Cobweb is a beautiful, deadly poisonous mushroom that can be found. Description and distribution places of the most beautiful spider web

Why this mushroom is called that is probably only clear to mycologists. The most beautiful cobweb is far from the most beautiful representative of the mushroom kingdom. Besides, he is very dangerous, and it is better to avoid him when meeting him. What does it look like and where does it grow?

The most beautiful cobweb (Cortinarius rubellus or Cortinarius speciosissimus), belonging to the family Cobweb, genus Cobweb, has another name - reddish cobweb. The common people used to call him also a marshman. This is a dangerous and poisonous lamellar mushroom.

  • The cap is medium-sized, quite thick, with a diameter of 3 to 8 cm (in some cases it grows up to 10 cm). Bell-shaped or conical in shape - in young fruiting bodies, and flattened-convex with a central tubercle, sharp or blunt - in adults. The surface is finely scaly and dry to the touch. The color of the skin is brown-red, orange-red, brown, highly dependent on climatic conditions and weather. The peculiarity of this web spider is the existence of two of its subspecies. The first has a cap with a darker center, from which concentric circles of a reddish hue radiate. Towards the edge of the cap its color becomes lighter. The second, on the contrary, has a lighter center, pinkish-red, and the concentric circles extending from it are of a darker color, but the edges are always lighter;
  • the leg is dense, from 5 to 12 cm high, 5-15 mm thick. Cylindrical, sometimes thickens towards the lower part, forming a club-shaped base. The surface color is orange-brown; in the lower part of the leg there are ochre-colored rims - these are the remains of a bedspread. In mature mushrooms they are almost invisible. The surface is distinctly fibrous;
  • the pulp is tasteless and yellow or orange in color. It has a radish smell, which in some cases may be absent;
  • the plates are relatively dense, adherent to the stem. Their color ranges from orange to brown, and can be rusty brown in mature webworts;
  • spores in the shape of a wide ellipse, almost spherical, warty. They have a rusty brown color.

Distribution and fruiting period

The beautiful spider web is widespread and quite common in northern regions with a temperate climate. Widely known in Europe, in the north and central part of Russia. Grows in coniferous, mixed, swampy moist forests, often on acidic soils. Forms mycorrhiza with birch and spruce trees.

This type of spider plant bears fruit from the end of May until September. Found both in groups and alone.

Similar species

The beautiful spider web can be confused with the dangerous and poisonous mountain spider web (Cortinarius orellanus). However, these two species can be distinguished by the rings on the leg - in the mountain, the remains of the bedspread in the form of red rims at the base are not visible. And it grows in deciduous forests near beech and oak trees.

Also, the hero of our article can easily be confused by an inexperienced mushroom picker with the straight web spider (Cortinarius collinitus). It does not smell like radish and has a straight, light-colored stem. This is an edible mushroom, and therefore you need to be very careful when collecting - a mistake can cost you your health.

In general, it is important to note that almost all spider webs are easy to confuse with each other - they are very similar.


The beautiful spider web is a deadly poisonous mushroom. It contains orellanins - substances that can cause irreversible changes in kidney tissue. They can lead to death, which sometimes overtakes a person 5 months after eating this type of spider web.

Orellanins act very slowly and gradually cause the development of renal failure. There are also other toxic compounds present in mushrooms - benzonine, cortinarine and others. Signs of cobweb poisoning appear only 3-14 days after eating mushrooms - thirst, burning and dry mouth. The person's condition is deteriorating very quickly. It is necessary to call doctors immediately.

Moreover, it is important to know that representatives of this species, even after thorough cooking or drying, still remain poisonous. And treatment after spider web poisoning sometimes lasts more than one month.

It is interesting that until the 60s of the 20th century, the beautiful cobweb was considered a completely harmless mushroom - it was eaten. But when a number of poisonings were registered in Poland (and some of them were fatal), scientists determined that it was this species that caused them. Therefore, when you meet him, just leave the “handsome guy” where he is.

Spider web is not the most common mushroom. Its family includes almost 40 species. Novice mushroom pickers sometimes confuse cobwebs with other mushrooms and throw them into a basket, without thinking that they can be deadly. Cobwebs come in a wide variety of shapes and colors. The names of the types of mushrooms speak for themselves: orange cobweb, crimson, white-violet, etc.

general information

The cobweb family got its name from the cobweb-like cover that connects the stem of the mushroom to the cap. It is especially noticeable in young mushrooms. In more mature members of the family, the cobweb encircles the lower part of the leg with a porous ring. All varieties of this mushroom have a round cap., which becomes more and more flat as it grows. Its surface has a smooth or scaly texture and can be either slippery or completely dry.

The stem and surface of the mushroom cap have almost the same color. The standard shape of the leg is cylindrical, but in some species it has a thickened base. The flesh of the mushroom is usually white, but can also be colored. The cobweb family loves moisture very much. They are most often found near wetlands, which is why they have earned the nickname “swamplanders.”

Mushrooms of this family are common in the European part of Russia, but they are quite difficult to find. Some species of cobwebs are listed in the Red Book. Spider webs rarely grow alone. Usually these are clans of 10 to 30 pieces, clustered in damp lowlands. It is recommended to collect them from late summer until the first frost.

The most special one is the most poisonous spider web. To avoid getting a deadly mushroom into the basket, you need to learn more about it. The cap of an adult beautiful mushroom reaches a diameter of up to 10 cm. In young mushrooms it can be in the form of a cone. As the mushroom grows, the cap changes its appearance and acquires a flat-convex shape with a blunt tubercle in the center. The surface is dry, velvety, slightly scaly at the edges. The color of the cap can range from red-brown to ocher-brown.

The stem of an adult mushroom reaches 12 cm in length and 1.5 cm in width, it slightly widens towards the base and is covered with noticeable bracelets of a spider web. The surface is orange-brown, fibrous. The flesh of the mushroom is yellow-ochre, without taste. Sometimes has a faint radish odor.

People call cobweb mushrooms that are found in different types of forests. Some adherents of a healthy lifestyle eat the fruiting bodies raw, and they are also tasty when salted. A distinctive feature of these representatives of the natural kingdom is a kind of white “veil” located on the lower part of the cap and descending onto the stem.

People call cobweb mushrooms that are found in different types of forests

Scientists have identified mushrooms belonging to the Pautinnikov family in the order Agaricaceae. Popularly, the described representatives of the natural kingdom are called marshlanders, and you can recognize them in the forest by the characteristic cobwebby formation in the lower part of the fruiting body.

The shape of the cap varies from hemispherical to conical, and both smooth and fibrous specimens are found. The color of mushrooms can vary and fades with age. The flesh of the cap can be fleshy or, on the contrary, thin; the color of the fruiting body on the cut may change. The stem of the mushroom is club-shaped, less often cylindrical and with a tuberous thickening at the bottom; there is always a remnant of the “veil” on it. It is curious that it is clearly visible only in young specimens; the old fruiting bodies, the described part remains in the form of a coating.

Triumphal cobweb (video)

Edible and poisonous species of spider webs

When going into the forest, do not forget that some types of spider webs are unsuitable for consumption. Let's consider the varieties of representatives of the kingdom that are often found in nature.

Common spiderwort

The cap of this mushroom is small, its diameter rarely exceeds 5 cm. In young fruiting bodies it is hemispherical, then with age the upper part becomes prostrate and convex. The color of the common spider web varies from pale yellow to brown, the plates are weak and frequent. The cobwebby tissue is mucous, its color is lighter than other parts of such a mushroom. The cylindrical leg is slightly expanded, its structure is dense and continuous. The flesh of this species is whitish and sometimes has a slight unpleasant odor.

The common cobweb is considered an inedible mushroom and is not recommended to be collected.

Scaly cobweb

You can recognize such a mushroom by its cap, decorated with many dark brown scales, and the upper part of the fruiting body is crowned with a small tubercle. The olive or ocher color makes the described species stand out among other representatives of the kingdom, and the cobwebby tissue has a light brown color and is always noticeable. The length of the leg reaches 5 cm or more, it is solid and hollow, with loose pulp. Sometimes you can detect a faint musty smell coming from the mushrooms.

The scaly cobweb is an edible mushroom; it is better to use it fresh and boil or pickle. Mushroom caps are edible.

Scaly cobweb

Goat's web

The described mushroom is popularly called stinking or goat mushroom, since it emits an unpleasant odor and is therefore inedible. At the same time, its cap is quite large, reaching more than 10 cm in diameter, and its shape is regular and round with rolled edges. The color of the young fruiting body is violet-gray; with age, the mushrooms become bluish. The pulp is very dense, the leg of the goat webwort is short and thick, has a massive tuberous thickening at the bottom and is covered with the remains of arachnoid tissue.

This marsh plant stands out among other mushrooms for its bright color - hemispherical caps of orange-yellow color are noticeable in the forest, with age their shape becomes cushion-shaped and prostrate. The flesh of the fruiting body is thick, soft, and exudes a pleasant aroma, which is not typical for cobwebs. The plates of young specimens are narrow and frequent; they are almost completely covered with cobwebby tissue.

The leg of this web spider is high, its length reaches 10 cm. Triumphal marsh grass does not contain harmful substances, therefore, young fruiting bodies have a pleasant taste.

Triumphal cobweb (yellow)

Gossamer violet

A bright and memorable mushroom is listed in the Red Book and is edible, but it is best to refrain from collecting it. The cap of such a web spider is cushion-shaped, convex, with age it becomes flat and overgrown with tiny scales. The plates are wide, rich purple in color. The flesh is bluish, without a special odor, and the stem of the mushroom is dark purple in color and has a thickening at the base.

The most beautiful cobweb

The small orange-ocher cobweb, the cap of which has a sharp tubercle, is a deadly poisonous mushroom and therefore cannot be collected. Old specimens turn rusty brown, their stem grows up to 12 cm and becomes dense with remnants of arachnoid tissue. The plates of the mushroom are sparse, the pulp has no distinct odor. People also call it reddish, or very special.

The most beautiful cobweb

The web spider is excellent

This mushroom has a lamellar fruiting body; remnants of arachnoid tissue are visible on its surface. The diameter of the cap sometimes reaches 15 cm or more; as it matures, it becomes flat and even depressed. Immature specimens are purple in color, while ripe ones have a wine-colored or red-brown upper part.

The thick leg of the superb cobweb reaches 10 cm in height, its flesh is light, darkens over time. The mushroom is edible Suitable for consumption when salted or pickled, the fruiting bodies can also be dried.

Bracelet web plant

You can recognize such a mushroom by its neat hemispherical cap, its diameter gradually reaches 12 cm or more. With age, the upper part of the fruiting body opens, its surface is dry. The color of the forest products varies from orange to red-brown, and dark fibers are also present.

On a high stalk, slightly widened towards the base, there are remnants of arachnoid tissue of a reddish hue, by which mushroom pickers identify the bracelet cobweb. It is considered non-poisonous, but is not eaten.

Bracelet web plant

White-violet cobweb

The cap, with a diameter of 4 to 8 cm, has a rounded bell-shaped shape, atypical for other types of spider webs. In damp weather, the mushroom becomes sticky, its color varies from silver to lilac-gray, and with age, the fruiting bodies fade and lose part of the cobweb tissue.

The stalk of the white-violet spiderwort is mucous and thick. Unlike a similar mushroom called goat mushroom, this gift of the forest does not have a pungent odor, however, It is considered a low quality product and is not collected by mushroom pickers.

Places of growth and fruiting season of the spider web mushroom

You can meet cobwebs not only in deciduous and mixed forests, but also in coniferous forests, where these mushrooms choose damp places. Fruiting bodies grow singly or in small groups, they are capable of forming mycorrhiza with birches and other trees, and you can also see the described species among mosses.

Spider webs are widespread throughout Europe; in Russia, people begin to collect such mushrooms in May; the mushroom produces a good harvest until the end of September.

Gallery: spider web mushroom (45 photos)

Recipes for making edible spider webs

Not all species of swampweeds are dangerous to humans, but it is important to be able to distinguish between edible specimens. For example, the excellent spider web is noble mushroom, which is why it is recommended to fry it and serve it with any side dish. To prepare the dish you will need the following products:

  • mushrooms (500 g);
  • wheat flour (4 large spoons);
  • sunflower oil (3 large spoons);
  • greens to taste.

Pre-boil fresh fruit bodies for 15 minutes, draining the water repeatedly. Next, cut them into small slices, fry in a frying pan until half cooked, mix with flour and continue to simmer the cobwebs for a few more minutes. It is recommended to eat this dish hot.

White-violet cobweb

Triumphant mushroom pickers collect cobwebs in order to pickle them. Take the following ingredients before you start cooking:

  • boiled mushrooms (1 kg);
  • black peppercorns (10 pcs.);
  • bay leaf (3 pcs.);
  • garlic (4 cloves);
  • table vinegar (4 large spoons);
  • sugar and salt to taste.

Boil water, then add all the spices for the marinade and the prepared cobwebs to the liquid. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes, then pour the product into sterilized jars, season with vinegar and close the lids tightly.

How to recognize the lazy web spider (video)

Collect mushrooms carefully and never take suspicious specimens, because they can be poisonous. Collect familiar and well-known species of spider webs that are edible.

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Orange-red cobweb (lat. Cortinarius orellanus) is a species of mushroom that is part of the genus Cortinarius of the Cortinariaceae family. Deadly poisonous, contains slow-acting toxins that cause kidney failure.

Other names:

  • Mountain gossamer
  • Plush spider web

Grows in deciduous and coniferous forests. Fruits in September - October.

The cap is 3-10 cm in ∅, first convex, then flat, orange-red or orange-brown, the skin is covered with small, dark, fibrous scales.

The pulp is yellowish or brownish, with a rare odor and tasteless.

The plates are sparse, adherent to the stem, wide, thick, bright orange-brown. Spore powder is yellow-brown. The spores are ellipsoidal and warty.

The leg is up to 9 cm long, 1-2 cm ∅, dense, cylindrical, slightly narrowed towards the base, yellowish, without bands. The webs (cortina) of young mushrooms are golden yellow, then darken.

The mushroom is deadly poisonous. Contains a toxic substance orellanin, which causes pathological changes in the kidneys. Signs of poisoning appear 3-14 days after eating the mushroom. The mushroom retains its toxic properties after boiling in water or drying.

Cobweb mushrooms (Cortinarius) are mushrooms belonging to the cobweb family (Cortinariaceae) and the order Agaricaceae. Many varieties are popularly called marsh plants.

Cobwebs are mushrooms belonging to the cobweb family and the order Agaricaceae

Mycorrhizal fruit cap-peduncle type body with a hemispherical or conical, convex or flat cap, having a pronounced tubercle and a dryish or mucous, smooth or noticeably felt, sometimes scaly surface of yellow or ocher, orange-terracotta, brownish-brick, dark reddish, brown- brick or purple coloring.

The soft part is relatively fleshy or quite thin, white or ocher-brown, yellow, bluish-violet or olive-green in color, sometimes changing shade when cut. All plates are of accrete or slightly descending type, thin and relatively frequently located, of various colors. The cylindrical or club-shaped leg is characterized by the presence of a tuberous thickening at the base. The spores are ocher and brownish.

Features of the triumphal webweed (video)

Where does the spider web mushroom grow?

The fruiting bodies of mycorrhizal varieties can grow in coniferous forests, as well as not too dense deciduous forests. The varieties are widespread in the temperate climate zone:

  • P.excellent found in deciduous forests, forming mycorrhiza with beeches, and does not grow in our country;
  • P.violet has become widespread in the northern regions and central zone of our country;
  • P.triumphal grows massively in Eastern Siberia, as well as in the Far East;
  • P.grayish blue not found on the territory of our country;
  • forms mycorrhiza with beeches and other deciduous trees, grows in the Primorsky Territory;
  • P. fragrant prefers mixed and coniferous forests for growth and development, where it forms mycorrhiza with beeches and fir.

The most widespread in our country and in many European countries is P. large, growing mainly in mixed forest zones on sandy soils.

Cobwebs can grow in conifers, as well as not too dense deciduous forests

About the edibility of spider webs

The taste of the mushroom pulp of edible varieties, as a rule, is not very pronounced, but most often it is bitter. Many species lack mushroom aroma completely, and some fruiting bodies have a fairly noticeable smell of garden radish. Used for food purposes with great caution. Most often, fruit bodies are fried, salted and pickled.

Types of spider web mushroom

It is not possible to distinguish between edible and poisonous species by taste or smell, so it is very important to know the exact description and external characteristics of cobwebs, which are most often found in our country.

Gallery: types of spider webs (45 photos)

Cortin.triumрhans - has a hemispherical or cushion-shaped, semi-prostrate upper part of an orange-yellow color with the remains of a veil and a sticky or dry surface covering a thick, soft, whitish-yellowish flesh with a pleasant aroma. The plates are of a weakly adherent type, narrow and frequent, light smoky cream or bluish-brown in color with rusty-red-brown spore powder. The lower part of the fruiting body is strongly thickened and cylindrical in shape.

Cortin.alboviolaceus - has a rounded bell-shaped, convex or convex-prostrate cap with an elevation in the central part and a silky-fibrous, shiny, smooth, sticky surface of lilac-violet-silver or white-lilac color. The plates are medium-frequently spaced, narrow, grayish-blue, bluish-ocher or brownish-brown, with the presence of rusty-reddish-brown spore powder. The pedicle area is club-shaped, with weak mucous membrane. The soft part is thick and watery in places,gray-blue, brownish, with an unpleasant odor.

Cortin.armillatus - has a hemispherical, gradually opening, cushion-shaped cap with a wide and blunt tubercle in the central part, covered with dry and fleecy, orangeish or reddish-brown color with remnants of a red-orange-brown blanket. The soft part is thick and dense, brownish in color, with a pronounced musty odor and a complete absence of mushroom taste. The plates are of an adherent type, wide and relatively sparsely spaced, grayish-cream, slightly brownish or rusty-brown in color, with brownish-rusty-red spore powder. The lower part of the fruit body is lighter, with a widening at the base, with bracelet-like remains of the coverlet.

The most special spiderweb

Cortin.rubellus - has a conical or prostrate-conical cap, with a sharp tubercle in the center and a finely scaly, reddish-orange, reddish-orange or bright brownish surface, covering a tasteless and radish-smelling pulp of a reddish-orange-ocher color. Thick and wide plates are sparse, growing to the stem, orange-ocher or rusty-brown color, with rusty-reddish-brown, spherical, rough spores. The lower part of the fruiting body is cylindrical in shape and of sufficient density.

Purple cobweb (video)

Сortin.рholideus - has a bell-shaped, slightly convex cap with a blunt prominence in the center and numerous scales of dark brown color, covered with pale brown, brownish-brown skin. It is distinguished by sparse, grayish-brownish plates with a lilac-violet tint and the presence of brown spore powder. The lower part of the fruit body is cylindrical or slightly club-shaped, with a widening at the base, solid or hollow, with a smooth, grayish-brownish scaly surface. Loose type, gray-violet-brownish the pulp has a faint musty odor.
