Sagittarius woman Leo man negative traits. Compatibility: Sagittarius woman and Leo man

It's not often you see a Leo and a Sagittarius communicating peacefully. Representatives of these zodiac signs argue all the time, quarrel out of nowhere, and interrupt each other mid-sentence. There are, of course, exceptions, but in those cases when circumstances oblige each of this couple to behave respectfully towards the other. Sagittarius and Leo can get along in a work environment, but provided that there is no competition between them.

SAGITTARIUS man and LEO woman

The Leo woman has fairly high self-esteem, but for Sagittarius there are no ideals or authorities. If the lioness does not cross his path, the man may well not show the habits of a rude and tyrant, but if this happens, leniency will not follow from either side. A woman will be offended not so much by the Sagittarius’s intransigence as by his disdainful attitude. Neither a high rank, nor public recognition will in any way elevate her in his eyes; for him everyone is equal, he does not single out anyone. To prevent conflict, the lioness should behave less arrogantly, and the Sagittarius should try to restrain his emotions.

♐ + ♌: In love

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— It is more difficult for a Sagittarius guy and a Leo girl to team up as a couple than to maintain an existing relationship. The fact is that even if the lioness is attracted to this young man, his signs of attention will seem to her less expressive than she expected. The Sagittarius guy does not like to court for a long time; if the lady of his heart does not reciprocate his feelings in a short time, he can easily switch to another. The situation is such that the Leo girl will have to give in to him from the very beginning of the relationship.

The lovers will spend their free time together. Representatives of the fire zodiac signs need active recreation, noisy campaigns and fun. Unfortunately, instead of a pleasant time, such outings often turn into quarrels. Both strive for leadership and public recognition, but the lioness tends to behave as if she came unaccompanied. Only she will speak, the young man will remain completely unnoticed, so he will be forced to occupy himself. Sagittarius loves to flirt, and taking advantage of the situation, he will not miss such a chance. Naturally, this will infuriate his beloved. The Leo girl does not like public quarrels, but the Sagittarius guy can force her to abandon her old principles. If young people do not start listening to each other in time, they are unlikely to be able to avoid breaking up their relationship.

♐ + ♌: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- If the marriage of Leo and Sagittarius was not hasty, then the spouses have more chances for a peaceful life. Having managed to study each other’s character traits, they have probably already learned to work around sharp corners, so they don’t quarrel again.

The everyday side of life is not important to both. The lioness considers housework a boring task, and Sagittarius is unlikely to pay attention to the lack of order in the house. The husband and wife do not find fault with each other over trifles, they live by emotions, and therefore the reasons for their quarrels are of a corresponding nature.

Sagittarius is inclined to be jealous of a bright and sociable spouse, despite the fact that he allows himself to flirt and have affairs on the side. A Leo woman gets very angry if her husband continues to follow his line even where it is inappropriate. Very often, she makes sensible proposals regarding joint acquisitions, financial investments, and establishing profitable connections. The husband does not refuse to be useful, but when it comes down to it, he may change his mind, or maybe take part in his wife’s request, but do it in such a way that all plans will go downhill.

To maintain peace in the family, spouses should not rely on each other, because separately they are doing much better. It would be nice for both to take control of their emotions, eliminate harsh behavior and caustic phrases addressed to each other.

♐ + ♌: In friendship

GOOD COMPATIBILITY— A Sagittarius guy and a Leo girl can easily be friends. Both love fun, communication and outdoor activities. Very often they are united by a common campaign in which they enjoy spending their free time. Their conversations are of a secular nature, without unnecessary revelations and complaints about life. In difficult situations, the lioness and the Sagittarius readily help each other. in this case it may last a long time, but the distance between them, in any case, remains.

LEO man and SAGITTARIUS woman

A Leo man and a Sagittarius woman easily find a common language. The personal relationships of this couple are going well; there is no struggle for leadership. The representative of the Sagittarius sign is in many ways inferior to Leo, and he treats her with due respect and listens to her opinion.

If Sagittarius and Leo are connected by common affairs, they will become reliable partners and helpers for each other. Thanks to Sagittarius' fresh ideas and Leo's unconventional approach to solving current problems, this couple acts quickly and harmoniously. Mutual respect and keen interest in each other's points of view contribute to long-term and productive cooperation.

♌ + ♐: In a love relationship

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY— The Leo guy loves sociable and relaxed girls, so he will immediately notice a representative of the Sagittarius sign. The lion will not have to seek reciprocal sympathy for a long time; most likely, the girl noticed him even earlier, but did not want to act first.

The leadership in the relationship will go to the guy, and this will suit both. Although the Sagittarius girl has a strong character, she respects the masculine qualities of Leo, his self-confidence, and lack of fear of responsibility. The young man dreamed of just such a chosen one. She allows him to dominate, but at the same time she is completely independent, leaves the last word to him, but also has her own opinion.

The only danger to a relationship is the girl’s intemperance. She must understand that even in the most controversial and conflict situations it is unacceptable to criticize the lion, ridicule his shortcomings, or speak rudely to him. She only needs to allow herself to behave this way once to lose her lover forever.

♌ + ♐: Married

EXCELLENT COMPATIBILITY— The marriage of a Sagittarius woman and a Leo man promises to be strong. Their life cannot be called completely cloudless; from time to time the spouses will not agree with each other, and each of them proves that they are right with special zeal. On the other hand, representatives of fire signs do not tolerate pretense, so they will appreciate each other's frankness. In any case, it is better for both, especially the wife, to refrain from harsh criticism. In the heat of a quarrel, she may say unnecessary things to her husband, after which reconciliation will not be quick.

The everyday side of life is lame, but both spouses care little about this. Leo is busy with work, and prefers to spend his free time outside the home. The Sagittarius woman does not like household chores, but she also does not allow complete disorder. The husband does not find fault with her over trifles, so quarrels do not arise out of nowhere.

The sexual compatibility of this couple is high. Husband and wife remain interesting to each other for many years, mutual passion does not leave them. The only problem may be the Sagittarius woman’s excessive criticality, which can manifest itself even in such a delicate area. If Leo does not feel at his best, he will begin to look for recognition on the side, and this is dangerous for marriage.

♌ + ♐: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— A Leo guy and a Sagittarius girl can communicate, but not too closely. When everything in life goes well for each of them, they are open, kind and sociable. Representatives of the fire signs of the zodiac are not inclined to make tragedies out of ordinary troubles, but at such moments they focus on solving them and behave differently. If a lion has problems, he will not turn to his friend for help; his pride will not allow him to do this. At such moments, it is better not to touch the guy at all, because he is not in the mood for communication.

If a Sagittarius girl gets into trouble, she becomes nervous, so people who happen to be nearby, including friends, can also get caught up in the attack. The Leo guy, after such an incident, will stop communicating with her immediately. The friends are connected only by a fun holiday; they do not take part in each other’s lives. Too close a connection in this case has nothing to do with, but speaks of mutual interest.

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

Video: LEO ♌ Zodiac sign

If the stars converge in such a way that a couple is formed from a Leo man and a Sagittarius woman, then their connection will be so strong that no one will be able to break it. The only individuals who can encroach on the stability of their union are themselves. Which is not surprising, because both partners carefully try to instill in each other an inferiority complex.

Otherwise, the tandem between the Sagittarius woman and the Leo man is one of the most successful. The Sagittarius woman’s view of reality and her chosen one completely coincide. In addition, both partners have similar temperaments. Activity and optimism allow the Sagittarius woman to live a long and happy life with her lover.

The Leo man creates ideal conditions for coexistence for the object of his passion. He very subtly feels all the characteristics of the chosen one’s character and diligently fulfills her desires. The Sagittarius woman, like anyone else in her place, is very grateful to her partner for such a manifestation of feelings.

A Sagittarius woman and a Leo man are ideal friends and lovers. Showing sincere care for their partner and being able to support them at the right moment, they completely dissolve in this relationship. The Sagittarius woman gives her beloved man complete freedom of action. She does not control his every step, and does not monitor where and how he spends his free time. The relationship in this couple is built on complete trust.

The Sagittarius woman is a model of positivity, which is what she infects her chosen one with all the time. The Leo man’s periodic immersion in his own thoughts and depressive mood dissipates in a matter of minutes as soon as his other half appears in his field of vision.

It is pleasant for others to watch the tandem of a Sagittarius woman and a Leo man, because they are very sociable and successful. The chosen ones prefer an active lifestyle and do not sit in one place. The Leo man is used to working hard and receiving decent financial rewards. The Sagittarius woman more often manifests herself as a housewife, but never limits her interests only to the home. She always has a hobby that will serve as an additional source of income. She does not simply intend to be supported by her chosen one.

The union between a Sagittarius woman and a Leo man is never overshadowed by the struggle for a leadership position. All the reins of power in this family are given to the man. The Sagittarius woman, having given all rights to her partner, resolves family issues with cunning, giving the chosen one the impression that he decided everything himself.

Sexual relationships are also harmonious in a couple consisting of a Sagittarius woman and a Leo man. Both partners are relaxed enough to enjoy privacy with each other. In addition, the Sagittarius woman is capable of experimenting and introducing novelty into her intimate life, which is very flattering for the Leo man.

The Sagittarius woman is subject to idealization of her partner, the Leo man. Over time, finding a number of shortcomings in the chosen one, she begins to doubt the correctness of the choice made. If the Leo man is able to recognize such moods of his chosen one, he will be able to return everything to its place and resume the previous mutual understanding in the couple. Of course, he will have to spend a lot of effort, but if the relationship with the Sagittarius woman is really dear to him, he will not back down from his plan.

The Leo man must remember one truth: in a relationship with a Sagittarius woman, he will always have to prove to her the depth of his feelings. And the Sagittarius woman needs to more often remember the moments from which their acquaintance began and what feelings flared up in her soul then. Doubt is not the best ally in this couple’s fortress.

The Sagittarius woman and the Leo man belong to the element of fire. To completely captivate Leo, the Sagittarius woman will have to make some efforts. She should definitely demonstrate her activity and desire to learn everything new. The Leo man does not perceive the monotony of events. Partners should find a common hobby or hobbies to their liking.

The Leo man's character is quite complex. If you offend or upset him with something, you can see his truly lionlike image. The Sagittarius woman knows how to correct such behavior of her loved one, promptly calming his temper and directing his ardor in the right direction. We can say that the chosen one, in the person of the Sagittarius woman, becomes a real counterweight for Leo.

Often the Sagittarius woman has the tactlessness characteristic of this sign. The Leo man simply does not accept such treatment and often takes offense at his partner for her straightforward statements addressed to him.

Friendship in a couple between a Sagittarius woman and a Leo man is possible only as an addition to a love relationship. Outside of a couple, they cannot be friends. And if for some reason the union disintegrates, they prefer not to hear or know anything more about each other. This phenomenon is associated with the cardinality of partners - half-measure is alien to both.

If, for some reason, a Leo man happens to work together with a Sagittarius woman, such a tandem will be most effective. Partners completely complement each other. The chosen one supports her partner and actively participates in projects. From the first days, the Sagittarius woman takes the role of a subordinate, without claiming equality or dominance. This position is ideal and acceptable for both.

Leo man and Sagittarius woman live in their own rhythm, separately from others. It seems that they look at the world with the same eyes. The Leo man appreciates pliability and humility of character in his chosen one. She skillfully complements it without limiting freedom. The Sagittarius woman finds in her chosen one a strong and reliable personality. The Leo man knows how to isolate her from problems.

The sincerity of the relationship in this couple is tested by the years they have lived together. Once a Sagittarius woman and a Leo man meet, they live a happy life together. Love and loyalty are the key to the success of this couple.

Maria Svetlaya

Leo and Sagittarius are not an ideal combination from a horoscope point of view. However, this will not prevent them from being happy if they mutually desire. Due to the desire for leadership in both, achieving family comfort can be a difficult task. To do this, they will have to learn to compromise and give in. But if the signs cope with this dilemma, they will be able to build a cozy family nest and live a happy, long life in it.

Compatibility Chart for Leo and Sagittarius

Compatibility of Leo Man and Sagittarius Woman: Pros and Cons in Relationships

When you see such a couple together, it is difficult to resist doubting the fragility of their union. After all, when two equally temperamental and complex personalities come together, after some time it becomes difficult for them to get along and put up with their partner’s shortcomings. Especially if both are naturally strong leaders. However, the big plus in the relationship between Leo and Sagittarius is not obsessing over little things. It is the latter that often become the last straw in the relationship between a man and a woman - small events and grievances accumulate and crush with their mass feelings that were strong not so long ago.

With mutual respect, these two can be a great motivation for each other.

Sagittarius will motivate Leo to new achievements, and the latter will make the archer look more positively at the world around him.

Leos often pay attention to Sagittarius themselves. The fact is that the latter only in exceptional cases join the army of fans of the king of the animal world. And it is precisely this kind of coldness that forces Leo to take the path of the hunter, arousing his instincts of a predator. True, in the end it may turn out that Sagittarius’ detachment is nothing more than a fear of the responsibility of the relationship.

The coldness of Sagittarius arouses the interest of Leo and forces him to take the path of the hunter

Are they compatible in love?

In a pair of two fire signs, strong feelings and sexual attraction can become the foundation of a relationship. Leo is always ready for sensual exploits and passion. But if the Sagittarius woman gets tired of this, the king of beasts can easily find a replacement for her. At least in bed. But at the same time, he will not lose warm feelings for his wife in everyone else.

This cannot please any lady, especially one with a fiery temperament. But if the relationship is valuable, if this particular man is needed, it is worth trying to change the situation in the house. Understand what pushes Leo to spend his leisure time on the side. Scandals and quarrels will definitely not help improve the situation.

Leo and Sagittarius can test the strength of each other's feelings for a long time

The most important thing is not to get too carried away. Otherwise, in this competition you can lose what it was all about to test.

Leo guy and Sagittarius girl in sex

He is Leo and she is Sagittarius. What awaits them in bed? With mutual feelings, exciting love adventures and unusual experiments await them. The fact is that both are open to everything new, ready to completely surrender to passion and take their partner with them. The coincidence of temperaments allows them to enjoy every second of intimacy, adding variety to it in all its manifestations if desired. In such a couple, the intimate sphere is an integral and most pleasant part of their relationship. In bed, each of them is ready to give pleasure to the chosen one and receive it himself, without boundaries and unnecessary modesty.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

Is there a happy future for a marriage in which the husband is Leo and the wife is Sagittarius? Of course have. And most importantly, family life for these two will definitely not be boring. There will always be passion, quarrels and reconciliations, heated debates, common hobbies and active leisure. Such integral individuals with a strong will and established views cannot be amorphous. Therefore, their marriage is a constant movement forward. Both Leo and Sagittarius can become an incentive for a partner to discover new talents or develop old ones, for full self-expression.

The family life of Leo and Sagittarius will definitely not be boring

Often such unions are very creative, since it is the combination of two fiery elements that can give birth to art in all its manifestations.

The undoubted advantage of both signs is their disregard for little things. This allows them to calmly move towards the future, without quarreling over things that mean nothing to them.

The main thing in marriage for such a couple is trust, respect for the partner’s right to personal space, sincerity and honesty.

Is there friendship if he is Leo and she is Sagittarius?

Friendship for Leo and Sagittarius is rare

Because once they are close, they immediately begin to feel mutual attraction. However, if each of them already has chosen ones, then they may well become best friends. They are never bored with each other, since these signs have common interests, views on life, aspirations and desires. Such deep mutual understanding will become a solid foundation for many years of companionship.

How to win a Leo man?

Leo is a man of extremes. If he is in a great mood, you will find an interesting and charismatic interlocutor. If he is offended or angry, you will immediately feel storm clouds gathering over your head.

How to win a Leo man and build a relationship with him? In fact, for Sagittarius this is not such a problem. As a fire sign and a person with a similar temperament, the Archer girl will attract attention with her strength of spirit, desire for new horizons, optimism and interest in the world around her.

Show Leo your good mood more often. Being next to you should become a way for him to receive only pleasant emotions.

Communication with Leo is like walking through a minefield

Sagittarians should also watch what they say. Some tactlessness of this sign can put him in an awkward position. Sometimes communicating with Leo is like walking through a minefield - a careless joke and irony can deeply hurt him. And then say goodbye to your plans to conquer the formidable Leo.

How to get the attention of a Sagittarius woman?

It cannot be said that the Sagittarius girl is too demanding and pretentious in choosing her chosen one.

She is quite capable of putting up with shortcomings if she finds a quality for herself that outshines them

Is it possible to make a Sagittarius woman fall in love with you? Can. But this can only be done by an interesting man, with whom the woman will not be bored or sad. Sagittarians value sparkling humor, erudition, and attractive appearance. But at the same time, this fire sign does not like extremes - there should not be anything “too much”. Too handsome, too bright, too cheerful - this combination is not for her. But honesty, reliability and loyalty are always at a premium.

The freedom of the sun sign should not be limited or suppressed. Such pressure can only lead to rupture. Sagittarians value men who leave them the right to their own opinion on any issue.

Girls of this sign also like people who are active, easy-going, and have a simple character, who look at the world realistically, but not without humor.

Compatibility horoscope for Leo Woman and Sagittarius Man

Unlike the previous couple, in the reverse version of the relationship between Leo and Sagittarius, everything can turn out very well. They are similar in almost everything: from character to hobbies and views on the future. Of course, no relationship is without complications. But here, thanks to good compatibility, both signs will be able to resolve conflict situations without much loss. Both are capable of changing for the better for the sake of the family, reducing or completely getting rid of some of their shortcomings.

Sagittarius men are capable of changing for the sake of family well-being

But there are also pitfalls. Sagittarius likes to manage, to take control. But the freedom-loving and strong Lioness is not always ready to give the reins of power into the wrong hands, even if it is her beloved man. Both are jealous, so a quarrel can break out even without any particular reason.

However, Sagittarians are capable of changing for the sake of family well-being and their beloved, directing their attention into the relationship, surrounding the chosen one with care and love. In turn, ambitious Lionesses, having entrusted their future to a Sagittarius man, can abandon career plans and focus on home.

Love relationship

It is in such a couple that a feeling can arise that has been sung for centuries in poems, sonnets and ballads

When fire meets fire, there is a real explosion and a storm of emotions. Bright, temperamental, impetuous and invariably eye-catching - this is exactly what Leo and Sagittarius are. If their love is stronger than the innate egoism of each partner, such a relationship will be long and joyful for both.

A pair of Leo and Sagittarius can always be distinguished in a crowd. Both radiate some kind of special magnetism, strength and energy. And thanks to this similarity, together they are able to move mountains. The most important thing is that in these relationships there is mutual respect, ease, freedom and devotion.

Sexual attraction of a couple

How do fire signs feel in bed with each other? In this area they have complete harmony. They are equally liberated, passionate, completely given over to passion. Both Leo and Sagittarius know how to give their partner sensual pleasure and are happy to do it. The only thing that can overshadow the intimate life of such a couple is the lack of sincere love on the part of the Lioness. In this case a woman can behave selfishly in sex.

However, if both partners are interested in each other, there is no need to worry about it. They experiment with the same enthusiasm, try to diversify their intimate life, and find new ways to get to know each other.

There is complete harmony in bed between Sagittarius and Leo


A marriage where the husband is a Sagittarius and the wife is a Lioness can be a winner from all sides. But only if both spouses, with their strong characters and innate selfishness, can learn to find compromises and make concessions. In this case, each of them will motivate the other to constantly grow, improve and achieve success in any area.

What can cause the fading of feelings? Boredom. Oddly enough, this is precisely what can destroy such a seemingly strong relationship. Therefore, such families most often try to periodically introduce variety and changes into their measured lives. For example:

  • moving to another city or even country,
  • major renovation with interior changes,
  • moving to another home,
  • change of activity/new projects,
  • change of hobby.

This approach allows you to keep relationships in good shape and direct the energy of the sun signs into a peaceful, creative direction. Compared to the drab life, any exciting event will be moral relaxation and entertainment for them.

How are a Leo girl and a Sagittarius guy friends?

The friendship between these two can be strong, warm and bright

They are very similar: with a fiery temperament, similar tastes and passions, similar views on life and the world around them.

The Lioness may be offended if Sagittarius meets or calls only on business. Sagittarius, in turn, may be offended by Leo's strange grievances. They will make peace in any case, and this will add spice to their already quite vibrant emotional relationship. But the chosen ones of these signs should remember that the warm fire of friendship between them is quite capable of quickly flaring up into a passionate romance.

How to win a Sagittarius man and build a relationship with him

Sagittarius men are very loving. Sometimes it seems that they are able to conquer the whole world with their gallant manner, ability to carry on a conversation and add a suitable compliment where necessary. And this, on the one hand, attracts girls, and on the other, can cause constant conflicts in relationships. After all, not everyone is ready to share their man with others.

It’s very easy to become a Sagittarius’ girlfriend, but it’s much more difficult to become his only one. And such a bright personality as the Lioness may be able to cope with this task. But it is important not to overdo it and not try to suppress a man, he will not tolerate this.

Sagittarius men are too loving

Girls invariably like his optimism and striving for new heights, but at the same time they are often perplexed and offended by his almost complete lack of tact. However, Sagittarius invariably comes to the rescue in a difficult situation and is not able to abandon loved ones in trouble.

The ideal for this sign is a girl who successfully combines independence and ability to submit, cheerfulness, intelligence and sense of humor.

Is it possible to make a Leo woman fall in love with you?

Lionesses are strong, strong-willed and unusual natures. They will stand out in any company. A Leo woman is easy to recognize by her bright appearance and the group of fans surrounding her. It’s always interesting with her, but also difficult at the same time. This fire sign will not tolerate a gray and nondescript man next to him who has not achieved anything and has no clear plans for the future.

On the other hand, an overly self-confident chosen one will not suit her, who will begin to suppress her, limit her personal freedom and interfere with self-expression. The ideal option for her is a strong and ambitious person who will allow her to be herself and become her reliable support.

It is advisable that sometimes he let her take the helm of the family ship.

She will not tolerate disparaging comments in her direction from the “A Woman’s Place in the Kitchen” series. But she is capable of sacrificing her career if she sees complete dedication and devotion on the part of her man.

27 June 2018, 16:47

A Sagittarius woman and a Leo man are very similar. Since both of them are representatives of the element of Fire, their feelings flare up quickly, and then burn with an even flame. The Sagittarius woman is an idealist, and in love she seeks the best and purest. The Leo man is also idealistic, but he is also very selfish, so he considers himself the best and purest in their love. This state of affairs does not entirely suit the Sagittarius woman, because in love the main thing for her is to be on the same wavelength with her partner, share her thoughts and together form a worldview, strive for development - internal and external. The Leo man's love needs are much more narrow, aimed at himself: he needs to be loved and admired by his other half. He is more passionate, but she is used to looking above emotions, reasoning, thinking. If they understand and accept this difference, their relationship has a great chance of being long and lasting.

Their sex life can be very vibrant and intense: the Leo man will take care of this. The Sagittarius woman, having a “fiery” temperament, needs a rich intimate life. What they will miss is some kind of lightness, sublimity on the one hand, and technicality brought to the absolute on the other. The Sagittarius woman and the Leo man will work for a long time to understand each other, this is especially true for the Leo man. Their intimate life will become much better if he asks himself the question: what does my partner want now?

Family and marriage

A marriage between these fiery comrades is very possible. They will not have significant disagreements on the main issues that arise between the spouses. However, it seems that something is missing in this marriage: either “airy” lightness and originality, or “earthly” solidity, or “watery” sensuality and dreaminess.

They will make excellent friends: the Sagittarius woman and the Leo man both strive for life to be bright and tireless. They may have common hobbies: from different sports to art (which, by the way, the Leo man should understand) and philosophy (and this is where the Sagittarius woman comes in). These “fiery” friends will always support each other with good advice, because they are so similar. The Sagittarius woman, being the most optimistic of all women, will definitely make sure that her friend is in a great mood, no matter what obstacles stand in his way. And the Leo man will be able to prove to his girlfriend that she is the most beautiful and unique - he really knows how to raise someone else’s self-esteem.

Work and business

A Sagittarius woman and a Leo man will work quite well together. Of course, competition may arise between them, because both are representatives of the fire element, they do not like to give in. But when they realize that they are worth each other, they may stop competing and direct their efforts to achieve results. Most likely, they will do things that require creativity, otherwise they will simply be bored.

The compatibility of Leo and Sagittarius in love can be called ideal, which in percentage confidently approaches the one hundred mark.

Characteristics of signs

The zodiac signs Leo and Sagittarius are perfect for each other, both emotionally and physically. “One for two,” the element Fire has endowed the representatives of the signs with many similar character traits. Common interests and views allow Leo and Sagittarius to build a happy relationship. The disadvantage of an alliance between representatives of the signs may be a “struggle for power” over the partner, but this can also be overcome by achieving mutual compromises.

a lion

The zodiac sign Leo symbolizes strength and power. Representatives of the sign are distinguished by a majestic appearance and a condescending attitude towards others, which is facilitated by the patron planet the Sun. Possessing enormous willpower and determination, Leos achieve a lot in life. People of this sign are loyal and generous in friendship and are always ready to help those in need. Leos love to give advice and are susceptible to flattery.

Representatives of the sign born in the year of the Rat are sweet and sociable people who love art and nature. Leos born in the year of the Ox are persistent and have a sense of self-esteem. The Year of the Tiger “fills” the soul of the representatives of the sign with pride and kindness, and the Year of the Cat – with gentleness and good nature. Leos - Dragons are generous and refined natures, and Leos - Snakes are open, honest and charming people.

Representatives of the sign, born in the year of the Horse, are strong and fearless individuals who “go through life”, easily overcoming obstacles. Leos born in the year of the Goat are reliable and responsible. The tandem of Leo and Monkey “gives birth” to merry fellows and “buffoons”, and the union of Leo and Rooster “produces” attentive, generous and slightly vain people. The Year of the Dog endows representatives of the sign with loyalty and reliability, and the Year of the Pig – entrepreneurial spirit and demandingness towards themselves and others.

Marriage and family are always a priority for Leos, so sometimes the whole life of a representative of the sign is spent in search of a “soul mate.” In love, Leos are demanding of their partners and know how to forgive. Representatives of the sign love money and know how to earn it. They can be gamblers, crazy spenders and generous philanthropists. Leos with Venus in their sign love to be the center of attention, and those whose horoscope is influenced by the Moon tend to “dramatize the situation”, putting their feelings on display.


People of the Sagittarius zodiac sign are open and friendly. They are distinguished by childlike spontaneity and straightforwardness. In their remarks and comments, Sagittarians are often tactless, which affects the friendships and business relationships of representatives of the sign. Sagittarians with an ascendant in a sign that “doubles” all their qualities can be simply unbearable in this regard.

Representatives of the sign born in the year of the Rat are resilient realists who are characterized by endurance and “flexibility” of thinking. Sagittarians born in the year of the Ox are honest, friendly and attentive to others. Sagittarius - Tigers are changeable and dreamy natures, and Sagittarius - Cats are good-natured lovers of the exotic. The Year of the Dragon introduced a love of risk and a positive perception of the world into the character of the representatives of the sign, and the Year of the Snake brought firmness and a little guile.

Sagittarians born in the year of the Horse are unpredictable, active and carefree. Representatives of the sign, born in the year of the Goat, are kind and peace-loving people. Sagittarius - Monkeys are smart and inventive people, and Sagittarius - Roosters are determined and self-confident individuals. The Year of the Dog brought to the nature of the representatives of the sign “breadth of mind,” tolerance and friendliness, and the Year of the Pig “gave” them adventurism, gullibility and sociability.

Sagittarians are attracted by danger and adventure, they are gamblers and are prone to “bad habits.” Representatives of the sign tend to fall in love “at first sight,” but they also quickly “cool down” to the object of passion; this character trait is especially pronounced in Sagittarius with the Sun in their sign. In friendship they are reliable and responsive, but in love they can be frivolous.

Leo man – Sagittarius woman

A couple where the man is Leo and the woman is Sagittarius is characterized by good compatibility in love relationships and work. Common interests and similar views on life allow partners to create a strong union without quarrels and mutual claims. The Leo guy and the Sagittarius girl are perfect for each other in bed, which further strengthens their relationship. A marriage between representatives of the signs not only “can take place,” but will also be very successful.

Sign compatibility

A Leo man and a Sagittarius woman can make up a completely prosperous pair of strong personalities. This union cannot be called super-ideal, but it will be positive on all sides. The Sagittarius girl will conquer the Leo guy with her active and cheerful disposition. She immediately “recognizes” a leader in a man and will not “share her rights” to his freedom.

The Leo man will conquer the Sagittarius woman with strength of character, confidence and success. With him the girl will feel protected. Good compatibility between Leo man and Sagittarius woman is “brought” by the fact that both of them are representatives of the same element – ​​Fire, which endowed the partners with dynamism and energy. Sagittarius and Leo will find in each other many common character traits that will “force” them to lead an active lifestyle, travel, learn new things and develop themselves.

Sexual compatibility

Sexual compatibility horoscope for Leo men and Sagittarius women “promises” lovers many wonderful moments in bed. The passion and energy of the partners will not allow them to get bored. In sex, as in life, the Leo guy plays the dominant role and tries to be “the best.” The Sagittarius girl in bed is prone to displaying playfulness and imagination, which will undoubtedly appeal to Leo.

Marriage Compatibility

The excellent compatibility of the zodiac signs Leo and Sagittarius in marriage allows partners to create a strong and harmonious family. The head of the family union will undoubtedly be the husband, with which the wife will readily agree. Leo will take on all the male responsibilities in marriage, and it will fall to the Sagittarius wife to create comfortable living conditions for her husband. Family relationships between a Leo man and a Sagittarius woman will be based on mutual love and respect. A woman feels a “strong shoulder” in her husband, and her husband does not consider it “shameful” to listen to his wife’s opinion.

The dynamic nature of the spouses will not allow them to “sit in one place.” They will travel a lot, and common hobbies will further unite the union of signs. Spending a lot of time together, the spouses will not “encroach” on each other’s freedom. This marriage is not characterized by betrayal and intrigue, so it is difficult for Leo and Sagittarius to choose the best life partner. A “fly in the ointment” can be added to this wonderful “honey barrel” by the wife’s habit of criticizing and making fun of her husband, which Leos will not tolerate.

Sagittarius man – Leo woman

A Sagittarius man and a Leo woman have every chance of being “happy together.” However, in this union everything is not as cloudless as it might seem at first glance. Both representatives of the zodiac signs are strong and self-sufficient individuals who claim “dominance” in a couple. If Sagittarius and Lioness, while building a relationship, begin to “measure their strengths,” then nothing good will come of this connection.

Sign compatibility

The combination of the personality traits of Sagittarius and Lioness suggests that the partners are well compatible in love and marriage. It will not be difficult for a Leo woman to “fall” a man in love with her. Sagittarius in such a girl will be attracted by her self-confidence, courage and independence in life and judgment. The guy will interest the Leo woman with his active lifestyle, strength and assertiveness.

Common interests and views will further strengthen their relationship. The mutual attraction between Sagittarius and his girlfriend can awaken a whole “volcano of feelings” about which they write novels and compose poems. However, partners with strong character can often enter into conflicts, considering their judgments to be the most correct. The attractiveness of the Lioness and the love of Sagittarius can serve as a reason for mutual jealousy of the partners.

Sexual compatibility

Sexually, there should be no serious problems between Sagittarius and Lioness. However, there are some differences in the temperaments of partners and their behavior during sex. The Lioness is more reserved in this regard, although she is not averse to “trying something new.” As for the man, he is more temperamental in bed and, also, “open to everything unknown.” With mutual love and willingness to give in to a partner, sexual relations between lovers promise to be unforgettable.

compatibility of the sign of Leo with the signs of Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

A negative factor in the union is the struggle for the “palm of primacy” between the spouses. The power of Leo and the inflexibility of Sagittarius can play a “wicked joke” on a husband and wife, pitting them against each other. Ultimately, the spouses either find a solution to their problems or the marriage breaks up. If “conflicts are settled” and mutual understanding is achieved, the union of representatives of the signs will be long and happy. Over time, the spouses will “dissolve into each other,” adopting the character traits of the chosen one.

How to save a relationship

Despite the excellent compatibility in love between a Leo man and a Sagittarius woman, partners need to take into account that:

  1. Leo needs to remember that his chosen one needs praise and compliments no less than he does. Having won the heart of a woman, do not forget that there are many men around who are ready to “steal” your “other half”.
  2. Sagittarius does not need to “look for” flaws in a partner and constantly “cut the truth.” Your chosen one is good the way he is - otherwise you would not “get along” with him.

Leo woman and Sagittarius man need to remember that:

  1. Sagittarius should not forget about the proud and strong character of the chosen one, who finds it difficult to endure the eternal “teasing” of her mistakes and shortcomings. After all, it doesn’t cost you anything to once again praise your beloved or give her a compliment - and you will immediately feel the difference in her attitude towards you.
  2. The Lioness should somewhat “moderate” her pride and desire to “command and dominate.” Remember that your partner is a man who should be your “wall” and “support”. By giving him the “palm” in the relationship, you will not only not “drop yourself,” but will also strengthen your union.
