Moral problems of the story lilac bush presentation. Presentation on the topic "Lilac Bush" by A.I.

For the creativity of A.I. Kuprin is characterized by special attention to the concept of love. What is true love? What is it like? This same story is dedicated to one of the types of love - between husband and wife. Therefore, it seems to give the reader the opportunity to think about what kind of family relationships can be called deep, sincere, and on what they are built.

“The Lilac Bush” - a story by A.I. Kuprin, written in 1894 and published in October of the same year in the magazine “Life and Art”. It refers to the author's early prose. This writer's work is characterized by great thematic diversity and a humane, sensitive attitude towards the characters.

The work immediately caught the fancy of reviewers and ordinary readers. It can be said to have made a name for the author in the literary world. It is not surprising, since the writer began his creative career with a description of human virtues. Only then did he begin active journalistic activity, which led him to the social bottom. The plots of that period no longer delighted the public, but confused them.

Meaning of the name

Why did Kuprin title his story that way? The image of lilac appears more than once in Russian literature and, in particular, in prose. So, in “Spring Waters” I.S. Turgenev's lilac symbolizes emerging love and at the same time separation, just as in the novel by I.A. Goncharov’s “Oblomov” with a branch of lilac is associated with the beginning of the relationship between Oblomov and Olga, and the same image correlates with the separation.

In the story by A.I. Kuprin’s image of lilac is also associated with a love theme: it symbolizes true marital affection and love, sincere participation and mutual assistance, which is the main problem, the semantic center of the work. In addition, this bush means the beginning of spring, and in the context of the work it indicates that the spouses have not grown cold towards each other, on the contrary, a wonderful time has opened in their relationship, where mutual warmth enlivens everything around.

Genre and direction

Story by A.I. Kuprin's "Lilac Bush" refers to the method and direction of realism. Kuprin is one of the most famous representatives of this trend in Russian literature. His works are distinguished by very vivid and detailed descriptions of everyday life (daily conversations, events), filled with a feeling of the author-narrator’s living participation in them.

A story, as a rule, depicts one or several events in the life of a hero or heroes, one storyline stands out - these features are characteristic of the work “The Lilac Bush”, and therefore, we can define it as a story (the plot is built around how Vera and Nikolai Evgrafovich solve the problem of successfully passing the exam).


Compositionally, the work can be divided into three parts:

  1. Nikolai Evrgafovich’s return from work and message to his wife about failure;
  2. Verochka's energetic help to her husband - every effort to rectify the situation;
  3. Happy ending - Vera meets Almazov again, and he tells her the good news of success.
  4. This composition is called a mirror composition: both at the beginning and at the end of the story, Vera’s husband returns with news from work.

    About what?

    The story “The Lilac Bush” is about marital love. This theme is revealed in the relationship between Vera and Nikolai Evgrafovich. So, Verochka takes an active part in everything that happens in her husband’s life. She constantly supports him, denies herself everything, even the necessary, for the sake of his success. So, a woman pawns her jewelry to get money for a gardener who could plant bushes so that her husband can pass the exam. The fact is that he accidentally put a blot on the drawing, and instead of it, so as not to redo it, he drew a bush. The professor got angry and didn’t take the paper in because he knew the area by heart. But the heroine planted a lilac in that place, and the embarrassed teacher, seeing it, changed the grade. At the end of the story, the happy spouses laugh and share their joy and mutual love with each other. In this short episode, revealing the essence of the story “The Lilac Bush,” the writer showed a recipe for getting rid of life’s problems. Alone, a person has a hard time, he loses faith in himself, but in marriage he gains not only emotional attachment, but also a faithful ally in the person of his lover or beloved. The main thing is to learn to put common interests above personal ones.

    The other side of the story is the theme of life values. For Verochka and her husband this is love, prosperity, mutual understanding. Professor Nikolai Evgrafovich, for example, is shown as a person who devoted himself all his life to his favorite work.

    The main characters and their characteristics

    1. Nikolai Evgrafovich Almazov- a young, poor officer who only entered the General Staff Academy on his third try. All the exams were very difficult for him and cost a lot of work. He is described as a strong person, but failure in the last exam hit his self-control very hard, and he was so upset that he almost wanted to cry from resentment. In difficult times, he listens to his wife, does not resist her desire to help, and carries out her short orders.
    2. His wife supported him in everything Verochka capable of deep sympathy, able to take on the role of head of the family in difficult times, resolve a difficult situation, and become a peacemaker.
      So, she addressed her husband very carefully and affectionately, her quick decisive actions were caused by sincere concern for her husband’s state of mind and his possible future failure.


    The main themes of the story, closely related to each other, are: love and happiness. What is true love? Is this where happiness lies? True feeling is based on mutual trust, on the ability to self-sacrifice for the sake of a loved one, on the ability to understand the pain and joy of a loved one, and in its possession there can be real happiness, spiritual and elevating the personality. This is why we can call Vera happy: she is capable of such deep love, and her husband values ​​her as much as she values ​​him.

    The story gives brief descriptions of the details of everyday life, the environment in which the action itself takes place, and sketches of nature convey a special feeling at one time or another, such as, for example, the silence and beauty of late evening:

    When the Almazovs arrived at the gardener’s, the white St. Petersburg night had already spread across the sky and in the air like blue milk.

    This state of evening peace also continues because at this time people are already returning home to their family.

    The gardener, a Czech, a little old man in gold glasses, had just sat down with his family for dinner.


    The work raises, first of all, the problem of love and the related problem of happiness. In particular, this is the difficulty of true, sacrificial love, and the ability to sincere participation and sympathy. This is both the main character’s lack of fortitude and the difficult task on Vera’s shoulders - to take on the role of the main one and resolve a difficult situation when a loved one is at a loss.

    One way or another, the problems of the work are connected with the moral categories of love relationships between people. What properties does true love have, and how does it manifest itself? Is it capable of making a person truly happy and spiritually free in his happiness? Moral problems also affected Vera's husband when he realized his deception and realized that he had not acted very well towards the professor.


    The main idea of ​​the work is that deep affection, mutual love, trust and respect of spouses are built on the ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of a loved one, to support, sympathize - to be close. A life of harmony can only arise if both people treat each other very carefully and with love. It is this kind of marriage that can make a wife and husband happy, elevating them above routine and everyday life.

    It is interesting that Kuprin’s main idea focuses on the role of a woman in marriage. The weather in the house largely depends on it. If she had not shown proper understanding and had only attacked her husband for his lack of attentiveness, then Nikolai would have broken down completely, and the family would have turned into mutual torture. But the support, sympathy and love of Vera, who sacrifices her interests for the good of her husband, saved the situation and rescued the hero, who is again ready to conquer the granite cliffs of science.


    So, the story of A.I. Kuprin’s “The Lilac Bush,” presenting a certain ideal of marital relations, and a completely realistic one at that, inspires the reader with the natural beauty of human feelings: mutual respect, trust, sacrifice, participation. Thus, our consciousness can absorb this ideal, accordingly, rise and approach it, understand its essence and unconsciously reach for its beauty.

    You need to learn to love. Many people think that this feeling falls from the sky or depends entirely on the mysterious compatibility of hearts, but the writer draws our attention to the fact that he needs to learn, overcoming difficulties together. True love is not a gift, but an achievement achieved by moral and virtuous people who are ready to work on themselves to achieve harmony in the family. This is what Kuprin teaches in his story.


    Story by A.I. I perceived Kuprin’s “Lilac Bush” as something very integral, organic, and natural. The relationship between Vera and Nikolai Evgrafovich, everyday, seemingly everyday, is described so carefully and faithfully that it is easy to be charmed by the mutual friendship and love of the spouses. The impression from the story is that a certain example of a marital relationship appeared somewhere in the memory, natural, completely close to real life and at the same time very noble and beautiful.

    The writer's contemporaries received the story enthusiastically. Thus, I.V. Terentyev wrote that “A. Kuprin’s work has the healing power of the purest moral source.” In his article, he especially praised the image of Verochka as the author’s most successful discovery.

    Interesting? Save it on your wall!

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Man came into the world for immense freedom, creativity and happiness. A.I. Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin A. Kuprin’s work is associated with the period of the late 19th – early 20th centuries. At this time, L.N. completed his life’s journey. Tolstoy, the talents of A.P. are revealed. Chekhov, M. Gorky, Korolenko, I.A. Bunina, L. Andreeva.

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Born in the Penza province in the family of a minor official who died a year after the birth of his son. After the death of her husband, his mother (from an ancient family of Tatar princes) moved to Moscow, where the future writer spent his childhood and youth. At the age of six, the boy was sent to the Moscow Razumovsky boarding school (orphanage), then entered the Moscow Military Academy, which was transformed into the Cadet Corps. The life of an officer, which he led for four years after graduating from the Corps, provided rich material for his future works.

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In 1894, he retired and moved to Kyiv, without any civilian profession and with little life experience. In the following years, he traveled a lot around Russia, trying many professions, greedily absorbing life experiences that became the basis of his future works. In 1901 he moved to St. Petersburg and began working as secretary of the “Magazine for Everyone.” Stories about animals A series of stories and stories about the army A series of stories about the circus Works about the hard life of the poor.

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The seventeen years that the writer spent in Paris were an unproductive period. Constant material need and homesickness led him to the decision to return to Russia. In the spring of 1937, the seriously ill Kuprin returned to his homeland, warmly received by his admirers. Published the essay "Native Moscow". However, the new creative plans were not destined to come true. In August 1938 Kuprin died in Leningrad from cancer. After the October Revolution of 1917 The writer did not accept the policy of military communism, the “Red Terror”; he feared for the fate of Russian culture. In the fall of 1919, while in Gatchina, cut off from Petrograd by Yudenich’s troops, he emigrated abroad.

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A.I. Kuprin. Photograph given to I. Bunin The theme of pure and beautiful feeling runs through the entire work of the Russian writer. “All love is great happiness, even if it is not shared” - these words could be repeated by all the heroes of his stories.

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A.I. Kuprin at his desk. 1911 Why is the story called “The Lilac Bush”? The story is called this because it is the lilac bush that brings happiness to the heroes. At first, the young couple are depressed by the failure that befell Almazov. He did not enter the Academy, and all because of a stain on the drawing. They are looking for a way out, and Verochka finds it. A lilac bush planted outside the city helped Almazov enter the Academy. It is the lilac bush that brings happiness and peace to the Almazov family.

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Lilac is a beautiful flower that blooms in spring. Spring is the time for lovers. It can be assumed that lilac is the flower of lovers.

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In addition, lilac has 4 petals. In mythology, 4 is a symbol of the Universe. There is also a five-petalled lilac that brings happiness.

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Tell me, why is the heroine close to you? Verochka is kind, sympathetic, and loves her husband very much. In any situation he can find a way out. I like her perseverance, endurance and enormous faith in herself. Emil Vernon

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Which episodes do you consider the main ones?

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What misfortune happened to Almazov? How does the author describe the hero's suffering? How do you understand the proverb “Patience and work will grind everything down”? Is it appropriate to say that the proverb is reflected in this story?

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Gilgur Vlad. "Lilac bush"

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How does Vera empathize with the hero? What does this mean? Vera met her husband “with suffering on his handsome, nervous face.” How do husband and wife behave? The wife is trying to find out the reason for such a drastic change in her husband’s behavior. From the very beginning of the story, the couple did not utter a word. The wife starts a conversation, but there is no dialogue. Verochka does not despair and tries to “talk” her husband a second time. Almazov says that he even tries to blame Verochka for his misfortune. Pierre-Auguste Renoir. In the garden

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Does Almazov change under the influence of his wife? He no longer resists, but still sits “with an offended expression.” It seems that Verochka helped her husband out more than once. What way out does Verochka find? Auguste Renoir. Two

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How do you see the characters in the scene when they are going to the gardener? Almazov is helpless, throwing up his hands in amazement and furrowing his forehead. He is dissatisfied and does not believe in success. All Verochka’s movements are fast and precise, at the moment she feels like the mistress and head of the family.

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How did the gardener react to the appearance of uninvited guests?

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The gardener was unhappy with such a late visit. He answers dryly, almost hostilely. But then he shows sympathy for the characters. We see that the author sympathizes with this man: “a little old man in gold glasses.” Usually they come to the gardener during the day, but here... They come in the evening and behave strangely. Naturally, the gardener took it all for a joke. But then, when the gardener finds out what’s going on, his attitude changes dramatically. He understands the condition of the spouses and willingly helps them.

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Does Verochka stop there? How does this story end? How does Vera know that their idea was a success?

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Verochka can’t find a place for herself and is very worried about her husband. She couldn't even sit at home. Vera guesses her husband's mood from afar. Almazov is transformed: from a gloomy loser he turns into a happy man. His face shines with the “triumph of a won victory.” But even now Verochka does not calm down until she hears from her husband’s lips that everything is fine. How did Verochka react to her husband’s success? She understands that she pleases her husband, so she asks him again and again, trying to find out details

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Man came into the world for immense freedom, creativity and happiness. A.I.Kuprin

Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin

A. Kuprin’s work is associated with the period of the late 19th – early 20th centuries. At this time, L.N. completed his life’s journey. Tolstoy, the talents of A.P. are revealed. Chekhov, M. Gorky, Korolenko, I.A. Bunina, L. Andreeva.

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Born in the Penza province in the family of a minor official who died a year after the birth of his son. After the death of her husband, his mother (from an ancient family of Tatar princes) moved to Moscow, where the future writer spent his childhood and youth. At the age of six, the boy was sent to the Moscow Razumovsky boarding school (orphanage), then entered the Moscow Military Academy, which was transformed into the Cadet Corps. The life of an officer, which he led for four years after graduating from the Corps, provided rich material for his future works.

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In 1894, he retired and moved to Kyiv, without any civilian profession and with little life experience. In the following years, he traveled a lot around Russia, trying many professions, greedily absorbing life experiences that became the basis of his future works. In 1901 he moved to St. Petersburg and began working as secretary of the “Magazine for Everyone.”

Stories about animals A series of stories and tales about the army A series of stories about the circus Works about the hard life of the poor.

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The seventeen years that the writer spent in Paris were an unproductive period. Constant material need and homesickness led him to the decision to return to Russia. In the spring of 1937, the seriously ill Kuprin returned to his homeland, warmly received by his admirers. Published the essay "Native Moscow". However, the new creative plans were not destined to come true. In August 1938 Kuprin died in Leningrad from cancer.

After the October Revolution of 1917 The writer did not accept the policy of military communism, the “Red Terror”; he feared for the fate of Russian culture. In the fall of 1919, while in Gatchina, cut off from Petrograd by Yudenich’s troops, he emigrated abroad.

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A.I. Kuprin. Photo given to I. Bunin

The theme of pure and beautiful feeling runs through the entire work of the Russian writer. “All love is great happiness, even if it is not shared” - these words could be repeated by all the heroes of his stories.

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A.I. Kuprin at his desk. 1911

Why is the story called “The Lilac Bush”?

The story is called this because it is the lilac bush that brings happiness to the heroes. At first, the young couple are depressed by the failure that befell Almazov.

He did not enter the Academy, and all because of a stain on the drawing. They are looking for a way out, and Verochka finds it. A lilac bush planted outside the city helped Almazov enter the Academy. It is the lilac bush that brings happiness and peace to the Almazov family.

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Lilac is a beautiful flower that blooms in spring. Spring is the time for lovers.

It can be assumed that lilac is the flower of lovers.

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In addition, lilac has 4 petals. In mythology, 4 is a symbol of the Universe.

There is also a five-petalled lilac that brings happiness.

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Tell me, why is the heroine close to you?

Verochka is kind, sympathetic, and loves her husband very much. In any situation he can find a way out. I like her perseverance, endurance and enormous faith in herself.

Emil Vernon

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What misfortune happened to Almazov? How does the author describe the hero's suffering?

How do you understand the proverb “Patience and work will grind everything down”? Is it appropriate to say that the proverb is reflected in this story?

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Gilgur Vlad. "Lilac bush"

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How does Vera empathize with the hero? What does this mean?

Vera met her husband “with suffering on his handsome, nervous face.”

How do husband and wife behave?

The wife is trying to find out the reason for such a drastic change in her husband’s behavior. From the very beginning of the story, the couple did not utter a word. The wife starts a conversation, but there is no dialogue. Verochka does not despair and tries to “talk” her husband a second time. Almazov says that he even tries to blame Verochka for his misfortune.

Pierre-Auguste Renoir. In the garden

Slide 16

Does Almazov change under the influence of his wife?

He no longer resists, but still sits “with an offended expression.” It seems that Verochka helped her husband out more than once.

What way out does Verochka find?

Auguste Renoir. Two

Slide 17

How do you see the characters in the scene when they are going to the gardener?

Almazov is helpless, throwing up his hands in amazement and furrowing his forehead. He is dissatisfied and does not believe in success. All Verochka’s movements are fast and precise, at the moment she feels like the mistress and head of the family.

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The gardener was unhappy with such a late visit. He answers dryly, almost hostilely. But then he shows sympathy for the characters. We see that the author sympathizes with this man: “a little old man in gold glasses.” Usually they come to the gardener during the day, but here... They come in the evening and behave strangely.

Naturally, the gardener took it all for a joke. But then, when the gardener finds out what’s going on, his attitude changes dramatically. He understands the condition of the spouses and willingly helps them.

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Does Verochka stop there?

How does this story end? How does Vera know that their idea was a success?

Lesson project, preparation for essay.

Discussion on the topic "What is happiness?"

"Yes or No Test"

    3. The Almazovs were not rich.

    1. Nikolai was a brave, decisive man.

    2. He entered Moscow State University.

    3. The Almazovs were not rich.

    4.They pawned all their jewelry.

    5. Nikolai changes for the better under the influence of his wife.

    1. Nikolai was a brave, decisive man.

    2. He entered Moscow State University.

    3. The Almazovs were not rich.

    4.They pawned all their jewelry.

    5. Nikolai changes for the better under the influence of his wife.

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"Test No. 2"


A. Absent-minded

b. Decisive

V. Bad

A. Acacia

b. Rose hip

V. Lilac

A. Amber

b. Almazova

V. Rubinova

A. Love

b. Hatred

V. Contempt


    1. What was the name of the main character of A.I. Kuprin’s story “The Lilac Bush”?

A. Absent-minded

b. Decisive

V. Bad

A. Acacia

b. Rose hip

V. Lilac

A. Amber

b. Almazova

V. Rubinova

A. Love

b. Hatred

V. Contempt

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Lesson project

"What does it mean to be happy?" (Based on the story by A.I. Kuprin “The Lilac Bush”)

Project type: interdisciplinary, research, long-term, group.

Form: literature lesson in 8th grade. Supplement to the lesson - presentation.

Formulation of the problem

We have all thought more than once: “How to interest students, how to attract everyone’s attention?” It is difficult to argue with the fact that a variety of activities at different stages of modern literature lessons, including non-traditional lessons, will help solve the tasks.

Practical focus of the project is that the knowledge gained from its implementation can be used when writing essays on literature and the Russian language, in class.

Project implementation:

    collection, analysis and synthesis of information from various sources is carried out;

    a project plan is drawn up, presentation materials are prepared;

    at the final stage there is reflection, discussion of the process, results of work, group and personal achievements.

Project goals:

    fostering a sense of responsibility for one’s own happiness and the happiness of others;

    teach children collective creativity and problem solving together;

    instilling research skills in preparing material.

    Based on facts and a literary image in the story “The Lilac Bush” by A. I. Kuprin, find out whether the heroes of the story are happy and what happiness consists of

Preliminary homework (distribute into groups):

Group 1: “Is Vera Almazova happy?”

Group 2: “Is Nikolai Almazov happy?”


    Discussion of the epigraph

    Performance of 1st group

    Performance of 2 groups

    Preserving family values ​​in people's lives


At the beginning of the lesson, all students are given analytical cards of the lesson. During the lesson (as the groups speak), students fill them out, which allows everyone to be included in the discussion process as much as possible and receive feedback.

Comments on the speech, questions

(my position)

Performance Score

How do I evaluate my participation in the lesson? What new did I learn?

Lesson structure


      The lesson can begin with a conversation.

Happiness is a big word. Almost everyone considers happiness when you have a full family, when there are reliable friends nearby, when a person does not have serious material and other problems, some consider a person happy who has a goal in life. In general, the feeling of happiness is subjective. One correlates it with material wealth, the other - with a pleasant pastime. The feeling of happiness is largely determined by a person's relationships with other people. Therefore, friendship and love also bring happiness to a person.

How do you feel about the statement of A.S. Makarenko: “You cannot be a happy person by chance, like at roulette - you need to be able to be a happy person”? (Slide No. 2)

2. Lesson epigraph: (Slide No. 3)

“By trying for the happiness of others, we find our own.” (Plato)

Teacher: I suggest you carefully read Plato’s words again. What is the main idea of ​​this statement? What did you find particularly important and meaningful that makes you think?

And now we will look at what happiness is for the heroes of A.I. Kuprin’s story “The Lilac Bush”

3. Performance of 1st group:

(Slide No. 4)

4. Performance of group 2: “Is Nikolai Almazov happy?”

(Slide No. 5)

5. E. Asadov “Happiness”. (Slide No. 6) Conversation about the meaning of the poem. Preserving family values ​​in people's lives

What is happiness?
Some say: “These are passions:
Cards, wine, hobbies -
All the thrills."

Others believe that happiness is
With a large salary and power,
In the eyes of the secretaries of the prisoners
And the trembling of subordinates.

Still others believe that happiness is
This is a great participation:
Care, warmth, attention
And a commonality of experience.

According to the fourth, this is -
Sit with my dear until dawn,
One day confess your love
And never part again.

There is also an opinion
That happiness is burning:
Search, dream, work
And daring wings of takeoff!

And happiness, in my opinion, is simple
Comes in different heights:
From the hummock to Kazbek,
Depending on the person

What do you think happiness is? (Students’ statements about happiness are listened to)

What do you think is the Almazovs’ happiness?

Do you agree with the statement “Family happiness is the daily work of both spouses?”

What did this story teach us?

6. Lesson summary.

The teacher suggests discussing the entries in the analytical cards and asking questions.

As homework, students are asked to write an essay-argument on the topic: “What does it mean to be happy?”

    A good marriage rests on talent and friendship.

Happiness is...

Happiness is when you are understood

great happiness is when you are loved, real happiness is when you love. Confucius

As it turns out, you don’t need much to be truly happy. Is not it?

I agree with the aphorism: happiness is not your best friend, it comes when you feel good and goes away when you feel bad! Indeed, a person’s happiness consists of those moments when a person feels good and when he experiences true satisfaction, the moment passes and misfortune is right there!
`...don’t desire wealth and love, desire happiness, and you will find what will make you happy!

What a blessing that we have Someone
Who needs you, needs you anyone!
Who cares for us,
On whose shoulder do we find peace?
Who will listen to us and not judge us,
Who will lend a faithful hand in need,
Who will cool down the anger in the raging soul
And he will never betray you into misfortune.
It’s so good that this Someone is nearby,
When there is no strength in the world to live anymore.
He will understand everything and with a warm, kind look
He will tell you what to do, how to be.
Also, someone will simply regret it,
And he will sympathize with your fate
And gently warms you on your chest,
Without thinking about yourself.
Oh, how we need this simple Someone...
A straw on life's journey.
The salvation of our souls is his concern,
But it's very difficult for us to find him
Cherish happiness, cherish it!
Notice, rejoice, take
Rainbows, sunrises, stars' eyes -
It's all for you, for you, for you.
We heard a trembling word -
Rejoice. Don't ask for a second one.
Don't waste time. To nothing.
Rejoice at this, him!
And for very, very kind eyes
There are no squabbles, no envy, no torment.
Joy itself will stretch out its hands to you,
If your heart is bright.
See the beauty in the ugly,
See the river floods in the streams!
Who knows how to be happy in everyday life,
He really is a happy man!

  • What is happiness? Some say: “These are passions: Cards, wine, hobbies - All the thrills.”
  • Others believe that happiness is in a large salary and power, in the eyes of captive secretaries and the awe of subordinates.
  • Still others believe that happiness is a great participation: Care, warmth, attention and commonality of experience.
  • According to the fourth, this is to sit with your sweetheart until dawn, confess your love one day and never part again.
  • There is also an opinion, That happiness is burning: Search, dream, work And daring wings of take-off!
  • And happiness, in my opinion, simply Comes in different sizes: From a hummock to Kazbek, Depending on the person

View presentation content
"Vera Almazova"

  • Based on facts and a literary image in the story “The Lilac Bush” by A. I. Kuprin
  • find out if the heroine of the story is happy?

  • see and evaluate the meaning and knowledge of artistic details, portrait sketches, dialogues, composition of the work as a whole
  • show the psychological accuracy of the name
  • understand the idea of ​​creating the image of the heroine

  • Prepare to write a home essay on the topic: “What does it mean to be happy?”

  • Happiness- a state of a person that corresponds to the greatest internal satisfaction with the conditions of one’s existence, the fullness and meaningfulness of life, the fulfillment of one’s human purpose

  • The heroine of A. I. Kuprin’s story “The Lilac Bush” is a young woman, Vera Almazova, the wife of an officer studying at the Academy of the General Staff. They are not rich, and Vera has to make every effort to run the household. “She denied herself everything she needed,” creating the comfort her hard-working husband needed. She must support her husband in every possible way, helping him pass the exams for the Academy. If it weren’t for her, he would “give up on everything,” not finding enough energy in himself.

  • This is a Russian name, it has the same meaning as the word `vera`.
  • Vera in childhood was a balanced girl with a logical mind. She loves a variety of trinkets, and all the unnecessary things in the house eventually end up among her toys. She avoids noisy companies and is not subject to whims. He studies diligently and willingly looks after his younger brother or sister. Vera has few close friends.
  • Vera has a well-organized practical mind. She is able to soberly assess the situation and shows intelligence in specific matters. Vera has musical abilities. She is able to learn to play any musical instrument well.

  • The surname Almazov comes from the word “diamond”, which was borrowed from the Turkic-speaking peoples and, in addition to the meaning of “precious stone”, also had the meaning of “hardened steel”. The name Almaz (Almas), which can be translated as “will not touch, will not take,” was extremely common and popular in Tatar onomastics. Almazov has been found as a Russian surname since the 15th century.

  • Vera shared all his problems with him and “learned to meet every failure with a clear, almost cheerful face.” For her husband, she was a “scribe, draftswoman, reader, tutor and memory book.” Her husband easily loses heart, gets irritated, and takes out all his grievances on Vera. But she finds the patience not to be offended, but to console him and find a way out of the situation.

  • She offers an unusual solution - to plant lilac bushes in the place where her husband spilled ink on the plan. Vera argues with her husband and gets her way. Verochka easily decides to part with her jewelry; it is clear that her husband’s peace of mind is most important to her. Nikolai accepts his wife’s care, he loves her too, just in a different way.

  • A lilac bush planted outside the city helped Almazov enter the Academy. ... “Lilac will now forever be my favorite flower...” Why does the author end the story this way? ... The author respects Vera because she gives up her jewelry for the sake of her loved one, his happiness

  • Vera's husband really loves her, but he is a weak man who easily gives in to despair. Vera has to bear the double burden of responsibility for her family, look for ways to overcome difficulties, and constantly maintain vigor in her loved one. It’s difficult for her, but she’s happy, and her difficult happiness deserves respect because she suffered through it

  • 1. What was the name of the main character of A.I. Kuprin’s story “The Lilac Bush”?

A. Absent-minded

b. Decisive

V. Bad

A. Acacia

b. Rose hip

V. Lilac

A. Amber

b. Almazova

V. Rubinova

A. Love

b. Hatred

V. Contempt

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"Nikolai Almazov)"

A. and Kuprin "Lilac bush"

  • Happiness is a feeling and state of complete, highest satisfaction. (according to S. Ozhegov’s dictionary)
  • Happy - full of happiness, one who is favored by luck and success.

  • Meaning and Origin: conqueror of nations (Greek). Energy And Karma: name energy Nikolai has amazing mobility, in a strange way, sociability is sometimes combined with peremptoryness, cheerfulness with severity, lightness with sufficient rigidity and tension. All this often leads to the fact that Nikolai’s character seems to be entirely created from contradictions, so difficult is it to understand him. On the other hand, this may be reflected in his versatility and breadth of views. It will almost certainly be difficult to find any area in communication with him in which he does not have his own opinion. However, there is no need to imagine Kolya as such a know-it-all, this is simply a property of any fast mind, obeying intuition more than logic. By the way, this statement is easy to verify - just find out what game he prefers - “slow” chess or “fast” checkers? Most likely, he will choose the second one.

  • Nikolai Almazov studies at the Academy of the General Staff. It is very difficult, there are difficult exams, and due to an accidental mistake, the young officer found himself in a difficult situation. It is necessary to justify yourself to the professor, but how? Nikolai believes that everything is lost. He is completely crushed by this failure and responds sharply to his wife. “It was clear that this strong man wanted to cry.” He is afraid of the upcoming shame: “In a month again to the regiment, and even with shame, with misery.”

  • “...he let go of the briefcase, which fell to the floor and almost opened, and he threw himself into a chair, angrily crunching his fingers folded together...”

  • Vera has a stronger and more decisive character; she helped her husband enter the Academy. The Almazovs are not rich, and Vera “denied herself everything she needed” to make Nikolai’s life comfortable because he worked hard. She suffers for him and is quickly ready to act to rescue her husband from an unpleasant situation (the husband spilled ink on a drawing of the area because he had been working too long). Vera comes up with an idea to plant lilac bushes and justify the spot that has appeared on the terrain plan.

  • Having collected the last valuables of the family, she pawns them in a pawnshop, and with this money she buys lilac bushes from the gardener. At night they hire workers to plant the bushes.

  • Vera accepts her husband’s victory as her own. Forces her husband to tell in every detail about the story with the bushes. She realized that her husband had entered the General Staff Academy.

Triumph of love

“Almazov was covered in dust, but his face shone with the triumph of the victory.” They walked home, “holding hands and laughing incessantly.”

  • Nikolai changes for the better under the influence of his wife. At first he even hated the professor of the Academy, called him “German”, “Pedant”, and after the story with the lilacs he began to say “Such a clever fellow”, “Knowledge is simply monstrous”.

  • The power of love helped Vera do everything for her husband to overcome adversity. It is a great happiness for him that such a faithful and devoted person as Vera is in his life.

  • The story is named so because thanks to the lilac bush and Vera’s resourcefulness, Nikolai entered the Academy of the General Staff. He realized that their lives depended not on the “German”, “Pedant”, but on themselves. People are the creators of their own happiness.

  • 1. Nikolai was a brave, decisive man.
  • 2. He entered Moscow State University.
  • 3. The Almazovs were not rich.
  • 4.They pawned all their jewelry.
  • 5. Nikolai changes for the better under the influence of his wife.

  • 1.No
  • 2.No
