Most extend. How to prolong sexual intercourse using folk methods

In the case when a man suffers from rapid ejaculation, the question arises: how to prolong sexual intercourse? There really are many ways to do this, from medications to using.

Intimate intimacy between partners takes place in several stages, which look like this:

  1. The first stage begins with foreplay. Male and female bodies must be in an excited state.
    For this purpose, pleasant words, touches, music, etc. can be used.
    Men feel a persistent erection, women notice hardened nipples and a moistened vaginal opening.
    It is impossible to talk about the duration of this stage, because it is different and depends, first of all, on individual characteristics.
  2. The second stage is erection. The head of the penis increases in size, and mucous discharge is present on the genitals of both partners.
  3. The third stage is frictional. There is contact between partners.
  4. The fourth stage is completion. The partners enjoy it, the pressure rises, and the muscles begin to contract quickly. At this stage, you can increase the time of sexual intercourse; just stop for a few minutes and devote time to caresses.

During the stages described above, the body of women and men reacts differently. This also applies to flow rate.

As statistics show, the fair half of humanity needs a little more time for foreplay.

The man gets an orgasm within a few seconds. The speed of ejaculation depends on many factors, the main one of which is the frequency of intercourse.

It is believed that the less often intimacy occurs, the shorter it is.

Interesting! A survey of sexologists suggests that the duration of sex for a healthy man is up to five minutes.

More time can lead to exhaustion of partners; in this case there is no need to talk about pleasure.

There are various methods for prolonging sexual intercourse; those who love long-term sex resort to their help.

Long-term intimacy is the dream of many men. They are ready to do a lot to achieve it.

But sometimes, to prolong sexual intercourse, it is enough to follow simple rules, they relate to the following points:

And the main thing that both partners should remember is relaxation. Often, quick sex occurs when there is anxiety and tension. Therefore, when thinking about how to prolong sexual intercourse in a man, you should think about your emotional state.

There are many ways to prolong sexual contact. The tips, and many call them Casanova’s secrets, are as follows:

  • Feeling that orgasm is coming soon, it is recommended to stop moving the penis. At this time, the man should move his body so as to touch the erogenous zones of his partner.
  • You can continue friction even after ejaculation. To prevent your penis from becoming flaccid, squeeze it lightly at the base. This way you can prolong sexual intercourse for a man for a few more minutes.
  • Use petting. You can bring a woman to the peak of pleasure with oral caresses even before sex. The need for long-term sex will disappear by itself.

The ways to prolong sex described above can improve the quality of your intimate life. Partners will learn to have fun and will not think about time.

You can prolong or increase the duration of sexual intercourse with exercises. The thing is that for sex the body has to use a lot of muscles. By learning to control them, you can solve the main problem:

  1. When urinating, hold the stream of urine for a few seconds. The muscles needed for sex will be noticeable.
  2. Tighten the muscles that were felt in the previous exercise up to ten times in one approach. Repeat the exercise up to three times a day.
  3. Once you get used to the exercise, tense your muscles and hold it a little longer than before. Increase the number of repetitions per day.
  4. When the muscles are tense, move your penis.

If you feel that ejaculation is coming soon, you should tense all your muscles, so that ejaculation will come a little later.

Psychogenic and meditative extension

Before thinking about how to prolong the time of sexual intercourse, you should visit the hospital and undergo an examination. If there are no health problems, you can use the following methods:

  1. You can prolong sexual intercourse by reviewing your lifestyle. If you don't move much, do some exercise. When working emotionally, find time for sleep and proper rest. Meditation and walks in the fresh air are suitable for restoring strength.
  2. Don't get hung up on anything. According to experts, the psychological reason for short sex is constant thoughts of arousal. During intimacy, thoughts should be abstract, throw away all problems and fears. Those who follow this rule claim that it is indeed possible to increase the duration of sex.
  3. Breathing technique. Psychologists say that you should not breathe frequently or hold your breath. The body will be able to fully relax, the tension will go away.

While having sex, devote a few minutes to thinking about your hobby or favorite activity. When distracted, you should be careful, otherwise the erection will be reduced.

A quick orgasm is not a reason for depression or refusal of sex. This can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction.

Traditional methods

How to prolong sexual intercourse at home without pills, sprays and other methods? People have many ways to solve the problem; the most effective and safest are:

  1. A squeeze of mint leaves is used to rub the penis. The juice contains natural anesthetics, menthol, etc. After absorption, sensitivity decreases and remains persistent.
  2. Include raspberry or currant leaves in your diet. The composition includes feliamine, the substance increases the duration of sexual intercourse.
  3. An increase in the time of sexual intercourse can be achieved with a tincture of cornflower flowers. The resulting drink is similar in effect to stimulants.
  4. A decoction made from oak bark. Pour boiling water over the plant and cook over low heat for twenty minutes. The course of treatment is designed for a week.


Can be used to prolong sexual intercourse. It is recommended to avoid fast food, sweets and spicy foods. The products themselves that prolong sexual intercourse are as follows:

Nuts. It contains many useful substances and... The beneficial content helps to increase amino acids, blood circulation is normalized, and the quality of intimate life improves.

Seafood. When losing ground in bed, men should pay attention to seafood. Particular attention is paid to oysters and caviar.

Honey. Products that prolong sexual intercourse include honey. To increase its effectiveness, it is recommended to add onions to it. If you are prone to allergies, it is not recommended to eat bee products.

Chocolate. How to prolong sexual intercourse without drugs? The sweet product not only improves mood, but also has a beneficial effect on the quality of intimate life. It is enough to eat 50 grams of the product per day.

For better arousal, liquid chocolate can be poured onto your partner’s body, and then passionately licked off with your tongue. These are enjoyable games that are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Cabbage. Girls used to eat cabbage to enlarge their breasts, but few people know that the product helps men. It contains many useful substances and vitamins. After regular use, testosterone levels increase.

To prolong sexual contact, it is enough to regularly eat at least one product listed above.

Extension with tablets and dietary supplements

The time frame for sex is different, but if someone is not satisfied with it and wants something more, you can use special means.


You can prolong intimacy with the help of pills; its duration after taking it increases several times. It is recommended to take with weakened potency, as well as to eliminate premature ejaculation. The drug is well tolerated by the body, side effects occur only in case of overdose.

How to prolong sexual contact at home? This is the most famous and effective remedy for normalizing potency.

The resulting effect pleases for eight to ten hours.

It is prohibited to combine Viagra and other medications. Frequent use is prohibited; addiction may occur.


How to make sex last longer with this drug? This is an effective remedy, not intended for long-term use. This is more of a one-time use product. You can feel the result after half an hour, it lasts for several hours. Contraindications to use – intolerance to the components included in the composition.

Super Vidalista

The main active ingredient included in the composition is tadalafil. With regular use, problems with erection disappear, potency becomes stronger. This is the best remedy for those men who suffer from poor blood circulation in the genitals.

Golden horse

How to increase the duration of sexual intercourse with the help of dietary supplements? This is a food supplement that will have to be taken for several months to achieve the desired result.

The main advantage is the ability to combine with alcoholic drinks. There are minimal contraindications for use.

Side effects are rare.

When thinking about how to prolong an intimate relationship, many people prefer pills, but in fact, it is not necessary to drink anything. There is a cream, gel, lubricant that is applied to the penis before intimacy.

The products are convenient because they are not able to influence blood flow, and the pressure does not increase after application.


This is another food supplement that can increase the duration of intimacy. The base contains components of natural origin, side effects are minimal, and there are no contraindications for use.

There are many ways to prolong intimacy, and despite this, men continue to wonder how best to prolong sexual intercourse and satisfy their partner.

This drug is distinguished by the fact that after administration, the walls of the smooth muscles relax, ensuring a full blood flow.

The resulting effect lasts up to twelve hours.


The drug is designed for a course of treatment lasting two weeks. It is well tolerated and does not cause addiction. An hour after taking it, an erection occurs, but subject to natural arousal.

Important! Extension of the act using folk remedies is most welcome, but drugs and dietary supplements are considered more effective.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

It should be remembered that a man’s strength cannot last forever. Many factors can cause it to be weakened. To replenish it, representatives of the fair sex must monitor their lifestyle, eat right, and also have sex regularly.

Statistics show that about 150,000,000 men suffer from potency disorders. Of course, they experience a lot of inconvenience, especially during sexual intercourse. Problems begin in the family when a woman does not have time to enjoy sex. Then nervousness appears between partners, because quality sex is a very important part of a successful union. If such a short duration of caresses becomes a problem for a couple, then the man begins to think about drugs to prolong sexual intercourse. In this article we will talk about the most popular products of this class.

Potency enhancing drugs

The main original drugs for prolonging sexual intercourse, which are approved by the Ministry of Health, include the following:

  • "Levitra";
  • "Cialis";
  • "Viagra";
  • "Zidena."

The active ingredient, dosage, and methods of use are different for all products, but the principle of action and restrictions for use are the same.

In addition to these drugs, there are also generics; they are also called analogues. They are very similar in action, but before use you must read the instructions for use. They increase the tone of the penile muscles and have a fairly attractive price. The most common analogues include:

  • "Auvitru";
  • "Snovitra";
  • "Apkalis";
  • "Tadasip";
  • "Suhagru";
  • "Anaconda 120";
  • "Dynamiko" and so on.



Among medications for prolonging sexual intercourse, you can find lubricants with a cooling effect. Many couples use them to reduce friction during intercourse. The menthol present in the composition can dull the sensations, thereby having a beneficial effect on the duration. It is better to use such devices in conjunction with a condom, since menthol can dull the sensations of the partner. Please note that lubricant (if used with condoms) must be water-based so as not to corrode the latex.


Nowadays, sprays made on the basis of lidocaine are gaining popularity. Their advantage lies in ease of use. You need to spray some of the contents onto your partner’s genitals and wait for the spray to be absorbed. You don't have to use a condom; the product will not affect your partner's sensitivity.


Condoms are available that contain an anesthetic inside. They will help men who have not had sex for a long time. If premature ejaculation is a constant problem, then these condoms alone will be ineffective, it is better to take a course of special medications.

Subject: Potency as at 18 years old!

From: Mikhail P. ( [email protected])

To: Administration https://site

Hello! My name is
Mikhail, I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to improve my potency. I have an active sex life, my relationship with my wife has reached a new level!

And here is my story

At the age of 35, due to a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle, the first problems with potency began, “I began to have only one time,” the duration and quality of sex decreased significantly. When I turned 38, real problems began, I began to panic and, in order to somehow improve my sex life, I began to resort to Viagra and its analogues. And the pills seemed to “work,” but later I realized that without the pills the erection disappeared completely! But Viagra is quite expensive, and besides, it has a huge number of side effects that have an extremely negative effect on the entire body. All this led to constant quarrels with my wife, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, everything was very bad...

Everything changed when a friend at work advised me of one remedy. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to him for this. I only took 2 pills a day and had sex for 2-3 hours every day! In addition, after taking just one course, my potency was completely restored and became more powerful than at the age of 18 without any pills! The results have lasted for 2 years! The most important thing is that family relationships have improved. My wife and I are simply happy.

It doesn’t matter whether you are experiencing the first symptoms or have been suffering from poor potency for a long time, I advise you to take a course of this remedy, I guarantee you will not regret it.

Pumpkin seeds are a harmless and, at the same time, tasty product for increasing the duration of sexual intercourse. Teas containing lemon balm and mint will be very effective in combating intimate difficulties. A small amount of alcohol in the blood can help matters by reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings.


If over time the question remains open, then you should no longer delay going to the doctor. A qualified specialist who is competent in these matters will help determine the cause of premature ejaculation and prescribe personal medications to solve existing problems. It is possible that the doctor will first send you for laboratory tests. First of all, laboratory material is checked for the existence of sexual diseases, since early ejaculation may be a consequence of one of the diseases of the genitourinary system.

One of the medications popular in recent years for solving premature termination of sexual intercourse is. The action of this drug is aimed at increasing the sensitivity and level of arousal of the male genital organ. Most medications aimed at combating the disease we describe are produced in the form of tablets. And this remedy does not need to be taken orally, since this spray acts through the layer of the epidermis. Its speed and positive effect are felt almost immediately after application. It does not require a prescription from a doctor and is quite suitable for home treatment. The main thing is to strictly follow the attached spray instructions.

To prolong sexual intercourse up to 3 hours and treat rapid ejaculation, the natural drug “Hammer of Thor” Thanks to a special formula, natural potency is restored, sexual stamina increases without reducing sensitivity, and premature ejaculation is eliminated. As a result, sex becomes longer and even more enjoyable!


Did you have a misfire? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory is not on your side. And of course, you know firsthand that impaired potency is:
  • Low self-esteem
  • Women remember your every failure, tell their girlfriends and your friends
  • Prostate disease
  • Developing depression, which negatively affects your health
Now answer the question: IT SUITS YOU? Can this be tolerated? Do you remember that feeling when you look at a naked woman and can’t do anything? Enough is enough - it's time to get rid of potency problems, once and for all! Do you agree? We have studied a huge amount of materials and, most importantly, tested most potency products in practice. So, it turned out that a 100% working drug without any side effects is the Solomon Vector. This drug consists of natural ingredients that completely eliminate chemicals.

Hi all. My name is Stas. I am a sexologist with little experience. I have little experience, because I am still young and recently graduated from higher education. Like all of you who found this article, I had all sorts of incidents in bed with girls. Sometimes due to overstimulation I have short sexual intercourse. This happens especially often with a fickle partner (during periods when I break up with a girl I’ve been dating for some time and am actively looking for a new one). You yourself understand a new acquaintance, a new girl, new feelings, passion, romance, everything... it comes to bed. And there are two races and that’s it... the end. It’s good when a girl is adequate and gets into the situation. Some people came across that they even liked it, that they were so sexy that the man finished so quickly. But there were also bitches who found it funny, some left slamming the door. Anything could happen. What to do you ask? Everything is simple and absolutely free. There are two solutions. Well, first of all, after your finale, you can easily satisfy the girl in another way. How? You finished quickly, but you can’t do it twice in a row? Just give the girl pleasure with your hands and mouth. How this is done is easy. The Internet is full of video tutorials. Look at a dozen of them, practice your thoughts and go ahead and train not for a real girl. The main thing to remember is a simple rule: always start caressing very gently, as gently as if you were trying to stroke a butterfly and not scare it away. I am not kidding. Believe me, almost all girls there are so sensitive that you need to be extremely careful and gentle. Do not hesitate to ask your beloved during caresses how she likes it or not. Ask in a whisper. For example, at the moment when you caressed with your mouth and moved to your hand, go up to her, kiss her without stopping caressing with your hand. And quietly whisper in her ear and ask her if she likes it. Believe me, the girl herself will adjust you and show you how to do it. Gently place her hand on yours and she will show you the movements. And only if your companion asks you to apply a little pressure or speeds up, then only do it stronger and more active. Otherwise, some of them will see enough of acting in films and let’s practice everything there on our friends. Remember that in such films everything is done so that it is not the actors who give each other pleasure, but for the viewer’s interest in what is happening. Therefore, everything that happens there is fake! It is important that all the steps described above can be performed in reverse order. What I mean. First, satisfy your beloved to the end. And then quickly do your business. Alternatively, you can satisfy the girl not to the very end, but ask her to tell you when she has almost everything, and then finish it together. Second solution. It's just to hold out a little longer (or a lot longer, depending on your imagination) than usual. In practice, I found this simple way to increase the time of sexual intercourse. You just need to quietly reduce your attraction and arousal without your partner noticing. How? You went to bed with your beloved. We hugged and caressed. Everything is ready to start. Start slowly and take your time. Take your time with your movements. Do everything as usual. Just imagine something disgusting during sex. Sorry for such stupid advice. But he really works. Of course, this all may sound strange and disgusting, but you don’t want to screw up in front of your loved one, do you? Imagine, for example, a jar of snot. Yes, yes, let's start grimacing and laughing at my advice... But it works. Imagine how you touch the contents of the jar with your hands, etc. The main thing is not to stop moving with your beloved. If you don’t like the jar, imagine someone eating something very disgusting (for example, stewed cabbage, raw meat, spoiled soup). Well, in general, you understand. You need to imagine in detail the most disgusting thing that can happen. It can be anything. Believe me, with such thoughts during sex, you will last much longer. Perhaps the girl will give up first and you won't have to use solution number one. That's great! Use these two ways to share them with your friends! They really work. Maybe someone has their own secrets. Share if you don't mind. P.S. It is clear that my two methods will not work with everyone. If they didn’t help you, then believe me, the best solution is to see a good doctor. Do not self-medicate. Do not conduct experiments on yourself with strange drugs, the main purpose of which is not to help you, but to make money from you! Don't be fools.

Naturally, for every couple, sex life is of tremendous importance, since both partners should receive pleasure in the process. And the main component of this unforgettable process is, of course, the duration of sexual intercourse. And it is in this question that lies a lot of interesting facts that will affect the sex life of partners, since the time before orgasm is different for a man and a woman. Basically, if you refer to statistics and numerous studies, the average sexual intercourse lasts approximately 3 minutes. After this period of time, a man can receive full satisfaction, but a woman cannot. Therefore, many people think about how to prolong the time of sexual intercourse. Moreover, if you turn to medicine, you can understand that 3 minutes is very little for sex. In order to understand how to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, you should first understand the reasons for rapid ejaculation and only after that begin to look for methods to combat the problem.

Indicators influencing the prolongation of sexual intercourse

Initially, before delving into the question of how to prolong sexual intercourse, it should be noted that this aspect will be significantly influenced by the frequency of sexual intercourse. And it is worth saying that this factor will not affect the urinary system or the sensitivity of the genital organ itself. How much time passes between sexual intimacy will be of great importance. If a man has not had sex for a long time, then it should not be surprising that even prolongation of sexual intercourse will be powerless, since orgasm comes very quickly. In addition to all this, the rapid onset of orgasm in men is influenced by the sensitivity of the head of the penis, but in the case of this option, the question of how to prolong sexual intercourse should be resolved only with specialist doctors.

Attention! Circumcision is essential, since after circumcision the sensitivity of the head of the penis decreases many times.

That is why, before starting a conversation about how a man can significantly prolong sexual intercourse, one should take into account the fact of the presence or absence of circumcision. In the case of circumcision, the sexual process itself will not change, but the erection time will be shortened. An important aspect is also the psychological state of the man. After all, everyone understands perfectly well that sex and psychological state are always in a very close connection; if a man has had a bad experience up to this point, he will remember it constantly. In order to cope with the problem and tune in to prolonging normal sexual intercourse in men, you should seek help from a sexologist.

Technique of the sexual intercourse process. Quite often, this aspect depends directly on the experience and efforts of the woman herself. If a woman behaves correctly and controls her body and organs, she will bring her man to orgasm in the shortest possible time. Thus, when considering the question of how to prolong sexual intercourse for a man, the main factors should be taken into account:

Duration of abstinence from intimacy;
Frequency of sexual acts;
Sensitivity of the genital organs;
Experience and skill of sexual partners;
Psychological aspects;
The presence or absence of circumcision.

Ways to prolong sexual intercourse using folk remedies or on your own

Get as much attention as possible from your partner's figure in bed

At the moment when the question arises of how to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, you should think about the fact that the partner, that is, her figure, plays an important role in this matter. Therefore, you should “lead” your thoughts to the side as much as possible and not concentrate your attention on all this beauty.

Moreover, for every man, the figure of his partner is simply magnificent, and due to this, excitement occurs only when looking at her.

The big mistake of men is that they immediately begin to admire the charms of their beauties, and, with complete nudity, admire everything up close. This is why orgasm comes quite quickly.

Therefore, there is no need to be deceived and live in illusions, because in bed there is not an unearthly goddess, but an ordinary woman. Already some time after self-hypnosis, the full realization will come that in fact there is nothing special and sexual intercourse will then become much longer.

You need to caress yourself correctly!

The next method in the question of how to increase the time of sexual intercourse without the use of medications is to develop patience.

A large number of guys, who especially do not have a regular partner, quite often caress themselves on their own to achieve satisfaction. Of course, there is nothing funny or shameful about this, but in the process you should adhere to some rules. In the case of self-caresses, you cannot bring yourself to the final orgasm, otherwise a large amount of male energy will be wasted.

You need to choose a position that will not significantly strain the pelvic muscles

In order to prolong sexual intercourse at home, you should concentrate on choosing the right position in which the partners will be. Based on modern films, the most popular is the “missionary” position, that is, when the man is on top and the woman underneath him is lying on her back. But this is not correct, since in this position the possibility of early orgasm is very high. Therefore, you should not get too involved in modern films for adults. You need to choose the option where the pelvic muscles are practically not tense, and thus there is a voluntary increase in normal sexual intercourse.

Start slow and wait for the excitement to subside

At the moment when sexual intercourse has just begun, you need to immediately be fully prepared on a psychological level. That is, you should give all the right of action to your partner, and do nothing yourself. And thus wait until the first wave of excitement passes. After this stage is over, you can take the initiative into your own hands.

At the moment when a new influx is felt, you should slow down your movements again and just wait it out again.

If you use this exercise to prolong sexual intercourse for two partners, you should initially be as patient as possible and not concentrate on what is happening. It is the inability to slow down in time that is a fairly common reason for a man to have an orgasm prematurely.

This is not a disease - you should accept reality calmly

Very often, a video for adults can serve as an assistant in this matter, which will tell and show partners the increase in the duration of desire and sexual intercourse between partners. Thus, the problem that has arisen can be looked at from a completely different perspective. And in general there is no need to compare such a situation with a problem.

The correct solution in this situation would be:

  • Under no circumstances should you make a tragedy, as this can affect not only your intimate life, but also your everyday life;
  • Add a little humor and learn to stop criticizing yourself;
  • If there is a desire to discuss the process, then this should be done openly, without hiding anything and without feeling afraid;
  • If the first time did not last long, you need to wait a little and give your body a little time. After this you should try again. You shouldn’t immediately get dressed and run quickly after a “failure.”

In addition to all this, a man can bring his woman a lot of pleasure with the help of foreplay. Therefore, you should devote some time and special attention to this.

Increasing comfort and trust in relationships

If a young man and his partner do not have trust in each other, then you should not expect comfort. That is, in such cases, the instinct that is inherent in animals simply kicks in. Due to this, in order to obtain complete satisfaction, you need to create the missing comfort.

How you can create comfort:

  • Stable room temperature (in no case should it be cold);
  • Complete or partial lack of lighting;
  • No strangers in the room;
  • Lack of external irritants;
  • A comfortable bed on which it will be pleasant not only to sleep, but also to make love.

How can a woman help her beloved man?

  1. You should never judge your partner even if something didn’t work out for him;
  2. Do not put any moral pressure under any circumstances;
  3. Support in everything.

Don't hold your breath

Even knowing a lot of methods to prolong sexual intercourse, you should definitely remember about everyday rules and principles, the first of which is - under no circumstances hold your breath during sexual intercourse.

In no case should you hold your breath during the process, that is, you should breathe in the same rhythm. Many inexperienced young people begin to hold their breath before the rapid onset of orgasm, and this is precisely their main mistake and therefore this method does not help them. On the contrary, the opposite effect will simply occur.

Other methods to make sexual intercourse last longer

Quite often, a problem of this nature appears in young men. And all because sex is a matter of experience. Quite often, it is young people who do not have normal sexual experience who experience orgasm quite quickly after the start of sexual intercourse. But don’t despair because, of course, everything will come with experience.

To facilitate the process and learning, you should listen to some simple tips

Use condoms during the process. Using the most primitive means of contraception, you can significantly prolong sexual contact with your partner;

In the process you need to change positions;

Sometimes, before moving directly to the process, you need to masturbate. This method will greatly extend the time of intimacy;

Surgical processes - circumcision. This option is used to reduce the sensitivity of the glans penis.

If you pay attention to medical aspects, you can use specialized tablets and supplements, the range of which is currently very large. You can even use the currently popular contraceptive pills intended for men, which are mainly aimed at increasing the time of sexual intercourse. In addition, you can use patches that can be used at home without any problems; some of them can slightly lengthen the penis.

If the problem arose against the background of a neurological disease, doctors prescribe a special course of therapy. But for proper treatment, you should initially consult a neurologist. If you should take pills or other supplements, you need to be examined prematurely, since improper use can cause significant harm to the body.

There is also a very big mistake that is repeated by many men - many believe that when drinking alcohol, an erection occurs later. But that's not true! It’s just that alcohol dulls a person’s basic reflexes and thus affects sexual contact and its duration.

Folk remedies for prolonging sexual intercourse

1. You can try smearing the head of the penis with juice squeezed from mint leaves. This remedy is considered effective due to the fact that the juice of this plant contains menthol, which in turn is a good anesthetic. Due to the absorption of juice into the skin, it begins to inhibit the natural reaction of the nerve cells and the head itself, due to which the sensations are dulled. That is why after this you can completely control yourself even during increased activity. Using this technique, you can express your passion for your partner without fear, since orgasm will not come soon;

2. Add raspberry and currant leaves to your diet. The vitamins and microelements contained in these products can slightly affect the functioning of nerve endings and, as a result, increase the duration of intimacy. Of course, this technique also has its own negative side, which lies in the untimely onset of excitement;

3. Immediately before the start of contact, you can drink a tincture of cornflower flowers;

4. As a special method to solve the problem, you can use a decoction of oak bark. When using such a tincture, sensitivity and main sensory endings “freeze”. But it should be noted that to achieve the desired effect, the tincture must be taken daily for at least a week;

5. As an option, you can also use wheat oil, which should not be taken orally, but simply inhale its vapors from the bottle every day. Thus, our ancestors struggled with the problem and thereby significantly increased their masculine strength. Ultimately, if you perform the procedure daily, you can not only avoid sexual problems, but also avoid the manifestation of problems related to the reproductive system.

How to solve problems medically?

Of course, the first advice you can hear from a doctor is circumcision. And all because, after conducting numerous studies, it was proven that after this operation a man simply copes with a lot of problems. This technique is especially used in cases where therapeutic treatment has given absolutely no positive results.

In general, it is best to immediately go to a specialist with this problem, and not start treatment on your own, since this is excessive anxiety, and after going to a specialist, you can calm down and deal with the problem to the fullest extent. Even if treatment is not carried out, you can consult a psychologist who will help you mentally coordinate for sex and at the same time correctly adjust your attention in the process. Let's look at the main techniques that are used nowadays:

A method for complete relaxation and rejection of extraneous thoughts;

Method of termination or continuation;

Developing exercises to prolong the process, which will allow you to learn how to properly control your muscles, especially the pubic part, which are directly responsible for the onset of an erection;

Training exercises for leg muscles.

Naturally, I would like to note that men are rarely inclined towards surgical intervention and this happens for many reasons. This is due to the fact that some are simply afraid of unknown consequences, and for some, this procedure is too expensive. Due to this, many try to deal with the problems that arise on their own at home. But if you can’t do it on your own, you should immediately contact a specialist and follow all recommendations and treatment instructions.
