BSU Faculty of Biology, Correspondence Department. History of studying at the Belarusian State University

Many scientists have long come to the conclusion that the Earth is a single organism in which all living beings are interconnected, and the violation of these connections leads to disastrous consequences for all humanity.

Oddly enough, our planet has not yet been fully studied, since it is in constant development. Some species of living beings disappear, others appear. Therefore, today you will not surprise anyone with specialties that would have been a novelty 100 years ago. biochemist, microbiologist, geneticist, biotechnician and others.

You can get such an education exclusively at the Belarusian State University of Minsk, which provides such an opportunity to everyone who is interested in living nature and all the changes that occur in it.

Opening of the faculty

Since biology is a science that comprehensively studies all living beings on the planet and their interaction with each other and the environment, the need for specialists in this field became a priority in the USSR already at the end of the 20s of the last century. In Belarus, it was customary to open a department of natural science at the pedagogical department back in 1922, and already the first intake amounted to more than 150 people. Since biology as a science developed, new specialties appeared, and the number of people wishing to study increased every year, it was decided to create a separate training course, which was subsequently separated into a new department.

The Department of Biology at the Belarusian State University of Minsk opened in 1931 and since then has been in constant development, as has the science that is studied there. If in the 40s and 60s the faculty consisted of only 5 departments, then today there are 9 of them, among which 4 are completely new directions in biology.

Every year, more than 450 applicants enter various specialties of the Faculty of Biology of the BSU Minsk, and in general, almost 2,000 people study at the faculty every year.

The popularity of the department is caused not only by the demand for specialists in this field, but also by a well-equipped training base, which includes:

  • Zoo museum.
  • Botanical Garden.
  • Research laboratory.
  • Laboratory of Computer Science.
  • Vivarium and herbarium.

Location of the Faculty of Biology in Minsk

The Department of Biology had to go through a lot together with BSU during the Soviet period. So, during the war years, it was evacuated in full force to the Skhodnya station, where teachers and students harvested timber and helped repair railway tracks, and continued their studies during short periods of rest.

After the end of the war, they already had to participate in the restoration of the capital after the bombing and erect a new building for the biology department of BSU. Minsk at that time needed new specialists, therefore, as soon as it became possible, students again filled the classrooms, but for a long time they had to “huddle” in an old two-story building, which did not at all meet the scientific needs of the department.

Today the address of the Faculty of Biology of the BSU Minsk is Kurchatova Street, 10, where the Department of Biology moved in 1973. The need for a new building had been brewing for a long time, as not only the number of new disciplines, but also students, was growing. Currently, its building houses not only classrooms, but also the Zoological Museum and the Botanical Garden, which invite young people to work. You can write about your desire for cooperation to the address: Faculty of Biology, BSU, Minsk, Nezavisimosti Ave., 4.

How to apply and for what specialties

Today at the Faculty of Biology you can enroll in the following departments:

  • Specialty: "biology", direction - "scientific and production" and "scientific and pedagogical activities", specialization - zoology, botany, genetics, physiology of humans, animals and plants, molecular biology.
  • Specialty: “biochemistry” with specialization in the biochemistry of drugs and analytical biochemistry.
  • Specialty: "microbiology", specialization - "applied" and "molecular biology".
  • Specialty: “bioecology”, specialization - “general ecology”.

To become a student and study one of the listed specialties at the Faculty of Biology of the Belarusian State University in Minsk (reviews from applicants confirm this), you should have extensive knowledge in biology and chemistry, as well as an average score on the Unified State Exam:

  • For admission to the budget department - 284 points.
  • On a paid basis, 212 passing points are enough.

The training lasts 5 years, the deadline for submitting documents to budget departments is from 12 to 17.07, for correspondence students - from 12.07 to 04.08. At the Faculty of Biology of the Belarusian State University of Minsk there is no correspondence department only for the specialty “biology” in the direction of “biotechnology”. All other departments provide both full-time and distance learning. As the “lucky” students who entered the university note in their reviews, additional points awarded for participation and victory in biological olympiads and other educational competitions help to get ahead of competitors and secure a place in the budget department. You can find out whether the applicant’s name is included in the list of enrolled (Biology Faculty, BSU Minsk) students by driving to the main building of the university or calling the hotline.

General ecology and teaching

This department trains not only teachers of biology and chemistry in schools, but also such highly specialized specialists as “biologist-ecologist”. The opening of the department of “general ecology and methods of teaching biology” occurred in 1974 after the biology department of the Belarusian State University of Minsk moved to a new building.

Today, the department employs 10 teachers, three of whom are doctors and four are candidates of biological sciences. Scientific disciplines studied at this department are:

  • general ecology;
  • biometrics;
  • hydroecology;
  • agricultural ecology;
  • Geography;
  • environmental management;
  • methods of teaching biology and educational work.

The Department of General Ecology and Teaching Biology provides applicants with the opportunity to study full-time and part-time. Over the years of its work, more than 1,000 certified, highly qualified environmental biologists have been graduated. Students who have graduated from this department speak warmly of its teachers.

Department of Botany

This department was opened when there was no biology department at the Minsk State University. In 1924, on the basis of the Faculty of Education, a department of natural science was opened, which included 3 biological departments: botany, zoology and animal physiology.

Already at that time, student training was not exclusively theoretical, as they were involved in research work carried out by teachers of the department. Naturally, the lack of a practical basis affected the scale of the educational process, but it was at that time that the idea of ​​​​creating a Zoological Museum and Botanical Garden was born and gradually realized.

Today, the main direction of work of the Department of Botany is the training of specialists who study and assess the state of plants growing in Belarus in various biomes and zones.

Main teaching disciplines of the department:

  • plant morphology;
  • systematization of higher plants;
  • crop production;
  • geobotany;
  • pharmacognosy and others.

Not long ago, a branch of the Department of Botany was opened at the Institute of Experimental Botany named after. V.F. Kuprevich, which allowed students to study in modern scientific laboratories equipped with the latest equipment. In their reviews, students note that this opportunity helped them explore their future specialty in more depth.

Cell biology and bioengineering

This department was opened at the Belarusian State University of Minsk in 1928, when there was a shortage of workers qualified in the field of plant physiology and their biochemistry. Since its founding, this department has graduated almost 1,700 specialists, which indicates the demand for specialists involved in developing increased crop yields, predicting environmental threats and ways to prevent them.

Among the disciplines studied:

  • plant physiology;
  • occupational Safety and Health;
  • xenobiology;
  • introduction to systems biology and others.

The department provides education and training of specialists in the following specialties:

  • Biology (scientific activity).
  • Biology (teaching activity).
  • Bioecology.
  • Biochemistry.
  • Microbiology.
  • Physiology of plants.

Graduates of the department are engaged in teaching activities and conduct scientific research in nature reserves and reserves of the country. Most of them have the most pleasant reviews and memories of their years of study at their favorite faculty.

Department of Genetics

Genetics is a relatively “young” science, but it is developing so quickly that a scientific department conducting training and scientific activities in this direction was opened at the Belarusian State University already in 1947.

Initially, the department carried out developments in the direction of studying the genetic features of lupine alkaloidity, then, already in the 60s and 70s, it began to train geneticists and cytologists. Along with academic education, the department carries out scientific developments in the field of molecular genetics of bacteria.

Over the entire period of work of the department, among its graduates, 10 people became doctors of science, and more than 70 became candidates. Currently, in this department, students receive full-time and part-time education, and there are also master's and postgraduate courses.

To enroll in the Department of Genetics, you should contact the admissions committee located in the central building of the university, and not the Faculty of Biology of the BSU Minsk. How to get to Independence Avenue, 4? From the bus station, minibus No. 1 goes to it. From the central building directly to the building of the Faculty of Biology at Kurchatova Street, 10, bus No. 47 goes (it also goes from the railway station).

Department of Biochemistry

Biochemists study the chemical processes occurring in the cells of plants and living organisms. This science examines not only the relationships and the elements that make up them, but also observes the mechanism of occurrence of certain diseases in order to eliminate them.

To become a biochemist, you should enroll in the Faculty of Biology of the Belarusian State University in Minsk. Feedback from graduates suggests that, despite the difficulty in studying disciplines such as biochemistry, biophysics, bioengineering and others, the process of acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge is very exciting.

The Department of Biochemistry was opened in 1965 and today two new areas of specialization have appeared: “biochemistry of drugs” and “analytical biochemistry”. The training lasts five years, and the passing score for admission to the budget department is 316.

It trains specialists in such fields as nanobiotechnology, medical biochemistry, pharmacology and others.

Science at the Faculty of Biology

This faculty stands out from the background of applied departments in that its employees and students are constantly engaged in scientific research, fortunately for this there is a well-equipped laboratory at the research institute, and its own Botanical Garden, and the Naroch Biological Station, and SNIL.

Scientific papers and books written based on the results of practical experiments conducted jointly by teachers and students are published annually. It is not at all difficult to get into the literary lists of the Faculty of Biology of the Belarusian State University in Minsk and be known as a person with a scientific mindset, if you take the writing of a term paper or dissertation seriously.

Working at SNIL (student research laboratory), future molecular biology specialists are trained in:

  • cultivation of microorganisms and bacteria,
  • molecular cloning,
  • DNA sequencing,
  • construction of transgenic organisms.

and much more, which subsequently helps them find work in the best laboratories in the country or participate in international biological projects.

student life

But students of the Faculty of Biology of the BSU Minsk are not only engaged in education and science. Talented young people enjoy participating in the productions of the Biotheatre, which has been successfully operating since 1976. Not only student skits and KVNs are held here, but also performances are staged based on scripts written by students and teachers.

There are also scientific circles at the faculty, where students share their work and discuss the works of their scientific colleagues.

Sports life at the university is no less active. Students of the Faculty of Biology participate in competitions in volleyball, table tennis, chess and other sports.


The Faculty of Biology of the Belarusian State University in Minsk is a living organism, a huge world that hundreds of young people dream of entering every year. This is due to the fact that graduates of the Faculty of Biology are successful specialists in their chosen field, which is only possible if there is an excellent material base and high-quality teaching methods.

Memo for 2nd year correspondence students

on organizing field training practices

1. The educational zoological and botanical practice of 2nd year students in the 2018/2019 academic year will take place on the basis of the sports and recreational complex (S.O.K) of the BSU "Brigantina" at the address: 222322, Minsk region, Molodechno district, outskirts of the city. Radoshkovichi

2. Director S.O.K. “Brigantine” - Polyakov Vladimir Alexandrovich, phone number: 8-01767-93-4-92.

Heads of practices - deputy. Dean Assoc. Burko Leonid Dmitrievich, tel. :8-017-209-59-00 and

senior teacher Balash Alexander Vyacheslavovich, (8-01767) 93-4-92

3. Duration of training practices:

specialties "Biology" And "Bioecology":from May 13 to May 31, 2019.; (18 full days)

specialties: "Biochemistry" And "Microbiology» from May 20 to May 31, 2019;(11 full days)

4. Daily routine for the period of educational practices:

Getting up, exercise, personal time 7.00 - 8.00

breakfast 8.00 - 8.30

preparation for classes 8.30 - 9.00

working hours 9.00 - 13.00

lunch break 13.00 - 15.00

working hours 15.00 - 19.00

personal time 19.00 - 20.00

dinner 20.00 - 20.30

personal time 20.30 - 23.00

lights out 23.00

5. Student must have:

Passport, grade book, student ID;

Educational supplies: textbooks obtained from the library; paper for labels, notebooks for field notes or 5 student notebooks, a ruler, pencils, felt-tip pens, a sketchbook (2 pcs.);

An individual first aid kit, repellents against flying insects and ticks;

Waterproof shoes and clothes, warm woolen clothes for excursions in cold weather, a hat, an umbrella, as well as comfortable summer shoes and clothes; - personal hygiene items;

- receipt of money transfer for 3 hot meals a day ( for 18 full days; and 11 full days, respectively ) (cm.Payment for food; amounts and account number will be announced by April 15, 2019);

6. During the practice period, students obliged:

Acquire knowledge and practical skills in accordance with internship programs;

Impeccably comply with the internal regulations of the BSU “Brigantina” SOK, the duties of the room and dormitory duty officer;

Follow safety regulations;

Follow the established daily routine;

Treat with care the property of the BSU "Brigantina" educational center and educational equipment;

Strictly follow the established rules of behavior in nature;

In case of illness, immediately report to the supervisors of educational practices.

7. For students is strictly prohibited:

Use of electrical appliances in the hostel: boilers, heaters, stoves;

Unauthorized leaving of the place of practice during the daytime or staying outside the BSU "Brigantina" recreation center at night;

Smoking in undesignated places;

8. Temporary absence of students from practice can be permitted only due to extreme necessity and only with the written permission of the supervisor of educational practices.

9. For violation of the Internal Regulations, Labor Safety Instructions and personal indiscipline, the heads of educational internships have the right to remove the student from further internships and petition the dean’s office to expel him from among BSU students.

10. Organized departure of students to the place of practice is planned

from the building of the Faculty of Biology on the street. Kurchatova 10.

Finding your calling is not an easy task. Maybe because for many people it is considered a fad. “How many, how many jobs have you changed? You studied philosophy, and now you're laying bricks? And what's the point?

Finding something you love means finding yourself. And it’s almost impossible to do this offhand. But it's worth a try. At least that's what I think.

Hello. My name is Ksenia. I am 25 years old.

Place of birth - the small town of Glubokoe, not far from the border with Latvia. Quiet, cozy and peaceful place. The birthplace of the aircraft designer Sukhoi, the founder of the Belarusian theater Buinitsky, the region where, according to legend, Napoleon, retreating from Russia, buried his treasures. There is also a prison here - according to some sources, it ranks second in terms of severity in the entire CIS. That's it. That, however, does not stop the local youth from walking without fear until the very morning.

To school - no problem

The north of Belarus is a lake-like place. There are about 80 of them in the generally small area, and two in the city. One is located in the very center of the city, and on its shore is school No. 1, from which I graduated.

I liked studying at school. Either in those years teachers were not as overwhelmed with paperwork as they are today, or because since childhood I was interested in everything - from the cause of ball lightning to the issue of the movement of lithospheric plates, but I attended classes without problems. Plus I really enjoyed reading books. When in your free time you can easily get through a book of 300-400 pages, then reading the paragraph and homework literature in the original is a simple matter. In addition, reading improved overall literacy. My favorite school subjects were mathematics (although I didn’t have enough stars in it), geography, chemistry (again, it was not easy, but remained an unusually mysterious science until the 11th grade), partly literature, biology (high school program - anatomy, genetics, ecology). The German language was also quite good.

I think that I was very lucky with my classmates: some of them were simply extraordinary people, the vast majority were interesting to communicate with. Almost all the teachers taught their subjects well (and with soul, but without fanaticism), which also attracted people to the school. In addition, a significant part of my life was occupied with music.

Extracurricular hobbies can also be very important

In addition to the music school, I also attended a pop studio. She performed a lot. For some time, my parents took me to study vocals at a music school. In short, I studied music quite a lot. But in the future I didn’t connect my life with her, which I regret to this day.

There were two reasons for this. Firstly, for further vocal training, I had to be sent to study in another city (this opportunity was available from the 7th grade), which my parents did not dare to do. From this follows conclusion No. 1: children need to be taught to be independent from childhood, so as not to be afraid to let them go later. Now, having my own children, I understand that this is incredibly difficult, but... Everyone has the right to make their own mistakes.

Secondly, I was very embarrassed about this extracurricular activity. Which leads to conclusion No. 2: you are just you, no more and no less. And if you are not burning with a secret desire to kill someone for nothing (exaggeratedly speaking), then everything else is absolutely unimportant.

Choosing a direction and preparing

As a result, by the 11th grade, having left (as I thought temporarily) the musical direction, I decided that there were several ways for me to further continue my studies. The options were the following: Faculty of Journalism, Linguistic University, as an option, some direction in the chemical profile was considered. Whether or not to go to university was not a question. It was somehow just in the air: at home, at school, and among my friends and classmates.

The Faculty of Journalism was my little dream. I was interested in everything, and I liked collecting information from different sources. In addition, working as a journalist, as my professional development progressed, meant for me meeting new interesting people from different fields and traveling to new places. But... at that moment I didn’t have the courage to at least try my hand. For some reason, it seemed like nothing would work out for me. It seems to me now that I was mistaken then. And years later I made the following conclusion - in general, trivial (conclusion No. 3): if you want, try at least once now, so as not to regret it a thousand times later.

The linguistic one somehow immediately disappeared. Even at school I had problems with my German teacher. I won’t go into details, but she even somehow blackmailed me that if I didn’t go to the Olympics, I wouldn’t get a “9” for the quarter. The approach, of course, is simply non-negotiable.

My parents somehow found me a tutor in Minsk. I don’t remember exactly, but he was, it seems, the head of some department at the same university. I went to his classes a couple of times and realized that I wouldn’t study with him. Apart from the absolutely boring classes (probably it was my parents’ mistake to hire a university teacher), he didn’t inspire me with a single drop of respect. As a result, having returned from Minsk once again, I told my parents the option I had already thought about along the way - I was going to study biology at BSU (Belarusian State University). The statement had the effect of a bomb exploding, so to speak...

In this option, I liked the following: a chemical bias (which I liked initially, but I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to take the chemistry department), the opportunity to study “higher biology” (my own designation for anatomy, ecology and genetics combined). My opinion was also influenced by a very respected person who is already at the same faculty. There was another factor. It was already the end of December, and there were only six months left before the entrance exams. “As a last resort, I’ll figure it out later,” I decided.

I had two tutors - in chemistry and biology. The Russian language was studied at school as an elective without any problems, and on testing it was passed without problems with a “9”. Regarding tutors. In my opinion, if you don’t have problems at school, a biology tutor is only needed for coaching on solving problems. It’s possible to pass today’s testing with 7-8 points without problems, studying on your own. There are a lot of examples of solving tests - both in books and on the Internet. There would be a desire. For me, a biology tutor was just a waste of money.

Chemistry is another matter. A great tutor, after an hour of lessons with whom you leave like a squeezed lemon - that’s what I was lucky with. And it’s only her merit ─ my “9” on the university exam.

The shortened courses (lasting 2 weeks) at BSU helped a lot. Especially in terms of biology. Over the course of several lessons, complete order was restored in my head, all topics were sorted into shelves.

Exams for the Faculty of Biology of BSU

She submitted documents to the Faculty of Biology of BSU (biology, biotechnology major - this was due to her love for genetics). In 2004, the competition there was high.

As mentioned above, there were no problems with the exams. I was worried, of course, and studied at night. I understood that the passing score was high - 26 out of 30. I imagined the Olympiad participants who had already taken probably half of the places.

But all the excitement is normal. I had two moral support factors, in addition to the common ones (friends, parents, etc.). Firstly, I was already imbued with the atmosphere of the upcoming entrance campaign to the course - and it no longer had such a frightening effect on me, secondly, my young man, who was already studying in Minsk at that time, relieved me of all organizational issues regarding finding audiences, etc. ., which was also important.

The arrival went without any problems. The rest of that summer I worked in my city, helping my mother’s friend. At the end of the summer I called my friend from biology: “We’ll meet soon!” “How do you draw in general, okay?” ─ a question was asked that I did not immediately understand...

Training at the Faculty of Biology of BSU

I remember my studies at the Biology Faculty of BSU with kind words. The first thing that struck me was the amazingly respectful attitude of the teachers towards you, the calm atmosphere, very friendly. Students ─ mostly have girlfriends, 30-40 percent are guys. And everyone is normal, interesting people. No arrogance, cronyism, rudeness (this is important to me). The setting is a new, bright building located outside the city near a forest. The birds sing in the morning so hard that you will sway. However, this is probably all simple for those who live nearby in a dorm, but for others, at first it’s not easy to get used to going to the outskirts of the city every day.

But these are minor things. The main thing is that that autumn, on weekdays, every morning with undisguised pleasure I cheerfully walked to classes, where new knowledge and my new pleasant acquaintances were waiting for me.

About the Faculty of Biology itself

Let me make a reservation right away that my studies took place not only here. We often studied in the nearby building of the Faculty of Radiophysics, where the old laboratories of the Faculty of Biology remained. Also, during the first and second years, we visited the Chemistry Faculty of BSU for six months once or twice a week.

But, in my opinion, many people loved their biology department. Spacious, clean, bright classrooms (1st floor), laboratories and classrooms of several departments (2nd, 3rd and 4th floors). New equipment, knowledgeable, friendly teachers - what else is needed for excellent studies?

The guys who mastered a foreign language very well in the first 2 years, as promised, were able to go for an internship in EU countries for six months. One of them was a boy from my group.

Training - what is it?

It was not for nothing that my friend asked me after my admission whether I was a good drawer. Although what matters is not that you draw well. You will draw. The first two courses are general education, as elsewhere. Various departments of the plant and animal world are studied, as well as higher mathematics, philosophy, languages ​​(including Latin), etc. The main emphasis is on classes in basic subjects, where new students, with the help of a teacher, study preparations of living objects. But if necessary, they open them (yes, they cut them). And then they sketch. In biological science, this is part of future reports. The second year is the choice of specialization. Departments – Anatomy and Physiology of Humans and Animals, Department of Biochemistry, Department of Genetics, Department of Plant Physiology, Department of Microbiology…

You need to decide on the choice of the department where you will do your first scientific work at the end of the second year. A month is given to decide. By the way, some of my classmates have been attending the department since their first year. To do this, all you had to do was go to the department and find a scientific supervisor who is ready to work with you, such green ones. But since the teachers at the Faculty of Biology are mostly warm-hearted, non-conflict people (albeit strict), then, as far as I know, no one had any problems with the early start of their scientific career. The first thing you need to be prepared for is studying literature. A lot.

Well, after such a historic decision - the choice of a department - the entire biology department leaves for the summer... for a walk. Yes, yes, you heard right. Directly with the teachers.

The fact is that, like all natural science faculties, the Faculty of Biology provides for summer internships. And if in the first year it proceeds peacefully in classrooms over keys and with a microscope, including frequent excursions to obtain material for a herbarium or collection of insects, then in the second year it is carried out at a summer base in the city of Volozhin.

For two whole weeks you have the opportunity to go with your fellow students to nature. The base is located outside the city, there is a river nearby, i.e. You can swim at any time of the day. Of course, there is no curfew. But if you have an excursion scheduled for 5 am, where you will have to walk 6 kilometers, or even more, then it would be wiser not to go to bed at 2 am.

Of course, don't forget about studying. It flows very actively here too. Studying the local fauna and forest ecosystem is what you have to do.

From the third year, “true” studies begin. Subjects are becoming more highly specialized, and specific courses are appearing. Selection of producers, for example. An active study of the bacterial genome and its features ─ sequences, various methods of regulating the production of biologically active substances begins.

From experience I can say that course 3 is the most difficult. The bulk of the students from our group flew out on it. Unlike the first two courses, where studying does not take so much time (it took me on average 2-3, rarely 4 hours a day to prepare), for 3 you need to study almost around the clock. And be sure to attend lectures. The problem is not only that you need to master a large amount of previously unknown information. Most biotechnological research, their history and results have not been translated into Russian. There are simply no textbooks as such that would provide the necessary information. This means that the Internet and the library will not be able to help you if you do not understand something in a lecture.

I remember the picture from 3rd year very well. I sit on the bed and study, a colloquium is a day later. There are notes on my knees, and the whole bed is covered in open books. I especially liked one, with an A4 sheet, 400-500 pages in volume, written by foreign authors. Large, but very necessary...

In the 3rd year, the study of biotechnology, biologically active substances, principles of working with microorganisms and callus cultures, and genome features continues. Then a new subject appears, which continues until the 5th year. It’s called “special workshop on specialization”. It teaches highly specialized techniques in the department you have chosen. For example, the content of enzymes in the liver of rats and their activity are being studied. By the way, to conduct experiments ─ alas and ah ─ they use animals (you have to learn from something). Usually these are rats. They are beheaded (don’t worry, no one will force you to do this), dissected, the required material is crushed (for example, the same liver) and examined. Not very pleasant, but necessary. And you quickly get used to it.

After the 3rd year, the main studies move to the laboratory, where students study in their free time. They communicate there at the same time. Preparations for coursework are underway (in the 3rd and 4th years they are taken in 2 parts - theoretical and practical).

This relaxed and focused pace is maintained until the end of the 5th course. Usually there are no classes for the last six months.

And one more thing: at the end of the 4th year, you have the opportunity to take an exam in chemistry to receive a diploma in the corresponding specialty. I highly recommend it if your future plans after university involve working in a laboratory of a large industrial enterprise.

In general, education at the Faculty of Biology is good for those who want to receive it. The prerequisites are all there. Another thing is work. Even from course 3, the teachers openly told us that they were “raising us as general specialists.” And although the “biotechnology” direction has been available at the university for several years, the first biotechnological enterprise in Belarus opened only in 2010. The bulk of students are assigned to work in laboratories of industrial enterprises, where everything is done the old fashioned way and the knowledge that you have received is practically not needed. I think in 10 years the situation will change. But it’s too early to talk about anything.

In my deep conviction, if you want to devote your life to science or after graduating from university you decide to go work in a laboratory, then the Faculty of Biology is what you need.

Studying at BSU and my life: parallels

As you probably understand, I really enjoyed studying. It was a new, mysterious, high-tech world of a new trend developing in the world.

Since my third year, I became interested in studying the beneficial properties of plants, more precisely, their antimicrobial effects. Another girl from my group had a similar job, and we worked together. We had the only thesis in two departments (biochemistry ─ microbiology), i.e. general practical skills were given so that any student from the Department of Biochemistry, for example, had good skills in working with bacterial cultures (as was the case in our case) and calli. The work was creative. Since we chose the topic ourselves, the return was appropriate. We had tremendous fun! By the way, the result of the study was positive.

After graduating from university, this girl (she is now my close friend) went to work in her specialty, but I did not. The main reason for this was probably that after the 3rd “combat” course I got married. Priorities shifted somewhat, plus after graduation I had to go on assignment with my husband (he was assigned before me) to the small town of Smolevichi, where at that time there was no work in my specialty. The only job was as a school teacher.

A little later, we moved to another city, where I worked first in the quality laboratory at the local epidemiology center, and then in the ZhES - as an environmental engineer. But neither one nor the second job was interesting to me. Static, repeated actions day after day, constant reporting ─ this is not for me. Therefore, it seems to me that it was not in vain that I did not go to work in my specialty. Firstly, I am a theorist and it’s hard for me to practice, despite the fact that I have excellent practical skills. Secondly, I can't stand monotony. A job in my specialty, where you can get a more or less normal salary (500-700 dollars), is work, roughly speaking, in a factory. Monotonous and uninteresting. Working in research institutes is a different matter. But... Here I already had to choose between family and work. In this case, it requires a certain dedication. And time.

That’s why I’ve been enjoying being on maternity leave for quite some time now. And I'm looking for her. Your favorite job. And it seems that I’m already starting to find it.

While still at the Faculty of Biology, in addition to my passion for pharmacognosy, I was attracted by another field - human anatomy and biochemistry. I enjoy writing articles about medicine, which often require highly specialized knowledge. There is already an assumption that this will be my main source of income after leaving maternity leave. Well, let's see.

I can say one thing. Those of my acquaintances and friends who were looking for their calling, having changed more than one job, eventually found it. Even if they did not always follow the right path.

Head of the department:
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

Kuramshina Zilya Mukhtarovna

st. Lenina, 37, office. 129


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  • The Biological and Chemical Department was organized in 1998 on the basis of the Department of Natural Science and Mathematics, Faculty of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, Sterlitamak State Pedagogical Institute.

    On September 1, 2001, on the basis of Order No. 265 of June 6, 2001, the Department of General Biology was organized. Daniel Nikolaevich Karpov was appointed head of the Department of General Biology. From April 1, 2004, by order No. 128K dated March 26, 2004, the department was reorganized into 2 departments - the department of “General Biology” and the department of “General Chemistry”. Vera Ivanovna Levashova became the head of the Department of General Chemistry. Since August 2009, the departments of “General Biology” and “General Chemistry” have been merged into the department of “Biology and Chemistry” as part of the Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and Daniel Nikolaevich Karpov has been appointed head of the department.

    Since June 2012, in connection with the reorganization of the department of “Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge and Children’s Health,” the Department of Biology was organized and, according to Order No. 1397 of August 29, 2012, was assigned to the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

  • The main directions of research work of the department: biology and ecology of terrestrial and aquatic plant communities of the Southern Urals; biology and ecology of flora and vegetation on saline soils of the Southern Urals and adjacent territories; biology and population ecology of invertebrate and vertebrate animals of the Southern Urals; development of principles and methods of biomonitoring of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems of the steppe zone of the Southern Urals; study of vegetation of hydrobiocenoses of macrophytes of ravine-gully steppe ecosystems of the Southern Urals; biodiversity and ecology of algae, fungi and lichens of the Southern Urals and Cis-Urals; study of the protective effect of microbial drugs; study of the prevalence of mycorrhiza in the root system of the most important agricultural crops.
  • Interuniversity connections have been established with the following universities: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov; Bashkir State University (Ufa); Sterlitamak branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus; Orenburg State Pedagogical University; Institute of Ecology of the Volga Basin RAS (Togliatti); Bashkir State Agrarian University (Ufa); Botanical Garden-Institute of the UC RAS ​​(Ufa); UC RAS ​​Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics (Ufa); Moscow Pedagogical State University; Bashkir State Pedagogical University; Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. Gubkin; Ufa State Petroleum Technical University; Ufa State Petroleum Technical University; Institute of Biology Komi Scientific Center Ural Branch RAS (Syktyvkar); Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, Ural Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg); Vyatka State Humanitarian University (Kirov); Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow).
