Modern female international names. European (Western) female names and their meanings

I can’t say that the name Valeria is strange and unusual, however, this was not always the case. About 20 years ago it was considered rare and “harmed” the ears of some, for example, my kindergarten teachers, especially when my mother took it and called: “Valerik.”

Of course, it’s nice to be the only Valeria in the group, while there were 4 Ani and 3 Yulia. But it’s unpleasant when the teacher asks: “Who gave you such a strange name that you can’t pronounce?”

Is it really difficult? If you don’t know, you can use the service on our website.

However, I was luckier than the boy Miguel, whose mother clearly watched the popular Mexican TV series at that time. I like my name, I like the diminutive from it - Lerochka.

So, what should you pay attention to when choosing a baby name?

  • Be careful with non-standard names, as they may cause ridicule from others.
  • Remember the meaning of the name. Let's put it this way: whatever you name the ship, that's how it will sail. This also applies to the name. The secret of the name is what will determine the child’s character, and sometimes his attitude towards life.
  • Some mothers are against calling their child by a diminutive name, so they deliberately choose “strict” names. Think about this too: a name that is too soft will not be taken seriously; a name that is too “rude” will lead to Mark becoming Marchik.
  • It is important that the chosen name be combined with the patronymic. The latter carries genetic information and is also capable of correcting a person’s image.
  • Many are of the opinion that they should be named after the name days of saints. For example, today, September 19th. Names - Andrey, Arkhip, Vsevolod, David, Dionysius, Dimitri, John, Cyril, Konstantin, Makar, Mikhail, Thekla. Think about it, are you ready to name your daughter Thekla?
  • Popular international names are another common theme (see boy Miguel above). The fact is that it is difficult to predict how a child’s fate will turn out, so international names are an excellent alternative to domestic ones. But our advice is to choose neutral names!

How to name a boy: popular international names

  • David
  • Albert
  • Ernest
  • Matvey
  • Oscar
  • Philip
  • Arsen
  • Daniel
  • Makar
  • Marat
  • Farid
  • Edward
  • Arkhip
  • Demid
  • Seraphim

How to name a girl: international names

  • Adeline
  • Aurora
  • Angelina
  • Arina
  • Caroline
  • Isabel
  • Liana
  • Marianne
  • Monica
  • Sabina
  • Viola
  • Zarina
  • Regina
  • Ruslana
  • Ulyana
  • Sophia
  • Yaroslav
  • Stella
  • Milan
  • Emilia
  • Ariela
  • Marianne
  • Milan
  • Martha

Naming a person is an important and serious matter. It should be approached responsibly, because the name affects character and self-identification.

Any word has its own history, evokes associations and images, and sounds influence the emotions on which our actions depend. Thus, each word has its own energy. Boy names should convey strength, resilience, and other traits that will be beneficial in a person's life.

Different cultures put into their words, in addition to the specific meaning, their own energy. Each culture is distinguished by some striking features, and the best features were enshrined in words.

Russian names are most often borrowed from Greek or Roman culture, although there are also purely Slavic, Tatar, Muslim, Ukrainian and even english names due to the multinational composition of our Motherland. Foreign names are often not Orthodox, and therefore are not represented in the calendar.

Foreign names make it easier to assimilate into the cultures from which they come. This is true precisely for those cases when not only the roots of the name are foreign, but it is also rarely used in the person’s native land. Foreign, in particular European, names are usually associated with the development of such qualities as elitism, feeling self-esteem and tact.

Choosing a name is not an easy task: in addition to the influence of the culture from which it originated, you should also focus on its prevalence, as well as the child’s patronymic. Popular names make a person stand out less and foster a sense of community and inclusion in a certain group.

But rare ones, on the contrary, develop a sense of isolation, uniqueness and individuality. The patronymic should not be dissonant with the name; euphonious, beautiful combinations contribute to harmonious development, calm character and prudence.

The meanings of words that were used in ancient times for naming and passed into our century are usually always positive, although they emphasize certain character traits or abilities. In this regard, the greatest importance is the harmony and correspondence with the inner essence of a person.

The essence of a person is a combination of genetic factors and the collective unconscious. Since any word has energy, the word that identifies a person throughout his life must be identical to the energy of the person himself.

Energy of Western cultures

Many European and Russian names owe their origin to cultures Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome. The meaning of the culture from which the word comes is very great. It stores the information code that was characteristic of the heyday of this culture.

The word becomes associated with certain traits inherent in people from the time and place where it was first used. Consequently, its energy is closely related to the energy of the culture that gave birth to it.

Russian names Greek origin usually endow the owner with intense emotionality. They contribute to the development of research qualities and sociability. Their owners often move from liveliness to melancholy and thoughtfulness, and then suddenly become very active again.

Alexander and Alexey, Anatoly and Andrey, Arkady and Artemy, Gennady and, Gregory and, Dmitry and Evgeny, Kirill and Leonid, and Nikolay, Peter and Fedor have been calling boys for centuries in Russia; this is the most popular choice. Rare and beautiful names Greek origin for boy:

  • Symbolizing the resurrection - Anastas.
  • Andronicus, whose meaning is “conqueror of husbands.”
  • Aristarchus is the ruler of the best.
  • The legendary hero of Greek myths is Achilles.
  • Ruler and master Cyrus.
  • Cleomenes - meaning associated with power and glory.
  • A man with a lion's character is Leander.

No less popular are Russian names of Roman origin. Regardless specific meaning their owners are disciplined, freedom-loving and energetic. The most popular of them in Russia: Anton, Valentin, Valery, Victor, Vitaly, Maxim, Roman, Sergey. From the group under consideration, we can also highlight names that are unusual for us: Augustus, Adrian, Guy, Dominic, Lucius, Mark, Patrick, Serge, Felix, Emil, Julian.

And although many of them are not used at all in Russia, in England and the USA their forms are often found. In addition, many American and English names also include forms close to ours. For example, Alexander, Mikael (Mikhail), Andrew (Andrey), Anthony (Anton), Nicholas (Nikolai) are international names, found in different countries, only the pronunciation changes slightly from border to border.

In England, boys are often called: Jack, Oliver, Charlie, Harry, Thomas, James. American most common names: Jacob, Michael, Ethan, Alexander, Anthony, Christopher and Matthew. American and English modern names, as a rule, are not subject to strict regulations; you can call a child any word with almost no restrictions.

While England was Catholic, names were given from the calendar, while Christian versions were sometimes changed beyond recognition, and the forms became independent names. Then Old and New Testament, closer to our time they began to invent them themselves.

Energy of Eastern cultures

Some Russian names have their origin in Hebrew or Slavic cultures. So, the most common Russian names Jewish origin: Benjamin, Gabriel, David, Ivan, Mikhail, Savva, Semyon, Yakov and. Jewish names They are excellent for boys and endow their owners with deep faith and amazing vitality; their owners are usually conservative, mysterious and very smart.

Slavic, that is, in fact, originally Russian, belongs to people who are very often thrown in different directions. Slavic names are given to lovers of freedom who perform unusual deeds. Slavic names usually belong to those who respect the personal space and interests of other people.

Many purely Slavic words were supplanted by Roman and Greek influence, so Slavic traditions, including naming, were distorted or disappeared. Men who wear Slavic names, proud and independent, and often inclined towards idealism. The most famous Slavic male names: Wenceslav, Vladimir, Vyacheslav, Svyatoslav, Stanislav, Yaroslav.

Muslim and Tatar cultures

They contributed a little to the tradition of naming children in Russia. Muslim traditions and foundations have a very specific energetic coloring, associating Muslim names with strength, will and perseverance. In addition, almost the entire Muslim society has a tendency towards passion and a guideline for spiritual improvement. Some beautiful male Muslim names (not all of them are recognized by Islamic scholars):

  • Adil, whose meaning is “fair”.
  • Ayman meaning "right".
  • Aman, the meaning is associated with calmness and protection.
  • Amir, from a word meaning superiority and difference from others.
  • Assad is a "lion".
  • Jasir - the meaning reflects courage and bravery.

These are just a few examples and come from words found in the Qur'an. You can look at a specialized resource and see the whole variety of words suitable for naming.

Modern Tatar traditions allow you to name your child freely, so the choice is great. Tatar society borrowed a lot from the Persians and Arabs, so Tatar names often have Muslim, Persian and Turkic roots. Tatar names beautiful and unusual, their meanings are deep and energetically strong, here are some of them:

  • Ainur - "moonlight".
  • Arslan or Ruslan - "lion".
  • Akhun - “mentor”.
  • Ildar - "ruler".
  • Rainur - “bright path of life.”
  • Rustam is a “giant”.
  • - "iron".

At the same time, Russians (Ruslan) are also found in this list due to the fact that there was a merging of cultures and a change in words. Due to the fact that many of them are borrowed from the Persian language, the Tatar heritage is associated with the dignity and nobility that are attributed to Persian culture.

Ukrainian foundations are very close to Russian culture. Both nationalities have ancient Russian roots. Therefore, Ukrainian and Russian naming traditions are very similar. Ukrainian male names contain, along with Russian, European and Orthodox names: Nazar, Danilo, Mikita, Bogdan and others. Many of them have the same origins as the Russians, so they read very similarly, but rare and unusual ones come from foreign influence: Ramis, Loammiy, Augustine, Barthalamey, Galaktion, Darius, Edward.

Astrology and words

Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics of influence on those born under this sign.. Each zodiac sign has its own energy. Since the name also has its own energy, their joint influence should be harmonious. Therefore, it should be energetically suitable for the zodiac sign.

For example, fire sign An energetic and active name will work well, but one that clearly expresses denial of leadership, avoidance of activity, or a tendency toward melancholy will not work. Choose a suitable beautiful thing for your zodiac sign male name A list that takes into account their ability to complement each other will help.

  • The names Alexander, Alexey, Andrey, Egor and Vladimir are suitable for Aries.
  • Taurus - Anatoly, Anton, Arthur, Vadim, Denis and Mark.
  • Geminis are best called Gennady, Igor, Konstantin, Nikita or Sergey.
  • To maximize his abilities, a boy born under the sign of Cancer is named Andrei, Valentin, Vasily, Ilya or Maxim.
  • Leo is called Alexei, Anton, Ilya, Kirill or Mark.
  • Virgos will settle well in life, being named Victor, Gennady, Gleb, Konstantin and Nikita.
  • Libra should be called Artem, Alexey, Anton, Konstantin or Oleg.
  • Scorpio - Valery, Dmitry, Sergei, Fedor or Yuri.
  • And Streltsov - Egor, Maxim, Nikolai, Yuri or Vyacheslav.
  • Aquarius will perform well if named Andrey, Vitaly, Vladimir, Evgeny or Gennady.
  • Pisces will open up to the maximum if the boy’s name is Anton, Vadim, Vladislav, Ilya, Nikita or Roman.

Sound and name day

The beautiful sound of a full name depends on whether the middle name matches it. There are several rules that should be taken into account when choosing a middle name for a boy.

1. Growling and hard consonants in a patronymic require that they be balanced by a soft name, and vice versa.

2. It is worth considering the length of words: if one is short, then the second should be long. They must complement each other.

3. Their origin must be limited to one culture.

Angel's day is determined Orthodox calendar, for Catholics - Catholic. Unfortunately, if you choose foreign name, Orthodox calendars may not include a saint with this name. In this case, church traditions determine foreign names to have Orthodox analogues, so a person receives a patron saint. Orthodox analogues are selected not only by meaning, but also by sound. For example, if your name is Timur, then the Orthodox name Timofey is used for baptism.

Words have always influenced our lives, but it is we who determine how to treat them. A person is able to completely change the influence of stars, planets and letters on himself if he pays attention to the targeted formation of his personality and qualities useful for life in himself. Happiness and harmony are found by working on yourself and the world around you. The main thing is to believe in yourself and have a guideline in life. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 15 books.

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European names

European (Western) female names and their meaning

Brief energy information characteristics of some names


Leah– this name carries the energy of femininity, tenderness, and vulnerability. Under the influence of this name, most of the energy accumulates in the sexual sphere (2nd energy center).

Moreover, her 1st energy center will always be tense, since the name Leah carries with it uncertainty in oneself as a woman, uncertainty in business qualities, uncertainty in the future. The name creates many complexes. A constant subconscious fear appears: what if they understand you wrong, they won’t accept you right, it won’t work out right. These thoughts gradually attract negative events into a person’s life, and then periods of depression begin. But in general, a person is still gentle, fragile, sensitive, and for some man a woman with this name can become ideal wife and a good mother for children, because there is little selfishness in this woman.

This name does not give business qualities. Running a business is not for her. This is a woman without ambition. This name slightly reduces intelligence. Leah is a person who needs to be managed. She feels better if there is someone nearby who tells her what to do and takes full responsibility.

But there will always be a lot of men around Leah.

This name gives high energy-informational sensitivity, qualities a good psychologist. Such a person feels the people who are nearby - who is strong, who weaker character, and unerringly chooses the strongest, the leaders, and knows how to fit in with them.

A woman with this name needs a man with strong character, who knows and is capable of taking on all the worries about the family, ready not only to provide for Leah financially, but also to constantly encourage her, to give her an additional source of energy in the form of kind words, gifts.

Usually a woman named Leah does not have a very large supply of vitality, and she is fueled with energy through positive impressions - such as a romantic heart-warming film, a sentimental novel, words of admiration for her as a woman. In general, a woman named Leah is a relationship person. Sometimes, unconsciously, she will vampire the man who is next to her and absorb his energy. For some aggressive men, this is the most suitable option. Through sex they are able to release a colossal amount of energy, and it is the woman named Leah who will gratefully accept all their sexual energy, and both will be satisfied.

Image of this name- a type of vine that clings to surrounding objects and survives in this world.


Marceline– this name gives a lot of joy in life, increased sexuality, humor, playfulness, and great seductiveness for men. Surrounded by such a woman, men behave like bees who have sensed the divine nectar of a fairy-tale flower and will hover around this flower.

Moreover, despite the external lightness and playfulness, Marceline has a fairly clear mind and good share willpower. She knows what she wants and systematically achieves it.

She is definitely confident in herself. In case of danger, uses non-standard moves for self-defense. Capable of deceit. She loves children and men, but she loves herself more. ABOUT a loved one can care, but if it becomes a complete burden for her, then she will find an opportunity for other people to take care of this person, and she will step aside. This is not the person who will drag a cart to the limit of his capabilities. She needs an easy one successful life. and this name aims at this, changes a person’s character in this direction.

This name gives healthy egoism and prolongs youth.

This name is more suitable for sophisticated and creative people.


Irena– the vibrations of this name block the 4th center (heart and lungs, the ability to love and be loved), causing unhappy love. A person can be decent, but under the influence of the name, carry a load of sadness throughout his life.

The name Irina carries completely opposite qualities and a different destiny.


Wanda– the name activates female sexuality quite well. She will be irresistible in sex. Men will be crazy about her. She also loves men very much. Children will be born easily.

She will most likely have a penchant for studying foreign languages. She is sociable and smart.

She is unlikely to make a career, but financially she will feel good.

It is best for her to work in a male team, or sell goods for men.

This name promises a woman interesting life. With this name a woman can be truly happy.

The name is material.

A good choice for woman.


A woman named Yana is haunted throughout her life by a deep subconscious fear. This is a karmic program. This program encourages her to take active steps in making her way in society, career, and business.

Yana has enough strong will, increased sexual appetite and a smart head. Her energy is of a masculine type.

In childhood she may be a shy child, but in most cases, as soon as a little strength appears in her muscles, from the age of 8-9, her willpower, pressure, and disruptive character begin to manifest themselves to an increasingly greater extent. In order to achieve her goal, she can resort to cunning, pushing with her elbows those who interfere with her. Yana's belligerence is quite high.

A woman named Yana is a cunning warrior in a skirt. Where there is a lack of talent, mental abilities, physical strength Yana will use cunning, deceit, intrigue. In principle, she is even capable of setting things up for profit.

Women named Yana are rarely beautiful. Therefore, in order to attract a partner, they use psychological tricks, official position and even magic. You must clearly understand that if fate brought you and Yana together, then she will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.

Of course, there are exceptions, but they are very rare. Only a person with very high positive spiritual developments can resist the energy of the name Yana and remain a decent person in every sense of the word.

Yana, unlike Anna, is picky about her sexual partners. And if someone gets into her bed, it will be only because she wanted it.

Yana's lovers are most often men with a pronounced Yin character, or men significantly younger than her.

The man who is next to Yana must be subordinate to her. She wouldn't agree otherwise. Therefore, a strong, self-confident, strong-willed man will not even look at Yana.

Our new book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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European names. European (Western) female names and their meanings


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Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities have not yet been able to cope with the growing influx of "Deception for profit" madness.

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Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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The first time I thought about this was when I found myself sitting in a taxi in Cyprus on the Larnaca-Nicosia route next to a middle-aged American in a T-shirt and baseball cap. The road is long, it’s boring to remain silent all the time.

The first question is: where from? Ah, from Russia!

I think that, well, here we go again, now the nesting dolls-Yeltsin-vodka-bears will begin!!! It is because of these annoying associations that I sometimes say that I am from Finland, fortunately, in all my appearance I look like the European north, and most non-Europeans about Finland are neither in sleep nor in spirit, and therefore do not pester me anymore with questions.

I politely ask, they say, what is your name.

He introduces himself, but instead of asking me the same thing, he asks: Is your name Oksana or Olga?

Somewhat taken aback, I admit that I am neither one nor the other.

He makes an astonished face and tells me that I must be a rarity, because without exception, all the girls from Russia that he met in his life were either Olgas or Oksanas, and therefore he decided that it was It's a cultural custom for us.

One could, of course, be offended by such blatant ignorance, but I decided to figure out what, how and why.

And indeed, each of us will probably remember at least seven to ten Natashas, ​​as well as Len, Mash, Tanya, Irin and Katya. The range of male names is even narrower: Sasha-Seryozha-Lesha-Andrey. Almost everything else is already a rarity! I wondered why?

Indeed, Americans love variety in this regard. Of course, they also have enough Johns and Michaels, Sarahs and Jennifers, but still they can’t compare with us. In some European countries, for example, in Greece, the situation is the same as ours. Almost every third girl is Maria, and the boy is Konstantinos. I don’t presume to speak for the whole of Europe, but in Germany and Switzerland names are definitely not repeated with such frequency.

Personally, it seems quite logical to me that young parents want to give their child a more original and less well-worn name. After all, having lived through the era of socialism and so on, we no longer want to wear the same clothes for everyone and live in the same apartments, so why should we give our child a name that is already borne by several hundred thousand other boys and girls? Everyone decides such questions for themselves.

As some of my friends insist, a Russian child has a Russian name. Yes, great. Just to begin with, you need to have a good idea of ​​what the name is, in fact, of Russian origin. For example, Ekaterina is a Greek name, Anna is a Hebrew name, Igor is a Scandinavian name.

I have also heard the point of view that a child with a rare name supposedly feels like a black sheep among his peers. But this, as they say, is the parents’ fault. You need to show your imagination in moderation! I personally know several girls with names like Dorianna or Iolanta, who would never agree to change into Natasha or Sveta, because they rare name only emphasizes their individuality!

And if a child has a foreign father who does not speak Russian, and his Russian mother now lives abroad, then what to do then? Beautiful, popular names among us like Dmitry, Boris, Natalia, Olga immediately signal Russian roots. (Although for some time now the names Katia, Tania, Nadia can also be found among the European public).

Some Russian women I know living in Europe or America decided to choose a name for their child that would sound more or less harmonious in both Russian and another language. The choice of such names is quite large: Gregory-Gregory, Matthew-Matthew, Elizabeth-Elisabeth, etc.

Having become interested in the topic, I leafed through several books in the local library on the topic of what to name your baby. Below I provide a list of names that personally seem sonorous and attractive to me, endowed with a special character and suitable for use in both Russian and English/German (I don’t presume to judge other languages).

When choosing a name for a girl, it is important to remember that in Russian we decline names according to
cases, which means that an indeclinable name will be inconvenient.


With male names, everything is more complicated, because while many female names are, in general, international, then male names are much more often associated with one specific language, i.e. Karsten, popular in Germany, will sound very unusual in America, and American Ryan or Brian is unfamiliar general public outside in English. However, there are also international favorites: Kevin, Max, Dennis, Chris, etc.

See for yourself:


Of course, these are only the most popular names, and the rest is a matter of imagination of the future

A well-known proverb says: “Whatever you name a ship, that’s how it will sail.” The same thing happens in human life, since a name can not only endow a child with certain character traits, but also influence his fate. Modern parents pay attention to everything foreign, so they prefer to name their children in accordance with foreign trends.

How can a name affect one's destiny?

What to name a child is a question that worries parents from the first days of a mother’s pregnancy. It has been proven that a name directly affects a person’s destiny. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the translation and consonance with the surname and patronymic. Many modern parents like beautiful foreign women. If your daughter becomes Angelina, Sandra, Zemfira, Lilian or Teresa, she will always stand out in the crowd and will be able to make a career for herself as an actress or singer.

5 beautiful international names for girls

Sarah. This name is found in almost any nation, since when translated it means “lady”, “princess”, “noble”. What parent would not agree to prescribe a happy destiny and a prosperous future for his daughter?

Alina. When named like this, they give a new name “Alla”. Translated, it means, according to the first version - “noble”, according to the second - “other”.

Angelina. By naming your daughter this way, you will give her angelic character, since the word “angel” is based on it. Angelina Jolie, the most famous owner of this name, fully lives up to it.

Eve. The name of the first woman will have a positive effect on the fate of your daughter, if you want to call her that. Translated, Eve means “life giver.”

Rose. There are often beautiful foreign names for girls in the world - modern and outdated, which are somehow related to flowers. By naming your daughter Rose, you will convey to your daughter the fragility and confidence of this plant.

The most beautiful female foreign names for all letters of the alphabet

Sometimes mothers and fathers strive to name their child, taking into account the consonance with the surname and patronymic. A certain combination of sounds can affect not only the character, but also the fate of the child. The list contains beautiful names for girls (foreign) and their meaning for all letters of the alphabet.

A. Aelita (“airy”).

B. Bella (“beautiful”).

V. Vivien (“alive”).

G. Gloria (“glory”).

D. Dominica (“belonging to the Lord”).

E. Eve (“life”).

J. Jasmine (“gift of the gods”).

Z. Zemfira (“air”).

I. Irene (“peace”).

K. Kayla (“fair”).

L. Lilian (“lily”).

M. Melanie (“dark”).

N. Nicole (“victor of nations”).

O. Olivia (“olive”).

P. Penelope (“faithful wife”).

R. Regina (“queen”).

S. Sandra (“protector of people”).

T. Teresa (“protector”).

W. Ursula (“bear”).

F. Phillipina (“who loves horses”).

H. Chloe (“young escape”).

C. Cecilia (“blind”).

Ch. Chulpan (“morning star”).

S. Charlotte (“person”).

E. Emma (“precious”).

Yu. Justina (“fair”).

Ya. Yasmina (“jasmine”).

The most beautiful foreign names for girls (list with translation)

Britney. This is what Americans call their babies in honor of their favorite pop singer Britney Spears. Translated, the name means “little Britain.”

Kimberly. Girls named this way are called upon to win always and everywhere, since the name means “leader” when translated.

Jessica.“Stronger, higher, faster” is the motto of all the girls named after herself beautiful actress in the world. Jessica Alba has not only exceptional appearance, but also positive personal qualities such as sincerity, kindness, and reliability.

Pamela.“Sweet as honey” - this is the meaning behind this name. You can see this by looking at the magnificent actress and fashion model Pamela Anderson.

Tiffany. Not the most popular, but very beautiful female name, which means “manifestation of God.” After the release of the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's" in 1961 with Audrey Hepburn in leading role it has become widespread in Europe and America.

Charlotte. This name has been given to the greatest women in history; according to statistics, it ranks 10th on the list of “the most beautiful foreign names for American girls.”

Marilyn. After the popularity of the famous blonde blossomed in the world, girls began to be called this name very often. Marilyn Monroe was talented, but closed, so you should think a thousand times whether you should pass on these character traits to your daughter.

The most beautiful Russian ones for girls (list with translation)

Zhanna. The baby will be a real gift for parents, since the name means “mercy of God.” This is what fans of Zhanna Friske’s work might call their daughter.

Angelina. Translated from means “messenger,” but the obvious root “angel” will be reflected in the daughter’s character, which will truly be angelic.

Victoria. This is what girls are called in the West and in Russia. Translated, this royal name means “victory.”

Evelina. The name is believed to be a form of the name Eve. Based on the translation from Hebrew - “life force” - we can conclude that a girl named so will grow up active and healthy.

Snezhana. Let the root “snow” in this name not scare young parents: despite the translation - “snowy” - a girl named so will grow up active, but balanced.

Pauline. Translated, the name means “solar” and “sent to Apollo.” Usually girls named this way are distinguished by activity and determination from childhood.

Names for girls in the language of love

If you are expecting a daughter, imagine for a moment what kind of character and behavior you want to give her. When considering the most beautiful names for girls (foreign), pay attention to French, since the language itself is beautiful, melodious and romantic. You can name your daughter Aurora, Beatrice, Vivian, Gabriella, Julian, Jacqueline, Ines, Claudina, Lucinda, Melissa, Nicole, Odile, Penelope, Roberta, Suzanne, Florence, Chloe, Charlotte or Edith. By the way, according to sociological surveys, French names are considered the most beautiful and melodic.

Star pick

Gwyneth Paltrow and her husband knew that they were going to have a girl, so they made their choice right away. The parents are familiar with the biblical story, so they named the girl after the fatal fruit - Apple (English - “apple”).

Julia Roberts also gave her daughter the delicious name Hazel (English - “nut”).

Jessica Alba is the most charming actress and caring mother named her daughter Marie Aunor. By the way, the second part translated from English means “honor”.

The director decided to continue family tradition Call children names starting with the letter “R”. So, he named his four sons and daughters Rocket, Racer, Rabel and Rogue. As you can see, the choice Hollywood stars very original, and ordinary citizens rarely dare to follow their example. However, there are beautiful foreign names for girls and boys that are more popular.

Steven Spielberg's daughter is named Sasha, Jennifer Lopez's twins are Max and Emma; Lionel Richie called his favorite Sofia, John Travolta named Ella, Dustin Hoffman called Alexandra, Jeff Gordon called Ella Sofia. Zoya - Leni Kravitz, Natalya - Kobe Bryant. All these “Western” names are also popular in Russia, so many people wonder about their origin.

What can the time of year say?

The tendency to name a child according to the month in which he was born comes from ancient times. Beautiful foreign names for girls, chosen in honor of the season in which they were born, will allow you to fully reveal your character and influence your destiny.

“Julius” and “Julia” have similar etymological features to the second in the summer month- July. August (Augustine) and Augusta (Augustina) are less common names used to call children mainly in Russia. The revolution in 1917 brought about fundamental changes in people's lives. The fashion of naming children October and Oktyabrina appeared almost a hundred years ago and is connected precisely with this event. Noyabrina and Dekabrina are the names of girls born in these months.

Actress Jennifer Love Hewitt named her daughter Autumn - this is how “autumn” sounds in English. Choice star mom It’s no coincidence, because the baby was born on September 28th. Martha and April, beautiful for girls, are very common in Europe and America. Apparently the name Maya also comes from the month of spring.

A resident of Arkhangelsk distinguished himself with originality, who has difficulty changing his passport. Andrei Valentinovich Khristoforov changes his name 12 times a year and chooses a name in honor of the corresponding month, and a middle name in honor of the season. So, he was October Osenievich, December Zimnievich. The man admits that he would like to name himself after the day of the week and change his name every day, but the registry office employees would hardly make a concession to him.
