Dark-haired actresses. Legendary brunettes of cinema

Hot brunette whoin Hollywood behind her back they call her the “Spanish charmer” or the “Madonna Madonna”, she broke not a single heart. In 2001, Cruz kidnapped her beloved Tom Cruise. After a long relationship with this handsome man, the actress had many affairs. With Matt Damon, Nicolas Cage and Spanish musician Nacho Cano. But her main victory is the most brutal man on the planet, Javier Bardem.

Monica Bellucci

(50 years)

An “interesting” age does not prevent Monica Bellucci from maintaining the title of the sexiest woman on the planet. The main muse of Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce is a true standard of femininity and beauty. Since childhood, the Italian beauty has caught the admiring glances of men, so she often runs home in tears. Realizing that her main trump card was her appearance, the beauty abandoned the idea of ​​becoming a lawyer. To our general satisfaction.

Madalina Genea

(26 years)

Stunningly beautiful Italian model of Romanian origin for a long time was the face of the Lascana brand, today she is one of the most popular models demonstrating underwear. She is suspected of numerous plastic surgery, but looking at such beauty, it becomes clear that the result was worth it.

(28 years)

The American model and actress, whose ancestry includes Irish, French and Native American roots, conquered Hollywood after her role in Transformers in 2007. The burning mixture of blood gave the actress an unusual, bright appearance, and with it fame.

(34 years)

Kim Kardashian can safely be called the most famous woman America, as eloquently evidenced by its 20 million Instagram followers. She managed to make her fall in love with herself. The style icon who breaks stereotypes loves to experiment with hair color, but always returns to her natural shade. Although fans love her anyway.

Santa Dimopoulos

(27 years)

Former lead singer of the Ukrainian female pop group " VIA Gra» Santa Dimopoulos is a beauty with Greek roots. Officially, the owner of luxurious black hair and a chiseled figure has had her heart free since 2013, but we think not for long.

(48 years old)

The actress is in amazing shape, as evidenced by latest movies with her participation. Dyslexia (selective reading impairment) did not prevent the sultry beauty from becoming the most successful Latina in Hollywood.

Aishvaria Rai

(40 years)

Aishwarya Rai is the true standard of oriental beauty and upbringing. Rare combination blue eyes And dark hair, an exemplary personal life and a discreet style - that’s why the world fell in love with her.

(29 years)

This British actress is ideal for the roles of historical figures, Russian beauties with difficult destinies. Kira successfully coped with the role of Lara Antipova in the mini-series “Doctor Zhivago” and played Anna Karenina.

Freida Pinto

(30 years)

Indian with Portuguese roots ex-girlfriend“slumdog millionaire” and one of the beauty ambassadors of the L"Oréal Paris brand.

(39 years)

Angie has repeatedly topped the ratings of the most beautiful and sexiest actresses in Hollywood. But even she is afraid of betrayal by Brad Pitt. Therefore, the couple entered into a marriage contract, which states that if Pitt cheats, he will lose custody of the children. We remind you that the couple has six of them.

Laetitia Casta

(36 years)

The French fashion model and actress is a lover of intriguing and liberated images. However, her personal life is the complete opposite. Letizia has never dated bad guys, her name is not tarnished by scandals. She is an exemplary wife and mother of three children.

(33 years)

Adriana Lima is one of the highest paid models in the world. Sexy and relaxed - a real embodiment of male fantasies. It is curious that before her wedding with Serbian basketball player Mark Jaric, the Victoria's Secret "angel" led the most chaste life. It is known that she kissed a man for the first time only at the age of 17.

Zoe Saldana

(36 years)

The fatal brunette Zoe Saldana is a real seductress. It took her only a month to receive a marriage proposal from the artist Marco Perego (35).

Kate Beckinsale

(41 years old)

Beauties like Kate Beckinsale do not grieve for long: literally a few months after breaking up with actor Michael Sheen, the British actress became engaged to director Len Wiseman, whom she married.

(32 years)

The heart is one of the brightest girls Russian stage still free. Eastern roots make themselves felt - this brunette is not so easy to win.

The most beautiful women in the world are brunettes? If you don’t believe me, then check out the statistics of the 2 main beauty contests - “Miss World” and “Miss Universe”: 90% of the winners are brunettes! Or let's remember the goddesses of the world screen Vivien Leigh, Ava Gardner, Liz Taylor, Sophia Loren - did they really have competitors in the fight for the title of the most beautiful women of the era? Psychologists say that brunettes are passionate, temperamental, sensual and uncompromising women, and that is why their sexual charisma is so strong.

American: Megan Fox

On May 16, Megan Fox celebrates her birthday, one of the most... sexy women modern Hollywood. Behind beautiful eyes She is forgiven for everything - both the lack of obvious acting talent and her love for beauty tuning. Skeptics and spiteful critics tend to believe that Megan owes her beauty not to nature, but to plastic surgeons. Well, in this case, it was a brilliant plastic surgery - scientists even analyzed the facial and body features of the most desirable woman on the planet special program, having found out with the help of mathematical manipulations that this is the ideal proportion! Almond-shaped cat eyes, sensual lips, accentuated cheekbones, luxurious arched eyebrows and long dark hair - the star of “Transformers” and advertising campaigns It was not in vain that I received Armani!

Italian: Monica Bellucci

Indian: Aishwarya Rai

The main beauty not only of India, but of the whole world, who received the crown of the Miss World contest in 1994, Aishwarya Rai has an appearance that is atypical for Bollywood actresses - olive skin, light eyes, and a slender figure. However, even when the actress gained 30 kg after giving birth, fans around the world continued to insist that she most beautiful woman on the planet. Today, the brunette beauty shines on the Cannes red carpet - according to tradition, the Indian beauty is the main decoration of the European film ceremony.

Spanish: Penelope Cruz

Sultry Spanish woman and femme fatale In Hollywood, Penelope Cruz mainly performs in her most typical role - a temperamental brunette. She so brilliantly managed to embody the image of the expressive Spanish woman Maria Elena in the film “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” that she received an Oscar for this role. IN real life Cruz has a calm disposition, and in matters of appearance she prefers not to experiment - dark skin, brown eyes and black hair have become her business card, and therefore it only emphasizes the natural flavor with the help of timeless classics.

Brazilian: Adriana Lima

The sexiest of Victoria's Secret "angels", Adriana Lima is considered a real predator - men literally fall at her feet. As befits true Brazilians, the beauty has amazing proportions - for all her slimness and graceful parameters, her shape is surprisingly feminine. Add here the dark ones hair and a languid look - you get a portrait of one of the most desirable women of our time.

British: Catherine Zeta-Jones

Once upon a time, one of the most influential actors in Hollywood, Michael Douglas, lost his head over this sultry brunette so much that he paid his then-wife a record compensation just to be with the woman of his dreams. Today they are happily married, raising children, and Douglas’s admiration is shared by men all over the world - after the films “The Mask of Zorro” and “Chicago,” Catherine Zeta-Jones has become one of the main sex symbols of the era.

Mexican: Salma Hayek

Once upon a time, the sultry Mexican woman played sexy beauties and girlfriends of the main character, and today she is an actress whose films compete for the Cannes Palme d'Or, as well as the wife of one of the most influential men in the world - millionaire, philanthropist and collector Francois-Henri Pinault. The burning beauty of the beautiful Salma does not fade over the years - the tabloids never cease to admire the fact that she only becomes more beautiful over the years.

Armenian: Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is a phenomenon of our time. Once upon a time, a reality star and a representative of one of the most odious clans in Hollywood was considered persona non grata at status events, but today she is the No. 1 star who appears on the covers of glossy magazines, in the front rows fashion shows and the most prestigious awards in the world. It was Kim who formed a new trend - the fashion for exaggerated feminine forms: today the fifth point is of immense size and thin waist considered the main canon female beauty. The shapes, which Kim emphasizes in every possible way with the help of shocking images, contrast with her amazingly beautiful and proportional face - dark hair, almond-shaped eyes, long eyelashes, beautiful oval face. All attempts to change her hair color turned out to be failures for Kim - she didn’t stay as a blonde for even a month, because her absolute organic hair is black.

Chinese woman: Fan Bingbing

If you don’t know who Fan Bingbing is, then you’ve missed a lot - this is the woman all of Asia considers the most beautiful woman in the world. The continent's most famous beauty is a beauty ambassador for L'Oreal and is one of the most talked about stars on the Cannes red carpet - the Chinese actress is compared to a porcelain figurine and her beauty is called unearthly.

Russian: Alsou

A Russian of Tatar origin, Alsou became famous throughout Russia at the tender age of 15 - her songs “ Winter dream" and "Sometimes" became the most popular hits of 1998. For many years she was considered one of the most sought-after singers in the country, and in 2000 she even represented Russia at Eurovision, eventually taking 2nd place. Despite the support of her father, the top manager of Lukoil, Alsou did not cause negativity among the general public - millions of fans sympathized with the elegant and positive brunette beauty. Thanks to her upbringing, restraint and manners, she is still considered a beauty who is liked by literally everyone - and this despite the fact that singing career has long faded into the background: today Alsou has completely devoted herself to her family and raising her daughters.

Do gentlemen prefer blondes? Maybe. But no one has yet canceled the languid, mysterious, burning beauty of brunettes! This is confirmed by the fame and popularity of these screen queens.

Do gentlemen prefer blondes? Maybe. But no one has yet canceled the languid, mysterious, burning beauty of brunettes!

This is confirmed by the fame and popularity of these screen queens.

Audrey Hepburn.
and the sophisticated Audrey Hepburn, who became after Breakfast at Tiffany's and
"Sabrina" a true style icon, marked the arrival of new
aesthetic values. If previously extremely feminine ones were held in high esteem
natures that relied mainly on their external beauty, then fragile Audrey
managed to rearrange the accents, making intellectuality and fashion fashionable
the wealth of the inner world.

Elizabeth Taylor.
In the opinion of many, this “Empress of Hollywood” is simply not beautiful
equals. And, perhaps, when you watch “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf” or
“Cat on a Hot Tin Roof”, it’s impossible not to agree with this.
Elizabeth was adored by men and adored them herself. Eight marriages
good proof of this.

Vivien Leigh.
The amazing actress played strong-willed but outwardly fragile women.
Her main characters are Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind and
Blanche DuBois from A Streetcar Named Desire. All her life she struggled with severe
illness and that is why the tragic roles of courageous women
she managed so poignantly.

Katharine Hepburn.
the strong-willed brunette is still considered by many feminists to be the main actress
century. Indeed, Hepburn's career was somewhat revolutionary. To her
for example, it was possible to prove that after forty years it is not at all necessary
lock yourself behind the doors of the mansion and hide your decline from everyone.
It was at this age that she starred in her best films and looked
It's more than wonderful there.

Gina Lolobrigida.
an enchantress from Italy became a symbol of female beauty at the turn of the 50s and
60s. Among her irrefutable trump cards were fatal beauty, boiling
sexuality and explosive temperament. Moreover, this temperament
there was so much Italian that upon completion acting career she
became involved in politics.

Sophia Loren.

the girl, who was called Zherdya, was able to make all her mother’s dreams come true,
never became an actress. Starting out as a runway model, this Italian
quickly conquered the world with its beauty and elegance. She is the first of
foreign actresses received an Oscar for the leading female role, and even
played in Italian.

Jacqueline Kennedy.
the aristocrat became the youngest "first lady" of the youngest
US President. And the most popular woman in America. Coming out after
the tragic death of President Kennedy married to a pirate from business and
Gentile Aristotle Onassis, she challenged all of America. And in this and
was her main advantage - next to famous husbands, she always
shone with her own charisma and was very self-sufficient and bright

Penelope Cruz.
At the beginning
Penelope was only a star of European cinema, but such women know
price in Hollywood, and some time after the continental
success, the name of Penelope Cruz was known to any inhabitant of the Earth who
I care about everything beautiful. Unusual facial features, gorgeous hair and
Mediterranean passion made this actress one of the most popular
in the world.



Attractive brunettes have always captivated us with their beauty and mystery. In films, as a rule, brunettes play the roles of strong and self-confident intellectuals or dangerous spies with ideal fighting skills. In any case, if earlier cinema gave preference to blondes, now brunettes are no less in demand and popular. This fact is easily proven by Angelina Jolie, Monica Bellucci, Rooney Mara and other dark-haired Hollywood actresses.

Still, it is worth noting that famous blondes are less likely to be willing to experiment with hair color, which cannot be said about brunettes. Almost all the actresses on our list changed their hair shades, but they were still most remembered by the audience as sizzling brunettes.

Australian actress Hedy Lamarr has become one of the most beautiful brunettes Hollywood in the 30s - 40s. Lamarr became the star of the films "Her Highness and the Messenger", "Lady from the Tropics", "Algiers" and many others. Hedy also became famous in Hollywood thanks to her numerous novels; the actress was married 6 times. Lamarr proved herself not only as an actress, but also as an inventor; she made significant achievements in military science.

Another beauty of old Hollywood is Ava Gardner. The actress was incredibly popular in the 40s and 50s. The luxurious brunette was married to famous singer Frank Sinatra, unfortunately this bright couple fell apart.

The sultry Italian Gina Lollobrigida was remembered by viewers for her role as the obstinate Esmeralda in the film “Notre Dame de Paris.” Lollobrigida also starred in famous films“Fanfan-Tulip”, “Straw Woman”, “Never Was So Little” and many others.

Elizabeth Taylor is one of the most famous actresses world cinema. The dark-haired beauty is also called the "Queen of Hollywood." She is the first actress to receive a million dollar fee for her role. Achievements Hollywood beauty can be listed endlessly.

American actress Demi Moore became popular in the late 80s and early 90s. In the famous film "Ghost" Demi played a fragile girl with short hair, and in the no less popular film “Striptease” she transformed into a strong, long-haired seductress. For this role she received a fee of $12,500! Demi is one of those actresses who rarely experiments with her appearance; her straight black hair inspires many to go brunette.

Many people associate the name Monica Bellucci with beauty, sensuality and sexuality. Italian actress achieved success not only in the world of cinema, but also in modeling business. And most recently she also played a Bond girl. So, the actress proves by her example that you can be an irresistible woman at any age.

Catherine Zeta Jones was first remembered by audiences for her role as the brave beauty Elena in the Zorro films. Then there were equally striking roles in the musical “Chicago” and the romantic comedy “Intolerable Cruelty.” Dark long hair and magnetic gaze allowed her to become one of the most beautiful actresses Hollywood.

Mexican actress Salma Hayek is another gorgeous brunette of cinema. It’s unlikely that anyone will forget Hayek’s seductive dance in the film “From Dusk Till Dawn.” The actress was also famous for her roles in the films Desperado, Frida and Bandits.

Angelina Jolie has experimented with her appearance more than once. The actress was not only a blonde, but also a brunette, although more often we see her as a brown-haired woman. However, the actress received her first Oscar statuette in the image of a gothic brunette.

Liv Tyler is the most famous elf in Hollywood. The bright contrast of dark hair, snow-white skin and blue eyes does not allow one to tear oneself away from the actress’s beauty.

Megan Fox most often gets roles of sexy and dangerous beauties. The actress is known for her roles in the films "Transformers" and "Jennifer's Body." Many also attribute Megan's resemblance to one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood, Angelina Jolie.

Rooney Mara became world famous after her role in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. After the film, the actress decided to stick to the gothic image of a brunette with porcelain skin. Perhaps it is this spectacular image that makes every appearance of Rooney Mara on the red carpet an event.

Chinese actress Fan Bingbing is famous not only in her homeland, but also in Hollywood. The dark-haired beauty is flawless both in the movies and on the red carpet. The actress is also the face of L'Oréal.

Beauty always remains a relative concept, but at all times, even among the chaos of all preferences and fashion trends, there are canons perfect beauty, which will be relevant in any era. The following famous brunettes were lucky enough to be born with similar external characteristics.

Adriana Lima

World famous supermodel of Brazilian origin. Adriana's popularity was brought by long-term contracts with the world's leading brands: Victoria's Secret, Maybelline and others. The model has many times become the most beautiful woman according to many portals, publications and ratings.

Aishvaria Rai

Many people associate India with the unforgettable face of former Miss World Aishwarya Rai. With rare looks and talent, this actress manages to remain at the top even in her early forties. Aishwarya continues to act in films, collaborate with fashion brands, she is happily married and has a little daughter.

Angelina Jolie

Oscar-winning actress, director, model, mother of many children, UN Peace Ambassador, fashion model and much more. We can talk about Angelina for hours. Her beauty became exemplary for the 2000s of the new millennium, and Mrs. Jolie-Pitt herself was included in the list of the most significant sex symbols of the decades, ranking alongside Marilyn Monroe.

Jessica Alba

A young actress and successful entrepreneur, whose cosmetics brand has recently become a billion-dollar enterprise. Nowadays Alba doesn’t act much, but each of her roles remains visible. Her movie characters are full of sex appeal and beauty, while the actress herself looks more reserved in real life, but this does not prevent her from regularly getting into the top of the most desirable women in the world.

Deepika Padukone

Classic Indian beauty, actress, model, adored in her homeland and far beyond its borders. Soon, Deepika will appear in Hollywood projects; her conquest of Hollywood will begin with the continuation of the action movie “xXx: World Domination” with the participation of Vin Diesel.

Zoe Saldana

One of the most successful and popular black actresses of our time. Her multifaceted beauty has found various embodiments in many film genres from science fiction to action. On this moment Zoe is actively filming, the premieres with her participation will take place in the near future: “Star Trek: Beyond” and “Guardians of the Galaxy 2”.

Irina Shayk

A famous model and aspiring actress of Russian origin, who gained popularity as the girlfriend of the leading football player of Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo. This acquaintance brought Irina to new level in her career, but the girl was able to gain a foothold at the top thanks to her own efforts and memorable bright beauty.

Katerina Graham

Katerina gained fame during her participation in the popular TV series “The Vampire Diaries.” So far, this actress does not have many prominent roles to her name, but the girl has already managed to make herself known, and not last help Katerina is helped by her enviable appearance in this regard.

Marion Cotillard

About women like Marion it is customary to say la femme fatale. There really is something fatal and attractive about this French woman. She has genuine charm and beauty, which only contributes to her acting career.

Megan Fox

This actress cannot exactly be called overly talented, but perhaps she best roles they are just waiting in the wings, but any shortcomings in her acting are easily forgiven precisely because of her bright, burning beauty. The girl rarely acts in films, but her name constantly finds itself in all sorts of tops.

Mila Kunis

Hollywood actress and fashion model of Ukrainian origin. Mila cannot be called the owner of Slavic appearance, more like a girl she looks like Aishwarya Rai and Angelina Jolie rolled into one, but at the same time her beauty is recognizable and special.

Monica Bellucci

This is the perfect example when beautiful woman ages gracefully, without torturing herself with injections, operations, painful procedures, remaining elegant and mysteriously beautiful. Monica suits any age.

Natalie Portman

Having made her way into men's hearts as an uncouth teenager, Natalie remains in them to this day. She captivated in many ways, but also in everyday life with her style and elegance, mystery in big brown eyes force you to pay attention to her. The beauty of the actress is not in brightness, she is calm, there is tenderness in her.

Indian actress and model who Lately is confidently taking Hollywood by storm. Many of her fans are looking forward to the imminent release of films with her participation, especially “Baywatch,” where Priyanka showed off not only a beautiful face, but also an ideal figure.

Selena Gomez

Young American singer and actress. Everything about Selena is beautiful, but the main features of her appearance are her magnetic eyes and very thick, luxurious hair. These and other criteria regularly ensure that a girl appears in various beauty tops.

Zhang Ziyi

A world-famous Chinese actress and model, once Miss World, who once began to take the West by storm without even knowing English. Zhang has repeatedly been included in the lists of the most beautiful people planets, her roles are multifaceted and memorable.
