How to open the command console in Minecraft. Methods to help open the console in the game Minecraft

Minecraft, like many other games that have an online mode, has a built-in command console, where the player can enter various queries to obtain certain results. But even those users who knew about the existence of this interface may not know how to open the console in Minecraft.

How to open the console?

To start typing console commands, you need to open the chat and press the “/” (“slash”) symbol. That's it, the console is open. Yes, the answer to the question “how to open the console in Minecraft” turned out to be so simple.

Now it may be unclear how to start using it. But this can be easily fixed. It is enough to know the list of useful commands that can be entered into the console line. One such command will be described below.

Command "/tp..."

If it was quite simple to find out how to open the console in Minecraft, then figuring out the console commands is already more difficult.

There is a command "/tp..". It can transport the player, other players or any objects to the desired coordinates. For the coordinate method of movement, it is worth understanding one simple rule: a change in coordinates - delta - is indicated by the symbol “~” - tilde.

For example, to move yourself to the coordinates: 5 blocks along the X axis, 7 blocks along the Y axis and 10 blocks along the Z axis, the player needs to enter “/tp ~5 ~7 ~10”. Please note that the tilde sign instead of a number is equivalent to zero.

To move the nearest player (if the game is on a server) 5 blocks in X, 0 blocks in Y, and 0 blocks in Z, you need to enter "/tp @p ~5 ~ ~". Naturally, all commands must be entered without quotes.

To do the same with a random player, you need to write @r instead of @p. With all players - @a, with all entities - @e. With the command executor himself - you must enter @s.


Now you know exactly how to open the console in Minecraft. And it turned out to be very easy to do. All you have to do is go into the chat and start typing after the slash. By default, the chat opens with the T key (English layout). If you click on the slash symbol on the keyboard, the chat will open immediately with the “/” symbol entered.

By the way, any team that the game itself supports can be recorded in a special one. It cannot be crafted. Using this block you can create a large number of interesting mechanisms that will work because the player will initially write down certain commands.

In the same article you can learn how to open the console in Minecraft on the server. Surprisingly, the answer will be similar to what is written above: in the same way, through the chat and the slash symbol.

It’s interesting that the well-known command “/gamemode …” is also one of the console commands. And there are unlikely to be many Minecraft players who have not heard of it, but many did not suspect that they had previously used consoles with it.

Minecraft, like many other games that have a network mode, has a built-in command console where the player can enter various queries to obtain certain results. But even those users who knew about the existence of this interface may not know how to open the console in Minecraft.

How to open the console?

To start entering console commands, you need to open the chat and press the “/” (“slash”) symbol. That's it, the console is open. Yes, the answer to the question “how to open the console in Minecraft” turned out to be so simple.

Now it may be unclear how to start using it. But this can be easily fixed. It is enough to know the list of useful commands that can be entered into the console line. One of these commands will be described below.

Command "/tp..."

If it was quite simple to find out how to open the console in Minecraft, then dealing with console commands is already more difficult.

There is a command “/tp..”. It can transfer the player, other players or any objects to the desired coordinates. For the coordinate method of movement, it is worth understanding one simple rule: changing coordinates - delta - is indicated by the symbol “~” - tilde.

For example, to move yourself to the coordinates: 5 blocks along the X axis, 7 blocks along the Y axis and 10 blocks along the Z axis, the player needs to enter “/tp ~5 ~7 ~10”. It is necessary to take into account that the tilde sign instead of a number is equivalent to zero.

To move the nearest player (if the game takes place on the server) 5 blocks in X, 0 blocks in Y and 0 blocks in Z, you need to enter “/tp @p ~5 ~ ~”. Naturally, all commands must be entered without quotes.

To do the same with a random player, you need to write @r instead of @p. With all players - @a, with all entities - @e. With the command executor himself - you must enter @s.


Now you know exactly how to open the console in Minecraft. And it turned out to be very easy to do. All you have to do is go into the chat and start typing after the slash. By default, the chat is opened with the T key (English layout). If you click on the slash symbol on the keyboard, the chat will open immediately with the entered symbol “/”.

By the way, any command that the game itself supports can be recorded in a special command block. You can't craft it. Using this block, you can create a large number of interesting mechanisms that will work because the player will initially write down certain commands.

In the same article you can learn how to open the console in Minecraft on the server. Surprisingly, the answer will be similar to what is written above: exactly the same, through the chat and the slash symbol.

It’s interesting that the well-known command “/gamemode …” is also one of the console commands. And there are hardly many Minecraft players who haven’t heard about it, but many didn’t suspect that they had already used consoles with it before.

Advanced computer users know that the command line is a tool for entering various commands from the keyboard for the operating system and its applications. Approximately the same control method is implemented in Minecraft - by calling command line and by typing a certain code into it, called a console command, you can make some changes to the gameplay: for example, in the blink of an eye, get a large amount of important resources or very quickly move to the character of another player on the server map.

How to enter a command?

There are several ways to enter console commands. The simplest of them is opening a chat window. Typically, to communicate between players in multiplayer, you need to press the "T" button. But in order to configure the system to accept the command, it is better to immediately enter the “/” symbol - this is where everything starts console codes, and this will also activate the chat window.

A little more work is required when entering commands through a full-fledged console. To do this, you need to install a special mod - it's called Single Player Console. This should only be done if you want to penetrate deeply into the structures of the game, since the modification will display information about game processes in the form of character sets. The very principle of entering commands differs little from that used in chat.

And another way to activate the code is through the command block. This option is more suitable when creating maps for passing. When developing a card, a command is entered into a block and triggered by a signal from the red stone.

Some interesting teams.

To fully use commands, you need to remember their spelling. It is not always necessary to enter the entire code word - in the chat, after typing the first characters, you can press “TAB”, and the program will substitute a suitable continuation.

Let's name the most interesting teams. In a single-player game, they work with cheat codes enabled when creating a world, and on the server only operators can enter them, while other players will only see these actions. In angle brackets<>The main parameter is placed, and optional information is placed in square ones.

To receive or transfer some resources, enter: /give [amount] [ Additional Information]. The most valuable resources have the following codes: iron - 42, gold - 41, diamond - 57. Useful tools: diamond sword, shovel, pickaxe, ax - 276, 277, 278, 279, respectively. A full set of diamond armor: helmet, cuirass, leggings , boots - 310, 311, 312, 313, respectively.

To move to another player you need to enter:/tp.
Adding experience points:/xp .
Creating the selected mob:/summon [coordinates] [additional parameters]. If you do not specify coordinates, the mob will appear next to the character.

To view a list of available commands, type /help [page | command] or /? [page | team]. You should use square brackets if you want to get information on a specific page of a list or clarify a certain command.

Regular players on the server have limited powers, but some commands are still available to them.

/me - this is how a message from another name is displayed on the screen.
/tell - personal message to another Minecrafter;
/kill – virtual suicide. Allows you to quickly return to the respawn location.

To quickly gain experience without using codes, it's worth

We've compiled a list of some useful console commands and cheats for Minecraft that all players will find useful.

Whether you need to copy an existing build, change a game mode, or just cheat, console commands in Minecraft are an important part of the game that we encounter every day. There are many different commands, all of which vary in difficulty, and we've gone over the must-know ones that you can use to troll your friends. Because what would Minecraft be without friendly griefing?

If you're wondering how to enter the Minecraft console commands listed below, all you have to do is press the forward slash (/) key and a small window will appear. Enter the code and press Enter and your command will be activated.


Below are selectors, that is, abbreviation codes that save you from having to enter the names of different players. These are worth remembering so you don't have to type in nicknames like "Sniper_Kitty_Bruv_91" every time some idiot joins your game.

  • @p – player closest to you
  • @r – random player
  • @a – all players
  • @e – all objects in the world
  • @s – you

Clone command


Clones a series of blocks to another location. Very useful if you are building a city and want to copy several buildings to other locations. " " - starting point. " » – end point. AND " " is the location where you want to move the selected blocks.

Example: /clone 100 234 -10 200 100 0 300 200 100

How to change difficulty


Changes the difficulty of the game. Replace the last part of the code with one of the following values:

  1. peaceful (peaceful)
  2. easy (easy)
  3. normal
  4. hard (difficult)

Example: /difficulty peaceful

Apply an effect to yourself or another player

/effect<эффект>[seconds] [level]

Places an effect on the player. "[seconds]", "[level]" and "" (hide particles) are optional conditions, so feel free to ignore them unless you want to change the duration, effect strength, and particle visibility. If you want to remove an effect from a player, enter "/effect"<имя игрока>clear".

Example: /effect Gamer water_breathing 30

Enchant an item

/enchant<игрок> [level]

Places an enchantment on an item in the player's hands. Celestial Punishment, Arthropod Scourge, Wit - any enchantment you could pull from a book or enchantment table. Here is a list of enchant IDs.

Example: /enchant Gamer minecraft:smite 1

Changing Experience


Gives the player the specified amount of experience points. If you just want to add levels, which is useful for enchanting, try "/xp<количество>L [player].”

Example: /xp 100L Gamer

Changing Game Mode


Changes the game mode for everyone in the game. Add a player's name to the end of the command to change the mode for that player only. Replace "<режим>» one of the following options:

  • Survival
  • Creative
  • Adventure
  • Spectator

Example: /gamemode Survival

Give out an item or items

/give<игрок> <предмет>[quantity]

Adds an item to the player's inventory. Ideal if you want to start the game with a full set of diamond equipment. But keep in mind that the quantity only works for stackable items. You can't give yourself 100 diamond swords at a time, although that would be great. A complete list of item IDs can be found here.

Example: /give Gamer diamond_sword 1

Help if the command doesn't work

/help [command name]

Gives additional information about any console command. If you are trying to run a command and it is not working as expected, type the above command before the name of the command that is not working and it will tell you more details about how it works.

Example: /help kill

Enable Inventory Saving

/gamerule keepInventory true

Changes the rules of the game so that if you die, you will keep all items in your inventory. Replace "true" with "false" to disable this.

Kill everyone or everything

Kills everyone, including the player. But if you want to kill another player, use "/kill"<игрок>" And to kill certain mobs, type "/kill @e".

Audio playback command

/playsound<звук> <игрок>

Plays a specific sound file. Great if you want to use a command block to play a sound when someone opens a door. Who doesn't love a good doorbell? Take a look at all the audio file names here.

Example: /playsound minecraft:entity.elder_guardian.ambient voice @a

How to view the world seed

Shows the seed for the current world so you can duplicate the world or give the seed to a friend.

Set the spawn point


Moves the spawn point to the location where the player is standing. If you don't want to do this, you can also set the spawn point to a given location using "/setworldspawn »

Example: /setworldspawn 100 80 0

Stop time

/gamerule doDaylightCycle false

This command completely stops the day/night cycle, so the world will always have the current time of day. To restart the loop, replace "false" with "true".

Spawn a mob

/summon<имя_сущности>[x] [y] [z]

Summons a mob in a specific location. Remove the part with "[x][y][z]" at the end so the mob will appear right above you. Just remember that if you spawn a Wither, you need to make your feet as quickly as possible.

Example: /summon creeper


/tp [player]

Teleports the player to the specified location. And yes, you can actually teleport a friend high into the sky and laugh as they fly back to earth.

Example: /tp Gamer 100 0 10

Change the in-game time

/time set<значение>

Sets the in-game time. Add one of the following numbers to the end to change the time of day to:

  • 0 – dawn
  • 1000 – morning
  • 6000 – noon
  • 12000 – sunset
  • 18000 – night

Change the weather to something better or worse


Changes the weather in the game. Those. "/weather thunder" will start a thunderstorm. This is simply necessary for hunting charged creepers. No one will sit and wait for a thunderstorm.

This article is a bit for experienced players who need to programmatically change Minecraft. And to do this you need to open the console. But even with the console open, you need to know what to enter - continued in the post about the console in Minecraft.
In this post I will talk about how to open it and describe several commands that will help you play Minecraft more successfully. For example, someone who wants to become a millionaire can enter a code for resources or rare blocks. And who wants to skip the night - enter the code to turn off the night.

How to open the console in Minecraft?

Firstly, you can not open any consoles and enter everything into the chat, opening it in the usual way, just add a forward slash ‘\’ before the command, or by clicking on the slash it will automatically be in the chat.

Or you can install a mod that will add the console to the game. But I don’t like installing unnecessary mods, so I don’t have this mod in my archive. Find it if you really need it, it's called Single PlayerConsole.

Console commands for chat.

Since these are normal commands for the player, the slash is not needed here.

  • me <текст> — sends a message from a third party. For example, MineCrafteRR found diamonds.
  • tell <игрок> <текст>, And w <игрок> <текст> — personal message to the selected player. Others won't see it.
  • kill – kills the player. Useful if the player is stuck somewhere or doesn't know how to get home. Also a feature is to kill yourself during hunger, but remember where you died in order to collect your things.

Console commands for the operator.

These commands can only be used by operators. This is where you need a console or a forward slash before the command.

  • give <Nick> <object number> [quantity] [Additional Information] – will give the player what he needs. For example, /give Vasya 57 32 – will give a player with the nickname Vasya 32 diamond blocks. With such a team and power, you can be anyone.
  • summon [creature code] [coordinates] [Extra options] – will create the selected creature in the selected location. If coordinates are not specified, the creature will appear in the player's place. For example, /summon Pig - will create a pig near the player.
  • tp <Player1> <Player2> - teleportation. Teleports the first player to the second.
  • xp <quantity> <Player> - rewards the player with experience in the specified amount. You can give not only experience units, but also levels. To do this, add the letter L after the number.
  • time set – I wrote about this in the article
