Conducting aerial reconnaissance during Operation Desert Storm. Aerial reconnaissance Air reconnaissance day

Aerial reconnaissance arose almost immediately after the advent of airplanes. Information received from the cockpit influenced not only the results of individual battles, but also the course of history.

Secret mission "Heinkel-111"

After the defeat of the Third Reich and the seizure of numerous archives (including the Luftwaffe) by the Soviet military, it turned out that since 1939, specially trained Heinkel-111 medium bombers had flown at an altitude of thirteen kilometers all the way to Moscow. For this purpose, the cockpits were sealed, and cameras were placed in the bottom of the aircraft. In particular, photographs of some areas of Krivoy Rog, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk and Moscow, dated August 1939, were discovered. However, it was not only the Germans who photographed objects in the USSR. In March - April 1940, a twin-engine Lockheed-12A aircraft flew over Baku at an altitude of eight thousand meters and photographed oil fields.

Air reconnaissance war

On June 13, 1949, US Air Force Major General Cabell ordered Lieutenant Colonel Towler, head of American air reconnaissance, to begin an “aggressive reconnaissance program.” As a result, over the next 11 years, the Americans made about ten thousand reconnaissance flights, mainly along the borders of the USSR. For this purpose, a Consolidated PB4Y-2 Privateer monoplane was used. He was opposed by the Soviet Il-28R, at that time the best aerial reconnaissance aircraft in the world.

In the years cold war The fate of many reconnaissance pilots, both American and Soviet, turned out to be tragic. Thus, the authoritative American publication United States News and World Report reported that until 1970, “252 American pilots were shot down during spy air operations, of which 24 died, 90 survived, and the fate of 138 aviators has not yet been clarified "

As for Soviet air reconnaissance aircraft, many tragic incidents are still unknown. An incident that occurred in the neutral waters of the Sea of ​​Japan on September 4, 1950, when the plane of Lieutenant Gennady Mishin was shot down, received publicity.

Interrupted flight

During World War II and for the next several decades, it was believed that aerial reconnaissance aircraft owed their invulnerability to altitude. So, until May 1, 1960, Americans flew with impunity over the territory of the USSR on a Lockheed U-2 aircraft, until the crew of Mikhail Voronov’s S-75 air defense system shot down Gary Powers’ aircraft 56-6693.

To assess potential damage national security The damage to the USSR by such a flight, suffice it to say that the intelligence officer photographed, in particular, ICBMs at the Tyuratam cosmodrome and the Mayak plant for the production of weapons-grade plutonium. After the aborted flight, the photographs did not reach the Pentagon, and Powers went to jail. However, he was still lucky, because a year later he returned to his homeland - Powers was exchanged for Rudolf Abel.

Higher and faster

Following the Lockheed U-2 aircraft, “high-altitude” reconnaissance aircraft appeared, flying at high speeds. In 1966, the Americans commissioned the SR-71 aircraft, which could even fly in the stratosphere at a speed of 3M. However, it did not invade deeply into the territory of the USSR, except that it flew close to the border. But it was successfully used to photograph objects in China.

Using the material obtained through such aerial reconnaissance was not so easy. For example, the SR-71 photographic equipment photographs 680,000 square meters in one hour of flight. km. Even a significant team of analysts cannot cope with such a number of images, especially in combat conditions, when information must be provided to the military in a matter of hours. Ultimately, the main support for headquarters remained visual information, as it was during Operation Desert Storm.

All hope lies in drones

The successes of radar, in particular promising over-the-horizon systems operating on the principle of “wave reflection from the ionosphere,” have sharply reduced the capabilities of reconnaissance aircraft. That is why they were replaced by “drones” - unmanned aerial vehicles. It is believed that the Americans were the pioneers in this field, but the USSR does not recognize this. The promising Tu-143 drone, part of the VR-3 “Flight” aerial reconnaissance system, made its first flight back in December 1970.

However, after 1991 many Soviet projects were curtailed, while the United States, on the contrary, continued to work on creating the latest models unmanned aerial reconnaissance. Currently, the Americans have installed on the wing the MQ-1 Predator UAV with a flight altitude of 8 thousand meters and the MQ-9 Reaper strategic reconnaissance UAV, capable of patrolling at an altitude of thirteen kilometers.

However, these systems cannot be called invulnerable. For example, in Crimea, in the Perekop region, on March 13, 2014, using the complex electronic warfare 1L222 "Avtobaza" was intercepted by a modern MQ-5V UAV.

Air reconnaissance aircraft against aircraft carrier

The arsenal of modern Russian reconnaissance aircraft includes means to overcome the most developed countries. Thus, twice already - first on October 17, 2000, and then on November 9, 2000 - Su-27 and Su-24 aircraft conducted air maneuvers over the American aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk, while the ship’s crew was not ready to respond. The panic that erupted on the deck of the Kitty Hawk was photographed and the images were sent by email to American Rear Admiral Stephen Pietropaoli.

A similar incident occurred in 2016: on April 12, a Russian SU-24 aircraft flew several times around the destroyer Donald Cook with the Aegis missile defense system at an altitude of only 150 meters.

Aerial reconnaissance

Aerial reconnaissance

view military intelligence. Conducted over sea and land by reconnaissance aircraft, all crews performing combat missions, as well as unmanned aircraft. The main methods of conducting aerial reconnaissance are: visual observation, aerial photo reconnaissance and reconnaissance using radio-electronic means.

EdwART. Explanatory Naval Dictionary, 2010

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    aerial reconnaissance- - Topics oil and gas industry EN airborne prospecting ...

    Aerial reconnaissance- type of military intelligence. Conducted by reconnaissance aviation units, reconnaissance units of aviation formations, all crews performing combat missions, as well as unmanned aircraft to obtain data about the enemy, terrain and others... ... Glossary of military terms

    Aerial reconnaissance- one of the main types of military reconnaissance. Underway special units reconnaissance aviation, reconnaissance units of aviation formations, as well as all crews performing combat missions. The main methods of V. r. are... Brief dictionary operational-tactical and general military terms

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    INTELLIGENCE, and, women. 1. Examination of what n. for a special purpose. R. mineral deposits. R. for oil. R. fish from a helicopter. 2. Actions carried out by military groups, units, patrols to obtain information about the enemy... Dictionary Ozhegova

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  • All reconnaissance aircraft of the USSR. “Eyes” of the Army and Navy, N.V. Yakubovich. The first “military profession” of the newborn aviation was aerial reconnaissance. The first mass-produced airplane of the USSR was the reconnaissance aircraft R-1. First combat aircraft, developed under the leadership of A.N....
  • All reconnaissance aircraft of the USSR Eyes of the Army and Navy, Yakubovich N.. The first “military profession” of the newborn aviation was aerial reconnaissance. The first mass-produced airplane of the USSR was the reconnaissance aircraft R-1. The first combat aircraft developed under the leadership of A.N....

Aerial photograph, 1889.

Aviation photography from a French aircraft, 1916.

Aerial reconnaissance(aviation reconnaissance, aerial reconnaissance) - one of the types of military reconnaissance conducted from the air, from (using) aircraft.


Tactical air reconnaissance is conducted in the interests of the command of formations and units of branches of the armed forces and branches of the armed forces in order to provide them with intelligence data necessary for organizing and conducting combat. The main efforts of tactical air reconnaissance are concentrated on objects located on the battlefield and in tactical depth.

The main methods of conducting aerial reconnaissance are:

  • visual observation,
  • aerial photography and
  • reconnaissance using electronic means.

The choice of method for conducting aerial reconnaissance depends on the task being performed, the type of aircraft and its reconnaissance equipment, enemy counteraction, time of day and meteorological conditions.

Visual observation carried out with the naked eye or with the help of optical instruments. It allows you to quickly survey large areas, obtain general data about the enemy group and actions, about objects, study the terrain and weather, immediately summarize and transmit the obtained intelligence data from the aircraft to the command.

Aerial photo reconnaissance carried out using day and night aerial cameras (planning, perspective, panoramic). It provides the most complete, reliable and accurate data about enemy troops, objects and terrain.

Aerial reconnaissance using electronic means is divided into

  • radio-,
  • radio engineering,
  • radar,
  • television

For radio intelligence Aircraft radio receivers are used to reveal the content of enemy radio transmissions, determine the composition and location of his forces, and obtain data about their activities and intentions.

At electronic intelligence receiver and direction finding devices are used to determine the main technical specifications operation of enemy radar and radio control systems, as well as their location. It can be carried out in any meteorological conditions day and night.

Radar reconnaissance is carried out using aircraft radars, which make it possible to detect radar-contrasting objects, obtain photographs of radar images of objects and terrain, and reveal enemy radar camouflage measures.

Television intelligence carried out using television systems that include an aircraft transmitting and ground receiving station, which make it possible to monitor the objects and actions of enemy troops and friendly troops. Many countries are also implementing

The main goal of the Sha is to inflict maximum damage on target enemy targets and groups that pose the greatest danger to our troops. The main purpose of the Sha is the destruction of small-sized and mobile ground objects on the battlefield and in tactical depth. The objects of its operations may be located in the closest operational depth, up to 300 km from the front line.

The main targets for attack aircraft will be armored targets on the front line (tanks, artillery installations, armored vehicles), motorized infantry, control posts, rocket launchers, anti-aircraft weapons, communication facilities, ground elements of precision weapon systems.

Carrying out its tasks, the SHA operates from low and extremely low altitudes.

    destruction of weapons of mass destruction;

    destruction of enemy reserves;

    destruction of command and control facilities

    facilitating the landing of their troops

    obstructing enemy maneuvers.

17. Types and methods of conducting aerial reconnaissance

Aerial reconnaissance, depending on the scale, objectives, and also on whose interests it is carried out, is divided into three types:




Strategic aerial reconnaissance is organized by the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces or the Supreme Commander-in-Chief in the interests of the war as a whole or in the interests of operations carried out by a group of fronts, to the depth of the entire theater of operations. Carried out by strategic reconnaissance aircraft, aircraft and space reconnaissance assets.

Operational aerial reconnaissance is organized by the front-line command and is conducted to the depth of front-line, air and sea operations by front-line reconnaissance aircraft.

Tactical aerial reconnaissance is organized by the army command in the tactical depths of the enemy in the interests of formations of various types of troops in order to obtain the necessary data for organizing the battle.

FA reconnaissance aircraft, as well as tactical unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, are used for reconnaissance. In the interests of aviation combat operations, preliminary aerial reconnaissance is carried out (if there is insufficient data to make a decision on carrying out missions), additional reconnaissance (to clarify the position of objects, their air defense, radiation conditions and weather along the route and in the area of ​​combat operations), control (during or after air strike to determine its results).

    visual observation;

    aerial photography;

    aerial reconnaissance using electronic means.

Visual surveillance: allows you to view large areas, and is indispensable when searching for or additional reconnaissance of stealthy nuclear missiles, control and air defense equipment and other mobile objects. Disadvantages: a decrease in visual observation capabilities with increasing altitude and speed of reconnaissance aircraft, with an increase in the degree of complexity of objects, as well as the subjectivity of information.

Aerial photography: has advantages in objectivity and documentation, detail and authenticity. It allows you to capture the most complex objects on photographic film, obtain fairly complete data on enemy troop groups, their defensive structures, large railway junctions, airfields and missile launcher positions, and identify even the most insignificant changes in such large objects. However, aerial photography capabilities depend on the weather and time of day. Even under simple weather conditions, the quality of the photographic image is determined by the state of the atmosphere; at night, photographing is possible only with artificial lighting of objects.

Aerial reconnaissance using radio-electronic means: consists of obtaining information about the enemy using radio-electronic means. It is divided into:

    radio reconnaissance,

    radio engineering,


    radio thermal (thermal imaging),

    thermal (infrared),



Radio reconnaissance - obtaining information about the enemy through radio searches and intercepting his radio transmissions.

Radio-technical reconnaissance (RTR) - obtaining information about the type and purpose of the enemy's operating electronic systems (radar, radio navigation, radio telecontrol). It is carried out using special radio stations. Detection of enemy radio electronics, determination of their type and purpose is carried out according to the parameters of the signals emitted by them.

Radar reconnaissance (RLR) - obtaining information about enemy objects (targets), including determining their coordinates or movement parameters using radar stations. RLR detects objects (targets) on the ground, in the air, on water in any meteorological conditions, day and night, determines the type and intensity of enemy radar interference, and detects the epicenters of nuclear explosions.

Aerial thermal reconnaissance is carried out using heat direction finders and makes it possible to reveal heat-contrasting objects: military equipment, aircraft at airfields, airfield runways and other objects.

Laser reconnaissance is the detection, recognition and determination of the coordinates of objects (targets) using instruments operating on the principle of using laser radiation energy. Laser rangefinders are used to conduct laser reconnaissance.

Television reconnaissance is the process of obtaining information about the enemy using television reconnaissance equipment. Television transmitting cameras are installed on aircraft.

When performing combat missions, reconnaissance aircraft use the following methods of combat operations:

    reconnaissance by single aircraft (in pairs);

    reconnaissance by simultaneous departure of the entire composition.

AERIAL RECONNAISSANCE, one of the types of military intelligence. Reconnaissance is carried out in parts. aviation, reconnaissance aviation units formations, all crews performing combat missions, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles (airplanes, automatic balloons, etc.) in order to obtain data on the aircraft (objects, forces and means, terrain, etc.) necessary for successful combat military operations with all types of weapons. forces and branches of troops. The first to fly. devices (LA), which are in the end. 50s 19th century were used for conducting military operations, there were balloons. In the beginning. 20th century for V. r. Airplanes began to be widely used.

In Russia 1st experience B. R. from aircraft received during maneuvers of the St. Petersburg, Warsaw and Kyiv military forces. districts in 1911. In 1912-13 in the 1st Balkan War Russian. aviation a detachment under the command of Captain Shchetinin, operating on the side of Bulgaria, carried out the tasks of the V. r. with photographing fortifications and field structures.

How to be independent, type of reconnaissance (see. Military intelligence) V. r. took shape during the 1st World War. During the Great Patriotic War, the war, 12% of owl sorties. aviation carried out for the purpose of V. r. With the increase in the scope of military action intensity V. r. increased. In 1941, the number of sorties on the V. r. amounted to 9.2%, in 1944 it increased to 15%. V. r. not only obtained data about the project, but supplemented and documented the data of other types of intelligence.

In a rapidly changing environment B. R. often served as a unity, a means of obtaining data on the aircraft for combined arms and aviation. command. For example, in the winter of 1942/43 only V. r. was able to timely open the transfer from the North. Caucasus 2 germ. -fash. tank divisions to the Kotelnikovo district for the release of the blockade of troops surrounded at Stalingrad. In preparation for the Vistula-Oder operation in 1945 found behind the river. Wisla 7 prepared. defense, lanes echeloned to a depth of up to 500 km, and 6 anti-tank ditches.

Into arms. forces of most countries. by means of V. r. are manned and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. They are able to quickly reach reconnaissance targets located at a considerable distance, view short time vast spaces, obtain reliable intelligence. data about the aircraft and promptly deliver it to the command (including by transmission from the aircraft). In order to ensure the most complete and timely support of combat operations of the Military District. must constantly interact with other types of intelligence.

IN . R. divided into strategic, operational and tactical. Strategic V. r. carried out in order to provide the main command with the necessary intelligence. information about the strategist, the objects of the pr-ka, located in its deep rear. Operational V. r. carried out in the interests of the command of associations (formations) of types of weapons. forces and branches of troops in order to obtain intelligence. data necessary for the preparation and conduct of front-line and army operations, as well as operations carried out by navies and air forces.

Tact. V. r. is carried out in the interests of the command of formations and units of types of weapons. forces and branches of troops in order to provide them with reconnaissance. data necessary for organizing and conducting combat. Basic effort tact. V. r. focus on objects located on the battlefield and in tact, depth.

Main methods of maintaining V. r. are: visual surveillance, aerial photographic reconnaissance and reconnaissance using radio-electronic means. Choosing a method of maintaining V. r. depends on the task being performed, the type of aircraft and its reconnaissance. equipment, countermeasures, time of day and meteorological. conditions. Visual observation is carried out unarmed. by eye or with optical aid. devices.

It allows you to quickly survey large districts, obtain general data about the grouping and actions of the pr-ka, about objects, terrain and weather, immediately summarize and transmit the intelligence obtained. data from the aircraft to the command. Aerial photographic reconnaissance is carried out using day and night aerial cameras (planning, perspective, panoramic). It provides the most complete, reliable and accurate data about the pr-ka’s troops, objects and terrain. V. r. with the help of radio-electronic means it is divided into radio-, radio-technical, and radar. and television.

For radio reconnaissance, aircraft radio receivers are used, which make it possible to reveal the content of the aircraft's radio transmissions, determine the composition and location of its forces, and obtain data about their activities and intentions.. With radio engineering reconnaissance uses direction finders. devices that allow you to determine the main tech. operating parameters of radar and radio telecontrol equipment, as well as their location.

It can be carried out in any meteorological conditions. conditions day and night. Radar reconnaissance is carried out using aircraft radars, which make it possible to detect objects that are contrasting in the radar. relation, receive radar photographs. images of objects and terrain, reveal events carried out by radar. camouflage. TV reconnaissance is carried out using television. systems that include an aircraft transmitting and ground receiving station, which make it possible to monitor the objects and actions of the pr-ka’s troops and friendly troops.

Thermal, laser and other reconnaissance systems are also being introduced in a number of countries. facilities. Intelligence the data obtained by the V.R. comes in the form of radio reports from the aircraft, information from automatic airborne reconnaissance equipment, as well as processed documentary data about the aircraft’s objects (deciphered photographs and aerial films, photographs of aircraft radar indicator screens), in the form of oral and written reports from the crews after landing the aircraft.

Avdeev A.I. Organization and planning of air reconnaissance.

M., 1943; Aerial reconnaissance railways . M., 1963; Karpovich N.K., Soloviev E.I., R o d e s t-v i n N. II. Aerial photo reconnaissance service. M. ~ L., 1940; Lazarev B. A., Sizov A. II.

Photographic aerial reconnaissance equipment. Part 1.

Riga, 1973; Makovsky V. P. Systems for processing and transmitting intelligence information. Part 1. Riga, 1973; Sokolov A. N. Reconnaissance aviation.

M., 1939; Sokolov A. N. Tactics of reconnaissance aircraft. M. - L., 1933; H about in and to about in A., Yu n u-s about in T. Visual search for ground targets at dusk. - “Aviation and Cosmonautics”, 1965, No. 12; Scout above the battlefield. - “Aviation and Cosmonautics”, 1965, No. 9. M. M. Danilevsky.

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