How to write beautifully in Russian. How to learn to write correctly: useful tips for adults and children

Every educated and self-respecting person should write correctly. Both success in your career and in your personal life depends on this. After all, one mistake can ruin an important deal and disappoint the subject of your courtship. You need to be extremely careful with words!

How many times have you already asked the question about which is correct: “to come” or “to come”? Impossible to count. But there is no trick or tricky rule here, you just need to remember that the correct spelling is “come”. Remember - no more mistakes!

A typical conductor mistake is “pay for the fare.” Only here you can either pay for the journey, or then “pay the fare”, but nothing else.

“Put” or “lay down” - that is the question? And the answer is simple - “put it”, and no more doubts. The second option can only be used with prefixes, for example “shift”.

“In general” and “in general” - there are no such words. The correct spelling is “in general” and “in general.”

Are you still unsure about the spelling of “-tsya” and “-tsya”? Apparently, you slept through your Russian lessons in the fifth grade. So, we remind you: put the question “What to do?” to the verb. or “What ©does?” If there is an “b” in the question, then there should be one in the verb.

If you decide to apologize in writing, do it correctly, otherwise you will have to apologize again. The correct way to write is “sorry”, nothing else.

"Future"? No, not like that! That's right - “future”, no extra letters needed here.

A few words about coffee. If you order “expresso”, the barista will not only not understand you, but will quite possibly ruin your coffee. After all, the correct word is “espresso”. And don’t forget about “cappuccino” (with one “h”) and “latte” (with emphasis on the first syllable).

You need to congratulate people without making mistakes, it’s much more pleasant. That's right - “birthday”, not “birthday”.

“Theirs” and “theirs” - you don’t need this, just forget about it forever! Promise that after reading this you will only say “their” and “his.”

When you want to talk about two men, you need to say “both” and not “wallpaper”, unless you are planning to glue these unfortunate men to the wall. If we are talking about women - “both”. “For both” - if we are talking only about men or about a man and a woman. “For both” - we are talking only about women.

Many questions arise about the spelling of “the same” and “the same”. Here you need to remember the rule: they are written separately if they cannot be replaced by the conjunction “and”.

An undeniable hit is “dress up” and “put on.” Remember, they dress someone, but they put it on themselves. “Put on clothes, put on Nadezhda” - this will be easier to remember.

Don't put hyphens? Then remember the rhyme: “This, either, either - don’t forget the dash!” Remember him when you doubt.

And a little more about hyphens to understand. “Still” with a hyphen. “Exactly” - too. But “side by side” - without it.

Here they are - the most common mistakes in the Russian language. Now you know how to avoid them, and we hope that you won’t get caught in this again.

Ekaterina Khodyuk



How I loved my darling
You hardly can!
Why did he kill her?
So for the word LIE.

She was already kind
Tender and submissive,
But I doomed myself
Because the coffee is BLACK.

I remember, as if in delirium,
And to this day those nights!
But as luck would have it, she
She said YOU WANT.

I heard I was coming home
So that was my action

I was confident in advance
Without a twinge of conscience,
That the court will understand me,
Completely justified!

But with the severity of a priest
The judge told me
Today's meeting...

Today only the lazy do not write. We keep blogs, write posts on social networks, leave long comments on articles in online publications and notes from friends. Unfortunately, many texts found on the Internet are not literate. Those who write correctly are irritated by mistakes. But there is another, quite large, group of Internet users who say that spelling, stylistic and syntax errors are nonsense. The main thing is that the content is interesting.

Why write correctly?

Let's see why it is so important to write without errors.

1. If you write illiterately, you lose part of your audience. Because any text is business card author. Writing with mistakes is like walking around in dirty clothes. “Carelessness in speech means carelessness in everything,” readers think and stop reading you, “stumbling” over another mistake.

As Irina Levontina, candidate of philological sciences, senior Researcher Institute of Russian Language named after. V.V. Vinogradov RAS: “For many literate people, the very sight of illiterate text is painful, like the creaking of foam plastic.”

2. Internet resources will not cooperate with an illiterate author. If your writing ambitions go beyond the scope of posts on your page, it is all the more necessary to write correctly, because text with errors reduces trust not only in the author of the publication, but also in the resource on which it is posted. No self-respecting editor would agree to correct errors in every word. Rather, he will prefer another, competent author.

The organizer of the “Total Dictation” and director of the foundation of the same name, Olga Rebkovets, is sure that “in order to be understood, appreciated and respected, it is absolutely necessary to be literate.”

Each of us has our own reasons for learning to write without errors. And we will tell you how to succeed in this.

Where does literacy begin?

At school we learned the rules of the Russian language for many years. Then it seemed to us: if you learn the rule properly, you will write without mistakes. However, this is not quite true.

The President of the Academy of Image Making and Psychotechnologies of Management, Vadim Sedachev, in an interview with Radio Liberty, said that, according to official statistics, only about 25% of the population writes relatively competently.

German scientist-teachers A. Diesterwerg and E. Bormann in the middle of the nineteenth century suggested that memorizing endless rules does not lead to competent writing. Their followers found out that there are psychological patterns in the development of spelling literacy.To understand this important mechanism, let us trace the path of its formation.From an early age we hear the sounds of our native language. Elementary imitation of these sounds turns into conscious speech. Then the visual analyzers join in the work of the auditory analyzers - we master reading, and the sounding word takes on a specific visible form, which often does not coincide with what we hear.

And finally, we get acquainted with writing: the motor analyzer is connected to the auditory and visual analyzers. The work of these analyzers is associated with certain areas of the cerebral cortex, the development of which affects, among other things, literacy.

Philologist and neurophysiologist Natalya Romanova notes: “Literacy is not culture, not intelligence, not open-mindedness, or even education. It's just healthy development certain brain cells, plus a prosperous speech environment into which a person finds himself after birth.”

Does this mean that it is no longer possible for an adult to learn to write without errors? Let's speculate.

Congenital or acquired?

One can argue with the term “innate literacy”.Teach a four-year-old child, who has three generations of writers and philologists in his family, to read. And immediately give him a dictation. He will write this to you... Not a single graphologist, philologist or rock art specialist will understand it!

Everyone knows that people who read write more competently than those who do not like to read. However, this can be explained by the fact that by reading, a person trains visual memory. He remembers words and syntactic constructions, which appear in the text, and automatically uses them correctly in his texts.

If in the same family, with the same parents, two children grow up, one of whom has not parted with a book since the age of five, and the other prefers a computer, the first will be more literate than the second.

In addition to visual memory, competent writing is facilitated by developed logical thinking. Logic people analyze everything that catches their eye. They create their own rules in the process of reading and find spelling patterns in texts, which they successfully use when writing dictations and essays.

Natalya Sofiina, a teacher at the Volsky School of Arts, believes that “innate literacy is more correctly called a “sense of language”... when a person knows not the rules, but the logic of spelling.”

Thus, innate literacy is a myth. This means that literacy can be developed.

Having scoured the Internet...

To write correctly, you need to read a lot. But what to do if you chronically lack time for reading: work, family, hobbies “eat up” all your free minutes. Not all of them are equally effective and are not always easy and pleasant to use. We have chosen for you the most effective and easy to use:

If you don't have much time to check texts:

  • use online services to check and correct text;
  • use the services of professionals (proofreaders and editors).

If you have a little time to work with texts:

  • at the time of writing, pronounce, out loud or silently, each word exactly as it is written;
  • use spelling dictionaries and grammar reference books;
  • give Special attention common errors;
  • reread finished texts several times, including out loud.

If you are ready to spend a lot of time working with texts and rules:

  • rewrite ready-made texts (any type of literature);
  • re-read each written sentence, and the completed text at least twice, check all controversial cases immediately;
  • create your own dictionary of difficult words;
  • work through topics that cause difficulties or were not learned at school;
  • practice freewriting, write 2-3 texts a day.

If you want to join the ranks of competent writers:

  • learn the rules of Russian spelling;
  • do 1-2 exercises from Russian language textbooks;
  • regularly write dictations and expositions and carefully work on mistakes;
  • work with a tutor or sign up for courses for adults;
  • use online services to practice competent writing skills (exercises and tests).

If you want to develop natural or “innate literacy”:

  • read fiction regularly;
  • study dictionaries (explanatory, etymological, spelling, etc.);
  • develop visual memory with the help of special simulators and exercises;
  • analyze similar cases of spelling words, creating your own rules, remember exceptions;
  • when checking texts, classify frequently repeated errors and consciously remember the correct spelling of these words;
  • play with the word as often as possible (rebuses, puzzles, anagrams, games like “Scrabble”, “Bulda”, “Hangman”, “Filwords”, “What kind of word”, games for logic and development of intellectual abilities)

And now a summary of the article for those who are tired and did not read to the end:

It is shameful to write illiterate texts today, when the Internet offers a lot of resources for checking spelling and punctuation. Posts with errors scare away potential readers, and Internet resources do not want to cooperate with authors who ignore the rules of the Russian language.

We debunked the myth of innate literacy and showed that anyone can write literate texts. All that remains is to choose an action algorithm that matches your goals and create your own route that will lead you to success.

, – learn to write correctly without errors. This task is acute both for schoolchildren who suffer from unsatisfactory grades in the Russian language (and are waiting with fear to pass), and for adults who have complexes about their illiteracy.

In order to deal with errors, a precise procedure is necessary. tries to cope with them by repeating the rules of traditional grammar. However, a huge body of rules (with countless exceptions and other “reservations”) is impossible to use in practice. None of the literate people remember the rules at the time of writing. Moreover, a number school rules designed in such a way that controversial situations will inevitably lead to an error.

The algorithms used in Natalia Romanova’s “NO RULES” methodology serve to make an instant, unique the right decision at the time of writing. They have nothing to do with mnemonics or other dubious educational practices. The algorithms of the Romanov Literacy School are a development correct order actions when writing: 1) see the difficulty 2) make an instant decision under the control of the algorithm. When, as a result of training tasks, the use of the algorithm becomes automatic, the student is guaranteed to write without errors.

Traditional grammar views any writing situation as a difficulty. School teachers do not classify students' mistakes in any way. In reality, errors are divided into major (the most common among all illiterate people) and minor (rather rare, unsystematic). At the very first classes at the Romanov Literacy School, the harmful school dualism of “combined and separate”, which generates a colossal number of systemic mistakes by students, is removed. A long-term analysis of thousands of student admissions tests shows that the “separate” position does not require control. And this is not an isolated case - in school curriculum There are a huge number of points where the difficulty is far-fetched and does not require any elaboration.

I would like to note one interesting point - when typing this table in the Word editor automatic check errors highlights in red all errors except errors from the upper right square (errors like “I’ll be back in the morning”, “I’ve eaten until I’m full”)! But these are the most common mistakes of both students and adults! So you can’t count on the computer’s help when writing texts.

The same applies to punctuation errors. Exists a large number of punctuation errors caused by unclear wording of school rules (systemic errors in commas around the conjunction “and”, errors in applying the rules for “participial phrases”).

Since 1992, the Romanov Literacy School has been analyzing texts written by students before training, and is constantly improving the program towards solving real problems and difficulties. Unlike traditional Russian language courses, we work knowing our “enemy” - systemic errors in writing - in person. This allows us to effectively teach students of all ages to write without errors and prepare them for passing the Unified State Exam and.

We can confidently say that all problems with the Russian language are the same, and we know how to solve them.

The ability to not only write beautifully and competently, but also to speak, will help any person to correctly express their thoughts in a language that is understandable to everyone. Be it Russian or any foreign. Even if you make mistakes when writing, it doesn’t matter! There are several rules and techniques to help solve this problem.

Get yourself in the right frame of mind. Set a goal for yourself to write without errors. Start simple. Read. A lot, look through your favorite books whenever the opportunity arises. Mix up contemporary novels with classics. In the process of reading, a person at a subconscious level perceives the spelling of words, the placement of periods, commas and colons. Literary language– fundamental in correct spelling. Train your auditory memory. Read fairy tales aloud to children, ask children to do this for you. Pronounce it syllable by syllable, as written in the book. Pause during punctuation. The simplest exercise is rewriting texts. You can know all the rules of grammar, but not be able to apply them in practice. Copy small amounts to begin with: from 3-5 sheets per day to 10 or more. You will achieve greater effect when you work with dictations. Develop fine motor skills hands. Do you read books? Remember them! Read the verse, learn it, write it. Check your spelling. Even at school we were forced to learn poems and write stories, this was not done in vain. Make 1-2 hours for yourself, a couple of days a week, study, improve your spelling. An old school textbook will help with this. Repeat the basic rules for yourself. Remember what a straight line is and indirect speech, what punctuation marks are used, when is a colon and when is a dash. Criticize yourself and let others criticize. Work out in pairs. The effect of learning grammar will be greater if you involve another person in teaching. Mutual monitoring and discussion of errors will help to further explore the causes of errors. Feel free to use a dictionary. The spelling dictionary was created not for beauty, but for usefulness. So, enjoy it for your health! If you are not sure about the spelling of a word or whether it even exists, it will help you.

Change your environment. You have set yourself the goal of learning to write without errors. Look at your surroundings, at the communication within. Bad influence, low level literacy, the predominance of slang and jargon expressions. Change your social circle. Meet new, educated people with progressive views. People who strive for self-improvement, improve with them. Keep a diary! If you study, then you need to get grades. After each exercise, rate yourself. Write in the margins of your diary Difficult words, where there are most errors. Analyze them and focus on learning the necessary rules.

It has long been proven that regular exercise, spelling, and music develop in a person on a subconscious level the accuracy of execution, the correct spelling of words, exercises, and playing an instrument. To learn to write without errors, you need to constantly train your visual, auditory, and muscle memory.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, in our age of progressive technology, for many people the question of how to learn to write without errors still remains unanswered. While attending school lessons, we studied the rules of the Russian language, which we later applied in practice. However, after graduating from school, all the information we had mastered was safely forgotten, and we began to write, relying solely on intuition.

Many people need to correctly express their thoughts on paper, observing all the rules of spelling and punctuation. Therefore, the question of how to write without errors is becoming increasingly relevant. We have mastered the rules of the Russian language, but this does not mean that we will have to re-learn each of them. How to be?

“Learning to write without mistakes”, or How to spend time profitably

You should not be ashamed for choosing to improve your literacy level. No matter what stage of your career you reach, you should always strive to become even better. However, many people believe that only by dying of boredom can one learn to formulate one’s thoughts into in paper form Right. It’s easy to write without errors, and it’s also interesting to learn. If you don't believe this, then use the following tips:

  • Realize that the higher your literacy level, the greater your chances of winning the most the best place under the sun. The right attitude- most effective remedy achieving success.
  • Take time to read. In this case, choose only the classics. In old books you will find the most correct construction of sentences, since modern literature, printed in haste, may contain some blots. By reading, you will not only learn to write correctly, but also expand your vocabulary.
  • Read aloud periodically. Moreover, this must be done as correctly as possible, paying attention to all pauses and intonation highlighting the most significant words.
  • Designed to improve literacy levels special exercises. You can learn to write without errors in the following way: copy several book pages into a notebook every day. This way you won’t even have to learn the rules, since they will be deposited in your subconscious. Further, you will not have any problems with literacy; you will be able to write any sentence correctly, relying only on your intuition.
  • To stimulate memory, it is useful to periodically memorize the texts of poems and prose works. This will help you remember the rules of the Russian language more effectively.

If you use these tips, you will no longer have questions about how to learn to write without errors. The recommendations only seem simple. In fact, their main advantage lies in their lightness.

In addition to copying books or excerpts from them, you can ask someone to conduct dictations for you. This is a kind of test of your knowledge and skills. Dictations are useful when you have already reached a certain level of literacy. To ensure that practical classes are carried out effectively, and you do not get upset because of low-quality texts written by you, follow these recommendations:

  • After writing the text, take time to check each sentence. Often we simply do not notice how we make a mistake. When checked, it becomes obvious.
  • The speed of writing texts also matters. Write slowly at first, paying attention to every letter and punctuation mark. After some time, when you feel the strength to move on, speed up. You can even time yourself using a stopwatch.
  • After writing the entire text, read it completely, delving into the content. Try to mentally pause in the right places, placing words that were not placed earlier.

Many people, without even trying to check written texts, wonder how to write without errors. In the Russian language, we studied many rules that relate to spelling and punctuation. Remember, very often the teacher insisted that schoolchildren read all written texts twice. This remark was often neglected by the students, although it is the most effective advice, which can be given to any person learning Russian.

The previous tips are enough to answer the question of how to learn to write without errors. But there are some recommendations that can make the learning process more effective:

  • Regularity is the key to success.
  • Find a partner who will not only study with you, but also dictate dictations to you.
  • Don't waste money on orthographic dictionary. If you are in doubt about the spelling of any term, such a reference book will come to your aid.

After a month of regular classes, it makes sense to write control dictation and summarize your efforts. But this does not mean that lessons should be stopped.

Dictionary of difficult rules

In any case, during the learning process you will identify a few words in which you constantly make mistakes. Keep a separate notebook where you will write down the rules of spelling and punctuation that are difficult for you. Firstly, as long as you write them down, they will remain in your memory. Secondly, it will be easier to fill knowledge gaps in the future.

We write competently only when all the necessary rules of the Russian language are already firmly ingrained in our subconscious. In life, you will not have time to re-read the text several times and correct mistakes. You must strive to ensure that you get the best possible result the first time. Until you reach this level, there is no point in quitting.

School principles

Often, the advice of a school teacher, which seemed meaningless to us in the most carefree years of our lives, helps better than any other recommendations. For example:

  • Focus on writing, discarding all extraneous thoughts.
  • If you are not sure about the correct structure of a sentence, rephrase it.
  • When you reread the text, mentally follow all the rules of reading, pause and

Believe me, these techniques really work.

Online courses

Sometimes specialized websites come to the rescue, where you can find all the information about the rules of the Russian language. You can use them, but do not make Internet resources the main means of learning. You should still bet on books.

Lessons with a tutor

If you still don’t understand how to learn to write without errors, it makes sense to seek help from a tutor. He will certainly provide you with all the necessary information, monitor your level of knowledge and make sure that your classes are regular.
