People's magazine. Epics and heroic tales Read about the good man Nikitich and the snake Gorynych

Dobrynya Nikitich is one of the most famous Russian heroes. Companion of Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich, their faithful comrade and fighting friend. The epics describe their joint exploits, as well as the amazing qualities of the hero himself. In addition to the fact that Dobrynya had remarkable strength, he was also famous for his ingenuity, tactics, and brilliant mind. His diplomatic skills perfectly complemented his excellent physical strength, agility, heroic physique.

The surviving epics say that Dobrynya served at the court of Prince Vladimir, was his loyal subject, and carried out the most dangerous and complex assignments. The hero's wife is the daughter of the famous hero, Mikula Selyaninovich. Her name was Nastasya.

The image of a hero - an epic hero

(V. Vasnetsov "Fight of Dobrynya Nikitich with the seven-headed Serpent Gorynych" 1918)

The basis for creating an epic image is a real man- Voivode Dobrynya. He - dear uncle Prince Vladimir, his mother's brother. The epic patronymic “Nikitich” is in honor of the Ryazan commander Nikita. Such a composite image had similarities with real characters, and was also complemented by the most positive qualities, which indicates people's love to the hero.

If we take into account those stories in which the character is even mentioned in passing, there are more than 50 of them. Epics, which describe the image and exploits of Dobrynya Nikitich as a central figure - 8. They describe his fights with Ilya Muromets, Danube Ivanovich, and the fight with the snake. The epics about Dobrynya Nikitich also tell us about Alyosha Popovich, Vasily Kazimirovich, Nastya, and the search for a bride for the prince.

The exploits and heroism of the Russian hero

(Illustration - Dobrynya Nikitich defeats the Serpent Gorynych)

Historical events are reflected in epics along with an artistic frame, which are easy to understand. Real story about the search for a wife for the prince - Rogneda, formed the basis of the corresponding epic. The plot of the fight against the snake in the Novgorod region is also mentioned in the chronicle. Thanks to these exploits, Dobrynya for a long time called “Snake fighter”, “matchmaker”. The epic “Dobrynya Nikitich and Marina” describes his struggle with the famous sorceress, whose magic was known throughout Rus'. His struggle against various cults and paganism is also manifested in the epic where the hero is baptized by an entire village of Novgorodians.

Dobrynya Nikitich had a subtle mind, which helped him conduct military operations particularly skillfully, without resorting to a large number of casualties - he always knew how to choose the right words and negotiated. The skills and knowledge of a real governor are also reflected in the character of the hero of the epics. In particular, it is mentioned that Dobrynya knew 12 different languages, and also spoke “like a bird.”

The feats that frightened others turned out to be simple for Dobrynya Nikitich and his comrades and could not frighten them. Together they were invincible, their military qualities complemented each other. As a true warrior, whose fearlessness is an example for generations, Dobrynya died in a fair battle. His death overtook him near the Kalki River, near which he was buried. The mound, named in honor of Dobrynya, was poured on his grave with honors.

For the Russian people, Dobrynya Nikitich is an example of courage and bravery. His exploits are an example of love for his land and compatriots.


Dobrynya Nikitich is depicted in epics as the second most powerful and important hero after Ilya Muromets. A fairly extensive set of stories about the origin, service and exploits of this hero are recorded in a number of epics: “Dobrynya and the Serpent”, “Dobrynya and Marinka” and “Dobrynya and Alyosha”, etc.

By origin, Dobrynya Nikitich is of a princely family, which, nevertheless, did not prevent him from winning the love and recognition of the common people, who, in their epic tradition, endowed him with many virtues: in the epics the hero is educated, tactful, courteous, knows how to act as an ambassador, masterfully plays the harp. The main work of his life was military service to Rus'.

As an average hero, Dobrynya is included in the heroic trinity together with Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich. The “middle” position of Dobrynya Nikitich explains the emphasis on the connecting function of this character: thanks to his efforts and talents, the heroic trinity remains restored even after Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich are separated . In some epics, Dobrynya appears in community with Ilya and/or Alyosha, in others - with other heroes (Danube, Vasily Kazimirovich), in others - alone. Of all the heroes, he is closest to Prince Vladimir Red Sun: sometimes he turns out to be his nephew, he is often with Vladimir and directly carries out the prince’s orders, wooing a bride for him, conducting, at the princess’s request, negotiations with passing Kalikas, etc.

Folklorists showed great interest in this image, as evidenced by a large number of works on this topic by such authors as V.Ya. Propp, B. Rybakov, V. Miller, A.F. Hilferding et al.

Thus, the purpose of our work is to consider the interpretation of the image of Dobrynya Nikitich in the epic epic by different author-researchers.

The object of study in our work is the process of embodying the character of the hero in epics.

The subject is the specifics of the hero’s personality.

– consider the main interpretations of the origin of the image of Dobrynya;

– identify the character traits of the hero as a hero-snake fighter;

- analyze the main personality traits of Dobrynya Nikitich, reflected in various epics.

The practical significance of our work lies in the fact that the material presented in it can be further used in the study of courses on traditional Russian folklore, folk poetry of the Russian people, as well as in the preparation of special courses and special seminars on epic folk art.

1. Historical basis of epics about Dobrynya Nikitich

Several widespread epic stories are dedicated to Dobrynya, such as “Dobrynya and the Serpent”, “Dobrynya and Vasily Kazimirovich”, “Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich” (“The Marriage of Alyosha Popovich to Dobrynya’s Wife”), “Dobrynya and Marinka” and others.

Not all of these epics arose at the same time. The earliest, according to many scientists, is the epic “Dobrynya and the Serpent”, the latest is the epic “Dobrynya and Marinka”. The prototype of Marinka is seen in the wife of Dmitry the Pretender, Marina Mnishek.

Researchers agree that the image of Dobrynya has a very real historical prototype - this is the maternal uncle of Vladimir I, who lived at the beginning of the 11th century. Vladimir’s mother, housekeeper of Princess Olga Malusha, is Dobrynya’s sister (Vladimir is Svyatoslav’s side son). Being older than Vladimir, Dobrynya was his mentor, then an associate in military campaigns and other matters of national importance. There are chronicle references to him, similar to epic stories. For example, the epic Dobrynya is the matchmaker of Prince Vladimir. The historical Dobrynya played this role in 980, when Vladimir I decided to marry the Polotsk princess Rogneda.

The connection between Dobrynya Nikitich and the reality of the late 10th – early 11th centuries. does not mean that all epics about him were generated historical events that time. Having become an epic hero, Dobrynya lives according to the laws of oral epic: he assimilates the features of more ancient heroes, enters into works that previously existed and were later composed. It is possible that most of the ancient songs about Dobrynya have long been forgotten. However, Dobrynya’s place among other heroes of the Russian epic indicates that he was the main character of the epic songs that cyclized around Prince of Kyiv Vladimir Svyatoslavich.

Thus, it becomes clear that the epic did not invent the name of Dobrynya, it only imprinted it in the people’s memory. In the book by academician B.A. Rybakova " Ancient Rus'“, in the chapter dedicated to Vladimir’s cycle of epics, we will find the sub-chapter “Dobrynya Nikitich”, which contains a detailed analysis of the coincidences of epics and chronicles information about Dobrynya. Science already found out more than a hundred years ago that the epic Dobrynya and the first Dobrynya, mentioned in Russian chronicles in the 10th century, are one and the same person.

Dobrynya Nikitich was born around 935 in Korosten. Now it's small town Zhytomyr region, and in the 10th century it was the capital of the Drevlyansky land. The city was famous for its impenetrable oak walls, which, according to local legends, stretched for several miles.

Dobrynya was the crown prince of the Drevlyansky land. His father's name was Mal Drevlyansky. The chronicle passes over in silence that Dobrynya is the son of Prince Mal (there were reasons for this of a dynastic and political nature). But the Drevlyan origin of Dobrynya was unraveled in 1864 by the historian D.I. Prozorovsky in the article “On the kinship of St. Vladimir on his mother's side."

The epic knows the Drevlyan and princely origins of Dobrynya. Researcher T.N. Kondratyeva noticed that in the epics he is either a boyar or a prince. Bylina also knows Dobrynya’s father, the hero Nikita Zaleshanin (which was noted by the outstanding Russian scientist A.A. Shakhmatov). This is a hero whom no one in Kyiv knows by sight except Dobrynya, and at the same time a person so respected that Ilya Muromets himself hides behind his name

In 945, Mal Drevlyansky rebelled against the despotic Igor Rurikovich, who reigned in Kyiv. Civil War in the country lasted for a whole year. But military happiness is fickle, and Mal Drevlyansky was captured by his own family. AND crown prince Drevlyan Dobrynya falls into slavery and becomes a groom in humiliation.

The epic notes Dobrynya's ten-year slavery in her youth and her slow ascent from more humiliating slave positions to less humiliating ones. Only in the tenth year did Dobrynya finally receive a horse, i.e. freedom.

Together with Dobrynya, his sister Malusha was captured. Chronicles note her position under Princess Olga - housekeeper.

Dobrynya and Malusha received freedom around 955. The next chapter in Dobrynya’s biography is undoubtedly connected with Kiev. The gradual rise of the Mal children and their subsequent liberation were no accident. Olga had far-reaching plans. A far-sighted and courageous politician, she learned lessons from the Drevlyansky uprising.

At the end of the fifties (around 958 or 959), Olga, in the face of the Slavic gods, put the hand of her son, Emperor Svyatoslav, into the hand of the daughter Mal, who executed his father - into the hand of the sovereign princess Malusha Drevlyanskaya! Dobrynya, of course, was present at the ceremony of concluding this important for his family and beneficial for the whole country in Kyiv dynastic marriage. And Mal too. Both of them now received the rank of Kyiv boyars. For a whole decade, the life of Dobrynya, who became the brother-in-law of Tsar Svyatoslav, was connected with the Kyiv court. And in 970, a new turn came in it: Svyatoslav sent Dobrynya to Novgorod, giving him the regency for his young nephew Vladimir.

The next period of Dobrynya Nikitich’s life leads abroad - Svyatoslav’s brother-in-law and son with his companions received asylum in Sweden, where they had to spend three many years. Dobrynya finally returned to Rus' in 980.

Thus, it can be noted that the epic Dobrynya, when compared with the chronicle Dobrynya, Vladimir’s uncle, seems to have nothing in common with him. While the chronicle Dobrynya has almost a leading role before Vladimir’s accession to the throne of Kiev and for a long time after that, the epic Dobrynya occupies a secondary role at Vladimir’s court. Moreover, the epic Dobrynya complains to his mother about his fate: he regrets that his mother did not give birth to him as a burning pebble, that she did not throw this pebble to the bottom blue sea, where he would lie quietly and be spared the need to drive across an open field.

This discrepancy can be explained by the fact that under the name Dobrynya in epics, not only Dobrynya, Vladimir’s uncle, is sung, but also a number of other Dobrynyas, who were mixed with the first. Thus, in the Tver Chronicle, next to Alexander Popovich (Alyosha Popovich bylin), his comrade Dobrynya (Timonya) Zlatopyas is mentioned; and the Nikon Chronicle mentions Alexander Popovich, his servant Torop and Dobrynya Razanich Golden Belt.

Some epics about Dobrynya, indeed, take him out of Ryazan; his father is trade guest Nikitushka Romanovich.

In any case, in the epics about Dobrynya there are some features that may have a connection with Vladimir’s historical uncle: getting a bride for Vladimir is an undoubted echo of the story with Rogneda.

Researcher Yu.I. Smirnov notes that the chronicles connect at least seven Dobrynya:

– in information about the 10th century, Dobrynya, the uncle of Vladimir I Svyatoslavovich, is mentioned several times;

- to the 11th century - Dobrynya Raguilovich, governor of Novgorod;

- up to the 12th century - Novgorod mayor Dobrynya, Kiev boyar Dobrynka and Suzdal boyar Dobrynya Dolgiy;

- to the 12th century Dobrynya Galician and Dobrynya Yadreikovich, Bishop of Novgorod.

The choice is quite large - almost four centuries, and theoretically it is impossible to exclude any of these “prototypes” or reduce all Dobrynya to the first of them. Chronicle information has been preserved about each of these historical Dobrynya, and about some - literary works. Yu.I. Smirnov speaks about the times of pre-Mongol Rus', but even later, in the 15th – 17th centuries, this name remained among the most common ancient Russian names. It must be taken into account that it was one of the “non-calendar” names; it could not be given at baptism. This means that for all of the Dobryns listed above, it was either a second – a pagan name, received for certain qualities: kindness, beauty, greatness. All this was invested in Old Russian name Dobrynya.

Further Reading

Answers to pages 33 - 36

1. Thawed patches
Fill in the missing words. What deeds did Father Ilya Muromets bless for?

Old Ivan Timofeevich says:
- I'm on good deeds I bless you, but there is no blessing for bad deeds. Defend our Russian land not for gold, not for gain, but for honor, for heroic glory. In vain don't shed blood human, don't make mothers cry, Yes do not forget that you come from a black, peasant family.

2. Correspondence
What armor and weapons should a hero have? Sign the drawings.

3. Search
Underline the names of Ilya Muromets' parents.

In ancient times, the peasant Ivan Timofeevich and his wife lived near the city of Murom, in the village of Karacharovo. Evfrosinya Yakovlevna. They had one son, Ilya.

4. Attempt at writing
What good deeds did Ilya Muromets do? Draw or write.

Changed the course of the Oka River. Liberated the Chernigov people from the Tatars. Captured the Nightingale the Robber.

5. Exact word
What was Dobrynya like? Underline the words that say this.

Once upon a time there lived a widow, Mamelfa Timofeevna, near Kiev. She had a beloved son - the hero Dobrynyushka. Throughout Kyiv, fame spread about Dobrynya: he is stately, and tall, and learned to read and write, and is brave in battle, and cheerful at the feast. He will compose a song, and play the harp, and smart word will say. Yes, and Dobrynya’s disposition is calm, affectionate, he never harsh words won't say anything, won't hurt anyone in vain. No wonder they nicknamed him “quiet Dobrynya”.

6. Thawed patches
Re-read the beginning of the epic “Alyosha Popovich”. Write down the words that indicate that a hero was born.

A young and bright moon was born in heaven, and on earth a son was born near the old cathedral priest Leonty - mighty hero ; and they called his name young Alesha Popovich - It’s a pretty name. They began to feed and drink Alyosha: from whom weekly, He day such; at other annual, Alyosha weekly such.

7. Attempt at writing
Describe the feat of one of the Russian heroes.

Ilya Muromets went to Kyiv-grad to visit Prince Vladimir. I had to drive past the city of Chernigov. But it was impossible to get into Chernigov, the city was surroundedTatar horde. Ilya unleashed his horse on this enemy force and began to stab, chop and trample it with his horse. The “men of Chernigov,” seeing that Ilya Muromets had defeated the entire “force” that was besieging their city, opened the gates, went out to meet their glorious savior with bread and salt and began to ask him to become their prince. But Ilya modestly declined this honor, saying that he himself wanted to serve the Prince of Kyiv, and only asked where the shortest “direct” road to the city of Kyiv was?

Roman-newspaper for children No. 9, 2014

Bogatyrs of the Russian Land


Artist Yu. Ivanov

Arranged for children by N. Karnaukhova

About Dobrynya Nikitich and Zmey Gorynych

Once upon a time there lived a widow, Mamelfa Timofeevna, near Kiev. She had a beloved son, the hero Dobrynyushka. Throughout Kyiv, fame spread about Dobrynya: he was stately, and tall, and learned to read and write, and was brave in battle, and cheerful at the feast. He will compose a song, play the harp, and say a clever word. And Dobrynya’s disposition is calm, affectionate, he will never say a rude word, he will never offend anyone in vain. No wonder they nicknamed him “quiet Dobrynyushka.”

Once on a hot summer day, Dobrynya wanted to swim in the river. He went to his mother Mamelfa Timofeevna:

Let me go, mother, to go to the Puchai River and swim in the cold water, the summer heat has exhausted me.

Mamelfa Timofeevna got excited and began to dissuade Dobrynya:

My dear son Dobrynyushka, don’t go to the Puchai River. The river is furious and angry. From the first stream the fire shoots out, from the second stream sparks fall, from the third stream smoke pours out in a column.

Okay, mother, at least let me ride along the shore, fresh air breathe.

Mamelfa Timofeevna released Dobrynya.

Dobrynya put on a traveling dress, covered himself with a tall Greek hat, took with him a spear and a bow with arrows, a sharp saber and a whip.

He mounted a good horse, called a young servant with him, and set off. Dobrynya drives for an hour or two, the summer sun is scorching hot, burning Dobrynya’s head. Dobrynya forgot what his mother was punishing him and turned his horse towards the Puchai River.

The Puchai River brings coolness.

Dobrynya jumped off his horse and threw the reins to the young servant:

You stay here, watch the horse.

He took off the Greek hat from his head, took off his traveling clothes, put all his weapons on his horse and rushed into the river.

Dobrynya floats along the Puchai River and is surprised:

What did my mother tell me about the Puchai River? The Pooh-river is not fierce, The Pooh-river is quiet, like a rain puddle.

Before Dobrynya had time to speak, the sky suddenly darkened, but there were no clouds in the sky, and there was no rain, but thunder rumbled, and there was no thunderstorm, but the fire was shining...

Dobrynya raised his head and saw that the Serpent Gorynych was flying towards him, a terrible serpent with three heads and seven claws, flames blazing from his nostrils, smoke pouring out of his ears, copper claws on his paws shining.

The Serpent saw Dobrynya and thundered:

Eh, the old people prophesied that Dobrynya Nikitich would kill me, but Dobrynya himself came into my clutches. Now if I want, I’ll devour him alive; if I want, I’ll take him to my lair and take him prisoner. I have a lot of Russian people in captivity, only Dobrynya was missing.

Oh, you damned snake, first take Dobrynya, then show off, but for now Dobrynya is not in your hands.

Well, Dobrynya knew how to swim; he dived to the bottom, swam under the water, surfaced near a steep shore, jumped out onto the shore and rushed to his horse. And there was no trace of the horse: the young servant was frightened by the snake’s roar, jumped on the horse and was off. And he took away all Dobrynino’s weapons.

Dobrynya has nothing to fight with the Serpent Gorynych.

And the Serpent again flies to Dobrynya, showers with flammable sparks, and burns Dobrynya’s white body.

The heroic heart trembled.

Dobrynya looked at the shore - there was nothing to take into his hands: there was no club, no pebble, only yellow sand on the steep bank, and his Greek hat was lying around.

Dobrynya grabbed a Greek hat, poured no less than five pounds of yellow sand into it, and when he hit the Snake Gorynych with his hat, he knocked off his head. He threw the Snake down to the ground, crushed his chest with his knees, and wanted to knock off two more heads...

How the Serpent Gorynych prayed here:

Oh, Dobrynyushka, oh, hero, don’t kill me, let me fly around the world, I will always obey you! I will give you a great vow: not to fly to you in wide Rus', not to take Russian people prisoner. Just have mercy on me, Dobrynyushka, and don’t touch my little snakes.

Dobrynya succumbed to the crafty speech, believed the Serpent Gorynych, and let him go, damned.

As soon as the Serpent rose under the clouds, it immediately turned towards Kyiv and flew to the garden of Prince Vladimir. And at that time, young Zabava Putyatishna, Prince Vladimir’s niece, was walking in the garden.

The Serpent saw the princess, was delighted, rushed at her from under the cloud, grabbed her in his copper claws and carried her to the Sorochi Mountains.

At this time, Dobrynya found a servant and began to put on his traveling dress - suddenly the sky darkened and thunder roared. Dobrynya raised his head and saw: the Serpent Gorynych was flying from Kyiv, carrying Fun Putyatishna in his claws!

Then Dobrynya became sad - he became sad, he became depressed, he came home unhappy, sat down on a bench, and didn’t say a word.

His mother began to ask:

Why are you, Dobrynyushka, sitting sadly? What are you, my light, sad about?

I don’t worry about anything, I don’t worry about anything, and it’s not fun for me to sit at home. I’ll go to Kyiv to see Prince Vladimir, he’s having a fun feast today.

Do not go, Dobrynyushka, to the prince, my heart senses evil. We'll have a feast at home too.

Dobrynya did not listen to his mother and went to Kyiv to see Prince Vladimir.

Dobrynya arrived in Kyiv and went to the prince’s upper room. At the feast, the tables are full of food, there are barrels of sweet honey, but the guests do not eat or drink, they sit with their heads down.

The prince walks around the upper room and does not treat guests. The princess covered herself with a veil and did not look at the guests.

Here Vladimir the Prince says:

Eh, my beloved guests, we are having a sad feast! And the princess is bitter, and I am sad. The damned Serpent Gorynych took away our beloved niece, young Zabava Putyatishna. Which of you will go to Mount Sorochinskaya, find the princess, and free her?!

Where there! The guests hide behind each other: the big ones behind the middle ones, the middle ones behind the smaller ones, and the smaller ones cover their mouths.

Suddenly the young hero Alyosha Popovich comes out from behind the table.

That's what, Prince Red Sun, yesterday I was in an open field, I saw Dobrynyushka by the Puchai River. He fraternized with Zmey Gorynych and called him a smaller brother. You went to the Dobrynyushka the Serpent. He will ask your beloved niece from your sworn brother without a fight.

Prince Vladimir got angry:

If so, get on your horse, Dobrynya, go to Mount Sorochinskaya, get me my beloved niece. If you don’t get Putyatishna’s Fun, I’ll order you to cut off your head!

Dobrynya lowered his violent head, did not answer a word, got up from the table, mounted his horse and rode home.

Mother came out to meet him and saw that Dobrynya had no face.

What’s wrong with you, Dobrynyushka, what’s wrong with you, son, what happened at the feast?

Did they offend you, or put you under a spell, or put you in a bad place?

They didn’t offend me, and they didn’t put a spell around me, and I had a place according to my rank, according to my rank.

Why did you, Dobrynya, hang your head?

Prince Vladimir ordered me to perform a great service: to go to Mount Sorochinskaya, to find and obtain the Fun of Putyatishna. And the Serpent Gorynych took away Zabava Putyatishna.

Mamelfa Timofeevna was horrified, but did not cry and be sad, but began to think about the matter.

Go to bed, Dobrynyushka, go to sleep quickly, get some strength. The morning is wiser than the evening, tomorrow we will keep the advice.

Dobrynya went to bed. He sleeps, snores that the stream is noisy.

And Mamelfa Timofeevna does not go to bed, sits on a bench and spends the whole night weaving a seven-tailed whip from seven silks.

In the morning, Dobrynya Nikitich’s mother woke up:

Get up, son, get dressed, get dressed, go to the old stable. In the third stall the door does not open; half of it is buried in manure. Push up, Dobrynyushka, open the door, there you will see your grandfather’s horse Burushka. Burka has been standing in the stall for fifteen years, his legs buried in manure up to his knees. Clean him, feed him, give him something to drink, bring him to the porch.

Dobrynya went to the stable, tore the door off its hinges, took Burushka out, and brought him to the porch. He began to saddle Burushka. He put a sweatshirt on it, felt on top of the sweatshirt, then a Cherkassy saddle, embroidered with valuable silks and decorated with gold, tightened twelve girths, and bridled it with a golden bridle.

Mamelfa Timofeevna came out and handed him a seven-tailed whip:

When you arrive, Dobrynya, on Mount Sorochinskaya, the Snake Gorynych will not be at home. Run your horse into the den and start trampling the baby snakes. The little snakes will wrap around Burka’s legs, and you will whip Burka between the ears with a whip. Burka will jump up, shake the baby snakes off his feet and trample every single one of them.

A branch broke off from the apple tree, an apple rolled away from the apple tree, a son was leaving his mother for a difficult, bloody battle.

Day after day passes like rain, but week after week it flows like a river. Dobrynya is riding in the red sun, Dobrynya is riding in the bright moon, he went to Mount Sorochinskaya.

And on the mountain near the snake’s den there are teeming with baby snakes. They began to wrap Burushka’s legs around her and began to undermine her hooves. Burushka cannot jump and falls to her knees.

Dobrynya then remembered his mother’s order, grabbed the whip of seven silks, began to beat Burushka between the ears, and said:

Jump, Burushka, jump, shake the baby snakes away from your feet.

Burushka gained strength from the whip, he began to jump high, throw stones a mile away, and began to shake baby snakes away from his feet. He beats them with his hoof and tears them with his teeth and tramples every single one of them.

Dobrynya got off his horse, took a sharp saber in his right hand, a heroic club in his left hand, and went to the snake caves.

As soon as I took a step, the sky darkened, thunder roared, and the Serpent Gorynych flies, in his claws dead body holds. Fire shoots from the mouth, smoke pours from the ears, copper claws burn like heat...

The Serpent saw Dobrynyushka, threw the dead body to the ground, and growled in a loud voice:

Why, Dobrynya, did you break our vow and trample my cubs?

Oh, you damned snake! Did I break our word, did I break our vow? Why did you fly, Snake, to Kyiv, why did you take away Zabava Putyatishna?! Give me the princess without a fight, so I will forgive you.

I won’t give up Zabava Putyatishna, I will devour her, and I will devour you, and I will take all the Russian people to the full!

Dobrynya got angry and rushed at the Snake.

And then a tough battle ensued.

The Sorochinsky Mountains crumbled, the oak trees were uprooted, the grass went a yard deep into the ground...

They fight for three days and three nights; The Snake began to overcome Dobrynya, began to throw him up, began to throw him up... Then Dobrynya remembered about the whip, grabbed it and started lashing the Snake between the ears. The serpent Gorynych fell to his knees, and Dobrynya pressed him to the ground with his left hand, and right hand caresses with a whip. He beat and beat him with a silk whip, tamed him like a beast and cut off all his heads.

Black blood gushed from the Serpent, spread to the east and west, and flooded Dobrynya to the waist.

For three days Dobrynya stands in black blood, his legs are cold, the cold reaches his heart. The Russian land does not want to accept snake blood.

Dobrynya sees that the end has come for him, took out a whip of seven silks, began to whip the ground, saying:

Make way, mother earth, and devour the blood of the serpent.

Made way damp earth and devoured the blood of the serpent.

Dobrynya Nikitich rested, washed, cleaned his heroic armor and went to the snake caves. All the caves are closed with copper doors, locked with iron bolts, and hung with golden locks.

Dobrynya broke the copper doors, tore off the locks and bolts, and entered the first cave. And there he sees a countless number of people from forty lands, from forty countries, it’s impossible to count in two days.

Dobrynyushka tells them:

Hey you, foreign people and foreign warriors! Go out into the free world, go to your places and remember the Russian hero. Without it, you would sit in snake captivity for a century.

They began to go free and bow to Dobrynya’s land:

We will remember you forever, Russian hero!

So Dobrynya went through eleven caves, and in the twelfth he found Zabava Putyatishna: the princess was hanging on a damp wall, chained by her hands with golden chains.

Dobrynyushka tore off the chains, took the princess off the wall, took her in his arms, and carried her out of the cave into the open world.

And she stands on her feet, staggers, closes her eyes from the light, and doesn’t look at Dobrynya. Dobrynya laid her down on green grass, fed him, gave him something to drink, covered him with a cloak, and lay down to rest.

The sun set in the evening, Dobrynya woke up, saddled Burushka and woke up the princess. Dobrynya mounted his horse, placed Zabava in front of him and set off. And there are no number of people around, everyone bows to Dobrynya, thanks for her salvation, and rushes to their lands.

Dobrynya rode out into the yellow steppe, spurred his horse and took Zabava Putyatishna to Kyiv.

Dobrynya Nikitich had considerable strength, but unlike the mighty Ilya Muromets and the resourceful Alyosha Popovich, he achieved victories in military affairs thanks to his dexterity and intelligence. He shot accurately with a bow, fought deftly with sabers, but he also masterfully played the harp and loved to play chess. He was a versatile person and aroused the interest of many people. Scientists believe that his image reflected the features of the uncle of the Kyiv prince Vladimir Dobrynya - the brother of the mother of Prince Malusha, a former slave who served Princess Olga. In the epic, Dobrynya bathes in Puchayrek - this is a symbol of baptism and kills the Snake - destroys the symbol of paganism.

A kind widow Amfela Timofeevna lived in Kyiv, and she had The only son Dobrynyushka, whom she doted on. As Dobrynya grew up, as he felt the heroic strength in himself, he so wanted to test himself, to accomplish a feat. He decided to leave the city, frolic in an open field and go to Mount Sorochinskaya, about which they said that Russians were being held captive there.

Amphela got scared, began to dissuade him, asked him not to go, not to tempt fate. Dobrynya did not agree with her and did not change his decision. Then mother asked him not to trample on the baby snakes born there on Mount Sorochinskaya, and not to swim in Puchayrek, since the water in it is cold and the current knocks him off his feet. Moreover, people said that a seven-headed Serpent flies there, breathes fire, grabs people with its trunks and strangles them...

Dobrynya listened to all the requests and orders of his mother and left for the open field. Soon he saw high mountain Sorochinskaya, dispersed his horse and took off on her, trampled all the little snakes that had crawled out and released all the Russian prisoners who were languishing on that Sorochinskaya mountain.

He was tired, sweaty, and wanted to freshen up. He descended the mountains and galloped up to Puchayreka. And the water in it seemed to him not cold, and the current was not very strong. He undressed, put his things on the bank and entered the river. And immediately the sky darkened, clouds flew in, thunder struck, lightning flashed in the sky, and the fire-breathing Serpent Gorynych with twelve trunk-arms appeared above the river.
He shouted so loudly that the waves rose on Puchayrek:

So I got you, Dobrynya. I'll drown you in cold water, now I’ll take your horse and your heroic dress. Your mother is about to cry.

The snake began to descend lower and lower. Now he is flying over the water itself. Then Dobrynyushka dived into the depths and disappeared. The kite flew over the water without touching him. He rose up, looked at the water, and blazed with fire. And Dobrynya jumped out onto the shore, filled his hat with sand and began to wait. The snake has descended again and is flying straight towards Dobrynya. Dobrynya was not taken aback and threw his hat with sand straight into the Snake’s eyes. The Serpent Gorynych became blind, flapped his wings in helplessness, could not fly further, howled in pain and fell to the ground. Then Dobrynya jumped up to him, pulled out his knife, and wanted to cut off the Snake’s fire-breathing head.
The Serpent Gorynych begged, began to ask to leave him alive, he promised Dobrynya to fly away beyond Mount Sorochinskaya, not to torture the Russian people anymore, not to take anyone prisoner. Dobrynya believed him, took pity on him and let him go.

Only the Serpent Gorynych did not keep his word. He was angry, treacherous, and thought about how to take revenge on the hero Dobrynya. He flew over Kiev, saw the beautiful niece of Prince Vladimir, young Zabava, daughter of Putyatichna, went down to the ground, grabbed her in his paws and carried her off to his place behind Mount Sorochinskaya, where he hid the girl in a deep hole and blocked the entrance with a heavy stone.

Prince Vladimir learned about the kidnapping and was very saddened. He gathered local heroes, asked them to go beyond Mount Sorochinskaya, to find his beautiful niece, young Zabava, daughter Putyatichna. The heroes answered him that it was not them who should be invited to this matter, but Dobrynya Nikitich. He went to Mount Sorochinskaya, he trampled young snakes, he fought with the Serpent Gorynych and set him free. So let him look for the snake’s hole, let him free the prince’s beautiful niece, young Zabava, daughter Putyatichna.

The next morning, Dobrynya began to get ready for the journey. He cleaned and watered his horse, straightened his saddle, sharpened his saber, and his mother gave him a whip with her, so that he could use it to spur his horse and fight off the baby snakes.

Dobrynya galloped up Mount Sorochinskaya. Again he trampled the small snakes and began to release the Russians captured by the Serpent Gorynych from captivity. Before he had time to free them, the Serpent Gorynych himself crawled out of the lower hole and shouted:
- Why did you destroy my children, Dobrynya? Why did you release the prisoners?
And Dobrynya answers him:
- Because you, Serpent Gorynych, did not keep your word. Why did you steal Prince Vladimir's niece? Why did you fill the Russian people?

The Serpent Gorynych got angry at these impudent words and challenged Dobrynya Nikitich to a fight. They fought for three days and three nights, became exhausted, and neither could defeat the other. And then I heard Dobrynya’s voice from above: “Fight with the Serpent for another three hours and you will defeat him.”

Dobrynya gathered all his strength and continued to fight. The Serpent could not withstand such pressure, stumbled, and Dobrynya Nikitich cut off his head. And as soon as he cut it down, he went down the mountain, rolled away the stone from his snake hole and released the prince’s beautiful niece, young Zabava, the daughter of Putyatichna. They went free with her different people: both rich and poor. Everyone thanked Dobrynya Nikitich and promised to preserve his great memory.
