Swans iso. Swans in nature and art

In this lesson we will look at how to draw the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” with a pencil step by step. How to draw geese-swans flying with their brother step by step with a pencil. Geese and Swans is a Russian folk tale where geese and swans kidnap brother Ivanushka, because he was playing in the yard alone, and his little sister was far from him and could not resist it. And she was far away because she didn’t listen to her mom and dad, she shouldn’t have gone outside the yard, but she started playing and forgot about her brother. The ending of the fairy tale is good.

We will draw the moment when the swan geese fly away with their brother. Let's just draw geese.

We have 4 geese-swans, in the figure we will denote them with 4 lines, on each line we will mark with dashes the length of the body and neck, they are approximately the same.

Click on the picture to enlarge

Let's start drawing on the left side of the sheet, this is convenient for right-handed people, if you are left-handed, then you better start drawing on the right side of the sheet. We do this so that later we do not erase already drawn objects with our own hands. This is true, just a note. Draw the body, neck, beak and small eye of the bird.

Click to enlarge

Draw the tail and wings.

Click to enlarge

Draw the feathers on the wings of the outermost bird and proceed to the second one according to the same scenario, i.e. draw the body, neck, beak and eye.

Click to enlarge

We draw the wings and tail of the second bird.

Draw the feathers of the 2nd bird, and proceed to drawing the third one, which is on top.

Draw the wings of the 3rd bird, using the same principle as the 2nd.

We draw Brother Ivanushka on the top bird of the entire flock of geese-swans, then we draw the last bird, which is in the foreground. Erase all the auxiliary lines and the drawing on the theme of the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” is ready.

You can also show that they are flying high in the sky, for this you will need to draw the horizon, the setting sun, a river or a country road.

Rosalia Karimova
Notes on drawing in the preparatory group “The white swan is swimming”

Summary of GCD for drawing in the preparatory group

« White swan swims»

Program content:

Learn to convey the image of a fairytale bird in a drawing (stately pose, proud arch of the neck, crown on the head).

Learn to convey the size and proportions of bird body parts and various movements, use sequence diagrams drawing.

Strengthen the technique drawing"poke", the end of the brush.

Develop imagination, imaginative thinking, creativity, sense of beauty.

Expand children's knowledge about birds. Practice choosing definitions and verbs.

To form visual-motor skills for systematic examination of an image.


Demo: serial circuits drawing a swan in different poses and movements, audio recording « Swan» from the suite "Carnival of Animals" Camille Saint Saens.

Dispensing: blue paper (20x30, brushes No. 3 (bristles, No. 2, No. 5, 1/2 album sheet, palette, gouache: white, blue, red, yellow, black, napkins, water jars, a simple pencil.

Preliminary work:

Reading "Tales of Tsar Saltan" A. S. Pushkin, the teacher’s story about swans, looking at illustrations, modeling « Swan» , consideration of sequential circuits drawing a swan in different poses and movements, game exercises "Pick a sign", "Name the action".

What kind of bird can you talk about? say: “Bending his neck proudly, majestically floats large snow-white bird?

Poets and composers, artists and sculptors dedicate their creations to these beautiful birds, and they compose fairy tales about them. We recently read one of them.

Look, above the flowing waters

A white swan is swimming...

What fairy tale are these words from? Yes it "The Tale of Tsar Saltan". Wrote it... (Pushkin A.S.).

Why do people love these birds?

What are they? (Large, snow-white, white-winged, long-necked, waterfowl, beautiful, beautiful, proud, majestic, graceful.)

How many beautiful definitions you have chosen.

Today I offer you draw the Swan Princess before her transformation into a beautiful maiden.

Finger gymnastics:

Pinching the fingers of the right and left hands alternately, starting with the little finger, on words poems:

Rocking on the waves swans are swimming,

They dive in and out, paddling with their paws.

We have already looked at samples drawing, swan in different movements.

Let's look at one of them again.

The teacher shows and pronounces the sequence drawing:

What number does it look like? swan? Begin draw a deuce, then below draw on large oval - body. At the top we draw a head - a small oval. Let's show the long curved neck, finish drawing the tail - a triangle, beak, wing - oval. At the base of the beak, you remember, there is... (small black bump).

Let's draw swan finger on a leaf.

The teacher repeats the sequence again drawing.

Let's look at this one swan. What do you think she's doing? (The teacher clarifies and complements: flaps its wings, probably wants to fly up or, on the contrary, just landed on the water; maybe, floats towards Prince Guidon).

And this bird swims towards us, the shape of the body changes. You and I were convinced of this when we looked at the toy. What does this one do? swan? (Stretches out his neck, catches a fish; or maybe hides from a kite).

What else can it do swan? (Turn your head, spin in the water, splash, fly)

Think about how you will draw your princess Swan. Maybe you can come up with one for yours swans completely different movements. Draw the sea along which The Swan Princess is swimming.

How to color swan? ("Poke", with the whole brush, transfer the feathers with the end of the brush.) Remember the main rule when coloring "poke". (“Poke doesn’t like a lot of paint or water.)

Visual gymnastics:

Tracing movements of the child's eyes up and down, left and right behind the toy - swan(using a literary word). Blinking.

Along the river swan swims,

Above the bank the little head is carried,

He waves his white wing,

He shakes water onto the flowers.

Our eyes were rested.

And now I invite you to depict these beautiful birds.

Fizminutka « Swans are flying» :

Swans are flying, Rise on your toes, smooth

Wings flap, hand movements.

Bend over the water, Bend over, toe to toe

hands on the belt.

They shake their heads. Shaking the head, half-squatting,

hands on the belt.

They know how to stand straight and proud,

They land on the water very silently. Sit down, arms to the sides.

White the swans were flying, flew Rise, arms up, wave your arms.

And they sat down on the water. Sit down, arms to the sides.

We sat down, we sat,

We flew again. Stand up, arms up, across your sides

Let's get to work. I'll play you a wonderful piece of music called « Swan» . I think this music will help you drawing the beautiful Swan Princess.

During drawing pay attention:

Do not press hard on the pencil when drawing an outline;

- draw large;

Use leaves to check color "poke" to remove excess paint, test individual elements;

At drawing"poke" hold the brush vertically;

Rely on samples.

Provide individual assistance as needed.


Who wants to talk about their princess Swans?

How did it turn out for you? What is he doing? Did you succeed? What was difficult?

(2 – 3 children.)

In the analysis, the teacher notes the expressiveness of the image and movements.

Publications on the topic:

Synopsis of the frontal integrated educational activity in the speech therapy secondary group for children with special needs “White Fairy Tale” Correctional educational goals: Consolidating ideas about the color white, winter and its signs. Improving grammatical structure.

Summary of educational activities for children of the preparatory group “Blue and white painting”. Prepared and conducted by teacher Lutsiv I.S. Program content:.

Summary of GCD for drawing in the preparatory group “Still Life” Abstract of GCD for drawing in the preparatory group "Still Life" Program tasks: Continue to teach, draw children from life, transfer.

Abstract of OOD on drawing in the preparatory group “Travel to Africa” Objectives: 1. Expand children’s knowledge about animals of hot countries, activate vocabulary on the topic, clarify the name of animals of hot countries. (Integration.

Goal: Continue to introduce children to unconventional charcoal drawing. Cultivate children's interest in drawing. Objectives: Consolidate knowledge about.
