Manual on professional job training. Training of officers and warrant officers

The main objectives of command training for officers are:

· study of the emerging military-political and socio-economic situation, the ability to analyze it and draw informed conclusions;

· deep development theoretical foundations mobilization deployment of military missions of the RF Ministry of Defense with the introduction of various degrees of combat readiness, constant improvement of the practical implementation of tasks and actions during the implementation mobilization activities;

· expanding operational horizons, increasing professional knowledge necessary to perform job responsibilities in the conditions of construction and reform of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, taking into account the experience of armed conflicts and local wars;

· formation of a high general culture and personal moral qualities, state-patriotic consciousness, loyalty to Russia, constitutional duty, pride in belonging to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the officer corps;

· developing the ability to systematically approach research problematic issues;

· formation of high performance, physical endurance and moral and psychological stability to work in difficult environmental conditions; ensuring law and order and military discipline, preventing deaths and injuries of personnel.

Officer training is carried out in two periods: winter period training (from December 1 to April 30) and summer training period (from June 1 to October 31). May and November are preparatory periods. The control and final examination is carried out in April and October, respectively.

The main document defining the professional and official training of officers and the technical training of military specialists in the Air Force of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is the training plan. This document is drawn up on the basis of the instructions of the head of military missions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

According to the training plan for 2013:

· Commander training classes in military missions must be conducted for at least 6 hours per month, except during periods of exercises and inspections

· Study time is divided into classes conducted in groups (joint training) and independent training. In this case, joint training is carried out in 2 school days monthly (additional 5 reserve training hours). Self-training is carried out 2 times a week for 2 training hours per service time, including preparatory periods.

· Physical training of officers must be performed at least 5 hours per week

· Records of military training must be kept in journals, which are checked quarterly by the heads of military missions of the RF Ministry of Defense

· Training of civilian personnel during scheduled training must be carried out at least 6 hours per month

Distribution of time for study groups in the subjects studied
in 2013

Subjects studied Number of teaching hours
1. Art of war (military strategy, operational art, tactics) 8+6*
2. Mobilization preparation 10+12*
3. Special training 24+6*
4. Public and state training 12(24*)
5. Legal training
6. Military technical training
7. Military-economic training
8. Troop service and security military service 4+12*
9. Environmental Safety
10. Military medical training
11. Fire training
12. General military regulations of the RF Armed Forces 18*
13. Fire training 32**
14. Physical training 106*+134**
15. Fundamentals of maintaining state secrets and official records management 12+8*
16. Study time reserve


* - during self-study hours

**- during additional allocated time


Table. A set of basic criteria for determining shape legal protection RID

MILITARY THOUGHT No. 9/1993, pp. 48-52

Professional training of officers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Lieutenant GeneralV.A.SAPOZHINSKY,

candidate of military sciences, professor

The MODERN system of officer training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has developed historically and operates with a certain efficiency. Therefore, it would be a mistake to question literally all aspects of its activities, not to take into account the accumulated experience, scientific schools and the existing educational and material base. This is not the first time that this problem has been raised on the pages of the magazine, and we have enough examples confirming that the volume and content of the training of military specialists do not fully meet modern requirements for the development of military affairs. The main reason for this, in our opinion, is the large costs of the system itself, the lack of a scientifically based concept: what, in what volume and at what level to teach. To solve these problems, various, most often subjective, approaches are proposed. Some are of the opinion that military schools and academies should prepare officers to perform a specific position. Others believe that universities should provide only fundamental knowledge of theoretical foundations, and specialization will be completed through a system of officer courses. It seems that, as in any multifaceted process, extremes are unacceptable here.

established in last years The military education system is a continuous educational process. At the same time, its main components are: initial military training; military professional training during the period conscript service in the ranks of the Armed Forces (including in training units); training at the Suvorov and Nakhimov schools; training in military schools and military departments of civilian universities, followed by military service or training in the reserves; commander training; advanced training for officers or academic courses; training in military academies. In addition, we can highlight the training of reserve military personnel at various types of training camps.

However, when considering the content of training, we cannot note such “diversity”. Thus, officer training takes place mainly in target military educational institutions. There are no significant differences observed in the training programs of branch (tribal) military schools and academies. As a rule, numerous universities simultaneously train specialists of the same profile with a certain degree of specialization, which leads to duplication, dispersal of funds to create an identical material base, and increased costs for management activities. Officer courses also do not meet their purpose of improving the professional training of officers. Today, the advanced training courses for officers existing in the military education system have to some extent lost their significance. The main reasons for this lie, first of all, in the isolation of curricula from the content of training in military schools and academies, and most importantly, in the fact that they practically do not affect the officer’s promotion.

In our opinion, an important link in the training of officers is commander training. But the currently existing programs do not provide for the development of knowledge, skills and abilities: the same topics are studied year after year, classes are repeated, the experience and level of professional training of students is not taken into account, all this leads to the conclusion that with apparent unity Various elements of the officer training system function without proper communication with each other. Moreover, these shortcomings have already been conceptually considered in the Regulations on the construction of the RF Armed Forces in the section “Training of military personnel.” However, in our opinion, more attention is paid to organizational issues.

Advanced pedagogy in the institutional aspect considers the education system as a set of formal and informal sub-systems. The formal includes such educational institutions as general education schools, higher and secondary specialized institutions, various courses (official institutions); to informal - family, church, museums, clubs, etc. The formation of a comprehensively developed personality, including a military professional, is conditionally carried out in two directions: the first is the acquisition of professional qualities, i.e. education; the second is the formation of civic and universal qualities, i.e. upbringing.

Within the framework of the theory of lifelong education, research under the auspices of UNESCO began a quarter of a century ago. In Russia, this issue has only been dealt with for the last decade. IN general view the idea of ​​lifelong education reflects the urgent social need to streamline the vertical structure educational process and its completion with new elements. Both in content and structure, the proposed system of continuous education provides for two main types of training: fundamental (general theoretical) and applied (in the specialty, according to the job description). At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the features of creating a system of continuous education: the possibility of receiving it throughout a person’s entire active life; stimulating the very fact of acquiring, updating and increasing the level of knowledge; meeting the needs for specialization of knowledge only in senior years of universities on the basis of professional selection.

Thus, continuing education Military personnel must, in our opinion, be understood as a process of their training, consisting of basic and subsequent education. In the future, this involves a consistent alternation of practical activities in the field of professional work and study to improve theoretical (basic) knowledge.

Analyzing some provisions of the concept of lifelong education, we can conclude that the main directions of educational reform in the RF Armed Forces could be: in structure - the creation of a coherent, interconnected system of continuous training of officers not only in military schools and academies , but also at various officer courses (academic, advanced training, etc.), as well as in the troops in the system of commander training and independent study; closer integration of the officer training system with elements of civilian (secondary specialized) education; in terms of content - strengthening the fundamental nature of university education, especially in the junior years. At the same time, in military command schools, the main attention during three to four years of study should be focused on mastering the basic sciences, the foundations of military theory and the general education program, which give the right to receive national diplomas, and in the final course - on applied sciences. When training engineering specialists, a closer connection with the national program for training engineers of specific specialties is also possible. Military academies, in our opinion, should not only expand knowledge on the basics of military theory, but also train management officers of an operational-tactical and even operational-strategic profile, assigning them new qualifications. The preparation of an officer to perform a specific position in the field of professional labor should be carried out in universities of the Moscow Region or in military departments at civilian higher educational institutions at the final stage of training, as well as in the system of mandatory officer courses before appointment to a higher position.

In addition, given the need of troops for specialists of various levels of training, it seems legitimate to issue different diplomas by the same university. For first-level specialists - about secondary military special education. Graduates should receive it after completing only the first two or three years of military schools, if they are unable or for some reason do not want to continue their studies, as well as in some military departments at civilian universities. This will be the level of education at which an officer (warrant officer) will be able to perform the primary positions of command and engineering support.

stava. The second - about higher military education of the first stage (higher military-special education) will be received by graduates of military schools and institutes of the military branches, most military departments at civil engineering and technical universities (in the relevant specialties for fulfilling command and engineering positions up to individual units inclusive, as well as formation headquarters officers). The third - about higher military education of the second level - (elite) is given only to graduates of military academies, command staff and engineering specialists intended to fill the corresponding command positions at the operational-tactical level and officer positions in operational and strategic formations, in Central office Ministry of Defense, in teaching at universities and research institutions.

At first glance there is nothing new. According to the form, this is exactly how we conduct officer training. However, the fundamental difference between the continuous and traditional education system is that it is possible to obtain education at any level in accordance with one’s abilities; the right to choose in senior courses of special orientation; predominantly personal responsibility of the student for the results of his studies; significant specific gravity fundamental (at least 50%) preparation and independent (about 25%) work; mandatory stimulation of the quality of educational level.

In practice, it is already necessary to make a transition to a multi-level structure for the training of military specialists. To achieve this, recruitment to military schools should be carried out on a competitive basis and training should begin with a fundamental course. Then, based on the results of exams for two or three courses (depending on the professional qualities identified by the rating), no more than two-thirds of the students are selected to continue their studies under the full program and receive a diploma of higher military education. The rest (30-40% of trainees), who have shown positive results in their studies, should be sent to one-year (but not less than six months) courses for targeted training for a specific primary position in their chosen specialty. In this case, they will be issued by platoon commanders or company technicians with the rank of junior lieutenant (warrant officer). They may be awarded a diploma of secondary military education. They remain in this position until the end of the contract, but subsequently they can be promoted (to officer positions) to the commander of a company (battery) and their peers, but subject to mandatory training special courses or at military schools before appointment to each position and passing the relevant exams.

There is, in our opinion, a need to revise the Regulations on the timing of the dismissal of military personnel from the Armed Forces. The maximum age for service, naturally, should be 60 years (as established in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Defense”). However, strictly linking the period of dismissal with the rank of an officer is not entirely correct. After all, the main thing is business qualities and personal attitude towards service. For a number of positions (at headquarters, universities, research institutes, administrative bodies) it is not necessary to confer a higher rank, but an officer can perform his duties perfectly until he is 50-55 years old. Dismissing an officer solely because of the age limit for military rank is simply wasteful.

Besides, social protection professional military personnel - graduates of military schools is impossible without awarding them, upon completion of the full course of study, a national diploma as a specialist with a higher special education. This applies primarily to command officers, since for military engineers the levels of training, of course, can and should be determined similarly to the corresponding civilian engineering universities. It is required at the legislative level to determine to which management or other specialties of the national economy a diploma of a military specialist is equated.

When studying at military academies of branches of the Armed Forces, it is necessary to give a higher military education to manage the activities of associations (formations, units) of this type in peacetime and wartime, and the Academy of the General Staff should train military specialists in the field of joint use of associations of branches of the Armed Forces. At the same time, in academies it is also advisable to have two levels of training and differentiate students based on the results of the first two or three semesters of study. Depending on the results of studies and professional selection according to the rating, about 25-30% of students are proposed to be transferred to accelerated (no more than one semester) additional training with their subsequent deployment to the troops for further service as officers of headquarters, units and formations, as well as commanders of battalions and equal units. Upon their subsequent promotion, they can take advanced training courses. Students who complete their studies at the academy in the full program must be awarded diplomas of specialists in management activities both in the military field and in the field of the national economy. All graduates can serve in the headquarters of formations and formations, as commanders of regiments, brigades, their deputies and in positions equal to them. Some officers who have shown a penchant for staff and research activities can immediately enter an adjunct program or be sent to the Military Academy of the General Staff, the duration of their studies there should not exceed one year. Naturally, in the VAGS officers and generals from the troops will be selected in the same manner, and its graduates will be appointed to fill command positions at the operational-tactical level and for subsequent work in General Staff, the Central Office of the Ministry of Defense, the headquarters of the armed forces, the headquarters of military districts.

These proposals will undoubtedly require a qualitative reworking of not only the curriculum, but also a change in the very ideology of military education, the introduction of new technologies into the educational process; creating a system of objective control (based on the rating principle), assessment and selection of those worthy for further training in an expanded program at each stage of this multi-level system; changes in approaches to the consideration of candidates for promotion to higher positions and personal accounting of the service of graduates of military academies in general. The main thing is that this option for training officers will avoid duplication and will significantly increase the motivation of training. At the same time, universities that train specialists at the request of various customers should become independent executors of orders and not, as is the case now, be directly subordinate to their customers. In our opinion, the customer can limit universities in three aspects: determine the number of graduates by year; present scientifically based qualification requirements according to their preparation; participate in quality control of training. Universities must decide everything else on their own.

It seems that we can agree with the opinion that graduates of military schools, receiving fundamental training in the fundamentals of the theory of military art, can at the same time prepare to perform a specific position. At the same time, academy programs must compensate for the gap in obtaining fundamental knowledge and in the methods of its application. The preparation of officers with an academic education for appointment to a specific position (their narrow specialization), in our opinion, is the prerogative of short-term officer courses, primarily academic ones. At the same time, the commander training system should be a constant link between fundamental and practical training in the specialty in accordance with the job purpose. It must be coordinated with the curricula of the corresponding officer courses and carried out by category in the same volumes, but not for two days a month, but for two to three weeks every six months. It is advisable to leave the forms of improving the methodological training of officers - commanders of units and units - the same.

Among the priority tasks of reforming military education, it would be necessary to clarify the system of training the teachers themselves, including in connection with the transition to a continuous training system. In the meantime, military teachers are appointed to positions without the necessary training. The issues of teacher exchange between civilian and military universities are poorly resolved; There are rare cases of military teachers being sent to other countries to gain experience. All this leads to low quality of teaching and generally reduces the effectiveness of learning. The solution to the problem is seen in the creation of a military pedagogical university or individual faculties. This is a distant prospect, but today there is a need for training of teaching staff, which can be carried out in special pedagogical groups within the framework of existing military academies. The relevant departments could lead and conduct this work: tactics, weapons and shooting, technical support and others. The M.V. Frunze Military Academy has some experience in this in training teachers of the history of wars and military art. It is also advisable to continue the training of military scientists and teachers through the system of postgraduate and doctoral studies. At the same time, there is no need to limit the number of doctoral students for departments, but it is only necessary to establish the total number of adjunct and doctoral studies for the university. In addition, young doctors of military sciences should be trained according to a unified program at the VAGS or at its academic courses.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the proposed measures to improve the military education system, although in some ways coincide with the provisions of the concepts of continuous military education in the armies of some countries of the world, but at the same time reflect the specifics of the Russian Armed Forces.

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with leaders of professional training groups
Topic: Organization procedure
professional and official
preparation permanent staff
Lesson leader:
Head of the 102nd department, Colonel Paukov A.B.

1. General requirements for the organization of professional and job training


Organization of combat training –
commanders (chiefs) and bodies
management (headquarters), aimed at
subordinate troops and their bodies
management, as well as training
combat training activities.

Organization of professional and official
training includes:
making a decision on combat training in educational
professional and official
submitting them for approval;
necessary planning documents (or extracts from
them) to subordinates;
organization and progress of professional and official
dissemination of best practices in troop training;
professional and official
professional and official

professional and official
the beginning
of the year
training), until the 25th.
professional and official
preparation for the next month in structural
Academy units must be completed before 29
dates (for March - until February 27).
professional training with officers is compiled
for a month by the head of the training group and approved
immediate superior.

half year
is being developed
approved by the immediate superior.
professional and official
individual task.
is being developed
immediate supervisor for the period of training.
The content of an individual task can
be: writing an essay, developing a report,
preparing a lecture for classes in the PDP system, etc.

Deputy Head of the Academy
S. Chistyakov
"_____" September 2015
personal training of Colonel A.B. Paukov
for the winter period of study 2015/2016 academic year
Subject of study, topics studied (questions) to complete tasks
boss about quality
I.Improving professional training
Tactical training
Topic No. 1: "
Topic No. 2: "
Special training
Topic No. 1
II. Preparing for upcoming classes
1. Preparation for IMZ with officers on the topic: “
2. Preparation for IMZ with sergeants on the topic: “
3. Preparing for a demonstration lesson
III. Further development of job and special responsibilities
IV. Improving methodological skills and preparing for the upcoming lesson (event)
1. Development of methodological recommendations
2. Development of reference plans and outlines

professional and official
preparation - there is a reflection of quantitative and qualitative
indicators of implementation of training plans for units and levels
revealing the degree of training of personnel and units.
Accounting is divided into operational and periodic.
Operational accounting consists of daily recording and
professional training and mastering the personal training program
Periodic accounting consists of summarizing the results
operational accounting with subsequent analysis and conclusions for
specified period of time during the academic year (week, month,
quarter, half year, year).
professional training - for group leader


Summing up
professional and official
training aims to solve the following tasks:
professional and job training during the period of study,
academic year;
military professional preparedness of personnel.
Summing up
professional and official
preparation should include:
collection, processing and analysis of information about the status and
performance results of subordinates;
development of materials and documents for summing up
professional and job training per month, period
training, academic year;
summing up
professional training.

units during preparation and conduct
summing up professional and official
preparation is:
analysis of the positive and disadvantages of problem solving

identifying tasks that are not fully completed,
poor quality
completing each task;
professional and job training;
objective assessment of the state of departments according to
private areas of daily activities,
directly affecting the condition and level of their
professional and job training.


Classes - a generalized name for forms
training of military personnel (except
the content of the classes is the transfer
the information manager of the trainee, her

When preparing a lesson, the leader must:
understand the task, purpose, form (method) of the lesson, its
topic and time;
assess the situation (tasks facing students,
composition of trainees and their level of training, duration
activities, time of year, weather, its venue,
possibilities of educational and material base, consumption rates
resource of weapons, military and special equipment,
technical means training, ammunition, simulation
funds, etc.);
develop and make a decision on the preparation and conduct
organization of its implementation and support, measures for
preventing death and injury to personnel;
questions on which to organize a competition during the lesson
between students);

develop educational and methodological documents for conducting
lessons - lesson plan or outline;
personally prepare for the lesson, organize
training of your assistants (instructors) and trainees;
prepare (select) a venue or area, taking into account
carrying out
safety requirements;
prepare material support for the lesson, visual
manuals, technical training aids, necessary equipment and
approve the lesson plan (outline) for the lesson
immediate superior;
if necessary, prepare and hand over the task to the trainees
(initial situation) for their preliminary preparation;
On the eve of the lesson, check with your assistant your readiness
personnel and equipment, technical training aids,
educational and material base for the lesson;
report (at the time established by the senior superior) on
readiness for the lesson.

Plans (plan - notes) for the first week
classes of the new academic year (study period)
(when conducting classes on professional readiness - for the first two weeks)
approved no later than three days before
beginning of the year (study period).
In preparation for training camps, plans
(plan - notes) of classes are approved a week in advance
before the start of collection.

During the lesson, the leader is obliged to:
ensure the active work of all trainees in
mastering the content of practiced training
monitor compliance with requirements
safety defined by statutes, courses,
relevant instructions and guidelines, and
also classes established by the leader;
monitoring students' learning
educational material and, in accordance with the results
control, adjust the course of the lesson.

Immediately before the start of class
the manager must:
check the availability of personnel, readiness of equipment
and educational and material base, equipment of personnel
and its appearance;
make sure
in the performance of tasks by students
preparation for class;
measures to ensure safety and appearance
personnel briefing;
procedure for monitoring their
situations, first aid;
personally verify the creation and provision of safe
conditions for conducting the lesson, students’ assimilation
safety requirements and their possession of sufficient
practical skills in their implementation.

Requirements of governing documents on the organization of professional and job training of permanent staff of the Academy

Basic definitions

Professional and official training is a set of educational activities aimed at improving military professional qualifications, military skills, spiritual, cultural and physical improvement of officers.

The essence of professional and job training is the mastery of officials at all levels necessary knowledge, abilities, skills and command (professional) qualities to perform the duties of the position held and one step higher.

Meetings of management (command) personnel with officers are carried out in order to maintain knowledge, improve skills, consolidate the skills necessary to perform their job duties, as well as to improve methodological skills when conducting classes with subordinates on a personal cell, studying governing documents, training in managing daily activities divisions.

Professional and job training of officers



preparation for additional education programs

during the training of troops (forces) and command and control bodies

professional training


(within the scope of the position held)


for a senior position or related specialty

retraining of officers


classes at least 8 hours per month

management (command) staff


university graduates

educational and methodological

independent work

military scientific work

completing individual tasks

classes for admission to independent management and duty

participation in competitions and field training competitions

methodological work

control classes

instructor-methodological classes

methodological meetings (conferences)

show classes


during scheduled classes

Guiding Documents

  • Manual on combat training in the RF Armed Forces, approved by 2013 order No. 760dsp of the RF Ministry of Defense (second edition, corrected and supplemented).
  • Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2013 No. 878 “On legal training in the RF Armed Forces."
  • Order of the RF Ministry of Defense of 2005 No. 170 “On the organization of public and state training in the RF Armed Forces.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2013 No. 255dsp “On improving the work to ensure the security of military service in the RF Armed Forces.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2000 No. 277 “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for conducting inspections of military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.”
  • Order of the Commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces of 2015 No. 69 “On the organization of professional training and internal service in the Command of the Aerospace Defense Forces in summer period training for the 2015 academic year."
  • Manual on combat training of the Aerospace Defense Forces, introduced by order of the commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces in 2012 No. 82dsp.
  • Organizational and methodological instructions for operational and combat training of military command and control bodies and the Aerospace Defense Forces in the 2015 academic year.
  • Mobilization training program for military personnel of command and control agencies and troops (forces) of the Western Military District for the 2015 academic year.
  • Order of the head of the academy dated 2015 No. 31dsp “On the results of professional and job training of the permanent staff of the academy in the 2014/2015 academic year and tasks for professional and job training for the 2015/2016 academic year.”
Organization of professional and job training classes

Day of the week/level

I level

Level II

Level III


Lecture at the club (second Wednesday of every month), group classes (first Wednesday of every month, second Wednesday of every month (reserve day)

Lecture at the club (second Wednesday of each month), group classes (first and second Wednesday of each month, third Wednesday of each month (reserve day)

Lecture at the club (second Wednesday of each month), group classes (third Wednesday of each month, fourth Wednesday of each month (reserve day)

Distribution of time by subjects


professional and official


Number of hours by period

Number of hours


According to the forms of conducting classes

In groups

In groups


(tactical-special) training

Special training



Mobilization preparation

Public and state training

Fundamentals of ensuring the protection of state secrets

Fundamentals of military service security

Fire training


General military regulations of the RF Armed Forces

Physical training

TOTAL excluding physical training:

TOTAL taking into account physical fitness:

Self-preparation Self-study is integral part professional and official training of officers.
  • Self-training is carried out during official time twice a week for two training hours, including the preparatory period, with the aim of studying governing documents, consolidating and improving officers’ professional knowledge, skills and methodological mastery, searching for and acquiring new knowledge, performing individual tasks, military scientific work, preparation for upcoming classes, competitions and competitions.
  • In groups of levels I and II, independent training is carried out according to a separate plan. Days for self-study in Level III groups are on Mondays and Fridays.
  • Leaders of groups for professional training (unit commanders) are responsible for organizing and conducting independent work of the officers subordinate to them and keeping records of it.
List of planning and reporting documentation for RAP


Semester (period)



2. Thematic plan PDP of the permanent staff of the university

Schedule of RAP classes held throughout the university



1. Thematic plan of the RAP in structural units, taking into account the level of education and professional knowledge of the trainees

2. List of individual tasks

2. Schedule of RAP classes for a month

3. Plan for conducting a lesson on the RAP


RAP log book

Summing up the month


Officer personal training plan


Notebooks according to traffic rules

Report on the completion of an individual task

Training of civilian personnel in a specialty Training of civilian personnel in a specialty is organized and carried out in accordance with the training plan developed for the academic year. The purpose of training civilian personnel is to increase the level of professional knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure timely and high-quality performance of duties in accordance with the job purpose. The main focus should be on: mastering professional activity; mastering knowledge on public and state training, labor safety, preparation for work in critical conditions of an operational-tactical situation. Training of civilian personnel is carried out during scheduled classes for at least 6 hours per month, except for the months of preparation for the new academic year (training period), as part of training groups under the guidance of immediate superiors and independently in the following training subjects:
  • public and state preparation;
  • professional training in the field of activity;
  • occupational Safety and Health;
  • special training.
Distribution of time by subjects of GP training for the 2014/2015 academic year (in teaching hours) List of planning and reporting documentation for the training of civilian personnel


Semester (period)



1. Section “Organization of the PDP of the permanent staff of the university” in the decision of the head of the university on the organization of educational activities

2. Thematic plan for training GPs in their specialty

Calendar plan of main events


Order on the results of the RAP for 2014/2015 and tasks for 2015/2016


Thematic plan for training GPs in their specialty in structural units, taking into account the level of education and professional knowledge of trainees

1. Plan calendar of main events.

2. Schedule of GP training classes for a month

3. Plan for conducting a GP training session



Statements based on the results of passing control classes (tests)

Summing up the month

Civilian personnel



GP preparation notebooks

educational work is organized:

a) with deputy company commanders (and their equals) for educational work in military units- once a month for at least 4 hours;

b) with deputy battalion commanders (and their equals) for educational work, battalion psychologists in formations - 2 times during the training period for 4 hours;

c) with deputy commanders of regiments (and their equals) for educational work, with officials of educational work bodies of regiments, formations, associations and military educational institutions - once during the training period for at least 4 hours.

The training of officials of educational work bodies of directorates (departments) of branches and branches of the Armed Forces, military districts (fleets), main and central directorates of the Ministry of Defense is carried out in the professional training system.

Officers appointed to positions in educational bodies undergo additional training (retraining) in their specialty.

Topic No. 9: “Organization of educational work in a unit, division. Basic forms and methods of educational work of an officer"

Lesson No. 1: “Goals and objectives of educational work in the unit. The procedure for organizing and conducting educational activities in the department. Basic forms and methods of educational work of an officer. Long-term and current planning of educational work in the department"

Study questions:

1. Goals and objectives of educational work in the unit.

2. The procedure for organizing and conducting educational activities in the department.

3. Basic forms and methods of educational work of an officer.

4. Long-term and current planning of educational work in the department.

Goals and objectives of educational work in the unit.

Basic principles of the education system:

Compliance of the goals and objectives of education with the requirements of society, military service, the ideals of a spiritual and moral person;

Correspondence of educational influences (influences) to the personal example of the commander (chief), the level of his cultural and moral development;

Correspondence of means and methods of education to its goals and objectives;

Correspondence educational activities individual and

collective characteristics of military personnel, their level of development;

Compliance of the results of the education system with the set goals and objectives.

Basic principles of education:

State-patriotic and professional orientation;

Education in the process of military activity;

An integrated approach to the education of military personnel;

A demanding and respectful attitude towards soldiers while relying on the positive in the individual;

Individual and differentiated approach;

Unity, consistency and continuity in education.









State-patriotic education personnel is directed to the formation and development of an individual who has the qualities of a citizen - a patriot of Russia and is able to successfully fulfill professional responsibilities in peacetime and wartime.

The main ways of state-patriotic education are:

Resolving the contradictions in the process of forming a patriotic citizen, taking into account the conditions of the modern period of Russian statehood;

Improving education in the spirit of friendship of the peoples of the Russian Federation;

Education of military personnel on the heroic traditions of the peoples of Russia and the Armed Forces:

Traditions include:

Devotion to the Motherland and love for it (patriotism);

Always Ready to the defense of the Fatherland;

Loyalty to the military oath, military duty;

Loyalty to military comradeship;

Respect for the commander and protection of him in battle;

Loyalty to the Battle Banner.

In Russia, the banners of units and ships were introduced by Peter I. He determined their sizes, design, and introduced the oath under the banner. It was determined that the banners would serve for five years. Paul I ordered to serve the banners indefinitely.

Creative use of the educational potential of various religious denominations.

Military education consists of a systematic and purposeful influence on the spiritual and physical development military personnel in the interests of their training as armed defenders of the Fatherland.

The main ways of military education are:

Implementation of the inextricable unity of the process of education and training of military personnel;

Compliance with strict statutory order in the organization of all service and everyday life in military units (units);

Ensuring the safety of military service and moral and psychological support for each military personnel in various types of military activities;

Simulation of real conditions and conditions of modern combat in the educational process;

Ensuring the personal integrity of all categories of officials;

Use of the system of military rituals established in the Armed Forces;

Moral education is considered as an influence on the consciousness, feelings and will of military personnel in order to form in them the necessary moral traits and qualities.

The main ways of moral education are:

Arming military personnel with knowledge of society's requirements for them

professional and moral character, ensuring the social significance of their military service;

Stimulating the need for moral self-improvement of military personnel, their desire for a positive moral ideal;

Ensuring the flexibility of educational influences, their improvement in accordance with the achieved level of moral maturity of military personnel;

Purposeful organization of morally significant activities of military personnel, in the process of which personal meaning is formed, realized and experienced moral principles and norms;

The use of methods, forms and moral incentives of education that encourage moral feelings and responsibility;

Analysis and consideration of public opinion, socio-psychological climate, individual characteristics warriors

Legal education represents a purposeful, systematic impact on the consciousness and psyche of military personnel in the interests of forming in them stable legal views and ideas, beliefs and feelings, instilling in them a high legal culture, skills and habits of legal behavior.

The main ways of legal education are:

Organization and content of legal propaganda;

increasing theoretical and methodological training military personnel on legal issues;

Mobilization of personnel for active participation in the legal educational process;

Generalization and dissemination of best legal experience;

Monitoring the strict and precise observance of law and order, military discipline and disciplinary practices.

Economic education is to form in them a system of economic knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities necessary for the successful performance of official duties.

The main ways of economic education are:

Creation of economic knowledge schools in military units for

Formation careful attitude to military equipment, weapons and military property, rational use material, technical, educational and methodological means;

The use of various economic incentives in educational work with various categories of military personnel;

Propagation of economic knowledge on various economic issues of the unit’s life;

Training military personnel in the ability to foresee and assess the economic consequences of their activities, ensure economic security military service.

Aesthetic education aimed at the diversified development of the emotional and sensory sphere (sense of beauty) spiritual world military personnel.

The main ways of aesthetic education are :

Formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the military environment, towards the subjects and objects of professional activity;

Instilling an aesthetic attitude towards military uniforms and equipment, knowledge of their history;

Acquaintance with the artistic and creative life of the army and navy, their artists, writers, composers and poets;

Introduction to military issues in theatre, cinema, literature, painting.

Physical education promotes health promotion and hardening, the formation of strong-willed, fighting and psychological qualities.

The main ways of physical education are:

Organization of planned physical training of various categories of military personnel;

Carrying out sports events;

Organization of active leisure for personnel on weekends and holidays;

Propaganda healthy image life;

Popularization of the best sports achievements.

Environmental education aimed at developing among military personnel environmental thinking, the necessary economic, legal, moral, aesthetic views on nature and the place of man in it for the purpose of environmental protection and safety.

Main ways environmental education are:

Explanation of the causes of the negative environmental consequences of military activities and the possibilities for their prevention;

Involving warriors in practical activities for nature conservation;

Improving environmental training of personnel.

Implementation of the content of education involves A complex approach , providing for the unity and consistency of all its components.

Goals of educational work:

Formation and development of the qualities and relations of a patriotic citizen among personnel.

Development of the spiritual component of the combat potential and military professionalism of the army, its use in the interests of strengthening the country’s defense capability;

Formation of a developed and highly moral personality as a defender of the Fatherland;

Ensuring informed and conscientious fulfillment military personnel of their military duty.

Education of military personnel as citizens of a legal and democratic state;

Education of each military personnel and preparation of them for various types of professional activities or for any specific one;

Taking into account and, if necessary, adjusting the personal goals of military personnel - both declared in words and actually implemented during their studies and service.

The main objectives of the education system are:
