Fire signs of the Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Zodiac signs: element of Fire

ARIES. Yang, Fire, cardinal. Mars rules, the Sun culminates, Saturn is in decline, Venus is imprisoned.

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. Zero degree of Aries is the point of the vernal equinox, the beginning of a new solar cycle. Aries manifests itself brightly, unambiguously, and straightforwardly. Aries has no undertones: you are either a friend or an enemy; love - either his entire life, or not love; he is either full of energy or plunged into the abyss of depression. Aries's outlook is global. He has no attention to particulars and details. He looks at the world, the idea, the partner in general - and instantly makes a decision whether it is “his” or “not his”. Aries lives here and now - in the past he was owned by completely different energy flows and it was not exactly him; in the future others will own him.

Aries moves through life on strong energy flows (“adrenaline junkie” - this is about Aries). The disappearance of the stream is unbearable for him. He immediately starts looking for a new one, and if he doesn’t find it, he falls into a deep depression. This dependence on external energy flows makes him a convenient prey for more stable, but less energetic signs. In moments of energy withdrawal, Aries may agree to something that is frankly not useful for him.

The rulership of Mars gives Aries direct access to energy. This is the position “I see the goal - I see no obstacles.” What the goals will be and what obstacles he will carelessly trample under his hooves is a question of the level of development of a person in general and/or the planet that is located in Aries.

The culmination of the Sun, when worked through, gives a more subtle and consistent embodiment of its ideas - Aries no longer jumps from one energy trough to another, but can steadily carry out the same flow despite natural fluctuations in the energy level.

The imprisonment of Venus - the shadow side of Aries - gives the picture “they wanted the best, but it turned out as always.” Deep down, Aries is driven by high ideals of beauty, harmony and justice, but he lacks the subtlety and precision that is required to bring these ideals to life.

The fall of Saturn manifests itself in the depressive states of Aries. Actually, these states are given to him so that he understands what kind of trouble he has messed up once again and learns to more consciously control the flow. But since for an undeveloped Aries the lack of inclusion in the flow is completely unbearable, he, as a rule, cannot engage in spiritual work, but is urgently looking for somewhere to connect. He connects to increasingly lower-quality streams, and gradually falls into a very severe depression, where there is nothing to do - he has to deal with these disgusting details and subtleties.

To work through it, Aries needs to learn to regulate the intensity of the flow in order to hear subtle Venusian instructions, endure low-energy states and get out of them with Saturnian wisdom, distribute energy over a long distance, and hear the rhythm of one’s destiny.

A LION. Yang, Fire, fixed. The Sun rules, Pluto culminates, Uranus and Saturn are imprisoned, Mercury is in its fall.

Being a fixed fire sign, Leo has already mastered some skills in managing the energy flow, but is also more dependent on it. If Aries simply introduces an idea into the world, then it is important for Leo that the idea be accepted. He is associated with what he is trying to implement, and the defeat of the idea means personal defeat for him.In practice, this means that an undeveloped Leo looks (and is) an extreme egoist (“The State is Me!” said the French King Louis XVII, Sun King)

On the other hand, Leo already sees nuances: the flow can be stronger or weaker, change direction (not radically, but in detail) over time, and be modified. Followers are very important for Leo: he is extremely dependent on their assessment (of himself and the flow), and is susceptible to flattery, especially when things are not going well.

The Sun as the ruler of the sign gives Leo the feeling that his will is the law. However, his task is to figure out exactly whose will he is carrying out at each specific moment: his Self or the egregor he serves. In the first case, Leo will stop at nothing to stay in the flow - any measures, even criminal ones, can be used. In the second, he needs to be conscious enough to listen not to himself, the beloved, but to what the direction of his flow dictates to him.

The culmination of Pluto means that Leo has a very practical restructuring of reality in mind. His ideas change the world (even if, given the level of development, his world is him and his egoic consumer desires). Leo easily gathers followers around him for such a restructuring; he is a born leader and knows how to lead people on his stream, infecting them with his leading idea and charging him with his energy to implement it.

The imprisonment of Uranus does not allow Leo to see new opportunities and unexpected turns. If Leo is rushing somewhere, it is almost impossible to lead him astray, but conveying something new to him is also an impossible task.

The imprisonment of Saturn is expressed in Leo's desire to ride the energy flow, without taking into account the practical reality and subtleties of the task facing him. The problem here is that for the time being (often before the second return of Saturn) Leo succeeds, but then he has to work out all the mistakes at once, and this ends in severe depression, heart disease and serious failures in his career.

The fall of Mercury gives Leo a disdain for purely mental planning of his actions and interaction with people. Leo is more likely to push through his idea than to come to an agreement. However, without a rational assessment, you can easily lose touch with reality, which periodically happens to Leos.

SAGITTARIUS. Yang, Fire, mutable. Ruled by Jupiter, culminating in Venus, Mercury in its fall.

Sagittarius is the softest of the fire signs. Of course, this does not mean that Sagittarius is not susceptible to flattery, does not neglect the world around him and people (which, however, like other fire signs, he is easily forgiven for) and is not absorbed in a fiery idea. But this means that he does not insist on anything, is not inclined to punch a wall with his forehead, and is almost independent of his fiery flow. More precisely, he knows how to regulate and modify it in almost any way, and, on occasion, even change it altogether. But he almost never remains completely without energy and extremely rarely (except for a severe defeat) becomes depressed.

Jupiter's rule gives Sagittarius generosity and cheerfulness. He always has a couple more ideas in stock if for some reason you don’t like the first one. And if nothing suits you at all, he will calmly turn around and leave, not at all disappointed, because there are always many fans around him. Sagittarians are happy to make promises and sincerely strive to fulfill them. But if it doesn’t work out, they won’t be upset at all. “To whom I owe, I forgive” is the most Streltsov expression.

Jupiter's rule means the ability to synthesize and a good understanding of the situation, which makes Sagittarius extremely lucky. They, like no other sign of the Zodiac, know how to find themselves in right time in the right place and charm there the right people. Perhaps only Capricorn knows how to stand on his own four hooves and not succumb to Sagittarius’ charm. Sagittarius is also extremely idealistic. When implementing his ideas, he is not inclined to go into details and details, so he often gets into trouble, but as usual, he shrugs his shoulders and goes off on some new adventure, not caring at all about cleaning up the chaos he left behind.

Venus in exaltation adds charm to Sagittarius (although, it would seem, it doesn’t matter). Just as democratic as Gemini (albeit with a fair amount of snobbery), Sagittarius can insinuate themselves into any company, and then lead it on their next adventure. However, without elaboration, Venus gives a certain rigidity of views and the ideas that Sagittarius pursues turn out to be a rather flat expression of the ideas of the social circle to which he belongs.

The fall of Mercury gives Sagittarius a disdainful attitude towards mental constructs and a reluctance to comprehend their actions. However, this is precisely what Sagittarius needs to learn, because only attention to detail gives him the ability to accurately and subtly convey his ideas to those who need them.

Zodiac signs of the element Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. The main feature of this group of fire signs is activity and energy. All three zodiac signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are associated with fiery, active mental and sexual processes, and these signs are not as closely intertwined with each other as, for example, water signs. Even in the closest connection of these signs there is something like camaraderie, familiarity. Each side wants to live independent life and very rarely will he subordinate his entire life to another person at the cost of losing his individuality. In this group you can find many couples who can endure long periods of separation and maintain strong feelings for each other, but at the same time they pursue their individual goals. Keyword this group - PERSONAL INDEPENDENCE.
All people of these three fire signs are hot-tempered and quick-tempered, their minds are focused on their careers, finances, they want to be in the spotlight, in plain sight. Fire signs can get some benefit from being practical terrestrial group. In terms of sexual relations, people of fire signs belong to the category of ardent and passionate, they are very aggressive, and when it comes to various emotions, they do not go far into them. All three signs in highest degree sociable. Their most important slogan is LIVE AND LET LIVE!

People of the zodiac signs of the element Fire have an easily angered and unrestrained nature, an active mind, intelligence, and the ability to ignite like a flame on dry dead wood. Inconsistency in trifles, reluctance to listen to lengthy explanations, the ability to quickly perceive the most important things from a large flow of information, impetuosity. A kind, cordial attitude towards others and even a quick temper attracts many people to the signs of the zodiac element Fire. Usually they are lucky, however, if this is not the case, then bad luck does not leave them alone for a long time.
If we start from belonging to the Fire element, then when choosing friends and partners for close relationships, it is necessary to give preference to people of the same element or people of the zodiac signs of the Air element. The element Water can extinguish the fire or evaporate itself, while the earth helps cool the fire, and the flame of the element Fire can scorch the earth. Air is always needed and contributes to the combustion of fire.

Positive qualities of the zodiac signs of the Fire element: the ability to draw a conclusion and accept in time correct solution, people of this element are energetic, talkative, cheerful, brave, tireless, enterprising and have a winning personality.

Negative qualities of the signs of the zodiac element Fire: uncontrolled, love to give orders, frivolous, arrogant, unyielding, often angry and contradictory, indifferent, desperate, hot-tempered, love to flirt.

For each zodiac sign of the Fire element, you can make the following association with fire:
a lion

Today we will talk about the fire signs of the Zodiac: what unites them and how they are different, which of them is the leader, how they can achieve success, who they should be with.

Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

These are the signs of the Zodiac that are under the protection of the element Fire. This element endows all three signs with such qualities as nobility, courage, impatience, resourcefulness, striving forward, optimism, and the desire to win.

People under the element of Fire, without exception, are born leaders, warriors, noble, honest and good-natured people. But there are big differences between Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Zodiac sign Aries

Aries Patronized by the planet Mars, so he is always full of ideas, enthusiasm, belligerence, incontinence, inconstancy. Aries is brave and noble, independent and very kind. He is a child at heart and a brave man on the outside. All Aries, whether a woman or a man, are distinguished by great zeal for achieving success, good nature, naivety, and courage.

Zodiac sign Leo

Leo The patronizing planet in astrology is the Sun. And onea gives him completely different qualities. Fire does not burn Leo - it shines. Leo's striving forward, nobility and courage are manifested in a completely different way than in Aries. Leos are born to shine like the sun, they are very charming, they know their worth, and they know how to present themselves best in the world. And if Aries strives for power, then Leo needs glory. Leo is more calm, sedate and constant fire sign.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius

AND Sagittarius, patronized by Jupiter, this is a completely different manifestation of the element Fire. Sagittarius is a warrior and fighter for justice, order, he loves rules and moral standards. This is a man of his word. But Sagittarius leadership doesn't mean shining like Leo or leading crowds like Aries. No, Sagittarius's leadership is in the best possible way manifests itself in being a sage who establishes justice, gives excellent advice, becomes a teacher and mentor to other people. The fire of Sagittarius warms and envelops from all sides.

Traits of Fire Zodiac Signs

  • striving forward
  • courage
  • optimism
  • resourcefulness
  • nobility
  • honesty
  • impatience
  • restlessness
  • desire to receive everything at once
  • impermanence
  • kindness
  • ability to patronize
  • big kind heart
  • leadership position

Which one of them is the leader?

The true leader of the fire signs of the Zodiac is only Aries,since he belongs to the cardinal signs of the Zodiac. Aries is an initiator, a leader, he knows how to take responsibility for himself and even for other people. Aries need to never lose faith in themselves, their entrepreneurial spirit, their destiny to be the first and the best.

Leo and Sagittarius also strive to be leaders, but they must understand that they were born for other tasks: Leo - to be an interesting person and be the center of attention, Sagittarius - to become a teacher, defender of justice and a sage.

Leo belongs to the fixed signs of the Zodiac. This means that he rarely changes anything in his life, he does not fight anything, he loves stability, reliability, and is true to his convictions. This is a persistent, stable sign of the Zodiac with great willpower. Leos need to be more flexible and ready for change, so as not to stand still, but to move forward.

Sagittarius belongs to the mutable zodiac signs. This is a very flexible, highly adaptable, changeable sign of the Zodiac. Sagittarius knows how to be inspired and inspire other people, he can breathe new life into old ideas, he is always open to new and interesting things. Sagittarius needs to define one goal for themselves so as not to waste energy left and right.

Work for fire zodiac signs

Aries A job is suitable in which he can generate and implement many different ideas, not sit still, not do the same work, and be an initiator and leader.

Leo work will do, in which he will show his talents, will either be a public figure, a celebrity, or become a leader or organizer.

Sagittarius suitable work related to the law, maintaining order, establishing justice, teaching, work related to travel and business trips.

The Key to Success for Fire Zodiac Signs

The key to success for all fire zodiac signs is the same - This is self-discipline, intellectual activity, hard work, perseverance.

It is through hard work and discipline Aries can become a respected person. Intellectual work helps Aries to use powerful weapons - knowledge, to win without a fight, to be ahead, to calculate several steps ahead.

Leos You need more perseverance in developing some of your brightest talents. The problem with many Leos is that they know what they can achieve, but often don't achieve it. With hard work, Leos can achieve high altitudes, and they all know it.

Sagittarius In order to take a worthy place in society, knowledge is needed. It is persistent and long-term training that can lead Sagittarius to great success. Knowledge is a tool in the hands of these intellectually developed people.

What kind of relationships do fire zodiac signs need?

Who suits the zodiac signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius? What kind of couple do these zodiac signs need?

There is no bad compatibility between zodiac signs; each union has its own great advantages and disadvantages that can be eliminated together. Therefore, absolutely all zodiac signs are suitable for each other. Here we look at the love needs of the fire zodiac signs.


Aries he needs a person who will always support his ambitions and ideas, who will praise and appreciate him. Aries can move mountains for a person who believes in him. He is a leader and wants to remain free from restrictions in relationships. Relationships with Aries should be built on mutual respect and trust.

a lion

Leo need a muse. This zodiac sign should be near a person who admires him. Leo wants to be the center of attention in relationships; representatives of this zodiac sign have very vulnerable pride and self-esteem. If Leo has someone with him who sees the best in him, then he will achieve great success in life.


Sagittarius he needs a person who will respect his right to freedom and personal space, will become a friend for him, and will have many common interests with him. Sagittarians can be overwhelmed by restrictions; to achieve success and happiness in life, they need open spaces. Some Sagittarius find themselves in travel and constant movement, others in intellectual activity and constant exchange of experience. To do this, they need trust in the relationship and complete acceptance of their lifestyle.

These are the facts about the fire signs of the Zodiac.

People fire element They are distinguished by a stormy temperament, flexible intellect and quick temper. Often people of Fire zodiac signs act first, then think. They are characterized by quick decision-making, rash actions and adventurism. Having done something wrong, they do not repent and continue to stick to their line. They always strive to be ahead of everyone, and for this they constantly want to improve their skills, acquire new knowledge and learn. People of the Fire Element are endowed with curiosity and the talent to manage. They rarely listen to other people's opinions, trying to do everything their own way, while proving to everyone their strength, intelligence and abilities.

Possessing an explosive character and a confident life position, signs of the Fire Element very often attract the admiring glances of the opposite sex. They are characterized by increased sexuality, which attracts people. Almost always, people of this element are the life of the party. There are always a lot of people around them, and they cannot tolerate loneliness for long. As a rule, all fire signs have incredible luck. Representatives of the Element of Fire are constantly trying to lead and command. They try to take leadership positions everywhere: in the family, at work, in the campaigns of friends, and even in those areas of life in which they themselves do not really understand. Fire signs simply cannot live without attention. They constantly need communication, a change of environment and type of activity.

To build a family, it is better for fire signs to choose people from their own Element or from the Element of Air. Air gives Fire the opportunity to burn for a long time and flare up even more, which means that the union of these elements promises to be strong and long. Marriage and friendly relations can be destroyed if the Fire Release combines with the Water Release. Water extinguishes Fire, puts obstacles in front of it, thus such a couple cannot exist for long. People of fire signs have neutral and fairly harmonious relationships with representatives of the Earth Element.

Zodiac signs belonging to the Element of Fire differ in the degree of temperament. Aries have the hottest temperament among the Fire signs. They are very self-confident and endowed with an incredible desire to achieve their goals. Leos are less impulsive and are characterized by consistency in their decisions and actions. Sagittarians have a changeable character. Today the fire burns in their eyes, but tomorrow the look goes out.

The main advantages of the signs of the Fire Element are attractive appearance, charm, determination, leadership qualities, courage, sociability and optimism. Disadvantages include short temper, inconsistency of actions, inflated self-esteem, stubbornness and obsession with oneself. Useful article? Then put and

21.05.2013 14:30

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The energetic connection between people and animals was noticed in ancient times. Each Zodiac Sign is protected by...

Everything can be divided into four groups according to elements zodiac signs: Fire, Water, Earth and Air. It is on this basis that one can determine the temperament and stable qualities of each representative of the zodiac circle. From this point of view, water signs can be called changeable and dynamic, air signs - mobile and contact, fire - sparkling and temperamental, and earth signs - solid and stable. We will talk about the characteristic features of representatives of each of the above elements and their compatibility in this article.

Characteristics of fire signs

Fire signs have a truly fiery temperament. The peculiarity of this element is warmth and dryness, personifying metaphysical energy, life and its power. There are three signs in the Zodiac that correspond to these qualities: Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. They have an inexhaustible creative spirit, an unshakable will and extraordinary punching power. In addition, the element of Fire gives them enterprise, a constant thirst for activity and organizational talent. They have been defending their independence, independence and personal freedom since childhood. It is interesting that they do not know how and do not like to obey, but they can adapt to almost any conditions. Flexible mind strong will, creative approach to difficult life situations allow them to cope with any problem.

People whose horoscopes are dominated by the element of Fire are extremely ambitious. They are hot-tempered, impetuous, courageous, self-confident, courageous, warlike, careless, impatient and unceremonious. They love and know how to lead. Their inherent business activity and the flight of the soul help them reach serious heights in both the material and spiritual spheres. They receive genuine pleasure from their work, are proud of their own successes and expect universal recognition.


The fire signs of the Zodiac differ slightly from month to month. For example, the temperament of Sagittarius differs from the explosive temperament of Aries and Leo. His fire does not burn, but seems to smolder peacefully under the ash. This is the flame of inner passions, securely hidden from prying eyes. Sagittarius has another one characteristic feature: Like their element, they cannot be controlled. Like fire, they easily move from one thing to another and never look back. For them, the most important thing is adventure and action. They are always full of enthusiasm and often go beyond their own capabilities. Representatives of other zodiac signs can keep their energy under control.

Sagittarius Compatibility

Sagittarius is a fire sign, so they attract the attention of people around them with their ability to have fun, curiosity, spirituality and good disposition. However, not everyone can get along with them. For example, the signs of Fire and Earth contradict each other in everything. Cautious Taurus, tight-fisted Capricorn and pedantic Virgo can cause a strong attack of irritation in freedom-loving Sagittarius. And the water signs (Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers) require constancy and reliability from their partners. But any ties - serious challenge for Sagittarius, so he will try his best to avoid them. Representatives of this sign are close to the fire and air elements. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are not jealous and love a variety of adventures. They will make excellent company for Sagittarius in any endeavor. And Leos and Aries have a similar temperament and powerful vital energy. They will quickly find mutual understanding with a representative of this zodiac sign and make his life happy.

a lion

Fire signs of the Zodiac do not suffer from modesty and strive to make themselves known to the whole world. This quality is especially evident in Lviv. Their horoscope is dominated by the Sun - the planet thanks to which all life on Earth appeared. Perhaps this is why representatives of the “solar” sign consider themselves absolutely irreplaceable and refuse to play second fiddle in any situation. Their fearlessness and strength could get them into a lot of trouble, but they are smart enough to avoid them. With their courage they win the sincere sympathy of those around them. They are fair and want to see everyone around them happy. However, their own person always comes first for them.

Leo Compatibility

Leos are very attractive and attract the interest of all zodiac signs. However, find mutual language It's not as easy with them as it seems at first glance. For example, the signs of Fire and Water have many claims against each other. The compatibility of these two elements is a big question, because Pisces, Scorpios and Cancers prefer stability and demand maximum dedication from their partners, while Leo will not subordinate his life to the interests of his other half. He is too proud and independent for that. It is also difficult for people whose horoscopes are dominated by the Earth element to find the key to representatives of the “solar” sign. Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus are too predictable and stable. Leo's extravagance irritates them, and their extravagance makes them think about choosing a more practical partner. Representatives of the fire and air elements are the most suitable companions for Leo. Aries and Sagittarius will sacrifice their leadership for the sake of their “sunny” lover and make his life truly wonderful. And Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are able to inspire representatives of the “royal” sign to new exploits and endlessly admire their strong and generous nature.


Fire signs are aggressive and brave people. If necessary, they are able to mobilize all their internal forces and meet their opponent fully armed, while having a remarkable chance of success. All of the above is fully consistent with the character of Aries. Representatives of this sign know how to defend their interests, while possessing extreme egocentrism. They are straightforward, in disputes they fiercely prove their point of view, but they never cause rejection among people, as they have a rare charm. Aries are real hard workers. As a rule, they achieve success in their careers. However, they have one drawback. Boldly taking on the implementation of another idea, they are practically unable to bring it to completion.

Aries Compatibility

Water and Fire signs are attracted to each other. This fact is clearly visible in the Aries horoscope. They get along well with Pisces and help them overcome their shyness, charm Cancers, and find a common language with Scorpios. However, the initial passion sometimes ends in bitter disappointment. These two elements have too little in common. Therefore, in order to get along in a long and happy marriage, representatives of these zodiac signs will have to work on themselves and overcome the serious difference in temperament.

Of all the representatives of the air element, Aries are most inclined to communicate with Gemini. Pressure from the former will be completely offset by the ingenuity of the latter. But with Libra and Aquarius, more complex relationships can develop. Aries will have to use all their tact in order to keep representatives of these zodiac signs near them.

Aries interact poorly with the earth element. At first they may be fascinated by the restraint of Virgo, the consistency of Capricorn, and the confidence of Taurus, but insoluble contradictions in their characters will quickly make themselves felt. The signs of Fire and Earth are opposite in nature.

Representatives of the fire element will be worthy partners for Aries. However, fierce competition in in this case can't be avoided. Leos and Sagittarius will never give up their positions and will not give up primacy to their lover. But this competition will bring real pleasure to the partners.

Earth element signs

If Fire signs welcome changes in their lives, then Earth signs prefer stability in everything. They are characterized by patience, reliability, practicality, rigor and confidence. People of the Earth element have a melancholic temperament and rare endurance. Often still in early age They set a goal for themselves and consistently achieve it throughout their lives. At the same time, they usually prefer the path of least resistance, but if necessary, they can mobilize all their strength and overcome a serious obstacle. Creation material assets is the main occupation in the lives of people whose horoscopes express the element of Earth. They are very practical, but have difficulty adapting to new living conditions. That is why they do not like to change their place of residence and are very attached to their work and home. Consistency often brings Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus the desired success.

Earth Sign Compatibility

The Fire signs of the Zodiac are not always pleasant to people of the Earth element. Of course, they need warmth. However, when these two elements interact intensively, friction can arise. The hot earth, as you know, turns into a hot desert. That's why happy marriage things rarely work out between representatives of these two elements.

But water signs get along well with earth signs. For example, Pisces and Scorpios can make an excellent match for Capricorns. Unless they have no prospects with Cancers. And Virgo’s desire to care for and control everyone will find a response in the hearts of Scorpios and Cancers. However, they will not be able to find a common language with Pisces. Taurus also gets along well with representatives of the Water element. He can make Cancers happy and get along with Pisces, but all his life he will fight for the palm with Scorpio.

Air signs can irritate Earth signs with their fickle and changeable disposition, but these consistent bores also need some relaxation. That is why a long-term relationship can arise between representatives of these elements, but marriage is unlikely.

Earth signs interact best with each other. Taurus will always find an approach to Capricorn, Virgo or Taurus, because in addition to love and friendship, he can offer them long-term and successful cooperation.

Air element signs

Representatives of the air element are responsible for contacts and relationships. They are endowed with mobility, liveliness, changeability, flexibility, agility and curiosity. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius know how to impress people around them with their intelligence and rare intelligence. They instantly grasp information and pass it on to others in the form they themselves have processed. Then the signs of Fire, Water, Earth and Air, if they are on the same team, will unite together to solve this or that problem. Of course, one of the Air signs will come up with a brilliant idea, leaving its implementation to representatives of other elements. However, he will not stand aside - he will inspire his partners to complete the event until the last minute.

Air signs are recognized diplomats. In addition, they can excel in science, art and journalism. Talented, bright, sparkling, they attract the attention of all representatives of the zodiac circle. But getting along with them can be difficult.

Air sign compatibility

The signs of Air and Fire can create an excellent tandem, in which the former will effectively inspire the latter to great achievements. Such a union may seem very successful from the outside. However, partners are able to quickly lose interest in each other. The reason may be excessive assertiveness of Fire signs. Actively feeding on the air element, they are able to get carried away and cross all boundaries. And pressure, control and constant criticism are extremely undesirable for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. They prefer freedom in everything, so they are likely to leave their “fiery” partner. According to the horoscope, Fire signs, in turn, do not tolerate inconstancy. The very first attack of jealousy will make them think about the advisability of a relationship with their unreliable partner. A rupture can be very painful. Which Fire signs are able to come to terms with the variability of the air element? Only the most devoted and in love! They will be able to tame their soulmate to perseverance and constancy.

The signs of Fire and Air, the compatibility of which was discussed above, are essentially antagonistic to each other. What about other representatives of the zodiac circle?

Stable and consistent Earth signs will be outraged by the wastefulness and superficiality of Air signs. This tandem may turn out to be extremely unsuccessful. The air, of course, is capable of spreading seeds that will subsequently fertilize the Earth, but it is also capable of raising thick clouds of dust, in which each of the partners will be very uncomfortable. However, everything is not so bad. Incredibly, both Earth and Air signs have common features. They are united by a sober and logical mindset. The brilliant intellect of representatives of the air element and the organizational talents of the earthly element can be successfully combined into a fruitful union.

At first, the signs of Water and Air have a very reverent and tender relationship. However, people whose horoscopes are dominated by the water element need attention, stability and boundless devotion. The inconstancy of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius can greatly hurt them.

Air signs get along best with each other. They are very romantic and physical intimacy It's not important to them. Therefore, the relationship between them will be slightly literary, built on fantasies and experiences. In addition, representatives of this element are not jealous. They can separate for a long time, but with mutual trust they can unite again, creating perfect union, which will be admired by all the people around you.

Signs of the element of Water

People in whose horoscopes Water prevails are rich inner world. For all their external inconstancy, they are extremely stable in their preferences. They are characterized by dreaminess, softness, uncertainty and indecision. They are not able to express their feelings as clearly as other zodiac signs. However, their inner experiences are very deep and rich.

Among the representatives of the water element there are many successful musicians and artists. They can also excel in areas related to service and catering. And Scorpios, for example, are capable of becoming excellent detectives and investigators.

Water element compatibility

Water signs are drawn to representatives of their native element on a subconscious level. They understand each other perfectly, respect their partner’s personal space and successfully avoid mutual offense. The most successful couples between representatives of the water element are Scorpio and Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer.

Earth signs will be good partners for people of the Water trine. Any couple consisting of representatives of these elements has a high chance of building a long and fruitful relationship. They can create strong family and live in it happily ever after. Rare exceptions are caused, as a rule, by the personal individual qualities of the partners.

Between the signs of Air and Water, everything is much more complicated. They get along incredibly easily and are on the same wavelength for some time, but then their relationship also quickly cools down. Passionate and vibrant love may arise between them, but a beautiful romance is unlikely to end in a happy marriage.

According to the horoscope, Fire signs, despite different temperaments, are able to awaken deep passion in their “water” partners. Representatives of these elements have completely different approaches to life. If Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios weigh their every step, then Leos, Sagittarius and Aries get carried away without looking back and just as quickly cool down. However, if partners take a closer look at each other, they will understand that their relationship has prospects. Fire signs, whose compatibility is ambiguous, will certainly appreciate the originality of judgment of representatives of the water element, and they, in turn, will be imbued with the ardor and passion of Leo, Sagittarius or Aries. So, subject to mutual respect and tolerance, this union has a great chance of success.


The signs of Water, Fire, Earth and Air have different compatibility. Much depends not only on which element dominates in their horoscopes, but also on the personal qualities of each individual person. However, inexorable statistics show that representatives of different elements still have certain preferences. For example, most women trying to find their soulmate online are Air and Fire signs. Why do Leos, Sagittarius, Aries, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini look for their happiness on dating sites? It’s simple, because they easily get along with representatives of the same elements, who are also not averse to meeting people on the Internet. However, some representatives of these signs are not at all inclined to long-term relationships (Gemini, Sagittarius), are sometimes spoiled and capricious (Aries, Leo), and very picky (Libra, Aquarius). So it turns out that the second part of the male population (Earth and Water signs) practically does not intersect with girls of other elements. Representatives of the fire and air elements consider them boring bores, incapable of great feelings. But in vain! They make the best spouses. Often the signs of Fire in the horoscope (as well as Air) do not guarantee strong family happiness. Therefore, we encourage girls to more often pay attention to representatives of the signs of Water and Earth. They can also be very interesting partners and interlocutors.
