Why did Andrei Razin's son die? Andrei Razin about the death of his son: the pain of loss is unbearable

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Alexander Razin, the son of the famous producer of the group “Tender May” Andrei Razin, died yesterday at the age of 16 years. Andrei’s wife Natalya Grozovskaya reported this on her Facebook page.

U music producer « Happy May“The famous Andrei Razin’s 16-year-old son Alexander died, who, for still unknown reasons, died completely suddenly on the street from a heart attack.

This sad news was reported by famous singer Natalya Grozovskaya, who is the current life partner of the ex-soloist and producer of the group “Tender May”. The sudden death of a 16-year-old teenager came as an incredible shock to everyone.

"Friends, we have great sorrow. Our son Andrei Razin has died. Beloved Sasha Razin. Please pray for the repose of his soul."

Andrei was incredibly close to Sasha and really looked forward to his son turning 16 years old. The producer posted last photo with my son on Instagram. " Last photo with my beloved son. The kingdom of heaven is yours, Sashulya,” the father signed the frame. Razin’s subscribers cannot absolutely believe what happened and leave words of condolences in their comments.

Natalya did not hide probable cause Alexander's death: “Heart attack. I was walking calmly down the street, tripped and fell.” Razin’s son turned 16 only recently in January. Friends and fans of Andrei Razin are perplexed and express their most sincere sympathy to him.

As you know, Alexander was born to Razin’s third wife, Faina, in 2001. In addition, Andrei has another son, Ilya, from his first marriage.

“Andrey Alexandrovich, I personally knew Sasha. I just can’t believe it... A huge loss and an irreparable loss,” “Hold on... There are no words to calm your soul,” “The kingdom of heaven be upon him,” “Losing a child is the worst thing that can happen to a person in life. I sincerely sympathize with your grief,” users wrote social network.

Alexander Razin lived in Moscow, led active image life. Judging by his page on social networks, he was fond of sports. On January 20 he turned 16 years old.

Let us recall that the youngest heir of Andrei Razin, Sasha, was born in 2001 in the marriage of the producer with the musician’s third wife, Faina. The man met his wife back in 1984, and only in the late 90s did the couple begin serious relationship. After the artist’s chosen one gave birth to a boy, Andrei tried everything free time devote to his upbringing. In one of the conversations with journalists, the producer’s ex-wife admitted that their son would definitely follow in the footsteps of his famous dad and make a successful career. musical career. And although Andrei divorced his chosen one in 2012, he still continued to maintain warm relations with Sasha until last day I tried to be close to his life and also help the heir in everything.

A terrible tragedy occurred in the family of the famous producer and businessman, creator of the group “Tender May” Andrei Razin

On the evening of March 10th. As MK learned, the teenager, who just turned 16 on January 20, died of a heart attack.

The accident happened at approximately 21.00. A young man was walking through the center of the capital with his girlfriend. On the bridge that leads to Bolotnaya Square, he suddenly felt ill and fell. An ambulance was called by a passer-by. The guy was urgently hospitalized at the 1st City Hospital. The mysterious girlfriend did not go with him.

The carriage reached the hospital in just four minutes. However, when resuscitators began to fight for Sasha’s life, his heart had already stopped. According to the preliminary version of doctors, the young man died of a heart attack. What exactly caused it is still unknown. As Andrei Razin’s concert director Dmitry Kaiser said, doctors plan to perform an autopsy on Monday, the results of which will be announced later.

According to relatives, Sasha had no health problems. He studied at a Moscow school with advanced study in English, planned to enter Moscow State University, since childhood he was fond of swimming and wrestling. Relatives also said that Alexander regularly attended church, and two years ago he discovered his talent as an artist and painted two paintings.

Judging by the photographs on social networks, the son of the creator of “Tender May” had another passion: motorcycles and cars. In the photographs, the young man is captured next to a two-wheeled “iron horse” and driving an expensive foreign car. True, there is one oddity associated with this hobby of Alexander. A driver's license was found in Razin Jr.'s wallet. The document contained a photo of Alexander, but the owner was recorded as “Razen Alexander Andreevich, born in 1996.” In the same wallet, doctors found another document - a social card of a Muscovite, but in the name of Alexander Andreevich Razin, born in 2001. It turns out that the teenager forged the ID, but whether he used it or not is a big question.

Among Andrei Razin’s acquaintances there were those who saw mystical overtones in the death of the teenager. So, the producer’s former passion is shocking socialite Karina Barbie - stated that due to Razin’s reluctance to revive “Tender May”, nine people from his inner circle have died since 2012. In her opinion, the sudden passing of her son is another alarm bell and something like a warning.

According to preliminary data, the cause of death of Alexander Razin is a heart attack. However, it is quite difficult to imagine that the heart of a healthy 16-year-old young man suddenly refused.


Relatives said that before this Razin had not suffered from any serious illnesses. To establish exactly what caused the young man's death, doctors will perform an autopsy.

Cardiologist Elena Murashko said that heart problems are not uncommon among teenagers in major cities. “And many of them are athletic and pumped up,” she clarifies.

The doctor explained that there are several reasons why the heart of 16-year-olds may be at risk. “One of them is that sports clubs often offer their clients anabolic steroids under the guise of expensive vitamins. As a result, the testosterone level in such young people drops to zero, and the body begins to suffer as a whole,” Moskovsky Komsomolets quotes Murashko.

The cardiologist named the second reason as lack of sleep and improper daily routine. According to her, many teenagers sleep only five hours a day, which changes their heart rate. In addition, some young people are ruining their health with energy drinks, the harm of which has been recognized by doctors around the world.

Let us remind you that the death of Alexander Razin became known on March 11. The young man had a seizure during a date.

The doctor tried to resuscitate him for twenty minutes. “We managed to restore the rhythm two times, but each time it broke down,” neurosurgeon Alexey Kashcheev, who witnessed the incident and tried to save the young man, wrote on his social network page.

Only after the death of his son did it become known about the secret wife of the creator of Tender May

Andrei RAZIN was orphaned for the second time in his life - he lost his beloved son Sasha. The teenager felt unwell while walking with his girlfriend. Alexander’s companion immediately called an ambulance, but Unfortunately,The doctors were powerless, and the 16-year-old boy died.The cause of death was heart disease. The disease was asymptomatic and no one knew about it.

The musician’s second wife, Faina, is called Sasha’s mother. In fact, she was Razin's third wife - a beautiful girl with beautiful name Maritana. Before the tragedy happened Almost no one knew about its existence.

It’s no wonder to get confused in the wives of Andrei Razin. Except civil marriages then its first official wife was Natalia Lebedeva, and second - Faina Razina, who is mistakenly called Sasha’s mother. The misunderstanding arose due to the fact that real mom Alexandra is Razin’s third wife, Maritana, who gave birth to the producer while he was still married to Faina. The fact is that all of Razin’s weddings and divorces took place in strict secrecy. Andrei Alexandrovich first secretly divorced Faina, and then secretly married Maritana. After living with Maritana for a couple of years, he divorced her and secretly married Faina again. Thus, Faina became his fourth wife. Although everyone considers her the second, since no one knew about Razin’s intermediate third marriage with Maritana.

Love at first sight

They met Maritana in 2000. Seeing her walking along the Sochi embankment, Razin could not muster up the courage to speak, and could not think of anything better than sending his guard after her. He later told friends that for the first time in his life he felt timid. He was delighted not so much by the girl’s appearance, but by the wave of some unearthly charm emanating from her.

In the first month of dating, he lost 12 kilograms because of love. This is how he won the beauty’s young heart. Back to the old days physical fitness, Andrey took her to Honeymoon in Miami, and then Sasha was born.

Crazy with happiness, Razin rushed between unexpected fatherhood and active construction political career. Being a deputy, participating in the elections for governor of the Stavropol Territory - all this did not fit in with his desire to go on stage and shout into the microphone about his new love. son and extra wife I had to hide it from everyone.

For a divorce from Faina and secret wedding He decided with Maritana only after being elected to another parliamentary term. Sasha was already six years old.

At the wedding ceremony in Moscow, only the closest people were present, mainly from Maritana’s side. Many of them then saw Sasha for the first time - a cheerful blond boy, exact copy Andrei, whom he doted on.

At some point, Razin was so carried away with raising his son that he lost his wife. The divorce, like the wedding, took place in complete secrecy. Since then, Sasha lived with each of his parents in turn. He considered himself very lucky because both his mother and father tried to love him for both of them.

“My pain of loss is unbearable,” Andrei Alexandrovich wrote on his page on the social network when he learned about the death of his son.

Fake documents

In the hospital when examining things in a purse Razin Jr. They found a driver's license with his photo, but the owner was recorded as Razin Alexander Andreevich, born in 1996. The second document turned out to be social card Muscovite in the name of Alexander Andreevich Razin, born in 2001, which corresponded real age young man.

There is no mystery here. Sasha’s license was real, and the years that gave the teenager the right to drive a car were given to him by traffic police officers interested in improving their standard of living.

By the way

Andrei Razin has a 32-year-old son, Ilya, from a fleeting relationship with a fan, whose existence the producer learned about only in 2003.

In Moscow, his son died at the age of 16 former soloist and producer of the group "Tender May" Andrei Razin. About this on your page in Facebook said singer Natalya Grozovskaya, Razin’s current life partner.

“Friends, we are in grief... Andrei Razin’s son has died... Sasha Razin... Please pray for the Repose of his soul...” she wrote. There, Grozovskaya reported the cause of Alexander’s death: “Heart attack. He was walking down the street and fell.”

Alexander was born in the third marriage of Andrei Razin in 2001. facebook

Andrei Razin with his son and wife. instagram

After this, Andrei Razin published on his page on the social network Instagram last photo with son. “The kingdom of heaven, Sashulya,” he wrote.


According to former assistant Andrei Razin, after the death of his son, the producer is in a serious psychological state. “He practically grew up before my eyes. The news of his death came as a complete surprise to me,” REN-TV quotes him.

Alexander Razin. vk.com

Meanwhile, representatives of the producer of the group “Tender May” spoke about the details of the tragedy that occurred on the evening of March 10 near the Udarnik cinema on Bolotnaya Square. As it turned out, the young man died during a date in front of his girlfriend. “At that moment, his girlfriend was next to him, with whom he was walking,” Razin’s representatives told Life.ru.

Doctors tried to save the guy for two hours. However, the doctors’ attempts were unsuccessful: Alexander died as a result of a heart attack.

Later it became known that before the ambulance arrived, a passerby, neurosurgeon Alexey Kashcheev, tried to save Andrei Razin’s son. The doctor reported this on his page on the social network. Facebook.

On the day of the incident, the doctor wrote that he was trying to resuscitate a “random passerby” on the street. He reported that “during the 20-minute cardiopulmonary resuscitation” he “managed to restore the rhythm twice, but each time it broke down.” Later Kashcheev learned that the unknown person was the son of Andrei Razin.

“I never tire of being amazed at the coincidences that happen in life. It turns out that the young man whom I tried to revive on the street the night before yesterday is the son of Andrei Razin, producer of the group “Tender May”. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save him later,” - wrote the neurosurgeon.

According to relatives, Sasha had no health problems. He studied at a Moscow school with in-depth study of the English language, planned to enter Moscow State University, and since childhood was fond of swimming and wrestling. Relatives also said that Alexander regularly attended church, and two years ago he discovered his talent as an artist and painted two paintings. Judging by the photographs on social networks, the son of the creator of “Tender May” had another passion: motorcycles and cars, writes Moskovsky Komsomolets.

Alexander Razin. vk.com

In an interview with the newspaper, pediatric cardiologist Elena Murashko said that heart problems have become very common among 16-year-old boys from large cities. “And many of them are athletic and pumped up. There are several reasons. One of them is that sports clubs often offer their clients anabolic steroids under the guise of expensive vitamins. As a result, the testosterone level in such young people drops to zero, and the body begins to suffer as a whole. Another one possible reason- incorrect daily routine, insufficient sleep. Nowadays, at this age, people sleep for five hours. Their heart rate, instead of the normal 70, drops to 45. Previously, this was an indication for hospitalization, but now doctors simply prescribe recommendations and that’s it. Finally, energy drinks can cause dire consequences,” the doctor said.
