What is the difference between sushi and rolls (photo). How are sushi different from rolls? Specific differences between sushi and rolls

What is the difference between sushi and rolls? Eastern culture has gained enormous popularity today. Japanese cuisine has become especially firmly entrenched in our lives. Thousands of different bars and cafes offer Japanese dishes, and sushi and rolls have become the most popular food among people around the world. Until recently, in the post-Soviet space, only wealthy people could afford this dish. Today, almost anyone can purchase sushi sets or even prepare them at home. A dish made from the simplest ingredients, originally a food for the poor in Japan, today it is one of the most ordered dishes in the world and is offered on the menu of both expensive restaurants and fast food establishments. Therefore, the question of how sushi differs from rolls is more relevant today than ever. Let's try to answer it. Sushi, or as it is commonly called in the East, sushi, is a traditional dish of Japanese cuisine. The most affordable food in the Land of the Rising Sun has always been fish, of which there is plenty in the ocean, and rice, which has been the main agricultural crop of Japan for centuries. It is these two products that make up the basis of sushi. Rolls are one of the types of sushi, of which there are a great variety. Moreover, this type of sushi has received the widest distribution and recognition of consumers. Shape There are a huge number of types of sushi that differ not only in composition, but also in shape. However, classic sushi is an oblong oval rice cake, on which a piece of fish is placed and the whole thing is tied with a thin strip of nori seaweed. The name “rolls” comes from the English language and means “to roll.” Rice and some filling are rolled into a nori shell. These rolls are called nori-maki. If the seaweed is inside, and rice is on top, sprinkled with flying fish caviar or sesame seeds, then such rolls are uro-maki. Composition The main ingredients of sushi and rolls are special rice with a high level of gluten, sugar, salt, rice vinegar, soy sauce and seafood. These dishes are served with wasabi mustard sauce and pieces of pickled ginger. To make sushi, salmon or tuna, smoked eel, shrimp and octopus are used. To prepare the rolls, you need to have compressed nori seaweed in which the filling is wrapped. The filling can be absolutely anything: vegetables, fruits, cheese, meat and, of course, seafood. In addition, there is a variety of hot rolls. Manufacturing principle To make sushi from rice boiled using a special technology, flat cakes are made with wet hands, on which the fish is placed. Making rolls requires some skill. Rice and some filling are placed on a sheet of nori and wrapped using a bamboo mat called makisu. The resulting “sausage” is cut into 6-12 pieces one centimeter thick. The ingredients on the seaweed sheet should be evenly distributed. The main differences between sushi and rolls Rolls are rolls wrapped in seaweed (or seaweed inside the roll), and sushi are pieces of rice with fish. Rolls can contain any fillings; sushi is made only with seafood. Rolls can be served hot, but sushi cannot. Sushi is made by hand, rolls are made using a bamboo mat.

In Russia there are a whole lot of different restaurants, bars or simply online deliveries of sushi and rolls. I love Japanese cuisine. Although, I remember when I tried it for the first time, I didn’t like it at all. Even then I thought that we were eating sushi, but it turned out that we were eating rolls.

What is the difference between rolls and sushi

What most people in Russia call sushi, as it turns out, is not. These are rolls. Rolls are considered to be one of the types of sushi. They most often have the shape of a circle (although Russian craftsmen make them both triangular and square for originality). And the main difference between rolls and sushi is that noria sheets are used to prepare the former. Noria leaf is compressed seaweed. Well, sushi or, as the Japanese call them, sushi is a rice cake covered with fish on top.

How they eat sushi and rolls in Japan

  • Japanese cuisine in the format it exists in Russia actually came from the USA. It was there that such types of rolls as “California” or “Red Dragon” appeared.
  • Sushi is correctly called sushi, and rolls are called maki.
  • When dipping sushi in soy sauce, do so on the side of the fish. If you dip rice in soy sauce, the Japanese will perceive it as bad taste.
  • In Japan, fresh fish is used to make sushi.
  • Only rolls are eaten with chopsticks, but sushi should be eaten with your hands.
  • The chopsticks used to eat the rolls are called “hashi”.

It’s also interesting how the Japanese eat miso soup. We are used to eating it like regular soup, with a spoon. In fact, miso soup should never be eaten with a spoon. Be prepared for the fact that in Japan they won’t even bring it to you. But they will bring you a small plate of rice, which you will need to eat and wash down with miso soup broth.

These are the differences between real Japanese and Japanese Russian cuisine. Even knowing that we eat sushi and rolls incorrectly, it is difficult to retrain ourselves. And why, if it’s so delicious?

Japanese cuisine is popular all over the world, so there are sushi bars in all cities of the country. However, many still do not know the difference between sushi and rolls, and have not learned how to use and serve them correctly.

What kind of dishes are these

Sushi (sushi) is a traditional Japanese dish made from rice and any seafood. This dish from the Rising Sun cuisine has many varieties and is loved in many countries around the world.

Most often, sushi is an oblong-shaped rice cake decorated with a strip of fish on top.

Photo: sushi

Rolls are a type of sushi that is based on nori, rice and filling. The peculiarity of preparing rolls is rolling them into a tight roll using a bamboo mat.

The food is cut into even discs and served with spicy soy sauce, wasabi seasoning and ginger leaves. Sweet rolls served with vanilla sauce.

Photo: rolls

Sashimi is a Japanese dish made from raw fish and seafood.

It is cut into small even pieces and served with soy sauce, daikon, wasabi and shiso leaves.

Photo: sashimi

What is the difference between sushi, rolls and sashimi

Sushi, rolls and sashimi are incredibly tasty dishes of Japanese cuisine, slightly different from each other in form, in the preparation process, in composition and presentation, as well as in calorie content.

What is the difference between sushi and rolls and sashimi:

  • Sushi is a rice cake with raw fish. Rolls are a roll wrapped in seaweed with filling. Sashimi is an ordinary thinly sliced ​​raw fish fillet;
  • Only seafood is added to sushi, anything you like is added to rolls;
  • rolls are served both hot and cold. Sushi is exclusively cold;
  • sushi is made by hand, rolls are made using a bamboo mat;
  • sushi is prepared individually, rolls are cut from the prepared roll;
  • Sushi contains more seafood and fish, and rice rolls.


There are many types of sushi, differing in shape.

Standard sushi is an elongated rice cake, topped with a piece of fish, and kept in shape by seaweed. In Japan I call them "nori".

Rolls are small cylindrical pieces with filling, wrapped in seaweed. There must be filling in the middle.

Sashimi is thin, oblong pieces of seafood.


Sticky rice, sugar, rice vinegar, soy sauce and seafood are added to both sushi and rolls.

The only difference is that the sushi contains exclusively seafood: tuna, eel, octopus, shrimp. The filling for rolls can be: cheese, meat, vegetables, boiled eggs, even fruits.

Manufacturing principle

Rice for making rolls and sushi is steamed using a special technology, following the exact proportions.

To prepare sushi, use sticky rice and form it into flat cakes with wet hands. Decorate the top with fish or seafood.

Making rolls requires experience and skill. The required amount of rice and filling is placed on the nori and rolled into a roll using a bamboo mat called makisu.

Sashimi is prepared from fillet meat of any fish and seafood. Cut raw meat into small pieces.


For the Japanese, eating sushi, rolls and sashimi is a whole ceremony.

You should not use bright tablecloths for table setting. Napkins are matched to match the tablecloth. The table should be clean and spacious!

Photo: the table should be clean and spacious

To serve sushi, wooden trays and special ceramic square dishes are used: one or several large dishes, individual plates for guests, small bowls for sauce and a stand for chopsticks.

Soy sauce, pickled ginger and spicy wasabi sauce are ideal for sushi.

Photo: small sauce bowls

The rolls are served in a square or rectangular ceramic plate with pickled ginger and wasabi sauce, which serves to add spiciness to the rolls.

Sashimi is served on the table in a ceramic plate. There must be an odd number of them! In addition, you can add whatever is in the refrigerator: lettuce, cucumber, lemon, tomato.

The main thing in serving sushi, rolls and sashimi is to create color harmony on the plate and carefully execute the presentation, using all your imagination.

Calorie content

Sushi and rolls are healthy foods, rich in iron, iodine and vitamins. Seafood and rice are well and quickly digested and digested in the stomach.

The average calorie content of sushi per 100 grams does not exceed 70, thanks to seafood. The most unhealthy sushi is Philadelphia.

The average calorie content of a roll cannot be determined. This is due to the variety of fillings. It can range from 60 to 400 cal. The most harmful rolls for your figure are eel rolls.

Sashimi has the lowest calorie content, since it contains only fish or seafood fillets.


Sushi and rolls are spicy dishes, so drinks need to be selected carefully.

Green tea is an excellent drink for rolls and sushi. It will perfectly cool, refresh and interrupt the taste of previous dishes. In Japan, not a single meal is complete without this wonderful drink.

Photo: green tea is an excellent drink for rolls and sushi

As for strong drinks, the choice should be sake. Japanese vodka heated to a certain temperature will warm you well and should be consumed at the very beginning of the meal in a minimal amount.

Photo: sake - Japanese vodka

Beer is another type of alcoholic beverage that is consumed along with sushi and rolls at friendly meetings.

Is it possible to drink wine with oriental delicacies? Japan has wonderful varieties of plum wines that go perfectly with sushi and rolls.

It is extremely difficult to purchase real Japanese plum wine here, so an alternative would be white vintage wine. It will be a great addition to an oriental dinner or lunch.

Photo: beer

Is there a difference in price

There is a price difference between sushi and rolls. In the price list of any restaurant or bar, the price is indicated for one piece of sushi and for a serving of rolls, consisting of 6 or 8 pieces. To summarize, sushi will cost more than rolls.

How to eat properly

Photo: these dishes need to be eaten with special chopsticks

The Japanese respect and honor the traditions of their people. For them, breakfast, lunch and dinner are not just a way to satisfy hunger, but a real ceremony of eating.

Eating sushi and rolls must adhere to special rules:

  • the Japanese dish must be eaten with special chopsticks;
  • Take from a common plate with the reverse flat rectangular side of the chopsticks;
  • sushi is eaten with sauce. You need to dip the fish side into it;
  • rolls are dipped edgewise into the sauce;
  • eat the whole treat;
  • ginger is eaten to reduce the taste of rolls or sushi;

Sashimi is consumed like this: pour the sauce into a plate and mix with a small amount of wasabi. Then they take the sashimi with chopsticks and dip it into the liquid and put it into the mouth.

Under no circumstances should you eat sushi and rolls with your hands in a decent establishment. If you are at home, then this is permissible.

In Japan, only men are allowed to eat treats with their hands. A woman must know how to use chopsticks!

To sum it up, sushi is really a little different from rolls and sashimi. When going to a restaurant or sushi bar, everyone needs to know these differences in order to make the right choice when ordering and fully enjoy the delicacies of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Video: Sushi and rolls - recipe Eat TV
