How to make a commercial offer for services. Example of a commercial contract for the provision of legal services

The service industry uses various mechanisms to increase profits. They allow you to successfully improve your business and gain new clients. Often this document is used for this purpose; all companies use approximately the same one.

general information

A commercial proposal is considered a document. Previously, it was issued only in writing, but now it is often compiled electronically. Therefore, the last option is sent over the Internet. The contents of the document include a description of the services and their benefits. Therefore, it is similar to a price list indicating the services offered and advertising text.

A sample commercial proposal for the provision of services contains a description of the service, including the cost, as well as an incentive to action, that is, purchase. If the recipient of such a document, upon accepting the terms, enters into an agreement, then in the future he may file a claim if the contractor does not complete the work in full.


Depending on the addressee, the offer can be:

  1. Personalized.
  2. Not personalized.

The first option is intended for a specific person, for example, the CEO of a company. The document includes information about attracting this client - an enterprise that is registered as an LLC. In the second situation, the offer applies to unspecified recipients.

The difference between a personalized document is an individual approach. Therefore, it is compiled by a specialist who communicates personally with the client, because he knows what he needs. And the offer for everyone is drawn up by an advertising specialist. The purpose of this document is to draw attention to your company.

Document structure and design

A sample commercial proposal for the provision of services includes basic information that must be indicated. The document is drawn up on 1 sheet, on which the following is recorded:

  1. Logo and company name. It is advisable to use company letterhead.
  2. Contacts. It is necessary to indicate several types of them: telephone, email, instant messengers, which allow you to increase the number of interested people.
  3. Title. It is highlighted from the entire text in large font and boldness.
  4. Indication of the client’s tasks that are solved with the help of the company. For example, there is a sample commercial proposal for the provision of cargo transportation services.
  5. Description of the offer. However, complex details should not be provided. They can be placed in applications.
  6. Information about the company. It is important to indicate what confirms reliability and integrity.
  7. Inspiration to action. You must contact the company to conclude a transaction.
  8. Information about the date and duration of the offer.

This sample commercial proposal for the provision of services is used in many companies. The main requirement for registration is literacy. Even if the document is drawn up according to all marketing standards, but contains errors, it will not be taken seriously.

The proposal is drawn up in understandable language. It is advisable not to use long sentences and complex words. Professional terms should be used carefully. Complex fonts and multi-colored text should not be specified. If the document looks strict and simple, it is more likely to be read to the end. You need to highlight the title, as well as the main idea. Contacts can be distinguished from the rest of the texts and placed where they will be easily visible. You also need to put a stamp.

Possible errors

Writing a document is a difficult task, even if there is a sample commercial proposal for the provision of services. If it is compiled for the first time, common mistakes may be made:

  1. The emphasis is on the strengths of the company. It is necessary to emphasize the benefits that the client will receive from such cooperation.
  2. The header of the proposal contains details and logos that are not interesting to readers. From the first lines it is necessary to interest customers and motivate them to read further.
  3. The large volume of the offer is difficult to get acquainted with. A good proposal includes 1 or 2 pages along with illustrations.
  4. There are no restrictions on the validity of the offer. It must be limited in time or other criteria.
  5. There is no call to action. The client must clearly understand what to do to take advantage of the offer.

Any document must be drawn up taking into account these recommendations. The sample commercial proposal for the provision of food services, cargo transportation or special equipment is approximately the same. The document will differ only in content.


First you need to determine for whom the service will be interesting. When drawing up an offer, the following rules must be taken into account:

  1. Indicate the benefits of services for the client.
  2. Use the style and language of the environment to which the proposal is aimed.
  3. Record only important information.
  4. Make the document attractive to look at.

There is a single sample commercial proposal for the provision of car service services, cargo transportation and the provision of special equipment. The difference lies in the designation of the benefits for the client obtained through cooperation.

Transport services

When offering transportation or freight services, you should consider the audience. Passengers and citizens transporting goods are interested in discounts. And for trading companies, deadlines are important.

The designation of price-quality ratio will allow you to win a tender for the public sector, especially if this is a commercial offer for the provision of special equipment services. The sample of this document is standard. Such an offer will also be of interest if not only transportation is provided, but also security services along the way.

Construction sector

Due to the high competition in this field, there are special requirements for offering construction services. Clients will be interested in the following advantages:

The specifics of the work require a special document structure. It should contain tables with calculations or photographs of the results of the work. Although this will increase the volume of the document, it will bring positive aspects.

Cleaning service

Offers from cleaning companies are becoming widespread, so competition is growing. To attract clients and encourage them to order work, the document must consist of the following information:

  1. Discounts for regular customers.
  2. Use of safe means and technologies.
  3. Use of hypoallergenic products.

The differences in interests of different customer groups should be taken into account. For companies, this will make the office more presentable and save money on hiring cleaners. Ordinary city residents value the time savings and safety of chemicals used during cleaning. If cleaning work is carried out after various disasters, for example, flooding, then the emphasis should be on the absence of unpleasant odors and treatment against mold. The sample commercial proposal for the provision of services for the removal of solid waste, cleaning of premises, and disinfection of objects is similar, differing only in some nuances.

Legal and consulting services

There is probably a lot of competition in this area. The only way to interest clients in purchasing legal and consulting services is with a profitable offer. People will contact the company if they provide the following benefits:

  1. There is a high probability of a positive resolution of the case in court.
  2. Supporting activities with savings on the maintenance of a full-time employee.
  3. Correct preparation of documentation and a high probability of their acceptance.
  4. Saving time when communicating with government agencies.

It is considered a benefit for clients to receive some services for free, for example, consultation on certain issues. Having evaluated this work, clients can apply for others, which are provided for a fee.

Accounting services

Everything related to the legal industry also applies to offering accounting services. High chances of winning a case in court are provided by successfully passing tax inspections. Confidentiality must be mentioned. Some of the information accountants work with is a trade secret. It is worth noting the benefits of contacting a company rather than maintaining your own accounting department.

Medical and educational services

You cannot do without these services. But at the same time, they are provided by many institutions, and many provide them free of charge. Therefore, to attract customers you need to focus on the following advantages:

  1. Discount system.
  2. No queues.
  3. Professionalism of employees.
  4. Individual approach.
  5. Application of new methods and technologies.

Each area has its own characteristics that may be of interest to clients. These are the ones that need to be indicated in the commercial proposal. A well-drafted document will significantly increase the profits of any company.

Evgeniy Malyar

# Business nuances

Samples of commercial proposals

Commercial offers are usually divided into two categories: “cold” - intended for mass mailing, and “hot”, addressed to specific managers of companies theoretically interested in the services.

Article navigation

  • The main task of the commercial proposal
  • The role of templates
  • How to draw up a commercial proposal for the provision of services, examples
  • Commercial offer for transport services
  • Commercial proposal for design
  • Commercial offer for cleaning services
  • Commercial offer for furniture manufacturing
  • Car service, proposal for cooperation
  • Offer for special equipment services
  • For the provision of legal services
  • Building maintenance
  • For garbage removal
  • For the production of metal structures
  • Commercial proposal for site protection
  • Offer for the provision of accounting services
  • Commercial proposal for the provision of educational services
  • Manual for sewing curtains

All commercial products are divided into two categories: goods and services. It is necessary to sell both, and one of the most effective promotion tools is rightfully considered a letter containing an offer.

The article will discuss the rules for composing texts promoting services and provide examples of them with comments.

The main task of the commercial proposal

At many enterprises, writing a commercial proposal is entrusted to the most qualified specialist. It is believed that he is the one who knows everything about the product being offered, and therefore will cope with the task better than anyone else. This approach is justified in a number of cases when it is known for sure that the letter will be read by people who understand all the intricacies of the matter. For example, a generator for a power plant cannot be offered to a large energy supply company in “simple words.” But concluding an agreement for services (or rather, their provision) is most often achieved after reading the text of the head of the company, who does not delve deeply into the nuances.

A common situation: the director received a letter offering cleaning of premises, legal support, or, for example, refilling a cartridge with a visit to the client. The manager calls the head of the department (supply manager, chief lawyer or someone else) and offers to evaluate the usefulness of the proposal for the company.

The main task of the CP compiler is to ensure that his message does not end up being thrown into the trash (or deleted into the mailbox trash) without familiarizing himself with the contents.

The role of templates

Today, downloading a sample commercial proposal for any service is not a problem. After changing the company details and other individual information, you will get a text that meets the main requirements for letters of this kind. Here's an example:

Everything is clear, understandable and concise. However, a universal template for filling has not yet been invented, and, most likely, there will never be one. The sample should definitely be creatively reworked to give it individuality. In order not to spoil a good selling text, you need to know the rules by which it is compiled.

How to draw up a commercial proposal for the provision of services, examples

Just as any car, regardless of brand and price, consists of certain components and assemblies, the right proposal contains indispensable functional blocks, without any of which it “does not work.” And it’s not just about a beautiful letterhead or a sweeping signature. It is important that the letter:

Offered benefits: The potential customer of the service is not very interested in the glorious history of the company and the degree of friendship of its team. He wants to know what benefits he will receive (savings, quality, speed).

Unobtrusively “pressed” on deadlines: Any product has an expiration date. The proposal for the provision of services must also have a deadline that defines its conditions: “Until June 24, 2018, the prices are as follows, and after (by default) it will be more expensive.”

Call to action: Having realized how good the conditions set out in the first part are, and having received a slight push from the second, a potential client may want to talk about concluding an agreement. The actions proposed to him should be simplified as much as possible. Any commercial product is successfully sold when access to it is easy. Just “call this phone number” or “answer this letter.”

These threefold rules are not always observed by the writers of commercial proposals. So in the above example there is no deadline. If all conditions are met, the letter promises much greater effectiveness.

Now it's time to look at specific examples of commercial proposals.

Commercial offer for transport services

Commercial offers are usually divided into two categories:

  • “cold” – intended for mass mailing;
  • “hot” ones, addressed to specific managers of companies theoretically interested in services.

Based on this classification, it should be understood that in order to increase efficiency, it is desirable to “warm up” the offer, which many sales department managers do not want to do. This means that it is still better to call or visit the selected company before sending a letter. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to seek a conversation personally with the manager. You can have a nice conversation with the secretary (or another employee who has the information), and, if the employee is professionally suitable, then find out:

  • does the company use the services of any transport company, or does it have its own fleet of vehicles;
  • what are the volumes of transportation;
  • Is the fee expensive?
  • is the director satisfied with the existing cooperation;
  • if there are complaints, then regarding what unpleasant moments;
  • Cargo transportation or passenger delivery is needed.

The work of a salesman is generally very similar to the difficult life of an illegal intelligence officer, and the more he learns, the better.

From the information received, it becomes clear what to focus on when drawing up a commercial proposal. At the same time, even using the template, you should remember the mentioned deadline. However, when negotiating with a particularly valuable client, you can forget about him later.

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General rules: depending on the profile specifics, the requirements for transport services may be as follows:

  • trading companies are interested in prompt delivery and safety. If security services are also offered along with transport services, this may become a decisive factor;
  • a budget organization that announces a tender for the transportation of goods is often attracted by a good price, supported by the quality of the delivery service;
  • Everyone likes discounts.

It should be remembered that the most enviable transportation clients are already working with someone, and they will have to be lured away with significant advantages.

Commercial proposal for design

Typically, design organizations in their main profile specialize in the provision of construction services, and at the same time, engineering documentation is included in the total estimated cost. The rules for drawing up a commercial proposal are the same as in other cases, but it is recommended to pay special attention to:

  • high quality materials at a reasonable price;
  • speed of design, installation, repair or finishing work.

In this case, at the beginning of the letter it is considered useful to mention the objects that have already been commissioned and the clients who were satisfied. Since the volume of text is limited, only the main thing should be stated: the specialization of the construction company, the use of directly imported materials, warranty obligations, etc.

Budgetary organizations are more interested in the benefits of pricing policy, but this does not mean that low quality is tolerated.

As for purely design organizations, it is useful for them to provide in their proposals images of buildings built according to the documentation they developed. It's better if these are photographs of houses that you can be proud of.

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Commercial offer for cleaning services

The commercial offer of a cleaning company, subject to the necessary observance of general rules, has a number of specific features that reflect the advantages and disadvantages. You can attract clients:

  • discounts for regular orders or signing a long-term contract;
  • using environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic and health-safe detergents;
  • the use of modern technologies that reduce cleaning time and improve quality;
  • ability to perform particularly complex surface cleaning tasks.

Cleaning services can be offered not only to legal entities, but also to ordinary citizens who want to save time and are willing to pay for it. In this case, the “cold” mailing method demonstrates its effectiveness, if, of course, the proposal is drawn up correctly.

Commercial offer for furniture manufacturing

At the present stage, the furniture business also has its own characteristics, and they consist in the fact that the prevailing share of products is mass-produced in large factories with high technological capabilities. Laser cutting with markings, special equipment for trimming edges, advanced fastening methods - all this is very expensive and inaccessible to small manufacturers.

However, they have a certain market niche - fulfilling individual orders in cases where mass-produced samples do not fit into the interior. The concept of a commercial offer for furniture manufacturing services can be built on this factor. The potential client is offered:

  • a unique design that matches his wishes and the characteristics of the room;
  • no hassle (measurer arriving at a convenient time, delivery, assembly);
  • the ability to view the result in a 3D model on a computer, followed by approval of the order;
  • fulfillment of the most unusual wishes regarding the color, shade and shape of furnishings (the notorious “any whim”);
  • integration of any technical means into furniture bodies;
  • high-quality harmless materials with ISO certificate;
  • warranty and post-warranty service if necessary;
  • affordable prices.

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In fact, when offering furniture manufacturing services, it is advisable to focus on the advantages implied by an individual approach and emphasize that the quality of the products is practically no different from large-scale samples.

Car service, proposal for cooperation

Car service is a broad concept and includes services ranging from a car wash to a high-tech service station equipped with sophisticated diagnostic equipment. The peculiarities of a commercial offer for car repairs are that a potential client must understand what services the company can offer him. If a company specializes in chassis or any specific brand in general, then this should definitely be indicated. In particular, information is required:

  • on cooperation with vehicle insurers;
  • availability of own expertise;
  • about special types of work performed. In particular, this may be the possibility of restoring expensive body elements, bumpers, supporting frames of SUVs, aluminum parts, argon welding, etc.
  • prompt diagnosis and troubleshooting;
  • the presence of a heat chamber for drying the body after painting;
  • large stock of auto parts.

If there are other advantages that can attract clientele, then they must be listed, accompanying the text with appropriate images.

The ability to easily find a business with or without a navigator is especially important for motorists. A map is required.

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Offer for special equipment services

The peculiarities of using special equipment are that it is dictated by extreme necessity. When it is impossible to do without an excavator, aerial platform or other means, the client is left with only a choice between possible service providers, and, as a rule, there are few of them. Based on this circumstance, the offer for special equipment is relatively laconic and consists mainly of an offer, which indicates the parameters (characteristics) of the proposed equipment and prices.

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For the provision of legal services

Legal market services is characterized by high competition and literacy of its participants. It is indeed very difficult to stand out among law firms and consulting firms, so the preparation of a commercial proposal should be treated with special care. It is first necessary to study the conditions of other similar companies and determine possible advantages. Standard benefits include the following:

  • high probability of a favorable court decision. Every lawyer knows that a 100% guarantee in this matter is impossible;
  • support and guarantee in various authorities on a contractual basis;
  • the opportunity to save money by reducing the company's staff of lawyers;
  • high qualifications and guarantee of legal impeccability of all outgoing and internal documentation of the company;
  • speed of resolution of issues in various authorities;
  • the opportunity to receive some types of services for free, for example, consultations.

In all other respects, each law firm decides for itself what advantages it will attract new clients with.

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Building maintenance

As a rule, commercial proposals to support individual houses, residential areas and cottage communities fall into the category of “warm” and “hot”, that is, pre-agreed. They are rarely sent by mail, especially electronic, and are more often delivered in person after a verbal agreement.

The text of the proposal is tied to a specific object, the service of which the contractor is applying for, and is accompanied by a table with the prices of each service per month and the total amount. Usually the document is addressed to the tender commission. The numbers specified in the offer are decisive. The style of writing is not so important.

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For garbage removal

This service, if provided regularly on a contractual basis, is included in the range of building maintenance already discussed. The exception is one-time episodes when a large amount of waste is generated after repair, construction and emergency work. In the commercial proposal, the offer contains information about tariffs and types of additional services (loading, disposal of hazardous waste).

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For the production of metal structures

In this case, it is desirable that the commercial proposal contains information about the enterprise, its production capabilities, equipment that allows the construction of designs of any complexity, advanced software and other details. It is also worth mentioning that rolled metal is used only of the highest quality. For the customer, when ordering structures, quality is often more important than price - he will have to use these products for a long time.

Prices are not given in the text. The cost of metal structures is calculated according to the estimate, but it is individual and represents part of the project.

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Commercial proposal for site protection

It is not customary to skimp on security, so the offer of security services usually places emphasis on the effectiveness of the measures taken. High quality services can be ensured by applying many years of experience and advanced technical means. A list of protected objects belonging to the most famous partners will be very useful.

  • personal,
  • informational
  • fire department
  • the territory of the enterprise from the penetration of unauthorized persons.

Monitoring personnel access and ensuring that trade secrets are maintained can also be mentioned.

Despite the secondary importance of the price of the service, you should not forget about it either: competitors, perhaps no less qualified and having no worse equipment, are not asleep.

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By video surveillance

This service relates to the security activities already discussed, and it can only be distinguished if it is provided separately, outside the complex of other measures that ensure security. For example, a proposal to install video intercoms in a residential complex is drawn up in the form of a letter indicating prices for the entire entrance and for a separate apartment. It is advisable to list the technical advantages of the installed system.

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The subject of the contract may be any work for which the use of internal resources for any reason is unjustified:

  • catering for company employees;
  • washing bed linen for a hotel that does not have its own laundry;
  • accounting for a small company;
  • legal services;
  • supply of components for assembly;
  • services for creating an organization’s website and its ongoing maintenance.

In general, the meaning of the term is expressed by translating the word outsourcing - external source. The task of the creator of a commercial proposal is to convince the potential client of the benefits of outsourcing cooperation, and specifically with his company.

In many cases, companies with extensive experience performing a particular service can provide cost savings.

For example, the creation and maintenance of a corporate website requires a qualified specialist in this field. An ordinary system administrator may not be able to cope with this task, or will create the resource unsuccessfully. In this case, the proposal should include several options, taking into account potential clients of different levels of solvency.

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Offer for the provision of accounting services

Is it possible to imagine a company without a full-time chief accountant? To some, this idea may not seem very successful, but in practice, third-party finance and accounting specialists are brought in quite often. Accounting conducted on the basis of an outsourcing agreement relieves the company's management from troubles in the form of fines and penalties caused by mistakes made due to the inexperience of the employee. In some cases, a third-party audit is simply necessary.

The market for accounting services is oversaturated, so very high demands are placed on the commercial offer. It must be convincing, and the text must correctly emphasize the advantages and benefits of this company.

Reputation and experience play a paramount role. Of particular note are the measures taken to preserve trade secrets.

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Commercial proposal for the provision of educational services

Regardless of the type of educational service offered (university, college, private gymnasium, courses, tutoring, etc.), the main advantages can only be the qualifications of teachers and the quality of the knowledge received.

The proposal begins with a title that accurately describes its essence. In a few words it is necessary to express what the educational institution is preparing for. It is also advisable to mention:

  • individual approach;
  • the presence of unique techniques that have proven their effectiveness in practice;
  • tuition fees (per semester, year, full course);
  • if possible, a short list of graduates who have had successful careers (if any).

Manual for sewing curtains

At the end of the article, the requirements for the supply of such a common household item as curtains will be considered. As you know, they vary in quality and price, but every housewife, regardless of financial capabilities, wants them to be beautiful.

If an enterprise specializes in working with individuals, then the main condition for the success of an offer is its aesthetics. The lack of numbers is due to the breadth of the range. You also need to offer related products - brackets, cornices, blinds, etc. The visit of a measuring consultant is an additional service, and, as a rule, free.

Selling effortlessly is difficult, but it is possible. To do this you need to know your Client / partner and make a profitable for him commercial offer at the right time. You will find examples of such proposals below.

If the company does not have sales virtuosos and masters of manipulation, then a commercial proposal (CP) will help you. This marketing and advertising tool is successfully used even by chimpanzees when there are enough bananas for training and further work.

Even those managers who do not know how to sell make money with a selling CP

The challenge is creating and understanding this essential advertising tool. My practice shows that the main problem is in understanding and a series of questions.

Who should I send the CP to?

Where to collect contact information?

How to write a commercial proposal yourself?

What to write so that the recipient calls immediately?

Below you will find examples of commercial proposals.:

  • for the supply of goods,
  • provision of services,
  • about cooperation.

You will learn what a CP should consist of, how to use thinking from the Client, what information to look for and how to use it.

VZHUH and you are at the most interesting place:

We determine the target audience, collect contacts, use 3 sending tactics

Words don't sell. Sells information. To collect a database and write a selling commercial proposal, you need to know everything about the Client, the product / service and the situation on the market as a whole or the region. I'll show you how this works in one of my examples. For now, theory.

Do not start collecting a database and writing a commercial proposal until you have:

  • a complete understanding of the target audience: what kind of person he is, what his head hurts about. The narrower the segment, the better, for example: “vegetarian restaurant managers”;
  • proposals for the target audience that will increase income, self-esteem, solve a business problem or simplify work - will bring real benefits.

About the client (target audience) and how to collect a database

The target audience is people (NOT companies, but people) who have a similar task, problem, complexity and manage all this: the desire to earn more. The broader your knowledge about specific representatives of the target audience (TA), the greater your understanding of the audience as a whole.

We are interested in a narrow segment of the target audience, to whom we will offer specific benefits, often mutual. Communicate with representatives of the target audience by phone, through social networks, websites, forums - find out their real needs and problems. This will help you find pain points and objections that you can successfully cover in your commercial proposal.

Potential client base

The customer base CANNOT be purchased, collect blind company registrations on websites and directories, especially when it comes to companies. Because you won't get to know your potential customers.

On websites and in catalogs, the general address is indicated, which is viewed by the manager. In most cases, the manager doesn’t care how much the company earns and he has clear instructions regarding commercial offers - add them to SPAM and delete them!

The benefits are of interest to owners, individual entrepreneurs and hired managers. We only need decision makers (DMs).

Work with sites where there are management contacts or an email address “for commercial offers”

Correct options for collecting email database for commercial offer:

  • the person leaves a request himself (subscription page, personal communication);
  • you find the manager’s contact or email for the CP on the website (or in the 2GIS database) - sometimes it happens;
  • taking contacts through the manager: by letter through the feedback form, mail or cold call.

3 tactics for working with the database

It is assumed that you have already communicated with the manager (form on the website/phone) or secretary and obtained the contact information of the manager: head of sales, marketing, manager or owner of the company.

  1. We call the decision maker before sending a cold commercial proposal. The task is not to sell a product or service, but to communicate with a person. Is he interested in this problem and topic? Listen to the answers and write them down. Agree on sending the CP.
  2. We call the decision maker after sending a cold commercial proposal if there is no response within 1 - 2 business days. We say something like: “Sergey, hello! On Monday we sent you a CP, but YOU never responded..." Task: find out whether the person received the CP; if so, then write down what we didn’t like. We are trying to close a person on a deal.
  3. We send the command post using the collected base and play Hachiko.

Use only options 1 and 2 when testing the CP. Because this is the only way you will receive feedback and be able to adjust the proposal. This is extremely important when you have not communicated with potential clients before writing the proposal. Sometimes it turns out that benefits and conditions are not of interest to any decision maker. We’ll have to go back to working with the target audience and the offer.

Writing a proposal takes 10% of the time, editing 20%, and collecting information 70%!

Commercial offer - selling composition

Imagine the Client as a busy person. He doesn't want to read anything. He doesn’t care who you are or what company you’re from. And worse, he DOESN'T like you. Because you want to sell something. Your CP is a personal insult.

Anger will be replaced by mercy if the commercial proposal contains:

  • Letter subject, which motivates him to open, but does not resemble spam: “We called you yesterday...”, “Here is what you asked for...”.
  • Offer beneficial for the Client. It may not be beneficial for you. This is normal at the 1st stage of sales.
  • Mini-description of the company – 2, 3 sentences about what you do (can be omitted if the illustration explains it).
  • Accurate answers to questions: “why write (you need a reason)”, “why me”, “what is my benefit and yours”, “what are the conditions”.
  • A few lines about money. When a person receives a CP, he must know exactly how his financial position or the company’s position will change when he orders a service or buys a product.
  • Evidence that it's one hell of a deal.. If you miss this chance now, then you could end up in trouble later. Give convincing examples that this really works.
  • Phone, mail or another method of communication convenient for the Client.

Put all these meanings into a supertitle, title, subtitle, illustration (caption) and an offer, broken down into clear messages. When the recipient sees his benefit, then he begins to read. The trap will slam shut.

Information that the client wants to see - (PM). They close objections, answer the Client’s questions in such a way that they capture the imagination, force them to read and think about the proposal.

Distracting a person from a lot of important things is 1 victory.

An example of the structure of a commercial proposal - the “PI” screen

I use this structure 6 out of 10 times. It’s simple, it works, and the cost of a commercial proposal of 1–2 sheets is comfortable for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses.

Top (1 screen):

  • header + phone + logo;
  • illustration and signature;
  • title;
  • subtitle;
  • offer of 4 – 6 benefits, which are divided into 2 columns;
  • the strongest argument (we highlight it: with a frame, color, or a special icon);

Of course, a lot depends on the service, product, business, conditions, quantity and quality of selling information (PI). But this structure is the most correct. Because it breaks the KP stereotype - a sheet of text where nothing can be understood in 10 - 15 seconds of reading.

First screen of the offer

On 1 screen, show the value of the offer. Give selling information that will interest the recipient for further reading. Make sure he understands:

  • what will we talk about;
  • why did you write to him (clear context);
  • what are its benefits;
  • why the service/product is needed.

Ideal condition if you know the name, position of the recipient, the company to which you are sending the CP. Then, together with the title, we write a personalized message: “Vasily Pavlovich, hello! It’s beneficial for the construction business and it works” or a phrase that motivates a friend to read. You can tell what you do.

Structure is needed, but selling information is more important

If the advertising tool is used in printed form, then we have half an A4 page left before moving on to the next page. You need to have time: to close the main objections, give conditions (price, how to order), communicate added value and make a call to action. There can be 2 calls:

  • “turn the page to...” or “on the next page you will find out...”;
  • call to call, write or follow the link.

Send your commercial offer by EMAIL using HTML format. In this format, you can send landing pages by email that do not have transitions between pages. The conversion is higher, but this format is inconvenient to print out a document to show to colleagues/management.

Structure of the CP (persuasion screen)

The task of the first screen is to provide maximum selling information and bypass the advertising filter. The second is to prove that this is the right choice.

You need to sell with facts and figures, not promises and lyrics. When the facts are not enough, make the benefits stronger. Play NOT with words, but with meanings. Let the commercial proposal be unprofitable for you, but the task of the commercial proposal is to establish contact with the Client. Get a warm response (call, letter), and not sell directly.

Sell ​​NOT with words, but with meaning.

What to use to persuade:

  • structure, where each subheading is something important for the recipient;
  • examples of use and results (links to confirm your words);
  • closing 2 – 3 objections that arise when reading the top part;
  • more selling information about the product/service (characteristics, advantages, description, if it is a complex product);
  • list of clients and partners;
  • added value of the offer;
  • extended guarantees (it is important to convince the person that they are not risking anything);
  • reasonable supply restriction.

Second offer screen

Difference between hot and cold sales pitch in the awareness of the target audience, the presentation of information, its quantity and what to close the client on.

For a “cold” Client– this is 1 or 2 contact. The person doesn’t know anything about you or the offer yet. Close a potential client for a call, consultation, provide a link to a sales page, website or video where there is more information.

A cold commercial offer will interest a person, and he will become a “warm” client

For a “warm” Client– this is selling material that provides answers to questions and motivates purchases. Submit a commercial proposal with a full set of selling points. This will at least make the task of further sales easier, because there will be a reason to call back. And as a maximum, the Client himself will call to buy.

CP volume. The number of sheets does not matter! What is more important is the quantity and quality of information that a potential Client needs to receive in order to make a decision on cooperation or action. More information is good, but only when it helps make decisions, answers questions, and does NOT create new ones.

You or you? If you know the name of the recipient and are addressing him, then you should write it correctly. However, no one forbids you to always write You (the illusion of personal appeal), except for the rules of the Russian language, but they have a mediocre relation to the work of a copywriter. If only they bought it, we’ll at least write swear words. There have been no studies on the effectiveness of You, You.

We got to the examples!

Examples of a commercial proposal for the supply of goods + 4 ideas for commercial proposals

Selling goods is more difficult than selling services. There is always a competitor company that sells the same thing. Work and logistics have already been established with it. There is no point in changing the supplier when everything is satisfactory. The problem is solved by the specifics of business in Russian, the market situation, a cool bonus and innovation.

  1. Business in Russian, this is when there is a supplier, but he makes the entire management nervous. Because he behaves like a monopolist: he misses deadlines, raw materials or goods are in poor condition, and when it comes to resolving issues, negotiations drag on for months. A commercial offer with the best conditions is the most common way to add salt to the wound and sell painkillers.
  2. Market situation. When a Turkish missile shot down a Russian plane, many goods came under sanctions. Russian companies have a chance to get rich. It was a golden time for the sale of strawberries, cucumbers, cabbage, apples, grapes and 10 other prohibited products for import. Such moments need to be caught and the command post prepared for them.
  3. Cool bonus. Copywriter Claude Hopkins was not selling a product, but a bonus. He sold advertising for the Client's pies, and only then the mixtures for the production of Cotosuet pies (raw materials). And it all worked in tandem. When you tell a manufacturer in Russia to help your partners sell goods by providing them with advertising information, people don’t really understand WHY. They say: “we are manufacturers...”. A curtain.
  4. Innovation. Even when a product has a slight advantage or an interesting manufacturing feature, this should be talked about in all advertising materials and, of course, in the commercial package. Have you seen the new Skoda Octavia 2017? They slightly changed the headlights and radiator grille and sell the car as a unique product. Take the example of automakers - focus on innovation.

I will not post a couple of examples of commercial proposals in the form of screenshots. Instead, I will post 10, but with links. All commercial offers below were written by Mikhail Pozdnyakov, i.e. author of this blog.

Examples will open in a new tab(click, read):

Example 1."Market situation"
Example 2."Business in Russian"
Example 3."Innovation + gift"
Example 4.“After the exhibition + bonus”
Example 5.“Business in Russian + benefits”
Example 6.“Market situation + benefits”
Example 7."Innovation + good timing"
Example 8."Innovation"
Example 9.“Supply of toys, example of a complex offer”

This is a really big article, the most complete on commercial offers. I will add examples of successful commercial proposals from my practice.

Look at a few examples of business proposals from your niche to see how direct and indirect competitors sell. This way you will receive selling information and find out. Make the best offer!

Do CPs work? They are working. Here are examples of commercial proposals with confirmed payback:

Sample commercial proposal for the provision of services

Services are easier to sell. Because information is easier to find on the Internet. When you know exactly what the service is needed for and who the target audience is. The difficulty is in the advertising offer. After all, the service sector is developing rapidly and there are a lot of competitors.

The product can be tested by purchasing a small batch or seeing test results if it is equipment. The value of a service is determined by its effectiveness. For example, let’s take the creation of a commercial proposal.

The effectiveness of the commercial offer difficult to measure. It depends on the amount of information collected, the copywriter’s ability to present it, the skills of the designer, and the managers who send out the proposal and process applications. A good email database will bring more clients than a bad one.

How to sell a service:

  • Show what will change after the service is provided. When you buy a commercial offer: it will become easier for managers to sell thanks to strong advertising material, you will have the results of a marketing audit (portrait of the target audience, objections, problems, what people pay attention to when making a decision), which will make all your advertising more effective and selling;
  • Give extended guarantees. If KP does not bring clients after testing, which we will conduct together, then I will work until the start of sales and profits that will cover the cost of my services (extended warranties work worse with goods);
  • Mini-cases that you can check. When creating commercial offers, I take into account not only the product/service, advertising offer, target audience, but also the market situation. In 2014, I sold 300 tons of strawberries with one A4 sheet (without graphics). Here is a link to my case;
  • Bold advertising proposal. Let's do this, if my code does not seem to work, which turns out to be during testing, then I will return the money not only for the text and graphic design, but I will also make version 2 of the software for free. Deal?

The more strong selling points, the better. Find them, try different options, play with meanings, fortunately the services allow this.

Examples of commercial proposals for the provision of services

Selling services is easier, but you need to give as much selling information as possible.

  1. Ask questions about a ready-made commercial proposal. We wrote a CP and are pleased with ourselves. Do not hurry. Let the material sit for 1 - 2 days, and then look at it with fresh eyes, putting yourself in the shoes of a potential client. Remember that you hate the person who sent the CP.
  2. Test and then send out mass mailings. Even if 100,500 selling points have been collected, and the target audience has been worked out for a long time, do not send CP throughout the entire database. Never! Take a sample and submit 1/5. This way you will predict the result.
  3. Play NOT with words, but with benefits. This hurts the copyAuthors. Fascinating words, bright expressions and juicy statements are bullshit. Somewhere, somewhere, but in the CP you need specifics, facts, selling points and subtle persuasion, and not a demonstration of the rainbow and the singing of a nightingale.
  4. Master the delivery algorithm. An advertising tool is just a tool. They need to be able to use it. If the commercial proposal does not go to the decision maker, but to the manager who liked the cats while working, then he will continue to like the cats and delete your proposal. There are exceptions, but Russian office reality is harsh.
  5. Present your commercial proposal graphically. Firstly, it will attract the recipient's attention. Secondly, a smart designer will correctly break up the text, so if there is a problem with the structure, then this problem will be corrected. Thirdly, graphic illustrations can be used to set accents.

There is no secret secret. To create a commercial proposal, you need to understand what the target audience needs, make an offer that is beneficial for it and do not forget that the potential Client hates you. Because even directors like cats.

With me you can differentiate yourself from your competitors, get fresh ideas and support through to sales. I will develop the text of a commercial proposal for you and design it graphically. In just 5 days you will have a powerful advertising tool,

Recently, a commercial proposal has increasingly become a tool in working with potential and existing partners. Samples of commercial proposals for the provision of services - transport, medical, construction, accounting and others will be considered in this article. Some tips for creating this type of advertising will also be presented here.

What it is

As a type of selling text that motivates a call to managers or a trip to the office, samples of commercial proposals for the provision of services of any kind are a very common phenomenon today. If a person, having read this list, performs one of these actions, this will mean that the compiler has achieved his goal. Since this matter is quite subtle and tricky, despite the fact that it looks very simple, not every manager will be able to master it, and therefore there are numerous examples of commercial proposals for the provision of services (although they are not all and do not always work, since it is necessary to take into account specific circumstances).

But the main purpose of drawing up this document is always to stimulate the client to complete the transaction. Ordinary communication with potential or current partners is very different from the specifics of a written request. And therefore, samples of commercial proposals for the provision of services will be in demand for a long time. This is extremely succinct and at the same time as brief information as possible, emphasizing the main aspects.

How it's done

When working with partners, there are two types of commercial offers. With potential clients - non-personalized ones, that is, “cold” ones, which can be offered to absolutely everyone. For example, a commercial proposal for the provision of transport services.

A very small number of people never feel the need for transport; most likely, such people never exist. A “cold” version of a commercial proposal cannot exceed the text size of one page, since it simply will not be read.


Another option is a personalized appeal to a specific business owner, company director or top manager. It is unlikely that at least one commercial proposal template for the provision of services will be suitable here, since you will have to pay attention first of all to the content, and then to the structure and design of the appeal. There shouldn't be a lot of text! The ideal option is two or three pages (however, there are industries where ten is not enough, and this again indicates the impossibility of using samples in some cases).

If you plan to work with new and fairly large clients, you need to carefully study their purchasing regulations, and then, based on this information, build your own commercial offer. It will certainly turn out exactly the way the future customer wants it to be, that is, effective.

Attempt at writing

If a manager is making a commercial proposal for the first time, he cannot do without studying samples; he definitely needs examples to understand the form and understand the essence. This will take a lot of time, and you will have to put in a lot of effort. First of all, after studying it will become more clear how to develop the content itself, what is required to be included there and what is not, and also to identify what needs to be brought to the fore. Only someone else's experience can quickly explain how to draw up a commercial proposal for the provision of services. Examples of such work are presented below.

A commercial offer for the provision of legal services can be found in any way - related to civil law, and specifically to real estate, and to inheritance. Some of them can serve as almost ready-made proposals: fill in the required lines with your own data on the type of services provided, change the “header” with the name of the company, that’s all.


The commercial proposal determines the success of the entire business; it is one of the most important documents for the activities of any company. And it is not at all so important whether the manager will use a ready-made commercial proposal template for the provision of services or will compose it with his own work in accordance with his understanding of the sales problem; in any case, first of all, he will need to determine to whom this proposal will be sent. Hence the inevitable changes in the structure of the document itself. That is, the composition of the target audience is most important.

These can be completely different people, so the appeal should be drawn up accordingly. For example, a commercial proposal for the provision of construction services may be intended for young families to provide budget housing or for established people who need a place to relax, that is, the construction of country houses and cottages. Or, for example, children's park services are offered differently from small business lending services, where in the first case the target audience is parents, and in the second - aspiring entrepreneurs.

Goals and objectives

The main, and sometimes the only purpose of any commercial offer is the sale of this service. That is why every letter, every stroke of the document should be aimed at precisely this: to interest a potential client so much that he makes a purchase. Already with the first line to be read, you need to hook the client’s interest, like a hook, forcing you to read the sentence to the end. If this first step is successful, then the possibility of attracting a new partner is quite real.

The entire structure of the document should work to achieve this goal, all its components. Whatever the form of the commercial proposal for the provision of services, there will always be three main parts. The beginning is a short and necessarily attention-grabbing phrase. Below is the whole essence of this commercial offer, presented clearly, briefly and succinctly, using images, using different fonts and colors. And the conclusion of the document is such that the client is simply forced to continue communication.

Structure details

There are a number of mandatory provisions regarding the form of commercial proposal. Firstly, a header containing the tax identification number and checkpoint data, the company logo, its contacts - telephone, postal and email addresses. Next is an indication of the addressee to whom the letter is intended. The name, that is, an indication that this letter is a commercial offer. Date of preparation and number of this document.

A very important point is to indicate the number of the outgoing document. A self-respecting company always maintains internal document flow, and, for example, a commercial proposal for the provision of accounting services with an outgoing number will inspire confidence in the company’s integrity and business qualities.

Further in the document it is necessary to indicate the terms and possibilities of payment, as well as installments, and the terms of delivery of services. If the commercial proposal is intended for the regions, then it is recommended to attach the entire list of services and terms of their delivery to it.

Document appearance

All items must be numbered and provided with a short name of the service with the cost of each unit. It is not in vain that they say that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times, so we need pictures - photographs or diagrams depicting this type of service. Technical characteristics are also relevant in this case.

At the very end, the document must be certified with the seal of the organization and the signature of the responsible person. And next to it is the indicated period of this commercial offer, that is, its relevance, as well as the relevance of the prices indicated above and the reserves for the provision of this service. The document ends with the contact details of the responsible manager.


  1. Commercial offers can be basic, that is, sent out in large quantities and compiled in a single unique form. In this way, attention is drawn to a hitherto unknown company and the target audience is expanded. Among the advantages of basic proposals is that a significant territory is covered, time is saved for managers, and among the disadvantages are that there is no personal proposal, and there is a huge likelihood that the letter will be read by a person who does not make any decisions. And it depends only on him whether this document will go further up the career ladder. A basic newsletter is good if it offers one service that is interesting to the widest range of people: water delivery, website development, and the like.
  2. There are also “warm” commercial offers. They are personal because they are sent after a cold call, for example. The advantage of this type of offer is that at least they are already waiting a little. An important nuance here is that preliminary identification of the client’s needs is simply mandatory. And, for example, a commercial proposal is drawn up for the provision of security services if there is information that this potential client has either weak or no security. It is recommended to start the letter with the phrase “At your request, I am sending you...” or “Continuing our conversation, I am sending the following...”, but the main thing is that after a few days you can make a second call and specifically discuss the terms of interaction.

The most common mistakes

A commercial proposal will not be effective if it is not competitive, if it is sent to people who are clearly not interested in it, that is, it is compiled without taking into account the needs of this target audience.

Sometimes managers do not prepare a commercial proposal very well; there are even cases when it is impossible not only to analyze it, but also to simply read it. Or they make another very common mistake: they only consider their own product, but there is no specific proposal in the document, and the benefits for the buyer are not indicated. It also happens that a commercial proposal is written in a heavy style that is difficult to read.

It is not the quantity, but the quality of the text that is important. The volume should be very, very moderate, there is no need to indicate everything at once, the most relevant data should be put at the forefront, and it is better to remove all unnecessary words, since they distract the reader from the motivating information for which the document was compiled.

The offer is a “catching section” - this is what is offered to a potential client, the most important element of the document on which success depends. Here, when drawing up, you need to take into account the following: efficiency, favorable prices, additional services, deferred payment, discounts, guarantees, prestige of the company, availability of versions of the service and high results. Experienced craftsmen manage to combine several such starting points in one sentence.

What is a commercial offer? What is it used for? How to fill out a commercial proposal template for the provision of services in 2019.

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The main feature of a market economy is healthy competition. In such conditions, each enterprise must be able not only to produce high-quality products, provide services or perform work.

It is important to present your product to the client in such a way that he is interested in it, since he will be presented with similar offers on the market. He will weigh his benefits before making a choice.

Basic moments

Attracting the customer's attention is the main task of marketing a company and brand. The main and final goal in this case is to expand the customer base by attracting new consumers and retaining existing ones.

A variety of tools are used for this, including:

  • stock;
  • discounts;
  • updating the assortment;

It is important to inform the client about most of them so that he has the opportunity to evaluate the benefits.

But the most effective information method today is considered to be a commercial proposal. Mistakes made when drawing up proposals can lead to the failure of the deal.

Required terms

A commercial proposal is a type of business letter written on behalf of a company or its managers with an appeal to a potential client or partner presenting favorable terms of cooperation.

There are three types of commercial offers:

These types differ in the form of appeals and structure, but they all have one purpose - to increase the level of sales of the company’s products, services or work.

What is the purpose of the document

A commercial proposal allows you to create the foundation for further negotiations on the terms of profitable cooperation. Its main task is to interest the addressee and encourage dialogue.

With the help of commercial letters, customers are informed about the availability of new products, changes in the terms of cooperation for existing customers and offers of benefits to potential ones.

The proposal letter must have a specific call and message for cooperation, for which it is necessary to present information about the usefulness, quality and availability of the product in the most accessible and concise manner.

It is these three indicators that consumers usually pay attention to. A letter of offer for the provision of services is one of the stages of concluding a cooperation transaction.

After the addressee reads the document, his task is to contact the sender. They can agree on a preliminary meeting at which the interests of the parties will be discussed in more detail.

Regulatory regulation

The preparation and use of commercial proposals is an individual decision of the company or brand. This issue is not regulated or controlled by authorities.

How to draw up a commercial proposal form for the provision of services

Depending on the purpose of destination, commercial letters are distinguished:

Presentation CP Informs the audience about the availability of a new service
Promotional CP Provides information about discounts and other temporary benefits
Festive CP Describes the provision of discounts for any event, which can be individual or mass.
Thank you note Sent to clients who have used the services, it necessarily contains a call for repeated use
Invitation CP Contains information about an upcoming event organized by the company that the client should attend

If you frequently use letters of commercial proposals for the provision of services, it is advisable to create a template that can then simply be filled out. But it is worth noting that any part of it can change depending on the purpose of use.

Document structure

The commercial proposal has a structure consisting of the following elements:

  • footer or header. Contains information about the sender: logo, company contacts, including address, email, phone number; for counterparties it is important to indicate and.
  • This paragraph is defined not as an address, but as a description of who the document is intended for.
  • the headline to contractors may appear to suggest that this is a “commercial offer.” For clients, it is necessary to choose a phrase that would arouse interest and encourage further reading of the information.
  • The main text consists of the following points:
Lead This is the first paragraph of the text, it should become a logical continuation of the title and continue to interest the reader in receiving more information placed in the document
Offer Expresses the main essence of a commercial letter, that is, what you want to offer the client
Benefits They should follow the proposal immediately so that the reader positively accepts the appeal and is ready to cooperate. It is advisable to highlight this point with a subheading, indicating to the reader that the offer is indeed beneficial. It is important that the benefits are real, they should not be made up. Before prescribing them, it is worth analyzing what the client is interested in and whether you can give it to him
Avoiding Objections No matter how profitable the offer is and how well it is drawn up. In any case, the client may have doubts; they must be foreseen and spelled out why the doubts are in vain
  • call to action - can consist of just one sentence or phrase that should encourage the client to contact you.
  • postscript - may contain important information that was not indicated in the main text, but is of great importance and will push the client to take the actions you need.

Before drawing up a proposal, it is imperative to analyze the audience to which it will be addressed, or a specific client.

This will allow you to more correctly identify and indicate benefits, objections and other important points.

Using different analysis tools, you can also find out in what form certain points should be displayed - directly or in disguise.

How to compose correctly

One of the advantages of a commercial letter is that its preparation does not require additional costs.

Depending on the form in which it is sent, these can be kept to a minimum. To send a letter, you can use the most convenient method.

This can be a printed document that is sent using a courier company or delivered to the client by the sender himself.

A commercial offer sent electronically to the client’s email is also effective.

This method is the least expensive and is most often used by companies that use Internet resources to communicate with customers.

Before you begin drawing up a commercial proposal, you need to conduct a thorough analysis that will allow you to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your business.

When composing a letter, you need to focus on your strengths.

Unlike a letter for the supply of goods, an offer to supply may have slightly different parameters when executed and depend on with whom the dialogue is being conducted.

When communicating with legal entities who see the company as a partner, the following parameters are used:

  • use of letterhead;
  • lack of additional design;
  • one font style;
  • highlighting the title in bold.

Such a letter may take the form of a formal address. If the target audience to which the offer is sent are individuals presented not as partners, but as clients, the letter will have a unique form of advertising.

In this case, it is worth using not only high-quality text, but also an attractive design.

For design, it is best to use the company’s corporate colors; it is necessary to place a logo or other visual attribute.

In the letter, you can use a variety of fonts to highlight important points, as well as headings.

For special equipment

Performing services using special equipment is of interest to a specific target audience. It depends on what functions the technique performs.

In this case, it is quite easy to analyze interests and highlight them when composing a letter.

Please note that you can describe special equipment that is used when performing work or providing services.

But at the same time, you should not go into details about its technical indicators. It is more important to determine what benefits its use provides.


Transport services are differentiated into passenger and freight services. Depending on this, the benefits and offers they can offer to their customers vary.

For passenger transport, the quality of services is expressed in the provision of comfort during travel, the experience of the driver, which ensures safety, etc.

Video: what a selling commercial proposal should look like

When transporting cargo, the accuracy and attentiveness of the driver and the technical capabilities of the transport are important, which will ensure the safety of the cargo.

We can also talk about providing repair work regarding transport. In this case, it is important to focus on a wide range of services.


The target audience in this area depends on the specialization of the company. As a rule, individuals contact companies one-time, so offering them repeated cooperation is not always advisable.

But legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can apply for services regularly, since their work is related to the preparation of contracts and other documents, as well as accounting transactions. Therefore, they may be interested in your proposals.


When describing the benefits of construction services, it is important to note quality and speed. The target audience in this area is very diverse.

But in general, clients pay attention to the main factors:

  • speed;
  • quality;
  • price.

They need to be emphasized.


The commercial offer of cleaning companies can be varied. The features of its composition depend on this. This service is in demand among both individuals and legal entities.

In this case, it is best to create your own proposal for each sector of the target audience. There are seasonal services that clients should also be informed about.

Sample filling

For clarity, we invite you to consider a sample commercial proposal for the provision of car service services:
