Forest of the Dead read online. Jean-Christophe Grange "Forest of the Dead"

Jean-Christophe Grange is the author of the very interesting and creepy thriller “Forest of the Dead.” Until the last moment you don’t understand who the villain was, through whose fault people died. There are also great descriptions of nature here, which contrast well with the depressing environment and constant fear.

Incredibly brutal murders occur in Paris. Even the police are horrified, not to mention ordinary people. The killer not only takes the life of the victim, but also partially eats his flesh. Who is this maniac? He leaves no evidence, and it is impossible to find him. Maybe this is some kind of abnormal person, maybe he is a follower of some kind of primitive cult? This could be a sadistic cannibal, an escaped patient of a psychiatric hospital. This could be a violent pervert. One thing is clear - this man is out of his mind, but what crazy goal is he pursuing?

Experienced judge Zhanna Krulewska decides to take on the case. It gives her life special meaning. The woman is already 35 years old, she is still not married and has no children. She has several friends who are also unmarried. Zhanna lives alone and constantly takes pills for depression. On weekdays, she is distracted from loneliness at work, but the thought of the approaching weekend, which she has no one to spend with, causes her another panic attack. This case will help her break out of the shackles of fear. Zhanna will have to travel very far to find out where it all started. In the Argentine forest of the dead, many new and dangerous things await her...

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In the book “Forest of the Dead,” written by the French contemporary screenwriter, writer and journalist Jean-Christophe Granger, you can find everything that attracts so much in literature and makes billions of people read books: an exciting storyline, rich sensations, well-thought-out characters and spectacular denouement. Jean-Christophe Grange is, first and foremost, a journalist. And he fully realizes his journalistic talent in writing modern fiction. If you have long wanted to start reading a new book that would touch upon such complex topics as the dubious work of occult organizations, international and political terrorism, then quickly start reading the action-packed detective story “Forest of the Dead.”

So what is this book about? A French writer tells a scary story about a cannibal killer. Parisian police officers are not weak guys. During their dangerous work, they were able to see millions of atrocities, but even they, from the sight of the ritual murders of this terrible sadist, their hair stood on end and began to turn gray. So, Jean-Christophe Grange wrote a novel about a psychopathic pervert who is also a sadist, a maniac, a fan of primitive society and an autist. How can you properly call this maniac? This is a natural cannibal! He eats the flesh of his slain victims and is not at all shy about his inhuman tendencies. The police have a lot of versions, but they are all very far from reality. Not even a single gram brings us closer to solving this real horror story!
The main character of the novel “Forest of the Dead” is a beautiful detective and investigative judge with extensive experience, Zhanna Krulevska. She “accepts the challenge” of the killer. This girl has her own reasons. She is looking for an answer to the riddle, so she embarks on a dizzying journey. Zhanna will cross the ocean, visiting Guatemala and Nicaragua. Judge Kruleska will even be carried into the swamps of Argentina. And only in the heart of the Forest of the Dead will the girl understand the truth of all the horror that is happening in France. She will find the real source of evil intent. The question is different. Will Zhanna be able to survive the unequal “battle” with the killer? Will she be able to defeat the cannibal cannibal with a weapon? Or do you need to act according to the situation - through cunning, dexterity and thinking?
The book “Forest of the Dead” keeps readers in constant suspense. The genre of this novel is both detective and thriller! Today Jean-Christophe Grange is considered one of the best contemporary writers working in this genre category.
This book is recommended for people over eighteen years of age to read. Still, “Forest of the Dead” is a psychologically complex novel. Therefore, it is better to read it to trained people. With a stronger psyche.

On our literary website you can download the book “The Forest of the Dead” by Jean-Christophe Grange for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always keep up with new releases? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern fiction, psychological literature and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and educational articles for aspiring writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.

In my opinion, a very successful book. There is horror, thriller and detective, all in one bottle flavored with Grunge's signature style. The only negative is in the ending, it seemed to me that there was not enough epilogue there, because... in fact, there is no ending, only the finale: the solution, the battle and that’s it...the crust of the book. There is no epilogue, no beautiful point, the book is not finished, as if Grange did not have time to submit the book on time and, in general, what we have is what we have. And the book is worthy. I read it in one gulp.

So, a series of bloody ritual murders, cannibalism, Argentine juntas, concentration camps, South American heat, impenetrable swamps where evil lives. Or maybe this evil was next to Zhanna Krulevskaya all the time, peeping, watching and waiting for the moment to destroy Zhanna...

Great book! 9 out of 10 (I don’t give it a 10 because there is no final point)

Rating: 9

My first read novel by J.K. Grange.

If you are hoping to see in this book the characteristic features of a detective police novel - a clear, logical sequence, riddles that require rational explanation, then you do not need to read "Forest of the Dead".

This is a bloody thriller with horror elements. And at the same time, the book has a lot in common with adventure literature.

But the novel cannot be called a detective story.

In general, this book does not fit into a logically completed and coherent plot.

The writer had an idea - to show a cannibal maniac. And do it against the backdrop of various exotic scenery. Paris, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Argentina - a great backdrop. Beautiful colonial capitals, slums, jungles, swamps - very atmospheric and interesting.

But there is a complete discrepancy with the motives of the heroes. Everyone is always running somewhere, chasing, running away. What for? There is no logic either in the actions of the villains or in the actions of the main character.

Everything is far-fetched. Therefore, the ending was lost.

The book consists of three parts of different genres:

The first third is generally a psychological drama. Yes, the main character is investigative judge Zhanna Krulevska. But it’s hard for me to imagine how they keep her in this job. Zhanna is not interested in her direct responsibilities. No, this is French literature, so “love” is the key concept here. However, I was never able to understand the image of the heroine - she herself has no idea what she wants and why she performs various actions. Some kind of maniac, Zhanna doesn’t care about him, she’s more interested in her future potential lover!

The second part is adventures in distant and dangerous Latin America. The main thing is the revolution, the military junta, descriptions of the atrocities of the dictatorship.

And the third, final part of the story is “The Lost World” by A. Conan Doyle. Well, exactly, one to one! A journey through the jungles of South America in search of a mysterious people. Well, in the finale - “The Island of Doctor Moreau” of Wales. Enough action!

Now about the weak points of the book.

The presence of a huge number of ridiculous, awkward, illogical and simply stupid moments, scenes and actions of the characters is constantly striking.

I'm not talking about the main storyline, which always balances on the edge of mysticism and fantasy.

I mean constant small improbabilities that hurt the eye.

Characters often act in strange ways. They reason and behave contradictory. They sway from side to side.

I am, of course, not an expert on the French judicial system, but the way Granger described their work is something!

Are there really investigative judges who resemble the image of Zhanna Krulewski? Swallowing handfuls of antidepressants, being treated in psychiatric hospitals, talking to their bosses in this way?

Nightmare! The corrupt and corrupt police officers from American detective stories seemed to me the height of realism in comparison with the main character.

What about a description of the countries of South and Latin America? Concentration camps, torture, executions. The author is directly fixated on this topic.

Spoiler (plot reveal)

Thousands of people in Argentina in the 80s were executed using planes from which, at an altitude of 2000 meters, they were dropped alive into the ocean! Yeah! Very believable!

There are countless moments like this!

Spoiler (plot reveal) (click on it to see)

When in the first third of the novel, having arrived at a fire, the heroine, pushing aside the rescuers, put on a fireman's suit and, running to the fifth floor of a burning building, managed to save the fire chief, I almost gave up reading.

Well, yes, fiction is a good thing, but still, this is a detective thriller, not a fairy tale.

And also, there are a lot of such “gems” in the book that I don’t know whether the author is to blame or the translator.

Well, for example:

Spoiler (plot reveal) (click on it to see)

“The land here was level and flat.

Every ten kilometers the slope decreased by 40 centimeters.”

How is that!? What is the slope if the surface is smooth and flat? And who measured, in the jungle, in the swamp, the magnitude of the slope at a distance of tens of kilometers? Nonsense. And why does the reader need this information at all?

It would be fine, just a few blunders! But this happens all the time.

There are so many weaknesses, but I can’t call this book bad!

You just have to ignore the realism of what is happening and read this work like an adventure novel.

The world around us is described brightly, colorfully and spectacularly. Lots of exotic stuff, descriptions of everyday life, customs, religious beliefs.

Very cinematic.

There is plenty of blood and dismemberment. There are quite a lot of naturalistic scenes.

The heroine, although she behaves somewhat stupidly, cannot be called a cardboard character. Her clumsiness, a certain naivety, instability and emotionality makes the reader worry about her.

Everything is very dynamic, something is constantly happening, there is never a dull moment.

Personally, the book’s genre reminded me of the Indiana Jones films.

Because, in my opinion, the main thing here is not a thriller or a detective story, but adventure.

Rating: 6

I liked the book more than I didn't like it, although...

The author always focuses on Zhanna’s problems. Because of this, at times the heroine begins to resemble an emo teenager. Very conventional, in the spirit of Hollywood horror stories, are the descriptions of the places of the “massive murders” and what Zhanna sees there. Apparently the author is new to criminology. To snatch the arms and legs from a corpse you need to be King Kong - I don’t believe it. In general, the description of all these crimes is designed to appeal to the philistine love of chernukha. The desire to scare the reader leads to overkill and absurdity - the killer at the crime scene ate almost the entire corpse, gnawed the bones and sucked out the brain. Lots of semantic errors. The heroine, looking at a photograph of a man in black glasses, distinguishes the color of the photographed person’s eyes. In general, the whole thing is very European; it is clear that it was written by a person who was captivated by many completely mythological ideas. And it’s very cinematic, it feels like this is a ready-made script for a future film adaptation. Apparently, the author initially cares about the future fate of his works.

However, it is written firmly and with imagination (albeit unhealthy in places), which speaks of the author’s undoubted skill.

I'll give it 7 points

Rating: 7

An exaggerated and far-fetched, but at the same time shockingly naturalistic horror-thriller from the master of modern French guignol.

The book begins with descriptions of the love yearnings and financial troubles of the 35-year-old Parisian tracker Zhanna. I must say, the lady does not evoke much sympathy. On the one hand, a typical “fifa”, obsessed with glamorous clothes, diets and “relationships”. On the other hand, she is an official in the worst sense of the word. That is, it’s easy to humiliate and deceive people under investigation in the style of “call them as a witness, and start twisting them as a suspect!” It’s easy to use your official position to organize surveillance of your lover!

Then it’s true that Zhanna is called “to the corpse”, and the murder is not an ordinary everyday affair or a gang showdown. No, a terrible, brutal murder with cannibalism. And not just cannibalism, but with some kind of chthonic-prehistoric rituals, drawings on the walls, applied with bodily fluids, etc.

Grunge is Grunge, that is, in the right place - journalism (of the leftist, of course, kind), in the right place psychologism (in the spirit of the chic-lit queen Candice Bushnell), to the extent of information on anthropology, genetics, and the culture of primitive peoples.

Everything you didn't know about autism, the Argentine military junta, crime syndicates, terrorists in East Timor and corruption in the French courts, you will learn in this book.

And in the center of everything is HER MAJESTY OF BLOOD!

That is, not just blood, but blood, melted human fat, inverted entrails, etc. and so on.

The plot seemed overloaded to me. There is too much of everything under one cover, and repression in Latin America and Indian nationalist gangs, and genetic research, and Freud's theories, and a villain who suffers not even from a split personality, but from a split personality.

Plus the movement of heroes around the globe in the spirit of the Cinema Travel Club.

But the central line holds strong, although it may be a matter of personal taste.

Cannibalism, the degeneration of closed communities, backsliding on the evolutionary ladder, the dark past of the human race, I love all this very much, and Granger is still a master. The intrigue, I repeat, is overloaded with extraneous excursions that often lead nowhere (tattooed fanatics from the 18 street gang appear FOR NOTHING AT ALL), but at the same time it is tightly twisted.

When the action moves to Latin America, something happens to Jeanne (and the novel in general).

A glamorous fifa on the verge of anorexia suddenly turns out to be a battle-woman, who can push through the jungle, waving a machete, and negotiating with local “black archaeologists” is a common thing. It’s not that such women don’t exist, it’s just that the image of Lara Croft doesn’t fit in well with the mannered metropolitan thing from the first chapters. But this kind of Zhanna no longer infuriates.

And the book itself somehow slides a little towards “adventures in an exotic location” in the spirit of Indy Jones.

With tenacity bordering on obsession, Zhanna follows in the footsteps of the terrible killer, unraveling the secrets of his past, which goes further and further into the jungle, into the wilds, into the Forest of the Dead.

There is generally only one suspect in the book, and he is hidden so poorly that the author doesn’t seem to have tried, but his creepy coming out of the closet (“it’s not WE who live in the Forest, it’s the Forest that lives in US...” ) is still impressive.

It has always seemed strange to me that, despite all the obvious screenwriting fervor of Grange’s books, it has been filmed so little.

“Forest of the Dead” just begs to be seen on screens! Ready to help casting agents.

And so, far-fetched (too grotesque a criminal with too exotic a motivation, and too grandiose a backstory), but at the same time an exciting, very cinematic thriller.

The site on which I am writing this review is called “Fantlab” and we can probably say that the courage and categoricalness with which Grange throws in data on anthropology, genetics, clinical psychiatry, psychoanalytic concepts and theories, puts his book on the brink of being scientific, but still FANTASTIC.

He is looking for the Root of Evil, but does not accept ordinary, familiar mysticism. The author does not believe in the Devil (“Sworn to Darkness”) or Indian gods (“Forest of the Dead”) and cannot reduce the question of where the need to tear the flesh of his relatives with teeth and nails comes from in them. So he dives somewhere at the cellular level, in search of either a gene or the first molecule responsible for dark thoughts. So deep into the science that it borders more on the cosmic horror of Lovecraft (remember his degenerate communities of cannibals and incestuous...) than on boring criminology.

I recommend it to everyone who, in principle, favors such a genre as the “new French tin” and Grange personally, and also loves stories about cannibalism, original evil in man, degenerative mutations and similar matters.

Rating: 8

If you want to tickle your nerves and immerse yourself in the gloomy atmosphere of primeval horror, then read “Forest of the Dead,” but know that there will be a lot of blood, entrails and unexpected turns. Sophisticated murders, psychopaths, body parts, mysterious drawings, corruption schemes, cannibalism, travel, a military coup, neo-fascism - there are too many components, even outright nonsense is present, but they all fit quite organically into the storyline, and the naturalism of the described secrets and horrors drove away on my skin there are herds of marching goosebumps with very cold paws.

The cleverly twisted plot is full of cruelty and keeps the reader in suspense, periodically plunging the heroine into thoughts, as if deliberately knocking down the adrenaline level. A creepy thriller balances on the verge of horror, letting its vile wet tentacles into the established world of the investigating judge, rewarding her routine life, filled only with loneliness, grievances, fashionable rags and antidepressants, long-awaited meaning and purpose...

Oh, that bloodthirsty Grunge, brrrrr...

Rating: 8

The book’s high rating for me was ensured solely by the naturalistic descriptions and the movement of the characters to another continent. There are not many books that describe the life and customs of South America, so this part is interesting to read.

A huge minus is the complete absence of a detective component. After the main character installed a wiretap in the psychoanalyst’s office and studied the results of the so-called. "ORD" everything becomes clear. And about 30 pages into the book there is a phrase that reinforces confidence. So the ending wasn't surprising at all.

Otherwise, it’s quite a decent read for the road, or to spend a free evening at home. Well written, in keeping with the author's fairly high status. It is not drawn out, and at the same time the action does not gallop, but develops evenly, logically verified.

Traditional police blunders are present, but no more so than in other recognized thriller authors, and for those who have not worked / are working in the System, they should not hurt the eyes.

Rating: 7

In my opinion, it is a very successful book. The plot is well twisted, the many locations of action give the story “volubility”. The naturalistic nature of the descriptions also adds a lot to the novel - finally, instead of a brilliant detective who doesn’t eat, doesn’t drink, and doesn’t freeze, we see a real person who is capable of making mistakes, being embarrassed, feeling disgusted, in a word - a living person: no matter how strict a judge Zhanna may be during working hours, in life she remains a naive girl, dreaming of love and not very knowledgeable about men :) And of course, the descriptions of Latin American countries, which are still exotic for most people, are interesting and informative.


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Forest of the Dead Jean-Christophe Grange

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Title: Forest of the Dead

About the book “Forest of the Dead” by Jean-Christophe Grange

Jean-Christophe Grange is a freelance journalist who has collaborated with many well-known publications. He later used his talent as a writer to write novels. They can be classified as action-packed detective stories. In his works he touches on topics such as political extremism, occult sects, and terrorism. The author's books are loved by readers for their interesting plot, extraordinary characters, and unexpected twists. The work “Forest of the Dead” is extremely popular. It contains a huge number of secrets that keep you in suspense and force you to read the book to the end as soon as possible to find out how this fascinating story ends.

Jean-Christophe Grange in his work “Forest of the Dead” describes the events that took place in Paris. A series of ritual murders made the city's police shudder with incredible horror. Investigators come to the conclusion that a cannibal maniac is operating in Paris. He devours the flesh of the victims, leaving a minimum of evidence that does not help to find the criminal. No one can figure out whether he is a fan of primitive cults, a sadistic pervert or an autistic psychopath. There are a huge number of versions, but none of them reflects what is happening in the city.

As the investigation progresses, a new character appears in the plot of the work “Forest of the Dead” - Zhanna Krulevska. She is an experienced judge and decides to take on this case because she has her own motives for it. As a result of her investigation, she uncovers more and more facts and mysterious clues. To get to the killer and understand his motives, the heroine will have to cross the ocean, Nicaragua and Guatemala. Following the trail, Zhanna will go deep into the swamps of Argentina. The secret will help her uncover the Forests of the Dead, where true evil lurks. But will the heroine be able to cope with him? Will she survive the fight with the one who killed many people? Will her weapon help her or will she have to act according to the situation?

Jean-Christophe Grange creates an incredibly interesting work. “Forest of the Dead” will amaze any reader with interesting twists and mystical coincidences. Each chapter will reveal something new and lead you into the wilds of the forest. It is worth reading this amazing book to plunge into the world of investigations, secrets and heroes who are ready to go to the end, despite the difficulties that await them.

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book “The Forest of the Dead” by Jean-Christophe Grange in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.
