rule: do not shoot at the cells directly surrounding the destroyed enemy ship.

    In accordance with the notations adopted above, in the figure those cells on which unsuccessful shots have already been fired are marked in yellow, cells on which shots ended in hits are marked in red, and cells on which were not fired were marked in green, but it can be guaranteed that the ships there are no ships in them (there cannot be ships there, because according to the rules of the game, ships cannot touch).

    The second rule immediately follows from the first rule: if you manage to knock out an enemy ship, you must immediately finish it off in order to get a list of guaranteed free cells as early as possible.

    The third rule follows from the first two: you must first try to knock out the largest enemy ships. This rule may not be obvious to you, but if you think a little, you can easily notice that by destroying an enemy battleship, at best, we will immediately receive information about 14 guaranteed free cells, and by destroying a cruiser, only about 12.

    That. The optimal shooting strategy can be reduced to a targeted search and destruction of the largest enemy ships. Unfortunately, it is not enough to formulate a strategy; it is necessary to propose a way to implement it.

    First, let's look at the area playing field 4 by 4 cells in size. If there is an enemy battleship in the area in question, then it is guaranteed to be knocked out in no more than 4 shots. To do this, you need to shoot so that there is exactly one checked cell on each horizontal and vertical line. All variants of such shooting are presented below (without taking into account reflections and rotations).

    Among all these options, only the first two options are optimal on a 10 by 10 square field, guaranteeing a hit to the battleship in a maximum of 24 shots.

    After the enemy battleship is destroyed, it is necessary to begin the search for cruisers, and then destroyers. In this case, as you already guessed, you can use a similar technique. Only now it is necessary to divide the field into squares with a side of 3 and 2 cells, respectively.

    If you used the second strategy when searching for a battleship, then to search for cruisers and destroyers you need to shoot at the following fields (fields that you have already shot at when searching for a battleship are marked in green):

    There is no optimal strategy for finding boats, so at the end of the game you have to rely mainly on luck.

    Optimal placement of ships
    The optimal ship placement strategy is in some ways the inverse of the optimal shooting strategy. When shooting, we tried to find the largest ships in order to reduce the number of cells that needed to be checked by guaranteeing free cells. This means that when placing ships, they must be placed in such a way that in case of their loss, the number of guaranteed free cells is minimized. As you remember, a battleship in the center of the field opens 14 fields for the enemy at once, but a battleship standing in the corner opens only 6 fields for the enemy:

    Likewise, a cruiser standing in the corner opens only 6 instead of 12 fields. Thus, by placing large ships along the border of the field, you leave more space for boats. Because There is no strategy for finding boats, the enemy will have to shoot at random, and the more free fields you have left by the time you catch the boats, the harder it will be for the enemy to win.

    Below are three ways to deploy large ships that leave plenty of room for boats (in blue):

    Each of the above arrangements leaves exactly 60 free cells for boats, which means that the probability of accidentally getting into a boat is 0.066. For comparison, it’s worth giving a random arrangement of ships:

    With this arrangement, only 21 cells remain for boats, which means that the probability of hitting a boat is already 0.19, i.e. almost 3 times higher.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that you should not spend too much time playing naval battle. I especially want to warn you against playing during lectures. While I was sitting in Wabi-Sabi playing battleship with my girlfriend, a waitress walked by and said that she was quite good at playing because... I practiced a lot in pairs. Who knows what she would have worked like if she had listened to lectures in her time?

    P.S. The comments absolutely correctly indicate that there were already similar publications on the hub; it would be wrong not to provide links to them.

    "Battleship" is an exciting game for two players, which only the lazy did not play in childhood. This entertainment is unique, primarily because it does not require any special equipment. All you need is an ordinary pen and a piece of paper, and two guys can start a real battle.

    Although all of us in our childhood at least sometimes sat in front of a lined piece of paper, over time the rules of this fun are often forgotten. That is why parents are not always able to keep their grown-up children company. In this article we bring to your attention the rules of the game “sea battle” on pieces of paper that were familiar to each of us several years ago.

    Rules for "sea battle" on a sheet

    The board game “sea battle” is extremely simple, so all the rules of this game can be reflected in several points, namely:

    1. Before the start of the game, each player draws a playing field measuring 10x10 cells on his piece of paper and places a fleet of ships on it, consisting of such units as:
    • 1 “four-deck” ship, which is reflected on paper as a row of 4 cells;
    • 2 “three-deck” - rows of 3 cells;
    • 3 “double-decker” - rows of 2 cells;
    • 4 “single-deck” ships, depicted as 1 filled cell.
  • All ships are placed on the field taking into account next rule: The decks of each ship can only be positioned vertically or horizontally. You cannot paint cells diagonally or in curves. In addition, no ship should touch another even at an angle.
  • At the beginning of the game, the participants use lots to determine who will go first. Further moves are made in turn, but with the condition that the one who hit the enemy ship continues his move. If a player does not hit any of the opponent’s ships, he must pass the move to another.
  • The player who makes the move names a combination of letters and numbers indicating the expected location of the enemy ship. His opponent evaluates on his playing field where the shot landed and tells the second player whether he hit the ship or not. Moreover, if any element of the fleet was sunk or hit, it is marked on the field with a cross, and if the blow fell on an empty cell, a dot is placed in it.
  • In the game of “sea battle”, the winner is the one who managed to sink all the ships of the opposing fleet the fastest. If the battle continues, the loser makes the first move.
  • We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rules of the game at least Interesting games, which can be played by the whole family -

    In Game "sea battle" The game is played by two people who take turns calling the coordinates of ships on the enemy map. If the coordinates are occupied, then the ship or part of it is “sinked”, and the one caught has the right to make another move.

    The game takes place on a field of 10x10 cells for each player, on which a fleet of ships is located. Horizontals are usually numbered from top to bottom, and verticals are lettered from left to right. In this case, letters of the Russian alphabet from “a” to “k” are used (the letters “ё” and “y” are usually skipped) or from “a” to “i” (using the letter “ё”), or letters of the Latin alphabet from “ a" to "j". Sometimes the word "republic" or "snow maiden" is used, since in these 10-letter words not a single letter is repeated. Since there are various options for specifying a coordinate system, it is better to agree on this in advance.

    The fleet consists of

    * 1 ship - a row of 4 “four-deck” cells

    * 2 ships - a row of 3 cells "three-balloon"

    * 3 ships - a row of 2 cells "double deck"

    * 4 ships - a row of 1 cell "single-deck".

    When placed, ships cannot touch each other at their corners.

    Ship decks should be built “in a line” and not in curves. The main thing: you cannot build the decks of one ship diagonally.

    Before the start of hostilities, players cast lots or agree on who will go first.

    The player making the move makes a shot - calls out loud the coordinates of the cell in which, in his opinion, the enemy ship is located, for example, “K1!” .
    If the shot hits a cell that is not occupied by any enemy ship, then the response is “Past!” and the shooting player places a dot on someone else’s square in this place. The right to move passes to the opponent.
    If the shot hits a cell where a multi-deck ship is located (more than 1 cell in size), then the answer is “Wounded!” The player who shot puts a cross on someone else's field in this cell, and his opponent puts a cross on his field also in this cell. The player who shot is entitled to one more shot.
    If the shot hits a cell containing a single-deck ship or the last unhit cell of a multi-deck ship, then the answer is “Sunk!” or “Killed!” Both players mark the sunken ship on the sheet. The player who shot is entitled to one more shot.

    The winner is the one who is the first to sink all 10 enemy ships. The loser has the right to ask the opponent to study the playing field after the end of the game.


    The player has his field drawn incorrectly: the number of ships does not correspond to the rules; ships touch each other; incorrect field dimensions and incorrect coordinate system.

    The player made changes on his playing field that were not provided for by the rules of the game (during the game you can only put dots and crosses and only according to the rules), for example, he completed the drawing of the missing ship, the player spied the location of the enemy ships or missed his turn.

    Children are so captivated by various gadgets that they often don’t want to not only read, but even play non-virtually. This worries both specialists and parents. In one of the episodes of the cartoon "Barboskiny" Grandfather just suggests a way to return children to real world by playing with the whole family the usual “Battleship” on paper.

    To do this, he turns off the electricity in the house, and the grandchildren are forced to master the game, which does not require any special conditions. He showed that you can have an interesting time without any Internet, armed only with a pen and your own mind.

    Although this board game Battleship exists today in computer version, but the traditional version of destroying ships on a checkered piece of paper has one undoubted advantage over the virtual one.

    Playing with a living person is more interesting than playing with a computer; the battle is much more fun and exciting. And it’s more useful, because in this case the child develops not only logic and strategic thinking, but also intuition, the ability to “calculate” and read the emotions of another person.

    Another plus and the reason for the long popularity of the game is the simplicity of its organization. In order to lead ships into battle, you do not need the Internet, electricity, a large room or any special surroundings. Enough paper, a pen and knowledge of sea battle on paper for two.

    Learning to play sea battle

    The rules for naval battle for two people are quite simple. On paper, each player must draw a square of 10x10 cells, which are designated on one side with letters from A to K (without E and J), on the other with numbers from 1 to 10. In this field you need to place your ships.

    A second similar square with similar field designations is drawn nearby. On it, during the battle, the player records his shots.

    • When making a “shot,” the player names the coordinates of the target, for example, B8.
    • The opponent answers “by” if there is nothing in the square; "wounded" if his ship was hit; "killed" when the ship is destroyed.
    • Hitting someone else's ship is indicated by a cross. In this case, the rules give the right to the next shot.
    • If you miss, the right to shoot passes to the second player. The winner is the one who first destroys all enemy ships.
    • At the end of the game, the participant can demand that the opponent show his playing field and compare the records of moves.

    The rules of the game Sea Battle stipulate not only how many and what size ships participate in the battle, but also their location.

    1. The composition of the ships: 4 submarines of one cell, 3 destroyers of two cells, 2 cruisers of three cells and one four-cell battleship.
    2. The ships must be drawn so that they do not touch each other under any circumstances. There must be a distance of at least one cell between them.
    3. Ships can be positioned horizontally, vertically, or at the edge of the playing field.

    What not to do

    They stipulate rules and certain restrictions.

    1. The composition of ships cannot be changed.
    2. Some rules say that one ship can only have a linear shape; in some options, the shape of the letter L is allowed. This point must be discussed in advance. But in all variants you cannot draw and place ships diagonally.
    3. The field value cannot be changed.
    4. You cannot distort the coordinates and hide the hit.


    Not only the simple rules and conditions for organizing the game explain the popularity of the game Sea Battle, but also the fact that winning in it is determined not only by luck, but also by the right strategy and tactics. This is a game of two people, which means that emotions and cunning are added to logic. Therefore, a winning strategy involves:

    • Under no circumstances should your opponent be able to see your playing field.
    • Consider your opponent's skill and way of playing. For example, if your opponent is a novice player, then you should not place your ships in the corners of the field. Inexperienced players often start with them, especially with the move A1. If an experienced and long-time opponent is playing with you, who already knows that there can’t be any in the corners of your ships, then it’s worth breaking the pattern and hiding a couple there.
    • Think about the location of your ships. One of the winning strategies is to arrange large ships compactly in one place, and single-celled ships scattered away from each other. Then the player, having quickly found large ships, will spend a lot of time searching for small submarines. This will give you time and a chance to recoup.

    Winning tactics

    The correct tactics of the game include several simple techniques.

    Be sure to record your opponent's moves on your field, and all your moves on the second playing field. Not only hits are indicated, but also misses. Some do it with dots, others with crosses. This will avoid repeated shelling of empty squares and conflicts in case of any errors.

    If the opponent’s ship is “killed” in a naval battle, then the cells surrounding it are immediately marked as empty. After all, we know that the rules prohibit placing ships in them. This saves you time. In this case, the most advantageous shot is at the battleship. Its destruction immediately opens eighteen cells, almost a fifth of the field.

    Players' shooting tactics can also be different. You can shoot while making diagonal moves. This way there is a greater chance of catching large ships. You can, in search of a profitable battleship, shoot through three cells to the fourth. After the first hits, the choice of moves is determined based on what begins to appear on the enemy playing field.

    Tactics to combat popular fraud, when the opponent displays the last single-deck ship already during the game in the last free cell. To make such deception impossible, the field and ships are drawn in one color, and shots are indicated with a different pen or pencil.

    Today the game Battleship exists both as a tabletop factory set and as a computer game, but playing on a simple checkered piece of paper is still exciting.

    Let's play "Sea Battle"

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    "Battleship" is an exciting and simple game, which does not require special devices or special knowledge. It can be played both on a computer and on paper, and once only the second option was used, since there was no other option. Not everyone knows how to play Battleship, because either there was no opportunity to learn, or there was no “teacher”. In any case, such knowledge can be useful. The rules of the game “Battleship” are simple; anyone can remember them, regardless of age and level of intelligence.


    The game "Battleship" has long captivated many people. It is interesting, exciting, and most importantly, it does not require any expenses. To play with a person together, you will need two sheets of checkered paper (preferably) and two pens (or 2 pencils).

    “Battleship” is useful not only because it allows you to have a good time. The game also helps develop strategic thinking and intuition. If you and the person know each other, you have the opportunity to use information about the enemy. For example, your assumptions about how he might place ships so that they are difficult to find, how you would bet if you were in his place, may be confirmed and help you win.


    Well, we can proceed to the main part. Now you will learn how to play “Battleship”:

    1. First, you need to draw two squares measuring 10x10 cells on a sheet of paper (of course, it’s easier to draw on a sheet of paper with a checkered pattern). Then, in both pictures, put on the top row the letters from A to K (from left to right, skipping E and J), and to the left of the squares - numbers from 1 to 10 (from top to bottom).

    2. On the left square you need to place:

    • 1 ship consisting of 4 cells;
    • 2 ships, consisting of 3 cells;
    • 3 ships, consisting of 2 cells;
    • 4 ships, consisting of 1 cell.

    Ships cannot touch each other either on their sides or corners. It is important that there is at least one free cell between them. Ships can touch the edges of the playing field, and they must be positioned only vertically and horizontally (diagonally not).

    The right square should remain empty.

    3. The goal of each player is to destroy enemy ships. The one who goes first (by agreement or by chance (using lots)) names the coordinates (letter-number), looking at the right empty square. For example, E7. The opponent looks at his left drawing, where his ships are located, and answers:

    a) past;
    b) wounded;
    c) killed.

    The first option means that the player ended up on an empty cell, that is, he did not end up anywhere. He marks this place in his right square so as not to choose it a second time (most often with a cross, but in any other convenient way), and meanwhile the turn passes to the second player.

    The second option means that the player is in a multi-deck ship (occupying from 2 to 4 cells). Having marked the desired place on his map, a person has the right to the next move until he misses. So, if after shouting E7 the answer “wounded” follows, the player can call either E6, or Z7, or E8, or D7 in order to finish off the wounded ship (by the way, this is not necessary, you can temporarily leave it alone and look for others) . The second player again answers “by”, “wounded” or “killed”.

    The third option means that the enemy ship is destroyed. If this happened on the first move, it means that it was single-deck (consisting of one cell), which can be called a great success. If from the second (for example, after E7 the player said E6), it means double-decker, etc. After knocking out a ship, as well as after being wounded, the player walks until he receives the answer “past”.

    4. The move passes from one player to another in case of a miss and is delayed by one of the opponents in case of a successful hit. The winner is the person who is the first to find and destroy all enemy ships.

    Other variations

    Sometimes "Battleship" is on paper, and sometimes it is on a computer, as mentioned earlier. And if the first option requires a real, living opponent, then in the latter case you can play with robots. True, firstly, it will not be so interesting (the enemy’s reaction when you sink his ship is priceless), and secondly, the opportunity to peek into the enemy fleet is absolutely excluded (we all understand that some people try to cheat).

    One way or another, it’s not difficult to come up with other, more expanded versions of the game; it all depends on the imagination of the players and their desire/ability to experiment. It is important to immediately clarify all the rules, because if not every person understands how to play “Battleship”, the rules of which you came up with, nothing good will come of it, and a high-quality game will not work.

    For example, you can add more cells to the “battlefield” (not 10x10, but 20x20, for example), and then either leave the number of ships or increase them. You can complicate the task so much that all the ships that the enemy needs to find are single-deck. You can make mines, and if they hit them, the enemy misses one turn. There are a lot of options, the main thing is to know in moderation.


    That's all, now you have met new game and you know its rules. The question “how to play “Battleship”” should be settled. From now on, you and your friends will have something to do during boring lessons/lectures or at work, if you can be close to each other and write on sheets of paper.
