Elochka's cultured friend the cannibal 5 letters. Ellochka's dictionary from "12 chairs" and the dictionary of a modern girl

Let's compare the vocabulary of the heroine of the novel “The Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov (1927), Ellochka the cannibal, whose paucity of words has become a household name, and her modern followers.

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The authors of the satirical novel “The Twelve Chairs” cite the vocabulary of the engineer’s wife Elena Shchukina (aka Elenochka and Ellochka with the nickname Ogre) in full to emphasize his “wealth.” Let us quote this description in full:

William Shakespeare's dictionary, according to researchers, is 12,000 words.

The dictionary of a black man from the cannibal tribe “Mumbo-Yumbo” is 300 words.

Ellochka Shchukina easily and freely managed with thirty.

Here are the words, phrases and interjections that she meticulously selected from the entire great, verbose and powerful Russian language:

  1. Be rude.
  2. Ho-ho!(Expresses, depending on the circumstances, irony, surprise, delight, hatred, joy, contempt and satisfaction.)
  3. Famous.
  4. Gloomy.(In relation to everything. For example: “Gloomy Peter has come”, “Gloomy weather”, “Gloomy incident”, “Gloomy cat”, etc.)
  5. Darkness.
  6. Creepy.(Creepy. For example, when meeting a good friend: “creepy meeting”).
  7. Boy.(In relation to all men I know, regardless of age and social status).
  8. Don't teach me how to live.
  9. Like a child.(“I beat him like a child” - when playing cards. “I cut him off like a child” - apparently, in a conversation with the responsible tenant).
  10. C-r-beauty!
  11. Thick and beautiful.(Used as a characteristic of inanimate and animate objects).
  12. Let's go by cab.(Said to husband).
  13. Let's go by taxi.(To male acquaintances).
  14. Your whole back is white(joke).
  15. Just think!
  16. Ulya.(Affectionate ending of names. For example: Mishulya, Zinulya).
  17. Wow!(Irony, surprise, delight, hatred, joy, contempt and satisfaction).

The very few words that remained served as a transmission link between Ellochka and the department store clerks.

And now it’s time to pay attention to the cliches of speech of the beauties of our days.

In 2007, researchers at the Center for the Development of the Russian Language at the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (MAPRYAL) for the first time chose, through a survey and online voting, the word and anti-word of the year. “Glamour” was on the podium, as was the associated adjective “glamorous”; “creativity” received the anti-word laurels. All the winning words, scientists sadly note, indicate a dangerous bias in favor of low-grade mass culture and the standards of a consumer society. And both are favorites in the dictionary of girls who attack social networks with their selfies, flood the streets when the snow melts with fake Louboutins and proudly call a fake quilted handbag on a chain from Chanel a replica. You're not one of them, are you? Then drive away from your speech glamor and other “beacon” words that can spoil the impression of you

Ahahaha! Very funny!

Ahtung! Horror, danger, anxiety.

Accordion. A banality, a tired joke.

Wow! Beauty! Marvelous!

To Bobruisk, animal! Accusing the interlocutor of intellectual and other incompetence.

To the point. To the point, to the point.

Into the furnace. Away as unnecessary; something not worth attention.

I'm shocked! Unpleasantly surprised.

Drink poison! Resign yourself, nothing will happen your way.

Glamor (glamorous, glamorous, glamorous). Beautiful, like in a glossy magazine; emphasizing the external charm and gloss associated with gossip columns.

Gothic. Grotesque, unusually beautiful.

Tough! Wow!

You're burning! You're amazing!

Pass. Okay, right, right.

IMHO. In my humble opinion (literal abbreviated translation of the English expression in my humble opinion).

As if. As if it seemed possible.

Cake(aka pretzel). Boy.

Class! Amazing!

Briefly speaking! In a word, in general.

Cool. Original, wonderful, first class.

Both the problem of tolerance and the problem of migrants can only be solved where there is freedom of speech, an independent court and transparent elections, where there is medicine in the provincial hospital, and students in rural schools.

The problem of homosexuality is gradually moving to the center of Russian public life. And this seems to me to be a very dangerous excess, because if there was anything worth boycotting the Sochi Olympics for, it would certainly not be for the oppression of sexual minorities in Russia. And the main problem of Russian cinema is not Kirill Serebrennikov’s refusal of state assistance in the creation of the film “Tchaikovsky” or even the statement by the Minister of Culture that Tchaikovsky was not a homosexual. Tchaikovsky was a homosexual, but, as in the famous joke, he is dear to us not only for this.

I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories. But I can imagine how political technologies work. It is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that the problem with LGBT people emerged after the official cessation of the “counterterrorist operation” in Chechnya. President Vladimir Putin announced its end on March 31, 2006. Any system needs the image of an enemy - an object of hatred. Until 2006, the image of the enemy was represented by an “evil Chechen” who climbed onto our shores with knives and bombs. But since 2006, after Putin’s statement about the defeat of the “terrorist underground,” this image would have worked against the government itself. A new enemy was needed.
Replacing an “evil Chechen” with a slender gay man seems completely unequal. But this is only at first glance. Sometimes the system chooses even more harmless people to defame.

In Russia, in general, everything is not very good with freedom and legality, and the problem of sexual minorities - at least in a purely quantitative aspect - is far from being in the first place here: many more people suffer from lawlessness than from oppression of sexual freedom. The problems of gays should not obscure the irremovability of power, its hypocrisy and cynicism. I understand that bed colors are more interesting, and for candidates for elective positions the most advantageous conversation is about migrants - but both the national question and sexual preferences take the discussion away from the main thing: why not a single law works in Russia, including, it seems, physical (the recent discussion between academician Zakharov and police trade unionist Pashkin about quantum theory is particularly indicative in this sense).

“My first parliamentary term, I was the only openly gay person in the Swedish parliament. Back then, the Christian Democrats pursued homophobic policies and behaved the same way. I have received insulting and threatening letters from Christian fundamentalists. They always ended with death threats accompanied by quotes from the Bible. Threats were common.
In countries like Poland or Russia, the church wants to rule. I myself was baptized in the Greek Orthodox Church and I know that the Orthodox Church does not change at all. The Pope recently said that homosexuals should not be persecuted; This is something that Orthodox priests will never even dare to mention. It seems that they are still living in the Middle Ages, they are not changing in any way, they do not want to see changes in society. Homophobic crimes are still committed today in the name of the church. Until politicians change the laws, they too are responsible for this,” says Tasso Stafylilidis.

In a country where education and science are deteriorating, the media are persecuted, civil activists and random demonstrators are imprisoned for nothing, where there is no independent court, where gaps gape between the capital and the provinces, between the upper and middle classes, it may be easier to argue about the strangeness of love, but let's, without offending LGBT people, admit that this is the twenty-fifth matter. Likewise, the national question is also not of paramount importance. Both the problem of migrants and the problem of tolerance can only be solved where there is freedom of speech, an independent court and transparent elections, where there is medicine in the provincial hospital, and students in rural schools.

Of course, both sides are to blame for this imbalance: our ideologists also always resort to damned homosexuality when criticizing the West. Homosexual marriages are declared the main evidence of its decline.

I'm afraid I must again upset minorities: the modern West is sinful in many ways, and against the backdrop of political correctness, which prohibits the most innocent things, the problem of gay love is again tenfold. The trouble with the West is not that it allows same-sex couples to register and adopt children, but that it is losing its Faustian principle - but modern Dogs don’t know the word “Faustian.” They only know the word “homosexuality”, and there is no way to explain to them that it is not the most significant word in the dictionary. As well as the words “Jew”, “Tajik” and even “Russian”.

For a diamond to become a diamond, it must be cut. In order for speech to attract as magically as appearance, the ability to communicate also needs to be constantly improved. , have already been the object of our attention. Today we suggest you think, if not about expanding your vocabulary, then at least about expelling from it words and phrases that create the image of a “typical princess” - a young lady who is narrow-minded, soulless, selfish, fixated on things and outfits. Let's compare the vocabulary of the heroine of the novel “The Twelve Chairs” by Ilf and Petrov (1927), Ellochka the cannibal, whose paucity of words has become a household name, and her modern followers. A great example of how not to talk!

Read in original

The authors of the satirical novel “The Twelve Chairs” cite the vocabulary of the engineer’s wife Elena Shchukina (aka Elenochka and Ellochka with the nickname Ogre) in full to emphasize his “wealth.” Let us quote this description in full:

“William Shakespeare’s dictionary, according to researchers, is 12,000 words. The vocabulary of a black man from the cannibal tribe Mumbo-Jumbo is 300 words. Ellochka Shchukina easily and freely managed with thirty. Here are the words, phrases and interjections that she meticulously selected from the entire great, verbose and powerful Russian language:

Be rude.

Ho-ho!(expresses, depending on the circumstances, irony, surprise, delight, hatred, joy, contempt and satisfaction.)


Gloomy(in relation to everything. For example: “gloomy Petya has come”, “gloomy weather”, “gloomy case”, “gloomy cat”, etc.)


Creepy(creepy. For example, when meeting a good friend: “creepy meeting”).

Boy(in relation to all men I know, regardless of age and social status.)

Don't teach me how to live.

Like a child(“I beat him like a child” - when playing cards. “I cut him off like a child” - apparently, in a conversation with the responsible tenant).


Thick and beautiful(used as a characteristic of inanimate and animate objects.)

Let's go by cab(said to husband.)

Let's go by taxi(to male acquaintances.)

Your whole back is white(joke)

Just think!

Ulya(affectionate ending of names. For example: Mishulya, Zinulya.)

Wow!(irony, surprise, delight, hatred, joy, contempt and satisfaction.)

The remaining very few words served as a transmission link between Ellochka and the department store clerks.”

Is it funny? And how! And now it’s time to pay attention to the cliches of speech of the beauties of our days.

Glamor and other words that it's time to get rid of

In 2007, researchers at the Center for the Development of the Russian Language at the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (MAPRYAL) for the first time chose, through a survey and online voting, the word and anti-word of the year. “Glamour” was on the podium, as was the associated adjective “glamorous”; “creativity” received the anti-word laurels. All the winning words, scientists sadly note, indicate a dangerous bias in favor of low-grade mass culture and the standards of a consumer society. And both are favorites in the dictionary of girls who attack social networks with their selfies, flood the streets when the snow melts with fake Louboutins and proudly call a fake quilted handbag on a chain from Chanel a replica. You're not one of them, are you? Then drive away from your speech glamor and other “beacon” words that can spoil the impression of you

Ahahaha! Very funny!

Ahtung! Horror, danger, anxiety.

Accordion. A banality, a tired joke.

Wow! Beauty! Marvelous!

To Bobruisk, animal! Accusing the interlocutor of intellectual and other incompetence.

To the point. To the point, to the point.

Into the furnace. Away as unnecessary; something not worth attention.

I'm shocked! Unpleasantly surprised.

Drink poison! Resign yourself, nothing will happen your way.

Glamor (glamorous, glamorous, glamorous). Beautiful, like in a glossy magazine; emphasizing the external charm and gloss associated with gossip columns.

Gothic. Grotesque, unusually beautiful.

Tough! Wow!

You're burning! You're amazing!

Pass. Okay, right, right.

IMHO. In my humble opinion (literal abbreviated translation of the English expression in my humble opinion).

As if. As if it seemed possible.

Cake(aka pretzel). Boy.

Class! Amazing!

Briefly speaking! In a word, in general.

Cool. Original, wonderful, first class.

Lapulya. Addressing acquaintances and strangers, an analogue of the etiquette words “sir”, “madam”.

Lol. Funny, funny (abbreviation of the English expression laughing out loud - loudly, laughing out loud).

Loser. Jonah.

Mimimi (cute). Sweet, charming, touching, romantic.

Fail. The opposite meaning to the word “credit” (see above).

Wow! Wow, wow, what a surprise!

Kick. Failure, complete collapse.

Think about it. Imagine this.

Funny. Joke, curiosity, absurdity, zest.

Rules! Dictates rules to others.

Super! Amazing, incredible!

Like. Like, according to example.

Kill yourself against the wall! Disappear!

Oops! Oh!

Fake. Fiction, lies, rumors.

Purple. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

What words and expressions of modern Ellochkas seriously irritate you? Share your opinion in the comments and add to our selection!

From the novel “The Twelve Chairs” (1928) by Ilya Ilf (1897-1937) and Evgeny Petrov (1903-1942). The 22nd chapter of the novel, entitled “Ellochka the Ogress,” begins like this: “William Shakespeare’s dictionary, according to researchers, is 12,000 words. The dictionary of a black man from the cannibal tribe “Mumbo-Yumbo” is 300 words. Ellochka Shchukina easily and freely made do with thirty.” The vocabulary of engineer Shchukin’s wife consisted mainly of words such as “famous,” “gloom,” “horror,” “guy,” “taxo,” etc., which adequately reflected her inner world. So, here is the dictionary itself: Creepy, creepy Creepy, creepy - a word from the vocabulary of Ellochka the cannibal. For example, when meeting a good friend: “a terrible meeting.” - I don’t take bribes. I don’t steal money and I don’t know how to counterfeit it. - Horrible! Famous Famous is a word from the vocabulary of Ellochka the cannibal. - Ho-ho! - was heard in the silence of the night. - Famous, Ernestulya! C-r-beauty! Like a child Like a child- “I beat him like a child” - when playing cards. “I cut him off like a child,” apparently in a conversation with the responsible tenant. C-r-beauty! C-r-beauty! - Ho-ho! - was heard in the silence of the night. - Famous, Ernestulya! C-r-beauty! Ilf and Petrov. Darkness Gloom - No, let's talk seriously. I get two hundred rubles. - Darkness! Gloomy- used in relation to everything. For example: “gloomy Petya has come,” “gloomy weather,” “gloomy incident,” “gloomy cat,” etc. “The gloomy husband has come,” Ellochka said clearly. Don't teach me how to live Don't teach me how to live - Ho-ho! - Ostap objected, dancing with a chair in a large Moorish room at the Orient Hotel. - Don't teach me how to live. I'm angry now. I have money. Ilf and Petrov Wow! Wow! - expresses, depending on the circumstances, irony, surprise, delight, hatred, joy, contempt and satisfaction. - Wow! Ho-ho! Let's exchange. You give me a chair, and I give you a strainer. Want to? Boy Boyfriend - used in relation to all familiar men, regardless of age and social status. “You’re the right guy,” Ellochka remarked after the first minutes of their acquaintance. Just think! Just think! - a word from the vocabulary of Ellochka the cannibal. - Well, how can you do this?! After all, we won’t have anything to eat! - Just think! Let's go by cab Let's go in a cab - a phrase from the vocabulary of Ellochka the cannibal. I tell my husband. Let's go by taxi Let's go by taxi - a phrase from the vocabulary of Ellochka the cannibal. Said to male acquaintances. - Will you go in a taxi? Kr-beauty. Thick and beautiful Thick and beautiful - Used as a characteristic of inanimate and animate objects. - You are a fat and handsome guy. Your whole back is white Your whole back is white - it's a joke. “Your whole back is white,” Ellochka said in a gramophone voice. -Ulya-ulya is an affectionate ending for names. For example: Mishulya, Zinulya. - Ho-ho! - was heard in the silence of the night. - Famous, Ernestulya! C-r-beauty! Rude Hamite is a word from the vocabulary of Ellochka the cannibal. “Be rude, boy,” Ellochka said slyly. Ho-ho!Rude Be rude - Be rude, boy, - Ellochka said slyly. Ho-ho! Ho-ho! - expresses, depending on the circumstances, irony, surprise, delight, hatred, joy, contempt and satisfaction. - Wow! Ho-ho! Let's exchange. You give me a chair, and I give you a strainer. Want to?

    Chapter XXIV. Ogress Ellochka

    William Shakespeare's dictionary, according to researchers, is 12
    000 words*. The dictionary of a black man from the cannibal tribe "Mumbo-Yumbo"* is
    300 words.
    Ellochka Shchukina easily and freely managed with thirty.
    Here are the words, phrases and interjections that she meticulously selected from all the great
    whom, the verbose and powerful Russian language*:
    1. Be rude.
    2. Ho-ho! (Expresses, depending on the circumstances, irony, surprise
    delight, hatred, joy, contempt and satisfaction.)
    3. Famous.
    4. Gloomy. (In relation to everything. For example: “gloomy Petya has come”,
    "gloomy weather", "gloomy occasion", "gloomy cat", etc.)
    5. Darkness.
    6. Creepy. (Creepy. For example, when meeting a good friend: “creepy
    7. Guy. (In relation to all men I know, regardless of
    age and social status.)
    8. Don't teach me how to live.
    9. Like a child. (“I beat him like a child” - when playing cards. “I beat him
    cut off like a child" - apparently, in a conversation with the responsible tenant -
    10. Beauty!
    11. Thick and handsome. (Used as a characteristic of inanimate
    filamentous and animate objects.)
    12. Let's go by cab. (Said to husband.)
    13. Let's go in a taxi. (To male* acquaintances.)
    14. Your whole back is white (joke).
    15. Just think!
    16. Ulya. (Affectionate ending of names. For example: Mishulya, Zinulya.)
    17. Wow! (Irony, surprise, delight, hatred, joy, contempt and
    The words remaining in an extremely small number served to convey
    an exact link between Ellochka and the department store clerks.
    If you look at the photographs of Ellochka Shchukina hanging over her bed
    husband - engineer Ernest Pavlovich Shchukin (one - full face, the other in front -
    fil), - it is not difficult to notice the forehead of a pleasant height and convexity, large
    moist eyes, the cutest little nose in the Moscow province with a slight snub nose
    and a chin with a small spot drawn on in ink.
    Ellochka's height flattered men. She was small, and even the plumpest
    The tall men next to her looked like big and powerful men.
    As for special signs, there were none. Ellochka didn’t need it
    in them. She was beautiful.
    Two hundred rubles, which her husband received monthly at the Elektro-
    chandelier"*, were an insult to Ellochka. They could not help her in any way
    grandiose struggle that Ellochka has been waging for four years now, since
    took the social position of a housewife - Shchukinsha, Shchukin's wife.
    The fight was carried out with full effort. She absorbed all resources. Er-
    Nest Pavlovich took evening work from home, refused servants, divorced
    he lit the primus stove, took out the trash and even fried cutlets.
    But everything was fruitless. A dangerous enemy destroyed the economy every year
    More. As already mentioned, Ellochka noticed four years ago
    that she has a rival overseas. Misfortune visited Ellochka that
    a joyful evening when Ellochka tried on a very cute crepe de chine
    blouse In this outfit she seemed almost like a goddess.
    “Ho-ho,” she exclaimed, reducing the amazingness to this cannibalistic cry.
    truly complex feelings that captured her being. These feelings are simplified
    could be expressed in the following phrase: “Seeing me like this, the men got excited.”
    nagging. They will tremble. They will follow me to the ends of the earth, stuttering with love.
    in and. But I'll be cold. Are they worth me? I am the most beautiful. Such
    No one on earth has an elegant blouse."
    But there were only thirty words, and Ellochka chose the most expressive of them.
    positive - "ho-ho".
    At such a great hour, Fima Sobak came to her. She brought with her a mo-
    pink breath of January and French fashion magazine. On its first page
    Ellochka stopped. The sparkling photograph depicted the daughter of an American
    billionaire Vanderbilt* in an evening dress. There were furs and feathers
    silk and pearls, extraordinary lightness of cut* and breathtaking charm
    That solved everything.
    - Wow! - Ellochka said to herself.
    It meant: "Either I or she."
    The morning of the next day found Ellochka at the hairdresser. Here Ellochka is
    I lost my beautiful black braid and dyed my hair red. Then
    managed to climb one more step of the ladder that brought him closer
    Ellochka to the shining paradise, where the daughters of billionaires walk, not suitable
    It even holds a candle to housewife Shchukina: with a workers' loan* she was purchased
    on a dog skin representing a muskrat. It was used for decoration
    evening dress. Mr. Shchukin, who had long cherished the dream of buying a new
    drawing board, somewhat despondent. Dog trimmed dress applied
    the arrogant Vanderbilt's first well-aimed blow. Then to the proud American
    three blows were struck in a row. Ellochka purchased from a home furrier
    Fimochki Dogs chinchilla stole (Russian hare, killed in
    Tula province), got herself a dove hat made of Argentine felt and
    I changed my husband's new jacket into a fashionable ladies' vest. Billionaire sway-
    was lost, but, apparently, she was saved by the loving papa Vanderbilt. Next
    issue of a fashion magazine contained portraits of a cursed rival in four
    types: 1) in black-brown foxes, 2) with a diamond star on the forehead, 3) in
    aviation suit - high patent leather boots, the thinnest green jacket
    Spanish leather and gloves, the bells of which were inlaid with emerald
    ladies of average size, and 4) in the ballroom toilet - cascades of jewelry and
    a little silk.

    Ellochka mobilized. Papa-Schukin took out a loan from the mutual
    help. They didn't give him more than thirty rubles. A new powerful effort at the root
    the farm was cut short. I had to struggle in all areas of life. Recently
    but photographs have been received of Miss at her new castle in Florida. I had to
    Ellochka needs to get new furniture. Ellochka bought two soft
