Interview with Keira Knightley. Keira Knightley: “My magnificent breasts are a fiction! - What do you mean

Valeria Lanskaya gave frank interview in Kira Proshutinskaya’s program “Wife. Love story". The actress spoke about why her parents’ divorce did not darken her life, and about the main meeting in her life.

Valeria Lanskaya was born into the family of a teacher in ballroom dancing Alexander Zaitsev and trainer figure skating, choreographer Elena Maslennikova. The future artist grew up happy child, and even her parents’ divorce did not darken her life. “For me, their separation was not a big psychological trauma, as it happens with children. They somehow correctly conveyed to me that it would be better for everyone. And I still think it's better to see the parents separately, but happy people than together, but in constant conflict,” said Valeria.

Parents separated because Elena Maslennikova fell in love with another man. By the way, Lanskaya admitted that her stepfather did not become a close person to her. Already at the age of 14 she graduated from school as an external student, and at 15 she entered the Shchukin School. It was there that Valeria first fell in love seriously. In a conversation with Kira Proshutinskaya, the actress admitted that she was very amorous, she had affairs, and every time she wanted to bring them to Serious relationships and even marriage. But it didn't work out.

“I couldn’t be alone, I didn’t want to. It’s hard for me to be alone. But every time it wasn’t just anyone, I had to feel something for him, respect him. And for me, the most important quality of my lover is talent. If a person doesn’t talented, I can’t respect him, I’m not interested in being with him,” the actress explained.

Valeria met her future husband, director Stas Ivanov, while filming in Yaroslavl. She acted in films there, and he made films. “I was talking to my partner at breakfast one day and I was so uninterested. When the partner stood up to take something else, Stas came up and said: “I see that you need to be saved. I'm Stas Ivanov, film director, it's a pleasure. I have a proposal for you. Let's meet in the evening and talk."

Lanskaya accepted his proposal, but at the second meeting he did not make the most pleasant impression on her. Ivanov seemed overly cynical and self-confident, but she could not help but admit that he was very talented. As a result, three months later the director proposed marriage to the actress.

“We were out of town, he called a couple of friends and my mother. We made kebabs and sat at the table. I feel like he's nervous. I think: why? And he gets up and asks my mother for my hand. And mom: “Get married already!” I was very happy. For the first time, I was sure: yes, this will happen, this is the right person, and I want this unconditionally,” said Lanskaya. Valeria and Stas got married in March 2015, and in September their son Artemy was born into their family.

IN exclusive interview"TV program" famous actress explained why she decided to play Anna Karenina and take a topless photo

In an exclusive interview with TV Program, the famous actress explained why she decided to play Anna Karenina and be photographed topless.

This fragile Englishwoman has been in star status for more than ten years, and yet she is not yet thirty. In addition to roles in many blockbusters, Kira managed to appear in serious dramas and receive a lot of prestigious awards and nominations. The actress also has happy marriage and imminent motherhood (in December, Knightley confirmed that she was expecting a child).
And Kira began her campaign for fame, success and family happiness, being very tiny. If you believe a popular story in the film world, at the age of three she demanded that her parents hire a professional agent.

- Is the story about the agent true?

- Absolute! (Laughs.) What else can you expect from an acting child when all the talk around is exclusively about engagements? The parents did not give up right away, they retreated step by step: okay, they say, we will allow you to work, but not in advertising. Okay, in advertising, but not in TV series. Okay, in TV series, but not in soap operas! And so they gave up one position after another in exchange for promises to study well.

- Done?

- Imagine! It turned out that I like to study. I adored humanities, was warm towards the natural sciences, and only mathematics kept a respectful distance from me (smiles).

— And they ended up playing mathematician Joan Clark in The Imitation Game...

“So I played a pirate, although I never boarded a ship, and Queen Guinevere, having nothing to do with the ruling dynasty. It's such a profession.

— In “The Imitation Game,” your role is not at all romantic. You are a cryptanalyst from the team of the mathematical genius Alan Turing, who managed to unravel the German encryption codes during World War II...

mother says that I was born forty-five years old.

It's probably stupid to talk about this, but I never liked being a child. I wanted people to start taking me seriously as soon as possible.

I started filming when I was seven, and from the very first day I decided to save money for a house - I put the money in a jam jar. But I wanted an agent when I was three. I don’t remember this myself, but everyone around me says that it happened. I think I didn't really have any idea what agents were, it just seemed unfair that Mum and Dad had them and I didn't.

on my last birthday, When I turned 28, I thought: “Damn, this is called “becoming an adult.” And then I took a photo - I’m nine years old, sitting somewhere in denim overalls - and thought that I urgently need to buy the same one. And then someone gives me wings like a fairy. In general, I celebrated my 28th birthday in denim overalls with wings on the back - and I have never been so happy.

my parents had an agreement: for several years in a row - after my older brother was born - my mother wanted a second child, but my father (theater and television actor Will Knightley - Esquire) said that they could only allow it if my mother (Sharman Macdonald, a famous screenwriter - Esquire) will write and successfully sell a play. That’s how I was born, and my mother wrote “When I Was a Girl, I Cried and Screamed” - her first play.

I've walked the path from the eternal “she can’t act” to an Oscar nomination, and it seems to be great.

at all kinds of social events you can see me in the corner with a glass of champagne. Every time I feel very, very scared and uncomfortable, and I just stand there in the corner, quietly drink, smile meaninglessly and wait for it to finally be over. And I never know what I should say and to whom.

There are no individuals on the red carpet, and no matter how hard the photographers try, they are all very similar. That's why I adore Björk and her swan dress (which Björk wore to the 2001 Oscars - Esquire). But I don't have the courage to do that.

in some photographs I look like a prostitute - but an expensive prostitute, of course. The kind that only stays at the Ritz.

in magazines I've been called the messiest woman in Britain and I'm very proud of it because it's so true.

when I was ten, I dressed like Kurt Cobain. My brother and his friends loved Nirvana, and I had this crazy washed cardigan - striped, just like Cobain. I wore it every day, and when it finally went to the trash heap because it was so worn out, I cried as if I was burying a person.

I never think what to wear. The main thing is to wear clean clothes.

I always disappoint people who come to interview me. Obviously, everyone expects me to be much more beautiful in real life.

I don't think about a balanced diet. Just the thought of dieting makes me want chips or ice cream. And I don't go to the gym - I can't stand them.

I have no I have no idea how much I weigh. I don't even have a scale. But I noticed that when I talk about this, I terribly irritate those who cannot be called graceful.

I'm terribly lazy. The only exercise I do regularly is turning on the TV.

football - that's the only reason I have a TV at home. It’s complete nonsense to watch football on a laptop screen.

more than anything I like to walk. I know it sounds like complete bullshit, but that's the way I was born.

I can not even imagine, Is it possible to say that I am completely normal? The world around me is definitely not normal, but I try not to hurt others, and I try not to hurt myself. Perhaps this is the definition of normal.

Fine, that everyone thinks differently. It's more interesting to live this way.

to be an actor - means to be observant. You will have to come to a cafe and watch people for hours.

the most unexpected things in the world we learn about ourselves.

if I have a dark side, I still haven't discovered it. Yes, I'm so boring.

nude shooting scares me but I'm ready for it if the script demands it. Or if I think it's funny.

On posters they always paint on my boobs. For “King Arthur” (2004 film - Esquire), they also painted on my boobs, but they turned out stupid and saggy. And I told them: “Guys, since you decided to draw my boobs on the computer, you could make them stick out just right.”

yes I have boobs but 50% of the inhabitants of this planet also have boobs. So let's not waste time talking about mine.

I firmly decided live your life in the best possible way of all possible. First of all, this means doing as few interviews as possible.

Yes, I'm wearing a ring. This is the only thing I can say about my personal life.

I've had enough of on-screen weddings. In the movies, I got married five times, and I have three children, plus countless marriage proposals - something like twenty.

I never ask from my fellow actresses, how they are doing, because I absolutely don’t want to know. This may sound a little childish, but I really don’t want to know anything about how and what they live with. After all, if I suddenly find out that they do a lot of crap in life, I will immediately become uninterested in watching them on the screen.

when there are too many men around you, You're about to grow a beard.

I'm always asked:“So you’re not kidding when you say you’re a feminist?” It's like, damn, everyone is just making fun of it.

if you want support a good relationship with your family, your man and your friends, you will have to spend all your time on the Internet with your phone in your hand.

they make me happy good books, good food and an evening with friends.

I hate karaoke. Damn, I just can't stand this fucking karaoke. I have to get so drunk that I can no longer stand without someone's help before I dare to sing in front of someone. Imagine: among those around me there are a lot of people who really sing beautifully, and then suddenly I pick up a microphone. It doesn't look any better than just telling them to "fuck you."

swearing is mine cardinal sin, but I get great pleasure from it. And this despite the fact that my mother swears very little, and my father does not swear at all.

I used to really love rage against the machine. It seems because they constantly swear in their songs.

"cute" - this is the worst word on earth.

I was diagnosed with dyslexia as a child, so I don't read quickly. But I really love words. Quite strange, considering that they are so difficult for me.

life - It's not just about studying, studying, studying. Life is about learning and unlearning, learning and unlearning, and then learning again.

I never believed that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 due to the apocalypse. It seems to me that they simply had an undeveloped imagination, and they could not imagine what would happen later, after 2012.

I forget absolutely everything even faces. Another side of dyslexia, yeah.

What am I thinking about now? That very soon, this evening, we are meeting with friends for a drink. Gin always makes me cry, so I'll drink vodka.

when you don't know what to do - faint.

Photo by Getty I mages

Keira Knightley is due to appear any minute, and everyone in the studio is a little nervous, rehearsing their welcoming smiles. We're in Los Angeles, and everyone's a little nervous here. The spacious pavilion is filled with echoes from moving spotlights. Long rows of hangers are filled with dresses, and there is a mountain of shoe boxes on the floor. Laid out on a large table Jewelry with a total value of two million dollars. The jewels are looked after by two huge guards in identical black suits. They look with suspicion at anyone who hangs around the table for too long. Staring at the diamonds, I almost miss the moment of Kira’s appearance. She is wearing a wool blazer and a pleated skirt. On foot - Brown boots on laces. Twenty-six-year-old Knightley rewards everyone present with a polite “hello” and, seeing the familiar face of hair stylist Ben in the crowd, goes to him to kiss the air twice.

Kira remembers everyone who helped her become a star - hairdressers, makeup artists, production assistants. She was nominated for an Oscar in 2006 for her role in the film Pride and Prejudice, and is currently filming the film adaptation of the novel Anna Karenina. “This is Tolstoy,” the actress exclaims emotionally. “You’d have to be crazy to refuse such an offer.” And this is not the first time that Kira has to play a Russian aristocrat. In David Cronenberg's new film A Dangerous Method, the girl starred in the role of Sabina, a Russian patient of psychoanalyst Gustav Jung, suffering from hysterical seizures.

Kira is a very polite Englishwoman, she doesn’t even try to speak with an American accent or act like an American. She was born in the London suburb of Teddington. Her mother is the famous playwright Sherman MacDonald, her father is the theater actor Will Knightley. Already at the age of three, the girl asked her parents to hire her her own agent, and at the age of six she got one. Knightley patiently built her acting career, ignoring those who criticized her unconvincing performance. Nonsense! The results of her game are more than convincing - by 2008 (thanks to the Disney trilogy "Pirates Caribbean Sea") she became one of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood with an annual income of $40 million! In addition, since 2006, Keira Knightley has been the personification of the Chanel fragrance – Coco Mademoiselle.

She is very rational about her personal life and never flaunts her relationships. We know about her novels, but not much. She dated actor Rupert Friend for five years. They split last January because their contracts made it virtually impossible for them to be together. Her new friend– James Righton, lead singer of the English indie rock band Klaxons.

Corset? Does anyone use corsets these days?

Oh, it was a director's fantasy! I usually apply a few drops to my wrist and neck. I hate the thought of someone bringing me to my knees.

Is it possible to win a man’s heart with a scent?

Good question... I don't know. It's probably better to ask men about this. A friend of mine stopped dating a girl after the first date because he didn't like the scent of her perfume. It is possible that the opposite happens.

How do you dress?

I like boyish chic. I feel a lot of boyish things inside me. When I was a teenager, I dressed like a boy. Until I was 14 I didn’t wear skirts at all. I just hated them. I still love wearing men's shirts.

Can you remember your first designer outfit?

Yes, it was a Miu Miu dress. Remember White dress Marilyn Monroe, who rose from the air from the subway? My dress was similar to his, only black. It was not the right size for me, especially on top. For such a dress you need large breasts (and I don’t have any at all). But I still love him. I bought it ten years ago, but it still looks relevant. I like it when things come back into fashion.

Do you need a lot of time to get yourself ready in the morning?

I do everything very quickly. Especially now that I have short haircut. WITH long hair it was much more trouble.

Why did you cut your hair?

This was required for filming. At first I objected, I thought that I could get by with a wig. We started discussing this, drank a glass of champagne, then a second, and after the third I already had this haircut.

Do you regret it?

Not at all. Although I thought I would regret it. But now it’s so easy to manage your hair! I washed it and went. Fabulous.

Are you in " Dangerous method"You play a crazy woman, the first one on whom Jung tried his psychoanalysis.

Yes, I play the patient. My heroine has problems romantic relationship with Dr. Carl Jung.

Jung taught the whole world how to interpret dreams. Do you have recurring dreams?

There are, but I’m not going to retell them to you (laughs).

Last Night in New York" you played married woman meeting with her ex-lover. Do you think it is possible to love two men at the same time?

Sometimes. But it is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. This should somehow be combined with your personality, with the place you occupy in life, with how you feel about the person who is next to you.

What's worse - emotional cheating or physical cheating? Or do men and women perceive this differently?

I always thought that emotional cheating was worse for women, and physical cheating for men. But when I started asking men about this, I made an interesting discovery. It turns out that for them it is much worse, much more dangerous, to fall in love with another woman than to simply have sex with her.

I never thought that men were capable of analyzing their infidelities in such a complex way.

(Laughs.) How capable! But it seems to me that everything depends on the relationship in the couple. This topic is both exciting and repulsive at the same time. We will never be able to clearly explain why cheating occurs. Each time it is a special story.

Have you ever sexted?

Sorry, what?

Sexting. This is when someone exchanges intimate messages via SMS or social media. Do you think this is flirting or deception?

Oh my God! I do not know what to say. This is the first time I've heard about this.

Do you believe in women's intuition?

I believe, but I don’t think that it works correctly in a hundred percent of cases. I can always feel people between whom there is sex, catch the chemistry of their relationship.

Have you ever been unreasonably jealous?

I think jealousy is the only emotion in which there is nothing good, nothing positive. I'm not saying I've never been jealous. Of course I was jealous. But it seems to me that jealousy never arises by mistake. You can trust this feeling.

Do you find it easier to communicate with women or with men?

Among my friends there are both men and women. I have a friend who is comfortable only in purely female company. My other friends, like me, have a lot of boyish qualities. But I don’t demand creepy behavior from men either. physical strength and hard testosterone character. They can be musicians, artists, writers and directors. Men are actually very sensitive creatures.

If you imagine that you will no longer be recognized, even for one day, where will you go?

Very simple. I'll go to the subway. I love riding the subway and looking at people.
