The best throwing knives in the world. Variety of throwing knives

The assortment of any online knife store invariably includes a “throwing knives” tab. Each project may offer a small range, but overall there is a very large variety of models in this market. And if you have a desire to start throwing knives, then when you look at the assortment, your eyes simply run wide.

Let's try to structure the diversity a little throwing knives, in the context of a user interested in knife throwing. Firstly, you can make a division by size. More precisely, by the weight of the knives, and this parameter depends not only on the length of the knife, but also on the thickness and width of the blade.

These include ultra-light small knives, light knives, medium-weight knives, and heavy throwing knives.

Ultralight knives. Although, these objects can rather be called dart knives, or sometimes they are designated as arrow-tip knives. They are lightweight, do not fly far, and change their trajectory depending on the wind, so these knives can be used for home training. And you can use an inexpensive dart circle as a target. Small knives are most often sold in a set of 3-6 pieces, and are equipped with a corresponding cover.

Light knives It is good to use just for the first training, because it is recommended to start training with relatively light knives in order to learn the throwing technique itself. Because when throwing a heavy knife, when you wave your hand, there is a significant load on the untrained hand and wrist. Depending on the thickness of the butt, the length of such a knife can be 16-22 cm, and the length of the blade 8-11 cm. The weight of these knives is 50-80 grams.

Medium weight knives. These knives are the most used during training. The weight of knives, depending on the shape, width and thickness, is 120-200 g. The length of the knife is around 200-250 mm. Blade thickness 3-4 mm, blade length 100-150 mm.

Heavy knives. These throwing knives are designed for those who prefer a solid knife weight, or are used for long-distance throwing. Also, they are suitable for people of the appropriate build and palm size, for whom it is simply inconvenient to throw lighter knives. Knives of this type are approximately 265-300 mm long, with a blade length of 150-185 mm. The thickness of the butt, depending on the length of the knife, is 5-6 mm. For example, the Gold Steel "True Flight Thrower" knife has an overall length. 305 mm, and the thickness of the blade is 5 mm, and accordingly the weight of the knife is 275 grams.

Throwing knives come in a variety of designs. Therefore, it is possible to divide types of knives by the shape of the blade, or even by the shape of the entire knife, since throwing knives are mainly of the skeletal type and represent a single design. Depending on the type of knife, some types of knives are more convenient to throw by the handle, others by the blade, and others can be thrown equally successfully in both ways.

For example, knives with a curved blade shape are often found. A representative of this type is the sturgeon knife, which is often used in knife throwing competitions. The knife has a curved shape and one-sided sharpening. It is convenient to throw both by the blade and by the handle.

For example, I prefer dagger-type throwing knives. That is, with a straight blade, in the form of an elongated bullet. Despite the shape of the dagger, these knives usually also have a one-sided sharpening, and in order for the knife to fit better into the target, the tip of the false blade is sharpened.

According to some knife throwing experts, this type of knife is good for beginner throwers. This knife is good to throw both by the handle and by the blade.

There are often types of knives with a wide leaf-shaped blade. This type of knife is not very convenient to throw by the blade, so they are usually thrown by the handle. This knife also comes in varieties with different blade widths and handle shapes. For example, on next photo knife "blow".

There are several types of arrow blade knives. Although the blade shape is generally similar, knives of this type are distinguished by a variety of designs. The next photo shows one of the variants of such a knife, called “drozd”.

Some throwing knives resemble appearance no longer knives, but a miniature spear or scalpel. The blade itself of such knives is small in length and is 6-8 cm, and the handle is much longer.

There is a category of long and narrow knives that resemble spades. Typically, the handle and blade of such knives have the same width, and the handle smoothly transitions into a sharpened blade.

There are variants of knives of unusual design that cannot be attributed to a specific blade shape. Ballistic characteristics Such knives need to be tested in practice. And if the knife is of little use for throwing, then it can take a place as a souvenir on a stand in a collection of throwing knives. One example of an unusual throwing knife is in the next photo.

Throwing knives can also be classified according to the type of handle. Most often there are skeletal type knives, where the handle is metal and does not have any pads. It can be simply smooth or contain some kind of cuts, cutouts or holes. These elements lighten the handle or create the effect of feathering an arrow.

The next type of knives contains a cord winding as a handle. Such a knife can be used for some household chores, and at the same time used as a throwing knife.

Throwing knives with linings on the handles are more rare. Although a specialist hand-to-hand combat, Tadeusz Kasyanov recommends using this type of knife for throwing, and you can find drawings of a similar knife on the Internet. A similar option is available in the Viking Nordway product range, under the designation SH2002.

By the way, there is a sample of a knife that is made without a handle at all. More precisely, the knife simply has two blades, which is why this throwing knife has the appropriate name - “jack”.

Since the design is symmetrical, such a knife’s center of gravity coincides with the geometric center.

Continuing the theme of classifying throwing knives, according to their physical parameters they can be divided into three categories:

Balanced knives - where the geometric center coincides with the center of gravity of the knife.

Knives whose center of gravity is shifted to the side of the handle. This type of knife makes up the majority of the throwing knives range.

Knives where the center of gravity is shifted towards the blade.

Sets of throwing knives are often found. Two types of kits are available. A set of knives of different sizes and weights and sets of knives of the same type. A mixed knife set usually contains three types of knives of different sizes and weights. Therefore, using the knives from the set, you can decide on the type of knife that is most convenient for you. Or when all family members are passionate about throwing, so both a child and an adult can use their own type of knife.

Sets of the same type of knives usually contain medium or heavy knives. They are intended for those who have already decided on the most successful type and weight of knives for throwing. And a set of several identical knives will allow you to throw several knives in a row at once. Sets contain from 2 to 8 knives and are equipped with sheaths. If a set of two knives, then usually the sheath has one pocket, if more, then in the sheath block there is a separate pocket for each knife.

Before choosing an expensive set of several knives, you need to decide on the type of knife that is right for you. Because the different people completely convenient to throw Various types knives. Therefore, you can buy cheap light knives of various shapes, and decide which type of throwing knife is more comfortable for you to throw, and then take medium and heavy knives that match the type and shape.

Throwing knives are a topic for a separate discussion when it comes to throwing in general. As a rule, all throwers, except those who immediately began training in the gym with a coach, begin to throw not specialized knives, but those that came to hand at the moment when inspiration struck them. In this article we will try to adhere to this traditional chronological structure for most throwers and talk first about what cannot be thrown and why, and only then about what can and even should be thrown.

Why you can’t throw “ordinary knives”

Here you need to decide on what we call “ordinary knives” in relation to the context of this section of the article. In this context, "ordinary knives" refers to all knives that have not been specifically designed and manufactured for throwing.

The two main reasons why ordinary knives cannot be thrown come down to the general mechanical stability of their designs to shock loads that occur during throwing and the general convenience of using certain knives as throwing knives.

The loads that arise during the mechanical destruction of a target using throwing are significantly higher than when delivering conventional strikes. With the classic technique of throwing a knife with a turn, the force resulting from centripetal acceleration is added to the muscular strength of the thrower. When using non-revolving techniques, the physics of amplification is somewhat more complex - the forces of several “waves” launched by different parts of the thrower’s body are superimposed into the knife when throwing. However, the effect is always the same - an experienced thrower can almost never deliver a mechanical blow with a knife with the same force with which the knife hits the target when thrown.

Due to this fact, a specific requirement arises for throwing knives - the steels that are used on them must have higher impact strength than the steels of knives that are not specifically intended for throwing. It should be understood that steels with high hardness, which is very important for knives as cutting tools, rarely have sufficient impact strength to constantly throw knives made from such steel. At the same time, those knives that are made from steels with high hardness and have sufficient toughness to be thrown, as a rule, have a very high price precisely because of the price of the steel itself, which is unacceptable for a throwing knife due to the high probability of its loss in during outdoor training. Throwing knives, as a rule, are made to be very “unsteady”. As an example, here is a photo of a specialized throwing knife from the American company SOG - Fling.

Photo of the SOG Fling throwing knife from the manufacturer's website

If you look at the description of this knife, you will find that the knife is made of 3CR13 steel, which is characterized by mainly high corrosion resistance and is hardened to only 49-51 units on the Rockwell hardness scale. For comparison, it should be noted that even the softest steels of knives that are supposed to be used for cutting are hardened by no less than 55 units on the same scale, and steels such as M390 have a hardness of up to 62 units.

However, thanks to the use of special “soft” steels in throwing knives, they are quite difficult to break when hitting a target, which can happen quite regularly when throwing with “ordinary knives”. In addition to all of the above, ordinary, non-throwing knives, as a rule, have a number of structural elements that are destroyed by impact loads much earlier than the steel of the blade. These are handle linings and the handles themselves on knives with a fixed blade and axial units, liners and linings in folding knives.

From the point of view of the convenience of using “ordinary knives” as throwing knives, it should be understood that throwing knives have a shape, weight and design features that help the thrower solve the throwing problem. In ordinary knives, these characteristics are usually designed for comfortable cutting. The situation in which an “ordinary knife” “flies well” is quite rare, although not impossible in principle. Here you just need to understand that by using an “ordinary knife” as a throwing knife, you are, with a high degree of probability, making your task quite difficult.

For beginners, I would like to highlight the weight of a knife for throwing as a separate criterion. A throwing knife is always quite heavy. Its weight should usually be around 200 grams or higher. A light knife is quite difficult to throw over any significant distance. You just need to remember this.

What are the signs for a beginner to choose a knife for throwing?

In general, there are a great variety of throwing knives and this article is not intended to classify them all, primarily because it is addressed to those who are just beginning to get acquainted with the fascinating world of knife throwing.

Let's dwell on them distinctive features, which will allow the novice thrower to identify throwing knives:

  • “Fultang” design - the knife must be made from a single piece of steel. Variants of throwing knives where this feature is absent exist, but are quite rare and are not indicated for use by novice throwers.
  • There are no linings on the handle that can be damaged if the target is unsuccessfully hit, or if there is a knife-to-knife hit.
  • The weight of the knife is about 200 grams or more. Light knives do not fly well. Too heavy ones don't fly at all.
  • Uniform balance of the knife along its entire length. It is easy to determine by understanding in which part of the knife there is an equilibrium position in which it does not fall off the finger. For beginners, it is best if this is the very center of the knife.

It will also be good for a novice thrower if his knife is brought together, but not sharpened, since a knife for throwing does not need versatility, and the risk of damaging your hand with the cutting edge when the knife comes off your hand when gripping the blade is quite high, especially during training.

When choosing, the availability of more than one throwing knives is very important. I understand that this point looks somewhat strange to readers, but believe me, its practical importance is quite difficult to overestimate, especially when teaching throwing using the classic reverse method. Beginning throwers are often limited to one throwing knife and spend most of their training time not on throwing, but on transitions from the target to the throwing position and back. Then, when they get tired of such trips, the thought arises of the need to get a couple more knives, but here many people make the second mistake, purchasing knives that are completely different from the first one with which they started training. It is important to understand here that reverse throwing training is largely based on the fact that you repeat the work with the same knife. Therefore, the uniformity and number of your throwing shells will largely determine the speed at which you will master the intricacies of knife throwing. In this regard, I strongly recommend purchasing knives in sets of at least three pieces.

Set of throwing knives from SOG

Another important fact when choosing is the subjective convenience of the weight and size characteristics of the knife for you personally. Be sure to hold in your hands what you are about to purchase. The knife should not feel light, but it should not be very heavy either. Try holding it with different grips, by the blade and by the handle, at different distances from the center of the knife. If you have the slightest doubt about convenience, it is better to look for something else.

Personally, I will add a bit of subjective emotions from my choice. Personally, for throwing a knife by the handle at a distance of about seven steps, the most convenient are throwing knives with a petal-shaped blade - such as in the first photo in this article. But for throwing by the blade, at a distance of about four steps, I use knives with classic blade shapes. In my case, this is exactly the set from SOG that you see in the second photo. That being said, I can't say that I couldn't use the same knives for both of these situations, but using different knives gives me better results.

What can you throw besides throwing knives?

For me, as a beginner, this question has arisen more than once or twice, and I decided to devote a small section of this article to it.

In addition to knives, throwing small axes is extremely fun and quite simple. A number of manufacturers from the USA, where the tradition of throwing battle axes dates back to the times of the American Indians, produces fairly inexpensive and very pleasant axes for these purposes. By throwing axes, you will quickly understand why the Indians had a wide tradition of throwing axes, and not knives.

Tomahawk from SOG

A separate, difficult, but very exciting experiment is throwing a small infantry shovel, more widely known to the public as a sapper shovel.

Here, before you start throwing, I strongly recommend making sure that you are not holding a garden shovel from the nearest hardware store, distinctive feature which is the attachment of the shovel to the handle “on one nail.” Such a shovel, after a couple of throws, may die without hitting the target. Real military MPL is quite suitable for throwing, but requires thoughtful study.

Another excellent and, most importantly, very affordable alternative to throwing knives are nails. I have my own experience of throwing them, which suggests that 300 millimeter nails are the most convenient. Their weight is about 160 grams, which is already quite enough to effectively throw them even with a full rotation.

My throwing knives

This video shows the items I gradually acquired to learn knife throwing. I hope that this article will help you quickly and without making mistakes purchase exactly those throwing knives that are suitable for you personally and join this exciting sport.

Fans year after year throwing knives is getting bigger and bigger. If you are going to engage in this exciting activity, then the question arises: How to choose the right throwing knife for a beginner?. In this article we will help with the choice and identify the main points that you need to pay attention to when choosing a knife.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing which price category a throwing knife is in. There is no point in buying expensive throwing knives for a beginner, because... it is possible to learn and hone a skill good knives at more affordable prices. Disappointment can come with the loss of an expensive copy, and it will be a pity if it is damaged due to improper handling.

You need to pay attention to the whole a number of basic characteristics And knife parameters, pay attention to the quality of the metal and the shape of the blade, the comfort of the handle and balance. But let’s consider the features of choosing knives more specifically, depending on the purpose of its purchase.

How to choose throwing knives for a beginner?

If you do not yet have sufficient throwing experience, then you can limit yourself to the simplest specialized knives with a blade width of up to 30 mm and a length of up to 300 mm. You can choose a longer throwing knife in order to quickly master the mechanics of rotating the knife in flight, but for most people it will turn out to be too heavy and inconvenient, and even when switching to standard models will have to relearn.

If you decide to buy a professional throwing knife with the firm goal of maximizing your skills, then much attention should be paid to the steel of the blade.

The service life of a knife is influenced by such parameters as wear resistance and ductility of the metal of manufacture, which must certainly be excellent quality and undergo heat treatment, ensuring good preservation of the blade even after numerous training sessions.

If you want to buy throwing knives, it is better to contact a specialized store that is ready to provide all the necessary certificates, and therefore confirm the quality and long service life of their products.

How to choose blades for throwing?

If the basic skills have already been mastered, then you can begin to search for truly throwing knives, with the help of which you can hone your experience to perfection. In this case, priority is given to complete sets produced by specialist companies. Although blades that can be purchased separately also deserve attention.

The main thing is the choice- do not miss any important detail that can have an extremely negative impact on the results of your training. For example, you need to look at the top line of the handle - if you prefer to throw with a forefinger above the butt, then it should be at the same level or above the line of the blade.

The bottom line of the handle also needs to be given attention - it must be extremely level, otherwise it will be inconvenient to throw with its full coverage.

Important so that there is no recess between the handle and the blade of throwing knives, otherwise metal splinters may appear on the blade when it hits another knife. By the way, attention should be paid not only to the shape, but also to the quality of the handle, which should be made of durable and smooth material without winding.

So, the particularly important points of a throwing knife are:

The presence of a handle is optional. In reality, beginners often hit the target with the handle, which does not contribute to the long life of the material, be it plastic or wood. If you want maximum convenience, give preference to those models in which the handle and blade are a single unit.

Sharpening the entire edge is simply unnecessary for a throwing knife. Only one tip is enough, which must enter the target.

An important point is the hardness of the knife. For this type, steel ranging from 40 to 50 HRC is used. It is these indicators that are optimal, because the blade must be both flexible and durable. Steel that is too hard can shatter under a strong impact, while soft steel will bend and the product will lose its original shape.

The average weight of a knife should be about 200 grams. There are models from 60 to 200 grams, the limit is 300. There is the following pattern - throwing a light knife requires more effort, and it flies off more strongly. Therefore this is not the most the best option for indoor use.

Balancing the blade is of great importance. Thus, knives with a weighted handle are designed to be thrown by the blade and vice versa.

Finally It remains to be noted that when choosing a knife, you need to pay attention to its length - it should not be very short, otherwise only a true throwing master will be able to handle it.

Knives are universal tools that can not only stab and cut, but, in addition, can be used as throwing weapons, and, despite the fact that any knife can be thrown, the maximum effect is possible only after long training and subject to the use of special knives .

For the most part, a knife that was thrown at an enemy, even if the hit was successful and even by a highly skilled person. Will be lost forever. For the most part, it becomes a disposable weapon. Thus, a throwing knife must have a number of certain characteristics. So, it must be designed in such a way that the throwing process becomes effective, it damaging properties must be tall. The knife itself should be simple, cheap and easily camouflaged.

The most common throwing knife is simply a blade with a metal pointed end. Here it is difficult to understand where the handle is and where the blade is, since often the handle is separated from the blade simply by a small notch or a stop, also slightly protruding. This is exactly what the American Broadhead Tyrowers throwing knife is like. Its blade has a leaf-shaped shape. Sharpening occurs exclusively along the leading edge, and the transition from the blade to the handle can only be determined by a slight decrease. At the very end of the handle there is a hole for a lanyard.

Similar hard to ordinary carbon steel. There are two types of these knives, similar in design, but differing in size. So, a large knife is 12 inches long, and a small one is 8.5 inches long. There is another example of a similar Blazing Arrow knife with an interesting design: its developers were based on the principle of stabilizing an arrow in flight. This knife has a massive, leaf-shaped blade. It is separated from the handle only by a rudimentary guard. There are holes on the handle, and the center of gravity is shifted forward. As a result, the handle becomes a kind of stabilizer.

When throwing, this knife is grabbed by the handle. This is a heavy weapon, and if it successfully hits the target, it will cause significant damage, even if the tip does not stick exactly where the fighter intended. In any case, clear guarantees are never given - they depend solely on skill and numerous trainings.

To make the centering of the knife more accurate, some foreign developers use special balancing weights that move along the grooves. Thanks to the weights, the knife owner can adjust the weapon to the desired distance.

If throwing knives are large, then weights for them can usually be placed both on the blade and on the handle. If the knife is small, then the weight is placed on the blade. This is exactly what “ADJUST-A-THROW” is, which is a plate with a sharpened end. In this case, there is no line between the handle and the blade.

Such a product was created exclusively for throwing, although in a practical sense this huge number of balancers is of very little use, and, in addition, the balancers serve as an obstacle to the penetration of the blade into the target. Such knives are good for athletes, but unsuitable for combat. Of course, their wide blades are capable of causing a wide wound even with minor penetration, but in principle they are not used in the army.

There are, however, universal throwing knives that can be used very effectively in close combat. This is exactly what the Blue Devil Thrower is like, with a narrow blade and a dagger-type sharpening. As for everything else, the design of this weapon extremely simple. It has a regular bare handle designed specifically to lighten the weight of the knife, the blade itself is made of carbon steel, and the guard looks like a slight drop.

This knife has a dark coating, which does not give the effect of an unmasking shine; it is hard and completely invisible, especially if it is intended to be used at night. The sheath is made in such a way that the knife can be hidden on the forearm. The Blue Devil Thrower is only 8 inches long, half of which is on the blade.

This is quite enough for a true professional to effectively hit the enemy.

If throwing knives are small, then it is usually customary to carry them three at a time in special cassettes attached to the shin or forearm. How efficient a knife's flight will be depends directly on its mass, and there are currently two typical sizes suited for different distances. It is customary to throw while holding the handle.

Among the throwing knives, there are not only single-bladed ones, but also double-bladed ones, and the effectiveness of the latter is much higher.

Throwing knives in Russia

In Russia, throwing weapons are rare, and they are practically not produced here for a number of reasons, the main one being natural conditions: It is not surprising that in a country where it is truly warm only 3 months a year and the vast majority of the population is forced to constantly wear warm clothes, using a throwing knife will become very difficult. It is difficult to pierce even a padded jacket with such a knife.

Therefore, if you decide to use throwing knives in Russia, you should take into account the fact that they must be quite heavy. Therefore, it is inconvenient to have several knives with you at once. As a result, special throwing knives are not used, but instead they are used with ordinary knives that scouts are armed with - “NR”. If the need arises, such a knife can be thrown.

The HP knife is quite large, with a dark coating and a large guard. The length of its blade is 160 mm. Plastic handle dark green Designed to withstand heavy impact. The end of the handle is made of metal. The throwing function of this knife was previously considered to be purely auxiliary. In this regard, the designers of these weapons paid the main attention to the strength of the blade and handle: in the case of throwing, they had to withstand large dynamic loads, especially if there was a miss. In the same way, an army knife of the latest Russian design “Basurmanin” was created, as well as knives of special units “Katran” and “Elf”.

The latest options are characterized by the fact that they have a double-edged sharpening, while one side of the blade is made wavy. Naturally, they can only be thrown by the handle, since when gripping the blade with your fingers, a person risks seriously damaging them. The disadvantage of “NR” knives made for “Katran” is also the guard. The sheet metal from which it is made is easily deformed in the event of an unsuccessful impact. The guards of knives for the “Elf” and “Basurmanin” can withstand such loads more successfully, since they are monolithic.

All Russian knives that can withstand throwing essentially replace the bayonet-knife that is still in service and in the army. By the way, it can also be used as a throwing weapon if necessary. It should not be forgotten that the knives listed above are not designed as actual throwing knives, and therefore there is a high probability of their breakage or damage. The point where the hole for joining the knife to the sheath is located, as well as the place where the blade attaches to the handle, is especially vulnerable.

The developers of Russian knives took into account, first of all, their versatility and application, and as for their use as throwing weapons, this aspect mainly depended on how artificially the owner had mastered the skill of throwing a knife. In the end, such a task was simply not set: to develop exclusively throwing weapons, since, in addition to them, there were many types silent weapons, but there was no need for knives of this kind.

Only recently has the attitude towards throwing knives in Russia begun to change. They gained popularity.

However, in Russia there is also a throwing knife “OSA”, specially created by order of an elite military unit. During the development of "Wasp" there were some shortcomings, which were later easily eliminated. The design of the "Wasp" is directly related to the ideology of its use as a weapon of last chance. Its throwing function is small, and if at first it was 7 meters, then in subsequent modifications it was only 3 meters. As for the shape of the blade, it is typical for weapons intended for hand-to-hand combat.

Thus, “Osa-2” has a dagger-shaped blade. It has a double grind and one side has a wave-shaped edge. The handle is separated from the blade by two depressions. In addition, it is wrapped in a high-strength cord, which, if necessary, can be removed and used as a noose. The same cord can be used to tie up an enemy.

Osa-2 has a thickness of 5 mm. Her blade can be either shiny or have a dark coating. It is carried in a special sheath that is attached to the arm or leg. Thanks to this, the weapon is perfectly fixed and removed from the sheath almost instantly. In the civilian version, the thickness of the Osa-2 was only 2.4 mm, but the knife was soon banned for civilian use in Russia.

As for special units, in addition to “Osa_2”, they are equipped utility knife"Osa-3", which can be used both as a regular and as a throwing one. They can cut wires, crimp detonators, and saw through metal rods if their thickness does not exceed 10 mm. A nail puller, a ruler, a can opener, a screwdriver and a file are attached to this weapon as auxiliary tools. There is a symbol on the metal handle of the knife Russian special forces - bat against the backdrop of the globe.

However, when developing any knife, the possibility of throwing it is taken into account to one degree or another. The Russian combat knife “Vampire” is made in this spirit; it is durable and massive (the thickness of the blade in the butt area is approximately 6 mm), with a symmetrical profile and one-and-a-half sharpening. The guard of this knife is flat and does not protrude. The Vampire has already proven itself to be an excellent throwing weapon.

Throwing knives from other countries of the world

The “Vulture” knife, produced in America, has good qualities for throwing. It was designed as a simplistic survival knife, and therefore its design is extremely simple. The “Vulture” has a symmetrical blade with a one-sided sharpening, an extremely small guard and a handle with a cord wrap. The knife is quite large, and the thickness of its blade is 5.5 mm. Since the sharpening of the “Vulture” is one-sided, such a knife can be thrown either by the handle or by the blade.

Throwing type knives are quite common among national knives. For example, a throwing knife “khukri”. Type "khukri" - MK-3 - 12 inches. At the butt the length of the weapon is 17 inches. This formidable weapon has always been successfully used in combat operations. There is a known example when a Nepalese, armed with only one knife, killed three opponents.

When throwing this combat knife, the boomerang method is used, and if the throw is successful, then this knife can easily blow off the enemy’s head.

Many folding knives are also considered very effective in terms of throwing effect, which includes, for example, the famous Spanish “navya”. Although the knife has a folding design, its dimensions can be quite large. When throwing a navaja, the manufacturer must ensure the reliability of the hinge assembly and the strength of the blade lock.

Very simple, like everything ingenious, the Filipino folding knife is the “ballisong”, better known in Russia under the name “butterfly”. Its handle is made up of two articulated halves. In addition, it has a rigidly fixed blade and lock. The “butterfly” seems to be an ideal throwing weapon, since its design is strictly symmetrical, with no part protruding. The knife is brought into combat mode almost instantly; to do this, it is enough to make a precise and elusive movement with one hand. True, some training is required, since special devices (for example, large holes or protruding parts), as is customary in knives of this kind, produced by the American company Gerber.

The most convenient way to throw a butterfly is to hold the blade.

Folding knives of any type have a number of both positive and negative qualities. Of course, they are universal and also small in size, but in this case you inevitably have to spend precious seconds opening the knife.

Developers are trying to solve this problem by creating a device that would allow the blade to open automatically, but this is very difficult, since the fit of the latches must be pinpoint accurate; otherwise the knife will not have the required degree of reliability.

The Venetian stiletto is considered a classic automatic knife. However, one should not think that these weapons are produced in Venice. As for the stiletto, in this case the knife got its name because of its narrow blade and one-sided sharpening. Knives of almost exactly the same type have been produced, by the way, in Russian Vorsma for more than a century. True, here they are called dirks, but the design of both knives is similar to a stiletto.

In most countries of the world, throwing knives are prohibited weapons, and although many action films very professionally show how to handle such weapons, for ethical reasons, directors put them in the hands of exclusively negative heroes. Positive characters are usually given a bouquet of roses in their hands.

When a knife is used as a throwing weapon, especially in stressful situation, there is no guarantee that it will hit the target, especially with the tip. In Europe, they dealt with this problem by constructing a mercury knife, which, by definition, hits the target with its tip. Inside the mercury knife there is a cavity filled with mercury. When a knife is thrown by the handle, the mercury itself flies forward and leads the knife along with it. In this case, the handle of such a knife is used as a stabilizer.

In principle, one could try a material like lead shot as a filler for such a knife, but in any case, mercury is more effective. A mercury knife can have the most modest appearance: an ordinary pointed rod with a cavity inside. It is used extremely rarely in practice, and stories about its miraculous properties are nothing more than ordinary legends.

They also created their own throwing knives in the east, usually using for this purpose a weapon with a scimitar-type handle. In addition, the back of the handle expanded in such a way that it looked like ears, which were intended to play the role of a stabilizer, so necessary when throwing.

Some eastern throwing knives are called, several blades, which are arranged in a circle. If you use such a weapon, the effectiveness of the throw will be simply amazing. To do this, it needs to be directed parallel to the ground, while twisting it like a propeller. Thus, the throwing range is significantly increased.

In Japan, there have traditionally been many types of “shuriken” that look like stars. Lethal outcome when using shuriken occurs extremely rarely: with its design, it is difficult to inflict a really deep wound, unless as an additional means, lubricate its ends with a poisonous composition. You can kill with a shuriken only if it hits the enemy's throat. Its purpose was different: to stun the enemy, disrupt its ranks, and temporarily disable it.

Some African peoples have throwing knives that resemble shuriken in design, but these weapons certainly have a handle.

Throwing weapons were used in ancient times in India. It looked like a ring with a pointed rim. They threw it in a very original way - spinning it on two fingers. Alexander the Great also described how effective this ring, called “chakra,” was. The weapon was made of damask steel, and when hit, it cut off the heads of opponents. Based on chakra, the designers created a folding throwing knife, which when unfolded looks like a starfish with four arms. Such a knife - dangerous weapon, and it can cause a very serious wound.

Of course, a huge number of objects can serve as throwing weapons, including triangular files, chisels and screwdrivers, cutters and even circular saws: their action is similar to a shuriken. When it comes to life, pieces of glass and sharp scraps of iron can turn into a knife.

The main thing is that it should be done, since the majority of throwing weapons have a serious drawback: most often they inflict only superficial wounds, which can only anger the enemy, but not incapacitate him.
