Fortune telling for Christmas: let the veil of secrecy be lifted. Christmas fortune telling is a timeless tradition! How you can tell fortunes for Christmas: on a shoe, coffee, milk, candles Christmas fortune telling on a candle

Everyone remembers the lines “Once on Epiphany evening...” Although the traditions of Epiphany fortune-telling are very old, girls are still trying to look into their future with great interest. It is generally accepted that it is during this period that all predictions are very accurate and will definitely come true. Friends gather for fortune telling on Christmas night and begin to carry out various manipulations with candles, mirrors, threads and rings. There are a lot of fortune telling, each one is intended for a separate case.

Fortune telling with a candle

Light the candle and wait a little. When enough wax has formed, it's time to start. Pour the melted wax into a plate of water; you need to do this several times until a pattern is formed on the bottom of the plate. Now you can look at the drawing and predict the future. If you see a lot of small droplets, the coming year will delight you with monetary surprises. But large figures should be examined and the associations they evoked interpreted. The vine symbolizes good luck and happiness, and the fan, on the contrary, warns of future difficulties. If you see a mushroom, then you are guaranteed good health. A bell foretells news, and an even and regular bell means good news, but a crooked one is a harbinger of sad news.

Fortune telling with candles is also done with milk. Melt the wax in a small mug and pour milk into a saucer. Place the saucer at the threshold of your home. Next we say the following words: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.” After the last words, pour the wax into the milk. Now you can see what happened. The cross warns of possible illnesses, but if the cross has just appeared, then this indicates possible financial difficulties. The flower speaks of an upcoming wedding. The wax flows in stripes - hit the road. If you see an animal, you will have an enemy.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed

This type of fortune telling is the most popular among young girls. Even in our time, many young ladies willingly gather for Christmas fortune-telling to find out who is chosen as their husband.

Before going to bed, a girl should eat a very salty dish (cucumbers or mushrooms), without washing it all down with water. You should not drink water in the evening, even if you are very thirsty. And before going to bed you need to say the following phrase: “Betrothed, mummer, come and give me a drink.” The young man who gives you water will become your destiny.

There are Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed with cards. Four kings are placed under the pillow before going to bed. At the same time they say the following: “Betrothed, mummer, dream about me in a dream.” One of the kings should appear in a dream. They tell fortunes by the suits of cards. If the king is of diamonds, then there will be a desirable guy, the king of hearts is a harbinger of the young and wealthy, the king of clubs means a businessman or military man, and the king of spades is the harbinger of an old jealous man.

Friends tell fortunes about marriage using rings. Each girl takes her ring and rolls it in the hallway or hallway. Whose ring ride further, that girl will get married.

There is another way to tell fortunes for your betrothed using a candle. Water is collected in a small container. Place a candle in the empty half of a nut shell. Papers with men's names are attached to the edges of the container, so that the candle can set the paper on fire. Light a candle and place it in the middle of the container. The shell floats freely and over time it will set fire to one of the pieces of paper. If the shell does not approach the edges for a long time, it means that among the written names there is no necessary one.

Christmas fortune telling with a boot

For this fortune telling, a boot or shoe is used. It is removed from the left leg and thrown over the left shoulder with the toe forward. Next they look at where the toe has turned. It is from that side that you can wait for your betrothed. If the sock points towards the gate of the house, there will be no wedding this year.

The tradition of fortune telling on Christmas night came to us from the past. The most popular method of fortune-telling was considered to be fortune-telling at Christmas using a candle. This is the most mysterious and truthful way to get answers to many questions and open the door to the future. In addition, this is the simplest fortune telling that any girl can use at home. There are many ways to tell fortunes at Christmas using candles, but before you begin the magical sacrament, it will be useful to learn some nuances that will help you get a more truthful and accurate result.

Choosing candles for fortune telling for Christmas

For high-quality fortune telling, it is very important to correctly choose the main attribute of the ritual - candles. The flame has a cleansing meaning; it harmonizes the space around, not only cleansing it, but also protecting it. For a magical effect, it is best to purchase an ordinary candle without fragrances. It is not advisable to use church blessed candles. Its color is also important, which has a great influence on the vibration of energy. The most optimal colors are the universal white and yellow, which are perfect for any event. The flame of such candles helps to cleanse the space and gives inspiration and strength to the fortuneteller.

What kind of fortune telling are there at Christmas by candlelight?

Christmas fortune telling can provide the most important predictions that often worry us in life. Let's look at the most common fortune telling with candles at Christmas, which will help you trust in higher powers.

Fortune telling by candle for the betrothed

This is a very popular fortune telling at Christmas using candles, which will help answer the question of whether your significant other loves you. For the ritual you will need two candles of the same size and color.

  1. Tie a black thread around the candle that will symbolize your chosen one, and a white thread that represents you.
  2. Place them side by side and light them at the same time.
  3. Observe the candles, paying attention to which one has the highest flame. This means that one of you loves more.
  4. An uneven flame indicates that love brings suffering.
  5. If one of the candles goes out before it burns out until the wick runs out, it means that a break in the relationship is inevitable, and the initiator will be the one whose candle goes out first.
  6. If during the ritual your chosen one’s candle falls, it means you should think about whether he is playing with your feelings.
  7. Long-term and faithful love is symbolized by two candles that go out at the same time.

Candle fortune telling for the future

Christmas Eve is considered the best time to find out your future. For the ritual, you need to choose a dark room where no one will disturb you and you can relax.

  1. Sit down, take a comfortable position, turning your face to the south.
  2. Focus on the issue that concerns you most, then light a candle with your left hand.
  3. Count slowly to one hundred and then immediately open your eyes and look at the flame.
  4. If the fire is even, without hesitation or crackling, it means that everything planned will come true in the near future.
  5. Soot and black smoke indicate that your lover is cheating on you, a crackling sound indicates impending troubles, and if the flame is uneven, you should take the initiative in the relationship into your own hands.

Fortune telling on wax

One of the popular fortune telling at Christmas using candles is a ritual that allows you to determine your future using wax figures.

  1. You need to take two identical candles and light them at the same time.
  2. Drop wax from one candle into a silver spoon and hold the spoon over the flame of another.
  3. Pour molten wax into a glass of water prepared in advance and determine your future based on the shape it acquires:
  • egg - symbolizes new life;
  • a leaf of any tree - envy and gossip;
  • the shape of the bell is news (depending on the shape of the figure, it can be positive or negative).
  • mushroom - health and longevity;
  • fan - work-related problems;
  • snake - illness;
  • crown - success;
  • horseshoe - good luck and happiness;
  • flower - promises a quick meeting with your loved one;
  • any animal portends danger in the form of an enemy you may meet in life;
  • human figure - a reliable and faithful friend will appear in life;
  • strips of wax foreshadow a road or move;
  • a fuzzy cross predicts financial difficulties in the coming year;
  • grapes symbolize love and friendship;
  • wreath - marriage in the near future;
  • square - stability and calm in life;
  • a solid ring means good luck, a broken ring means trouble;
  • fruits foretell financial income.

The figures can turn out to be of very different shapes, the main thing is to listen to your intuition and inner feeling, which will signal the veracity of your conclusions about fortune telling for Christmas with a candle.

Christmas fortune telling contains the ancient magic of our ancestors since pagan times. On Christmastide and on Christmas Eve, it is customary to perform rituals that will allow you to find out your future, the fate of your future relationship with your loved one, see your betrothed in a dream or in reality, and check whether your cherished dreams and desires will come true. Popular rituals that allow you to get the most accurate answers and predictions are those that use candles, paper or cards.

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      The best time and place for fortune telling

      The timing of the divination is important to obtain the most accurate prediction. Traditionally, it is customary to tell fortunes on Christmas Eve and Christmastide, which last from January 7 to January 19. Spirits are most active on Christmas Eve - from January 6 to 7. During this period, they willingly share information with the fortuneteller, and the resulting predictions are highly accurate.

    1. 1. First of all, you need to concentrate and tune in to the process. You cannot show excessive emotions, laugh, shout, or talk loudly. The state should be calm, close to a trance - this makes it easier to focus on issues that are important to you. To receive true information, you need to believe in fortune telling. If you are skeptical, you should not wait for the right answers.
    2. 2. It is necessary to clear your head of material and everyday problems, to open access to otherworldly forces into your subconscious.
    3. 3. The question must be formulated clearly and briefly, preferably in such a way that it can be answered unambiguously. This will simplify the process of divination and make the prediction more accurate.
    4. 4. The premises should be vacated. Neither other people, nor animals, nor noise from household appliances, TV or radio should distract from divination.
    5. 5. It is necessary to carefully select the place for the ritual. It is better if it is not illuminated. In Rus', fortune telling was done only in “unclean” places, for example, a bathhouse, an attic, a basement, an abandoned house, a cemetery, a crossroads, that is, all those spaces where evil spirits could live. Boundary places in the house (thresholds, corners, front door, gate or wicket), according to legend, also have magical powers and can be used for various rituals.
    6. 6. Lighting should be soft, dim; it is best to create the necessary atmosphere in the room using candles.
    7. 7. Women should tell fortunes on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday), and men on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday). The moon should be in the waxing phase, but it is even more effective to conduct the ritual on a full moon, unless otherwise specified by the rules of the ritual. Midnight or late evening is the best time for fortune telling.
    8. 8. There should be no icons in the room, and the fortuneteller should not wear a cross or other jewelry (rings, bracelets, belts, anything that can encircle the limbs).
    9. 9. Clothes should be comfortable, pleasant to the body, and not restrict movement. It is better to let your hair down or at least not braid it.
    10. 10. Arms and legs should not be crossed, so as not to confuse the otherworldly forces answering questions.
    11. 11. After the ritual, it is advisable to immediately go to bed and not do household chores that day, and also not talk to other people.
    12. 12. After fortune telling, you should refrain from washing your hair and communicating with strangers for 24 hours.
    13. 13. If the result suits the fortuneteller, you should not tell strangers about what you saw. Bad predictions, on the contrary, need to be retold to as many people as possible in order to ward off trouble.

    Christmas fortune telling for love

    Fortune telling for love on Christmas Day is the most popular among unmarried girls. With their help, you can easily find out about your future relationship with a candidate for your hand and heart.

    As a rule, these fortune tellings are safe and accessible and simple, and the equipment for performing them can always be found in any home. However, this does not in any way affect the accuracy of the predictions obtained.

    With candles

    This is a very easy fortune telling for a man’s love, which should be carried out during a joint festive dinner on Christmas Eve. It will help you figure out how your future together with this person will turn out. During the meal, you need to light a lit church candle next to him and secretly watch the flickering light of its flame:

    • a calm and even flame promises mutual love and a happy marriage;
    • if the wax flows only from one side - the beloved has secrets from the fortuneteller;
    • when wax flows down the candle in streams, gradually filling the candlestick, this means that life with your chosen one will be difficult;
    • the crackling of a candle and black smoke from it are considered a very bad sign, foreshadowing separation or a negative magical influence on a companion from the outside (love spell, damage, etc.).

    For another version of divination using a candle, you will need a silver ring, a coin and a red woolen thread. Necessary:

    • light a candle;
    • tie the thread to the ring;
    • place the coin directly in front of the candle;
    • hold the ring motionless on a thread over the coin;
    • clearly ask a question of interest about your lover or future relationship (you can not out loud, but silently).

    A ring that hangs motionlessly indicates that the question asked is untimely, but if it sways in different directions, then the answer is “yes.” Approaching and moving away from the fortuneteller means a negative result; movement in a circle indicates the need to formulate the question in a different way. In the latter case, fortune telling should not be carried out again on the same day; it is better to wait for time and repeat it.

    Fortune telling using paper

    To carry out this Christmas ritual you will need:

    • Cut a sheet of paper into several strips.
    • On each one write the name of a guy you know (including the one you like).
    • Arrange the strips randomly on the table.
    • Thread a thick woolen thread into the gold ring (the color does not matter in this case).
    • Move the decoration over pieces of paper with names. The name on which the decoration begins to sway the most belongs to a man who has sincere feelings for the fortuneteller.

    Another fortune telling, characterized by ease of execution. You need to prepare: a sheet of paper, a pen, a compass, a ruler. Next, follow the sequence of actions:

    • draw a circle on a piece of paper (using a compass);
    • draw it into segments using a ruler, each of which corresponds to the letters in the name of the chosen one;
    • write them one on each sector;
    • write your name in the circle in the same way, and if there are more letters in it than segments in the circle, then you don’t need to write it down completely;
    • compare the position of vowels and consonants in each segment.

    If two sectors contain only vowels or only consonants, love will quickly pass; in three, there will be mutual understanding in the union. A larger number portends strong love and a long marriage. If there is no such combination in the sectors, then the relationship has no future.

    Fortune telling on cards

    Fortune telling on the January holidays with the help of cards is very simple to perform; even a person ignorant of magic can make the desired layout. And the result of such a mystical event is distinguished by truthfulness and reliability.

    Card fortune telling should be done on odd dates late in the evening or at midnight. In this case, you need to strictly follow the instructions so as not to make a mistake that could distort the result.

    Four Jacks

    The order of laying out cards for fortune telling “Four Jacks”

    If a girl has several gentlemen, and it is difficult for her to make a choice, then this fortune-telling on a regular playing deck will allow you to find out about their feelings and prospects for future relationships. Necessary:

    1. 1. Take a new deck of cards.
    2. 2. Select all jacks from it.
    3. 3. Assign each person the name of a specific young person.
    4. 4. Place them on the table in a row, face down, in any order.
    5. 5. Shuffle the remaining cards.
    6. 6. Divide them into four equal piles.
    7. 7. Arrange them in stacks from left to right under each of the jacks.

    The contents of each pile represent the prospects for a relationship with a certain man. First, you should interpret the situation according to the dominant suit, which characterizes the general trends in the relationship, and then consider the meanings of the remaining cards. Thus, hearts indicate sincere feelings, spades indicate joint children, clubs promise suffering and conflicts, and diamonds promise financial wealth.

    A man who for some reason is not suitable for a girl can be immediately excluded from the layout by putting aside the stack of cards corresponding to him. Then the three remaining jacks, along with the cards related to them, need to be mixed and laid out again on the table, after which one of the suitors you don’t like should be removed from the layout again. You need to repeat this procedure with the remaining candidates until only one of them remains. The cards from his pile should be evaluated to find out the prospects of the relationship. In this case, each card is interpreted separately.


    • six - a memorable journey;
    • seven - stability and confidence in the future;
    • eight - a happy future;
    • nine is a very suitable person for relationships;
    • ten - good news and surprises;
    • lady - rival;
    • king - passion;
    • ace - the relationship will begin with romantic correspondence.


    • six - a long-awaited joint vacation;
    • seven - betrayal;
    • eight - difficulties in relationships, aggression;
    • nine - minor obstacles;
    • ten - a gift;
    • lady - a friend with a complex character;
    • king - the fortuneteller will have a lover;
    • ace - unexpected news.


    • six - empty chores;
    • seven - problems associated with a government institution;
    • eight - unfulfilled hopes;
    • nine - minor signs of attention;
    • ten - profit;
    • lady - a woman who intrigues;
    • the king is a married suitor who will appear to the fortuneteller;
    • ace is an ill-wisher.


    • six - accident on the road;
    • seven - a major quarrel due to thoughtless words;
    • eight - lack of feelings, betrayal;
    • nine - betrayal, unworthy actions;
    • ten - serious illnesses;
    • the lady is a gossip, spreading bad rumors;
    • the king is the enemy;
    • ace - rash actions will lead to big problems.

    The results of this fortune telling are valid for one year. Next Christmas the arrangement needs to be repeated.

    One card at a time

    To perform this ritual you will also need a new playing deck. After shuffling it, you should move some of the cards toward you with your left hand and move them down.

    The card at the top will tell you about the true feelings of a potential partner and future relationships with him. Not only the suit matters, but also the card itself:

    • the suit of hearts means love;
    • cross problems and troubles, a difficult period in a couple;
    • tambourines - happiness;
    • peaks - difficulties;
    • six - news;
    • seven - joyful events;
    • eight - disappointment in the chosen one;
    • nine passionate kiss;
    • ten - a happy future with a partner;
    • jack - true love;
    • the lady is a rival or the man has a mistress;
    • the king is a friend who will provide support in love affairs;
    • ace - a strong and long-term alliance, mutual understanding and agreement between partners.

    How to tell fortunes for your betrothed

    The methods of Christmas fortune telling on your betrothed are very diverse and help you find out as much information about your future spouse as possible: external characteristics, name, age, character, profession, etc. Some of them are simple and safe, others are more complex and can harm the fortuneteller if wrong actions.

    Some rituals allow you to see the image of the groom in a dream. In order for the dream to be prophetic and the answers to questions of interest to be as truthful as possible, you must follow some rules:

    • sleep completely alone;
    • do not talk to anyone on the evening of fortune-telling, especially after casting a spell;
    • you should go to bed in the opposite direction from your usual one;
    • turn the sheet and pillow wrong side up;
    • put on the shirt in which the fortuneteller sleeps inside out.

    Rituals with cards

    For the ritual you will need a simple playing deck of cards, but definitely a new one that has never been played before. Need to:

    1. 1. Take out all the kings and jacks from it - they will symbolize men.
    2. 2. Mix them thoroughly.
    3. 3. Place all eight cards face down under the pillow.
    4. 4. Cast a magic spell: “My groom, dream about me in a dream and tell me about yourself.”
    5. 5. Go to bed.
    6. 6. In the morning, as soon as you open your eyes, take out the first card you come across and receive a prediction.

    If a king is caught, this foreshadows the fortuneteller's husband, who is much older than her in age; the jack promises a young life partner or peer. The suit also matters: worms - the betrothed is either from the girl’s inner circle or lives nearby, the spades suit speaks of a wealthy and successful person, the cross jack or king means an unexpected meeting with the other half, and the suit of diamonds warns that the acquaintance will happen through friends or relatives.

    Another way of fortune telling is to hide four kings from a regular playing deck under your pillow before going to bed. Then say the spell: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me in a dream.” The king of spades, dreamed at night, will tell you that the spouse will be much older and very jealous, the king of clubs means a divorced or widower or a military man or businessman, the king of hearts promises a rich and beautiful companion, and the king of diamonds - a desired and beloved one.

    You can also try this option:

    • Remove all kings from the deck.
    • Place it under the bed.
    • Lightly press them down with the heel of your shoe.
    • Say the magic words: “Betrothed-mummer, I’m waiting for you dressed up. Come and show yourself, marvel at me.” In a dream, a girl will dream of her future husband.

    On notes

    Using this method you can find out the name of your betrothed. Necessary:

    • cut a sheet of paper into small notes;
    • write men’s names on each (you can absolutely any, or you can those that belong to men you know);
    • roll them into tubes;
    • put it under the pillow for the whole night;
    • In the morning, draw any one at random;
    • the betrothed will be called as it is written on paper.

    With candles and mirror

    The version of fortune telling with candles and a mirror is perhaps one of the most exciting and dangerous. But thanks to him, you can see the image of your future spouse in great detail.

    It should be noted that the devil comes in the form of the betrothed. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful and remember to say at the end of the fortune-telling: “Keep away from me” or “Keep away from this place” in order to drive away evil spirits.

    With one mirror and one candle

    To complete it you need:

    • Sit in front of the mirror.
    • Light a candle and place it nearby.
    • Place a clean towel or napkin near you.
    • Look directly into the mirror reflection of the candle. If the image begins to become cloudy, this indicates that the betrothed is approaching soon.
    • Wipe the mirror and continue looking into it.
    • The betrothed must approach the girl from behind. You can’t take your eyes off the mirror, much less turn around.
    • After the fortuneteller has seen the betrothed in all details, she needs to say “Cheer out of this place.”

    If the groom managed to approach, he will sit down next to you and put some object on the table. Under no circumstances should you look directly at him; you need to wait until he leaves and only then pick up the item he left behind.

    With two candles and two mirrors

    To carry out the ceremony you should:

    • Place a small mirror on the table directly in front of you.
    • Place a second larger mirror behind you so that they form a mirror corridor.
    • Place lighted candles on the sides.
    • Look carefully into the reflection of the flame and say: “My betrothed mummer, come to me for dinner.”
    • After some time, the face of the betrothed will appear. You need to look at it in all details and say loudly: “Screw me! ", cross yourself and blow out the candles.

    The devil in the form of the betrothed will immediately disappear. According to legends, if this is not done, he can materialize from the mirror and take the bewitching girl with him.

    With a mirror and three candles

    To complete this you will need:

    • prepare a crystal (glass) glass or wine glass with water or white wine, a mirror and three candles;
    • put it on the table, and install a mirror behind it;
    • Place candles around the glass and light them;
    • peer closely into the mirror through a glass;
    • After a sufficiently long period of time, various images, faces, silhouettes will begin to appear in the mirror, and one can use them to judge the future chosen one.

    If a mirror breaks or cracks during the ritual, you need to collect the fragments in a container with clean water without touching them with your bare hands. Then cover the basin or bowl with a black cloth and throw it away in the morning.

    Fortune telling for the future and desires

    At Christmas you can tell fortunes about the future and the fulfillment of wishes; for this you will need simple means at hand.

    With wax and candles

    This simple fortune telling is suitable for girls with a rich imagination. For wax fortune telling, you will need a cup of cold water and two wax candles. To perform the ritual you need:

    • light one candle;
    • break the other into separate pieces and put them in a spoon;
    • heat it properly over a burning candle to melt the wax;
    • quickly pour the melted wax into a glass of cold water;
    • judge the future by the resulting wax figure.

    Much depends on the fortuneteller’s ability to interpret the signs received. But there are also approximate meanings of these symbols:

    • stripes - moving, change of scenery;
    • circle or pancake - serene youth;
    • pit - a dangerous disease;
    • mushroom - long life;
    • ring - wedding;
    • bell - anxiety, troubles;
    • flower - gentleman;
    • star - luck, success;
    • egg or oval - to change;
    • apple - health.

    Another simple option for fortune telling using small candles. It will require a large container of water (a basin or bowl) and halves of walnut shells, in an amount equal to the number of fortune tellers. Candles need to be lit, placed in shells and carefully lowered into the water.

    The first to burn out the candle will be the girl who is the first to get married, and the last will be the one who is still very far from getting married. If the shell completely sank to the bottom, the girl will never get married.

    The same method of Christmas fortune-telling can also be used to obtain more specific predictions. To do this, you need to additionally place small sheets of paper around a container of water with some events written on them (new acquaintance, marriage, moving, traveling, etc.) The inscription to which the shells with candles float closest will become prediction for next year.

    Another simple method that requires candles:

    • on the night before Christmas you need to wash your face and put on clean and smart clothes;
    • place the purchased candle on a wooden stand;
    • mentally formulate the question of interest;
    • light the fuse;
    • watch the flame.

    A dim glow will tell you about upcoming sadness and sadness. A low and even flame promises a measured life without surprises, and a bright and blazing fire portends quick success and mutual feelings. If you can clearly hear the crackling of a candle, then the fortuneteller will have a lot of happiness. Yellowish light predicts joy in the future, red-orange - good profits in business, and soot predicts misfortunes, problems and difficulties.

    Paper fortune telling

    To perform divination you should:

    • take a piece of paper or newspaper;
    • crumple it;
    • place the crumpled sheet on a flat dish;
    • set fire to;
    • bring the saucer with burnt paper closer to the wall;
    • carefully turn it until some shadow appears, by the outlines of which one can judge the near future.

    The next Christmas fortune telling on paper will help you find out your financial situation next year. Necessary:

    • cut about twenty pieces of paper of the same size;
    • leave some of them clean;
    • on others, draw symbols of various currencies;
    • place all the pieces of paper in a hat, bag or fabric bag;
    • to stir thoroughly;
    • pull out a handful of pieces of paper without looking and get a prediction.

    If securities marked with the sign of any currency predominate, the year will be financially successful. If on the contrary, then material difficulties should be expected.

    Paper and knife method:

    • take a sheet of paper;
    • divide it into sectors;
    • in each write the following meanings in a circle: “Yes”, “No”, “You should wait”, “A lying person is nearby”, “Pleasant surprise”, “Love date”, “Luck and success”, “Difficulties, disappointments”, “ Uninvited Guests", "Travel", "Important News";
    • take out a table knife;
    • place it in the center of the sheet;
    • twist clockwise three times;
    • ask any question;
    • get a prediction for the section pointed to by the knife.

    Fortune telling for wishes:

    • Write twelve cherished wishes on small pieces of paper.
    • Place the pieces of paper under your pillow at night.
    • In the morning, as soon as you open your eyes, draw out any three predictions. They will definitely come true soon.

    Another way:

    • cut paper strips of the same size;
    • write your wishes on them;
    • Place all the leaves in a wide container;
    • fill them with water;
    • wait until the strips of paper gradually begin to float to the surface.

    The piece of paper that surfaced first means the fulfillment of the plan. Sheets that surface later indicate that a lot of effort will be required to make your dream come true. If the strip drowns, then the wish is not destined to come true.

    Using a deck of cards

    This very simple Christmas fortune telling on cards will allow you to find out your future for the near future. For him you need to buy a new playing deck of thirty-six cards, shuffle them, take them off with your left little finger and lay them face down on the table. Then concentrate on the issue of interest and take out one card at a time. View their interpretation.


    • six - you need to change plans to avoid problems in the future;
    • seven - you should be careful;
    • eight - someone else's influence on fate;
    • nine - they experience strong love feelings for the fortuneteller;
    • ten - there is a need to ask the question again;
    • jack - someone remembers the fortuneteller;
    • lady - you need to avoid confessing your feelings;
    • king - a wish will come true;
    • ace - love.


    • six - betrayal;
    • seven - good changes in life;
    • eight - good news;
    • nine - the black streak will end soon;
    • ten - you can avoid sad thoughts through hard work;
    • jack - vain jealousy;
    • lady - conflicts;
    • the king is a deception;
    • ace - the plan will not come true.


    • six - unexpected incidents;
    • seven - praise from enemies;
    • eight - illness of a relative or close friend;
    • nine - bad news;
    • ten - it is not recommended to make new friends;
    • jack - the beloved will bring doubts and sorrows;
    • a lady is a worthy reward;
    • king - in order not to lose everything, you need to act;
    • an ace is a mistake that will not allow you to achieve success.


    • six - actions taken must be carefully considered in order to avoid unpleasant consequences;
    • seven - retribution for past sins, troubles, misfortunes;
    • eight - danger;
    • nine - you need to protect your secrets and secrets;
    • ten - happiness;
    • jack - empty chores;
    • lady - the speedy fulfillment of a dream;
    • king - wonderful news;
    • ace - you need to trust people.

    You can tell fortunes using a card deck if you wish. You need to carefully shuffle the cards and formulate a brief question about its execution in such a way that it can be answered “yes” or “no”. Then draw any card at random and look at its suit:

    • spades - the wish will definitely not come true;
    • worms - positive answer;
    • clubs - unlikely;
    • tambourines - it will come true, but with time and effort.

    Christmas superstitions

    During Christmas fortune-telling at home, not everything always goes as planned. Unforeseen situations also happen: equipment may break, for example, a mirror or glass, candles may go out, or a deck of cards may crumble. For each such episode there is a certain belief:

    • If during a ritual with a mirror it breaks or cracks, it means that the spirits do not want to talk to the fortuneteller. Fortune telling should be stopped immediately.
    • Extinguished candles are a very bad sign. You should protect yourself from future troubles.
    • If the fortuneteller has mixed up the text of the spoken spell, the fortune telling will not work.
    • Spirits are more willing to make contact in a house where a deceased person has been this year.
    • If the answer to the question does not suit the fortuneteller or is unclear to her, it is forbidden to disturb the spirits a second time. It is better to postpone the ritual until next year.

The desire to know their future has never left people. To build an ideal life, to protect yourself from misfortunes, to know in advance is the main motivation in fortune telling, not counting banal curiosity and the desire to pass the time cheerfully. Fortune telling can only be done during certain periods of time, and Christmastide fits these wishes.

The main thing in the article

How to tell fortunes for Christmas at home?

You can look into the future at Christmas on the night from the sixth to the seventh of January. At this time, the border between the worlds is quite thin, and you can ask otherworldly forces about the future, ask for help. It’s easy to tell fortunes at home using items that are always at hand.

  • You can actually tell fortunes using an onion or a gold ring to find out the name of your future husband.
  • To see your betrothed, you should use rods for a bridge or eat salty food.
  • There are also many fortune tellings using improvised objects: glasses, mirrors, bread crumbs, candles.

When is the right time to tell fortunes at Christmas?

If you want the prediction to be as accurate as possible, you need to clearly know the correct dates for fortune telling. Starting from the evening of January 6, and until January 18 there is a period called Christmastide , in which girls traditionally tell fortunes about the future, the groom, and wealth. You can’t guess every day, but only:

  • from the evening of January 6 to the morning of January 7
  • from the evening of January 13
  • on Epiphany evening - January 18.
    However, it is believed that the most truthful fortune-telling will be on Christmas evening.

What will you need for fortune telling on Christmas night?

For fortune telling on Christmas night, you will need the necessary equipment for the fortune telling you have chosen, preparation of the fortuneteller and good imagination.

  • Get over your fear.
  • Remove the hair clips; they should be loose.
  • Untie all kinds of knots that are on the clothing (belts and waistbands are also considered knots).
  • Remove all jewelry.
  • Protect the room from extraneous sounds during fortune telling.
  • You cannot cross your arms and legs so as not to lose contact with the otherworldly.
  • It is necessary to clearly formulate the question of interest.

Christmas fortune telling for the future

Fortune telling by lines in a book

Take any book, concentrate on what you want to learn. Open the book to any page and read the lines. The answer to your question is in these lines.

Fortune telling using cups

Prepare three cups: with water, sugar, and a ring. Close your eyes and, turning around yourself three times clockwise, extend your left hand and take the cup.

  1. A cup of water promises a calm and passive year, not particularly eventful.
  2. If you choose the one with sugar, then the year will be fun, with a lot of good impressions and good luck in business.
  3. A ring in a cup promises the appearance of a young man in the life or an early marriage.

Card fortune telling for Christmas


Take a bath or shower and put on clean pajamas. Select kings of all suits from a deck of cards and place them under your pillow. Ask your betrothed to come to you in a dream:

  • dream about the king of spades - your husband will be terribly jealous and older than you,
  • hearts - younger than you and rich,
  • Crusader - the groom will be a military man,
  • diamond - the one you love will love you.

On request

Shuffle the cards while thinking about your desire. Then draw one card from the deck at random.

  • peaks - the wish will not come true;
  • clubs - unlikely;
  • tambourines - it will come true, but you need to make an effort;
  • worms - will definitely come true.

Is it possible to tell fortunes at Christmas using playing cards?

Playing cards originated from fortune telling tarot cards. Of course they are slightly modified. There are no major arcana in them, except for the Jester (Joker). The suits were replaced:

  • clubs are former wands,
  • swords were replaced with pikes,
  • pentacles turned into diamonds,
  • cups became hearts.

At Christmas you can tell fortunes with playing cards, but the deck must be new and after fortune telling you cannot play with such cards.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed and marriage

Survey of passers-by

This fortune telling does not require special equipment. Walk down the street, looking for the first male passerby. Find out the name. This will be your groom's name.

Prophetic dream about a betrothed

There are several options for inducing a prophetic dream.

  1. Buy a new comb the day before. Before going to bed, comb your hair, repeating “Mummer, come, comb me” and place the comb under the pillow. In a dream, the groom will come to comb your hair.
  2. Eat something salty before going to bed, saying, “Whoever is my betrothed will bring me a drink.” Then immediately go to bed and remember the groom in your dreams.

Fortune telling with four glasses

By this fortune telling you will find out the character of the groom.

  • You will need four glasses, filled with clean water.
  • Next, arm yourself with a teaspoon: drop sweet honey into the first glass, a little salt into the second, lemon juice into the third, add a little wine into the last.
  • Stir the contents, cover the glasses with a cloth or napkins so as not to see the filler.
  • Now it is necessary for someone to rearrange the glasses.
  • After that, without hesitation, grab one of them and take a sip.
  • If you choose honey water, then in the future you will have a kind husband and a sweet life, salty water - to tears and sadness, water with sourness promises a joyless married life, and a glass of alcohol - to a husband who loves to drink.

Christmas fortune telling for children

In addition to the future betrothed, a woman is also concerned about the number of children in the family and the gender of the child.

Fortune telling with a ring in water

  • Fill a bowl or glass with water and place your wedding ring in it.
  • Next, the bowl should be put out in the cold. Let it sit there overnight and check the results in the morning.
  • If the water is frozen and the surface is smooth, don’t expect children this year.
  • If you see a bumpy surface, you will be pregnant with a boy, and if there is a depression on the surface, you will be pregnant with a girl.

If the night suitable for fortune telling is not frosty, you can use the freezer.

Fortune telling needle

  • You will need white thread and a needle.
  • Thread the needle, take the thread by the tip with your right hand, and guide it so that the end of the needle is in the center of your left palm, slightly higher from it.
  • Watch the needle. Rocking across the palm predicts a girl, rocking along the palm predicts a boy.
  • If the needle stops and then suddenly starts swinging again, it means it tells you the gender of the next child.

How to tell fortunes for Christmas by shadow?

Shadow divination is most popular at Christmas.

  1. Find an old newspaper and begin to crumple it in your hands, while formulating a question of interest.
  2. Then the newspaper needs to be transferred to a container and set on fire.
  3. When it burns, turn off the light and light the candle.
  4. Rotate the container with the burnt newspaper in front of the candle until you see a shape in the outline of the shadow.

House means a change of residence or marriage, ring promises a wedding is just around the corner, pig- troubles. In general, interpret such figures as your mind tells you. This is reminiscent of decoding a dream - dreaming about sweets promises happiness for someone, because they are associated with childhood, and bad luck for someone, because the lady wants to lose weight and is afraid to eat sweets.

Fortune telling for Christmas with a mirror

Using such an attribute for fortune-telling as a mirror, the girls tried to look for the image of the future groom in it. This fortune telling is quite creepy, so the girl must be psychologically prepared.

  1. Find two medium sized mirrors.
  2. Place mirrors opposite each other to create a kind of corridor of mirrors.
  3. Light a church candle to the left and right of each mirror.
  4. After waiting until midnight, turn to the mirror: “Betrothed, show yourself to me.”
  5. Next, peer into the mirror.
  6. As soon as you see the outlines of a man approaching you, look at his appearance and say “mind me” or read the Lord’s Prayer.
  7. The main thing is not to let the essence out of the mirror, it is dangerous.

How to tell fortunes using coffee grounds, nutshells and eggs?

How to tell fortunes using coffee grounds

By telling fortunes with coffee grounds, you can warm up, enjoy the aroma, and find out the future.

  1. Brew coffee in a Turkish coffee pot.
  2. Pour into a light cup, mentally formulating the question that is tormenting you. Don't add sugar to coffee!
  3. Drink your coffee in even sips, concentrating on the question. If you decide to tell fortunes in a group, then you cannot talk to each other.
  4. The cup should be held in the right hand, the handle should be on the right.
  5. Leave a couple of teaspoons of liquid at the bottom.
  6. Take the cup in your other hand, beat the liquid clockwise and tip it onto the saucer. Wait a few seconds for the pattern to form.
  • Square – life stability
  • Solid cross - unfortunately
  • Circle with spots - to add to the family
  • Dashes - changes are coming
  • Zigzag - an interesting trip
  • Angel – help from the spirit world
  • Dagger - dangerous enemies
  • Horseshoe - good luck
  • Crow - trouble in the family
  • Cat - problems in the material sphere
  • Eagle - victory in business
  • Rose - wedding.

Fortune telling on a nut boat

  • Decide on the problem you want to ask about.
  • On small pieces of paper, write down possible resolution options.
  • Pour water into the container and attach pieces of paper around the circumference.
  • Take half a walnut shell and place a burning candle in it.
  • Place the boat in the container. Whichever piece of paper with the answer he sets on fire will come true.

Fortune telling with an egg

Prepare a glass of water at room temperature. Beat the egg white into it and see what shape it takes. Interpret the figures like deciphering dreams. Protein that sinks to the bottom promises difficult times.

Fortune telling for Christmas with candles and wax

  1. For this fortune telling, prepare two candles, a tablespoon and a container of cold water.
  2. Chop one candle into pieces and place them in a spoon.
  3. Light the second one under the spoon to melt the wax.
  4. Quickly pour the liquid wax into the container, making sure that the flow is not interrupted.
  5. Interpret the future based on the figures formed, looking at them from all sides.
  • Stripes - for moving
  • Yama is a disease
  • Mushroom - you will live a long life
  • Damn - happy youth
  • Ring - for marriage
  • Bell - to alarming events
  • Flower - to the suitor
  • Star - good luck
  • Egg - for a new thing
  • Apple - to good health.

Christmas fortune telling on paper

They tell fortunes on paper the night before Christmas to find out their financial situation next year.

  1. Cut approximately twenty pieces of paper, trying to keep them the same size.
  2. Leave some of the pieces of paper blank; on the rest, draw symbols of different currencies.
  3. Place all pieces of paper in a bag or fabric bag. Stir.
  4. Next, reach into the bag and pull out a handful of pieces of paper.
  5. If pure ones prevail, the year will be financially difficult.
  6. If, on the contrary, more with “currency”, then financial success awaits you.

How to tell fortunes for Christmas on a ring?

Write the names of the men you know on small pieces of paper and place them randomly on the table. Thread a thread through a gold ring and move it over the names. Above whose name the ring begins to swing actively, he is in love with you.

Simple ways to tell fortunes for Christmas

Fortune telling with cereals

For this fortune telling, you need a jar of cereal.

  • Think of a question, then take a handful of cereal from the jar with your left hand.
  • Now count the number of grains.
  • The answer is yes if the number is even, the answer is no if it is odd.

Fortune telling for 12 wishes

Write your twelve wishes on small pieces of paper and hide them under your pillow at night. In the morning, without putting your feet out of bed, pull out the first three. This year they will be fulfilled.

Fortune telling by cat

Make a wish and call the cat into the room. Look with which paw the cat crossed the threshold. With the right one, the dream will come true, with the left one, it won’t happen.

Fortune telling for Christmas online: how to tell fortunes and is it worth believing?

In times of the predominance of computer technology in all spheres of our lives, many no longer guess the old fashioned way, but trust it to the Internet. There are many sites offering fortune telling online. In order not to wait until the morning, as in the case of fortune telling, when you need to write the names of your betrothed and hide them under the pillow, you can enter them online in a few minutes, put them under the virtual pillow and find out the name of the groom.

You can also cast wax online, throw a shoe, and tell fortunes using Tarot cards.

The advantage is that no props are needed and the result is instant. The downside is that there is no atmosphere of mystery and magic.

Believe it or not - decide for yourself. This is easy to check if you analyze your life this year and what fortune telling online predicted for you.

List of sites where you can tell fortunes:

Christmas fortune telling and superstitions

During fortune telling, everything does not always go according to plan. It happens that objects break, candles go out, cards fall out of the deck. These superstitions foretell certain events in the future.

  • If during fortune telling with a mirror it breaks or cracks, it means the spirits do not want to come into contact. It is necessary to either postpone fortune telling or appease the spirits.
  • If the candles go out during fortune telling, it is an unkind sign. Spirits do not want to communicate with you, it is better to stop fortune telling.
  • Fortune telling should be done in thin, clean clothes without ribbons or knots.
  • Do not cross your arms and legs.
  • It is easier to summon a spirit in a house or apartment where someone has died this year.
  • If the answer to a question is unclear, then asking twice is forbidden, so as not to anger the spirits.

There are a great many variations of fortune telling for Christmas, there is plenty to choose from. Fortune telling evenings with company are a fun way to spend time doing something interesting. Enchant a good future - it’s wonderful, but if a bad one happens, don’t be sad. Perhaps the spirits just want to warn you. And it’s up to you to decide how to get around the troubles.

Since ancient times, classical fortune telling has been extremely popular among various Slavic peoples. A special magical attribute, without which no ritual can be imagined, is a simple candle. This wax object accompanies us all our lives - at baptisms, weddings, and funerals.

Wax fortune telling

Perhaps the most ancient and famous way to find out about your destiny is fortune telling by candles. This activity was any kind of entertainment for girls of different classes during the holy week. At this time, one could find out one’s future, examine the face of one’s beloved man, etc. As a rule, fortune telling was done using church candles, and nannies and experienced fortune tellers supervised the entire process. During fortune telling, they melted wax and poured it into a vessel with water, and then deciphered the meaning of the bizarre figures.

How to guess

Fortune telling with candles cannot be done every day; it is better to do it at special times: on the full moon in the week before Easter, after Trinity, after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, on Christmastide. Fortune telling with wax has become popular due to its simplicity and accessibility. For the purity of the ritual, you should choose not paraffin candles, but wax ones, because... only they have energy-informational special properties. It is also advisable to take melted water or baptism water for fortune telling, the structure of which can change under the influence of freezing.

On wax and water

Casting or fortune telling with wax is a classic method of divination, known since ancient times. The method is accessible to anyone, and it does not require special training. When choosing objects for a ritual, you need to be more careful. You should take a large candle so that it burns for at least an hour. Only from this amount of wax mass can optimal information be obtained. In addition to the candle, to perform fortune telling you will need:

  • matches or lighter;
  • steel tablespoon;
  • wide container or cup with cold water.

Carrying out the ritual:

  1. Grate the candle.
  2. Take a small handful and put it in a spoon.
  3. Pour cold water into the container.
  4. Light a match or lighter.
  5. Let's make a low fire.
  6. We formulate the request in advance.
  7. Melt the wax properly until liquid and quickly pour it into water.
  8. Wax figures will appear, which will be the answer to the question.
  9. We look at what happened in the water and look for the meaning of the symbols.
  10. For greater effect, you can place a small mirror at the bottom of the vessel. Water must be poured over it. The mirror will not allow information to go in different directions, the figure will be clear.

On the mirror and candles

Fortune telling with mirrors is considered the most terrible, it can only be performed by a brave girl. Before divination, you need to remove all unnecessary things from the table. The fortune teller must be alone. By midnight, for this purpose, she locks herself in a room or in a bathhouse. In the twilight of the mirror surface during such a ritual, you can see the face of your betrothed. For fortune telling using candles with a mirror you will need:

  • two or three large mirrors;
  • two candles;
  • matches.

Carrying out the ritual:

  1. It is necessary to take mirrors for fortune telling and place them one against the other.
  2. We light candles.
  3. We illuminate the mirrors with candles from one and the other edge.
  4. It is better to keep one mirror opposite two illuminated ones to create a long corridor.
  5. You need to look attentively and motionlessly in the mirror, directing your gaze to the end of the corridor.
  6. It is believed that in such a gallery you can see your man.

The meaning of figures and interpretation of symbols

Fortune telling symbol


warns against mistakes you will regret


happy family life

a good sign that symbolizes harmony or a joyful event

a sign symbolizing good luck in all matters

new romance, marriage, love

a symbol that it’s time to change something in life

confidence, strength, reliability

serene coexistence

betrayal of a friend

symbol of inner strength, passion, determination

speaks of danger, of insidious enemies

unpleasant situation

you will need willpower, if you have it, then all your plans will come true

if the branches are turned upward - joy; if down - an unpleasant event

a good sign that foretells a surprise

germ (embryo)

new stage of life: pregnancy, relationships, new job, hobbies


need to make cash reserves

harbinger of good news

you have a loyal friend who you can trust

warning of betrayal or possible pregnancy
