Prayer to the Mother of God. Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Virgin Lady Theotokos, who bore in her womb the Savior Christ and our God, I place all my hope in You, I trust in You, the highest of all Heavenly forces . You, Most Pure One, protect me with Your Divine grace. Direct my life and guide me in accordance with the holy will of Your Son and our God. Grant me remission of sins, be my refuge, protection, protection and guide, leading me into eternal life. In the terrible hour of death, do not leave me, my Lady, but hasten to help me and deliver me from the bitter torment of demons. For in Your will you also have power; Do this as truly the Mother of God and sovereign over all. Accept the worthy gifts brought to You alone by us, Your unworthy servants, most merciful, all-holy Lady Mother of God, chosen from all generations, who turned out to be superior to every creature in heaven and earth. Since through You we came to know the Son of God, through You the Lord of hosts became with us, and we were made worthy of His holy Body and Blood, then blessed are You throughout all generations, most blessed of God, most holy of the Cherubim and most glorious of the Seraphim; and now, praying, O All-Holy Mother of God, do not cease to beg for us, Thy unworthy servants, to free us from every wiles of the evil one and from every extreme, and to keep us unwounded in every poisonous attack. Even to the end, through Your prayers, keep us uncondemned, so that, saved by Your intercession and Your help, we will always send glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship to the one God in the Trinity and the Creator of all. Good and most blessed Lady, Mother of the good, all-good and all-good God, look upon the prayer of Thy unworthy and indecent servant with Thy merciful eye, and act with me according to the great mercy of Thy ineffable compassion and do not look at my sins, both in word and in deed, and with every feeling done, voluntarily and involuntarily, with knowledge and in ignorance, and renew me all, making me the temple of the all-holy, life-giving and sovereign Spirit, Who is the power of the Most High, and overshadowed Your all-pure womb, and dwelt in it. For You are the helper of the weary, the representative of the needy, the savior of the distressed, the haven of the troubled, the protector and intercessor of those in extremity. Grant to Your servant contrition, silence of thoughts, constancy of thought, a chaste mind, sobriety of soul, a humble way of thinking, a holy and sober mood of spirit, a prudent and well-ordered disposition, which serves as a sign of spiritual composure, as well as piety and peace, which our Lord gave to His disciples. May my prayer come to Thy holy temple and to the dwelling place of Thy glory; May my eyes be drained of sources of tears, and may You wash me with my own tears, whiten me with streams of my tears, cleansing me from the filth of passions. Blot out the handwriting of my sins, dispel the clouds of my sorrow, darkness and confusion of thoughts, remove from me the storm and desire of passions, keep me in serenity and silence, expand my heart with spiritual expansion, rejoice and rejoice me with unspeakable joy, unceasing joy, so that in the right paths of the commandments I followed Thy Son faithfully and with a blameless conscience I lived an untroubled life. Give me, praying before You, pure prayer, so that with an undisturbed mind, unwandering meditation and with an insatiable soul, I may constantly study the words of the Divine Scriptures day and night, sing in confession, and in the joy of my heart bring prayer to the glory, honor and magnification of the only begotten Son. Yours and our Lord Jesus Christ. To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, now, and always, and unto the ages of ages! Amen.

The Orthodox love and venerate the Most Holy Theotokos very much, many prayers are addressed to her, canons are read in her honor and church services are performed. She is an example of piety and holiness. Many turn specifically to the Mother of God, through her asking for intercession before the Lord. In Orthodox prayer books there are special ones - holiday prayers, and best prayers Mother of God for every day of the week.

But I want to offer you short prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos that will help you in any difficult situations

These prayers give the most precious thing that can be ─ hope! Hope for help from Heaven! Choose one or two prayers and read them when the intercession and help of the Mother of God is especially needed.

This wonderful prayer must be read every day, and Holy Mother of God will cover us with His honest omophorion and gracious intercession!
“To my Queen, my Hope, to the Mother of God, the Friend of the orphans and the strange, to the Representative, to the grieving, to the Joy of the offended, to the Patroness!
See my misfortune, see my sorrow;
help me, for I am weak, feed me, for I am strange!
Weigh my offense - resolve it, like voles!
For I have no other help but You, no other Representative, no good Comforter, except You, O Mother of God!
May you preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen".

Translation from Church Slavonic into Russian :
“My most blessed Queen, my Hope, Mother of God,
shelter for orphans and wanderers, protector,
Joy to the mourners, patroness of the offended!
You see my misfortune, you see my sorrow;
help me as a weak person, guide me as a stranger.
You know my offense: resolve it according to Your will.
For I have no help other than You,
no other Protector,
nor the good Comforter -
only You, O Mother of God:
may you preserve me and protect me forever and ever. Amen".

“All-merciful, my Lady, Most Holy Lady, All-Pure Virgin, Mother of God Mary, Mother of God, undoubted and my only Hope, do not disdain me, do not reject me, do not leave me, do not depart from me; intercede, ask, hear; see, Lady, help, forgive, forgive, Most Pure One!”

“Open doors of mercy for us, blessed Mother of God, who trust in You, so that we may not perish, but may be delivered from troubles by You: for You are the salvation of the Christian race.”

“Most Holy Lady Theotokos, help me in all my affairs and deliver me from all needs and sorrow. Most Holy Lady Theotokos, protect me from all evil and cover me with Your honest omophorion. Amen ».

“Oh, All-Merciful Lady, Virgin Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven! By Your Nativity You saved the human race from the eternal torment of the devil: for from You Christ was born, our Savior. Look with your mercy on this (name), deprived of God’s mercy and grace, intercede with Your maternal boldness and Your prayers from Your Son, Christ our God, so that He may send down His grace from above on this perishing one. O Most Blessed One! You are the hope of the unreliable, You are the salvation of the desperate, may the enemy not rejoice over his soul!”

“My Lady Theotokos, I humbly pray to You, look at me with your merciful eye and do not disdain me, all that is darkened, all that is defiled, all that is immersed in the mire of pleasures and passions, all that is fallen in the cruelty and cannot rise: have mercy on me and give me a helping hand, to raise me up from the depths of sin.
Deliver me from those who have bypassed me; enlighten your face upon Thy servant, save the perishing, cleanse the defiled, raise up the fallen; for you can do all things, as the Mother of the Almighty God.
Pour upon me the oil of Thy mercy, and give me the wine of tenderness: for You truly have the only hope of gain in my life.
Do not reject me, who flows to You, but see my sorrow, O Virgin, and the desire of my soul, and accept this and save me, Intercessor of my salvation. Amen."

Prayer of thanksgiving:

“Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.”

Of course, you can pray in your own words, calling on the Mother of God with her prayer cover to help you and your loved ones

Religious reading: the most powerful prayer to the Holy Mother of God to help our readers.

Mother's prayers have enormous power. And prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos for children strengthen this power many times over. They are of great importance to children. It is believed that it is prayers coming from a loving mother’s heart that the Lord accepts immediately. Moreover, prayers addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos with a request to send mercy on children. She is the kindest and most affectionate Mother of the whole earth, tirelessly praying and asking for mercy from her son Jesus Christ. Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos for children are some of the most powerful in the entire prayer book.

The Lord accepts every prayer coming from a mother’s loving heart with joy. After all, there is nothing more sincere than a mother’s prayer for her children. Moreover, the fruits of such prayer are limitless. However, parents should choose the words of prayer correctly, since it is a great sin to pray for a benefit that will be received to the detriment of others. There is also no need to inquire about a sinful matter. Of course, a person has every right to ask the Lord for material, earthly things, for example, about the health of children, about their family well-being, about academic success, about material wealth, but in prayers one should not forget about higher, spiritual values ​​and the plans of the Lord himself.

Every mother can always turn to the Most Holy Theotokos with the words of her heart. But the church also offers prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos for children.

Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The history of the Intercession holiday has its roots in the distant past. It is celebrated in mid-autumn – October 14th. It is believed that on this day the Mother of God sheds special mercy on everyone who turns to her. Therefore, prayer on the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos for children is considered the strongest and most powerful. Most often, the Virgin Mary is asked for protection and patronage on this day. But everyone knows that this holiday is associated with marriage. Therefore, mothers on this day can ask for a successful marriage of their daughters. Those whom the Lord has not yet blessed with children may ask about an early pregnancy and a healthy baby. Immense power has the following prayer on the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos for children.

Prayer for the Feast of the Intercession

“O Virgin Mary, Most Holy Theotokos, protect and envelop with Your cover my children (names), all children in our family, teenagers, babies, baptized and unnamed, carried in the womb. Cover them with the robe of Your maternal love, teach them the fear of God and obedience to their parents, ask the Lord, Your Son, to grant them salvation. I completely rely on Your Motherly vision, since You are the Divine Protection of all Your servants.

Most Holy Virgin, endow me with the image of Your Divine motherhood. Heal the mental and physical ailments of my children (names), which we, parents, inflicted on them through our sins. I completely entrust to the Lord Jesus Christ and to You, Most Pure Mother of God, the entire fate of my children. Amen".

The prayer for the children of the Most Holy Theotokos on the Feast of the Intercession will definitely be heard by the Lord.

Prayers for the birth of healthy children

As sad as it may be, today the problem of infertility is quite acute. Despite the fact that modern medicine has made some progress, most married couples still suffer because the long-awaited soul never comes into their lives. However, there is a way out. In most cases, simply sincerely praying to the Lord is enough. The prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for the gift of children is incredibly effective. This can be confirmed by everyone who has been given frightening diagnoses by doctors and who, despite everything, is now enjoying happy parenthood.

The Tolgskaya icon of the Mother of God provides special assistance in healing women’s ailments and giving birth to children. Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos for children in front of this icon can create a real miracle.

“Oh, Most Holy Virgin Mary, Holy Cherub and Seraphim, Holiest of all! You, All-Loving Mother, You showed Your multi-healing icon to the blessed Saint Tryphon and with it you worked many miracles, and to this day You work out of mercy for all of us. We fall down and fervently pray to You in front of Your most pure image, O our Intercessor. In our long-suffering life, do not deprive us, Your servants, of Your merciful protection.

Save us and protect us, O Sovereign, from the piercing arrows of the crafty demon. Strengthen our faith and our will to everything righteous, so as to always follow the commandments of Christ, soften our stony hearts with boundless love for the Lord and all our neighbors, grant us heartfelt repentance and crush the devil in our hearts. May it be cleansed of all the filth of sin, and may we be able to bring to the Lord the fruits of our good deeds.

Oh, All-Merciful Lady! In this terrible hour, show us Your powerful protection, come to the aid of us, defenseless, protect us with Your hand from fierce evil, for Your prayer can bring much good to our Lord, Your Son.

Looking at Your Holy Image, we worship You with hope and humility, we convey our entire essence to You and prayerfully magnify You with the appearance of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. To Him belongs all power, honor and praise. Amen".

In some sources you can find the statement that this is also a strong prayer for sick children to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

“Oh, All-Blessed Lady, Most Pure Virgin Mary, accept these prayers, brought to you with tears from us, Your unworthy servants before Your healing image, for only You can hear our prayers and fulfill every will of the one who asks.

Ease the sorrow of all sinners who repent and pray for forgiveness, cleanse the body and spirit of lepers, drive away all demons, deliver from offenses, forgive all sins and have mercy on small children. Free from the prisons and shackles of worldly passions, You, Righteous Lady, the Most Holy Theotokos, for everything is done only by Your intercession to Your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Oh, Blessed Mother of God, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin Mary! Do not cease to pray for us, Your unworthy servants, who glorify You and holy name Lord and those who worship Your most pure image. Amen".

A mother’s prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for her children, coming from her very soul, will always help in all difficulties and troubles.

After reading these strongest prayers, you can ask the Virgin Mary in your own words for the gift of a child. The prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for the birth of a child in this case will have several hundred times greater power.

If children are sick

Any mother in grief calls out to the Lord asking for the healing of her sick child. And this is correct, since no one else is able to console her and help her. The prayer for the children of the Most Holy Theotokos is the cry of every mother grieving for her sick child. There are some powerful prayers of the Mother of God for help with illnesses of children. You can also pray in your own words. The pain in the heart of a mother whose child is sick will definitely be heard. You can also ask accepted prayers christian church. The following prayer for sick children is incredibly powerful.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon called “Healer”

“Oh, Almighty, All-Blessed Lady, Lady Virgin Mary, accept these prayers brought to You with tears in our eyes from us, Your unworthy servants asking before Your healing image with tenderness, as if You are Yourself omnipresent and listening to our prayers. For every request you make, you alleviate sorrow, you grant health to the weak, you heal from all sorts of ailments, you drive away demons, you deliver from insults and troubles, you cleanse lepers and help little children, Lady Theotokos, you heal from all passions. Only through Your intercession to the Son of God do we warm hope for the healing of our child (name). Be merciful, convey this request to Your Son and give us hope and faith in the miracles You perform. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

A prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for the health of children will definitely be heard, even if you say it in your own words. The main thing is to believe in her power and mercy.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On September 21, all Christians celebrate one of the important holidays Orthodox Church - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This blessed day is directly connected with the holy parents of the Virgin Mary - Joachim and Anna. For a long time The Lord did not send them children, and they tirelessly prayed to Him for a miracle. As a result, the Lord heeded their prayers and sent them a daughter - the Virgin Mary.

All women who, for one reason or another, cannot have children will be blessed if they begin to pray tirelessly on the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The prayer for children on this day is so strong that its fruits can come in a short time.

Prayer for conceiving a child to the Blessed Virgin Mary

“Oh, Immaculate, Blessed Virgin Mary, begged from the Lord with holy prayers, given to God, loved by the Lord, chosen by the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ for her purity of soul and body. Who will glorify You or not, because Your Birth is our salvation.

Accept our prayer from Your unworthy servants, do not reject the prayer of our heart. We glorify You again and again, we glorify Your greatness, we fall before You with tenderness, as to the quick intercessor of a child-loving intercessor. We pray to You, ask Your Son Jesus Christ, our God, to grant us, unworthy, a pious life, so that we may live as it pleases our God, and for the benefit of our souls.

Oh, Most Holy Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven, look with all Your mercy on Your servants who have turned to You, who have not yet been able to acquire offspring, and through Your all-powerful intercession have sent down healing from infertility. Oh, Mother of God, hear our prayers, quench our sorrow and grant us the courage to live in goodness.

We humbly resort to You and pray, ask our All-Merciful Lord for forgiveness for all the sins we have committed willingly and without our will. And ask everything that we need in a righteous life from Your Son, Christ the Savior.

You are our only hope in the hour of death, give us a Christian death and lead us into the Kingdom of the Lord. Together with all the saints, we pray to You tirelessly and glorify the one Lord, Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

At the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, prayer for children is especially strong. You can also pray to the Virgin Mary for the health of your children or for a happy future.

Prayer for children to the Most Holy Theotokos will always be heard and accepted.

Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary for every day

The Orthodox love and venerate the Most Holy Theotokos very much, many prayers are addressed to her, canons are read in her honor and church services are performed. She is an example of piety and holiness. Many turn specifically to the Mother of God, through her asking for intercession before the Lord. Orthodox prayer books contain both special holiday prayers and the best prayers to the Mother of God for every day of the week.

But I want to offer you short prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos that will help you in any difficult situations

These prayers give the most precious thing that can be ─ hope! Hope for help from Heaven! Choose one or two prayers and read them when the intercession and help of the Mother of God is especially needed.

“To my Queen, my Hope, to the Mother of God, the Friend of the orphans and the strange, to the Representative, to the grieving, to the Joy of the offended, to the Patroness!

See my misfortune, see my sorrow;

help me, for I am weak, feed me, for I am strange!

Weigh my offense - resolve it, like volishes!

For I have no other help but You, no other Representative, no good Comforter, except You, O Mother of God!

May you preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen".

Translation from Church Slavonic into Russian :

“My most blessed Queen, my Hope, Mother of God,

shelter for orphans and wanderers, protector,

Joy to the mourners, patroness of the offended!

You see my misfortune, you see my sorrow;

help me as a weak person, guide me as a stranger.

You know my offense: resolve it according to Your will.

For I have no help other than You,

no other Protector,

nor the good Comforter -

only You, O Mother of God:

may you preserve me and protect me forever and ever. Amen".

“All-merciful, my Lady, Most Holy Lady, All-Pure Virgin, Mother of God Mary, Mother of God, undoubted and my only Hope, do not disdain me, do not reject me, do not leave me, do not depart from me; intercede, ask, hear; see, Lady, help, forgive, forgive, Most Pure One!”

“Open doors of mercy for us, blessed Mother of God, who trust in You, so that we may not perish, but may be delivered from troubles by You: for You are the salvation of the Christian race.”

“Most Holy Lady Theotokos, help me in all my affairs and deliver me from all needs and sorrow. Most Holy Lady Theotokos, protect me from all evil and cover me with Your honest omophorion. Amen ».

“Oh, All-Merciful Lady, Virgin Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven! By Your Nativity You saved the human race from the eternal torment of the devil: for from You Christ was born, our Savior. Look with your mercy on this (name), deprived of God’s mercy and grace, intercede with Your maternal boldness and Your prayers from Your Son, Christ our God, so that He may send down His grace from above on this perishing one. O Most Blessed One! You are the hope of the unreliable, You are the salvation of the desperate, may the enemy not rejoice over his soul!”

“My Lady Theotokos, I humbly pray to You, look at me with your merciful eye and do not disdain me, all that is darkened, all that is defiled, all that is immersed in the mire of pleasures and passions, all that is fallen in the cruelty and cannot rise: have mercy on me and give me a helping hand, to raise me up from the depths of sin.

Deliver me from those who have bypassed me; enlighten Thy face upon Thy servant, save the perishing, cleanse the defiled, raise up the fallen; for you can do all things, as the Mother of the Almighty God.

Pour upon me the oil of Thy mercy, and give me the wine of tenderness: for You truly have the only hope of gain in my life.

Do not reject me, who flows to You, but see my sorrow, O Virgin, and the desire of my soul, and accept this and save me, Intercessor of my salvation. Amen."

“Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.”

Of course, you can pray in your own words, calling on the Mother of God with her prayer cover to help you and your loved ones

Prayer to Our Lady of Kazan

The prayer of the Kazan Mother of God is a very powerful tool for believers, which can help with any adversity in the most difficult life situations. But before you start praying in front of this icon, you need to know specifically what you need to ask. Prayer allows you to heal both physically and spiritually. But it is very important to believe in the power of this icon, which miraculously appeared among believers.

In 1579, a terrible fire in Kazan devastated most of the city. It arose as a result of hot weather, which remained long time. In the ruins of buildings, the icon of the Kazan Mother of God was found safe and sound. She was seen in the night dreams of the girl Matryona, who was the daughter of a local merchant.

The most powerful prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos of Kazan Mother of God

The powerful prayer of the Kazan Mother of God can work real miracles. The power of prayer lies directly in the strength of the spiritual faith of the person praying. Therefore, for non-believers this prayer will be absolutely useless. It is not necessary to perform a strong prayer in a temple; it can be done at home. It is better to offer prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in the morning; it is important to do this in a good mood.

Prayer for health and healing from illnesses

You can read a prayer for health and healing not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. This can be done every time you visit the temple. But when effective help is needed for healing from a specific illness, then you need to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God every day in the morning.

It is important to wake up, wash yourself with holy water and tune in to the positive. In order for a prayer to be heard, it is imperative to banish disturbing thoughts from your head; there must be faith and sincere hope in your soul that the current life situation will definitely be resolved positively. You need to pray in front of the icon with a lit church candle.

Kneeling down, you should say the following prayer words:

Prayer for children

Every mother wishes happy life to my children. You can help bring happiness into the lives of your own children by praying in front of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. This prayer should be offered while standing, and your gaze should be turned to the east.

The text of the prayer is:

Prayer for help in conceiving a child and during pregnancy

Often married women turn to the Most Holy Theotokos for help in order to conceive a child. Women carrying a child also ask for help in childbirth.

The text of the prayer may sound like this:

In order for the birth to be easy and the pregnancy to be successful, you can also use the above prayer. In it, you additionally need to thank for the opportunity given by the Lord God to give birth to a child and ask for successful permission.

Prayer before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God for marriage and love

Young girls who want to get married can turn to Kazan Mary of God. In such cases, it is enough to simply sincerely express your request. The Blessed Virgin Mary is often turned to in cases of unrequited love.

Full prayer text

Text full of prayer in front of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God about marriage sounds as follows:

Short version text

You can turn to the Most Holy Theotokos with a request for marriage using a short prayer text. But you need to read it in the evening for a month. You must first visit the church and purchase 30 church candles and an icon of the Virgin Mary. At home, you should place one of the candles near your bed on the table, and place an icon next to it.

You need to pray with the following words:

After the prayer is read, you need to go to bed and, it is very important not to talk to anyone that evening. The candle should be left to burn out naturally. The cinders cannot be thrown away; they must be collected and hidden in a secluded place inaccessible to others. A month later you need to go to the temple again and light a candle in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In this case, you need to say the following prayer words:

When is the day of remembrance of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God?

The icon of the Kazan Mother of God belongs to special images, which are considered guides for believers. This Shrine is capable of indicating Right way lost souls, she will help all those in need who sincerely seek help.

The Day of Remembrance of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God is celebrated twice a year: in summer and autumn. IN summer period The holiday falls on July 21st. This day is associated with the dream of a little girl, the merchant daughter Matryona. It was she who, in her night dreams, saw that there was a Shrine on the fire and brought her mother there. The story goes that after one of the lists was handed over to Ivan the Terrible, the king built a monastery in which Matryona became abbess.

The autumn holiday falls on November 4th. This date is connected with the fact that in troubled times, Russian soldiers, thanks to the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, managed to liberate Moscow from the Poles. It was on November 4 that the Kazan Cathedral was opened on Red Square in Moscow.

Icons and lists that have survived to this day

This prayer was sent to believers in a miraculous way. As you know, it was discovered by the daughter of the merchant Matryona after a strong fire in Kazan. Since then, copies have been made many times from the original, which also have miraculous powers.

The first copy of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God was made in 1579. He was subsequently handed over to Tsar Ivan the Terrible in Moscow. After some time, the list was transferred in 1636 to the Kazan Cathedral built on Red Square. And in 1737, the icon was placed in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in St. Petersburg. But in 1811, it was again decided to return the icon to the Kazan Cathedral.

Second famous list was made in 1611. A period of troubled times has arrived. Therefore, the new icon was intended directly for Dmitry Pozharsky, who led the militia army that defended Moscow from the Poles.

The icon of the Kazan Mother of God was famous for its powerful force, so many churches wanted to have it on their iconostasis. Therefore, a huge number of lists were made in the 18th century. But, unfortunately, it so happened that the original icon was lost. In the 20th century, the Shrine was stolen and disappeared without a trace.

Lists made with miraculous icon, quickly spread throughout the world. Many of them were taken abroad after the 1917 revolution. Modern Russian Orthodox Church strive to ensure that the Shrines are returned to their historical homeland. Currently the most ancient list can be seen in the Tretyakov Gallery. This icon is dated 1606.

There is also a Shrine in the residence of the Moscow Patriarch. It was handed over as a sign of the end of the confrontation by the Roman Catholic Church. It is believed that the list closest to the original is in the Prince Vladimir Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

Listen to the troparion to the Kazan Most Holy Theotokos:

If the prayer of the righteous can do much, then all the more powerful is the prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Even during Her earthly life, She found grace from the Lord and turned to Him with intercession for those who asked for Her help and intercession.

The Most Holy Theotokos was awarded special grace and closeness to the Throne of God after Her Dormition. She moved to Heaven not only in order to abide in the radiance and majesty of the Divine Glory of Her Son, but also in order to intercede for us before Him with Her prayers. “Rejoice! I am with you all the days,” She said, appearing to the holy apostles.

The Blessed Virgin, while living on earth, herself experienced the same deprivations, needs, troubles and misfortunes that we also experience. She experienced the sorrow of suffering on the cross and the death of Her Son. She knows our weaknesses, needs and sorrows. Our every sin causes Her suffering, and at the same time, our every misfortune finds Her sympathy. What mother does not take care of her children and is not heartbroken by their misfortunes? What kind of mother leaves them without her help and attention? The Mother of God is always ready to give us timely help.

The Mother of God, like the sun, shines and warms us with the rays of Her love and revives our souls with the grace given to Her from God. By Her Spirit She always abides on earth. When blessed Andrew the Fool, like the Apostle Paul, was caught up in spirit into the heavenly abodes and saw the Lord there, he began to grieve, not seeing the Most Pure Mother of God. But the Angel told him that She had retired into the world to help people.

We are all burdened with sorrows, life's adversities, illnesses and misfortunes, for we all sin. The Word of God says that there is no person who would live on earth and not sin. But God is the highest Love, and out of love for His Mother and for us, He accepts Her prayers. We believe in Her constant intercession and intercession for us sinners before the Merciful and Humane-loving God and in the power of Her prayers. Let us resort to Her as a quiet and kind refuge and diligently call on Her all-holy and all-sung name. And She won't leave us unexpected joy salvation.

Prayers for the intercession of the Virgin Mary

This prayer is ideally best said in front of the “Seven Arrow” icon (Softening evil hearts), but any other image of the Blessed Virgin Mary will do

“Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God,
and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us
and resolve all the tightness of our soul.
Looking at Your holy image,
We are touched by your suffering and mercy for us
and we kiss your wounds,
We are horrified by our arrows, tormenting You.
Do not let us, Mother of the Compassionate,
in our hardness of heart and from the hardness of our neighbors we will perish.
You will truly soften evil hearts.”

Prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary

“We resort to your mercy, Virgin Mary:
Do not despise our prayers in sorrow, but deliver us from troubles,
The One Pure and Blessed One.
Most Holy Theotokos, Save us!”

“O long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth,
by His purity and by the multitude of sufferings,
You brought them to the lands
accept our painful sighs
and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy.
Do You know no other refuge and warm intercession?
but, as one who has boldness towards the One who was born of You,
help and save us with your prayers,
may we reach the Kingdom of Heaven without stumbling,
where, with all the saints, we will sing praises in the Trinity to the one God, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

“O Most Holy and Most Blessed Lady Theotokos,
accept these heartfelt prayers,
ascending with great hope and faith in Your immeasurable mercy,
have mercy, intercede, save and protect me, the servant (servant) of God (him)
from all evil and give me Your help (indicate request).
O zealous intercessor, deliver me through these prayers,
lifting up to You with all my heart and soul,
from all witchcraft harm, temptations of the world,
from sinful lusts, from the wiles of the devil
and from attacks by enemies visible and invisible..
And cover with Your Honest Prayer Veil from all evil. Amen"

« O Most Holy Lady Theotokos, Queen of Heaven,
save and have mercy on us, Your sinful servants (name),
from vain slander and from all sorts of troubles, misfortunes and sudden deaths,
have mercy in the daytime hours, morning and evening,
and protect us at all times - standing, sitting,
on every path that walks, in the hours of the night that sleeps,
supply, protect and cover, protect.
To the Lady Theotokos, from all enemies visible and invisible,
from every evil situation,
in every place and at every time, be to us the Mother of God, an insurmountable wall,
and strong intercession always,
and now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Eat short prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, which we should say as often as possible.

“Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You;
Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb,
for you gave birth to the Savior of our souls"

These words are taken from the greeting of Archangel Gabriel when he proclaimed Holy Virgin Mary about the birth from Her according to the flesh of the Son of God (Luke 1:28).

The ancient world waited a very long time for the coming of the Savior. And this thought permeates everything Old Testament. But why did the Messiah take so long to appear in human world!? The whole point is that only a woman who was ready for the great feat of self-denial and endless love could give birth to the Son of God. She had to completely entrust her life to God and consent to the virgin birth of her Son. Centuries passed and only when the Virgin Mary was born did this become possible.

Who is the Holy Mother of God

The Mother of God is the most humble and pure Virgin who has ever been born on earth.

In Christian denominations, Saint Mary is called differently:

  • Virgin or Ever-Virgin, because Mary remained a virgin in her service to God and conception God's Son was immaculate;
  • Theotokos, because she is in earthly life the Mother of the Son of God;
  • Quick to hear, since Mary humbly accepted God’s command to give birth to a Son from the Holy Spirit.

Holy Scripture about the Mother of God

The Holy Scripture contains a description of only a few episodes from the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which reveal her personality. All information about the life of the Mother of God can be found only in Church Tradition, which contains ancient legends and church historical works.

Basic information about the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary is contained in the “First Gospel of James,” written approximately 150 AD. The Virgin Mary was born into the family of the righteous Joachim of Nazareth and Anna of Bethlehem. The parents of the Virgin Mary were descendants of noble royal families. They lived together in harmony until old age, but God never gave them children. But the time came and their piety was noted by the Almighty and an Angel told them the good news that they would soon have a noble daughter.

Next important event in the life of the future Mother of God there is a moment when three year old girl parents brought him to the Jerusalem Temple for dedication to God. The baby climbed fifteen steps on her own, and the High Priest Zachary came out to meet her, who was given instructions from above to lead the girl deep into the sanctuary, where none of the believers had the right to enter.

At the age of 14, the Virgin Mary independently decided to devote her entire life to God and took a vow of virginity. At the same time, she was betrothed to Elder Joseph, who came from the royal family of David through Solomon. They lived in Nazareth and the betrothed took care of the Virgin Mary, provided for her and protected her when necessary.

Saint Luke tells in his revelations about the Annunciation, when the Holy Archangel Gabriel was sent by God to the Blessed Virgin Mary with the good news of the birth of the Son. With great humility and submission, the young woman accepted the news that she was to become the Mother of God. An angel also appeared to Joseph and reported that the Virgin Mary had conceived from the Holy Spirit. And the husband accepted God’s command to accept the Mother of God as his wife.

When the time came for the end of earthly life, Archangel Gabriel descended from heaven to the Holy Mother of God during her prayer on the Mount of Olives. In his hands he held a paradise date branch. He said that in three days the earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos would end and the Lord would take her to himself.

And so it happened. At the moment of her death, the room where the Virgin Mary was was illuminated unusual light. And Jesus Christ himself appeared surrounded by Angels and accepted the soul of the Mother of God. The body of the Most Pure One was buried in a cave at the foot of the Mount of Olives, where her parents had previously been buried.

On December 4, believers celebrate a great church holiday - the introduction of the Holy Mother of God into the temple. It is on this day that the moment when Mary was given by her parents to serve God is celebrated. On the very first day, the high priest Zechariah led the girl to the sanctuary, where she could subsequently enter every year on December 4th. The girl spent 12 years in the temple, after which she independently decided to preserve her virginity in the name of serving God.

The significant day began to be celebrated by the Church from ancient times. This is due to the fact that thanks to her parents’ introduction to the Temple, the Virgin Mary began her path to serving God, who allowed people on earth to receive their Savior. Services take place in all churches on this day. The prayers said on this day by believers give praise to the Ever-Virgin Mary and ask for the intercession of the Mother of God before the Almighty for each person praying.

Of course he is great holiday, associated with a significant event in the church world, is reflected in icon painting. On icons dedicated to the Introduction, the Virgin Mary is always depicted in the center. Others actors are the parents on one side and the high priest Zachary, who meets the girl. Icons often depict the steps to the Temple; it was these that little Mary overcame without anyone’s help.

In the calendar cycle, this church holiday coincides with the end of the autumn season and the beginning of the winter period.

The Russian Orthodox people also celebrated on this day:

  • Celebration of a young family;
  • Opening the gates to winter;
  • Importation.

Folk signs on this day:

  • After this day, it was forbidden to dig in the street, so women had to take care to stock up on clay for household needs;
  • From this day until the ninth Thursday, rolling pins should not be used to beat out laundry, otherwise bad weather could be caused;
  • On the holiday, it was forbidden to engage in work associated with beating and friction; it was forbidden to clean and dig the ground.

Because it's big religious holiday, then it was necessary to carry it out in harmony and peace with the people around him. It is very good on this day to invite close friends or go to visit them. Since the Introduction always falls on the Nativity Fast, on this day it was allowed to diversify the table with fish dishes and drink a little wine.

Orthodox Christians have special and very deep feelings for the Mother of God. She is a model of piety and holiness for all believers. A huge number of prayers are addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos; in her honor, on great church holidays, services are performed and special canons are read.

The Prayer Book contains many prayers with which you can turn to the Most Holy Theotokos for help on various occasions. As a woman, during her earthly life she had to experience many troubles and sorrows. Fate destined her to lose her own son. The Mother of God knows firsthand what need and weakness are. Therefore, any human misfortune finds understanding and sympathy in the soul of the Most Holy Mother of God, and any fall into sin causes her unbearable suffering and she is ready to ask God for the forgiveness of the believer.

Mother's prayers for children

Mother's prayers are very important and effective. The Most Holy Theotokos definitely hears them. And it doesn’t matter how old the child is, because mothers can always ask for blessings and protection for him from the Mother of God.

It should be remembered that prayer must come from the depths of the heart. It is important to know that you cannot pray for the good of your children to the detriment of other people. This is a great sin. Strong prayer the next one is considered.

It is read on Pokrova and sounds like this:

“Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, I ask you and hope to be heard. Save and keep my beloved children (names of children) under your safe roof. And also help all other youths and babies, baptized and still unnamed, carried by earthly mothers in their wombs. Cover them with your robe from all human troubles. Give me strength to raise them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents. Bless them on righteous life and good deeds, so that the Almighty will grant my children salvation. I entrust them to Your maternal care, I hope that You will grant them the Divine Cover.

Mother of God, Ever-Virgin, tell me all the righteousness of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children. Forgive me my sins that harmed my children. I trust my children, born in love, to you, I entrust their souls to you. I hope for Your protection and protection of Your Son Jesus Christ. Amen".

If a child is sick, you can turn to the Most Holy Theotokos with the following prayer:

“Oh, Almighty, All-Good Heavenly Lady Mother of God, accept my prayer. I pray to You with tears in my eyes. I ask You, unworthy and sinful Servant of God, about the health of my child. Listen to my prayer, because You always hear those who ask You and beg for help. You ease human sorrow, you heal lepers, you heal the sick from all sorts of ailments, you drive away demons from human souls, you help all little children. Lady of Heaven, I ask You, intercede before the Lord for my child. Ask the Son of God to grant healing to my child. Give me hope for a miracle and for the health of my child. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

At Christmas, a prayer is read to the Most Holy Theotokos for the conception of a child. Its text goes like this:

“Oh, Immaculate, Blessed Ever-Virgin Mary, chosen one of God, pure in soul and body, Mother of our Jesus Christ. We praise You and please You, for You are the salvation of the entire human race.

Accept sincere prayer from the unworthy Servant of God ( given name), hear me and do not reject my request. I glorify You always and everywhere, I glorify Your greatness and trust my destiny. I pray to You for myself and for my husband. Ask Your Son, our God Jesus Christ, to give us a godly life that will benefit our souls.

Oh, Most Holy Theotokos, Queen of Heaven, turn your mercy on us, on the Servants of God who want to have offspring. We repent of our sins and ask for forgiveness. Grant us a complete cure for infertility. Most Holy Queen of Heaven, I beg You to hear my prayer.

We humbly and with hope come to You and wait for help. Ask the Almighty for forgiveness of our sins committed through foolishness and our will. You are our only hope. We unceasingly glorify our Lord Almighty and You, Most Holy Theotokos, and all the Saints. Amen".

The evening rule of an Orthodox believer also includes prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

It sounds like this:

“Merciful and Great Heavenly King, merciful Mother. I pray to you, Most Pure and Blessed Virgin Mary. Ask your Son, our God, for mercy for me, fill my soul with blessed hope and direct me to good and good deeds. Help me live the rest of my life without sin. Open for me the path to paradise with your mercy, One and Blessed One. Amen".

Possible in evening rule use another prayer:

“To You, the Most Pure Most Holy Theotokos, I, a sinner, fall down and turn. You know, Queen of Heaven, in my earthly life I sin and anger Your Son, our God. I repent every day I live, but again and again I turn out to be a liar and ask for forgiveness. I hope for God's forgiveness and fear God's wrath. Help me, Heavenly Lady, strengthen my spirit, guide me towards goodness and a sinless life. Only You, Holy Mother of God, know how I suffer from my evil deeds. Save me, Most Pure and Most Holy Mother of God, enlighten me and give me strength not to submit to destructive passion and to resist evil will. I want to receive grace from the Holy Spirit and renounce all filth. I strive to live according to the commandments of Christ. Amen".

Babies necessarily require spiritual protection. Therefore in evening hour Mothers should definitely pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for their children’s future sleep.

To do this, you can use the following prayer:

“Oh, Most Pure Most Holy Theotokos, Virgin Mary, helper of the human race and its protector. You hear everyone who asks because of the needs of those who suffer. Grant us peace and healing. Have mercy on us, Great Mother of God, and give us hope. Intercede for us before your Just and Merciful Son. Amen".

Prayers for health

Prayers to the Holy Mother of God for health are considered one of the most powerful. If you are praying for your own health, you can use the following prayer. It is important to pray in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary, but this can be done both in church and at home.

Text of the prayer:

“To the Queen of Heaven, my Hope, Most Holy Theotokos. You are the helper of all who believe in Your power and turn to You in need. Offering the Mother of Your Almighty Son, You do not leave the suffering and mourning in trouble. You give hope and support to the offended. Hear my request, feel my sorrow. Help me cope with my misfortune associated with bodily weakness. Give me strength to heal from the diseases that haunt me. Resolve, Most Holy Theotokos, all my health problems. I praise you for your help, for the fact that you are a good Comforter of people, extending a helping hand from heaven to the suffering. Save me and save me. Amen".

You can pray for the health of family members with another prayer directed to the Mother of God:

“Most Blessed Lady, Most Holy Theotokos, I ask you to take my family under your protection. Cover us all with your cover, save and preserve. Grant us health and peace. Instill in the hearts of your household unquestioning obedience to God’s covenants, love and inflexibility to everyone good deeds. Help us to live in the fear of God and do good. Do not allow grief into our family, do not allow us to experience painful separation and difficult separation from loved ones. Don't give us a painful and sudden death without repentance and forgiveness. Save our house from misfortunes and troubles, from all external evil and devilish obsession. And we will thank You and glorify You your name anytime and anywhere. Amen".

The prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mary” is considered miraculous. This is due to the fact that it was these owls that Archangel Gabriel addressed to the Virgin Mary when he brought her good news about the immaculate conception of the Son of God.

Listen to the audio prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mary”:

In the original church language the prayer reads as follows:

In prayer, the Virgin Mary is already addressed as the Mother of God. But it further emphasizes the fact that the Lord will be with her and will support her in the decision taken. The phrase "blessed among women" indicates that by God's authority the Virgin Mary is glorified among all other wives. The word “Graceful” emphasizes that the woman received the grace of God.

This prayer can be translated into Russian as follows:

The prayer “To the Virgin Mary...” is a miraculous word of God that can bestow the grace of Holy Heaven. This prayer reflects the aspiration and hope to receive help from the Mother of God in any grief, and also to beg her forgiveness and salvation for yourself and your loved ones.

Prayer “My Queen, Offering”

One of the most used prayers that contain an appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos is “My Queen, the Most Blessed.”

It is believed that she:

  • Brings joy to those in need and those who mourn;
  • Helps the offended and offended;
  • Protects the poor and wandering.

The text of the prayer reads as follows:

“To my Queen, the Blessed Virgin Mary, my hope, who gives shelter to orphans, protector of wandering people. Bringing joy to those who mourn and protecting the offended. You, the All-Good One, hear me and see my misfortune, which leads to spiritual sorrow. Help me get rid of weakness, guide me, as you guide every wanderer along the right path. You know what my grievance is, help me resolve it and choose the right way according to Your will. I have no other help but Yours and no other protection. You are my only Comforter and I only hope in You that You will save and preserve me forever and ever. Amen".

This prayer is read in front of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, if there is a need to maintain the pregnancy. It is also recommended to read it every day, including in the morning and evening rules.

Any prayer directed to the Most Holy Theotokos should be read correctly. It is important to have deep faith that prayer will be heard and help will be provided. You cannot read the prayer carelessly. Every word and phrase should convey deep reverence and respect for the Mother of God. It is necessary to pray to the Holy Mother of God only in positive mood. In addition, if a believer plans to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, then he must love and honor his own mother.

The Most Holy Theotokos, like the Most High and all Saints, should be approached with pure thoughts. There should be no hatred, envy or malice in the soul. The Orthodox faith allows for the opportunity to pray in one’s own words. But if a believer decides to use the original, then he must first analyze the entire meaning of the prayer text. Then the original text must be learned in order to read the prayer without stuttering. It is allowed to insert your own request for help in your own needs into your prayer appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos. It is important that your request for help does not contain a threat to other people or be harmful to them.

When visiting a temple, you need to pray at the icon of the Holy Mother of God. Be sure to light candles at the same time. After prayer, you need to stand in silence for some time and think about your life. This will help you acquire the necessary calm and prepare yourself for the fact that everything that is sent down from heaven must be accepted humbly. In especially difficult life situations, it is permissible to turn to the Most Holy Theotokos silently. This can be done throughout the day in a secluded place, escaping for a second from all everyday problems.

Listen to the song-prayer “The Most Holy Virgin Mother of God, Theotokos”
