Summarized accounting of working time in 1s zup. Summarized working time recording

We continue to introduce our readers to the new features of the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8 program, edition 3.0. We wrote about recording the work of employees in various territories in the material“Accounting for territories in the program “1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8”*. In this article, he talks about the features of summarized working time tracking in the program.HELL. Radchenko , specialist of the company 1C-Corporate Management Systems LLC, which is a center of competence for ERP solutions of the 1C company (1C:ERP Center), which has the status of 1C:Network Competence Center, participant in the 1C:Consulting project.

Note: * An overview of version 3.0 of “1C: Salaries and HR Management 8” and other 1C programs can be found on the 1C: ITS website in the section “Technological support for application solutions” - “Information about updates to 1C: Enterprise software products”.

Standards of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on working hours

When conducting a continuous production process in an organization as a whole or when performing certain types of work, the weekly standard of working time established for employees - 40 hours per week (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) cannot always be observed. In such cases, shift schedules with summarized working hours are introduced.

The provisions of Article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allow, in the case of summarized accounting, to establish the standard of working hours not for a week, but for an accounting period, which can be a month, a quarter or other periods (but not more than a year). The total number of working hours for the accounting period must correspond to the standard time according to the production calendar.

When drawing up a schedule, it should also be taken into account that the duration of continuous weekly rest cannot be less than 42 hours (Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

To record the working time of employees of an organization engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, the duration of such a period is three months.

If, for seasonal and (or) technological reasons, the normal working hours of employees working in hazardous and (or) hazardous conditions labor is not observed within three months, it can be extended, but not more than up to one year. This needs to be formalized in an industry (inter-industry) agreement and collective agreement. Such changes have been made to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Federal law dated 06/08/2015 No. 152-FZ and are valid from July 1, 2015.

The use of schedules with summarized working hours does not guarantee the absence of overtime. If overtime occurs, the employee should be charged additional payment based on the calculation for the first two hours of no less than one and a half times, and for subsequent hours - no less than double (Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

At the request of the employee, overtime work, instead of increased pay, can be compensated by providing additional rest time (time off), but not less than the time worked overtime.

Features of “1C: Salaries and HR Management 8” (rev. 3.0) for summarized accounting

In the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8 program, edition 3.0, the sign of summarized working time recording can be indicated in the schedule employee's work.

For those working on a summarized working time schedule, overtime records are kept. It should also be noted that when entering a document Time sheet for employees working according to the schedule of summarized time recording, the number of hours for which will be saved average earnings, is determined from the time sheet, and not from the employee’s schedule.

Automatic calculation of average earnings for those working according to the summarized accounting schedule is carried out in the following documents:

  • Business trip;
  • Payment for days of care for children with disabilities;
  • Absence with payment retained;
  • Simple;
  • Dismissal;
  • Dismissal by list.

Let's look at examples of how the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8 program, edition 3.0, reflects the calculation of average earnings when an employee is sent on a business trip.

In addition, we will give examples of accounting for overtime, including during dismissal.

Automatic calculation of average earnings with summarized time tracking

Example 1

Employee Voitsekhovich Igor Borisovich works as a leading expert in the duty service sector. He has a quarterly schedule of summarized accounting.

From April 6 to April 10, 2015, the organization sends an employee on a business trip. It is necessary to calculate the average salary of an employee.

In the program "1C: Salaries and HR Management 8" ed. 3.0 payment for business trip days is calculated automatically based on the average hourly earnings in the Business Trip document (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Business trip with summarized accounting

The time taken into account can be analyzed in more detail in section 2 Time worked printed form Calculation of average daily earnings, which becomes available by clicking the button Seal in the document Business trip, after it has been carried out (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Time worked in calculating average earnings

Accounting for overtime for those working according to summarized accounting schedules

When recording working hours in total, overtime is taken into account by the document Registration of processing. The availability of the document to the user is determined by the salary calculation settings. You can enable the ability to pay for overtime during summarized accounting during the initial setup of the program on the second page of the section Hourly payment . This page becomes available if you indicate that the company uses an hourly wage system.

If initial setup was carried out earlier, it is necessary to include the possibility of payment for processing in the form Setting up the composition of charges and deductions, which can be opened through the menu Settings -> Payroll.

Document Registration of processing is entered in the last month of the accounting period, at the end of the month before salary calculation. For example, for the first quarter - in March, and for the second quarter or half of the year - in June. One employee can enter only one document per month. The accounting period can be arbitrarily set manually or automatically, taking into account the period specified in documents posted earlier. The document can be automatically filled out by all employees working according to summarized working time schedules.

When filling out the document, overtime hours are calculated as the difference between the norm for the accounting period and the actual time worked. The norm is determined by the production calendar minus absenteeism, the actual time worked is determined by the actual accruals for the time worked.

At the same time, since last month the accounting period when filling out the document has not yet been calculated, its preliminary calculation is performed.

By default, all overtime hours are filled in the column for their “time and a half” payment. Hours of double pay must be allocated independently in accordance with the methodology adopted at the enterprise. The document has the ability to edit both norms and actual hours. When editing is completed, the processed hours are recalculated.

After filling out and registering the document, the registered overtime hours will be paid when calculating wages for the last month of the accounting period. For this purpose, an accrual is provided .

If the program uses the ability to register time off, then instead of paying for overtime hours, you can register them for subsequent provision of additional rest time.

Example 2

Employee Voitsekhovich Igor Borisovich worked in the second quarter of 2015. It is necessary to calculate the number of overtime hours and the amount of additional payment to the employee.

Let's create a document Registration of processing. The accounting period is determined automatically based on a similar document entered for the first quarter. The number of overtime hours is calculated automatically when filling out a document or when selecting an employee. All processing hours are reflected in the “x1.5” column (Fig. 3). Manually indicate the number of overtime hours, paid double in the “x2” column, for example, 8 hours.

Rice. 3. Registration of processing

An accrual will appear in the salary calculation for June 2015 Additional payment for overtime when recording working hours together, calculated based on document data Registration of processing(Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Calculation of wages taking into account additional payments for overtime

Accounting for overtime upon dismissal

It is difficult to reconcile the date of dismissal with the end date of the accounting period. Therefore, upon dismissal, it may be necessary to pay the employee for overtime hours.

Calculation of processing in the document Dismissal performed similarly to the calculation in the document Registration of processing. The period for which overtime hours are calculated is determined automatically.

In the document Dismissal by list Data entry is carried out for each employee separately. Information about unpaid overtime is generated automatically. After completing the document, it becomes possible to print out an order for the dismissal of a group of employees in the T-8a form.

In conclusion, we note that the capabilities implemented in the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program (rev. 3.0) provide users with new tools in terms of summarized recording of working hours, as well as calculation of overtime.

Dear friends, hello!

Too often hotline our technical support requests are received that are directly related to the work of 1C, not as a service, but as a program well known to everyone. People are interested in how to do this or that production task. Our specialists eagerly try to help our clients, for which we are immensely grateful to them. Scloud copywriters also decided not to remain on the sidelines in resolving this issue and, whenever possible, write short notes dedicated to the most popular queries.

So, we came across the topic of working time tracking with its further reflection in 1C. Having understood the essence of the issue, it turned out that there is absolutely nothing complicated about it. However, we consider it useful to remind you in what case the summarized accounting of working time is used, how it differs from the usual 40-hour five-day work week, and in general we will especially touch upon important points related to this topic.

Essence of the question

The cumulative time tracking methodology is based on counting all hours worked by an employee within a specific period (for example, a week, month, quarter or whole year). If we are talking about a purely “office” life, with the accepted 8 hours of work a day from Monday to Friday inclusive, then everything is clear here - a person works exactly 40 hours a week, in view of this calculation wages, vacation pay, sick leave is not a big deal. In the case of summarized accounting of working time, the situation may vary from period to period.

For example, if we talk about drivers transport companies, couriers, security guards, working on a rotational basis, or operator workers working “two by two”, it turns out that the actual time worked during the period changes. Let's say that in March of this year, a private security company employee spent 190 hours at his post in a month, while in April he spent 144 hours. Based on this information, his monthly income is formed, which varies from month to month.

On the one hand, it will seem that this is nothing complicated for any accountant - just take it and calculate the average “cost” of one hour, multiplying it by the total amount, subtract 13% of personal income tax, pay the money to the funds and transfer the money to the person’s card. Everything would be fine, however, it often happens that within the same organization both people work simultaneously. office employees and those to whom it is necessary to apply summarized working time recording. In this case, our colleague simply has more work to do and it will take two or even three times more effort to calculate the advance or bonus.

How not to exceed the norm?

Almost any employer will be very supportive if you or your colleague takes the initiative and declares that he wants to work more, take on more responsibilities, and generally go out on a day off to deal with work issues. Unfortunately, some directors do not wait for noble impulses from their subordinates, but instead shift some of the additional, but unpaid, responsibilities onto them. In the case of an irregular schedule, this becomes very simple.

It is clear that when calculating the total working time, it should not turn out that the employee exceeded the production norm. This rule strictly regulated by Article 140 Labor Code RF. It also implies for which categories of workers an irregular schedule can be established and for how long. For example, for drivers of heavy vehicles traveling between cities and countries, it is equal to 1 month. For specialists involved in hazardous industries – 3 months. All other groups of workers who do not fall into these categories are provided with a period of no more than 1 year. This means that, theoretically, they can “overwork” one month, but for this they will be entitled to a longer rest in the next and vice versa.

Well, something like this. At this stage, we recommend that our colleagues, as well as all those who work outside the norm, monitor the hours worked in order to maintain a “work-life balance” (balance between work and rest).

Step-by-step instruction for working with 1C

Now let's see how and what needs to be done to record working hours in:

First of all, let's open home page 1C, click on section "Salaries and personnel", and then to the line "HR reports."

In the window that opens, we carefully examine the contents and find the line “Working time sheet (T-13).” This is a unified form and therefore there should be no further difficulties:

We are presented with a time sheet. Due to the fact that, as a rule, it is not “common” for all employees of the company, we need to sort the list by department. You can do this manually by specifying the required department in the appropriate line:

Having selected the desired division, you need to “configure” it. Click on the appropriate button and continue working in the window that opens, which will contain more detailed data about the employee:

1C allows you to create a report on a group of people and this is often required in daily work. Using the same buttons, we can print the finished report with the details of the department’s employees, as well as their immediate supervisor. Typically, this operation is performed if there is a need to issue an award.

As you know, in 1C the same actions can be performed in several ways - for whom, as convenient. So in our case, through “selections” you can set a filter on a specific employee:

Having completed the necessary operations, on your monitor you should see a ready-made time sheet, prepared for only one person:

It is the responsibility of every employer to keep track of an employee's working hours, and situations often arise where employees are unable to comply with daily or weekly working hours. In this case, organizations keep summarized records of working hours so that the duration of working hours for a certain accounting period does not exceed the standard working hours. “1C: Salary and HR Management 8” will help you set up this accounting.

Work schedule for shift work

Let's look at how shift accounting is implemented in 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8, ed. 3.1.5, in PROF and CORP versions.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of shift work and summarized accounting, since shift work is not always summarized accounting.

According to the law, shift work is work from two to four shifts, which is introduced when the duration of daily work is longer than permissible. Organizations use shifts to increase output of products or services, as well as to use equipment efficiently. It follows from this that if the shift does not exceed the standard time for the employee, then there is no need for summarized accounting.

In the PROF version there are no separate settings for accounting for shift work; for each shift we create a separate work schedule, in the settings of which we indicate the method of filling in cycles of arbitrary length, if necessary, check the “ Summarized working time recording" In the work schedule, we indicate the number of days of the cycle and fill in the employee’s working hours by day. The complexity of such accounting arises when forming the staffing table.

The question arises: what kind of work schedule should we indicate, since the schedule affects the payroll? You can specify the schedule of one of the shifts in the position of the staffing table and, when hiring or transferring personnel, specify the employee’s work schedule. The second option is to create several staffing positions with different charts or not specify a chart for the position at all.

In “1C: Salary and HR Management 8 KORP” edition 3.1.5 we have new payroll capabilities. In the program you can create operating modes that allow you to combine similar types of graphs, as well as staffing table for each position, indicate the operating mode, which takes into account shift schedules for a more accurate calculation of the employee’s payroll. To do this, in the settings " Payroll calculation" check the box " Use employee work modes", then in the section “ Settings» directory appears "Employee working hours" where we create operating modes for each group of shifts.

When creating a mode, we indicate the filling method as in work schedules: are they taken into account? holidays and whether cumulative accounting is used. Next, we need to indicate the work schedules that relate to this operating mode; you can select schedules from those previously created in the program or create new ones.

Now in the standard position we can indicate the operating mode, and the payroll will be calculated based on the average number of days or hours calculated from the data of the combined schedules. Average values ​​can be viewed in operating modes; the program calculates them automatically. When hiring or personnel transfer We also indicate the work schedule.

Job changes in 1C

The CORP also implements a job change mechanism. In settings " Payroll calculation"There is a separate checkbox for this" Use job shifts", which allows you to specify the filling method by shift and by link in the employee’s work mode "Employee job changes" create shifts and describe them. In the description we indicate the code and name of the shift, the start and end time of the shift, the type of time (attendance, night hours). In this case, for each type of time in a shift, the time is filled in separately and the type of time is indicated, the hours are calculated automatically by the program.

When we have created the shifts, it is necessary to fill out the schedule templates, where we indicate one shift rotation cycle, and we can create work schedules automatically. If, after these settings, you open the work schedule, then not only the number of hours, but also the employee’s shift is indicated by day. We can also indicate the shift in the document “ Report card».

For shift work in the CORP version, in addition to an individual schedule, it is possible to create an individual shift schedule, in which we can change employees not the time, but the shift, and the time is recalculated automatically.

The organization often uses “rotating shifts.” A rolling shift is a shift that begins on one calendar day and ends on another.


In the production process, situations arise when, for example, an employee worked a shift until eight in the morning, and then fell ill and took sick leave from that same day.

The question arises: what should he be paid for: working hours or sick leave, or the employee’s vacation ended on the day the shift started, should he go to work at midnight and finish his shift until the morning or skip the second part of the shift? And how to make it clear to the program that the employee did not work part of the shift, or to pay for working hours, and not sick leave, because sick leave has higher priority, and the program will not pay for eight hours on the first day of sick leave. And also how to pay for a shift if the start day of the shift fell on the last day of the month?

In the PROF version, in the first two cases it will be necessary to manually edit the time in the document “ Report card" Payment will occur for hours or days worked in the month of accrual, that is, payment for the second part of the shift will occur in the next month.

In the CORP version, it is possible, just like in the PROF, to divide work time into calendar days, but it is also possible to determine the number of shifts and make payments according to the shifts worked, while it is possible to record the entire shift time on the day the shift starts.

Let's take a closer look at this possibility. The default option is configured in the settings " Payroll calculation"if checkbox “Reflect part of the shift moving to the next day on the day the shift starts” is not set, shifts will be counted by calendar days. If the checkbox is checked, then all time will be taken into account on the day the shift starts. This setting can also be set for each shift in the work schedule or document "Report card." More flexible settings for shift time tracking allow you to automatically correctly calculate accruals for the organization's employees.

The functionality of the program for the summarized recording of working hours in “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8” in the PROF and CORP versions is the same. Setting up summarized accounting in the program affects the calculation of payment based on average earnings and registration of overtime for summarized accounting. So that the program has the ability to register recycling in the settings "Payroll calculation" needs to be opened “Setting up the composition of charges and deductions” on the tab "Hourly payment" check the box “Overtime with summarized recording of working hours”.

In the work schedules, we can check the box that this is a summarized accounting schedule, and also indicate from which the program will calculate the standard time for calculating the additional payment for overtime of an employee. The norm can be set based on the production calendar specified in the schedule, according to this schedule work or on a different schedule.

Accounting period for summarized accounting of working hours

Note: The accounting period for summarized accounting may not be a month, but, for example, a quarter or six months, but not more than one year, and for employees working in harmful or dangerous working conditions, a maximum of three months. To indicate for a work schedule what the accounting period is, we need to create for them additional props. Additional details are in the section "Settings - General settings". We create additional details for work schedules and give them a name, for example, “ Accounting period", on the tab "Values" indicate the necessary ones. Now in the chart we can set the required value of the accounting period.

Registration of processing is carried out by document "Registration of processing". This document is entered before salary calculation, the time standard is taken according to the work schedule setting, the document also takes into account absences registered in the program. The number of hours that we will pay at one and a half times the rate or double the rate is determined by the user independently. If an employee quits and needs to calculate overtime, you simply need to create a dismissal document in which the program will automatically calculate overtime as in a specialized document.

Materials , March 2018.

Vladimir Ilyukov

The standard calculation of payment for day and night hours when recording working hours together may in fact be incorrect. My client contacted me with a request to understand why the payment for night and day hours was incorrectly calculated. The configuration is typical.

There is an employee who is assigned “Payment according to salary (by the hour)” and a shift schedule for the summary recording of working hours, figure.

In accordance with this schedule, in February 2018, he worked 203 hours, of which 154 were daytime hours (appearances) and 49 night hours. When calculating wages, the accountant discovered a strange result, a drawing.

Despite the fact that the program sees the standard time (203 hours), only daytime hours (154) fall into the “Worked (paid)” cell. As a result, the program does not pay for all hours worked, but only for daytime hours. At the same time, the program does not pay for night hours (49) at all, but, as expected, it pays an additional 40% of the hourly rate for them.

The summary accounting schedule was set up correctly, there were no deviations, the standard accrual “Payment by salary (by the hour)” was used. However, the calculation result is incorrect. After carefully checking all the settings, it turned out that in terms of calculation types, the accrual “Payment by salary (by the hour)”, on the “Time Accounting” tab, the wrong value for the time type was set, figure.

By default, the “Type of time” attribute should contain the special value “ Work time" The user does not remember changing this setting, but does not deny that he could have pressed something somewhere. If the value is “Working time”, accruals are made for all types of time specified in the work schedule, figure.

The “Type of time” attribute can, of course, be assigned the value “Appearance”. But in this case (see previous figure) using the link " Additional views time (<Не выбрано>)” we need to add one more type of time - this is “Night hours”. IN in this case this will be equivalent to the value "Working hours". But this is not a very good option.

Let’s say that over time they decided to pay for evening time, and it was provided for in the corresponding work schedule. But, if you forgot to add it to the “Payment by salary (hourly)” accrual, then we will get an erroneous calculation, as with night hours. Or the opposite situation. The organization canceled night shifts, but evening shifts remained. They set up the schedules, but forgot to make the corresponding changes in the “Payment by salary (hourly)” calculation.


Incorrect payment for daytime and night hours in the case of summarized accounting, as well as incorrect calculations of other standard charges, are often due to the fact that the user, without being fully aware of the actions being taken, sets incorrect settings.

You can change the settings of standard charges, but only for those users who clearly understand the consequences of these changes. Otherwise, it is better to create a new, similar accrual, but with your own settings.

Hello, dear zup1c visitors. In the next article we will talk about how to 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0) the process is organized accounting for overtime in the summarized accounting of working hours. Let's consider what settings need to be provided in the program to be able to maintain such records, and also talk about the sequence of work in the program for correct accounting of total working time and overtime.

Necessary settings 1C ZUP 3

First, let's see what settings are provided in the program. In the salary accounting settings (Settings - Payroll calculation - Setting up the composition of accruals and deductions), check the box Overtime with summarized time tracking . In this case, it becomes possible to customize the work schedule, indicate the sign that it is summarized, and you will also have access to the document Registration of processing.

Let's look at the work schedule ( Settings – Employee work schedules). In setting up the work schedule, a group of switches appears related to the summarized working time. If this graph is summarized, then you need to check the appropriate box and select how the rate is determined when calculating processing: either according to the production calendar, or on schedule. By condition this example the rate will be calculated By production calendar.

According to the example, employee Sokolov works according to this schedule. When hired, this employee was assigned the following work schedule.

Registration of processing in 1C ZUP 3

In order to register the fact of processing, you must enter a document Registration of processing. This document should be entered before performing payroll calculations in the document, because it will determine the number of hours that are paid at one and a half or double rates.

Accounting period 1 month (norm not exceeded)

First, let's look at the registration of overtime for the case when the accounting period is one month.

Let's create new document Registration of processing. Let’s calculate employee Sokolov’s overtime for January 2018 and click on the button Fill. The document is filled out by employees who work on a summarized working time schedule. Employee Sokolov’s standard for January is 144 hours.

In this case, the norm is taken from the production calendar (Settings – Production calendars). According to the conditions of the example, the employee worked all the hours planned in the schedule - 192 hours, of which 48 hours are hours worked by the employee on holidays. These 48 hours will be additionally paid according to the type of payment Additional payments for working on a day off, therefore they fall out of the days worked, which must be paid when calculating overtime. This leaves the employee with only 144 hours. In this case, in January the planned time (norm) was not exceeded, and the processing will not be counted as January. You can verify this if you calculate the salary for January in the document Calculation of salaries and contributions.

The accounting period is 1 month (the norm is exceeded). Calculation of additional payment for processing.

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

Now let’s try to calculate the overtime for the same employee for February 2018. Let's create a document Registration of processing. The accounting period will be February. Let's fill out the document. In this case, the norm according to the production calendar was 151 hours.

You can make sure that the form is filled out correctly by opening printed form production calendar (Settings – Production calendars).

In February, the employee worked all of his scheduled hours – that’s 168 hours, of which 12 hours fell on holidays. They are left out of the calculation. 156 hours left. This is 5 hours above the norm, i.e. These are overtime hours that must be paid for somehow.

The legislation does not stipulate how overtime hours should be distributed between time and a half pay and double pay, so these cells must be filled out independently, depending on how overtime hours are distributed in your organization. According to the conditions of our example, the first 2 hours are paid at time and a half, and the rest at double rate. Let's review the document.

Let's calculate payroll for February. We will see that a line with the type of calculation has now appeared Additional payment for overtime when recording working hours together.

Let's take a closer look at how the calculation happened.

It is worth noting that this type of accrual appears only if the value of the indicators Processed by Summarized Accounting and Processed by Summarized Accounting Within 2 Hours is entered, i.e. it only appears if there is a document Registration of processing, in which the employee’s hours of increased pay are indicated. If the hours are not specified for the employee, as happened in January, then this type of accrual does not appear.

Next, the number of overtime hours is determined, which are paid double. Thus, from the total number of hours worked, we subtract the number of hours that were paid at one and a half times the rate. Then everything is multiplied by the cost per hour. The cost per hour is determined automatically.

If an employee works on a salary basis, then the cost per hour can be determined in several ways. The recalculation method is determined in the payroll settings. In other settings there is a group of switches where there are 3 different ways converting the monthly salary into the cost of an hour. In this case we use the option Standard time according to the employee’s schedule.

An employee's salary in February is 20,000 rubles/168 hours (standard days in February according to schedule) = 119,048 rubles. (cost per hour). Exactly the same calculation occurred in the program.

Let's calculate the additional payment (2*0.5+(5-2))*119.048=476.19 rubles.

2 is 2 hours, which are paid at one and a half times the rate

5 is the total number of hours worked

Accounting period 1st quarter

In the document Registration of processing Any accounting period can be selected, i.e. in this case, we could have a situation where the additional payment for overtime is not made based on the results of each month, but, for example, based on the results of the quarter.

If in the document Registration of processing select the period quarter (from January to March), then in this case the program will calculate the norm and hours worked for 3 months. Thus, in our example, it turns out that the employee worked only 6 hours over 3 months. We also have to determine how many hours we pay at time and a half and how many hours we pay at double rate.

Registration of overtime on account of time off

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

In ZUP 3.1(3.0), it is possible to keep records of overtime not against time and a half or double pay, but against time off. In order for such an opportunity to arise, it is necessary to Payroll settings – Setting up the composition of accruals and deductions on the tab Absence accounting checkbox must be checked Time off and if necessary, then, including intra-shift ones.

Let's see how the document changes Registration of processing after checking this box. Another column has appeared in which we can choose how exactly we will compensate for this processing: how increased pay, then the program will operate as described above; either for time off. If we choose the option of compensation for time off, then we do not need to enter the number of hours of additional pay at one and a half and double rates; these fields become unavailable for editing.

After completing the document Registration of processing, in the document Calculation of salaries and contributions no calculation of co-payments will occur. In this case, the program will accumulate hours of employee time off. This information can be viewed in the report Remaining vacations(Personnel – Personnel reports – Vacation balances). Information about accumulated time off is also detailed here. If we look at the report for employee Sokolov for April 2018, then we will see that this employee has 6 hours of unused time off.

If we provide an employee with time off, then the fact of providing time off for accumulated days or hours must be recorded in a document Time off(Personnel - Time off).

If we want to provide only 6 hours of time off, then we check the appropriate box and indicate that we provide exactly 6 hours.

Let's leave the first option. We carry out the document. Let's generate a report Remaining vacations. Unused PTO hours will be written off.

Calculation of overtime in the Dismissal document

It is also worth noting that the calculation of processing can also occur in the document Dismissal. Let's assume that employee Sokolov quit in March. Enter document Registration of processing before calculating dismissal will not be required, since for such employees in the document Dismissal The hours that must be paid additionally as overtime will automatically be calculated. In this case, additional fields will appear in the document in which you should determine how many hours are paid at double rate and how many at time and a half.

On the tab Accruals and deductions We will see that the additional payment for overtime is calculated for this employee.

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