How to cook a delicious vegetable stew in the oven. How to cook vegetable stew in the oven according to a step-by-step recipe with photos

In terms of the number of recipe variations, few dishes can compare with vegetable stews. A saucepan, pan or pots, in the oven or slow cooker, fresh or frozen vegetables, rice, mushrooms, meat, fish - all this helps to diversify an appetizing vegetable dish that is served at any time of the year.

How to cook vegetable stew

Whether it’s winter outside or summer, stew is a welcome vegetable treat not only on the diet menu. Stimulating the appetite (translated from French), stew is a symbol of satiety, which is prepared from everything that is available, cut into pieces. The cooking technology does not dictate strict rules, but to prevent a vegetable dish from turning into “porridge”, you will have to adhere to some rules.

  • If the additional ingredient is meat, then you need to start cooking with it.
  • After the time allotted for cooking is completed, it is recommended to simmer the stew under the lid.

Vegetable stew recipes

Correctly cutting and simmering for a certain amount of time - these are two simple secrets on which all options for preparing a vegetable dish are based. The ingredients can be almost all types of vegetables, and meatless recipes will not take much time to prepare, while meat recipes will fill you up well. If there is a need to preserve the maximum of nutrients and make it beautiful, as in the photo, then you should use a steam or multicooker to prepare a hot vegetable snack.

Vegetable stew with eggplants and zucchini

If you want to make a tasty, but not greasy vegetable dish for dinner, then this dish is ideal. The serving is designed for four people, and the most healthy stew will be made from fresh fruits, which are collected as the harvest ripens in summer and early autumn. The step-by-step recipe will show you how to prepare an easy second course, but first you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • eggplant – 1 pc.;
  • zucchini – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 2-3 pcs.;
  • tomatoes – 3-4 pcs.;
  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • green peas – 100 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • parsley (root) – 1 pc.;
  • spices - to taste;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • oil (vegetable) – 80 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Peeled eggplants, cut onions into cubes, parsley root, carrots, sweet peppers into strips, tomatoes into slices. For the zucchini layer, the fruit must be cleared of seeds, cutting the remaining part into cubes.
  2. Green peas must first be boiled for about 5-7 minutes.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into a heated frying pan, add chopped zucchini, eggplant, onion, carrots, fry, stirring for 10 minutes.
  4. Then add sweet peppers, tomatoes, simmer for a few minutes, then peas, crushed garlic, mix gently.
  5. Cover with a lid and cook for another 10 minutes.

How to cook vegetable stew in a slow cooker

No matter how many methods there are, the simplest is to use a multifunctional household appliance with an automatic mode. To get a delicious second meal, you just need to chop and load the ingredients, and at the end you will get a colorful and healthy vegetable dish. The stew will retain a maximum of vitamins with a minimum calorie content. The only alternative would be a cauldron, but the stewed vegetable side dish will not look as attractive as in a glossy photo.


  • canned beans (white, red, spicy) - 3 cans of 420 g each;
  • bell pepper (green, red) – 8 pcs.;
  • chili pepper – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • vegetable broth – 200 ml;
  • rice (long white or brown) – 250 g;
  • BBQ sauce – 500 g.

How to cook:

  1. Chop the pepper and onion, pour into the multicooker bowl, add the beans from the can, pour in the broth and barbecue sauce.
  2. Close the lid to simmer the stew on medium power for about 5 hours, and on high power for about 3 hours.
  3. The next step is to add rice and cook for another half hour.

Vegetable stew with potatoes

The popularity of this variation of the famous vegetable dish is almost incomparable. Almost any type of vegetable can go well together, and the traditional recipe calls for potatoes, carrots, onions with spices or herbs. The taste and aroma of the finished dish is incomparable, but even with its simplicity it can be diversified.


  • potatoes – 10 pcs.;
  • carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • onion – 2 heads;
  • garlic – 4-5 cloves;
  • water – 0.5 cups;
  • tomato paste or sauce – 50 g;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • bay leaf – 2 leaves;
  • chopped herbs (parsley, dill, celery, cilantro) - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook potato stew:

  1. Peel the root vegetables, cut into cubes, finely chop the garlic and onion.
  2. Pour vegetables and onions into a saucepan in layers, add tomato paste, salt, and add water.
  3. Simmer the stew under the lid for about 20 minutes, and a few minutes before it’s ready, add chopped herbs and chopped garlic.

How to cook stew with meat and vegetables

A hearty and at the same time tasty second dish that captivates the palate and makes you want more even from the photo. This option is not suitable for a Lenten menu, but for a dietary menu it is ideal, because pork, beef, veal or lamb can be replaced with stew, chicken (breast) or turkey (fillet). Low-fat varieties will help reduce calorie content, and how to cook vegetable stew with meat - this step-by-step recipe will reveal the secret.


  • meat – 350 g;
  • zucchini (medium) – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • eggplant – 1 pc.;
  • tomatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • greens - a bunch;
  • spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the meat and vegetables into cubes, but first soak the eggplants for a quarter of an hour in salted water.
  2. Place everything in layers in a pan, starting with the meat, the last ones are the tomatoes, cut into pieces.
  3. Simmer the stew under a lid over medium heat for about half an hour, then add chopped herbs, spices, garlic, and simmer for another 10 minutes until fully cooked.

Stew with mushrooms and vegetables

To ensure a delicate taste of the famous vegetable dish, you should choose early, young vegetables. For example, green peas can be cooked in their pods, and the taste, color, and nutrients can be preserved if you make a vegetable stew in the oven. Mushrooms, which can be taken fresh or frozen, will add piquancy and an incredibly seductive aroma to the finished vegetable dish.

Product composition:

  • mushrooms (any) – 300 g;
  • potatoes – 350 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • green peas (pods) – 200 g;
  • cabbage (cauliflower) – 4-5 inflorescences;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • oil (olive) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • spices - to taste.


  1. Cut the peeled vegetables, mushrooms into cubes, and finely chop the garlic.
  2. Prepare a solution for onions from water, vinegar, sugar, immersing onions cut into half rings for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Trim the pea pods from the stalk side and cut the remaining part in half.
  4. Immerse the cabbage inflorescences in boiling water for 3-4 minutes, and then place them in a container of cold water to soften it.
  5. Lightly fry carrots and potatoes, add pea pods and cauliflower florets.
  6. Grease the baking dish, place mushrooms in the bottom layer, fried vegetable mixture on top, squeezed onion, cover with foil and simmer for 35-40 minutes.

How to do

Do you want to surprise your family or guests with an unusual dish? The basis of this culinary delight will be the well-known vegetable stew, but the way it is prepared and served will definitely surprise you! Another advantage of this recipe: you can prepare a hearty version if you add meat, or a vegetarian version without the last ingredient. Vegetable stew in pumpkin is ideal for a romantic dinner and goes well with semi-dry white wine.

Product composition:

  • pumpkins (small) – 6-8 pcs.;
  • meat (pork) – 300 g;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • zucchini – 0.5 ripe fruit;
  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes – 2-3 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • mayonnaise – 4-5 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 25 ml;
  • spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the meat, peeled vegetables into small cubes, onions into thin half rings, tomatoes into circles.
  2. Pour everything into one large container, add spices, season with vegetable oil, and mix gently.
  3. The pumpkin is a baking dish, so you need to cut off the top and save this part, which will then serve as a “lid”. Remove the inside almost to the sides using a tablespoon.
  4. Stuff the pumpkins with the prepared mixture of meat and vegetables, grease the top layer with mayonnaise, cover the “pot” with an improvised lid, securing with toothpicks.
  5. It will take an hour and a half to prepare vegetable stew in the oven.

Pork stew with vegetables

When you want to diversify your weekly menu and at the same time make an appetizing, healthy main dish, then you should opt for this recipe. The finished dish will delight you with its taste and aroma, and its preparation does not require any special culinary skills. To add tenderness to the vegetable stew, it is recommended to pre-marinate the meat for several hours.


  • pork – 300g;
  • cabbage – 350 g;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 4-5 small root vegetables;
  • tomatoes - 3-4 medium ripe fruits;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • spices - to taste.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Peel the vegetables, cut the potatoes, carrots, tomatoes into cubes, shred the cabbage.
  2. Chop the onion and garlic, fry along with the meat in a heated frying pan. Then put everything into a deep saucepan.
  3. Next, you need to fry the potato cubes until a golden crust forms. Place a second layer in the pan.
  4. After this, successively fry the cabbage, carrots, and tomatoes, and then lay them out in layers with the rest of the ingredients of the vegetable stew.
  5. Pour a glass of boiled water over the meat and vegetables and simmer for 15 to 25 minutes.

How to cook vegetable stew with cabbage

This recipe has a clear advantage - the dish can be prepared at any time of the year. It doesn’t take long to prepare an appetizing vegetable treat; fresh or frozen vegetables are suitable for its creation; young cabbage will add tenderness, and broccoli will add piquancy. If you use a double boiler, this will help preserve maximum vitamins.


  • potatoes – 600 g;
  • cauliflower – 1 head;
  • onion – 2 heads;
  • green peas – 50 g;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • chopped ginger – 2 tsp;
  • spices (curry, cumin, turmeric, mustard seeds) – a pinch;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;
  • butter – 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Fry the onion, garlic and spices in a frying pan for 2-3 minutes until soft.
  2. Place diced potatoes and cauliflower florets in layers in a double boiler, sprinkle with sugar, and add the toasted mixture. Pour in half a glass of water, set the cooking mode for 15 minutes, then add green peas, salt and pepper, then set for another 5 minutes.

Video: dietary vegetable stew

Vegetable stew recipes

How to cook vegetable stew in the oven at home. Recipe with step-by-step photos and video instructions. Cook with us and have a lot of fun!

55 min

150 kcal

5/5 (1)

Vegetable stew baked with zucchini in the oven is not only a very tasty and satisfying dish, but also incredibly healthy because it contains a large number of valuable vitamins and minerals, without which the proper functioning of all body systems is impossible.
In addition, I also like this dish because you can safely eat it, even while on the strictest diet - baking in the oven allows you not to use harmful fats when cooking, which add extra pounds.
I once copied the recipe for this amazing product from a friend who knows how to cook wonderful low-calorie dishes without spending even an hour on the whole process. Having prepared it for my own family, I was amazed at the furore that seemingly the simplest vegetable stew produced on my meat lovers.
Literally in the evening, my husband and children devoured the entire pan! Now you can make stew for your own family with my friend's quick and easy recipe. So let's get started.

What you need to know before cooking

Kitchen tools:

  • a spacious baking tray for the oven (cooking vegetable stew in a pot is also allowed) with a diagonal of 20 cm;
  • saucepan with a volume of 3 liters or more;
  • spacious bowls (several pieces);
  • wooden spatula and cutting board;
  • tablespoons;
  • kitchen scales or other measuring instruments;
  • teaspoons;
  • sharp knife;
  • blender or choppers.


Cooking sequence


  1. Pour cold water into the pan and bring the liquid to a boil.
  2. After this, place the washed tomatoes in boiling water and lightly mix them.
  3. After ten seconds, remove the tomatoes and peel them.
  4. Finely chop the component using a knife or grind with a blender.
  5. Peel and finely chop the carrots, do the same with the bell pepper.
  6. Wash the eggplants, do not remove the skin and cut into cubes.
  7. Wash the zucchini, clean the surface from spots and dents, and cut into squares.

To make it easier for yourself to chop such a large number of vegetables, actively use modern kitchen equipment during cooking, for example, a mechanical chopper or a food processor with special attachments. It is also possible to grind the ingredients of the stew in a blender, but this may result in vegetable puree instead of the stew.

Assembly and baking:

Video recipe

Below you can find a great way to prepare the perfect vegetable stew.

Vegetable products themselves are absolutely universal, they are suitable for all occasions - as a side dish and as a full-fledged independent dish. First of all vegetable stew goes well with:

  • meat and fish products (cutlets, sticks, meatballs and zrazy);
  • rice or wheat porridge;
  • baked goods (you can spread the stew on bread, like a sandwich);
  • fresh herbs, young garlic and onions;
  • light sauces (mayonnaise, sour cream);
  • stewed and sauerkraut, cabbage rolls.

In addition, remember that sauces should not be added to stews during cooking - they will make it too fatty, so it is better to let everyone at the table choose their own portion of the sauce.

Vegetables for stew can be pickled in their own juice or frozen after cutting - this way you can prepare this dish as quickly as possible at any time.

Vegetables are a losing weight person's best friend. The simplest thing you can do is cook stewed vegetables in the oven. Vegetable stew with zucchini, eggplant and cabbage turns out very appetizing, despite the diet. But I won’t tell you how to achieve an incomparable taste while maintaining an absolute diet. Just kidding, read on - I won’t hide anything.

When frying, vegetables absorb a lot of fat, so it is recommended to avoid this cooking method when on a diet. Vegetable stew in the oven is prepared with a minimum of oil; instead, liquid is used, preferably tasty. This can be diet or tomato juice. Of course, you can add water, but it certainly won’t add any flavor to the dish.

The set of products can be anything, use available products depending on the season. I love variety, so my stewed vegetable stew definitely contains eggplant and zucchini, as well as onions and carrots. But peppers, cabbage, beans are situational vegetables, I use them if they are available. Variety is the key to rich taste.

A few ingredients does not mean simple and tasteless, for example, mine with tomatoes is simple in composition, but it reveals an abyss of taste due to the combination of cheese and vegetables. So experiment. In summer, use seasonal products; in winter, you can prepare stewed vegetables from frozen ones, which are sold in every supermarket.

In addition to the stew, for dietary variety, I can recommend it - a very fragrant and original dish.

I'm cooking vegetable stew in the oven. However, if you are limited in kitchen appliances, you can also use a stove. In this case, vegetables should be prepared according to the same principle.

Vegetable stew with eggplants and zucchini in the oven


  • 1 small carrot
  • 1 large onion
  • 200 g zucchini
  • 200 g eggplant
  • 100 gr bell pepper
  • 200 g green beans
  • 200 g cauliflower (this is a great option to cook)
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper, herbs

Vegetable stew kcal per 100 g - 50 kcal
proteins/fats/carbohydrates - 6.2/ 2.3/ 5.9

How to cook stewed vegetables in the oven

  • The baking dishes are heated in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. The hot form is brushed with oil.
  • Grate the carrots, cut the onion into small pieces, pour into a hot, oiled baking sheet, mix and place in the oven for 5 minutes.
  • At the second stage, add diced zucchini, eggplant, and cauliflower disassembled into inflorescences to the dietary vegetable stew. If one of the ingredients is missing, preparing the dish with a different set of ingredients will not spoil the dish. If frozen vegetables are used, they are added at this stage. As correctly written in detail in a separate article, it is available here.
  • Pour a few tablespoons of broth or water into the bowl with vegetables and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Then add bell pepper, fresh green beans, salt and spices. Mix.
  • Stewed vegetables are cooked in the oven for about 30 minutes. It is necessary to stir the vegetables periodically and add liquid as needed.

In total, the vegetable stew spends 45-60 minutes in the oven - depending on the degree of doneness you like the vegetables. If you keep them in the oven longer, the pieces will bake and become completely soft, but they will retain their shape. For those who like vegetables with a slight crunch, 45 minutes is enough. Fresh herbs are added just before serving.

Don't know what to serve with vegetable stew with zucchini and eggplant? Meat would be an excellent addition -

I love summer and the beginning of autumn. Warm, good, dry. And most importantly - full of fresh vegetables. I get the most delicious and light dishes from them. And if you cut everything carefully, it will also come out beautiful. And we're not talking about potato dishes. Today I will share a great simple recipe that I picked up from my mom. We will prepare the perfect vegetable stew with zucchini and eggplant, baked in pots in the oven!

Kitchen appliances: a saucepan for scalding tomatoes, a slotted spoon, a cutting board, a good sharp knife, 3 roast pots with lids.


If you have everything you need, it’s time to start choosing the components of our dish.

The key to a delicious, aromatic vegetable stew cooked in the oven is fresh and quality products:

  • Tomatoes choose larger ones - they are easier to cut. Good tomatoes are beautiful, red, firm, without soft spots or cracked skin. The stalk (if the seller left it) should be green, there should be no dark, light or green spots on the vegetable. Sweet pink tomatoes look especially delicious in this stew.

  • Eggplant choose carefully. A young vegetable will be tender and tasty, an old one may taste bitter. Good eggplants are rich, dark purple in color, with a green stem. The vegetable should be elastic. The skin is smooth, shiny, without spots or soft areas.

  • Bell pepper should be beautiful, juicy, elastic. You can take red, but there is a high chance that it will be “peppery,” so don’t risk it and buy yellow pepper. A good pepper will have a shiny and smooth skin, without spots or soft areas, and the stalk will be only green and without any traces of rot.

  • Choosing zucchini, pay attention to its appearance. It should be beautiful, hard, ringing when tapped, without rotten areas or strange spots. The skin should be easily pierced with a fingernail - this is a sign that the zucchini is young and has not yet been stored. You can take a dark green vegetable, then the taste of the stew will be more intense. If you choose yellow or light green, the stew will be more tender.

  • Carrot during the season you can take a large one, the main thing is that it is not too large in diameter. The place where the tops once were should not show signs of rot. The root vegetable itself should be a beautiful bright orange color, firm, without soft areas or black spots.
  • Spices(ground black pepper, basil and oregano) are usually sold in bags. Pay attention to the integrity of such a package - if it is damaged, the aroma will not be the same. Also check the expiration dates of the seasonings - this is also very important for the taste and aroma of the stew.

Once all the ingredients are gathered in the kitchen, it's time to begin the process of creating this delicious dish!

Step-by-step preparation

Before you start cooking vegetable stew in pots in the oven , you need to peel and wash all vegetables under running water. And now you can cook:

  1. Take 800 grams of fresh tomatoes and place them in boiling water for a few seconds. Then scoop them out with a slotted spoon and place them on a cutting board. Remove skins and stems from the tomatoes and chop finely with a knife. Place the chopped tomatoes in pots, dividing them into three equal parts.

  2. Peel 1 large carrot, weighing about 160 grams. Divide it into 3 approximately equal parts and cut into small cubes. Distribute the chopped carrots among the pots.

  3. Peel the core and seeds from a sweet pepper weighing about 150 grams, cut it into small cubes and divide equally between three pots.

  4. Peel and cut 500 grams of eggplant into medium cubes. Also divide the chopped eggplants equally between the pots.

  5. Cut a large zucchini weighing about 350 grams into medium cubes and distribute it among three pots.

  6. Now add salt and ground black pepper to taste to the pots, sprinkle the vegetables with basil and oregano. Add a small amount of vegetable oil to each pot for taste.

  7. Cover the pots with lids and place in a cold oven. Set the temperature control to 180°C and leave the stew to cook for 40 minutes.

  8. After this time, carefully remove the lids from the pots, mix their contents with a spoon and leave in the oven at the same temperature for another 15 minutes.

  9. Vegetable stew in pots is ready!

Bon appetit!

Recipe video

This video clearly shows how to cook vegetable stew with zucchini and eggplant in pots, baking vegetables in the oven . It demonstrates how to properly cut and place vegetables in pots so that the stew turns out flavorful and beautiful.

How to decorate a dish

If you take the time to beautifully, carefully cut the vegetables, the dish itself will come out very appetizing, bright, I would even say colorful. And the fact that it is immediately portioned out into beautiful pots will only add color to the treat. To add bright fresh colors and aroma to the stew, you can pour fresh finely chopped herbs (dill, green onions, celery - whatever suits your taste) into each portioned pot or garnish the portions with separate sprigs of curly parsley.

  • Tomatoes must be peeled, otherwise during heat treatment it will curl and spoil the texture of the dish.
  • In principle, you can grate carrots, it won’t come out as beautiful, but it will be much faster.
  • It is very important to thoroughly remove the seeds from the sweet pepper - they will taste bitter in the dish.
  • If you come across young eggplants, this is ideal, but pre-soak the blue “older” ones for 15-20 minutes in cold salted water, let the excess bitterness come out of them.
  • Before slicing the zucchini, try running your fingernail through the skin. If this was achieved with difficulty, it is better to peel the skin with a knife, otherwise the pieces of zucchini will come out a little harsh.

This dish can be served on plates, but, in my opinion, it looks much more beautiful in pots. Vegetable stew is an ideal light dinner for the whole family as a stand-alone dish. And for those who like a hearty meal, the stew can be supplemented with a side dish of rice or buckwheat.

Cooking options

Stew in the oven turns out very tasty. But you can cook something no less appetizing. It won’t come out in portions, but it’s also very healthy. For those who don't like eggplants, there is a great recipe. It's much easier than cooking in the oven, but who knows? If you like more hearty dishes, this would be an ideal dinner. Well, for those who are on a not too strict diet, I recommend an excellent recipe, this is relatively dietary meat, especially if you take fillet.

There are a lot of options on the theme of vegetable stew. Some people add asparagus to the classic recipe, others add white cabbage or cauliflower. I usually don’t bother too much about a recipe and simply stew together all the vegetables that come to hand, the main thing is to do it wisely, and it will turn out great.

If you know options for adding to my mother’s recipe or you have your own interesting ideas on vegetable stews, share your thoughts in the comments!

Vegetable stew is a special dish. It is prepared all over the world according to a variety of recipes. Many possible combinations of vegetables allow you to get new tastes every time. However, the taste of a dish depends not only on the ingredients included in its composition and their ratio. It is largely influenced by the method of preparation. Not all housewives cook vegetable stew in the oven, and it is completely in vain, since this cooking method makes the dish uniquely tasty and aromatic. It will be especially pleasant if you take into account several important points when preparing it.

Cooking features

In order to prepare a delicious vegetable stew, it is not enough to cut the vegetables, put them in a pan, add water and simmer. Without knowing some rules, instead of a tempting vegetable dish, you end up with a shapeless mass that does not evoke any appetite. So, before you start cooking, you need to know a few simple but important rules. Moreover, the technology for preparing vegetable stew in the oven has its own specifics.

  • Young vegetables are best suited for preparing vegetable stew. They are healthier, more tender, and cook faster.
  • Some vegetables may take different times to cook. For this reason, it is advisable to either fry vegetables that take a long time to cook until combined with other ingredients, or add them first.
  • To prepare vegetable stew in the oven, it is recommended to cut them into fairly large pieces. Then they turn out tastier and look more appetizing.
  • If you want the dish to be dietary, you can bake vegetables in the oven without pre-frying, using a minimal amount of oil to lubricate the pan. Cheese, butter, and cream will help add richness to vegetable stew. It will be even more satisfying if you include meat or mushrooms in its composition.
  • You can cook vegetable stew in the oven using various sauces, which give it unique flavors.
  • To prevent vegetables from burning while baking in the oven, you can cover them with foil.

Vegetable stew in the oven can be prepared both in the form and in pots. The cooking technology in these cases will be slightly different. For this reason, you need to rely on the instructions that accompany the recipe you choose.

Classic vegetable stew in the oven

  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • zucchini – 0.3 kg;
  • onions – 0.2 kg;
  • white cabbage – 0.2 kg;
  • green peas – 0.2 kg;
  • tomatoes – 0.3 kg;
  • water – 0.2 l;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • dried ground paprika – 20 g;
  • fresh dill – 50 g;
  • fresh parsley – 50 g;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices.
  • Chop the young zucchini into slices about 2–3 mm thick.
  • Peel the onions and cut them into thin half rings.
  • Wash the tomatoes, dry them, cut them into circles or semicircles (depending on the size of the fruit).
  • Finely chop the cabbage.
  • Finely chop the greens with a knife.
  • Cut the garlic into thin slices.
  • Grease the mold with oil.
  • Place the potatoes on the bottom of the pan and sprinkle with a little paprika, salt and pepper.
  • Place the onion on the potatoes and sprinkle with herbs.
  • Place the next layer of zucchini. Salt and pepper them.
  • Place the cabbage on the zucchini and sprinkle the green peas on it.
  • Cover everything with a layer of tomato slices. Place garlic on tomatoes. Sprinkle everything with the remaining paprika.
  • Pour water into the mold.
  • Drizzle the remaining oil over the vegetables.
  • Cover the pan with foil and place in the oven.
  • Turn on the oven. Once the temperature reaches 180 degrees, cook the stew for an hour.

Vegetable stew baked in a mold in the oven looks very bright and appetizing. The harmonious taste of vegetables will not leave anyone indifferent. Besides, there is nothing superfluous in this dish; it will bring you nothing but goodness.

Vegetable stew with meat in pots

  • pork – 0.5 kg;
  • tomatoes – 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes – 0.75 kg;
  • zucchini – 0.25 kg;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil – 20 ml;
  • sour cream – 50 ml;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the pork, remove any membranes, trim off excess fat. Dry the piece of meat and cut into medium-sized cubes.
  • After peeling the onion, cut it into thin quarter rings.
  • Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes approximately the same size as the meat.
  • Remove the skin from the zucchini using a vegetable peeler. Cut the vegetable lengthwise and remove the seeds with a spoon. Cut the zucchini into cubes. If your vegetable is very young, you don’t have to peel it: just wash and dry it, after which you can cut it.
  • Cut the garlic into small pieces.
  • Cut the tomatoes into small cubes.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the meat in it until it is covered with an appetizing crust. Add onion, salt and pepper. Fry for another 5 minutes and divide into pots.
  • Place potato cubes on the meat and zucchini on it. Place tomatoes on top of zucchini. Season and add salt. Sprinkle with chopped garlic, brush with sour cream.
  • Place the pots on a baking sheet and place it in the oven.
  • Cook vegetable stew in pots for 70 minutes at 200 degrees.

Vegetable stew with meat, cooked in pots in the oven, is a very satisfying dish that will replace a full lunch.

Vegetable stew in the oven in French (ratatouille)

  • eggplants – 0.5 kg;
  • zucchini – 0.5 kg;
  • tomatoes – 0.5 kg;
  • olive oil – 50 ml;
  • Parmesan cheese – 50 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • fresh basil – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Cut young zucchini and eggplants into disks about 3–4 mm thick. Cut the tomatoes into approximately the same circles.
  • Place the eggplants in salted water for half an hour, then rinse them thoroughly and dry with a kitchen towel.
  • Grease a round glass ovenproof dish with olive oil.
  • Place vegetables in a spiral shape, alternating them as follows: eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes. To fit more vegetables into the pan, place them overlapping.
  • Salt and pepper the vegetables and drizzle them with the remaining oil.
  • Place the pan with vegetables in the oven and turn it on at 180–200 degrees. It is better to cover the pan with foil so that the vegetables do not burn.
  • After half an hour, remove the foil. Continue baking the stew for another 15 minutes.
  • Finely grate the Parmesan and sprinkle it over the vegetables. Place basil leaves on top. Return the pan with the vegetable stew to the oven for another 15 minutes.

Despite the simplicity of the recipe, the vegetable stew prepared according to it has an amazing taste, and looks so festive and appetizing that it is not a shame to offer it to guests.

Vegetable stew with apples

  • eggplants – 0.5 kg;
  • apples – 0.3 kg;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • tomatoes – 0.5 kg;
  • fresh parsley – 50 g;
  • tomato paste – 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil - as much as needed;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the eggplants into circles, add salt and place in a sieve. After 20 minutes, rinse under running water and dry.
  • Wash the apples. Without cutting the fruit, cut out the core. Cut the fruit into thin rings.
  • Wash and cut the tomatoes into slices with a sharp knife.
  • Pass the garlic through a press, mix it with tomato paste, finely chopped parsley, and vegetable oil.
  • Lightly fry the eggplants in a frying pan in vegetable oil, divide them in half.
  • Place the first half of the eggplants in the mold and brush with sauce. Place apples on them, also brush with sauce. Place the remaining eggplants in a third layer and grease them too. Place the last layer of tomatoes and cover them with the remaining sauce.
  • Place the dish with vegetables in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and cook the vegetable stew for half an hour.

Vegetable stew with apples has a slightly unusual, but very harmonious taste. Don't be afraid to experiment - in this case you don't risk anything.

Vegetable stew in the oven turns out especially tasty and appetizing. In addition, this method of preparing it allows you to preserve the maximum of nutrients contained in vegetables.
