How to determine a transitive or intransitive verb rule. Examples of transitive and intransitive verbs

All verbs in the Russian language in this category are divided into two large groups - transitive and intransitive .

TO transitional include verbs that can control the accusative case without a preposition. Such verbs denote an action that is directly aimed at an object.

In a sentence, transitive verbs have or may have direct object .

For example:

1. I am writing a letter.

2. Yesterday I read all day

In the second example there is no direct object, but it is potentially possible ( interesting book).

It should be remembered that transitive verbs cannot be reflexive.



1. On the way to the university I met my friend.

2. My friend wasn’t at home

In addition to the accusative case, transitive verbs in two cases can also control the genitive case forms.

First case: when the genitive case means part of a whole.

For example:

I drank milk.(Wed: drank milk)

Second case: when a transitive verb has a negative particle Not.

For example:

I haven't received a letter from my brother for a long time

Such additions are also straight .

TO intransitive These include verbs that cannot control the accusative case form without a preposition. Such verbs denote an action that is not directly directed at an object. With intransitive verbs there is no and cannot be a direct object (after them you cannot pose a question whom? or What?)

For example:

sit, sleep, walk, dream, talk

Intransitive verbs can control all indirect cases except the accusative without a preposition. They can also control the accusative case, but only with a preposition.

For example:

step on a stone, trip over a stone

It should be remembered that intransitive verbs in the sentence have with them indirect object .

For example:

I'm talking on the phone with a friend

It should also be remembered that if a reflexive postfix is ​​added to a transitive verb -xia-, then it becomes intransitive.



teach - learn, bathe - swim, build - build, dress - dress

Pledge is a constant lexical grammatical category verb, which expresses the relationship of the action to the subject (i.e., the producer of the action). There are two collaterals - active and passive .

Verbs active voice denote an action not directed at the subject (i.e., the producer of the action).

For example:

1. Workers are building a house.

2. Snow covered the ground

In such constructions, the subject of the action is expressed by the subject (in the I.p.), and the object by the direct object (in the V.p. without a preposition).

Verbs passive voice denote an action directed at the subject.

For example:

1. The house is being built by workers.

2. The ground was covered with snow

In such constructions, the subject of the action is expressed by an indirect object (in T.p. without a preposition), and the object has become the subject (in I.p.).

It should be remembered that verbs in the passive voice are always reflexive, i.e. have postfix -sya-, (-s-), and active verbs can be either non-reflexive or reflexive.

For example:

The child is sleeping.

The children are frolicking.

It's getting dark outside

In all these examples the verbs are active voice.

Type categories– this is also a constant grammatical category of the verb. The aspect of the verb expresses the relation of the action to its internal limit. Distinguish between verbs imperfect and perfect forms.

Verbs imperfect form denote an action that has not reached its internal limit, i.e. his final result. They answer the question what to do?(There is no prefix in the question -With-).

For example:

I solved this math problem yesterday

This verb form contains an indication that I have coped with this task.

1) verbs, correlative in appearance;

2) one-type verbs;

3) two-aspect verbs.

Verbs with correlative aspect– these are verbs that have correlative aspect pairs.

For example:

1) write - write, do - do, carry - bring, wake - wake up etc. (differ by the presence or absence of a prefix);

2) decide - decide, push - push, order - order, snack - snack etc. (differ by suffixes);

3) pull out - pull out, scream - shout, forgive - forgive, etc.(they differ in alternation in the root, as well as in suffixes);

4) cut - cut, scatter - scatter etc. (differ only in emphasis);

5) catch - catch, take - take(these are suppletive forms).

Monotype verbs- these are verbs that do not have correlative aspect pairs. In turn, this group has two varieties:

1) single-aspect verbs only imperfective;

For example:

1. walk, sit(denote actions that took place in the distant past);

2. peek, cough(with the value of intermittent action);

3. dance, say etc. (with the meaning of accompanying action).

2) single-aspect verbs only perfective.

For example:

1. sing (start singing), walk (start walking), run (start running)(with the value of the beginning of the action);

2. make noise, dissuade, spoil etc. (with the meaning of completion of the action);

3. to gush, burst etc. (with the value of the intensity of action).

Bi-aspect verbs - These are verbs that combine the meanings of the imperfect and perfect forms at the same time.

For example:

attack, telegraph, promise, command, wound, marry, etc.

The type of such verbs is specified only in a sentence or in related text.

For example:

1. People get married; I see that I’m the only one who’s not married.

(Pushkin. The Tale of Tsar Soltan)

2. Meanwhile, he marries Maria Ivanovna.

(Pushkin. Captain's daughter)

Verbs perfect form may have such shades of meaning :

1. They call an action that was single (happened once): I ran to the shore and threw myself into the water, quickly swam up to the boy, grabbed him with my hand and, rowing with the other, headed back to the shore.

2. They call effective action, i.e. one whose result is obvious: We hung a wall newspaper in the hallway.(This is what a member of the editorial board of this newspaper could say if he were asked: “Well, how is the newspaper? Is it ready?” The answer would mean: This newspaper is ready, you can read it - the result of the work is obvious). Nikolai grew up over the summer, tanned, got stronger and lost a little weight.(Having met him, you can be convinced of this). The words that are placed in brackets here emphasize the meaning that perfective verbs allow us to imply in these statements.

3. They call it a one-time action: I jumped onto the windowsill.

Verbs imperfect form may have such shades of meaning :

1. They call an action that was performed (is being performed, will be performed) repeatedly, usually or always: In the summer we ran to the river and swam in the still cold morning water. The cheetah even outstrips the leopard.

2. They call actions that are ongoing, not yet exhausted, lasting (in the past, present and future tense): In the morning I wrote a letter and thought about what Natasha would answer to it. The rain is noisy outside, water drops and streams are ringing against the glass of my room. These roses will bloom and smell fragrant for many more days.

3. They call an action consisting of a series of acts; Moreover, although each act is completed, exhausted, the series itself is not exhausted and is depicted as continuing: Every day we learned five new words. We weeded both of these beds many times.

Related information.

Write down the verbs in a column, determine their type, find, if possible, species pair, if not, please explain the reason.

Guessing game

cut - cut

Characterize – two-species

Hearing is one-species, does not strive for change.

To appear - to appear

Run - one-species, verb. movement

Applaud – single-species, multiple times

Take - take

To know - to know

News - one-species, verb. movement

Talk - say

All verbs of the Russian language in relation to the object (subject) of action are divided into 2 groups: transitive and intransitive. Transitivity - intransitivity is related to the meaning of the verb itself.

In the language, some verbs denote an action aimed at an object, which at the same time changes (paint the house) or arises as a result of this action (write a letter), such verbs are called transitional.

Possibility or impossibility of asking a verb a question whom? What?– method of determining transitivity/intransitivity.

The object to which the action is directed is direct object action, it is expressed by a noun in the accusative case without a preposition: Old man caught seine fish.

The object of action in transitive verbs can also be expressed in the genitive case:

1) when designating part of an object ( drink tea),

2) if there is a negation of the verb ( don't buy milk).

Morphological characteristics Verbs have no transitivity, with the exception of a group of verbs like whiten - turn white, blacken - turn black and verbs with a prefix obes- (obes-): depopulate - depopulate, bleed - bleed. In these pairs the verbs end in – it are transitive, and verbs in -there are– intransitive.

Transitive verbs are:

1) verbs denoting actions that create something: build, draw, construct;

2) verbs denoting actions that destroy something: break, demolish, destroy;

3) verbs of perception: see, hear, feel.

When determining the transitivity/intransitivity of a verb, it is necessary to establish indicators of transitivity. In a sentence, the indicator of transitivity is the direct object - a noun or pronoun in V.p. without pretext or in R.p. – when denying or expressing a part of the whole, as well as equivalents of V.p.

1) The sentence lacks a direct object, but it can be restored from the context or situation: They probably have bread. Buy they have, okay?

2) The verb has inf-v, which can be replaced by V.p. without preposition: I love sleep in attics(K. Paust).

3) The verb does not have a direct object, but there is subordinate clause, which can be replaced by V.p. without preposition: Natasha saw that steam locomotives run on rails.

4) There is no V. or R.p with the verb. direct object, but there are stable combinations (D.p. with By, quantitative combinations), which can be replaced by V.p. without preposition: Now I'd like a hot cutlet eat. Let's more details - I'll collect everything(I. Vasilenko).

5) With a verb there is a substantivized unchangeable word, which is replaced by V.p. without preposition: I bet you feel good".

In all of the above cases, the verb in the sentence does not have a direct object, but you can ask a question about it whom? What?, so it's transitional.

Intransitive verbs- these are verbs that denote an action that is not capable of moving to a direct object, therefore they are not combined with nouns in the accusative case without a preposition: turn blue, walk, be sad, rush.

Intransitive verbs are:

1) verbs of being, existence: to be, to exist, to be;

2) verbs of motion: walk, swim, ride;

3) verbs of physical and mental state: stand, get sick, get angry;

4) verbs of type of activity, occupation: teach, carpenter;

5) verbs denoting behavior: to be brave, to be young;

6) verbs of auditory and visual perception: knock, sparkle.

Intransitivity can be formally expressed or unexpressed. The affix serves as an indicator of intransitivity -sya: rejoice, gather. But verbs without - can also be intransitive. Xia:dream, work.

Verbs with the suffix –sya (-s) are called returnable, they constitute a special type of intransitive verbs (cf.: wash the baby - transitive verb, wash – intransitive). Thanks to the addition of the affix -sya verb wash became intransitive and received an additional semantic connotation - myself.

Difficult cases of determining the transitivity / intransitivity of verbs

1. When determining transitivity/intransitivity, you need to take into account the meaning in which the verb is used in a sentence: there are cases when in one meaning it is transitive, in another it is intransitive.

Finally everything fell silent.

Everything can be lost, everything that has been collected over centuries, everything can shut up, threatening reprisals... And only human memory cannot be concreted and destroyed!(S. Mikhalkov).

2. When analyzing V.p. a direct object must be delimited from the V.p. with adverbial meaning: Village residents light fires all night long (K. Paust.). The soul must work and day and night, and day and night (N. Zabolotsky).

    I think the above rule is more than clear. Based on this, we will now try to select a list of transitive verbs:

    • stroked the cat;
    • looked for the keys;
    • wrote down the recipe, etc.

    and intransitive verbs:

    • fell asleep standing up;
    • jump;
    • fly.
  • Transitive verbs are those whose action passes to the subject. For example, write, read, eat, draw, look, warm, and so on.

    Intransitive verbs are those whose action does not transfer to the subject. For example, laugh, study, fly, develop, and so on. Everything is very simple!

    Transitive verbs, examples:

    reading a magazine

    watching a movie,

    didn't drink tea

    amassed a collection

    ironing clothes

    to love life,

    foamed the soap.

    Intransitive verbs, examples:

    thought about life

    got ready to visit

    get the flu,

    wave a flag

    stared at the fire.

    Transitive verbs can be identified by conjugation; these are verbs of the second conjugation. Transitive verbs direct their action to an object and on this basis transitive verbs differ from intransitive verbs, which denote an action in itself. The tables contain definitions and examples of two types of verbs.

    Transitive verbs are verbs after which you need to write an addition or clarification. And intransitive ones are independent verbs.

    Examples of transitive verbs:

    • Girl writes composition.
    • The boy is already saw This movie.

    Examples of intransitive verbs:

    • Old man fell.
    • Finally a bus I arrived.
  • Some examples of transitive verbs: draw (landscape), listen (fairy tales), tell (news), carry (bag), give (flowers), bring (joy).

    Some examples of intransitive verbs: dress, have fun, rejoice.

    Transition the verb indicates that the action moves to another object. Transitive verbs are verbs that control the accusative case of a noun without pretext and the genitive case with negation, with the noun designating a part of the whole or, on the contrary, large quantity items.

    Examples of transitive verbs: draw a house, build an apartment, carry a basket, drank milk, ate jam, ate meat, picked mushrooms, did not learn the rules.

    All other verbs are intransitive and returnable Same.

    For example: getting ready for a trip, shaking your fist, growing, flying away, shivering, getting sick.

    Determining whether a verb is transitive or not is very easy.

    It is necessary to ask the question after the verb: whom? or what?. If this can be done, then the verb is considered transitive; if not, then it is intransitive.

    For example: I see (what?) a tree,

    I know (what?) the rule,

    I'm preparing (what?) soup.

    BUT I admire (the question WHAT? cannot be asked),

    I’m coming (you can’t ask such a question either).

    There is a rule associated with transitivity. A verb is considered transitive if the noun in the accusative case next to it does not require a preposition. It is recommended to stand the birch bluntly. I look at the birch tree- look intransitive, because the noun in the accusative case comes with a preposition. I see a birch tree verb to see transition, because the noun came into vin. pad. without pretext. And everything like that. Very easy and simple.

    The rule indicates that in transitive verbs the object of action (in our case the word birch, but in the text any word) can also be expressed in the genitive case. This happens in 2 cases: 1). It denotes a part of the whole: buy bread, drink water, 2). before the verb there is a negation in the form of a particle not: did not drink coffee in the morning.

    The rest are intransitive. If you see a reflexive suffix -sya or -sya on a verb, it is intransitive. It turns out that there are fewer transitive ones than intransitive ones.

    Verbs can be transitional And not transitional. In the first case, it means that the action of the verb extends to the subject.

    This can happen, firstly, when a verb is used together with a noun in the accusative case without a preposition: write poetry, watch TV.

    Secondly, it is used together with a noun in the genitive case, when there is a negative particle before the transitive verb (watched TV - didn’t watch TV), and also when the action extends to part of the object, and not to the whole object (took things - took things (part of things).

    Other verbs are not transitive: get involved in (what?) football.

    If you take into account the transitivity/non-transitivity of the verb, you should pay attention to the meaning of the noun in the accusative case next to the verb, which should name the object of the action: stand for an hour (in line), - the noun is in the accusative case, and the verb is not transitive.

Transitive and intransitive verbs

The meanings of transitivity and intransitivity are inherent in all verb forms. Transitive verbs denote an action that directly transfers to the object, i.e. or directed at an object (read a book, love a person, hear a story), or makes any changes to the item (chopping wood, washing clothes, collecting toys), either creates or destroys an item (build a house, demolish a house, write a book, tear a book). An indicator of the transitivity of a verb is the direct object, expressed:

Accusative case of a name without a preposition (executeWhat? exercise);

Genitive cases without a preposition for a verb with negation (do not executewhat? tasks) or when an action moves to part of an object (bringwhat? firewood);

An infinitive that can be replaced by the accusative or genitive case of a name without a preposition (I like to play- cf.: I love the game);

A substantivized word as a direct object (get five on the exam; put satisfied emphatically ).

Intransitive verbs denote an action that cannot transfer to an object, and, therefore, do not have a direct object. These include verbs of being, moving, state, becoming (to be, to exist, to run, to swim, to stand, to lie, to be sick, to blush etc.), as well as verbs, the action of which passes on the object not directly, but indirectly (helping a friend, knocking on the door, thinking about a book etc.).

Often verbs that refer to the subject indirectly are classified in a special category indirect-transitive.

With intransitive verbs, the accusative case form of the name without a preposition is possible, but in this case this form is not a direct object, but expresses the duration of the action in time and space and acts as a circumstance (work 24 hours, talk all the way).

The ability to have or not have a direct object is determined by the lexical meaning of the verb itself. Most polysemous verbs in all their meanings act either as transitive or intransitive. Some verbs are transitive in some meanings, and intransitive in others, for example, sing a song And sing professionally.

In modern Russian, transitive verbs can be formed from intransitive verbs in a prefixed way (walk along the square- cross the square, run across the lawn- run across the lawn and so on.).

Reflexive verbs

Verbs with a particle -sya usually called returnable. Particle -sya(in other terminology, postfix, suffix) joins both transitive and intransitive verbs, forming word forms in some cases, and new words in others.

Combined with a particle -sya The transitive verb becomes intransitive and acquires the following features:

It can have the meaning of recurrence, that is, it denotes an action performed by the subject as if on himself (the subject of the action is also its object): wash, kiss, ride and so on.;

May carry an addition in the form instrumental case without a preposition with the meaning of the subject of the action: the house is being builtby whom? carpenters;

May have another lexical meaning, than without a particle -sya: agree- negotiate, torture- try and so on.;

May have the meaning of impersonality: I don't write to you today.

Combined with a particle -syaintransitive verb continues to be intransitive. At the same time, it also acquires some features.

, “responsible” for designating actions. It has not only changeable characteristics, but also constant ones - those that do not disappear when words are changed. Transitive and intransitive verbs in Russian differ in the presence or absence of one of these permanent signs– transitivity.

In contact with

The concept of verb transitivity

Transitivity is understood as a grammatical category indicating the ability of the verb form manage direct object, that is, to attach nouns (objects) in the accusative and, less commonly, genitive case, which does not have a preposition.

This is the formal side of the definition. But what is a transition from the semantic side?

The meaning of transitional verb forms in that they denote “non-independent” actions that cannot be performed without a controlled object. Here are examples:

  • To write (what?) a play, to serve (who?) a client, to not earn (what?) money are transitive verbs (simply “write” or “serve” is impossible, and “earn” without a controlled object is a verb with a different meaning).
  • To sit (on what?) on a chair, to wash, to suffer (from what?) from an illness are intransitive verbs (you can simply “sit” or “suffer”).

Transition is what it is transfer of action from subject (subject) to object (called direct object).

In what cases should nouns be put?

Transitive verbs are able to control the object both in the form of the accusative case and in the form of the genitive case - in both cases without a preposition. But how do you know which of the two cases to use in each specific case?

The accusative is basic. The genitive addition takes on the form in the following cases:

  1. If it means “a certain amount of something”: “drank water” (n.) - that is, some part of the poured liquid; but “drank the water” (vin. p.) - that is, all the water in a given vessel or reservoir.
  2. IN negative sentences, if the meaning is “at all”: “I didn’t eat your carrots” (I just didn’t eat) - “I didn’t eat your carrots” (I didn’t eat at all, not a piece).
  3. In negative sentences, if there is an intensifying particle “nor”: “We have no idea.”

The accusative case in negative sentences weakens the negation, and the genitive, on the contrary, strengthens it.

Important! Some nouns with transitive verbal forms acquire a genitive case form that differs from the main one: “I’ll take some sugar”, “not knowing the ford, don’t poke your nose into the water” (instead of “sugar”, “ford”).

How to determine the transitivity of a specific verb

How to determine transitivity? Problems often arise with this. The presence or absence of transitivity can be determined using the following method.

First you need to find the verb form in the sentence. Then find nouns or to which you can ask the question “who?” or “what?”

If there is such a word and there is no preposition with it, then this is a direct object; in front of us transition.

If the sentence is incomplete, the direct object may not be present, but it is implied; in this case, you also need to ask a question in the accusative case of the verb: “Do you understand me? “I understand (who? what?).” If you can’t ask such a question, then this intransitive: “Where have you been all week? “I was sick” (it is impossible to ask “who?” or “what?”).

Important! All reflexive and verb forms in the passive voice are not transitive, that is, those that have the suffix “-s” or “-sya”: it seems, washes, is located.

While observing this rule, you need to keep in mind the meaning of the noun - it must denote the object of the action. There are situations when a noun in the accusative case without a preposition stands next to a verb and is related to it, but it cannot be transitive: “It takes an hour to drive,” “to live for a week.”

Transitivity of polysemous verbs

Verb forms of words can have multiple meanings. In this case, in the first meaning there is a transitive type, and in the second meaning the same word is an intransitive type. “He is telling (what?) a lie” is transitive, but “the child is already speaking (talking)” is intransitive. “The orchestra is playing (what?) a march” is transitive, but “the child is playing (busy playing)” is intransitive.

In humorous texts, a situation is possible when the normally intransitive becomes transitive: “Drink vodka and misbehave with discipline.”

The comic effect is built on this; the verbs seem to acquire the meanings of those instead of which they are placed– “to hooligan” instead of “to violate”, etc.

Obsolete meanings of intransitive verb forms may have transitivity.

“Trade” is an intransitive verb in modern Russian, but earlier, having the meaning of “price the price,” it was transitive: “To trade a horse.” This usage remains in folklore.

Differences between transitive and intransitive

Now you need to find out what is the difference between transitional from intransitive. First of all is its meaning. Transitional is usually designated.
