Abstract: Natural sources of hydrocarbons. Test natural sources of hydrocarbons and their processing Hydrocarbons their sources and products

It should be noted that hydrocarbons are widespread in nature. Most organic substances are obtained from natural sources. In the process of synthesis of organic compounds, natural and accompanying gases, coal and brown coal, oil, peat, and products of animal and plant origin are used as raw materials.

Natural sources of hydrocarbons: natural gases.

Natural gases are natural mixtures of hydrocarbons of different structures and some gas impurities (hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, carbon dioxide) that fill rocks in the earth's crust. These compounds are formed as a result of the hydrolysis of organic substances at great depths in the Earth. They are found in a free state in the form of huge accumulations - gas, gas condensate and oil and gas fields.

The main structural component of flammable natural gases is CH₄ (methane - 98%), C₂H₆ (ethane - 4.5%), propane (C₃H₈ - 1.7%), butane (C₄H₁₀ - 0.8%), pentane (C₅H₁₂ - 0 .6%). Associated petroleum gas is part of the oil in a dissolved state and is released from it due to a decrease in pressure when the oil rises to the surface. In gas and oil fields, one ton of oil contains from 30 to 300 sq. m of gas. Natural sources of hydrocarbons are valuable fuel and raw materials for the organic synthesis industry. Gas is supplied to gas processing plants, where it can be processed (oil, low-temperature adsorption, condensation and rectification). It is divided into separate components, each of which is used for specific purposes. For example, from methane synthesis gas, which is the basic raw material for the production of other hydrocarbons, acetylene, methanol, methanal, chloroform.

Natural sources of hydrocarbons: oil.

Oil is a complex mixture that consists primarily of naphthenic, paraffinic and aromatic hydrocarbons. The composition of oil includes asphalt-resinous substances, mono- and disulfides, mercaptans, thiophene, thiophane, hydrogen sulfide, piperidine, pyridine and its homologues, as well as other substances. Based on the products using petrochemical synthesis methods, more than 3000 different products are obtained, incl. ethylene, benzene, propylene, dichloroethane, vinyl chloride, styrene, ethanol, isopropanol, butylenes, various plastics, chemical fibers, dyes, detergents, medicines, explosives, etc.

Peat is a sedimentary rock of plant origin. This substance is used as fuel (mainly for thermal power plants), chemical raw materials (for the synthesis of many organic substances), antiseptic litter on farms, especially in poultry farms, and a component of fertilizers for gardening and field cultivation.

Natural sources of hydrocarbons: xylem or wood.

Xylem is the tissue of higher plants through which water and dissolved nutrients flow from the rhizome system to the leaves, as well as other plant organs. It consists of cells with a stiffened shell that have a vascular conduction system. Depending on the type of wood, it contains different amounts of pectin substances and mineral compounds (mainly calcium salts), lipids and essential oils. Wood is used as fuel; methyl alcohol, acetate acid, cellulose, and other substances can be synthesized from it. Some types of wood are used to produce dyes (sandalwood, logwood), tannins (oak), resins and balsams (cedar, pine, spruce), alkaloids (plants of the nightshade, poppy, ranunculaceae, and umbellaceae families). Some alkaloids are used as medicines (chitin, caffeine), herbicides (anabasine), insecticides (nicotine).

Material overview

Material overview

Integrated lesson in chemistry and geography in the 10th grade on the topic "Natural sources of hydrocarbons"

“...You can drown with banknotes”

DI. Mendeleev

Equipment: Geographic maps of mineral resources of Russia and the world, maps “Fuel Industry of the World”, “Mineral Resources of the World”, textbook maps, atlases, textbook tables, statistical material. collections “Fuel”, “Oil and its products”, “Minerals”, multimedia installation, tables “Oil distillation products”, “Distillation column”, “Recycling of oil...”, “Harmful impact on the environment.. "

Lesson objectives:

1.Repeat the placement of hydrocarbon deposits on the territory of Russia and the world.

2. Generalize knowledge about natural sources of hydrocarbons: their composition, physical properties, methods of production, processing.

3. Consider the prospects for changing the structure of the fuel and energy complex (alternative energy sources).

Teaching methods: story, lecture, conversation, demonstration of collections,independent work with a geographical map, atlas.

The topic “Natural sources of hydrocarbons” is now more relevant than ever. The development of hydrocarbon deposits poses many problems for society. These are primarily social problems associated with the development of hard-to-reach areas where there is no social structure. Harsh conditions require the development of new technologies for the extraction and transportation of raw materials. The export of crude oil products, the lack of a developed industrial base for their processing, and the lack of oil products on the domestic Russian market are economic and political problems. Environmental problems associated with the production, transportation, and processing of hydrocarbons. Human society is forced to look for ways to solve all these problems. It is important to learn to make decisions, make choices, and be responsible for the results of your activities.

During the classes

On the students' desks are collections of solid fuels and minerals, atlases, and geography textbooks.

The chemistry teacher begins the lesson by telling students about the importance of gas and oil not only as sources of energy, but also as raw materials for the chemical industry. Then the question of the advantage of gaseous fuel over solid fuel is discussed with students. During the discussion, conclusions are formulated and written down.

Chemistry teacher

The main natural sources of hydrocarbons are:

Natural and associated petroleum gases



Natural and associated petroleum gases differ in their occurrence in nature, composition and application.

Let's look at the composition of natural gas.

Composition of natural gas.

СН4 93 - 98% С4Н10 0.1 - 1%

C2H6 0.5 - 4% C5H12 0 - 1%

C3H8 0.2 - 1.5% N2 2 - 13%

and other gases.

As we can see, the main part of natural gas is methane.

Associated petroleum gas contains significantly less methane (30-50%), but more of its closest homologues: ethane. propane, butane, pentane (up to 20% each) and other saturated hydrocarbons. Natural gas fields are usually found close to oil fields; Apparently, natural gas (as well as associated petroleum gas) was formed due to the breakdown of oil hydrocarbons as a result of the activity of anaerobic bacteria.

Natural and associated petroleum gases are cheap fuel and valuable chemical raw materials. The most important type of gaseous fuel is natural gas, cheap and high-calorie (up to 39,700 kJ), since its main component is methane (up to 93-98%).

Why do you think natural gas is used as a gaseous fuel?

Gaseous fuel has significant advantages over solid fuel:

    mixes easily and completely with air, so when burning it, only a small excess of air is required for complete combustion;

    the gas can be preheated in special generators to obtain a higher flame temperature;

    the design of fireboxes is much simpler, since there is no slag or ash during combustion;

    the absence of smoke has a beneficial effect on sanitary and hygienic environmental conditions; environmental cleanliness;

    Gaseous fuel can be transmitted through gas pipelines.


    High calorific value

For this reason, gaseous fuel is increasingly used in industry, everyday life and vehicles and is one of the best types of fuel for domestic and industrial needs.

In the second half of the 20th century, world gas production increased more than 10 times and continues to grow. Until recently, gas was produced mainly in developed countries, but recently the role of Asian and African countries has been growing. The undisputed leader in gas reserves and production is Russia. 15-20% of extracted raw materials enter the world market

Students are asked questions:

1. Where do you think fuel resources are used?

After the students’ answers, the teacher summarizes and once again gives a definition of the fuel and energy complex. Then tasks are offered. (work in small groups, reading maps, tables, diagrams. Partial search work)

Task 1: Using table No. 4 of the textbook, familiarize yourself with the world production of the main types of fuel (oil and gas production).

Task 2: Using Figure 23, get acquainted with the shift in the structure of world consumption of fuel resources and answer the question: is gas consumption growing in the world? (The answer is yes)

In the course of discussing the data in Table No. 4 and Figure 23, students come to the conclusion that there are several most important oil and gas production areas. The teacher shows and names the main oil and gas production areas on a geographical map, students compare them with their atlases, name the countries and write them down in their notebooks.

The total number of oil fields is about 50 thousand. However, at the current level of production, let's calculate the resource availability of humanity.

In your notebook: Remember the calculation formula (R = W/D)

In what units is resource availability expressed? (of the year). Draw a conclusion! (few)

There are countries in the world that have enormous oil reserves. Using the table, name the 3 countries with the largest reserves. Where does Russia rank?

Many countries produce oil. In each region, several countries can be identified as leaders in production. Using the map, name these countries and write them down in your notebook

In Europe: In Asia: In America: In Africa:

Where exactly are the largest oil fields located? Here are just some of them.

1 barrel of oil is equal to 158.988 liters, 1 barrel per day – 50 tons per year

More than 680 thousand tons of oil per day were produced in Gavar, in addition to 56.6 million m³ per day of natural gas.

Agajari operates 60 flowing wells, annual production is 31.4 million tons

There are 484 flowing wells in operation in Greater Burgan, with annual production of about 70 million tons

What is a shelf?

Do you think production from the shelf is cheaper or more expensive than on the mainland? Why?

Which countries are highlighted on the map? What do they have in common? What is the name of this organization? Her main task?

Oil is actively sold on the world market. (40%) Stable ties have developed between countries, so-called “oil bridges”. What are the most important of them? How would you explain their existence? How is oil transported?

The largest tanker is 500 meters long. Takes on board up to 500,000 tons of oil.

Supertankers are the product of the scientific and technological revolution of our time. The word itself comes from the English word “tank” - tank. A sea tanker is a vessel designed to transport liquid cargo (oil, acid, vegetable oil, molten sulfur, etc.) in ship tanks (tanks). Supertankers can carry 50 percent more oil on a single voyage than others, and have only 15 percent more operating costs for bunkering, crew, and insurance, allowing oil companies chartering the vessel to increase their profits and save savings. There will always be a demand for such oil tankers.

One of the representatives of this class of sea vessels was the oil tanker Batillus. This cargo ship was created, from start to finish, according to the original design without additional modernization during operation. It was built in 10 months, and approximately 70,000 tons of steel were used for construction. Construction cost the owner $130 million

    Middle East: countries around the Persian Gulf (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Iraq). This region accounts for 2/3 of world oil production.

    North America: Alaska, Texas.

    Northern and Western Africa: Algeria, Libya, Nigeria, Egypt.

    South America: northern mainland, Venezuela.

    Europe: shelf of the North and Norwegian seas.

    Russia (Western Siberia): Tomsk and Tyumen regions.

Task 3: Using Figure 24, determine the leading countries in oil production; Using Figure 25, determine the formation of sustainable oil bridges between countries.

CONCLUSION: Oil and gas production is carried out mainly in developing countries, consumption - in developed ones.

The chemistry teacher continues.

A significant increase in the production of high-calorie and cheaper types of fuel (oil and gas) has led to a sharp decrease in the share of solid fuel in the fuel balance of countries.

Associated petroleum gas is also (by origin) natural gas. It owes its name to oil, with which it occurs in nature. Associated petroleum gas is dissolved in oil (partially), and is partially located above it, forming a gas dome. Under the pressure of this gas, oil rises through the well to the surface. When the pressure decreases, associated petroleum gas easily leaves the oil.

For a long time, associated petroleum gas was not used and was burned on site. Currently, it is captured and used as fuel or as one of the sources for organic synthesis, since it contains a large number of methane homologues. For more rational use, associated petroleum gas is divided into fractions.

Gas fractions: 1. C5H12, C6H14 and other liquids - gas gasoline;

2. C3H8, C4H10 - propane-butane mixture

3. CH4, C2H6 and other impurities - “dry gas”

Used as gasoline additives;

As fuel and as household gas;

In organic synthesis and as a fuel.

We are born and live in a world of products and things derived from oil. In the history of mankind there were Stone and Iron periods. Who knows, maybe historians will call our period oil or plastic. Oil is the most titled type of minerals. She is called both the “Queen of Energy” and the “Queen of Fertility.” And her royalty in organic chemistry is “black gold.” Oil created a new industry - petrochemistry, and it also gave rise to a number of environmental problems.

Oil has been known to mankind since ancient times. On the banks of the Euphrates it was mined 6-7 thousand years BC. e. It was used for lighting homes and for embalming. Oil was an integral part of the incendiary agent that went down in history under the name “Greek fire.” In the Middle Ages it was used mainly for street lighting.

In the early 19th century in Russia, petroleum was distilled into a lighting oil called kerosene, which was used in lamps invented in the mid-19th century. During the same period, due to the growth of industry and the advent of steam engines, the demand for oil as a source of lubricants began to increase. Introduction in the late 60s. 19th century oil drilling is considered the birth of the oil industry.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, gasoline and diesel engines were invented. This led to the rapid development of oil production and methods of its processing.

Oil is a “clump of energy”. Using just 1 ml of this substance, you can heat a whole bucket of water by one degree, and in order to boil a bucket samovar, you need less than half a glass of oil. In terms of energy concentration per unit volume, oil ranks first among natural substances. Even radioactive ores cannot compete with it in this regard, since the content of radioactive substances in them is so small that to extract 1 mg of nuclear fuel, tons of rocks must be processed.

Deposits of crude oil and gas arose 100-200 million years ago in the thickness of the Earth. The origin of oil is one of nature's hidden secrets.

Oil and petroleum products.

Oil is the only liquid fossil fuel. Oily liquid from yellow to dark brown, lighter than water. (oil samples are demonstrated.) There are light and heavy oils. The lungs are extracted using pumps, using the fountain method, and are mainly used to make gasoline and kerosene. Heavy ones are sometimes even mined using the mine method (Yaremskoye deposit in the Komi Republic) and processed into bitumen, fuel oil, and oils.

Unlike other minerals, oil, like gas, does not form separate layers; it fills voids in rocks: pores between grains of sand, cracks.

Oil is flammable. It retains this property even when on the surface of water, where it can ignite from a combustible torch until it spreads into a thin iridescent film. Oil is a unique fuel, its calorific value is 37-49 MJ/kg. Thus, 10 tons of oil provide the same amount of heat as 13 tons of anthracite and 31 tons of firewood. It is the basis of the energy and chemical industries. Medicinal oil rich in naphthenic and aromatic hydrocarbons is also known.

Laboratory experiment No. 1. Physical properties of oil

We examine a test tube with oil (oil liquid, dark brown in color, almost black with a characteristic odor.)

Oil does not smell like gasoline, which is what the idea of ​​it is associated with. The aroma of oil is given by the accompanying carbon disulfide and the remains of plant and animal organisms.

Dissolve oil in water (it does not dissolve, a film forms on the surface). The density of the film is less than water, so it is on the surface.

Elemental composition of oil.

C – 84 – 87% O, N, S - 0.5 – 2%

H – 12 – 14% in some deposits up to 5% S

Oil is a complex mixture of a large number of organic compounds.

Composition of oil and its products.

Petroleum refining (chemistry)

Oil refining is a process that involves the creation of complex equipment.

Teacher: fill out the table “Oil refining”

Primary processing (physical processes)


Dehydration, desalting, distillation of volatile hydrocarbons

(mainly methane)


Thermal separation of oil into fractions. based on the difference in boiling points of hydrocarbons having different molecular weights

Recycling (chemical processes)


The breakdown of long-chain hydrocarbons and the formation of hydrocarbons with fewer carbon atoms in the molecules


Changing the structure of hydrocarbon molecules by:

Isomerization, alkylation,

Cyclization (flavoring)

Primary oil refining - rectification - separation into oil fractions based on the difference in boiling points.

Oil is fed into the distillation column through a tubular furnace, in which it is heated to 350⁰C. In the form of steam, oil rises up the column and, gradually cooling, is divided into fractions: gasoline, naphtha, kerosene, diesel oil, fuel oil. The non-distillable part is tar.

(the table describes the operation of the distillation column, names the fractions and their areas of application).

Oil fractions:

C5 – C11 - gasoline (fuel for cars and aircraft, solvent);

C8 - C14 – naphtha (fuel for tractors);

C12 – C18 – kerosene (fuel for tractors, rockets, airplanes);

С15 – С22 – gas oil (light oil products) – diesel. fuel.

The distillation residue is fuel oil (fuel for boiler houses). Additional distillations produce lubricating oils. The use of fuel oil is diesel oil, paraffin, petroleum jelly, lubricating oils. Application of tar – bitumen, asphalt.

Secondary oil refining: cracking (catalytic and thermal).




400-500 °C, cat. Al2O3 nSiO2 (aluminosilicates catalyst)

The process is slow

The process is fast

Many unsaturated hydrocarbons are formed

Significantly less unsaturated hydrocarbons are formed

Gasoline produced:

1) resistant to detonation

2) unstable during storage (unsaturated hydrocarbons are easily oxidized)

Gasoline produced:

1) resistant to detonation

2) more stable during storage (since there are a lot of unsaturated hydrocarbons)

С16Н34 → С8Н18 + С8Н16 СH₃- CH₂- CH₂- CH₃ → CH₃- CH- CH₃


The brand of gasoline and its quality depend on its knock resistance on the octane scale:

Detonation resistance is taken as 0 (easily ignites spontaneously)

n. heptane;

Over 100 – (high stability) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane. The more n.heptane contained in gasoline, the higher its grade.

Branched saturated hydrocarbons, unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons are resistant to detonation.

Reforming (aromatization) - 450⁰ - 540⁰С

hexane → cyclohexane → benzene: C₆H₁₄ → C₆H₁₂ → C₆H₆

They are produced to increase the detonation resistance of gasoline - the ability to withstand strong compression in the engine cylinder at high temperatures without spontaneous combustion.

Geography teacher continues lesson

Distribution of major oil reserves in the world.

The word "oil" appeared in Russian in the 17th century and comes from the Arabic "nafata", which means "to spew". That's what they called it in 4-3 thousand BC. e. the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, the ancient center of civilization, a flammable oily black liquid, which indeed sometimes erupts onto the surface of the earth in the form of fountains.

Therefore, from ancient times until the mid-19th century, oil was extracted where it flowed in the form of springs, passing through faults and cracks in rocks. But when they began to look for it far from the places of direct oil output, questions arose: how to do this? where to drill wells?

In the course of long geological studies, it was found that oil is most likely to be found where thick layers of sedimentary cover are folded and torn apart by tectonic movements of the earth's crust, forming dome-shaped bends of layers, the so-called anticlinal type of natural accumulation of hydrocarbons, called a deposit. Areas of the earth's crust containing one or more such deposits are called deposits.

More than 27 thousand oil fields have been discovered in the world, but only a small part of them (1%) contains ¾ of the world's oil reserves, and 33 supergiants contain half of the world's reserves.

Analyzing the distribution of the world's proven oil resources by region and country, we come to the conclusion that South-West Asia plays an exceptional role, namely, 2/3 of the world's oil resources lie in the countries of the Persian Gulf (SA, Iraq, UAE, Kuwait, Iran).

I propose, using the data, to complete task No. 1 (mark on the contour map the top 10 countries in the world in terms of proven oil resources).

Fuel industry in the world economy.

Refineries that process oil and various types of fuel (gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil) are located mainly in areas of consumption. Therefore, a huge territorial gap has formed in the world economy between the areas of its production and consumption. Let's find out why?

Currently, oil is produced in more than 80 countries around the world. World production (approaching 3.5 billion tons) is distributed approximately equally between economically developed and developing countries.

Slightly more than 40% falls on OPEC countries, and among some large regions, Foreign Asia especially stands out, primarily thanks to the Gulf countries.

Let's analyze the data, so the Gulf countries account for 2/3 of the world's proven oil reserves and about 1/3 of its global production. 4 countries in this region produce more than 100 million tons of oil per year each, with SA leading the list, ranking 1st in the world. The remaining regions according to the size of oil production are distributed in the following order: Latin America, North America, Africa, CIS, Northern Europe. At the same time, most of the energy resources, primarily oil, produced in developing countries are exported to the USA, Western Europe, and Japan, which will always experience a high dependence on fuel imports in industry.

As a result, stable “energy bridges” were formed between many countries and continents - in the form of powerful, primarily oceanic, oil cargo flows.

Thus, the leading oil exporters currently remain OPEC countries (almost OPEC 2/3 of world exports), Mexico and Russia. From here, the most powerful oil export traffic flows are in the following directions:

Reinforcing the proposed material, complete task No. 2 on contour maps. Note the main oil cargo flows.

Russian technologist and designer – Shukhov V.G.;

made (1878) calculations for the first oil pipeline in Russia and supervised its construction. Received (1891) a patent for the creation of an oil hydrocarbon cracking unit;

By the beginning of the 80s, about 16 million tons of oil entered the ocean annually, which accounted for 10.23% of world production. The greatest oil losses are associated with its transportation from production areas. Emergency situations involving tankers discharging washing and ballast water overboard, all of this causes the presence of constant amounts of pollution along sea routes.

Over the past 130 years, since 1964, about 12,000 wells have been drilled in the World Ocean, of which 11,000 and 1,350 industrial wells have been equipped in the North Sea alone. Due to minor leaks, 10.1 million tons of oil are lost annually. Large quantities of oil enter the seas through rivers and industrial wastewater. Once in the marine environment, oil first spreads in the form of a film, forming layers of varying thickness. The oil film changes the composition of the spectrum and the intensity of light penetration into water. When mixed with water, oil forms two types of emulsion: direct “oil in water” and reverse “water in oil”. Direct emulsions, composed of oil droplets with a diameter of up to 10.5 microns, are less stable and are characteristic of oil containing surfactants. When volatile fractions are removed, oil forms viscous inverse emulsions that can remain on the surface, be transported by currents, washed ashore and settle to the bottom.

November 13, 2002 A tanker loaded with oil sinks off the coast of Spain. There are 77 thousand tons of oil in the holds of the tanker.

By the time the tanker sank, about 5 thousand tons of fuel oil and diesel fuel used to run the tanker’s engines had spilled into the sea, and about the same amount spilled when the tanker split into two parts. In the area of ​​the disaster, two giant oil spills formed, the area of ​​which was more than 100 square kilometers. The waves throw more and more portions of fuel oil onto the shore, and, as far as the eye can see, a strip of poisonous black-brown color lies along the entire coast. The black surf contrasts hideously with the green shrubs of the coastal area.

The fish become coated in oil and die from suffocation. Seabirds - loons, gulls, guillemots, cormorants - trample on the stones. They are cold, their chest, neck, wings are covered with oil, poisonous muck penetrates into the body when they try to clean their feathers with their beaks. Not understanding anything, they look at their native element, which has become alien to them, sadly, as if anticipating imminent death. The birds are resignedly handed over to enthusiasts who try to clean the oil from their plumage and use pipettes to drop the saving solution into their beady eyes. But only a few hundred of the thousands of dying birds can be helped. Irreparable damage has been caused to one of the richest fishing regions in the country. Unique places for collecting oysters, mussels, catching octopus and crabs have been polluted.

chemistry teacher

Oil purification

Methods to combat oil in the ocean:

a) self-destruction, b) chemical dispersion, c) absorption, d) fencing, e) biological treatment.

A - the oil slick is small and far from the shore (dissolution in water and evaporation)

B - chemical preparations (absorb oil, pull it into small spots and remove it with nets)

B - straw or peat absorbs small spots in calm conditions

G - fencing with “containers” and pumping out of them with pumps

D - biological drugs

To reduce harm to nature, it is necessary:

improve methods and technologies for oil production, storage, and transportation and ensure production safety.

Fossil coals are solid products of the alteration of ancient plant remains, used in industry in the form of fuel and also as chemical raw materials. They are distinguished by ash content. If the ash content is below 50%, it is coal; if it is higher, it is oil shale.

Coal contains 60-98% carbon, 1-12% hydrogen, 2-20% oxygen, 1-3% nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, silicon, aluminum, iron, moisture

Based on the composition of the starting material, coals are divided into humic (formed from higher plants) and sapropelic (formed from algae). Peat or sapropel gradually, under pressure and in the absence of oxygen, turns into brown coal, which turns into hard coal, and then into anthracite. Under specific geological conditions (strong pressure, high temperature), coal can turn into graphite and shungite - rocks containing cryptocrystalline carbon.

Brown coals are loose formations of brown or black-brown color. They contain 64-78% carbon, up to 6% hydrogen. They have low thermal conductivity. These are low quality coals. The largest reserves of brown coal are concentrated in the Lena and Kansk-Achinsk basins of Russia (working with a geographical map)

Stone coals are very dense. They contain 90% carbon, up to 5% hydrogen (work with the “Coals” diagram (Appendix 1)). They have a high calorific value. From them, through processing, you can get more than 400 different products, the cost of which increases by 20-25 times compared to the cost of coal itself. Coal processing is carried out at coke plants. A very promising direction of processing is the production of liquid fuel from coal.

Fuel. chemical raw materials

Geography teacher

The largest coal basins are Tunguska, Lensky, Taimyr in Russia; Appalachian in the USA, Russian in Germany, Karaganda basin in Kazakhstan (working with a geographical map).

Anthracite contains the most carbon - up to 97% (working with the “Coals” diagram), therefore it is used as a high-quality smokeless fuel, as well as in metallurgy, the chemical and electrical industries.

Examine the coals in the collection and note that the higher the carbon content in the substance, the more intense its color, the higher the quality of the coal.

Students look at brown coal, bituminous coal, and anthracite in the “Fuel” collection

How are coals mined?

Coal is mined in two ways: open-pit and underground. The open method is more progressive and economical, since it allows the use of technology. This method is used mainly to extract thermal coals. The underground method is more expensive, but also more promising, since the highest quality coals are found at great depths. Today this is how coal is mined for metallurgy.

Which country ranks 1st in terms of proven coal reserves? (USA)

Chemistry teacher

DI. Mendeleev, who celebrated his 175th birthday this year, wrote on this issue: “There is no waste, there are unused raw materials.”

Thus, oil, gas, coal are not only the most valuable sources of hydrocarbons, but also part of a unique storehouse of irreplaceable natural resources, the careful and reasonable use of which is a necessary condition for the progressive development of human society. On this occasion, we return once again to the epigraph of our lesson - the words of the great Russian chemist D.I. Mendeleev, who said that “Oil is not a fuel; you can burn it with banknotes.” This statement can be applied to all natural hydrocarbons.

Reinforcing the material learned

1. What products are isolated from associated petroleum gas and what are they used for?

Answer: Gasoline is separated from associated petroleum gas,which is used as an additive to regular gasoline;propane-butane fraction is used asfuel; dry gas is used in organic reactionssynthesis.

2. Why is natural gas easier to ignite in an engine than regular gasoline?

Answer: Gas gasoline has a lower temperatureignition than usual.

3. Why can’t the composition of oil be expressed in one formula?

Answer: The composition of oil cannot be expressed in one formula, because...oil is a mixture of many hydrocarbons.


1. Read according to the textbook § 20 – 22 (before cracking of petroleum products)

2. Questions and assignments: No. 4 § 20, No. 7 – 9 § 21

Download material

Target. Summarize knowledge about natural sources of organic compounds and their processing; show the successes and prospects for the development of petrochemistry and coke chemistry, their role in the technical progress of the country; deepen knowledge from the course of economic geography about the gas industry, modern directions of gas processing, raw materials and energy problems; develop independence in working with textbooks, reference and popular science literature.


Natural sources of hydrocarbons. Natural gas. Associated petroleum gases.
Oil and petroleum products, their application.
Thermal and catalytic cracking.
Coke production and the problem of obtaining liquid fuel.
From the history of the development of OJSC Rosneft - KNOS.
Plant production capacity. Manufactured products.
Communication with the chemical laboratory.
Environmental protection at the plant.
Plant plans for the future.

Natural sources of hydrocarbons.
Natural gas. Associated petroleum gases

Before the Great Patriotic War, industrial reserves natural gas were known in the Carpathian region, the Caucasus, the Volga region and the North (Komi ASSR). The study of natural gas reserves was associated only with oil exploration. Industrial reserves of natural gas in 1940 amounted to 15 billion m3. Then gas deposits were discovered in the North Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Ukraine, the Volga region, Central Asia, Western Siberia and the Far East. On
On January 1, 1976, proven natural gas reserves amounted to 25.8 trillion m3, of which in the European part of the USSR - 4.2 trillion m3 (16.3%), in the East - 21.6 trillion m3 (83.7 %), including
18.2 trillion m3 (70.5%) - in Siberia and the Far East, 3.4 trillion m3 (13.2%) - in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. As of January 1, 1980, potential natural gas reserves amounted to 80–85 trillion m3, explored reserves amounted to 34.3 trillion m3. Moreover, reserves increased mainly due to the discovery of deposits in the eastern part of the country - proven reserves there were at a level of about
30.1 trillion m 3, which amounted to 87.8% of the all-Union total.
Today, Russia has 35% of the world's natural gas reserves, which amounts to more than 48 trillion m3. The main areas of natural gas occurrence in Russia and the CIS countries (fields):

West Siberian oil and gas province:
Urengoyskoye, Yamburgskoye, Zapolyarnoye, Medvezhye, Nadymskoye, Tazovskoye – Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug;
Pokhromskoye, Igrimskoye – Berezovsky gas-bearing region;
Meldzhinskoe, Luginetskoe, Ust-Silginskoe - Vasyugan gas-bearing region.
Volga-Ural oil and gas province:
the most significant is Vuktylskoye, in the Timan-Pechora oil and gas region.
Central Asia and Kazakhstan:
the most significant in Central Asia is Gazlinskoye, in the Fergana Valley;
Kyzylkum, Bayram-Ali, Darvazin, Achak, Shatlyk.
Northern Caucasus and Transcaucasia:
Karadag, Duvanny – Azerbaijan;
Dagestan Lights – Dagestan;
Severo-Stavropolskoye, Pelachiadinskoye - Stavropol Territory;
Leningradskoye, Maikopskoye, Staro-Minskoye, Berezanskoye - Krasnodar region.

Natural gas deposits are also known in Ukraine, Sakhalin and the Far East.
Western Siberia stands out in terms of natural gas reserves (Urengoyskoye, Yamburgskoye, Zapolyarnoye, Medvezhye). Industrial reserves here reach 14 trillion m3. The Yamal gas condensate fields (Bovanenkovskoye, Kruzenshternskoye, Kharasaveyskoye, etc.) are now becoming especially important. On their basis, the Yamal - Europe project is being implemented.
Natural gas production is highly concentrated and is focused on areas with the largest and most profitable fields. Only five fields - Urengoyskoye, Yamburgskoye, Zapolyarnoye, Medvezhye and Orenburgskoye - contain 1/2 of all industrial reserves in Russia. Reserves of Medvezhye are estimated at 1.5 trillion m3, and Urengoyskoe - at 5 trillion m3.
The next feature is the dynamic location of natural gas production sites, which is explained by the rapid expansion of the boundaries of identified resources, as well as the comparative ease and low cost of involving them in development. In a short period of time, the main centers for natural gas production moved from the Volga region to Ukraine and the North Caucasus. Further territorial shifts are caused by the development of deposits in Western Siberia, Central Asia, the Urals and the North.

After the collapse of the USSR, Russia experienced a decline in natural gas production. The decline was observed mainly in the Northern economic region (8 billion m 3 in 1990 and 4 billion m 3 in 1994), in the Urals (43 billion m 3 and 35 billion m 3), in the West Siberian economic region (576 And
555 billion m3) and in the North Caucasus (6 and 4 billion m3). Natural gas production remained at the same level in the Volga (6 billion m3) and Far Eastern economic regions.
At the end of 1994, there was an upward trend in production levels.
Of the republics of the former USSR, the Russian Federation produces the most gas, Turkmenistan is in second place (more than 1/10), followed by Uzbekistan and Ukraine.
The extraction of natural gas on the shelf of the World Ocean is of particular importance. In 1987, 12.2 billion m 3 was produced from offshore fields, or about 2% of the gas produced in the country. Associated gas production in the same year amounted to 41.9 billion m3. For many areas, one of the gaseous fuel reserves is the gasification of coal and shale. Underground gasification of coal is carried out in the Donbass (Lisichansk), Kuzbass (Kiselevsk) and the Moscow region (Tula).
Natural gas has been and remains an important export product in Russian foreign trade.
The main natural gas processing centers are located in the Urals (Orenburg, Shkapovo, Almetyevsk), in Western Siberia (Nizhnevartovsk, Surgut), in the Volga region (Saratov), ​​in the North Caucasus (Grozny) and in other gas-bearing provinces. It can be noted that gas processing plants gravitate towards sources of raw materials - fields and large gas pipelines.
The most important use of natural gas is as a fuel. Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the share of natural gas in the country's fuel balance.

The most valuable natural gas with a high methane content is Stavropol (97.8% CH 4), Saratov (93.4%), Urengoy (95.16%).
Natural gas reserves on our planet are very large (approximately 1015 m3). We know more than 200 deposits in Russia; they are located in Western Siberia, the Volga-Ural basin, and the North Caucasus. Russia holds the first place in the world in terms of natural gas reserves.
Natural gas is the most valuable type of fuel. When gas is burned, a lot of heat is released, so it serves as an energy-efficient and cheap fuel in boiler plants, blast furnaces, open-hearth furnaces and glass melting furnaces. The use of natural gas in production makes it possible to significantly increase labor productivity.
Natural gas is a source of raw materials for the chemical industry: the production of acetylene, ethylene, hydrogen, soot, various plastics, acetic acid, dyes, medicines and other products.

Associated petroleum gas is a gas that exists together with oil, it is dissolved in oil and is located above it, forming a “gas cap”, under pressure. At the exit from the well, the pressure drops and associated gas is separated from the oil. This gas was not used in past times, but was simply burned. Currently, it is captured and used as fuel and valuable chemical raw materials. The possibilities for using associated gases are even wider than natural gas, because... their composition is richer. Associated gases contain less methane than natural gas, but they contain significantly more methane homologues. To use associated gas more rationally, it is divided into mixtures of a narrower composition. After separation, gas gasoline, propane and butane, and dry gas are obtained. Individual hydrocarbons are also extracted - ethane, propane, butane and others. By dehydrogenating them, unsaturated hydrocarbons are obtained - ethylene, propylene, butylene, etc.

Oil and petroleum products, their application

Oil is an oily liquid with a pungent odor. It is found in many places around the globe, infiltrating porous rocks at varying depths.
According to most scientists, oil is the geochemically altered remains of plants and animals that once inhabited the globe. This theory of the organic origin of oil is supported by the fact that oil contains some nitrogenous substances - breakdown products of substances present in plant tissues. There are also theories about the inorganic origin of oil: its formation as a result of the action of water in the thickness of the globe on hot metal carbides (compounds of metals with carbon) with a subsequent change in the resulting hydrocarbons under the influence of high temperature, high pressure, exposure to metals, air, hydrogen, etc.
When extracting from oil-bearing formations that lie in the earth's crust, sometimes at a depth of several kilometers, oil either comes to the surface under the pressure of the gases located on it, or is pumped out by pumps.

The oil industry today is a large national economic complex that lives and develops according to its own laws. What does oil mean for the national economy of the country today? Oil is a raw material for petrochemicals in the production of synthetic rubber, alcohols, polyethylene, polypropylene, a wide range of various plastics and finished products made from them, artificial fabrics; source for the production of motor fuels (gasoline, kerosene, diesel and jet fuels), oils and lubricants, as well as boiler and furnace fuel (mazut), building materials (bitumen, tar, asphalt); raw materials for the production of a number of protein preparations used as additives in livestock feed to stimulate their growth.
Oil is our national wealth, the source of the country’s power, the foundation of its economy. The Russian oil complex includes 148 thousand oil wells, 48.3 thousand km of main oil pipelines, 28 oil refineries with a total capacity of more than 300 million tons of oil per year, as well as a large number of other production facilities.
The enterprises of the oil industry and its service industries employ about 900 thousand workers, including about 20 thousand people in the field of science and scientific services.
Over the past decades, fundamental changes have occurred in the structure of the fuel industry, associated with a decrease in the share of the coal industry and the growth of oil and gas production and processing industries. If in 1940 they amounted to 20.5%, then in 1984 - 75.3% of the total production of mineral fuel. Now natural gas and open-pit coal are coming to the fore. Oil consumption for energy purposes will be reduced; on the contrary, its use as a chemical raw material will expand. Currently, in the structure of the fuel and energy balance, oil and gas account for 74%, while the share of oil is decreasing, and the share of gas is growing and amounts to approximately 41%. The share of coal is 20%, the remaining 6% comes from electricity.
The Dubinin brothers first began oil refining in the Caucasus. Primary oil processing involves its distillation. Distillation is carried out in oil refineries after separating the petroleum gases.

Various products of great practical importance are isolated from oil. First, dissolved gaseous hydrocarbons (mainly methane) are removed from it. After distilling off volatile hydrocarbons, the oil is heated. Hydrocarbons with a small number of carbon atoms in the molecule and having a relatively low boiling point are the first to go into the vapor state and are distilled off. As the temperature of the mixture increases, hydrocarbons with a higher boiling point are distilled. In this way, individual mixtures (fractions) of oil can be collected. Most often, this distillation produces four volatile fractions, which are then further separated.
The main oil fractions are as follows.
Gasoline fraction, collected from 40 to 200 °C, contains hydrocarbons from C 5 H 12 to C 11 H 24. Upon further distillation of the isolated fraction, we obtain gasoline (t kip = 40–70 °C), petrol
(t kip = 70–120 °C) – aviation, automobile, etc.
Naphtha fraction, collected in the range from 150 to 250 ° C, contains hydrocarbons from C 8 H 18 to C 14 H 30. Naphtha is used as a fuel for tractors. Large quantities of naphtha are processed into gasoline.
Kerosene fraction includes hydrocarbons from C 12 H 26 to C 18 H 38 with a boiling point from 180 to 300 ° C. Kerosene, after purification, is used as fuel for tractors, jets and rockets.
Gas oil fraction (t kip > 275 °C), otherwise called diesel fuel.
Residue after oil distillation – fuel oil– contains hydrocarbons with a large number of carbon atoms (up to many tens) in the molecule. Fuel oil is also separated into fractions by distillation under reduced pressure to avoid decomposition. As a result we get solar oils(diesel fuel), lubricating oils(automotive, aviation, industrial, etc.), petrolatum(technical petroleum jelly is used to lubricate metal products to protect them from corrosion; purified petroleum jelly is used as a base for cosmetics and in medicine). From some types of oil it is obtained paraffin(for the production of matches, candles, etc.). After distilling the volatile components from the fuel oil, what remains is tar. It is widely used in road construction. In addition to processing into lubricating oils, fuel oil is also used as liquid fuel in boiler plants. The gasoline obtained from oil refining is not enough to cover all needs. In the best case, up to 20% of gasoline can be obtained from oil, the rest are high-boiling products. In this regard, chemistry was faced with the task of finding ways to produce gasoline in large quantities. A convenient way was found using the theory of the structure of organic compounds created by A.M. Butlerov. High-boiling oil distillation products are unsuitable for use as motor fuel. Their high boiling point is due to the fact that the molecules of such hydrocarbons are too long chains. When large molecules containing up to 18 carbon atoms are broken down, low-boiling products such as gasoline are obtained. This path was followed by the Russian engineer V.G. Shukhov, who in 1891 developed a method for splitting complex hydrocarbons, later called cracking (which means splitting).

A fundamental improvement in cracking was the introduction into practice of the catalytic cracking process. This process was first carried out in 1918 by N.D. Zelinsky. Catalytic cracking made it possible to produce aviation gasoline on a large scale. In catalytic cracking units at a temperature of 450 °C, under the influence of catalysts, long carbon chains are split.

Thermal and catalytic cracking

The main method of processing petroleum fractions is various types of cracking. For the first time (1871–1878), oil cracking was carried out on a laboratory and semi-industrial scale by A.A. Letny, an employee of the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology. The first patent for a cracking plant was filed by Shukhov in 1891. Cracking has become widespread in industry since the 1920s.
Cracking is the thermal decomposition of hydrocarbons and other components of oil. The higher the temperature, the greater the cracking rate and the greater the yield of gases and aromatic hydrocarbons.
Cracking of petroleum fractions, in addition to liquid products, produces a primary raw material - gases containing unsaturated hydrocarbons (olefins).
The following main types of cracking are distinguished:
liquid-phase (20–60 atm, 430–550 °C), produces unsaturated and saturated gasoline, the yield of gasoline is about 50%, gases 10%;
vapor phase(ordinary or reduced pressure, 600 °C), produces unsaturated aromatic gasoline, the yield is less than with liquid-phase cracking, a large amount of gases is formed;
pyrolysis oil (ordinary or reduced pressure, 650–700 °C), gives a mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons (pyrobenzene), the yield is about 15%, more than half of the raw material is converted into gases;
destructive hydrogenation (hydrogen pressure 200–250 atm, 300–400 °C in the presence of catalysts - iron, nickel, tungsten, etc.), gives the ultimate gasoline with a yield of up to 90%;
catalytic cracking (300–500 °C in the presence of catalysts - AlCl 3, aluminosilicates, MoS 3, Cr 2 O 3, etc.), produces gaseous products and high-grade gasoline with a predominance of aromatic and saturated hydrocarbons of isostructure.
In technology, the so-called catalytic reforming– conversion of low-grade gasolines into high-grade high-octane gasolines or aromatic hydrocarbons.
The main reactions in cracking are the splitting of hydrocarbon chains, isomerization and cyclization. Free hydrocarbon radicals play a huge role in these processes.

Coke production
and the problem of obtaining liquid fuel

Reserves coal in nature significantly exceed oil reserves. Therefore, coal is the most important type of raw material for the chemical industry.
Currently, industry uses several ways to process coal: dry distillation (coking, semi-coking), hydrogenation, incomplete combustion, and the production of calcium carbide.

Dry distillation of coal is used to produce coke in metallurgy or domestic gas. Coking coal produces coke, coal tar, tar water and coking gases.
Coal tar contains a wide variety of aromatic and other organic compounds. By distillation at normal pressure it is divided into several fractions. Aromatic hydrocarbons, phenols, etc. are obtained from coal tar.
Coking gases contain predominantly methane, ethylene, hydrogen and carbon monoxide (II). They are partially burned and partially recycled.
Hydrogenation of coal is carried out at 400–600 °C under hydrogen pressure up to 250 atm in the presence of a catalyst – iron oxides. This produces a liquid mixture of hydrocarbons, which are usually hydrogenated over nickel or other catalysts. Low-grade brown coals can be hydrogenated.

Calcium carbide CaC 2 is obtained from coal (coke, anthracite) and lime. It is subsequently converted into acetylene, which is used in the chemical industry of all countries on an ever-increasing scale.

From the history of the development of OJSC Rosneft - KNOS

The history of the plant’s development is closely connected with the oil and gas industry of Kuban.
The beginning of oil production in our country goes back to the distant past. Back in the 10th century. Azerbaijan traded oil with various countries. In the Kuban, industrial oil development began in 1864 in the Maikop region. At the request of the head of the Kuban region, General Karmalin, D.I. Mendeleev in 1880 gave a conclusion about the oil potential of the Kuban: “Here you have to expect a lot of oil, here it is located along a long straight line parallel to the ridge and running near the foothills, approximately in the direction from Kudako to Ilskaya".
During the first five-year plans, extensive exploration work was carried out and industrial oil production began. Associated petroleum gas was partially used as household fuel in workers' settlements, and most of this valuable product was flared. To put an end to the wastefulness of natural resources, the Ministry of Oil Industry of the USSR in 1952 decided to build a gas-gasoline plant in the village of Afipskoye.
During 1963, the act of commissioning the first stage of the Afipsky gas and gasoline plant was signed.
At the beginning of 1964, processing of gas condensates from the Krasnodar Territory began to produce A-66 gasoline and diesel fuel. The raw material was gas from the Kanevsky, Berezansky, Leningradsky, Maikopsky and other large fields. Improving production, the plant staff mastered the production of B-70 aviation gasoline and A-72 motor gasoline.
In August 1970, two new technological units for processing gas condensate to produce aromatics (benzene, toluene, xylene) were put into operation: a secondary distillation unit and a catalytic reforming unit. At the same time, treatment facilities with biological wastewater treatment and the plant’s commodity and raw material base were built.
In 1975, a xylene production plant was put into operation, and in 1978, an imported toluene demethylation plant came into operation. The plant has become one of the leading plants in the Ministry of Petroleum Industry in the production of aromatic hydrocarbons for the chemical industry.
In order to improve the management structure of the enterprise and the organization of production divisions, the Krasnodarnefteorgsintez production association was created in January 1980. The association included three plants: the Krasnodar site (operating since August 1922), the Tuapse oil refinery (operating since 1929) and the Afipsky oil refinery (operating since December 1963).
In December 1993, the enterprise was reorganized, and in May 1994, Krasnodarnefteorgsintez OJSC was renamed into Rosneft-Krasnodarnefteorgsintez OJSC.

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The ending follows

Message on the topic: “Natural sources of hydrocarbons”



Hydrocarbons are compounds consisting only of carbon and hydrogen atoms.

Hydrocarbons are divided into cyclic (carbocyclic compounds) and acyclic.

Cyclic (carbocyclic) are compounds that contain one or more cycles consisting only of carbon atoms (in contrast to heterocyclic compounds containing heteroatoms - nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen, etc.).

d.). Carbocyclic compounds, in turn, are divided into aromatic and non-aromatic (alicyclic) compounds.

Acyclic hydrocarbons include organic compounds whose carbon skeleton molecules are open chains.

These chains can be formed by single bonds (alkanes СnН2n+2), contain one double bond (alkenes СnН2n), two or more double bonds (dienes or polyenes), one triple bond (alkynes СnН2n-2).

As you know, carbon chains are part of most organic matter. Thus, the study of hydrocarbons is of particular importance, since these compounds are the structural basis of other classes of organic compounds.

In addition, hydrocarbons, especially alkanes, are the main natural sources of organic compounds and the basis of the most important industrial and laboratory syntheses.

Hydrocarbons are the most important type of raw material for the chemical industry. In turn, hydrocarbons are quite widespread in nature and can be isolated from various natural sources: oil, associated petroleum and natural gas, coal.

Let's take a closer look at them.

Oil is a natural complex mixture of hydrocarbons, mainly linear and branched alkanes, containing from 5 to 50 carbon atoms in molecules, with other organic substances.

Its composition significantly depends on the place of its extraction (deposit); in addition to alkanes, it may contain cycloalkanes and aromatic hydrocarbons.

Gaseous and solid components of oil are dissolved in its liquid components, which determines its state of aggregation. Oil is an oily liquid of a dark (brown to black) color with a characteristic odor, insoluble in water. Its density is less than that of water, therefore, when oil gets into it, it spreads over the surface, preventing the dissolution of oxygen and other air gases in the water.

It is obvious that, when oil enters natural bodies of water, it causes the death of microorganisms and animals, leading to environmental disasters and even catastrophes. There are bacteria that can use oil components as food, converting it into harmless products of their vital activity. It is clear that the use of cultures of these bacteria is the most environmentally safe and promising way to combat environmental pollution with oil during its production, transportation and refining.

In nature, oil and associated petroleum gas, which will be discussed below, fill the cavities of the earth's interior. Being a mixture of various substances, oil does not have a constant boiling point. It is clear that each of its components retains its individual physical properties in the mixture, which makes it possible to separate the oil into its components. To do this, it is purified from mechanical impurities and sulfur-containing compounds and subjected to so-called fractional distillation, or rectification.

Fractional distillation is a physical method of separating a mixture of components with different boiling points.

During the rectification process, oil is divided into the following fractions:

Rectifying gases are a mixture of low molecular weight hydrocarbons, mainly propane and butane, with a boiling point of up to 40 ° C;

Gasoline fraction (gasoline) - hydrocarbons of composition from C5H12 to C11H24 (boiling point 40-200 ° C); with a finer separation of this fraction, gasoline (petroleum ether, 40-70 °C) and gasoline (70-120 °C) are obtained;

Naphtha fraction - hydrocarbons of composition from C8H18 to C14H30 (boiling point 150-250 °C);

Kerosene fraction - hydrocarbons of composition from C12H26 to C18H38 (boiling point 180-300 ° C);

Diesel fuel - hydrocarbons of composition from C13H28 to C19H36 (boiling point 200-350 ° C).

The residue from oil distillation - fuel oil - contains hydrocarbons with the number of carbon atoms from 18 to 50. By distillation under reduced pressure, diesel oil (C18H28-C25H52), lubricating oils (C28H58-C38H78), petroleum jelly and paraffin are obtained from fuel oil - low-melting mixtures of solid hydrocarbons.

The solid residue from the distillation of fuel oil - tar and the products of its processing - bitumen and asphalt are used for the manufacture of road surfaces.

Associated petroleum gas

Oil fields contain, as a rule, large accumulations of so-called associated petroleum gas, which collects above the oil in the earth's crust and is partially dissolved in it under the pressure of the overlying rocks.

Like oil, associated petroleum gas is a valuable natural source of hydrocarbons. It contains mainly alkanes, whose molecules contain from 1 to 6 carbon atoms. It is obvious that the composition of associated petroleum gas is much poorer than oil. However, despite this, it is also widely used both as a fuel and as a raw material for the chemical industry. Just a few decades ago, in most oil fields, associated petroleum gas was burned as a useless supplement to oil.

Currently, for example, in Surgut, the richest oil reserve in Russia, the cheapest electricity in the world is generated using associated petroleum gas as fuel.

Associated petroleum gas, compared to natural gas, is richer in composition in various hydrocarbons. Dividing them into fractions, we get:

Gas gasoline is a highly volatile mixture consisting mainly of lenthane and hexane;

A propane-butane mixture, consisting, as the name implies, of propane and butane and easily turning into a liquid state when the pressure increases;

Dry gas is a mixture containing mainly methane and ethane.

Gasoline, being a mixture of volatile components with a small molecular weight, evaporates well even at low temperatures. This makes it possible to use gas gasoline as fuel for internal combustion engines in the Far North and as an additive to motor fuel, making it easier to start engines in winter conditions.

A propane-butane mixture in the form of liquefied gas is used as household fuel (the familiar gas cylinders at your dacha) and for filling lighters.

The gradual transition of road transport to liquefied gas is one of the main ways to overcome the global fuel crisis and solve environmental problems.

Dry gas, close in composition to natural gas, is also widely used as fuel.

However, the use of associated petroleum gas and its components as fuel is far from the most promising way to use it.

It is much more efficient to use the components of associated petroleum gas as raw materials for chemical production. Hydrogen, acetylene, unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives are obtained from alkanes that make up associated petroleum gas.

Gaseous hydrocarbons can not only accompany oil in the earth's crust, but also form independent accumulations - natural gas deposits.

Natural gas

Natural gas is a mixture of gaseous saturated hydrocarbons with a low molecular weight. The main component of natural gas is methane, the share of which, depending on the field, ranges from 75 to 99% by volume.

In addition to methane, natural gas includes ethane, propane, butane and isobutane, as well as nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

Like associated petroleum, natural gas is used both as a fuel and as a raw material for the production of a variety of organic and inorganic substances.

You already know that hydrogen, acetylene and methyl alcohol, formaldehyde and formic acid, and many other organic substances are obtained from methane, the main component of natural gas. Natural gas is used as fuel in power plants, in boiler systems for water heating of residential and industrial buildings, in blast furnace and open-hearth industries.

By striking a match and lighting the gas in the kitchen gas stove of a city house, you “trigger” a chain reaction of oxidation of alkanes that make up natural gas.


In addition to oil, natural and associated petroleum gases, coal is a natural source of hydrocarbons.

0n forms thick layers in the bowels of the earth, its proven reserves significantly exceed oil reserves. Like oil, coal contains a large amount of various organic substances.

In addition to organic substances, it also contains inorganic substances, such as water, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and, of course, carbon itself - coal. One of the main methods of processing coal is coking - calcination without air access. As a result of coking, which is carried out at a temperature of about 1000 °C, the following are formed:

Coke oven gas, which contains hydrogen, methane, carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide, admixtures of ammonia, nitrogen and other gases;
coal tar containing several hundred times-personal organic substances, including benzene and its homologues, phenol and aromatic alcohols, naphthalene and various heterocyclic compounds;
suprasin, or ammonia water, containing, as the name implies, dissolved ammonia, as well as phenol, hydrogen sulfide and other substances;
coke is a solid residue from coking, almost pure carbon.

Coke is used in the production of iron and steel, ammonia is used in the production of nitrogen and combined fertilizers, and the importance of organic coking products can hardly be overestimated.

Conclusion: thus, oil, associated petroleum and natural gases, and coal are not only the most valuable sources of hydrocarbons, but also part of a unique storehouse of irreplaceable natural resources, the careful and reasonable use of which is a necessary condition for the progressive development of human society.

Natural sources of hydrocarbons are fossil fuels. Most organic substances are obtained from natural sources. In the process of synthesis of organic compounds, natural and accompanying gases, hard and brown coal, oil, oil shale, peat, and products of animal and plant origin are used as raw materials.

What is the composition of natural gas

The qualitative composition of natural gas consists of two groups of components: organic and inorganic.

Organic components include: methane - CH4; propane - C3H8; butane - C4H10; ethane - C2H4; heavier hydrocarbons with more than five carbon atoms. Inorganic components include the following compounds: hydrogen (in small quantities) - H2; carbon dioxide - CO2; helium - He; nitrogen - N2; hydrogen sulfide - H2S.

What exactly the composition of a particular mixture will be depends on the source, that is, the deposit. The same reasons explain the various physical and chemical properties of natural gas.

Chemical composition
The main part of natural gas is methane (CH4) - up to 98%. Natural gas may also contain heavier hydrocarbons:
* ethane (C2H6),
* propane (C3H8),
* butane (C4H10)
- methane homologues, as well as other non-hydrocarbon substances:
* hydrogen (H2),
* hydrogen sulfide (H2S),
* carbon dioxide (CO2),
* nitrogen (N2),
* helium (He).

Natural gas is colorless and odorless.

To identify a leak by smell, a small amount of mercaptans, which have a strong unpleasant odor, is added to the gas.

What are the advantages of natural gas over other types of fuel?

1. simplified extraction (does not require artificial pumping)

2. ready for use without intermediate processing (distillation)

transportation in both gaseous and liquid states.

4. minimal emissions of harmful substances during combustion.

5. convenience of supplying fuel in an already gaseous state during its combustion (lower cost of equipment using this type of fuel)

reserves are more extensive than other fuels (lower market value)

7. use in larger sectors of the national economy than other types of fuel.

a sufficient amount in the depths of Russia.

9. Emissions of the fuel itself during accidents are less toxic to the environment.

10. high combustion temperature for use in technological schemes of the national economy, etc., etc.

Application in the chemical industry

It is used to produce plastics, alcohol, rubber, and organic acids. Only with the use of natural gas can one synthesize chemicals that simply cannot be found in nature, for example, polyethylene.

methane is used as a raw material for the production of acetylene, ammonia, methanol and hydrogen cyanide. At the same time, natural gas is the main raw material base for the production of ammonia. Almost three quarters of all ammonia is used to produce nitrogen fertilizers.

Hydrogen cyanide, obtained from ammonia, together with acetylene serves as the initial raw material for the production of various synthetic fibers. Acetylene can be used to produce various sheet metals, which are widely used in industry and everyday life.

It is also used to produce acetate silk.

Natural gas is one of the best types of fuel used for industrial and domestic needs. Its value as a fuel also lies in the fact that this mineral fuel is quite environmentally friendly. When it burns, much less harmful substances appear when compared with other types of fuel.

The most important petroleum products

During the refining process, petroleum is used to produce fuel (liquid and gaseous), lubricating oils and greases, solvents, individual hydrocarbons - ethylene, propylene, methane, acetylene, benzene, toluene, xylo, etc., solid and semi-solid mixtures of hydrocarbons (paraffin, petroleum jelly , ceresin), petroleum bitumen, carbon black (soot), petroleum acids and their derivatives.

Liquid fuel obtained from oil refining is divided into motor fuel and boiler fuel.

Gaseous fuels include hydrocarbon liquefied fuel gases used for municipal services. These are mixtures of propane and butane in different ratios.

Lubricating oils designed to provide liquid lubrication in various machines and mechanisms are divided depending on the application into industrial, turbine, compressor, transmission, insulating, and motor oils.

Greases are petroleum oils thickened with soaps, solid hydrocarbons and other thickeners.

Individual hydrocarbons obtained from the processing of oil and petroleum gases serve as raw materials for the production of polymers and organic synthesis products.

Of these, the most important are the limiting ones - methane, ethane, propane, butane; unsaturated – ethylene, propylene; aromatic - benzene, toluene, xylenes. Also products of petroleum refining are saturated hydrocarbons with a high molecular weight (C16 and higher) - paraffins, ceresins, used in the perfume industry and as thickeners for greases.

Petroleum bitumen, obtained from heavy oil residues by oxidation, is used for road construction, for the production of roofing materials, for the preparation of asphalt varnishes and printing inks, etc.

One of the main products of oil refining is motor fuel, which includes aviation and motor gasoline.

What are the main natural sources of hydrocarbons that you know?

Natural sources of hydrocarbons are fossil fuels.

Most organic substances are obtained from natural sources. In the process of synthesis of organic compounds, natural and accompanying gases, hard and brown coal, oil, oil shale, peat, and products of animal and plant origin are used as raw materials.

12Next ⇒

Answers to paragraph 19

1. What are the main natural sources of hydrocarbons that you know?
Oil, natural gas, shale, coal.

What is the composition of natural gas? Show on a geographical map the most important deposits: a) natural gas; b) oil; c) coal.

3. What advantages does natural gas have over other types of fuel? For what purposes is natural gas used in the chemical industry?
Natural gas, compared to other sources of hydrocarbons, is the easiest to produce, transport and process.

In the chemical industry, natural gas is used as a source of low molecular weight hydrocarbons.

4. Write the reaction equations for the production of: a) acetylene from methane; b) chloroprene rubber from acetylene; c) carbon tetrachloride from methane.

5. How do associated petroleum gases differ from natural gas?
Associated gases are volatile hydrocarbons dissolved in oil.

Their isolation occurs by distillation. Unlike natural gas, it can be isolated at any stage of oil field development.

6. Describe the main products obtained from associated petroleum gases.
Main products: methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, pentane, isobutane, isopentane, n-hexane, n-heptane, hexane and heptane isomers.

Name the most important petroleum products, indicate their composition and areas of their application.

8. What lubricating oils are used in production?
Motor oils, transmission, industrial, lubricating and cooling emulsions for metal-cutting machines, etc.

How is oil distilled?

10. What is petroleum cracking? Write an equation for the reactions of hydrocarbon splitting And in this process.

Why is it possible to obtain no more than 20% of gasoline during direct distillation of oil?
Because the content of gasoline fraction in oil is limited.

12. How does thermal cracking differ from catalytic cracking? Give characteristics of thermal and catalytic cracking gasolines.
During thermal cracking, it is necessary to heat the reacting substances to high temperatures; during catalytic cracking, the introduction of a catalyst reduces the activation energy of the reaction, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the reaction temperature.

How can you practically distinguish cracked gasoline from straight distilled gasoline?
Cracking gasoline has a higher octane number compared to straight distilled gasoline, i.e. is more detonation resistant and is recommended for use in internal combustion engines.

14. What is oil aromatization? Write reaction equations that explain this process.

What are the main products obtained from coking coal?
Naphthalene, anthracene, phenanthrene, phenols and coal oils.

16. How is coke obtained and where is it used?
Coke is a solid, porous, gray product obtained by coconut coal at temperatures of 950-1100 without oxygen.

It is used for smelting cast iron, as a smokeless fuel, a reducing agent for iron ore, and a disintegrant for charge materials.

17. What are the main products received:
a) from coal tar; b) from tar water; c) from coke oven gas? Where are they used? What organic substances can be obtained from coke oven gas?
a) benzene, toluene, naphthalene – chemical industry
b) ammonia, phenols, organic acids – chemical industry
c) hydrogen, methane, ethylene - fuel.

Remember all the main methods for producing aromatic hydrocarbons. What are the differences between the methods for producing aromatic hydrocarbons from the products of coking coal and oil? Write the equations for the corresponding reactions.
They differ in the methods of production: primary oil refining is based on the difference in the physical properties of various fractions, and coking is based purely on the chemical properties of coal.

Explain how, in the process of solving energy problems in the country, the ways of processing and using natural hydrocarbon resources will be improved.
Search for new energy sources, optimization of oil production and refining processes, development of new catalysts to reduce the cost of entire production, etc.

20. What are the prospects for producing liquid fuel from coal?
In the future, producing liquid fuel from coal is possible, provided that the costs of its production are reduced.

Task 1.

It is known that the gas contains in volume fractions 0.9 methane, 0.05 ethane, 0.03 propane, 0.02 nitrogen. What volume of air will be required to burn 1 m3 of this gas under normal conditions?

Task 2.

What volume of air (no.s.) is needed to burn 1 kg of heptane?

Task 3. Calculate what volume (in l) and what mass (in kg) of carbon monoxide (IV) will be obtained upon combustion of 5 mol of octane (no.).

The main sources of hydrocarbons on our planet are natural gas, oil And coal. The most stable of hydrocarbons, saturated and aromatic, have survived millions of years of preservation in the bowels of the earth.

Natural gas consists mainly of methane with admixtures of other gaseous alkanes, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and some other gases; coal contains mainly polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

Oil, unlike natural gas and coal, contains a whole range of components:

Other substances are also present in oil: heteroatomic organic compounds (contain sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen and other elements), water with salts dissolved in it, solid particles of other rocks and other impurities.

Interesting to know! Hydrocarbons are also found in space, including on other planets.

For example, methane makes up a significant part of Uranus's atmosphere and is responsible for its light turquoise color observed through a telescope. The atmosphere of Titan, Saturn's largest moon, consists mainly of nitrogen, but also contains the hydrocarbons methane, ethane, propane, ethylene, propyne, butadiine and their derivatives; sometimes methane rains there, and hydrocarbon rivers flow into hydrocarbon lakes on the surface of Titan.

The presence of unsaturated hydrocarbons, along with saturated and molecular hydrogen, is due to the effects of solar radiation.

Mendeleev owns the phrase: “Burning oil is the same as heating a furnace with banknotes.” Thanks to the emergence and development of oil refining technologies, in the 20th century it turned from a common fuel into the most valuable source of raw materials for the chemical industry.

Petroleum products are currently used in almost all industries.

Primary oil refining is preparation, that is, purification of oil from inorganic impurities and petroleum gas dissolved in it, and distillation, that is, physical division into factions depending on the boiling point:

From the fuel oil remaining after the distillation of oil at atmospheric pressure, components of high molecular weight are separated under the influence of vacuum, suitable for processing into mineral oils, motor fuels and other products, and the remainder - tar- used for the production of bitumen.

In the process of secondary oil refining, individual fractions are subjected to chemical transformations.

These are cracking, reforming, isomerization and many other processes that make it possible to obtain unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons, branched alkanes and other valuable petroleum products. Some of them are spent on the production of high-quality fuel and various solvents, and some are raw materials for the production of new organic compounds and materials for a wide variety of industries.

But it should be remembered that hydrocarbon reserves in nature are replenished much more slowly than humanity consumes them, and the process of refining and burning petroleum products itself introduces strong deviations into the chemical balance of nature.

Of course, sooner or later nature will restore balance, but this can result in serious problems for humans. Therefore it is necessary new technologies to eliminate the use of hydrocarbons as fuel in the future.

To solve such global problems it is necessary development of fundamental science and a deep understanding of the world around us.

Hydrocarbons are of great economic importance, since they serve as the most important type of raw material for the production of almost all products of the modern organic synthesis industry and are widely used for energy purposes. They seem to accumulate solar heat and energy, which are released when burned. Peat, coal, oil shale, oil, natural and associated petroleum gases contain carbon, the combination of which with oxygen during combustion is accompanied by the release of heat.

coal peat oil natural gas
solid solid liquid gas
without smell without smell Strong smell without smell
homogeneous composition homogeneous composition mixture of substances mixture of substances
a dark-colored rock with a high content of flammable substances resulting from the burial of accumulations of various plants in sedimentary strata accumulation of half-rotted plant matter accumulated at the bottom of swamps and overgrown lakes natural flammable oily liquid, consisting of a mixture of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons a mixture of gases formed in the bowels of the Earth during the anaerobic decomposition of organic substances, the gas belongs to the group of sedimentary rocks
Calorific value - the number of calories released when burning 1 kg of fuel
7 000 - 9 000 500 - 2 000 10000 - 15000 ?


Coal has always been a promising raw material for producing energy and many chemical products.

The first major consumer of coal since the 19th century was transport, then coal began to be used for the production of electricity, metallurgical coke, the production of various products through chemical processing, carbon-graphite structural materials, plastics, rock wax, synthetic, liquid and gaseous high-calorie fuels, high-nitrous acids for the production fertilizers

Coal is a complex mixture of high-molecular compounds, which include the following elements: C, H, N, O, S. Coal, like oil, contains a large number of various organic substances, as well as inorganic substances, such as water, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and of course carbon itself - coal.

Coal processing occurs in three main directions: coking, hydrogenation and incomplete combustion. One of the main methods of processing coal is coking– calcination without air access in coke ovens at a temperature of 1000–1200°C. At this temperature, without access to oxygen, coal undergoes complex chemical transformations, resulting in the formation of coke and volatile products:

1. coke oven gas (hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, admixtures of ammonia, nitrogen and other gases);

2. coal tar (several hundred different organic substances, including benzene and its homologues, phenol and aromatic alcohols, naphthalene and various heterocyclic compounds);

3. tar, or ammonia, water (dissolved ammonia, as well as phenol, hydrogen sulfide and other substances);

4. coke (solid coking residue, almost pure carbon).

The cooled coke is sent to metallurgical plants.

When volatile products (coke oven gas) are cooled, coal tar and ammonia water condense.

By passing non-condensed products (ammonia, benzene, hydrogen, methane, CO 2, nitrogen, ethylene, etc.) through a solution of sulfuric acid, ammonium sulfate is released, which is used as a mineral fertilizer. Benzene is absorbed into the solvent and distilled from the solution. After this, the coke oven gas is used as fuel or as a chemical raw material. Coal tar is obtained in small quantities (3%). But, given the scale of production, coal tar is considered as a raw material for the production of a number of organic substances. If you remove products boiling at 350°C from the resin, what remains is a solid mass - pitch. It is used to make varnishes.

Hydrogenation of coal is carried out at a temperature of 400–600°C under a hydrogen pressure of up to 25 MPa in the presence of a catalyst. This produces a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons, which can be used as motor fuel. Production of liquid fuel from coal. Liquid synthetic fuel is high-octane gasoline, diesel and boiler fuel. To obtain liquid fuel from coal, it is necessary to increase its hydrogen content through hydrogenation. Hydrogenation is carried out using multiple circulation, which allows you to convert the entire organic mass of coal into liquid and gases. The advantage of this method is the possibility of hydrogenating low-grade brown coal.

Coal gasification will make it possible to use low-quality brown and hard coal in thermal power plants without polluting the environment with sulfur compounds. This is the only method for producing concentrated carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) CO. Incomplete combustion of coal produces carbon (II) monoxide. Using a catalyst (nickel, cobalt) at normal or increased pressure, gasoline containing saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons can be obtained from hydrogen and CO:

nCO + (2n+1)H 2 → C n H 2n+2 + nH 2 O;

nCO + 2nH 2 → C n H 2n + nH 2 O.

If dry distillation of coal is carried out at 500–550°C, then tar is obtained, which, along with bitumen, is used in the construction industry as a binding material in the manufacture of roofing and waterproofing coatings (roofing felt, roofing felt, etc.).

In nature, hard coal is found in the following regions: Moscow Region, South Yakutsk Basin, Kuzbass, Donbass, Pechora Basin, Tunguska Basin, Lena Basin.

Natural gas.

Natural gas is a mixture of gases, the main component of which is methane CH 4 (from 75 to 98% depending on the field), the rest is ethane, propane, butane and a small amount of impurities - nitrogen, carbon monoxide (IV), hydrogen sulfide and vapors water, and, almost always, hydrogen sulfide and organic petroleum compounds - mercaptans. It is they that give the gas a specific unpleasant odor, and when burned, lead to the formation of toxic sulfur dioxide SO 2 .

Typically, the higher the molecular weight of a hydrocarbon, the less of it is found in natural gas. The composition of natural gas from different fields is not the same. Its average composition in percentage by volume is as follows:

CH 4 C 2 H 6 C 3 H 8 C 4 H 10 N 2 and other gases
75-98 0,5 - 4 0,2 – 1,5 0,1 – 1 1-12

Methane is formed during anaerobic (without access to air) fermentation of plant and animal residues, therefore it is formed in bottom sediments and is called “swamp” gas.

Deposits of methane in hydrated crystalline form, the so-called methane hydrate discovered under a layer of permafrost and at great depths in the oceans. At low temperatures (−800ºC) and high pressures, methane molecules are located in the voids of the crystal lattice of water ice. In the ice voids of one cubic meter of methane hydrate, 164 cubic meters of gas are “canned.”

Chunks of methane hydrate look like dirty ice, but in air they burn with a yellow-blue flame. It is estimated that the planet stores between 10,000 and 15,000 gigatons of carbon in the form of methane hydrate (“giga” equals 1 billion). Such volumes are many times greater than all currently known natural gas reserves.

Natural gas is a renewable natural resource, as it is synthesized in nature continuously. It is also called "biogas". Therefore, many environmental scientists today associate the prospects for the prosperous existence of mankind with the use of gas as an alternative fuel.

As a fuel, natural gas has great advantages over solid and liquid fuels. Its heat of combustion is much higher, when burned it does not leave ash, and the combustion products are much cleaner environmentally. Therefore, about 90% of the total volume of extracted natural gas is burned as fuel in thermal power plants and boiler houses, in thermal processes in industrial enterprises and in everyday life. About 10% of natural gas is used as a valuable raw material for the chemical industry: for the production of hydrogen, acetylene, soot, various plastics, and medicines. Methane, ethane, propane and butane are separated from natural gas. Products that can be obtained from methane are of great industrial importance. Methane is used for the synthesis of many organic substances - synthesis gas and further synthesis of alcohols based on it; solvents (carbon tetrachloride, methylene chloride, etc.); formaldehyde; acetylene and soot.

Natural gas forms independent deposits. The main deposits of natural combustible gases are located in Northern and Western Siberia, the Volga-Ural basin, the North Caucasus (Stavropol), the Komi Republic, the Astrakhan region, and the Barents Sea.
