Mikhail Kuznetsov SGK biography. Mikhail Kuznetsov

The heat and power industry lives according to its own calendar: the next heating season ended in Krasnoyarsk at the end of May. DELA.ru spoke with Mikhail Kuznetsov, General Director of the Siberian Generating Company (SGK), about its main results, the most pressing problems - everyone is hearing about the recent utility accidents on heating networks - opportunities and plans for the near and distant future.

Siberian Generating Company

— Mikhail Varfolomeevich, what are the main results of this season, how was it compared to previous years?

— Everything is as usual, except that the accident rate has increased. And this happened on all networks without exception - not only in Krasnoyarsk, but in all regions of SGC presence. However, the growth dynamics were approximately the same as two years and a year ago.

Nevertheless, despite the objective difficulties, pressures and force majeure circumstances, our employees coped with their work and completed the season with honor, which once again became a serious test.

— What do you think is responsible for the increase in accidents?

— With the chronic underfunding of the industry, which has been taking place over the last 20 years, this is especially true for heat transportation. Lack of funds for repairs is our main problem. With such funding as it is today, it would be strange to expect something different in the end.

— Does this apply to the entire thermal power industry in general?

— Absolutely all, without exception. There is no region where heating network activities would be financed more or less adequately: in the amount necessary to reduce the accident rate.

— How much is this in monetary terms?

— It is impossible to answer this question, just like the question, for example, how much money is needed to be happy. Even if we receive less funds than the amount allocated this year, we will still continue to provide homes with heat - another thing is that this will be accompanied by an increasing number of accidents. The second circumstance: with low funding, the end will come very soon. The less money is invested in the industry, the sooner the time will come to make decisions about seriously increasing investments in networks.

The current situation is short-lived - according to various estimates, there are 5 or 10 years left.

We can spend 200 million or a billion - the question is what kind of return the authorities want to see from the city's public utilities. So far, in all regions, they primarily want to have a small tariff. However, low tariff and quality of heat supply are incompatible. Therefore, in fact, the situation is such that we are investing additional our own funds in repairs. But this year in Krasnoyarsk the situation has become sharply complicated by the fact that not only can we not allocate additional money for this, but in general we can barely make ends meet.

- What has changed?

— For example, we will receive less than 400 million rubles per year due to the revision of consumption standards. Today, approximately 60% of our consumers' homes have metering devices; the remaining residents pay their bills according to the standards. Tariffs were set taking into account the previous standard values, and after their sharp reduction, unexpected losses arose. And they are not the only ones. We are losing another 150 million in lost expenses: the tariff was set at the same price for electricity, then it increased - debts arose, which we cover with our own funds.

There are also chronic non-payments by the population for heat: the tariff is calculated based on 100% collection, but this will never happen, even the legislation, modestly downcast, admits that a 2% shortfall is acceptable. Plus interest on loans... In a word, expenses amount to hundreds of millions of rubles a year - but the state pretends that none of this exists, “you somehow decide for yourself.” So we decide.

— In theory, is it worth doing such a business?

— We are doing it for a number of reasons. Firstly, SGK owns the generation, produces heat, and if we try to give away the transport component, the losses may increase: they will try to shift them to the thermal power plant. Secondly, we are still waiting for changes for the better - other approaches to tariff setting, the introduction of tariffs for an alternative boiler house, which will make it possible to turn a costly activity into a business.

The company is making plans and calculating a strategy until 2030-2035, and in the case of an optimistic scenario, the work will become profitable. To do this, we are now ready to suffer losses. However, if nothing changes, we may reconsider our attitude to the situation.

— Okay, what, in your opinion, should the tariff setting system be like?

— Firstly, tariff setting should be simple and understandable. So that everything can be explained to an ignorant person in 20 minutes. If I start talking today about how the tariff works, I will need lectures for 3-4 hours every day for a week.

In the field of tariff setting, the most professional specialists work, there are tons of people, both on the part of those who submit a tariff application and on the part of those who approve it, collect a lot of documents, develop vigorous activity...

In fact, we need simpler and more understandable conditions under which tariffs would be set.

The easiest way today is an alternative boiler room.

How much, for example, would a person who built a boiler room in his yard have to spend on heating? Taking into account all the costs of maintenance, repair and operation - no less than 1600 rubles. per gigacalorie. Well, give us these funds, we will work normally.

And what happens today? Let's take Krasnoyarsk CHPP-1. There are 3 billion rubles worth of various regulations, including environmental ones, and 1.5 billion worth of urgent technical measures. The station barely makes ends meet, producing 2 million gigacalories - at a price of just over 500 rubles/Gcal.

There are several boiler houses nearby, which charge 1,000 rubles for the same gigacalorie. If these 1,000 rubles are paid for heat from thermal power plants, income from the sale of thermal energy will increase by a billion, we will stop walking around with our hands outstretched, we will properly repair the station - it will become modern and will be updated on time.

But the current short-sighted policy will lead to the fact that the thermal power plant will sooner or later close, and it will still have to be replaced by the same boiler houses for the same price of 1000 rubles.

We could already replace boiler houses, at least improving the current economy of the station and reducing its unprofitability, but there are considerable difficulties with replacement; boiler houses “do not want” to be replaced. And in society itself there is no desire to switch to more efficient sources that can generate cheap heat. But who will be relieved by the fact that in ten years they will have to pay the same 1000 rubles for heat supply to poor boiler houses instead of a thermal power plant - a normal, stably operating enterprise?

It often happens that we would like to see greater readiness of local authorities to meet us halfway. In Krasnoyarsk, however, we have fewer problems than anywhere else, and we are building a constructive dialogue with both the city and regional administrations.

Although there are some discrepancies here too. For example, recently, in connection with a high-profile breakdown of heating networks in Vavilov, the mayor’s office announced the following figure - the city budget subsidizes heating networks in the amount of 800 million rubles. in year. Who gets this money? No one gives subsidies to our company, which supplies 80% of consumers in this market.

According to our estimates, even taking into account the long-term development plans for Krasnoyarsk, SGK is able to meet 100% of the city’s heat demand,

not to mention the fact that this will be a more environmentally friendly heat supply than when using boiler houses. CHP is a beneficial source for the city from any point of view; even the most outdated station is better than the most modern boiler house.

— Mikhail Varfolomeevich, you are talking about the company’s ability to provide heat to the entire city. What will happen in a few years? The question arose as soon as Krasnoyarsk won the right to host competitions as part of the Universiade in 2019. Are the city's heat generating capacities and networks ready for additional loads associated with the introduction of new sports and infrastructure facilities?

— If we take generation, we can cover all the city’s needs for 20 years in advance. Now CHPP-1, for example, produces less than 800 Gcal/hour, but according to the project, turbine outputs alone are designed for almost 1.5 thousand Gcal/hour. Today, generation capacities are largely underutilized. Providing heat to the entire city will not be a problem. The only subtlety is the heating network construction, but this issue can also be resolved.

In general, I would like to note that Krasnoyarsk is the number one city among all the cities where there are SGC enterprises: it has the largest consumption volumes and the most modern stations. And this is the only place where authorities at all levels have taken a very important step - they have established fees for connecting to networks. Using this money, we are building new heating networks and pumping stations, developing infrastructure, making reasonable plans for many years to come.

— Let’s return to networks: when do you think the “point of no return” will come and the system will collapse due to underfunding?

— The question is complex; calculations are needed here. Under-investment will sooner or later turn into a “miser pays twice” situation. If you don’t pay a billion today, in a few years you will have to invest one and a half, or maybe three. The question is who will be the investor.

However, even if we are given an unlimited loan now, it will not be possible to repair all the heating systems in the city right away; life in Krasnoyarsk will have to be stopped for six months. Even with open funding, the repair and replacement of heating networks will require at least three years, during which it would be possible to completely replace dilapidated networks and thereby eliminate accidents.

- All that remains is to find the money.

— If the networks were in good condition, then it would be quite possible to maintain them with the same amounts that are allocated today. The under-repairs from previous years have simply accumulated. Much has been lost in 20 years. The roots of the problem are in the 90s, but if since then the situation in other industries has improved, then in the public utilities they lived on starvation rations, and they continue to live.

At the same time, many myths about heat supply have developed in society.

Like, they steal. Indeed, they steal. In business, everyone has different aspirations. There are those who want to work honestly, transparently, to come for a long time, and those who want to make easy money and run away. It's white and black, and there are plenty of shades of gray in between. There is no system that allows businesses to earn money according to the rules, which means that the number of “whites” is decreasing and the number of “grays” and “blacks” is growing.

When territorial generating companies were sold during the energy reform, many people came into the sector who were planning their business for decades to come and wanted to work honestly and transparently. But if the situation does not change for the better, they will leave, and in their place will appear those who do not plan for more than a year. I don’t think this will have a positive impact on public utilities.

— Let’s touch on another pressing topic: relations with housing organizations. There are also many myths in this area.

— Management companies give us the money they receive from residents with great difficulty. Not because they are born scammers - many management companies are simply placed in conditions where they are required to perform a huge amount of work for a small fee.

At the same time, we have to employ dozens of lawyers, spend energy and money fighting the Criminal Code in order to “scrape out” our own. And this one way or another also falls on the tariff. What to do? We have decided to switch to direct payments to the population - this will allow us to avoid shortfalls in collections and eliminate intermediaries when transferring money. The legislation provides such an opportunity.

- Let's talk about something else. A few years ago, everyone was actively discussing the topic of energy efficiency. Now almost nothing is heard about her...

— Any increase in efficiency in our company is an increase in energy efficiency. If we talk about networks, we install equipment with frequency regulation and adjust hydraulic modes to avoid excessive circulation. During scheduled repairs on highways, we replace old networks with pipelines with modern insulation to reduce heat loss. But such investments take decades to pay off, and the result will be no earlier than in 15 years.

Let me give you an example. In Barnaul, heat loss on networks is now about 30%, and in my native Pskov it is less than 15%, because for 15 years, during scheduled repairs in the city, they were replaced with networks with modern insulation.

In any case, the path to efficiency consists of many small steps. You have to do your daily work, and the result will come, but not soon. To get something later, you need to invest now.

— Mikhail Varfolomeevich, final question. You took the position of General Director of SGC less than a year ago, in October 2013. What tasks did you set for yourself back then and what have you overestimated over the past 8 months?

- You can’t say it in a few words. I have just started making changes to the management system in our company. Today we have managed to create models for predicting the future; by the way, we are already using them in the heating network business. This is necessary to understand what decisions need to be made today in order to become an effective company at the turn of 2030-2035.

The development plan for our business in Krasnoyarsk includes what I have already mentioned: close to 100% coverage of all the city’s heating needs with an economically correct distribution of generation and minimization of costs, taking into account investments in networks, stations and boiler houses, which are needed only as peak, and not basic capacities. This is not an easy decision; in general, we are talking about billions of dollars in investments, which, in turn, will give a billion-dollar effect. I repeat, this requires confidence in the future and transparent rules for setting tariffs.

Today in European countries the share of cogeneration is growing. And here it is falling.

According to calculations by the Ministry of Energy, compared to 1990, heat supply from thermal power plants is only 60%! Preventing further degradation of the technological cycle is already an achievement. And if we manage to do this, the situation will improve after a while.


Kuznetsov Mikhail Varfolomeevich, General Director of the Siberian Generating Company, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the second and third convocations (1995-1999, 1999-2003), former Governor of the Pskov Region.


In 1992 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

Professional activity

From 1986 to 1988 he served in the airborne forces.
In 1991 - expert in the operations department.
From 1991 to 1992 - Deputy Head of the Operations Department.
In 1992 - leading specialist of the internal audit department.
From 1992 to 1993 - Deputy Head of the Conversion Operations Department.
From 1993 to 1994 - Deputy Head of the Department of Currency Control and Position Management.
From 1994 to 1995 - head of the department for ensuring interaction between operational, settlement and accounting departments LLP Commercial Bank "Industry-Service"(Moscow).
In 1994 - founder JSC "Kalorstroytorg"(Moscow).
From 1994 to 1996 - member of the bank's Board of Directors "Moscow Business World"(MDM-Bank).
In 1995, head of the banking audit department LLP "Univers-audit".
In 1995 he joined the LDPR.
In 1995 - Chairman of the charitable foundation of boarding school No. 18 (Kazan).
From 1995 to 1999 - deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the second convocation on the LDPR list (in Tatarstan). He was Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Budget, Taxes, Banks and Finance.
In 1996 - member of the State Duma Temporary Commission for control over the electronic voting system.
Member of the Commission of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States on Economics and Finance.
From 1998 to 1999 - member of the supervisory board of MDM Bank.
In 1999 - Chairman of the charitable foundation for supporting talented youth "Future of Science" (Pskov).
In 1999, he was registered as a candidate for deputy of the State Duma of the third convocation in the Pskov single-mandate electoral district No. 141 as an independent candidate.
From 1999 to 2003 - deputy of the State Duma of the third convocation.
In 2000 - member of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes.
In 2001 - Chairman of the Supervisory Board LLC "Melkombinat Pskovsky"
In 2001 - Chairman of the Board of Directors LLC "Pskov flour mill"".
In 2003, he was nominated as a candidate for deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation in the Pskov single-mandate electoral district No. 141 (Pskov region).
In 2004, he nominated himself for the gubernatorial elections in the Pskov region.
From 2004 to 2009 - governor of the Pskov region.

Since 2013, member of the Board of Directors of the Siberian Generating Company, member of the strategy committee and audit committee. SGK is an energy holding company operating in the Altai Territory, Kemerovo Region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, and the Republic of Khakassia.

International master of sports in parachuting, twice Russian record holder, Russian champion, silver medalist of the European Cup, bronze medalist of the 2004 World Championship.

Married, has two sons and a daughter.
His wife, Elena, is a geologist by training.

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He served in the Gaizhunai Airborne Forces training center, then in the Tula Airborne Division. He worked in a number of commercial banks, including Premier Bank. In 1993, he was one of the founders of MDM Bank; a year and a half after its creation, the bank became one of the thirty largest banks in Russia. He worked as deputy chairman and chairman of the board of MDM Bank.

In 1997-2002 he worked on the implementation of the program for the socio-economic development of the Pskov region. As part of this program, a children's regional hospital was built in Pskov, a significant part of Velikiye Luki was gasified, gas pipelines were laid in Loknya, Bezhanitsy, Ostrov, and construction of a gas pipeline in Nevel began. In 2001, he became chairman of the board of directors of Pskov Mill Plant LLC.

In 2002, in the elections to the Pskov Regional Assembly, he headed the electoral bloc “Kuznetsov, Polozov, Savitsky - together for the future!” According to the voting results, the bloc took third place, gaining 15% and receiving two mandates in the regional parliament.

At the 13th Russian Championship in 2006 in parachute group acrobatics, the Sky Panthers team set a national record - 42 figures, thereby equating the Russian national achievement with the world one. And in August 2010, at the World Championships, the team, having completed 56 figures, set a new world record, which has not yet been broken.

Married, has two sons and a daughter.

Mikhail Kuznetsov is leaving the position of General Director of the Siberian Generating Company (SGK), part of the SUEK group. Stepan Solzhenitsyn, who previously worked as a senior partner in the Russian office of the international consulting company McKinsey, will be appointed as the new head of the company.

Mikhail Kuznetsov has held the position of General Director of SGK since October 1, 2013. During his tenure, the company completed the implementation of a large-scale investment program within the framework of the CSA on time and in full. Due to the acquisition of new assets and replacement of heat sources in the cities of presence, the installed electrical and thermal capacity of SGK increased by 40%, the number of thermal energy consumers in six regions of Siberia reached 5 million people.

The activities of Mikhail Kuznetsov were commented on by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of SUEK JSC Alexander Landia.

Mikhail Kuznetsov

General Director of SGC

Mikhail Kuznetsov described the new challenges facing the company.

Mikhail Kuznetsov

General Director of SGC

“Now other tasks are coming to the fore. It is necessary to improve internal corporate management, integrate business processes with the parent company SUEK, and plan participation in the energy capacity modernization program (CSA-2). All these tasks require a new leader with appropriate training, work experience, and most importantly, new motivation. I am confident that Stepan Solzhenitsyn has all the necessary qualities and will successfully fulfill the tasks that life sets for the company. I am grateful to the shareholders and people with whom I have worked side by side over the years for our joint work. The five-year period of work at SGC was the most productive period in my life, the time when I was able to reveal my potential as a leader in the best possible way.”

Stepan Solzhenitsyn will be appointed as the new General Director of SGK LLC. In this post, he will solve the problems of modernizing energy enterprises, developing heat supply infrastructure, and increasing the environmental efficiency of facilities.

Stepan Solzhenitsyn is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, specializing in regulatory and environmental aspects of energy. He has worked in the Russian office of McKinsey since 2004, being responsible for the electricity and heat supply business. Managed projects in the field of energy generation, development and operation of networks, and sales activities.

The heat and power industry lives according to its own calendar: the next heating season ended in Krasnoyarsk at the end of May. DELA.ru spoke with Mikhail Kuznetsov, General Director of the Siberian Generating Company (SGK), about its main results, the most pressing problems - everyone is hearing about the recent utility accidents on heating networks - opportunities and plans for the near and distant future.

Siberian Generating Company

— Mikhail Varfolomeevich, what are the main results of this season, how was it compared to previous years?

— Everything is as usual, except that the accident rate has increased. And this happened on all networks without exception - not only in Krasnoyarsk, but in all regions of SGC presence. However, the growth dynamics were approximately the same as two years and a year ago.

Nevertheless, despite the objective difficulties, pressures and force majeure circumstances, our employees coped with their work and completed the season with honor, which once again became a serious test.

— What do you think is responsible for the increase in accidents?

— With the chronic underfunding of the industry, which has been taking place over the last 20 years, this is especially true for heat transportation. Lack of funds for repairs is our main problem. With such funding as it is today, it would be strange to expect something different in the end.

— Does this apply to the entire thermal power industry in general?

— Absolutely all, without exception. There is no region where heating network activities would be financed more or less adequately: in the amount necessary to reduce the accident rate.

— How much is this in monetary terms?

— It is impossible to answer this question, just like the question, for example, how much money is needed to be happy. Even if we receive less funds than the amount allocated this year, we will still continue to provide homes with heat - another thing is that this will be accompanied by an increasing number of accidents. The second circumstance: with low funding, the end will come very soon. The less money is invested in the industry, the sooner the time will come to make decisions about seriously increasing investments in networks.

The current situation is short-lived - according to various estimates, there are 5 or 10 years left.

We can spend 200 million or a billion - the question is what kind of return the authorities want to see from the city's public utilities. So far, in all regions, they primarily want to have a small tariff. However, low tariff and quality of heat supply are incompatible. Therefore, in fact, the situation is such that we are investing additional our own funds in repairs. But this year in Krasnoyarsk the situation has become sharply complicated by the fact that not only can we not allocate additional money for this, but in general we can barely make ends meet.

- What has changed?

— For example, we will receive less than 400 million rubles per year due to the revision of consumption standards. Today, approximately 60% of our consumers' homes have metering devices; the remaining residents pay their bills according to the standards. Tariffs were set taking into account the previous standard values, and after their sharp reduction, unexpected losses arose. And they are not the only ones. We are losing another 150 million in lost expenses: the tariff was set at the same price for electricity, then it increased - debts arose, which we cover with our own funds.

There are also chronic non-payments by the population for heat: the tariff is calculated based on 100% collection, but this will never happen, even the legislation, modestly downcast, admits that a 2% shortfall is acceptable. Plus interest on loans... In a word, expenses amount to hundreds of millions of rubles a year - but the state pretends that none of this exists, “you somehow decide for yourself.” So we decide.

— In theory, is it worth doing such a business?

— We are doing it for a number of reasons. Firstly, SGK owns the generation, produces heat, and if we try to give away the transport component, the losses may increase: they will try to shift them to the thermal power plant. Secondly, we are still waiting for changes for the better - other approaches to tariff setting, the introduction of tariffs for an alternative boiler house, which will make it possible to turn a costly activity into a business.

The company is making plans and calculating a strategy until 2030-2035, and in the case of an optimistic scenario, the work will become profitable. To do this, we are now ready to suffer losses. However, if nothing changes, we may reconsider our attitude to the situation.

— Okay, what, in your opinion, should the tariff setting system be like?

— Firstly, tariff setting should be simple and understandable. So that everything can be explained to an ignorant person in 20 minutes. If I start talking today about how the tariff works, I will need lectures for 3-4 hours every day for a week.

In the field of tariff setting, the most professional specialists work, there are tons of people, both on the part of those who submit a tariff application and on the part of those who approve it, collect a lot of documents, develop vigorous activity...

In fact, we need simpler and more understandable conditions under which tariffs would be set.

The easiest way today is an alternative boiler room.

How much, for example, would a person who built a boiler room in his yard have to spend on heating? Taking into account all the costs of maintenance, repair and operation - no less than 1600 rubles. per gigacalorie. Well, give us these funds, we will work normally.

And what happens today? Let's take Krasnoyarsk CHPP-1. There are 3 billion rubles worth of various regulations, including environmental ones, and 1.5 billion worth of urgent technical measures. The station barely makes ends meet, producing 2 million gigacalories - at a price of just over 500 rubles/Gcal.

There are several boiler houses nearby, which charge 1,000 rubles for the same gigacalorie. If these 1,000 rubles are paid for heat from thermal power plants, income from the sale of thermal energy will increase by a billion, we will stop walking around with our hands outstretched, we will properly repair the station - it will become modern and will be updated on time.

But the current short-sighted policy will lead to the fact that the thermal power plant will sooner or later close, and it will still have to be replaced by the same boiler houses for the same price of 1000 rubles.

We could already replace boiler houses, at least improving the current economy of the station and reducing its unprofitability, but there are considerable difficulties with replacement; boiler houses “do not want” to be replaced. And in society itself there is no desire to switch to more efficient sources that can generate cheap heat. But who will be relieved by the fact that in ten years they will have to pay the same 1000 rubles for heat supply to poor boiler houses instead of a thermal power plant - a normal, stably operating enterprise?

It often happens that we would like to see greater readiness of local authorities to meet us halfway. In Krasnoyarsk, however, we have fewer problems than anywhere else, and we are building a constructive dialogue with both the city and regional administrations.

Although there are some discrepancies here too. For example, recently, in connection with a high-profile breakdown of heating networks in Vavilov, the mayor’s office announced the following figure - the city budget subsidizes heating networks in the amount of 800 million rubles. in year. Who gets this money? No one gives subsidies to our company, which supplies 80% of consumers in this market.

According to our estimates, even taking into account the long-term development plans for Krasnoyarsk, SGK is able to meet 100% of the city’s heat demand,

not to mention the fact that this will be a more environmentally friendly heat supply than when using boiler houses. CHP is a beneficial source for the city from any point of view; even the most outdated station is better than the most modern boiler house.

— Mikhail Varfolomeevich, you are talking about the company’s ability to provide heat to the entire city. What will happen in a few years? The question arose as soon as Krasnoyarsk won the right to host competitions as part of the Universiade in 2019. Are the city's heat generating capacities and networks ready for additional loads associated with the introduction of new sports and infrastructure facilities?

— If we take generation, we can cover all the city’s needs for 20 years in advance. Now CHPP-1, for example, produces less than 800 Gcal/hour, but according to the project, turbine outputs alone are designed for almost 1.5 thousand Gcal/hour. Today, generation capacities are largely underutilized. Providing heat to the entire city will not be a problem. The only subtlety is the heating network construction, but this issue can also be resolved.

In general, I would like to note that Krasnoyarsk is the number one city among all the cities where there are SGC enterprises: it has the largest consumption volumes and the most modern stations. And this is the only place where authorities at all levels have taken a very important step - they have established fees for connecting to networks. Using this money, we are building new heating networks and pumping stations, developing infrastructure, making reasonable plans for many years to come.

— Let’s return to networks: when do you think the “point of no return” will come and the system will collapse due to underfunding?

— The question is complex; calculations are needed here. Under-investment will sooner or later turn into a “miser pays twice” situation. If you don’t pay a billion today, in a few years you will have to invest one and a half, or maybe three. The question is who will be the investor.

However, even if we are given an unlimited loan now, it will not be possible to repair all the heating systems in the city right away; life in Krasnoyarsk will have to be stopped for six months. Even with open funding, the repair and replacement of heating networks will require at least three years, during which it would be possible to completely replace dilapidated networks and thereby eliminate accidents.

- All that remains is to find the money.

— If the networks were in good condition, then it would be quite possible to maintain them with the same amounts that are allocated today. The under-repairs from previous years have simply accumulated. Much has been lost in 20 years. The roots of the problem are in the 90s, but if since then the situation in other industries has improved, then in the public utilities they lived on starvation rations, and they continue to live.

At the same time, many myths about heat supply have developed in society.

Like, they steal. Indeed, they steal. In business, everyone has different aspirations. There are those who want to work honestly, transparently, to come for a long time, and those who want to make easy money and run away. It's white and black, and there are plenty of shades of gray in between. There is no system that allows businesses to earn money according to the rules, which means that the number of “whites” is decreasing and the number of “grays” and “blacks” is growing.

When territorial generating companies were sold during the energy reform, many people came into the sector who were planning their business for decades to come and wanted to work honestly and transparently. But if the situation does not change for the better, they will leave, and in their place will appear those who do not plan for more than a year. I don’t think this will have a positive impact on public utilities.

— Let’s touch on another pressing topic: relations with housing organizations. There are also many myths in this area.

— Management companies give us the money they receive from residents with great difficulty. Not because they are born scammers - many management companies are simply placed in conditions where they are required to perform a huge amount of work for a small fee.

At the same time, we have to employ dozens of lawyers, spend energy and money fighting the Criminal Code in order to “scrape out” our own. And this one way or another also falls on the tariff. What to do? We have decided to switch to direct payments to the population - this will allow us to avoid shortfalls in collections and eliminate intermediaries when transferring money. The legislation provides such an opportunity.

- Let's talk about something else. A few years ago, everyone was actively discussing the topic of energy efficiency. Now almost nothing is heard about her...

— Any increase in efficiency in our company is an increase in energy efficiency. If we talk about networks, we install equipment with frequency regulation and adjust hydraulic modes to avoid excessive circulation. During scheduled repairs on highways, we replace old networks with pipelines with modern insulation to reduce heat loss. But such investments take decades to pay off, and the result will be no earlier than in 15 years.

Let me give you an example. In Barnaul, heat loss on networks is now about 30%, and in my native Pskov it is less than 15%, because for 15 years, during scheduled repairs in the city, they were replaced with networks with modern insulation.

In any case, the path to efficiency consists of many small steps. You have to do your daily work, and the result will come, but not soon. To get something later, you need to invest now.

— Mikhail Varfolomeevich, final question. You took the position of General Director of SGC less than a year ago, in October 2013. What tasks did you set for yourself back then and what have you overestimated over the past 8 months?

- You can’t say it in a few words. I have just started making changes to the management system in our company. Today we have managed to create models for predicting the future; by the way, we are already using them in the heating network business. This is necessary to understand what decisions need to be made today in order to become an effective company at the turn of 2030-2035.

The development plan for our business in Krasnoyarsk includes what I have already mentioned: close to 100% coverage of all the city’s heating needs with an economically correct distribution of generation and minimization of costs, taking into account investments in networks, stations and boiler houses, which are needed only as peak, and not basic capacities. This is not an easy decision; in general, we are talking about billions of dollars in investments, which, in turn, will give a billion-dollar effect. I repeat, this requires confidence in the future and transparent rules for setting tariffs.

Today in European countries the share of cogeneration is growing. And here it is falling.

According to calculations by the Ministry of Energy, compared to 1990, heat supply from thermal power plants is only 60%! Preventing further degradation of the technological cycle is already an achievement. And if we manage to do this, the situation will improve after a while.

