Iodomarin side effects. How to take iodomarin for people of different age categories

Iodomarin 100, 200 – instructions for use, reviews, price, cheap analogues. Can I take the medicine during pregnancy? How many tablets should children take?

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Iodomarin is a drug iodine, which is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by iodine deficiency (for example, endemic goiter), as well as for the prevention of iodine deficiency during periods of increased need for it (for example, during pregnancy and adolescence). In addition, Iodomarin is used to treat iodine deficiency and diffuse euthyroid goiter in children and adults.

Varieties, names, composition and release forms

Currently, Iodomarin is available in Russia in two varieties, which are called Iodomarin 100 And Iodomarin 200. These varieties differ from each other only in the number in the name and the dosage of the active component. There are no other differences between Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200, so, in essence, these varieties are just the same drug with different dosages of the active substance and different names. The situation with the varieties of Iodomarin can be described using an example: if domestically produced Paracetamol, produced in dosages of 200 mg and 500 mg, had different names for each dosage - Paracetamol 200 and Paracetamol 500, respectively, then this would be the same situation as with Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200.

But since in the official register of medicines drugs with the names “Iodomarin 100” and “Iodomarin 200” are registered as separate drugs, we are also forced to classify them as varieties of the same drug, although, in fact, these varieties are nothing more, than different dosages of the same drug. Since, in fact, Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are the same drug with different dosages of the active component, in the future we will refer to both varieties with the common name “Iodomarin”, which is widely used in everyday life.

In the past, there was another type of drug in Russia - Iodomarin for children, which were chewable pieces designed specifically for children. But at present, Iodomarin for children has not undergone the re-registration procedure, as a result of which it is absent from the domestic pharmaceutical market. In principle, Iodomarin for children is no different from Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200, except for the name and dosage of the active substance. Therefore, all the properties and characteristics of Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 can be extended to Iodomarin for children.

Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are available in the same and only dosage form - tablets for oral administration. Tablets of both varieties of Iodomarin have a flat-cylindrical round shape, painted white or almost white, equipped with a score on one side and a bevel (beveled edge of the tablet). Iodomarin 100 is available in plastic bottles of 50 or 100 pieces. Iodomarin 200 is available in blisters of 50 or 100 pieces per pack.

The composition of Iodomarin as an active substance includes potassium iodide in different dosages. Iodomarin 100 contains 131 mcg of potassium iodide per tablet, which corresponds to 100 mcg of pure iodine. Iodomarin 200 contains 262 mcg of potassium iodide per tablet, which corresponds to 200 mcg of pure iodine.

Both varieties of Iodomarin contain the same following substances as auxiliary components:

  • Highly dispersed silicon dioxide (colloidal);
  • Gelatin;
  • Carboxymethyl starch sodium salt;
  • Lactose monohydrate;
  • Magnesium carbonate basic light;
  • Magnesium stearate.

Iodomarin dosages

Currently, Yodomarin is available on the Russian pharmaceutical market in two dosages - 100 mg and 200 mg of pure iodine.

Therapeutic effect

Iodine is a microelement necessary for normal life, which must be supplied to the body with food and water. Iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones (T3 - triiodothyronine and T4 - thyroxine), which ensure normal metabolism and also regulate the functioning of the brain, reproductive (ovaries in women and testes in men) and mammary glands, nervous and cardiovascular systems . In addition, thyroid hormones ensure normal growth and development of the child both in the prenatal period and after birth and until adulthood.

Iodine deficiency leads to diseases of the thyroid gland and, accordingly, to disruption of the functioning of all organs and systems, the functioning of which is regulated by thyroid hormones (ovaries in women, testicles in men, mammary glands, brain, nervous system, heart and blood vessels). Iodine deficiency is especially dangerous for children, adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Thus, iodine deficiency in children and adolescents leads to short stature, developmental delays, poor school performance, puberty disorders, and aggressiveness. Teenage girls with iodine deficiency experience menstrual irregularities. Lack of iodine in pregnant women can lead to fetal death, developmental delays, miscarriages, and also to the birth of a mentally retarded baby. Iodine deficiency in nursing mothers leads to impaired milk production, improper functioning of the ovaries, heart, blood vessels, brain, as well as a delay in the development of the child.

Iodine entering the body as a result of taking Iodomarin replenishes iodine deficiency due to its low content in food, preventing diseases of the thyroid gland and other organs, the functioning of which is regulated by thyroid hormones. Thanks to this, the size and functioning of the thyroid gland is normalized, as well as the work of other organs and systems that depend on the action of thyroid hormones.

Daily iodine requirement for an adult is 150 – 200 mcg. But on average, Russian residents consume only 40 - 60 mcg of iodine per day, as a result of which 80% of the population has a deficiency of this element, the manifestations of which are very diverse - from goiter to cretinism. Low iodine consumption is due to its low content in drinking water and food. Therefore, almost all residents of Russia can be recommended to periodically take iodine preparations to compensate for the deficiency of this microelement in the body.

After ingestion, iodine is absorbed into the blood almost completely from the small intestine. From the blood, iodine enters all tissues of the body, but is mainly distributed in the thyroid gland, kidneys, stomach, mammary and salivary glands. In these organs, the microelement is integrated into enzymes and hormones that regulate their work. Iodine also penetrates through the placenta to the fetus and into mother's milk. Excess iodine is excreted from the body mainly with urine and partly with saliva, secretions of the bronchial and sweat glands. When the amount of iodine in the body reaches the optimal level, all its excess, coming from food or medications, is completely eliminated.

Indications for use

Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are indicated for use in the same following conditions or diseases:
  • Prevention of iodine deficiency to prevent the formation of endemic goiter caused by it (especially in children, adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers);
  • Prevention of goiter recurrence after its surgical removal or after completion of a course of therapy with thyroid hormones;
  • Treatment of diffuse euthyroid goiter caused by iodine deficiency in children, adolescents and adults under 40 years of age.

Iodomarin (Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200) – instructions for use

The rules for using Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are the same, so we will consider them together, denoting both types of the drug with the same name “Iodomarin”.

How to use?

Iodomarin tablets should be taken after meals, washed down with a sufficient amount of non-carbonated clean water (at least half a glass). The tablets can be broken and divided into halves according to the score on one side to obtain the required dosage. It is advisable to swallow the tablet whole, but if for some reason this is impossible, then it is better not to chew it, but to dissolve it in milk or juice, and then drink the resulting ready-made solution of the drug. Dissolving the tablet is recommended as the optimal route of administration for young children. The tablet dissolves easily in liquids, so in order to give the drug to an infant or an adult, it can be mixed into any drink (water, juice, milk, etc.) or liquid food (soup, puree, broth, milk, formula) etc.).

The entire daily dosage of Iodomarin should be taken at one time in the morning. It is optimal to take the tablets after breakfast, but if this is not possible, then you can take the drug at any time before lunch (before 12:00 - 13:00 hours). It is not advisable to take Iodomarin in the afternoon and evening, as it can cause difficulty falling asleep, as it has a slight invigorating effect.

Dosages of Iodomarin depend on the reason for which the drug is taken, as well as on the age of the person and his physiological state (for example, pregnancy, active growth in adolescence, etc.). Let's consider the dosages of Iodomarin for people of different ages under various conditions.

Prevention of iodine deficiency and goiter growth. Iodomarin is recommended to be taken in the following dosages:

  • Newborns (children from birth to one year) and children under 12 years of age - it is recommended to give 50 - 100 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to half or one whole tablet of Yodomarin 100 and half of a tablet of Yodomarin 200) once a day;
  • Children over 12 years of age and adults (men and women who are not breastfeeding or pregnant) - it is recommended to take 100 - 200 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to 1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 200) once a day day;
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women - it is recommended to take 200 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to two Iodomarin 100 tablets and one Iodomarin 200 tablet) once a day.
Prevention of re-formation of goiter after its surgical removal or successful conservative treatment. Iodomarin is recommended to be taken by both children and adults, regardless of age, in the same dosage of 100 - 200 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to 1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 200).

Treatment of euthyroid diffuse goiter in children and adults. Iodomarin is recommended to be taken in the following dosages for people of different ages:

  • Newborns (children from birth to one year) and children aged from one to 18 years - it is recommended to take 100 - 200 mcg of iodine per day (this corresponds to 1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 200);
  • Adults aged 18 - 40 years - it is recommended to take 300 - 500 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to 3 - 5 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and 1.5 - 2.5 tablets of Iodomarin 200) once a day.

How much to drink Iodomarin?

Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are taken continuously for several years to prevent the following conditions: iodine deficiency, primary goiter formation, as well as secondary goiter formation (relapse) after treatment (surgical or therapeutic). If a person lives in a region deficient in iodine (that is, water and food products grown in the area using local water have low iodine content), then prophylactic use of Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 can be continued throughout life.

However, despite the deficiency of iodine in water almost throughout Russia, it is still recommended to carefully take Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 to prevent the formation of goiter and recurrence of goiter after treatment. After all, iodine is not a completely harmless element that can be taken in large quantities, hoping that the excess will be eliminated from the body without harm or consequences. Thus, long-term use of iodine preparations can lead to its excess in the body, as a result of which the so-called phenomena develop. "yodism" which are manifested by a runny nose, bronchitis, gastroenteritis, urticaria, elevated body temperature, swelling, increased salivation, lacrimation and acne on the skin. This means that when taking Iodomarin prophylactically, you need to monitor your own condition, and if signs of “iodism” appear, you must immediately stop taking the drug. After a few months, when the symptoms of iodism have passed, you can again start taking Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200 for prevention.

In general, the duration of prophylactic administration of Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 is optimally determined not by theoretical calculations, but on the basis of the concentration of iodine in the blood. That is, during the period of taking Iodomarin, it is recommended to determine the concentration of iodine in the blood approximately once every three months. And if the iodine concentration remains normal and does not approach the upper limit of normal, then you can safely continue taking Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200 for prevention. But if the iodine concentration in the blood is higher than normal or near the upper limit of normal, then Yodomarin should be discontinued for several months. After a 3-6 month break, you need to determine the iodine concentration in the blood again, and if it has dropped to the lower limit of normal, then you can start taking Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200 prophylactically again.

The duration of taking Iodomarin for the treatment of diffuse euthyroid goiter depends on the age of the patient. Thus, the duration of therapy for goiter in newborns under one year of age is on average 2–4 weeks, and in adolescents and adults – 6–12 months. In principle, the duration of taking Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200 for the treatment of diffuse goiter is determined by the attending endocrinologist based on the condition of the thyroid gland.

special instructions

Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 tablets contain lactose as one of the auxiliary components. Therefore, people suffering from congenital galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose/galactose malabsorption syndrome should avoid taking Iodomarin.


An overdose of Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 is possible. Moreover, an overdose can be acute and chronic (long-term). Acute overdose develops when a large amount of Iodomarin is taken at once, and chronic overdose occurs when the drug is used for a long time (for example, several years in a row without breaks) in normal prophylactic doses.

Acute overdose manifested by staining of the mucous membranes in a brown color, reflex vomiting (vomit may be colored blue-violet if the food contained starch-containing products, such as potatoes, bread, pasta, etc.), abdominal pain, diarrhea (often with blood). In severe poisoning, dehydration (dehydration) due to diarrhea and vomiting, and shock may develop. Also, in case of acute overdose, esophageal stenosis may develop in rare cases.

Chronic overdose manifested by the phenomenon of the development of "iodism", which is characterized by the following symptoms: metallic taste in the mouth, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of various organs (runny nose, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, bronchitis), urticaria, fever, hemorrhages in the skin, increased salivation, lacrimation, acne skin rash, exfoliative dermatitis (formation of blisters followed by peeling). Latent infectious diseases (for example, tuberculosis, which occurs in an erased form) can become more active with iodism.

Treatment of acute overdose with Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200 is carried out in stages. First of all, the stomach is washed with a solution of protein, starch or 5% sodium thiosulfate solution until traces of iodine are completely removed. Next, symptomatic therapy is carried out for disturbances in water and electrolyte balance (rehydration solutions are given, for example, Regidron, Humana Electrolyte, Trisol, etc.), and, if necessary, anti-shock measures.

Therapy for chronic overdose and the phenomena of “iodism” consists of discontinuing the use of Iodomarin.

In addition, cases of iodine-induced hypothyroidism and iodine-induced hyperthyroidism also include cases of iodomarin overdose. Iodine-induced hypothyroidism is a condition in which, due to taking Iodomarin, the level of thyroid hormones in the blood falls below normal.

Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism is a condition in which, due to the use of Iodomarin, the level of thyroid hormones in the blood increases above normal. Iodine-induced (caused by iodine intake) hyperthyroidism is not an overdose of Iodomarin in the literal sense of the word. This type of hyperthyroidism is relative because it is caused by taking iodine in amounts that are normal for other people, but are too high for that particular person.

Treatment of iodine-induced (caused by iodine intake) hypothyroidism consists of discontinuing the use of Iodomarin and other iodine preparations, followed by the use of thyroid hormones under the supervision of a physician.

Treatment of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism depends on the severity of the condition. In mild cases of hyperthyroidism, treatment is not carried out at all, since normalization of the condition will occur on its own, without drug intervention. In severe forms of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism, treatment is aimed at suppressing the activity of the thyroid gland. In the most severe cases of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism, intensive therapy is carried out in intensive care, plasmapheresis and surgical removal of the thyroid gland.

Impact on the ability to operate machinery

Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 do not impair the ability to control mechanisms, therefore, while using both drugs, a person can engage in any type of activity, including those requiring high reaction speed and concentration.

Interaction with other drugs

Taking Iodomarin can reduce or increase the effectiveness of thyreostatic drugs (Thiamazole, Thiocyanate, Perchlorate, etc.) used to treat hyperthyroidism. Thus, a decrease in the concentration of iodine in the blood (iodine deficiency in the body) increases the effectiveness of thyreostatic drugs, and an increase in the concentration of iodine in the blood above the norm, on the contrary, reduces the effectiveness of thyreostatic drugs. Therefore, during the entire period of use of thyreostatic drugs, it is necessary to refrain from taking Iodomarin and other drugs containing iodine.

In turn, thyreostatic drugs inhibit the transition of iodine into an organic compound, and therefore can cause the formation of goiter. For this reason, the simultaneous use of thyreostatic drugs and Iodomarin is also not recommended.

It is not recommended to take lithium preparations simultaneously with Iodomarin, since their combination contributes to the development of goiter and hypothyroidism (a condition in which the level of thyroid hormones in the blood is below normal).

Taking Iodomarin in combination with potassium-sparing diuretics (Veroshpiron, Spironolactone, etc.) can lead to hyperkalemia (the level of potassium in the blood is higher than normal).

Iodomarin during pregnancy

Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are approved and recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding as drugs that prevent and replenish iodine deficiency during periods of increased need for it in the woman’s body. Therefore, taking Iodomarin is recommended by gynecologists to almost all pregnant women. It is especially important to take Iodomarin or other iodine preparations during pregnancy for women living in regions deficient in iodine. And since approximately 80% of the territory of Russia is iodine deficient, almost all pregnant women in the Russian Federation need to take Iodomarin for prevention throughout pregnancy.

Iodine is a very important trace element that ensures both the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child. So, with iodine deficiency in the body, pregnancy loss is possible (miscarriage, premature birth, intrauterine fetal death, etc.). In addition, iodine deficiency often leads to the birth of mentally retarded children - cretins. The seriousness of the risk of having a cretin due to iodine deficiency during pregnancy can be illustrated by the example of Switzerland.

Back in the 19th century, quite a lot of mentally retarded children - cretins - were born in Switzerland. This situation was observed due to the fact that Switzerland is an iodine-deficient region. This country is one of the most iodine deficient in the world. This means that there is very little iodine in the water and food grown on the country's soil, watered with local water. As a result, residents did not receive the required amount of this microelement, and throughout their lives they suffered from iodine deficiency. Due to iodine deficiency, women often gave birth to cretins, since iodine is necessary for normal brain development in the fetus during pregnancy. But as soon as in the 20th century in Switzerland they began to implement a policy of replenishing iodine deficiency at the state level, enriching drinking water with iodine, iodizing salt and mandatory giving pregnant women potassium iodide preparations, the situation changed radically - the birth of cretins became a very rare occurrence.

Thus, it is obvious that taking Iodomarin during pregnancy and breastfeeding is a very important measure for the prevention of mental retardation in a child and complications of gestation. Therefore, doctors recommend that all pregnant and lactating women take Iodomarin 200 mcg (1 tablet of Iodomarin 200 or 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100) once a day.

It is not worth increasing the dosage of Iodomarin to more than 200 mcg per day during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as this can lead to negative consequences for the child, since iodine passes through the placenta and penetrates into mother’s milk, and its excess is as harmful as its deficiency. And the dosage of 200 mcg is balanced, since it does not allow an overdose, since the optimal doses of iodine consumption, established by WHO, are 150 - 300 mcg per day. And even if a woman receives another 100 mcg of iodine with water and food in addition to 200 mcg from Iodomarin, this amount will not exceed the optimal amount established by WHO.

The only situations when pregnant and lactating women can and should increase the dosage of Iodomarin is the prevention of radiation sickness, carried out after accidents in the area of ​​nuclear technology.

Iodomarin for children

Since iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, which control the functioning of many organs and systems, it is obvious that for normal growth and development a child needs a daily supply of this microelement in optimal quantities corresponding to the daily requirement. And since Russia is a region deficient in iodine, a child often does not receive the amount of iodine he needs with food and water. The consequence of this is bad mood, poor performance at school, aggressiveness, mood swings, disturbances in the process of puberty, interruptions in heart function, etc. Therefore, pediatricians and endocrinologists recommend giving children in Russia Iodomarin or other iodine preparations for prevention.
Dosages of Iodomarin for the prevention of primary and secondary (relapse after treatment) goiter for children of different ages are as follows:
  • Newborns (children from birth to one year) and children under 12 years of age - it is recommended to give 50 - 100 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 100 and half of a tablet of Iodomarin 200) once a day;
  • Children over 12 years old - it is recommended to take 100 - 200 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to 1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 200) once a day.
Theoretically, taking Iodomarin for prophylaxis can be continued for as long as desired, including throughout life. However, experienced doctors still recommend a cautious approach to taking Iodomarin, and not allowing its continuous and very long-term use, since an excess of iodine in the body is just as dangerous as a deficiency, as it causes symptoms of chronic poisoning, called “iodism”. “Iodism” is manifested by fever, lacrimation, salivation, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of various organs (bronchitis, runny nose, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, etc.), as well as urticaria, acne.

Therefore, experienced doctors recommend taking Iodomarin prophylactically, regularly monitoring the level of iodine in the blood (once every three months). If the iodine concentration in the blood is higher than normal or at the upper limit of normal, then taking Iodomarin should be stopped for 3 to 6 months. After the break, the iodine concentration in the blood should be determined again, and if it drops below normal or to the lower limit of normal, then you should start taking Iodomarin again for prophylaxis.

For the treatment of euthyroid diffuse goiter in children Iodomarin is recommended to take 100 - 200 mcg of iodine per day (this corresponds to 1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 200).

The duration of therapy for diffuse euthyroid goiter in children under one year of age is 2–4 weeks, and in children over one year of age – 6–12 months. In general, the duration of therapy is determined by the doctor based on the condition of the thyroid gland.

Iodomarin for prevention

Preventive use of Iodomarin is recommended for all people living in regions deficient in iodine. Iodine-deficient regions are areas where water and products grown using local water contain little iodine. In Russia, 80% of regions are iodine deficient.

When living in regions deficient in iodine, taking Iodomarin allows you to compensate for the lack of this microelement in food and water, and provide the body with the necessary amount. Therefore, all residents of Russia are recommended to periodically take Iodomarin for prophylaxis in long courses. One preventative course can last 6–12 months, after which it is recommended to take a break for several months, then take Iodomarin again, and so on throughout life.

There are claims that Iodomarin can be taken continuously throughout one’s life for prophylaxis, without interruption. Theoretically this is possible. However, experienced doctors and scientists recommend refraining from this practice, since it can lead to excess iodine in the body, which is just as harmful as a deficiency of this trace element. After all, excess iodine can provoke the phenomenon of “iodism”, manifested by elevated temperature, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of various organs (runny nose, gastroenteritis, conjunctivitis, bronchitis, etc.), salivation, lacrimation, acne, urticaria, etc. Therefore, experienced doctors recommend taking Iodomarin for prophylaxis intermittently.

In general, when taking Iodomarin prophylactically, it is optimal to focus on the level of iodine in the blood, determined every three months during the period of use of the drug. If the iodine concentration in the blood is at the upper limit of normal or higher than normal, then taking the drug should be stopped for several months. Repeated administration of Iodomarin begins when the iodine concentration in the blood drops to the lower limit of normal or below normal.

In addition, before you start taking Iodomarin for prevention, you need to carefully study the composition of multivitamin complexes that are currently being taken. If the complex already contains iodine, then Iodomarin may not be needed at all, or it may be needed in a much smaller dosage. In this case, the recommended dosage of Iodomarin is reduced by the amount of mcg that is present in the multivitamin complex.

Side effects

With the preventive and therapeutic use of Iodomarin at any age, as a rule, no side effects are observed, since the drug is well tolerated. However, in rare cases, when taking Iodomarin in recommended dosages or, much more often, when taking the drug in doses exceeding the recommended ones, the phenomenon of “iodism” may develop as a side effect. "Iodism" is manifested by the following symptoms:
  • Swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of various organs (runny nose, bronchitis, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, etc.);
  • Increased body temperature ("iodine fever");
  • Acne on the skin (“iodine acne”);
  • Metallic taste in the mouth;
  • Hives;
  • Hemorrhages into the skin;
  • Increased salivation;
  • Tearing.
In addition, in very rare cases, Iodomarin can cause the following side effects:
  • Exfoliative dermatitis;
  • Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism (thyroid dysfunction).
Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, as a rule, develops when taking Iodomarin in elderly patients who have suffered from goiter for a long time.

Contraindications for use

Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are contraindicated for use if an adult or child has the following diseases or conditions:
  • Individual hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to any components of the drugs;
  • Manifest hyperthyroidism (the level of thyroid hormones in the blood is higher than normal), manifested by clinical symptoms;
  • Latent hyperthyroidism (not manifested by clinical symptoms) - taking Iodomarin in dosages above 150 mcg per day is contraindicated;
  • Toxic adenoma of the thyroid gland and nodular goiter (the use of Iodomarin in doses of more than 300 mcg per day is contraindicated), with the exception of cases of preoperative iodine therapy for the purpose of blocking the thyroid gland according to Plummer;
  • Dühring's senile dermatitis.
In addition, you should not use Iodomarin for hypothyroidism (the level of thyroid hormones in the blood is below normal), except in cases where it is caused by a clear iodine deficiency.

It is also necessary to avoid taking Iodomarin during treatment with radioactive iodine and if there is suspicion of thyroid cancer.

Iodomarin: action, dosage, side effects, contraindications, use in pregnant women, children (doctor's recommendations) - video

Analogues of the drug

Analogues of Iodomarin are only drugs that also contain iodine as an active component. Accordingly, all analogues of Iodomarin are synonymous drugs containing the same active substance.

Currently, the following drugs analogues of Iodomarin are available on the domestic pharmaceutical market:

  • 9 months Potassium iodide tablets;
  • Antistrumin tablets;
  • Iodine Vitrum tablets;
  • Iodine Vitrum for children chewable tablets;
  • Iodandine tablets;
  • Iodine balance tablets;
  • Potassium iodide tablets;
  • Microiodide tablets.

Analogue is cheaper than Yodomarin

Unfortunately, there are currently no analogues on the domestic pharmaceutical market that would be significantly cheaper than Iodomarin. Somewhat cheaper than Iodomarin - only potassium iodide tablets (about 20 - 30% cheaper than Iodomarin) and Iodbalance (10 - 20% cheaper than Iodomarin).

Registration number: P N014123/01

Tradename: Iodomarin ® 200

International nonproprietary name or generic name: potassium iodide

Dosage form: pills

Composition for 1 tablet
Active substance: potassium iodide – 0.262 mg (corresponding to 0.2 mg of iodine);
Excipients: lactose monohydrate, magnesium carbonate basic, gelatin, carboxymethyl starch sodium salt (type A), colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.

Description: round flat-cylindrical tablets of white or almost white color with beveled edges, with a chamfer and a one-sided score.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: thyroxine synthesis regulator – iodine preparation

ATX code: H03CA.

Pharmacological properties
Iodine is a vital trace element that ensures the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, the hormones of which perform many vital functions. They are responsible for the exchange of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and energy in the body, regulate the activity of the brain, nervous and cardiovascular systems, reproductive and mammary glands, as well as the growth and development of the child.
Iodine deficiency is especially dangerous for children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women.
Iodomarin ® 200 replenishes iodine deficiency in the body, preventing the development of iodine deficiency diseases and helping to normalize thyroid function impaired by iodine deficiency.

Indications for use

  • prevention of endemic goiter (especially in children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women);
  • prevention of goiter recurrence after its surgical removal or after the end of drug treatment with thyroid hormones;
  • treatment of diffuse euthyroid goiter caused by iodine deficiency in children, adolescents and adults under 40 years of age. Contraindications
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • hypersensitivity to iodine;
  • toxic thyroid adenoma, nodular goiter when used in doses of more than 300 mcg/day (with the exception of preoperative therapy to block the thyroid gland);
  • Dühring's herpetiformis (senile) dermatitis.
    The drug should not be used for hypothyroidism, except in cases where the development of the latter is caused by severe iodine deficiency.
    Prescription of the drug should be avoided during therapy with radioactive iodine, the presence or suspicion of thyroid cancer. Use during pregnancy and lactation
    During pregnancy and lactation, the need for iodine increases, so it is especially important to use it in sufficient doses (200 mcg/day) to ensure adequate iodine intake in the body.
    The drug crosses the placenta and is excreted in breast milk, so use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is possible only in recommended doses. Directions for use and doses
    Prevention of endemic goiter
    Children (from 1 year to 12 years):
    1/2 tablet of Iodomarin ® 200 per day (which corresponds to 100 mcg of iodine).
    Children over 12 years old and adults:
    Pregnancy and lactation period:
    1 tablet of Iodomarin ® 200 per day (which corresponds to 200 mcg of iodine).
    Prevention of goiter recurrence
    1/2-1 tablet of Iodomarin ® 200 per day (which corresponds to 100-200 mcg of iodine).
    Treatment of euthyroid goiter
    Children (from 1 year to 18 years)
    1/2-1 tablet of Iodomarin ® 200 per day (which corresponds to 100-200 mcg of iodine).
    Adults under 40 years of age:
    1½-2½ tablets of Iodomarin ® 200 (corresponding to 300-500 mcg of iodine).
    The drug is taken after meals with a sufficient amount of liquid.
    Children are advised to first dissolve the drug in milk or juice.
    Prophylactic administration is carried out for several years, if indicated - for life.
    On average, 2-4 weeks are enough to treat goiter in newborns; in children, adolescents and adults, it usually takes 6-12 months; long-term use is possible.
    The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician. Side effect
    When used prophylactically at any age, as well as in the treatment of euthyroid goiter in newborns, children and adolescents, as a rule, no side effects are observed. In rare cases, constant use of the drug can lead to the development of “iodism”, which can be manifested by a metallic taste in the mouth, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes (runny nose, conjunctivitis, bronchitis), “iodine fever”, “iodine acne”. It is extremely rare to develop Quincke's edema and exfoliative dermatitis. When using the drug in a dose exceeding 150 mcg/day, latent hyperthyroidism can become manifest. With long-term use of the drug at a dose exceeding 300 mcg/day, the development of iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis is possible (especially in elderly patients suffering from goiter for a long time, in the presence of nodular or diffuse toxic goiter). Overdose
    Symptoms: brown staining of the mucous membranes, reflex vomiting (if starch-containing components are present in food, the vomit becomes blue), abdominal pain and diarrhea (possibly melena). In severe cases, dehydration and shock may develop. In rare cases, stenosis of the esophagus and the appearance of the phenomenon of “iodism” occurred (see Side effects).
    Treatment for acute intoxication: gastric lavage with a solution of starch, protein or 5% sodium thiosulfate solution until all traces of iodine are removed. Symptomatic therapy for water and electrolyte imbalances, anti-shock therapy.
    Treatment for chronic intoxication: drug withdrawal.
    Treatment of iodine-induced hypothyroidism: discontinuation of the drug, normalization of metabolism with the help of thyroid hormones.
    Treatment of iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis: for mild forms of treatment is not required; in severe forms, thyreostatic therapy is required (the effect of which is always delayed). In severe cases (thyrotoxic crisis), intensive therapy, plasmapheresis or thyroidectomy are necessary. Interaction with other drugs
    Iodine deficiency increases, and iodine excess decreases, the effectiveness of hyperthyroidism treatment with thyreostatic drugs. Therefore, before or during treatment for hyperthyroidism, it is recommended to avoid any iodine intake if possible. On the other hand, thyreostatic drugs inhibit the transition of iodine to an organic compound in the thyroid gland and, thus, can cause the formation of goiter.
    Simultaneous treatment with high doses of iodine and lithium salts can contribute to the occurrence of goiter and hypothyroidism. High doses of the drug in combination with potassium-sparing diuretics can lead to hyperkalemia. special instructions
    Iodomarin ® 200 does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery. Release form
    Tablets 200 mcg. 25 tablets each in blister packs (blisters) [opaque PVC film/aluminum foil]. 2 or 4 blisters along with instructions for use in a cardboard box. Storage conditions
    In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.
    Keep out of the reach of children! Best before date
    3 years.
    Do not use after expiration date. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
    Over the counter. Company manufacturer
    Berlin-Chemie AG
    Glinker Veg 125
    12489 Berlin, Germany Address for filing claims: 123317 Moscow, Presnenskaya embankment, 10, BC "Tower on Naberezhnaya", Block B
  • Iodomarin is a good preventative against iodine deficiency and diseases associated with it. However, it is necessary to learn about the benefits and harms of the product, about contraindications and possible reactions of the body to it.

    Sometimes the effect of a medicine can be much more dangerous than the disease it is used against.

    What are the indications and contraindications for Iodomarin?

    Iodomarin (potassium iodide) is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. If there is a lack of it, the level of hormones produced by the gland decreases, which means the following problems may develop:

    • metabolic disease;
    • defective heart function;
    • poor vascular condition;
    • reproductive system disorder;
    • unbalanced mental state.

    Therefore, in endemic areas where there is a total lack of iodine in the population, taking Iodomarin and similar substances is mandatory.

    In addition, thyroid hormones are closely related to other hormones, which means the full health of the body depends on the function of the thyroid gland.

    Pregnant women need to consume iodine, since this chemical element is responsible for the physical and mental development of the fetus. Iodine is also responsible for sufficient formation of breast milk.

    Iodomarin is indicated for diseases associated with iodine deficiency (endemic goiter), as well as for maintaining remission of thyroid diseases.

    For preventive measures, adults take 100 mcg per day; for children, the course is selected individually.

    To maintain iodine balance during pregnancy, 200 mcg per day is usually used. If the expectant mother already has problems due to a lack of iodine, treatment along with taking Iodomarin may be reconsidered.

    In cases of adult disease, the dosage is increased to 300 mcg or more.

    Contraindications, who should not take the medicine?

    Iodomarin can be harmful in cases of hyperthyroidism or other thyroid diseases accompanied by a decrease in hormone secretion.

    It is also necessary to stop taking the drug in the following conditions:

    • toxic adenoma;
    • Dühring's disease (dermatitis herpetiformis);
    • iodine intolerance.

    Oddly enough, age after 40 years is also considered a contraindication to Iodomarin. If there are no recommendations from an endocrinologist, the patient should not self-prescribe this medicine.

    More than 65% of patients, according to statistical data, develop thyroid diseases after 40 years. The risk of disease comes due to slow metabolism and age-related hormonal imbalances.

    As a result, for example, with thyroiditis, antibodies are formed that destroy the thyroid gland. The affected organ cannot perceive incoming iodine - which means taking Iodomarin is useless.

    Worth noting

    That exceeding the dose prescribed by the doctor is also contraindicated.

    Most experts believe that without substances such as selenium, zinc, iodine is not absorbed, which means taking Iodomarin without taking complexes with such substances is a futile undertaking.

    In addition, bromine prevents the body from fully absorbing iodine, therefore, when treating or preventing it with Iodomarin, bromine, which may be contained in sedatives, should be excluded.

    Chlorine and fluorine can interfere with the normal supply of iodine - you should make sure that there is not too much of these substances in food and in medications taken to treat other diseases.

    Adverse reactions and complaints

    Taking Iodomarin incorrectly can cause side effects from this treatment. Exceeding the dose and long-term use of the medication, which are the causes of side effects from Iodomarin, lead to the following consequences:

    1. The development of hyperthyroidism, especially in patients over 40. Judging by reviews, thyrotoxicosis is the most common consequence of Iodomarin therapy.
    2. Iodine poisoning, in this case, is characterized by a metallic taste in the mouth, headaches, lacrimation, cough, swelling of the mucous membranes, resulting in a runny nose. In severe cases, Quincke's edema is observed. In addition, there are problems with digestion - vomiting, constipation from Iodomarin, possible stenosis of the esophagus.
    3. When treated with diuretics, hyperkalemia may develop, the symptoms of which are problems with the respiratory system and muscle weakness.
    4. Simultaneous intake of lithium salts and Iodomarin leads to the development of hypothyroidism.

    When choosing treatment with Iodomarin, you should definitely consult a doctor; perhaps the body does not need iodine at this stage.

    Thoughtful reading of the instructions and confidential communication with the endocrinologist will protect you from many complications.

    Reviews of unsuccessful therapy

    Patients say that while taking the drug they often feel unwell.

    If you look into these reviews in more detail, it turns out that the medication was taken not according to the instructions, or even as prescribed by the doctor, but on the advice of relatives and neighbors on the bench.

    Unfortunately, such actions result in iodine poisoning and disruption of the hormonal system.

    Iodomarin is an effective drug, however, like any drug, it has contraindications and side effects.

    Improper use can damage both the thyroid gland and health in general.

    Natalya, 38 years old.

    The endocrinologist advised me to take 100 mcg of Iodomarin; the dosage seemed small to me. I am a rather large woman, I read in reviews of the medicine that you can take more, more means better!

    To avoid getting goiter, I took 4-5 tablets every day. The endocrinologist almost fainted when he found out.

    Galina, 50 years old.

    I often sit on forums, I read in reviews of Yodomarin that it is very useful. I bought it with a dosage of 200 mcg, just to be sure.

    It’s good that I read the instructions - after 40 years you can’t, although it doesn’t say why. I’ll give it to my daughter, so it won’t go to waste.

    Olesya, 67 years old.

    I was prescribed Iodomarin for the treatment of hypothyroidism. The doctor said the dosage was somehow unclear, I drank it without a system. As a result, six months later I went to an endocrinologist, it turned out that I had hyperthyroidism! Here's your treatment.

    Now, with another doctor, I’m already thinking about how to live further, I feel disgusting.

    Lack of iodine is a fairly serious problem, because... its deficiency in the body can cause the development of many pathological processes in the body. If iodine does not enter the body in sufficient quantities with food, oxygen, or water, then it is necessary to replenish the microelement by taking special medications, the best of which is considered to be Yodomarin.

    Iodomarin is used for the prevention and treatment of conditions associated with iodine deficiency, the prevention of endemic goiter in people living in areas with iodine deficiency and goiter after resection, the treatment of iodine deficiency and diffuse euthyroid goiter

    In what cases is it necessary to take Iodomarin, and how to use the drug correctly for adults and children?

    Why take Iodomarin

    A vital and irreplaceable microelement for the human body is iodine - its lack disrupts the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Without this microelement, the production of hormones in the thyroid gland, which ensure metabolism and normal functioning of the mammary and reproductive glands, is disrupted, and brain pathologies occur. Disorders of the heart, blood vessels, and nervous system were also noted.

    Note! Iodine deficiency is especially fraught with negative consequences for nursing mothers, children, pregnant women, and adolescents.

    When there is a lack of iodine in the thyroid gland, pathological processes begin to develop, as a result of which the functioning of all systems and organs for which the thyroid gland is responsible is disrupted, and various diseases arise.

    With iodine deficiency in the body, immunity decreases, problems with the perception of information and memory appear, metabolism is disrupted, and a feeling of constant fatigue and depression occurs.

    What does iodine deficiency lead to:

    • Developmental delays, short stature, puberty disorders, decreased academic performance, aggressiveness - in children and adolescents.
    • Menstrual irregularities (especially in teenage girls);
    • Fetal death, intrauterine growth retardation, miscarriages, birth of a mentally retarded child - in pregnant women;
    • Lactation disorders, ovarian pathologies - in nursing mothers.

    In general, people experiencing iodine deficiency have a significantly reduced immune system, problems with the perception of information and memory, metabolic disorders, and a feeling of constant fatigue and depression. Externally, there is a significant deterioration in the condition of the skin, nails, and hair.

    Iodine deficiency is diagnosed in almost 80% of the Russian population, but the deficiency of the microelement is difficult to compensate only by consuming iodine-containing products. Therefore, doctors recommend taking special medications containing potassium iodide, among which Iodomarin has proven itself to be the best.

    Almost 80% of the Russian population is iodine deficient, while it is difficult to compensate for the deficiency of this microelement by consuming iodine-containing products; the body’s needs for iodine can be fully met with the help of preparations containing potassium iodide

    The drug can be used both for medicinal purposes for people with thyroid problems and for preventive purposes.

    The main indications for the use of Iodomarin are:

    • Prevention of iodine deficiency after surgical removal of goiter;
    • Therapy of diffuse euthyroid goiter;
    • Prevention of endemic goiters (for patients living in regions where there is increased iodine deficiency);
    • Treatment of conditions caused by iodine deficiency;
    • Prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency.

    Iodomarin is especially important for children who need the microelement for normal development and growth. The consequence of iodine deficiency in a child can be a decrease in school performance, bad mood, aggressiveness, disturbances in the process of puberty, mood swings, and problems with the cardiovascular system.

    The advisability of using Iodomarin is decided by the doctor in each individual case - it is not recommended to prescribe the medicine yourself, because The medicine has a lot of contraindications and can cause adverse reactions if not used correctly.

    Description of the drug

    There are two types of iodine-containing drugs - Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 tablets, the instructions for which indicate that their difference is only in the dosages of potassium iodide - 100 mcg and 200 mcg, respectively.

    The drug is available in the form of two types of tablets - Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200, they differ in the content of potassium iodide

    Additionally, the tablets include:

    • Magnesium stearate;
    • Gelatin;
    • Colloidal silicon dioxide;
    • Magnesium carbonate is light;
    • Lactose monohydrate;
    • Sodium salt.

    The effect of the medicine in many cases depends on the dosage, so only a doctor can, after conducting appropriate examinations, whether it is better for the patient to take Iodomarin 200 or Iodomarin 100.

    How to take Iodomarin

    The dosage of Iodomarin depends on the physiological state of the person, his age, and also on the reason why the drug is prescribed to the patient.

    For the prevention of goiter growth and iodine deficiency

    Iodomarin 100:

    • Half or one whole tablet - for children under 12 years of age, starting from birth;
    • 2 tables - lactating and pregnant women;
    • 1-2 tables - adults and teenagers over 12 years old.

    Iodomarin 200:

    • ¼ and ½ tab. - children under 12 years old, starting from birth;
    • One pill each - nursing and pregnant women;
    • ½ or 1 whole tablet - adults and adolescents over 12 years of age.

    Tablets are taken once a day.

    In the treatment of euthyroid diffuse goiter

    You need to take the medicine once a day in the appropriate dosage.

    Iodomarin 200:

    • ½ -1 tab. - children from birth to 18 years of age;
    • 1.5-2.5 tab. – adults.

    Iodomarin 100;

    • 3-5 tables – adults;
    • One or two pills for children from birth to 18 years of age.

    Treatment with Iodomarin for children under 12 years of age is carried out for 2-4 weeks; older patients will have to take the drug for 6-12 months.

    For the prevention of goiter

    After treatment of goiter or its surgical removal, Iodomarin is taken once a day, regardless of the patient’s age, in the following dosage:

    • 1-2 tablets Iodomarin 100;
    • One whole pill of Iodomarin 200.

    In order to prevent relapses, the drug is taken for a long time, in some cases it will have to be taken for life.

    If necessary, taking Iodomarin can be continued for life; uncontrolled use of the drug can lead to the development of unpleasant side effects

    Features of taking Iodomarin:

    • The tablets are washed down with plenty of clean water, but in no case with juice, compote, fruit drink or other drinks.
    • For a newborn baby, the tablet is mixed into expressed milk or added to the mixture.
    • You should take the tablets immediately after meals.
    • It is advisable to take the medication in the morning, because Using it in the afternoon and evening may cause difficulty falling asleep.

    In order for the drug to work, it requires long-term use. Taking it in small doses and for a short period of time will not bring any benefit to the body.

    Important! Iodomarin should not be taken after 40 years, especially for women.

    Prophylactic use of Iodomarin can be continued throughout life, but only if it is truly necessary (for example, living in iodine-deficient regions, risk of goiter recurrence). Uncontrolled use of Iodomarin can lead to a condition called “iodism” - that is, to an excess of the microelement in the body, which is fraught with the development of unpleasant side effects. The doctor determines the concentration of iodine in the blood and, if it is normal or exceeds the indicators, then the drug should be stopped for a while.

    The duration of treatment for diffuse goiter is determined by the doctor based on the condition of the thyroid gland and the age of the patient.

    Iodomarin for pregnant women

    Doctors often prescribe Iodomarin during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the hormones produced by the thyroid gland have a significant impact on the formation and growth of the child. During intrauterine development, a child does not have his own thyroid gland, so he is completely dependent on the hormones produced by the mother’s body.

    In the first weeks of pregnancy, when the formation and subsequent formation of all systems and organs of the birth begins, iodine deficiency can lead to changes in the mother’s hormonal levels, and therefore to disturbances in the development of the fetus.

    For the proper formation and growth of the child, doctors often prescribe Iodomarin during pregnancy.

    Also, if there is a lack of iodine, the mother’s body may perceive pregnancy as an additional burden and, if possible, will try to get rid of it. Therefore, iodine deficiency in pregnant women often ends in miscarriages, intrauterine fetal death, and premature birth.

    Important! Lack of iodine during pregnancy can lead to fetal pathologies.

    Children who did not receive enough iodine during prenatal development may have problems with the thyroid gland, develop pathologies of the nervous system, and develop cretinism - mental retardation.

    Therefore, during pregnancy, doctors usually prescribe drugs to support the thyroid gland - this can be thyroxine, folic acid and Iodomarin.

    The same applies to the period of breastfeeding - if the mother has an iodine deficiency, the child will lag behind in growth and development, pathologies of the heart and nervous system may develop.

    When taking Iodomarin 200 during pregnancy and lactation, a woman should remember that potassium iodide freely penetrates into breast milk and is absorbed through the placenta. Therefore, you should definitely follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor.

    Can Iodomarin harm

    The drug can cause harm if the doctor’s instructions are not followed - the dosage is violated, the drug is used contrary to contraindications or in interaction with medications with which taking potassium iodide is prohibited.

    When Iodomarin is contraindicated:

    • With hyperthyroidism (when the thyroid gland produces a lot of hormones);
    • If you are intolerant to iodine or allergic to other components of the drug;
    • With thyroid adenoma;
    • For Dühring's dermatitis (one of the causes of this disease is considered to be increased sensitivity to iodine);
    • For thyroid cancer;
    • For autoimmune thyroiditis and hypothyroidism.

    Iodomarin contains lactose, which means it should not be taken by patients with lactase deficiency, galactose intolerance, or glucose malabsorption syndrome.

    If you violate the rules for taking Iodomarin, an overdose is possible, which manifests itself in the form of abdominal pain, diarrhea, reflex vomiting, and brown discoloration of the mucous membranes of the eyes.

    If the dosage is observed, the drug does not cause adverse reactions, but in some cases (0.2% of all cases) allergic reactions may develop in the form of dermatitis, inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes, rash, Quincke's edema. Long-term use may result in dysfunction of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism) or iodism, manifested by fever, urticaria, acne, and a metallic taste in the mouth.

    Also, if the rules of administration are violated, an overdose is possible, which can manifest itself:

    • Abdominal pain;
    • Diarrhea (possibly tarry stools);
    • Reflex vomiting;
    • Coloring the mucous membranes of the eyes brown.

    Treatment of iodism and overdose involves discontinuation of the drug. It is also necessary to consult a doctor to adjust the dose or change the medication.

    When taking Iodomarin, you should avoid taking potassium iodide in any other form. If you take vitamin complexes, you should pay attention to the presence of iodine in their composition.

    When taking thyreostatic drugs (used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism), you should refrain from any iodine-containing drugs, as they may affect their effectiveness.

    Also, Yodomarin should not be used together with lithium preparations and potassium-sparing diuretics.

    Analogues and price

    Drugs containing potassium iodide include the following analogues of Iodomarin:

    • Antistrumin;
    • Potassium iodide;
    • 9 months Potassium iodide;
    • Iodobalance;
    • Microiodide;
    • Iodine Vitrum;
    • Yodandin.

    Iodomarin is the most balanced and high-quality iodine preparation on the domestic pharmaceutical market, so it is very difficult to say that it is better than it. Cheaper than Yodomarin whose price is from 140 rubles. (Iodomarin 100) and from 220 rubles. (Iodomarin 200), potassium iodide preparations and Iodine balance. But you need to select a remedy taking into account the individual characteristics of a person, so the choice of medicine should still be entrusted to specialists.

    Most reviews about taking Iodomarin are positive. The advantage of the drug is its high efficiency, ease of use, absence of side effects and a small number of contraindications.

    Parents whose children took Iodomarin as a preventive measure noted an increase in their children’s academic performance, improved mood, bursts of vigor, increased concentration and memory.

    Adult patients noticed improved condition of nails, hair, increased performance and immunity.

    Doctors note the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of diffuse endemic goiter, which was confirmed by clinical examinations (ultrasound of the thyroid gland).

    Young mothers noted that during pregnancy and feeding, Iodomarin significantly improved their general condition: it gave strength, eliminated bad mood, and prevented drowsiness and depression.

    Negative reviews are associated with the appearance of acne and rashes during the period of use of Iodomarin, which is most likely associated with an increase in the concentration of iodine in the body. Some patients over 40 years of age complained about the ineffectiveness of the medicine, but qualified doctors warn that taking Iodomarin at this age is not only useless, but also unsafe.

    If any of the signs of iodine deficiency occur, you should contact an endocrinologist who, after conducting an appropriate examination, will prescribe an adequate dosage and course of treatment with Iodomarin.

    Iodomarin for children is necessary for the prevention of various diseases that can be caused by a lack of iodine in the body. Everyone has long known that in order to prevent the occurrence of any diseases, they need to be prevented, namely, you need to take the necessary medications. In modern pediatrics, doctors very often began to use preventive medications that contain iodine, because its deficiency is the most common problem among children and adolescents.

    Why is Iodomarin necessary for children?

    Doctors prefer a drug such as Iodomarin, because This medicine contains iodine, which is vital for the full development and functioning of the human body. Iodomarin is used to prevent diseases.

    Why is Yodomarin so necessary to prevent childhood illnesses? Let's take a closer look.

    Prevention of iodine deficiency should be started for all pregnant women, because Already during the prenatal period, the fetus begins to develop, and iodine is one of the most important microelements necessary for the body during this period.

    This is why doctors almost always prescribe Iodomarin to pregnant women. But prevention of iodine deficiency should not end there. From the moment the child is born, it is simply necessary to use Iodomarin for children, since at this moment the brain begins to form, and for its proper functioning, thyroid hormones are important, which requires the required amount of iodine.

    Thyroid hormone affects the physical and mental development of children. With age, children have a greater need to take Iodomarin. For children who live in regions where iodine deficiency has been identified in the environment, taking Iodomarin is simply mandatory. After all, with the help of products containing iodine in their composition, it is impossible to compensate for the lack of iodine in the human body.

    From birth, it is already possible to identify signs of iodine deficiency in the body. It manifests itself in mental retardation, or various anomalies appear. But iodine deficiency cannot always be accurately determined and identified, so parents need to know the symptoms of its manifestation in children.

    Infants experience the following symptoms:

    • restless behavior of the newborn;
    • refusal to eat, accompanied by whims;
    • change in complexion, it becomes pale.

    Children under 13-14 years of age experience:

    1. Slow reaction. Such children react too slowly to any situations occurring in everyday life and do not perceive incoming information well. They usually lag behind their peers in development.
    2. Fast fatiguability. It is expressed in the form of irritability and whims.
    3. Decline in school performance. Children have difficulty completing even the simplest exercises and tasks, which is why they develop a negative attitude towards the learning process.

    The point here is not a lack of interest in studying, but a lack of iodine. Such children themselves cannot understand and explain why they have difficulties. Usually, even while using the drug Iodomarin, children have a desire to engage in educational activities.

    The child develops an unhealthy complexion. This usually manifests itself in the winter season, with the onset of cold weather. There are problems with the thyroid gland.

    If all these symptoms are left unattended, this can lead to negative consequences in the future: have a negative impact on the mental and physical development of the child.

    General instructions

    To avoid all the negative consequences associated with a lack of iodine in the body, it is necessary to take Iodomarin for children in the amount prescribed by the attending physician.

    Iodomarin is one of the safest drugs for people of various age groups. You can start taking Iodomarin from infancy, because at this age, iodine intake is not always possible. The child cannot yet consume foods that contain iodine. For example, he cannot eat seafood every day. It is not always possible to determine the exact dosage of iodine required for a child.

    And Iodomarin is a safe drug that can easily replenish iodine deficiency in the human body.

    Each age group has a specific dosage. To prevent iodine deficiency in the body and reduce immunity, the drug is prescribed to children from birth to 12 years of age, 50-100 mcg per day; for children over 12 years of age, this dosage is doubled. The course of administration and dosage of Iodomarin for children is determined by the doctor based on the specific case.

    Taking Iodomarin for children allows you to:

    • completely improve mental abilities and physical condition;
    • positively influence behavior;
    • improve health.

    Side effects of the drug

    Like many medicines, Iodomarin has its side effects. This usually manifests itself in the form of allergic reactions or a malfunction of the endocrine system.

    If you have an allergic reaction to Iodomarin, the following symptoms appear:

    • Quincke's edema;
    • swelling;
    • skin rash;
    • metallic taste in the mouth;
    • inflammation of the mucous membranes.
    • angioedema;
    • allergic arthritis;
    • eosinophilia;
    • lymphadenopathy.

    In rare cases, the following are observed: vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, swelling of the salivary glands, headache, individual intolerance.

    A long course of treatment leads to a decrease in the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland.
    Usually, when taking the drug, side effects are quite rare in practice.

    But despite some restrictions in taking the drug and the presence of side effects, it is most popular and has proven itself well as a prophylactic against iodine deficiency in the body of a growing person. Basically, people taking Iodomarin are satisfied with the results. Positive effects on child development have been noted.

    Parents should understand that taking Iodomarin is simply necessary for children. Especially if the child is constantly exposed to great mental and physical stress. The most important thing is that after taking Iodomarin, everyone will be satisfied not only with the results achieved in preventing iodine deficiency, but also with the excellent health of their child.

    Iodomarin is a drug

    iodine, which is used to prevent and treat diseases caused by iodine deficiency (for example, endemic

    ), as well as for the prevention of iodine deficiency during periods of increased need for it (for example, during pregnancy and adolescence). In addition, Iodomarin is used to treat iodine deficiency and diffuse euthyroid goiter in children and adults.

    Varieties, names, composition and release forms Currently, Iodomarin is available in Russia in two varieties, which are called Iodomarin 100 And Iodomarin 200. These varieties differ from each other only in the number in the name and the dosage of the active component. There are no other differences between Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200, so, in essence, these varieties are just the same drug with different dosages of the active substance and different names. The situation with the varieties of Iodomarin can be described using an example: if domestically produced Paracetamol, produced in dosages of 200 mg and 500 mg, had different names for each dosage - Paracetamol 200 and Paracetamol 500, respectively, then this would be the same situation as with Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200.

    But since in the official register of medicines drugs with the names “Iodomarin 100” and “Iodomarin 200” are registered as separate drugs, we are also forced to classify them as varieties of the same drug, although, in fact, these varieties are nothing more, than different dosages of the same drug. Since, in fact, Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are the same drug with different dosages of the active component, in the future we will refer to both varieties with the common name “Iodomarin”, which is widely used in everyday life.

    In the past, there was another type of drug in Russia - Iodomarin for children, which were chewable pieces designed specifically for children. But at present, Iodomarin for children has not undergone the re-registration procedure, as a result of which it is absent from the domestic pharmaceutical market. In principle, Iodomarin for children is no different from Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200, except for the name and dosage of the active substance. Therefore, all the properties and characteristics of Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 can be extended to Iodomarin for children.

    Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are available in the same and only dosage form - tablets for oral administration. Tablets of both varieties of Iodomarin have a flat-cylindrical round shape, painted white or almost white, equipped with a score on one side and a bevel (beveled edge of the tablet). Iodomarin 100 is available in plastic bottles of 50 or 100 pieces. Iodomarin 200 is available in blisters of 50 or 100 pieces per pack.

    The composition of Iodomarin as an active substance includes potassium iodide in different dosages. Iodomarin 100 contains 131 mcg of potassium iodide per tablet, which corresponds to 100 mcg of pure iodine. Iodomarin 200 contains 262 mcg of potassium iodide per tablet, which corresponds to 200 mcg of pure iodine.

    Both varieties of Iodomarin contain the same following substances as auxiliary components:

    • Highly dispersed silicon dioxide (colloidal);
    • Gelatin;
    • Carboxymethyl starch sodium salt;
    • Lactose monohydrate;
    • Magnesium carbonate basic light;
    • Magnesium stearate.

    Dosages of Yodomarin Currently, Yodomarin is available on the Russian pharmaceutical market in two dosages - 100 mg and 200 mg of pure iodine.

    Therapeutic effectIodine is a microelement necessary for normal life, which must be supplied to the body with food and water. Iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones (T3 - triiodothyronine and T4 - thyroxine), which ensure normal metabolism and also regulate the functioning of the brain, reproductive (ovaries in women and testicles in men) and mammary glands, nervous and cardiovascular systems . In addition, thyroid hormones ensure normal growth and development of the child both in the prenatal period and after birth and until adulthood.

    Iodine deficiency leads to diseases of the thyroid gland and, accordingly, to disruption of the functioning of all organs and systems, the functioning of which is regulated by thyroid hormones (ovaries in women, testicles in men, mammary glands, brain, nervous system, heart and blood vessels). Iodine deficiency is especially dangerous for children, adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Thus, iodine deficiency in children and adolescents leads to short stature, developmental delays, poor school performance, puberty disorders, and aggressiveness. Teenage girls with iodine deficiency experience menstrual irregularities. Lack of iodine in pregnant women can lead to fetal death, developmental delays, miscarriages, and also to the birth of a mentally retarded baby. Iodine deficiency in nursing mothers leads to impaired milk production, improper functioning of the ovaries, heart, blood vessels, brain, as well as a delay in the development of the child.

    Iodine entering the body as a result of taking Iodomarin replenishes iodine deficiency due to its low content in food, preventing diseases of the thyroid gland and other organs, the functioning of which is regulated by thyroid hormones. Thanks to this, the size and functioning of the thyroid gland is normalized, as well as the work of other organs and systems that depend on the action of thyroid hormones.

    Daily iodine requirement for an adult is 150 – 200 mcg. But on average, Russian residents consume only 40 - 60 mcg of iodine per day, as a result of which 80% of the population has a deficiency of this element, the manifestations of which are very diverse - from goiter to cretinism. Low iodine consumption is due to its low content in drinking water and food. Therefore, almost all residents of Russia can be recommended to periodically take iodine preparations to compensate for the deficiency of this microelement in the body.

    After ingestion, iodine is absorbed into the blood almost completely from the small intestine. From the blood, iodine enters all tissues of the body, but is mainly distributed in the thyroid gland, kidneys, stomach, mammary and salivary glands. In these organs, the microelement is integrated into enzymes and hormones that regulate their work. Iodine also penetrates through the placenta to the fetus and into mother's milk. Excess iodine is excreted from the body mainly with urine and partly with saliva, secretions of the bronchial and sweat glands. When the amount of iodine in the body reaches the optimal level, all its excess, coming from food or medications, is completely eliminated.

    Indications for use Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are indicated for use in the same following conditions or diseases:

    • Prevention of iodine deficiency to prevent the formation of endemic goiter caused by it (especially in children, adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers);
    • Prevention of goiter recurrence after its surgical removal or after completion of a course of therapy with thyroid hormones;
    • Treatment of diffuse euthyroid goiter caused by iodine deficiency in children, adolescents and adults under 40 years of age.

    Iodomarin (Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200) - instructions for use The rules for using Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are the same, so we will consider them together, denoting both types of the drug with the same name “Iodomarin”.

    How to take? Iodomarin tablets should be taken after meals, washed down with a sufficient amount of non-carbonated clean water (at least half a glass). The tablets can be broken and divided into halves according to the score on one side to obtain the required dosage. It is advisable to swallow the tablet whole, but if for some reason this is impossible, then it is better not to chew it, but to dissolve it in milk or juice, and then drink the resulting ready-made solution of the drug. Dissolving the tablet is recommended as the optimal route of administration for young children. The tablet dissolves easily in liquids, so in order to give the drug to an infant or an adult, it can be mixed into any drink (water, juice, milk, etc.) or liquid food (soup, puree, broth, milk, formula) etc.).

    The entire daily dosage of Iodomarin should be taken at one time in the morning. It is optimal to take the tablets after breakfast, but if this is not possible, then you can take the drug at any time before lunch (before 12:00 - 13:00 hours). It is not advisable to take Iodomarin in the afternoon and evening, as it can cause difficulty falling asleep, as it has a slight invigorating effect.

    Dosages of Iodomarin depend on the reason for which the drug is taken, as well as on the age of the person and his physiological state (for example, pregnancy, active growth in adolescence, etc.). Let's consider the dosages of Iodomarin for people of different ages under various conditions.

    Prevention of iodine deficiency and goiter growth. Iodomarin is recommended to be taken in the following dosages:

    • Newborns (children from birth to one year) and children under 12 years of age - it is recommended to give 50 - 100 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to half or one whole tablet of Yodomarin 100 and half of a tablet of Yodomarin 200) once a day;
    • Children over 12 years of age and adults (men and women who are not breastfeeding or pregnant) - it is recommended to take 100 - 200 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to 1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 200) once a day day;
    • Pregnant and breastfeeding women - it is recommended to take 200 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to two Iodomarin 100 tablets and one Iodomarin 200 tablet) once a day.

    Prevention of re-formation of goiter after its surgical removal or successful conservative treatment. Iodomarin is recommended to be taken by both children and adults, regardless of age, in the same dosage of 100 - 200 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to 1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 200).

    Treatment of euthyroid diffuse goiter in children and adults. Iodomarin is recommended to be taken in the following dosages for people of different ages:

    • Newborns (children from birth to one year) and children aged from one to 18 years - it is recommended to take 100 - 200 mcg of iodine per day (this corresponds to 1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 200);
    • Adults aged 18 - 40 years - it is recommended to take 300 - 500 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to 3 - 5 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and 1.5 - 2.5 tablets of Iodomarin 200) once a day.

    How much to drink Iodomarin? Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are taken continuously for several years to prevent the following conditions: iodine deficiency, primary goiter formation, as well as secondary goiter formation (relapse) after treatment (surgical or therapeutic). If a person lives in a region deficient in iodine (that is, water and food products grown in the area using local water have low iodine content), then prophylactic use of Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 can be continued throughout life.

    However, despite the deficiency of iodine in water almost throughout Russia, it is still recommended to carefully take Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 to prevent the formation of goiter and recurrence of goiter after treatment. After all, iodine is not a completely harmless element that can be taken in large quantities, hoping that the excess will be eliminated from the body without harm or consequences. Thus, long-term use of iodine preparations can lead to its excess in the body, as a result of which the so-called phenomena develop. "yodism", which are manifested by a runny nose, bronchitis, gastroenteritis, urticaria, elevated body temperature, swelling, increased salivation, lacrimation and acne on the skin. This means that when taking Iodomarin prophylactically, you need to monitor your own condition, and if signs of “iodism” appear, you must immediately stop the drug. After a few months, when the symptoms of iodism have passed, you can again start taking Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200 for prevention.

    In general, the duration of prophylactic administration of Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 is optimally determined not by theoretical calculations, but on the basis of the concentration of iodine in the blood. That is, during the period of taking Iodomarin, it is recommended to determine the concentration of iodine in the blood approximately once every three months. And if the iodine concentration remains normal and does not approach the upper limit of normal, then you can safely continue taking Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200 for prevention. But if the iodine concentration in the blood is higher than normal or near the upper limit of normal, then Yodomarin should be discontinued for several months. After a 3-6 month break, you need to determine the iodine concentration in the blood again, and if it has dropped to the lower limit of normal, then you can start taking Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200 prophylactically again.

    The duration of taking Iodomarin for the treatment of diffuse euthyroid goiter depends on the age of the patient. Thus, the duration of therapy for goiter in newborns under one year of age is on average 2–4 weeks, and in adolescents and adults – 6–12 months. In principle, the duration of taking Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200 for the treatment of diffuse goiter is determined by the attending endocrinologist based on the condition of the thyroid gland.

    Special instructions The tablets Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 contain lactose as one of the auxiliary components. Therefore, people suffering from congenital galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose/galactose malabsorption syndrome should avoid taking Iodomarin.

    Overdose An overdose of Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 is possible. Moreover, an overdose can be acute and chronic (long-term). Acute overdose develops when a large amount of Iodomarin is taken at once, and chronic overdose occurs when the drug is used for a long time (for example, several years in a row without breaks) in normal prophylactic doses.

    Acute overdose manifested by brown staining of the mucous membranes, reflex vomiting (vomit may be blue-violet if the food contained starchy foods, such as potatoes, bread, pasta, etc.), abdominal pain, diarrhea (often with blood). In severe poisoning, dehydration (dehydration) due to diarrhea and vomiting, and shock may develop. Also, in case of acute overdose, esophageal stenosis may develop in rare cases.

    Chronic overdose is manifested by the phenomenon of the development of “iodism”, which is characterized by the following symptoms: metallic taste in the mouth, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of various organs (runny nose, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, bronchitis), urticaria, increased body temperature, hemorrhages in the skin, increased salivation, lacrimation, acne skin rash, exfoliative dermatitis (formation of blisters followed by peeling). Latent infectious diseases (for example, tuberculosis, which occurs in an erased form) can become more active with iodism.

    Treatment of acute overdose with Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200 is carried out in stages. First of all, the stomach is washed with a solution of protein, starch or 5% sodium thiosulfate solution until traces of iodine are completely removed. Next, symptomatic therapy is carried out for disturbances in water and electrolyte balance (rehydration solutions are given, for example, Regidron, Humana Electrolyte, Trisol, etc.), and, if necessary, anti-shock measures.

    Therapy for chronic overdose and the phenomena of “iodism” consists of discontinuing the use of Iodomarin.

    In addition, cases of iodine-induced hypothyroidism and iodine-induced hyperthyroidism also include cases of iodomarin overdose. Iodine-induced hypothyroidism is a condition in which, due to taking Iodomarin, the level of thyroid hormones in the blood falls below normal.

    Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism is a condition in which, due to the use of Iodomarin, the level of thyroid hormones in the blood increases above normal. Iodine-induced (caused by iodine intake) hyperthyroidism is not an overdose of Iodomarin in the literal sense of the word. This type of hyperthyroidism is relative because it is caused by taking iodine in amounts that are normal for other people, but are too high for that particular person.

    Treatment of iodine-induced (caused by iodine intake) hypothyroidism consists of discontinuing the use of Iodomarin and other iodine preparations, followed by the use of thyroid hormones under the supervision of a physician.

    Treatment of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism depends on the severity of the condition. In mild cases of hyperthyroidism, treatment is not carried out at all, since normalization of the condition will occur on its own, without drug intervention. In severe forms of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism, treatment is aimed at suppressing the activity of the thyroid gland. In the most severe cases of iodine-induced hyperthyroidism, intensive therapy is carried out in intensive care, plasmapheresis and surgical removal of the thyroid gland.

    Effect on the ability to control mechanisms Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 do not impair the ability to control mechanisms, therefore, while using both drugs, a person can engage in any type of activity, including those requiring a high speed of reactions and concentration.

    Interaction with other drugs Taking Iodomarin can reduce or increase the effectiveness of thyreostatic drugs (Thiamazole, Thiocyanate, Perchlorate, etc.) used to treat hyperthyroidism. Thus, a decrease in the concentration of iodine in the blood (iodine deficiency in the body) increases the effectiveness of thyreostatic drugs, and an increase in the concentration of iodine in the blood above the norm, on the contrary, reduces the effectiveness of thyreostatic drugs. Therefore, during the entire period of use of thyreostatic drugs, it is necessary to refrain from taking Iodomarin and other drugs containing iodine.

    In turn, thyreostatic drugs inhibit the transition of iodine into an organic compound, and therefore can cause the formation of goiter. For this reason, the simultaneous use of thyreostatic drugs and Iodomarin is also not recommended.

    It is not recommended to take lithium preparations simultaneously with Iodomarin, since their combination contributes to the development of goiter and hypothyroidism (a condition in which the level of thyroid hormones in the blood is below normal).

    Taking Iodomarin in combination with potassium-sparing diuretics (Veroshpiron, Spironolactone, etc.) can lead to hyperkalemia (the level of potassium in the blood is higher than normal).

    Iodomarin during pregnancyIodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are approved and recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding as drugs that prevent and replenish iodine deficiency during periods of increased need for it by the woman’s body. Therefore, taking Iodomarin is recommended by gynecologists to almost all pregnant women. It is especially important to take Iodomarin or other iodine preparations during pregnancy for women living in regions deficient in iodine. And since approximately 80% of the territory of Russia is iodine deficient, almost all pregnant women in the Russian Federation need to take Iodomarin for prevention throughout pregnancy.

    Iodine is a very important trace element that ensures both the normal course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy child. Thus, with iodine deficiency in the body, pregnancy loss is possible (miscarriage, premature birth, intrauterine fetal death, etc.). In addition, iodine deficiency often leads to the birth of mentally retarded children - cretins. The seriousness of the risk of having a cretin due to iodine deficiency during pregnancy can be illustrated by the example of Switzerland.

    Back in the 19th century, quite a lot of mentally retarded children - cretins - were born in Switzerland. This situation was observed due to the fact that Switzerland is an iodine-deficient region. This country is one of the most iodine deficient in the world. This means that there is very little iodine in the water and food grown on the country's soil, watered with local water. As a result, residents did not receive the required amount of this microelement, and throughout their lives they suffered from iodine deficiency. Due to iodine deficiency, women often gave birth to cretins, since iodine is necessary for normal brain development in the fetus during pregnancy. But as soon as in the 20th century in Switzerland they began to implement a policy of replenishing iodine deficiency at the state level, enriching drinking water with iodine, iodizing salt and mandatory giving pregnant women potassium iodide preparations, the situation changed radically - the birth of cretins became a very rare occurrence.

    Thus, it is obvious that taking Iodomarin during pregnancy and breastfeeding is a very important measure for the prevention of mental retardation in a child and complications of gestation. Therefore, doctors recommend that all pregnant and lactating women take Iodomarin 200 mcg (1 tablet of Iodomarin 200 or 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100) once a day.

    It is not worth increasing the dosage of Iodomarin to more than 200 mcg per day during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as this can lead to negative consequences for the child, since iodine passes through the placenta and penetrates into mother’s milk, and its excess is as harmful as its deficiency. And the dosage of 200 mcg is balanced, since it does not allow an overdose, since the optimal doses of iodine consumption, established by WHO, are 150 - 300 mcg per day. And even if a woman receives another 100 mcg of iodine with water and food in addition to 200 mcg from Iodomarin, this amount will not exceed the optimal amount established by WHO.

    The only situations when pregnant and lactating women can and should increase the dosage of Iodomarin is the prevention of radiation sickness, carried out after accidents in the field of nuclear technology.

    Iodomarin for children Since iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, which control the functioning of many organs and systems, it is obvious that for normal growth and development a child needs a daily supply of this microelement in optimal quantities corresponding to the daily requirement. And since Russia is a region deficient in iodine, a child often does not receive the amount of iodine he needs with food and water. The consequence of this is bad mood, poor performance at school, aggressiveness, mood swings, disturbances in the process of puberty, interruptions in heart function, etc. Therefore, pediatricians and endocrinologists recommend giving children in Russia Iodomarin or other iodine preparations for prevention.

    Dosages of Iodomarin for the prevention of primary and secondary (relapse after treatment) goiter for children of different ages are as follows:

    • Newborns (children from birth to one year) and children under 12 years of age - it is recommended to give 50 - 100 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 100 and half of a tablet of Iodomarin 200) once a day;
    • Children over 12 years old - it is recommended to take 100 - 200 mcg of iodine (this corresponds to 1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 200) once a day.

    Theoretically, taking Iodomarin for prophylaxis can be continued for as long as desired, including throughout life. However, experienced doctors still recommend a cautious approach to taking Iodomarin, and not allowing its continuous and very long-term use, since an excess of iodine in the body is just as dangerous as a deficiency, as it causes symptoms of chronic poisoning, called “iodism”. “Iodism” is manifested by fever, lacrimation, salivation, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of various organs (bronchitis, runny nose, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, etc.), as well as urticaria, acne.

    Therefore, experienced doctors recommend taking Iodomarin prophylactically, regularly monitoring the level of iodine in the blood (once every three months). If the iodine concentration in the blood is higher than normal or at the upper limit of normal, then taking Iodomarin should be stopped for 3 to 6 months. After the break, the iodine concentration in the blood should be determined again, and if it drops below normal or to the lower limit of normal, then you should start taking Iodomarin again for prophylaxis.

    For the treatment of euthyroid diffuse goiter in children Iodomarin is recommended to take 100 - 200 mcg of iodine per day (this corresponds to 1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin 100 and half or one whole tablet of Iodomarin 200).

    The duration of therapy for diffuse euthyroid goiter in children under one year of age is 2–4 weeks, and in children over one year of age – 6–12 months. In general, the duration of therapy is determined by the doctor based on the condition of the thyroid gland.

    Iodomarin for prophylaxis Preventive use of Iodomarin is recommended for all people living in regions deficient in iodine. Iodine-deficient regions are areas where water and products grown using local water contain little iodine. In Russia, 80% of regions are iodine deficient.

    When living in regions deficient in iodine, taking Iodomarin allows you to compensate for the lack of this microelement in food and water, and provide the body with the necessary amount. Therefore, all residents of Russia are recommended to periodically take Iodomarin for prophylaxis in long courses. One preventative course can last 6–12 months, after which it is recommended to take a break for several months, then take Iodomarin again, and so on throughout life.

    There are claims that Iodomarin can be taken continuously throughout one’s life for prophylaxis, without interruption. Theoretically this is possible. However, experienced doctors and scientists recommend refraining from this practice, since it can lead to excess iodine in the body, which is just as harmful as a deficiency of this trace element. After all, excess iodine can provoke the phenomenon of “iodism”, manifested by elevated temperature, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of various organs (runny nose, gastroenteritis, conjunctivitis, bronchitis, etc.), salivation, lacrimation, acne, urticaria, etc. Therefore, experienced doctors recommend taking Iodomarin for prophylaxis intermittently.

    In general, when taking Iodomarin prophylactically, it is optimal to focus on the level of iodine in the blood, determined every three months during the period of use of the drug. If the iodine concentration in the blood is at the upper limit of normal or higher than normal, then taking the drug should be stopped for several months. Repeated administration of Iodomarin begins when the iodine concentration in the blood drops to the lower limit of normal or below normal.

    In addition, before you start taking Iodomarin for prevention, you need to carefully study the composition of the multivitamin complexes that are currently being taken. If the complex already contains iodine, then Iodomarin may not be needed at all, or it may be needed in a much smaller dosage. In this case, the recommended dosage of Iodomarin is reduced by the amount of mcg that is present in the multivitamin complex.

    Side effects When using Iodomarin prophylactically and therapeutically at any age, as a rule, no side effects are observed, since the drug is well tolerated. However, in rare cases, when taking Iodomarin in recommended dosages or, much more often, when taking the drug in doses exceeding the recommended ones, the phenomenon of “iodism” may develop as a side effect. “Yodism” is manifested by the following symptoms:

    • Swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes of various organs (runny nose, bronchitis, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, etc.);
    • Increased body temperature (“iodine fever”);
    • Acne on the skin (“iodine acne”);
    • Metallic taste in the mouth;
    • Hives;
    • Hemorrhages into the skin;
    • Increased salivation;
    • Tearing.

    In addition, in very rare cases, Iodomarin can cause the following side effects:

    • Exfoliative dermatitis;
    • Quincke's edema;
    • Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism (thyroid dysfunction).

    Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, as a rule, develops when taking Iodomarin in elderly patients who have suffered from goiter for a long time.

    Contraindications for use Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 are contraindicated for use if an adult or child has the following diseases or conditions:

    • Individual hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to any components of the drugs;
    • Manifest hyperthyroidism (the level of thyroid hormones in the blood is higher than normal), manifested by clinical symptoms;
    • Latent hyperthyroidism (not manifested by clinical symptoms) - taking Iodomarin in dosages above 150 mcg per day is contraindicated;
    • Toxic adenoma of the thyroid gland and nodular goiter (the use of Iodomarin in doses of more than 300 mcg per day is contraindicated), with the exception of cases of preoperative iodine therapy for the purpose of blocking the thyroid gland according to Plummer;
    • Dühring's senile dermatitis.

    In addition, you should not use Iodomarin for hypothyroidism (the level of thyroid hormones in the blood is below normal), except in cases where it is caused by a clear iodine deficiency.

    It is also necessary to avoid taking Iodomarin during treatment with radioactive iodine and if there is suspicion of thyroid cancer.

    Iodomarin: action, dosage, side effects, contraindications, use in pregnant women, children (doctor's recommendations) - video

    Analogues of the drug Analogues of Iodomarin are only drugs that also contain iodine as an active component. Accordingly, all analogues of Iodomarin are synonymous drugs containing the same active substance.

    Currently, the following drugs analogues of Iodomarin are available on the domestic pharmaceutical market:

    • 9 months Potassium iodide tablets;
    • Antistrumin tablets;
    • Iodine Vitrum tablets;
    • Iodine Vitrum for children chewable tablets;
    • Iodandine tablets;
    • Iodine balance tablets;
    • Potassium iodide tablets;
    • Microiodide tablets.

    An analogue is cheaper than Iodomarin. Unfortunately, there are currently no analogues on the domestic pharmaceutical market that would be significantly cheaper than Iodomarin. Somewhat cheaper than Iodomarin - only potassium iodide tablets (about 20 - 30% cheaper than Iodomarin) and Iodbalance (10 - 20% cheaper than Iodomarin).

    Reviews Most of the reviews about Iodomarin (more than 85%) are positive, due to the noticeable effect of the drug, ease and convenience of use, as well as the absence of side effects in practice.

    The reviews note that taking Iodomarin helped eliminate drowsiness, lack of concentration, improved memory, concentration, condition of hair and nails, and also gave vigor and strength. As a result of this effect, during and after taking Iodomarin, performance increased in both adults and children, who, accordingly, worked and studied better.

    In addition, reviews indicate that Yodomarin effectively cured endemic diffuse goiter caused by iodine deficiency in the diet. The effectiveness of therapy was determined not just “by eye”, but according to the results of examinations (ultrasound of the thyroid gland).

    The reviews also note that many women took Iodomarin during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and were satisfied with its effect, since the drug helped maintain vigor, gave strength, eliminated drowsiness and bad, “depressive” mood.

    There are few negative reviews about Iodomarin, and almost all of them are due not so much to the properties of the drug itself, but to various circumstances accompanying the prescription. Thus, many considered it unlawful to prescribe Iodomarin for prophylaxis without ultrasound and tests for thyroid hormones, as a result of which they left a negative review of the drug, indicating that it was not “harmless”, etc. However, such reviews can hardly be considered directed directly at Yodomarin, since they are more likely about dissatisfaction with the doctor. In addition, there are negative reviews about Iodomarin due to the appearance of acne in response to its use.

    What is better than Yodomarin? Iodomarin is a high-quality iodine preparation, so it is quite difficult to say which is better. A good analogue of Iodomarin in terms of quality and portability is Iodine Balance and regular potassium iodide. However, since each person has individual characteristics, it is impossible to predict which drug will be best for him. Among drugs with approximately the same quality, you can only find the one that is best for a given person by trial and error.

    Price Currently, the cost of Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 fluctuates in pharmacies in Russian cities within the following limits:

    • Iodomarin 100, 100 tablets – 131 – 141 rubles;
    • Iodomarin 200, 50 tablets – 130 – 137 rubles;
    • Iodomarin 200, 100 tablets – 197 – 226 rubles.

    ATTENTION! The information posted on our website is for reference or popular information and is provided to a wide range of readers for discussion. Prescription of medications should be carried out only by a qualified specialist, based on the medical history and diagnostic results.

    Does Yodomarin have side effects, can it cause harm?

    Iodomarin is a good preventative against iodine deficiency and diseases associated with it. However, it is necessary to learn about the benefits and harms of the product, about contraindications and possible reactions of the body to it.

    Sometimes the effect of a medicine can be much more dangerous than the disease it is used against.

    What are the indications and contraindications for Iodomarin?

    Iodomarin (potassium iodide) is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. If there is a lack of it, the level of hormones produced by the gland decreases, which means the following problems may develop:

    • metabolic disease;
    • defective heart function;
    • poor vascular condition;
    • reproductive system disorder;
    • unbalanced mental state.

    Therefore, in endemic areas where there is a total lack of iodine in the population, taking Iodomarin and similar substances is mandatory.

    In addition, thyroid hormones are closely related to other hormones, which means the full health of the body depends on the function of the thyroid gland.

    Pregnant women need to consume iodine, since this chemical element is responsible for the physical and mental development of the fetus. Iodine is also responsible for sufficient formation of breast milk.

    Iodomarin is indicated for diseases associated with iodine deficiency (endemic goiter), as well as for maintaining remission of thyroid diseases.

    For preventive measures, adults take 100 mcg per day; for children, the course is selected individually.

    To maintain iodine balance during pregnancy, 200 mcg per day is usually used. If the expectant mother already has problems due to a lack of iodine, treatment along with taking Iodomarin may be reconsidered.

    In cases of adult disease, the dosage is increased to 300 mcg or more.

    Contraindications, who should not take the medicine?

    Iodomarin can be harmful in cases of hyperthyroidism or other thyroid diseases accompanied by a decrease in hormone secretion.

    It is also necessary to stop taking the drug in the following conditions:

    • toxic adenoma;
    • Dühring's disease (dermatitis herpetiformis);
    • iodine intolerance.

    Oddly enough, age after 40 years is also considered a contraindication to Iodomarin. If there are no recommendations from an endocrinologist, the patient should not self-prescribe this medicine.

    More than 65% of patients, according to statistical data, develop thyroid diseases after 40 years. The risk of disease comes due to slow metabolism and age-related hormonal imbalances.

    As a result, for example, with thyroiditis, antibodies are formed that destroy the thyroid gland. The affected organ cannot perceive incoming iodine - which means taking Iodomarin is useless.

    Most experts believe that without substances such as selenium, zinc, iodine is not absorbed, which means taking Iodomarin without taking complexes with such substances is a futile undertaking.

    In addition, bromine prevents the body from fully absorbing iodine, therefore, when treating or preventing it with Iodomarin, bromine, which may be contained in sedatives, should be excluded.

    Chlorine and fluorine can interfere with the normal supply of iodine - you should make sure that there is not too much of these substances in food and in medications taken to treat other diseases.

    Adverse reactions and complaints

    Taking Iodomarin incorrectly can cause side effects from this treatment. Exceeding the dose and long-term use of the medication, which are the causes of side effects from Iodomarin, lead to the following consequences:

    1. The development of hyperthyroidism, especially in patients over 40. Judging by reviews, thyrotoxicosis is the most common consequence of Iodomarin therapy.
    2. Iodine poisoning, in this case, is characterized by a metallic taste in the mouth, headaches, lacrimation, cough, swelling of the mucous membranes, resulting in a runny nose. In severe cases, Quincke's edema is observed. In addition, there are problems with digestion - vomiting, constipation from Iodomarin, possible stenosis of the esophagus.
    3. When treated with diuretics, hyperkalemia may develop, the symptoms of which are problems with the respiratory system and muscle weakness.
    4. Simultaneous intake of lithium salts and Iodomarin leads to the development of hypothyroidism.

    When choosing treatment with Iodomarin, you should definitely consult a doctor; perhaps the body does not need iodine at this stage.

    Thoughtful reading of the instructions and confidential communication with the endocrinologist will protect you from many complications.

    Reviews of unsuccessful therapy

    Patients say that while taking the drug they often feel unwell.

    If you look into these reviews in more detail, it turns out that the medication was taken not according to the instructions, or even as prescribed by the doctor, but on the advice of relatives and neighbors on the bench.

    Unfortunately, such actions result in iodine poisoning and disruption of the hormonal system.

    Iodomarin is an effective drug, however, like any drug, it has contraindications and side effects.

    Improper use can damage both the thyroid gland and health in general.

    The endocrinologist advised me to take 100 mcg of Iodomarin; the dosage seemed small to me. I am a rather large woman, I read in reviews of the medicine that you can take more, more means better!

    To avoid getting goiter, I took 4-5 tablets every day. The endocrinologist almost fainted when he found out.

    I often sit on forums, I read in reviews of Yodomarin that it is very useful. I bought it with a dosage of 200 mcg, just to be sure.

    It’s good that I read the instructions - after 40 years you can’t, although it doesn’t say why. I’ll give it to my daughter, so it won’t go to waste.

    I was prescribed Iodomarin for the treatment of hypothyroidism. The doctor said the dosage was somehow unclear, I drank it without a system. As a result, six months later I went to an endocrinologist, it turned out that I had hyperthyroidism! Here's your treatment.

    Now, with another doctor, I’m already thinking about how to live further, I feel disgusting.


    For normal functioning, the human body needs constant replenishment of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Among the most important of them is iodine, a deficiency of which can lead to serious diseases, such as hypothyroidism, which is fraught with irreversible changes in the body that negatively affect the functioning of almost all organs and systems.

    The importance of iodine in the body

    In addition, iodine takes part in water-salt metabolism, metabolic processes and normalizes the absorption of oxygen by tissues. Without iodine, the functioning of the digestive, respiratory and immune systems is disrupted. Iodine deficiency can cause the development of breast cancer.

    You can replenish iodine reserves in the body with the help of natural products such as carrots, beets, potatoes, garlic, seafood, persimmons, sorrel and feijoa. If you are unable to regularly consume these foods, you can replace them with a special drug called iodomarin, which is an excellent source of iodine.

    Properties of iodomarin

    Iodomarin is a drug containing a large amount of iodine. It is intended for the treatment and prevention of iodine deficiency diseases. In addition, iodomarin is often prescribed to women during pregnancy, breastfeeding, as well as children and adolescents for the timely replenishment of iodine reserves in the body and its normal development.

    This drug takes an active part in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Iodine, contained in iodomarin, accumulates in breast milk, saliva, the thyroid gland and the walls of the stomach.

    Indications for use of iodomarin

    As mentioned earlier, iodine is a substance that must be regularly supplied to the human body, therefore it is prescribed for preventive purposes, as well as for various diseases associated with iodine deficiency.

    The most common of them is goiter, which can form in both adults and children. Depending on the nature of the disease, endemic, euthyroid, as well as non-toxic and diffuse goiter are distinguished. Symptoms of iodine deficiency include fatigue, fever, sensitivity, memory impairment, drowsiness and frequent anxiety.

    Method of using iodomarin

    In the presence of special indications and chronic diseases associated with constant iodine deficiency, iodomarin is recommended to be taken throughout life, and for preventive purposes for several years.

    In adults, the course of treatment usually lasts up to a year; children are recommended to dissolve the tablets in juice, milk or water. If the drug is used to treat goiter in newborns, the course of treatment should last no more than four weeks. The optimal time for using iodomarin is considered to be the period after meals. It is recommended to take the tablets with plenty of water.

    Contraindications for use

    Despite all the usefulness of iodomarin, this drug is not recommended for everyone. It should not be used by people with toxic thyroid adenoma, hyperthyroidism and hypersensitivity to iodine. This drug is also contraindicated for dermatitis herpetiformis, hypothyroidism and suspected thyroid cancer.

    In some cases, exceeding the dosage of iodomarin can lead to the development of a disease such as iodism, characterized by inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane, acne, fever and a metallic taste in the mouth.


    Iodomarin 200 is a drug that improves the functioning of the thyroid gland in conditions of iodine deficiency, which is the most important mineral for the functioning of the hormonal system. This is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, which is also used in the complex treatment of certain thyroid diseases and iodine deficiency. More than a third of people have a severe iodine deficiency, and this also affects brain function, skin condition, reproductive function in women and men, and developmental delays in children.

    Pharmacological data on Iodomarin 200

    The drug is produced exclusively in the form of tablets, which contain iodine in inorganic form. In this state, it enters the thyroid gland and there it turns into an elementary form, which is integrated into the composition of hormones.

    Each pill of the drug contains 200 mg of iodine.

    Once swallowed, the Iodomarin 200 tablet reaches the intestines, where it is quickly absorbed and distributed through the blood to all systems of the body. Iodine is excreted through the kidneys, slightly with feces.

    When is Yodomarin needed?

    Iodine is an extremely important element in the development of the body and in the process of its life. When situations of iodine deficiency arise, people develop abnormalities, including irreversible disorders of the nervous system. Instructions for use begin with a list of situations in which Iodomarin is indispensable.

    Indications for use:

    • Prevention of endemic goiter for children and adolescents;
    • During pregnancy and breastfeeding to maintain maternal health and prevent fetal malformations in the early and perinatal periods;
    • After undergoing surgery to remove nodes on the thyroid gland;
    • Hormonal therapy for hyperthyroidism;
    • Treatment and prevention of childhood diffuse goiter;
    • To prevent and develop hypothyroidism in adolescents and adults;
    • Late development, speech delay in children;
    • Improving memory, concentration.

    When not to use Iodomarin

    Iodine tends to accumulate in the thyroid tissues, so its excess is also harmful to the body. Contraindications to the use of the drug are as follows:

    • Excessive thyroid function, hyperthyroidism;
    • Senile dermatitis (herpetiformis) of Dühring;
    • Immunity and allergy to iodine, seafood;

    If you have thyroid cancer or suspect it, during radioactive iodine therapy.

    How to take iodine tablets

    How to drink Iodomarin 200? Preventive treatment to exclude endemic goiter and other diseases is carried out according to the following scheme:

    1. Children from birth to 12 years old take ½ tablet of Iodomarin 200 per day.
    2. Teenagers from 12 to 16 and adults take a whole tablet of Iodomarin 200 once a day.
    3. During pregnancy, the dosage of the drug should be observed - 1 whole tablet per day. During lactation, continue to use this way.

    To prevent goiter, use from half to 1 whole tablet, according to the age category. When it comes to treating goiter, the dosage is much higher: up to 3-5 tablets per day for an adult.

    The tablets must be washed down with plenty of water. For children, you can resort to dissolving the medicine in a spoon of water or juice. Can be taken regardless of food. In case of increased stomach sensitivity, take after meals.

    Prevention can be done from one month of taking the drug to daily use. For young children, the course can last from a couple of weeks to a month. Long-term use is acceptable for adolescents and adults. Whatever the disease or purpose of taking Iodomarin 200, let your doctor prescribe it. Do not draw your own conclusions before receiving professional advice. After all, we are talking about the most important thing – health.

    Can there be side effects?

    Reviews indicate that in the vast majority of cases, Iodomarin 200 does not provoke adverse reactions. But there are situations when this can happen:

    • Hyperthyroidism in a latent form, which can become manifest. This is possible when taking more than 300 mcg of active substance per day. There is a danger in patients over 60 years of age who have a history of nodules in the thyroid gland or toxic goiter.
    • Allergy to iodine. Its signs may be a taste of iron in the mouth, swelling of the body, rhinitis, inflammation of the eyes, dry cough, acne, and sometimes Quincke's edema.

    If the drug is overdose, the mucous membrane of the organs may turn brown. Retching or vomiting. Under the influence of iodine, vomit may turn blue if there is starch in it. Diarrhea and abdominal pain are possible. Sometimes the phenomenon turns into stenosis of the esophagus (narrowing that causes difficulty breathing).

    Overdose is treated by gastric lavage and immediate drug withdrawal. Internally drink an iodine neutralizer - sodium thiosulfate, starch and protein. In addition, it is necessary to restore the disturbed water-salt balance.

    Special Notes

    The drug can be stored for 3 years. The price is low enough to be affordable to any circle of buyers. Its cost in Russian pharmacies is 70-180 rubles.

    There are a lot of analogues of the drug:

    • Yodex– prescribed for iodine deficiency. Effective in a comprehensive thyroid treatment program.
    • Iodine-normyl. The tablets contain a lot of iodine. It is similar to Iodomarin 200, it is used not only for iodine deficiency, but is also recommended for expectant mothers, their newborns and growing children.
    • Iodine active- the most common analogue. It is used in all situations when the body lacks iodine. This is the cheapest analogue of Iodomarin.
    • Antistrumin- indicated in the same cases as Iodomarin. It is also used in the prevention of goiter in children and in the treatment of adults.

    So, Yodomarin 200 is a drug for treating the thyroid gland from diseases caused by iodine deficiency. Both children and adults, even pregnant women, take it. It causes almost no side effects, but overdoses can occur. Iodine is very necessary for the functioning of the entire hormonal system, so Iodomarin 200 is necessary in every family.


    One of the most important microelements is iodine. If there is a deficiency in the body, the functioning of the thyroid gland may be disrupted, which can lead to changes in the functioning of all systems and organs of the body. Children, nursing and pregnant women are most susceptible to iodine deficiency in the body.

    To provide preventive measures for deficiency of this element, it is necessary to take iodine medications, namely Iodomarin. This is also important for people who live in areas with low iodine content in the soil.

    But it should be understood that the abuse of such drugs, even with an established iodine deficiency, is harmful. Overdose of Iodomarin is rare in practice. Mainly, it occurs due to uncontrolled intake of iodine-containing medications. Some allow themselves to self-medicate due to free sale in pharmacies, but it is better to use the product strictly as prescribed by the attending physician.

    Indications for use

    For the human body to function fully, it needs a variety of vitamins and microelements. Iodine is one of them. The drug Yodomarin containing this element has found its use in the prevention and treatment of various diseases that arise due to iodine deficiency.

    There are two forms of release of this drug - a dosage of 100 mcg of iodine, and also twice as much - 200 mcg. This variety allows you to choose the appropriate dosage taking into account the established diagnosis. Taking Iodomarin is required in certain cases:

    • Pregnant women should drink it to prevent microelement deficiency;
    • in case of insufficient intake of the element with food ;
    • with an enlarged thyroid gland;
    • for the treatment of types of goiter and its prevention.

    The indications that are basic for the use of this medication are listed above. When prescribing, the doctor selects the dosage and treatment regimen individually for each patient.

    But it also happens that patients independently diagnose themselves with iodine deficiency by reading something on the Internet or talking to someone. They make a diagnosis and purchase the drug at the pharmacy. And you will be lucky if the diagnosis is really present and the drug is beneficial, but if there is no deficiency, then an overdose of the drug will most likely occur.

    How does an overdose manifest itself?

    To understand how to take iodomarin correctly, you need to consult a doctor. This drug must be taken in courses. The duration of each may vary, several years or less. The product is used exclusively after meals, and the tablets should be taken with plenty of liquid.

    Medicines should be taken strictly in the prescribed dosage; increasing the dose on your own will not speed up the cure of the disease. In case of individual intolerance to the drug, thyroid tumors or hyperthyroidism, it is prohibited to use the medicine.

    Overdose symptoms

    The symptoms of poisoning are similar to those of other medications:

    • dehydration;
    • various intestinal disorders, possible presence of blood with diarrhea;
    • vomiting and nausea, vomit may have a blue tint in the presence of starch in the gastrointestinal tract;
    • pain is possible in the digestive system;
    • mucous membranes change color to dark brown.

    Narrowing of the esophagus can occur with severe intoxication and a single dose of a large amount of medication. There is also the possibility of chronic intoxication. In this case, the symptoms are slightly different:

    • various skin diseases arise;
    • sluggish or latent diseases may become more active;
    • mucous membranes are subject to severe inflammation;
    • a metallic taste appears in the mouth.

    How to provide first aid?

    If a severe overdose of the drug occurs, all first aid measures must be taken. First of all, arm yourself with a five percent solution of sodium thiosulfate and perform gastric lavage. This antidote is capable of forming sulfites, which are harmless to the digestive system, upon contact with toxic elements in the body.

    As analogues of this antidote, you can use a solution of protein or starch, which are also responsible for neutralizing the effects of iodine. Rinse should be performed until the vomit is completely free of iodine. Then it is necessary to restore the water balance in the body, but the liquid should be consumed carefully. In case of severe intoxication, all therapeutic measures are carried out in a hospital setting.

    If a chronic overdose is diagnosed, you should stop taking the drug and then also rinse your stomach. Excess iodine can also cause the development of diseases that occur covertly, in which case the attending physician prescribes a course of treatment taking into account these features.

    Poisoning during pregnancy and children

    Often during pregnancy, many women are prescribed Iodomarin. This is explained by the fact that the fetus may develop various pathologies due to iodine deficiency in the mother’s body. Deficiency can also lead to miscarriage.

    The dosage prescribed by the attending physician for each mother must be followed. Symptoms of overdose in pregnant women are similar to those listed above. If the first symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Iodomarin is an excellent medication that can restore iodine balance in the body. To avoid overdose, you should take the medication as prescribed by your doctor. Early diagnosis and help can prevent terrible consequences. But if intoxication occurs, medical attention is needed.

    In this video, a specialist talks about the action, dosage, side effects and contraindications for taking the drug Iodomarin.

    Iodine deficiency is a fairly serious problem in the modern world. More and more people are suffering from this disease. The fact is that a large number of diseases that are non-infectious in nature arise as a result of a lack of iodine in the body.

    Poor ecology, food and water, in which the content of this important element is very low, lead to the fact that its level in men, women and children decreases.

    Symptoms of iodine deficiency

    The fifty-third element of the periodic table - iodine - is extremely important for the smooth functioning of the whole organism. Why is it needed? The fact is that its lack leads to dysfunction of the thyroid gland. After all, the hormones necessary for the smooth functioning of the body are synthesized thanks to it. As a result of the decrease in iodine:

    • Metabolism may be disrupted;
    • the condition of the skin, hair, and nails worsens;
    • weakens the immune system;
    • There may be problems with the perception of information, memory impairment;
    • there is a constant feeling of fatigue and depression;
    • Children may experience developmental delays and learning difficulties.

    As you can see, it is simply necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

    Fortunately, there are now drugs that help cope with the problem of lack of this element. Doctors often advise men and women with low levels of iodine in the body to take Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200.


    The lack of iodine in the body is quite difficult to compensate only with the help of food, although this is also a good way to help the body. After all, the content of this element is still small. Therefore, doctors often advise taking additional medications that contain potassium iodide. The most popular of them is Iodomarin. It can be taken both during treatment with other medications and for prevention.

    There are two types of this drug: Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200. Their only difference is that the dosage in the first is 100 mcg of potassium iodide, and in the second – 200 mcg.

    This drug gives a good effect when used correctly. However, before you start drinking it, it is worth studying all its data, which are indicated in the instructions, so that the treatment brings excellent results.


    The main active ingredient is potassium iodide. Yodomarin 100 contains 131 µg. This is equal to 100 mcg of iodine. Iodomarin 200 contains 262 mcg, i.e. 200 mcg of iodine respectively. In addition, the drug contains additional substances, for example, magnesium carbonate, lactose monohydrate, etc. After administration, it is quickly absorbed in the intestines and distributed throughout the body.


    Like any medicine, Iodomarin should not be taken just like that. There are certain treatment indications for which doctors prescribe this drug. Most often this is:

    • prevention of iodine deficiency in the body. This especially applies to pregnant and lactating women;
    • Doctors often advise taking Iodomarin after surgical removal of a goiter;
    • Another indication for the use of this medication is the end of goiter treatment with hormones;
    • This medicine is used for diffuse goiter in children and adolescents, as well as young adults.


    Of course, this medicine also has certain contraindications, which are also indicated in the instructions. This is why you should consult your doctor before you start taking it. It is forbidden to drink Iodomarin 100 or 200:

    • For iodine intolerance in adults and children.
    • If a person is diagnosed with a disease such as hyperthyroidism. In this case, the thyroid gland produces more hormones than necessary. A doctor can prescribe Iodomarin only if this disease has developed as a result of iodine deficiency.
    • For thyroid adenoma.
    • If a person is suspected of having thyroid cancer.
    • With a disease such as Dühring's dermatitis. This disease is believed to occur due to hypersensitivity to iodine.
    • For hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroiditis. Doctors can prescribe this drug for treatment only if these diseases develop as a result of a lack of iodine in the body.

    This drug should not be given to children without a doctor's prescription, so as not to cause even greater harm.

    Very often, doctors prescribe medications containing iodine to expectant mothers. The fact is that the hormones produced by the thyroid gland have a great influence on the formation of the child’s brain. From which we can conclude that a lack of iodine in a woman’s body during pregnancy leads to underdevelopment of the fetus. Hypothyroidism, which is usually caused by autoimmune thyroiditis, is very dangerous during this period. Especially if it develops as a result of a lack of iodine in the body. Therefore, during this period, you need some kind of drug that will help get rid of this problem. Doctors often prescribe a drug such as thyroxine for treatment. After all, it is thyroxine that helps improve the functioning of the thyroid gland. And in addition to this, experts offer Yodomarin. In the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis and hypothyroidism, the combination of thyroxine and Iodomarin gives very good results. Only the attending physician can tell you how long you need to take them. In addition, these drugs are useful for women during lactation. Therefore, they are often prescribed after pregnancy if hypothyroidism is present as a result of iodine deficiency.

    However, during pregnancy it must also be taken strictly in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Otherwise, it can harm the child, because its excess can lead to developmental pathologies.

    How to use

    For various diseases, the dosage of Iodomarin 100 and Iodomarin 200 is also different. It is imperative to follow it to avoid a backlash.

    Reception is carried out as follows:

    • When preventing goiter, small children under 12 years of age and infants can be given from 50 mcg to 100 mcg (1/2 or -1 tablet at a dosage of 100 or ¼-1/2 tablet at a dosage of 200) per day. Adults and children over 12 years of age are prescribed from 100 mcg to 200 mcg (1-2 tablets at a dosage of 100 or ½ - 1 tablet at a dosage of 200) also per day. During pregnancy, women are recommended to take 200 mcg during the same period. When breastfeeding, the dosage is the same.
    • To avoid recurrence of goiter, doctors recommend drinking 100 - 200 mcg once every 24 hours.
    • For euthyroid goiter, the dosage is slightly higher. But in any case, the doctor will select everything individually for each patient. Children under 18 years of age and newborns should be given approximately 100-200 mcg per day, adults under 40 years of age should take from 300 to 500 mcg (3-5 tablets at a dosage of 100 or 1.5-2.5 tablets per dosage 200) for 24 hours.
    • It is not recommended to use after 40 years

    In all these cases, Iodomarin is drunk after meals for better absorption. To do it in the morning or evening - everyone chooses for themselves. Children can be given the medicine by mixing it in milk or water.

    It is worth remembering that there are two drugs with different dosages. Therefore, when taking it, you need to pay attention to which particular drug is used in order to correctly calculate the amount of mcg and not underestimate or exceed the dose.

    To get a positive result, this medicine must be taken for at least 12 months. A few days of taking it will not give any result and will not bring great benefits to the body. But if a person has problems with the thyroid gland, then most likely he will have to take this drug for the rest of his life.

    Side effects

    If the patient follows all the doctor’s instructions, then, as a rule, no side effects occur.


    Unfortunately, sometimes if Iodomarin 100 or Iodomarin 200 is taken incorrectly, an overdose of the drug can occur. It can be identified by the following symptoms:

    • The taste of iron in the mouth and inflamed mucous membranes in the nose and eyes indicate the occurrence of a phenomenon such as iodism.
    • If the norm allowed per day is exceeded, then a person’s eyes may turn brown, vomiting, and problems with the stomach and intestines often occur. If such signs appear, you must immediately rinse your stomach. To do this, use a weak starch solution. After this, the patient should drink approximately 2 liters of water to avoid dehydration.

    In addition, if any other vitamin complexes are taken during treatment with Iodomarin, then you should pay attention to whether they contain iodine so that an overdose does not occur.

    When taking Iodomarin, alcohol is not prohibited, however, you should not abuse it.

    Yodomarin Children's

    Iodine is an essential element for a child's body. It helps the thyroid gland function at full strength, which is necessary for full development. A lack of this element can lead to unpleasant consequences.

    Currently, there is such a drug as Iodomarin Children's. The package contains 24 lozenges with a sweet taste and a dosage of 50 mcg of iodine. This form of the drug is very convenient because children do not always want to take pills, but they eat lozenges with pleasure. In addition, Children's Iodomarin can also be taken for autoimmune thyroiditis and hypothyroidism, which are caused by a lack of iodine. A dosage of 50 mcg is good when you need to take the medicine in small portions. If the medication is prescribed to be taken twice a day, then the tablets are taken in the morning and evening. If the dose is indicated once a day, then the medicine is taken in the morning. However, the attending physician must tell you how much you need to take this drug. Only he can calculate the correct amount and time of treatment. You should not give this medication yourself.

    Iodine balance and Yodaktiv

    Often, doctors may prescribe one of these drugs. I must say that they are practically no different from each other. Both Iodbalance and Yodaktiv are available in dosages of 100 and 200. They are taken in the same dosage as Yodomarin. Therefore, it is impossible to choose which one is better.

    You can often hear that Iodbalance and Yodaktiv are dietary supplements, and Yodomarin is a drug. However, the fact is that all of these products contain approximately the same amount of active substance. Even doctors often offer a person to choose for himself what to take.

    The main difference between Iodbalance and Yodaktiv from Yodomarin is their manufacturers and cost. After all, the price of these two drugs is much cheaper than the third. So, for example, the price of Iodomarin differs from the price of Iodbalance by about 50-100 rubles on the higher side.

    Modern pharmacology offers several options for medications to normalize the iodine content in the body. But what will be better for a person - Iodbalance, Yodaktiv or Iodomarin, you need to check with your doctor and, of course, you should not take these medications without a prescription from a specialist.

    Taking Iodomarin is an excellent way to maintain the required level of iodine in the body. And thanks to this:

    • will increase immunity;
    • the condition of the skin and hair will improve;
    • Problems with attentiveness and memory will go away.

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    How to take iodomarin: instructions for use, how much you can drink iodomarin 200

    Iodine enters the human body through the digestive system, then it accumulates in the thyroid gland, but can also be contained in other tissues - for example, in the tissues of the mammary glands, stomach walls, salivary glands. In some cases, a person may develop iodine deficiency, which leads to the development of various diseases of the endocrine system. It is with the aim of preventing such developments and treating existing iodine deficiency that doctors often prescribe Iodomarin.

    Table of contents: General characteristics of Iodomarin Indications for the use of Iodomarin How to take Iodomarin Features of the use of Iodomarin Contraindications for the use of Iodomarin Possible side effects Overdose of Iodomarin

    General characteristics of Iodomarin

    This is an iodine preparation that is used for the prevention and treatment of thyroid diseases. Iodomarin is able to compensate for the lack of this important microelement in the body, which is vital for some categories of people.

    Indications for use of Iodomarin

    The drug in question should be taken only when prescribed by a doctor. And the indications for the use of Iodomarin are:

    • treatment of conditions associated with iodine deficiency in the body;
    • prevention of endemic goiters (carried out among patients living in regions with severe iodine deficiency);
    • therapy for diffuse euthyroid goiter;
    • therapy and prevention of iodine deficiency in childhood.

    In addition, doctors prescribe Iodomarin in the postoperative period, or after the end of therapeutic treatment for endemic goiter and as a prevention of iodine deficiency in the elderly.

    How to take Iodomarin

    Questions about the dosage and duration of the course of taking the drug in question are considered only by the doctor - it will be necessary to take into account not only the results of the examinations, but also the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. If we consider the official instructions for the use of Iodomarin, then we can highlight several important points:

    1. To prevent goiter, the following is prescribed:
    • pediatric patients, including newborns – 50-100 mcg/day;
    • adolescents and adults – 100-200 mcg/day;
    • pregnant women and during breastfeeding – 200 mcg/day.

    If it is necessary to prevent goiter relapses, doctors prescribe Iodomarin to patients at a dose of 200 mcg/day. Prophylactic use of the drug in question is carried out for a long time; some people will need to use Iodomarin for life.

    1. For the treatment of goiter the following is prescribed:
    • children and adolescents – 100-200 mcg/day;
    • adults under 45 years of age – 300-500 mcg/day.

    Patients of childhood (including newborns) will have to take the drug for 2-4 weeks, but for adolescents, adults and children of high school age, doctors prescribe Iodomarin for the treatment of goiter for 6-12 months.

    Features of the use of Iodomarin

    The drug in question must be taken after eating food, the tablet must be washed down with a sufficiently large amount of water. Do not take the drug with compote, juice or coffee!

    If the drug needs to be given to an infant who is breastfed, then the mother needs to express the milk and dissolve the tablet in it and offer it to the baby from a bottle. When artificial feeding, accordingly, the prescribed dose of Iodomarin is dissolved in the mixture.

    Contraindications to the use of Iodomarin

    The official instructions for the drug clearly indicate contraindications for its use:

    • thyroid adenoma of a toxic nature (the only exception is the period of preoperative therapy);
    • Dühring's dermatitis, occurring in herpetic form;
    • hyperthyroidism;
    • intolerance to iodine preparations.

    Possible side effects

    Despite the fact that Iodomarin is well tolerated by patients, the drug can also have side effects, which is associated with the need to use it for a long time. The following side effects are possible from the endocrine system:

    • transition of latent hyperkeratosis to manifest form;
    • development of hyperkeratosis, although no signs of this disease were previously noted.

    One should not exclude allergic reactions, which are manifested by a metallic taste in the mouth, extensive swelling, inflammation of the mucous membranes (rhinitis, conjunctivitis), glossitis, acne.

    Please note: side effects with long-term use of Iodomarin most often occur when the daily dosage of the drug is exceeded.

    Overdose of Iodomarin

    Signs of an overdose when using the drug in question will be:

    If such signs appear, then you need to stop taking Iodomarin and report the situation to your doctor - most likely, the specialist will adjust the daily dosage or completely replace the drug.

    It is extremely rare, but stenosis of the esophagus (narrowing of the lumen) does occur. This usually happens if the patient deliberately exceeded the prescribed dosage.

    Iodomarin, like all medications, should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. You cannot start a course of treatment only on the basis that the person’s region of residence is far from the sea coast - this is not an indicator of the prescription.

    Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

    Iodomarin® 100

    Registration number: P N013943/01 dated 07/18/2007 Trade name: Iodomarin® 100 International nonproprietary name or generic name: potassium iodide Dosage form: 0.1 mg tablets

    Composition for 1 tablet

    Active ingredient: potassium iodide - 0.131 mg (which corresponds to 0.100 mg of iodine); excipients: lactose monohydrate - 75.119 mg, basic magnesium carbonate - 28.250 mg, gelatin - 4.000 mg, sodium carboxymethyl starch - 4.750 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide - 1.750 mg, magnesium stearate - 1.000 mg.

    Description: round flat-cylindrical tablets of white or almost white color, with a chamfer and a score on one side.

    Pharmacotherapeutic group: thyroxine synthesis regulator - iodine drug

    ATX code: H03CA.

    Pharmacological properties

    Iodine is a vital trace element that ensures the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, the hormones of which perform many vital functions. They are responsible for the exchange of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and energy in the body, regulate the activity of the brain, nervous and cardiovascular systems, reproductive and mammary glands, as well as the growth and development of the child.

    Iodine deficiency is especially dangerous for children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women. Iodomarin® 100 replenishes iodine deficiency in the body, preventing the development of iodine deficiency diseases and helping to normalize thyroid function impaired by iodine deficiency.

    Indications for use

    • prevention of endemic goiter (especially in children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women);
    • prevention of goiter recurrence after its surgical removal or after the end of drug treatment with thyroid hormones;
    • treatment of diffuse euthyroid goiter caused by iodine deficiency in children, adolescents and adults under 40 years of age.


    • hyperthyroidism;
    • hypersensitivity to iodine;
    • toxic thyroid adenoma, nodular goiter when used in doses of more than 300 mcg/day (with the exception of preoperative therapy to block the thyroid gland);
    • Dühring's herpetiformis (senile) dermatitis.

    The drug should not be used for hypothyroidism, except in cases where the development of the latter is caused by severe iodine deficiency.

    Prescription of the drug should be avoided during therapy with radioactive iodine, the presence or suspicion of thyroid cancer.

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    During pregnancy and lactation, the need for iodine increases, so it is especially important to use it in sufficient doses (200 mcg/day) to ensure adequate iodine intake in the body. The drug crosses the placenta and is excreted in breast milk, so use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is possible only in recommended doses.

    Directions for use and doses

    Goiter prevention

    Newborns and children under 12 years of age: ½ - 1 tablet of Iodomarin® 100 per day (which corresponds to 50−100 mcg of iodine).

    Children over 12 years of age and adults: 1-2 tablets of Iodomarin® 100 per day (corresponding to 100-200 mcg of iodine).

    Pregnancy and lactation: 2 tablets of Iodomarin® 100 per day (which corresponds to 200 mcg of iodine).

    Prevention of goiter recurrence

    1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin® 100 per day (which corresponds to 100−200 mcg of iodine).

    Treatment of euthyroid goiter

    Newborns and children (from 1 year to 18 years): 1 - 2 tablets of Iodomarin® 100 per day (which corresponds to 100−200 mcg of iodine).

    Adults under 40 years of age: 3-5 tablets of Iodomarin® 100 per day (corresponding to 300-500 mcg of iodine). The drug is taken after meals with a sufficient amount of liquid.

    For the treatment of goiter in newborns, on average, 2−4 weeks are sufficient; in children, adolescents and adults, it usually takes 6−12 months; long-term use is possible. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

    Side effect

    When used prophylactically at any age, as well as in the treatment of euthyroid goiter in newborns, children and adolescents, as a rule, no side effects are observed. In rare cases, constant use of the drug can lead to the development of “iodism”, which can be manifested by a metallic taste in the mouth, swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes (runny nose, conjunctivitis, bronchitis), “iodine fever”, “iodine acne”. It is extremely rare to develop Quincke's edema and exfoliative dermatitis. When using the drug in a dose exceeding 150 mcg/day, latent hyperthyroidism can become manifest. With long-term use of the drug at a dose exceeding 300 mcg/day, the development of iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis is possible (especially in elderly patients suffering from goiter for a long time, in the presence of nodular or diffuse toxic goiter).


    Symptoms include brown staining of the mucous membranes, reflex vomiting (if starch-containing components are present in food, the vomit becomes blue), abdominal pain and diarrhea (possibly melena). In severe cases, dehydration and shock may develop. In rare cases, stenosis of the esophagus and the appearance of the phenomenon of “iodism” occurred (see Side effects).

    Treatment for acute intoxication: gastric lavage with a solution of starch, protein or 5% sodium thiosulfate solution until all traces of iodine are removed. Symptomatic therapy for water and electrolyte imbalances, anti-shock therapy.

    Treatment for chronic intoxication: drug withdrawal.

    Treatment of iodine-induced hypothyroidism: drug withdrawal, normalization of metabolism with the help of thyroid hormones.

    Treatment of iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis: for mild forms of treatment, no treatment is required; in severe forms, thyreostatic therapy is required (the effect of which is always delayed). In severe cases (thyrotoxic crisis), intensive therapy, plasmapheresis or thyroidectomy are necessary.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Iodine deficiency increases, and iodine excess decreases, the effectiveness of hyperthyroidism treatment with thyreostatic drugs. Therefore, before or during treatment for hyperthyroidism, it is recommended to avoid any iodine intake if possible. On the other hand, thyreostatic drugs inhibit the transition of iodine to an organic compound in the thyroid gland and, thus, can cause the formation of goiter.

    Simultaneous treatment with high doses of iodine and lithium salts can contribute to the occurrence of goiter and hypothyroidism. High doses of the drug in combination with potassium-sparing diuretics can lead to hyperkalemia.

    special instructions

    Iodomarin® 100 does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or operate machinery.

    Release form

    Tablets 100 mcg. 50 or 100 tablets in dark glass bottles. 1 bottle along with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

    Storage conditions

    At a temperature not higher than 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children!

    Best before date

    3 years. Do not use after expiration date.

    Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

    Over the counter.

    Company manufacturer

    Berlin-Chemie AG Tempelhofer Weg, 83 12347 Berlin, Germany or

    Menarini-von Heyden GmbH,

    Leipziger Strasse 7−13, 01097, Dresden, Germany

    Address for filing claims

    123317, Moscow, Presnenskaya embankment, building 10, Business Center "Tower on Naberezhnaya", Block B. Tel: (495) 785−01−00

    Fax: (495) 785−01−01

    "Iodomarin 100": instructions for use, reviews:

    Many people attribute constant drowsiness, lethargy and fatigue to the fast pace of life. And in isolated cases, this opinion is completely true. But in the rest, increased fatigue has a completely different nature and indicates a lack of iodine in the body. The drug “Iodomarin 100” can help establish the usual pace of life. But before you run to the pharmacy for this medicine, you should consult an endocrinologist.

    pharmachologic effect

    This remedy is used for the prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency diseases and normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland. Iodine promotes the production of thyroid hormones, which are responsible for performing many vital processes such as the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and energy in the body. The microelement is also indispensable for the functioning of the brain, cardiovascular and nervous systems. The drug replenishes iodine deficiency, which prevents the development of severe thyroid diseases. Quite often, Iodomarin 100 is recommended for children and pregnant women, since the microelement is simply necessary for the proper physical development of the body.

    Composition and release form

    The main active ingredient of the medicine is potassium iodide. One white flat-cylindrical tablet contains 0.131 mg of an essential microelement for the body. As auxiliary components for the preparation of the drug, pharmacists use gelatin, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, carboxymethyl starch sodium salt (type A), as well as basic magnesium carbonate and colloidal silicon dioxide. The drug “Iodomarin 100” is currently available only in tablet form and is packaged in bottles of 50 and 100 tablets.

    When is the drug prescribed?

    As a prevention of iodine deficiency diseases, the medicine is recommended to be used regularly by children and adolescents, as well as by the fair sex during the period of bearing babies and breastfeeding. This information about the drug "Iodomarin" is confirmed by the instructions. 100 mg is a dosage that is sufficient for both children and pregnant women to prevent relapses of goiter and other iodine deficiency diseases.

    How to independently determine the level of iodine in the body?

    The initial stage of iodine deficiency may go unnoticed by the patient, but when the health condition rapidly deteriorates and the person consults a doctor, the diagnosis may come as a complete surprise. To prevent such developments, you need to independently monitor the level of iodine in the body. And at the slightest manifestation of a microelement deficiency, start taking the drug “Iodomarin 100”. To independently determine the level of iodine in the body, you do not need special devices. It is worth noting that this test can be performed not only on adults, but even on newborn children. Using a cotton swab, you need to draw a grid with iodine on your forearm or thigh and see how quickly it is absorbed into the skin. If after 24 hours there is a slight trace left, then there is no need to worry. But if iodine is completely absorbed into the skin in a couple of hours, there is a problem.

    How to take the drug for prevention?

    Taking into account the fact that this drug is used not only to treat iodine deficiency diseases, but also to prevent them, its dosage system has been significantly expanded.

    So, to prevent endemic goiter, children from birth to 12 years old need to take 50-100 mcg of iodine per day. Therefore, the daily dose of the drug for children is 1/2-1 tablet. drug. To prevent endemic goiter in adolescents and adults, 100-200 mcg of iodine is prescribed. As for pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding, they are recommended to take the medicine 1 tablet twice a day.

    It is worth noting that the above dosing system is used not only for the prevention of endemic goiter, but also to prevent relapses of the disease.

    Dosage of the product

    Treatment of euthyroid goiter also involves the use of the drug “Iodomarin 100”. For this disease, patients from birth to 18 years of age are prescribed 1-2 tablets of medication per day. Moreover, for children it is better to divide the drug into two doses. For adults, the daily dose is 3-5 tablets.

    As for the general recommendations for taking the drug, it should be taken after meals and washed down with plenty of liquid. If the child cannot swallow a whole tablet, it should first be crushed and then dissolved in juice or milk. In addition, if parents have any questions about the use of the drug "Iodomarin 100", the instructions for use and the doctor will be able to answer them.

    As for the duration of taking the drug, it is determined in each specific case exclusively by the endocrinologist.


    If the drug "Iodomarin 100" is prescribed, its use should be strictly regulated by the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. Otherwise, symptoms of overdose may appear.

    The first signs of excess iodine in the body are reflex vomiting, brown discoloration of the mucous membranes, diarrhea and acute abdominal pain. In isolated cases, patients may develop esophageal stenosis, and sometimes the phenomenon of “iodism.”

    If an overdose of the drug “Iodomarin 100” occurs, patient reviews indicate the rapid manifestation of symptoms of excess iodine, urgent measures must be taken. So, for example, in case of chronic intoxication, it is enough only to discontinue the drug and, if necessary, carry out symptomatic therapy. Activities for acute intoxication are a completely different matter. The patient's stomach is urgently washed with a solution of protein, starch or sodium thiosulfate solution. Further, in each specific case, measures are taken to restore electrolyte and water balance, as well as anti-shock therapy.

    In case of iodine-induced hypothyroidism, it is necessary to discontinue the drug, and normalization of metabolism will occur with the help of hormones secreted by the thyroid gland. Before taking Iodomarin 100, you need to carefully study the instructions. It contains more complete information about the symptoms of overdose and methods of treating it.


    The medicine is not prescribed to people with hyperthyroidism, toxic thyroid adenoma, Dühring's dermatitis herpetiformis and hypersensitivity to iodine. It is these ailments that are the main contraindications for taking the drug “Iodomarin 100”. The instructions for use also contain this information, since taking the drug can significantly complicate the course of the above diseases.

    This medication should also be avoided during radioactive iodine therapy, which is used to treat thyroid cancer.

    Side effects

    As a rule, if the medicine is used as a preventive therapy and the dosing system is strictly followed, there are no side effects. They appear in isolated cases in patients of any age when taking only therapeutic doses of the drug.

    The endocrine system can respond to the systematic intake of iodine if the drug is used daily in a dose of more than 150 mcg. In this case, the latent form of hyperthyroidism can develop into a manifest form. If the daily dose of the drug exceeds 300 mcg, the risk of developing iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis increases several times. Most often, this reaction of the endocrine system to iodine occurs in people who suffer from diffuse toxic and nodular goiter, as well as in patients over 40 years of age.

    In rare cases, iodine can cause an allergic reaction. In this case, the patient complains of a metallic taste in the mouth, inflammation and swelling of the mucous membranes. Most often, this symptom causes “iodine” rhinitis, conjunctivitis, “iodine” acne and fever.

    In addition, if you take the drug “Iodomarin 100” in large doses (patient reviews confirm this), exfoliative dermatitis and Quincke’s edema may appear.

    Pregnancy and lactation

    It’s probably not worth saying that while carrying a child, the body’s need for iodine increases. Therefore, the drug is simply necessary during this important period in the life of the expectant mother. The instructions contain this information about the drug "Iodomarin". 100 mcg is a dosage that is quite enough for the harmonious development of the child and support for the mother’s body.

    During lactation, the microelement must also enter the mother’s body in sufficient quantities. But you should not experiment with the doses of the drug, since iodine is excreted in breast milk and can harm the health of the baby.
