What does the shape of the nose say? Large nostrils are a reason for surgery

A person's appearance can tell a lot about him. For example, it is well known that eyes reflect the state of mind, mood, inner world personality. What can a person’s nose tell about a person’s character? It turns out a lot.

Four typical nose sizes

There are many types of noses. One of the criteria for their characteristics is size. In terms of size, noses range from large to small and long to short.

  • So, a person with a big big nose usually self-confident, selfish and passionate. He prefers to lead and command, and act independently.
  • The owner has a small nose has little patience and gets frustrated quickly, but loves to play in a team, help out, and solve problems creatively.
  • A long nose indicates that its owner is ambitious and businesslike, capable of raising and solving the most complex tasks and problems.
  • People with short noses they do not like to lead, they are more driven than proactive, but they are loved for their emotionality, kindness and sensitivity.

Nose shape: there are eight main shapes of the nose structure

Maybe you should approach the mirror and, by examining your nose, learn something new about yourself?

Direction: hanging tip - nervous, fussy. The rising tip is naive, dreamy. If we are talking about a man, then the nose slopes left side will mean taking care of yourself, brothers, father, male friends, your secrets, and a deviation to the right side, on the contrary: caring for your wife, sisters, mother, daughters, female friends and public secrets.

A positive (bulging forward) bridge of the nose speaks of an active life position and some aggression, a negative (concave) bridge of the nose speaks of passivity.
High bridge of the nose - decisive, stubborn, famous (if the cheekbones and mouth are good).
A low bridge of the nose means a weak-willed, unhealthy person.

If the bridge of the nose is uneven, for example, the nose was broken, this means treachery, betrayal and an unhappy marriage. A round tip of the nose means a good financial situation, kindness. The person uses softer methods to earn money, he is generous. The sharp tip of the nose means arguments over trifles, cruelty and stinginess. Such a person is more prudent; you should always remember how much money you owe him, for example, and pay everything carefully on time and to the penny. Forked tip - loneliness (possibly internal).

Physiognomy considers at least 24 signs related to the nose. But these are 576 possible combinations! By looking at the nose of your interlocutor, you can better understand its owner

Physiognomy considers at least 24 signs related to the nose. But these are 576 possible combinations! By looking at the nose of your interlocutor, you can better understand its owner. Let’s figure out what features immediately attract attention and are clear for interpretation

From an expert

German Teplyakov, doctor, teacher, psychologist, highly qualified specialist in the field of medical and psychovisual diagnostics:

- Scientists are still arguing about the mysteries of human origins. According to one version, our distant ancestors lived on the banks of reservoirs and got their food in the water. So the man lost hairline, which prevented him from swimming, acquired subcutaneous fat to keep warm in the water, and improved a device that allows searching for food - the nose. Nose - amazing gift nature. It can be small and large, narrow and wide, straight and with a hump. And in all cases, this wonderful organ makes a person unique, giving him his own charm and special uniqueness.

Nose length

Lorenzo Villoresi

A person with a long nose (an example is the outstanding modern perfumer Lorenzo Villoresi) is thorough and knows how to appreciate beautiful and tasty things. Gives great importance aesthetic side of the issue. He is well versed in haute couture and haute cuisine. The owner of a long nose should not be rushed - on the contrary, you should try to imbue him with his pace. Where the gift of diplomacy is required, long-nosed people will be simply irreplaceable.

Danielle Westbrook

People with short noses (for example, British actress and TV presenter Danielle Westbrook) are more specific, prefer to receive information quickly and immediately, in a compact form; the beauty of the packaging will not be of particular importance. Such people give out information in the same way - quickly and compactly. True, it is not always polite - which, however, is simply perceived by the short-nosed people themselves as frankness. Is it possible to be offended by the truth? And one more thing: people with short noses are invaluable if you need the ability to quickly navigate and make decisions.

Now the question is: what is the length of the nose? would be better suited sommelier, and which one for the fireman?

With and without a hump

Paris Hilton

A straight nose (for example, the famous party girl Paris Hilton) is characteristic of people with the same straight character. It is usually easier to negotiate with them: they do not change the original conditions.

Adrien Brody

Another thing is a nose with a hump (for example, actor Adrien Brody). The owners of such noses are very changeable; new ideas constantly come to their minds, forcing them to change their path and, alas, sometimes retreat from previously reached agreements. If your child has a hooked nose, you should not ask him two weeks before his birthday what mobile phone he wants as a gift - new versions of “wants” will be announced every day.

Always remember that a person with a hump on the nose has a particularly sensitive pride. If in a conversation with him you notice that he has begun to rub his hump, know that you have inadvertently offended him.

So, the question is: will you draw up a contract in every detail or will you just take the word of a person with a hump on his nose?


The width of the nostrils is used to judge the degree of energy of a person (sometimes called temperament). Indeed, a person with wide nostrils is able to absorb more air at once, which serves our species homo sapiens as the main type of “fuel”.

Mikhail Pugovkin

A person with wide nostrils (an example is actor Mikhail Pugovkin) is easy-going, quickly lights up and... alas, quickly deflates. Long-term programs are not his thing. Such people are best suited to the “eat an elephant” technique, when a large task is posed successively in small fragments.

Roald Amundsen

Narrow nostrils (for example, the traveler Roald Amundsen) endow their owner with regularity and balance. Such a person is by nature capable of long-term work at a measured pace. In other words, if the term “sprinter” is better suited to wide nostrils, then narrow nostrils are always a stayer.

Business problem: which employee is more suitable for a startup and which one is more suitable for implementing a long-term project?

Nose ridge


The narrow ridge of the nose (for example, the Central Asian conqueror Tamerlane) belongs to people who are sharp, sometimes hot-tempered, always ready to rush into battle. In combination with aquiline nose- explosive mixture! You need to negotiate everything with such people in a friendly, calm atmosphere, eliminating stress and quarrel.

Steve Wozniak

Wide nose ridge (example - one of the founders of the company Apple Steve Wozniak) reveals peace-loving, kind, sincere natures. These characters are always looking for (and successfully finding!) a peaceful way out of the most ambiguous situations. They have the rare gift of not only avoiding conflicts, but also stopping them at the very beginning.

Question: If you were to go on a space flight, which nose ridge would you prefer to choose as your neighbor in the orbital station?

bridge of the nose

Monica Lewinsky

A wide bridge of the nose (an example is the well-known Monica Lewinsky) inclines a person to investigative behavior. In science, psychology and the practice of investigative bodies, this is a most valuable quality, but in ordinary life it can lead to conflicts. In addition, people with this feature sometimes have difficulty setting goals - they need help with choosing a goal.

Prince Charles

A narrow bridge of the nose (for example, Prince Charles) gives excellent goal setting and completely predictable behavior that is comfortable for others. Although... openness in behavior does not always please those who are nearby with its frankness.

Challenge: Which bridge of your nose would you choose to be the head of security for your corporation?

tip of the nose

On this basis they look at how neat a person is and is able to delve into details.

Steve Jobs

Let's remember Steve Jobs, whose nose was as sharp as a beak. Jobs paid exceptional attention to every detail of every device produced by his company. If you are negotiating with a sharp-nosed person, prepare for the fact that he will want to ask you about the smallest details related to the matter. And if your marriage partner has a sharp tip of the nose, pedantry in everything will be your constant companion.

Gerard Depardieu

A blunt tip of the nose (like, say, Gerard Depardieu) betrays a person for whom the big picture is much more important than small details. Hence, there is not so much attention to order and a reluctance to delve into details. Do not expect deep analytics and scrupulousness from such a person - this is not in his nature. But it will come in handy where you need to act quickly and in “broad strokes.”

Scarlett Johansson

Snub-nosed people (for example, actress Scarlett Johansson) are most often open and optimistic people, with a cheerful and easy-going disposition. They prefer to enjoy today without thinking too much about the future. It’s another matter if the tip of the nose hangs down (example - the owner Microsoft Bill Gates). In ancient and medieval treatises on physiognomy, such a sign was noted as a nose for money. There really is something to this. A person with such a nose tip will not always be a millionaire, but in almost all cases he has some special talent that can be successfully monetized.

Question: Which nose tip shape would you choose as your personal financial advisor?

For quite a long time there was an opinion that a large nose in men is a sign of their sexual strength. More precisely, it was directly associated with the size of “manhood.” But as has long been proven, there is no relationship between the size of these two organs. Thus, the myth that supposedly short, nosed and bald men are entirely sexual giants refers to clean water fiction.

True, scientists advise paying attention to the size of a man’s hip if you

you want to determine his sexual capabilities by appearance. It turns out that the longer the thigh is in relation to the entire leg, the more pronounced a man’s sexual activity is.

Now it’s clear where the myth about the “strength” of short men comes from? Yes, in a short-legged person, the size of the thigh, as a rule, significantly exceeds the size of the calf part of the leg. And short-legged people are usually short people.

But a big nose can tell about some other qualities of the man you love. It was not for nothing that the Chinese believed that the nose is the ruler of the face. They endowed him with the decisive ability to influence a person’s fate and career.

In ancient times, it was believed that a large nose was a sign of seriousness and responsibility of character, creativity, sophistication and hard work. Many scientists and religious figures had sharp facial features.

But if the absence of a depression at the base of the nose is added to the size, then this signals stubbornness, sharpness of mind and a tendency to do everything in one’s own way, regardless of the opinions of others.

A big nose with a hump is characteristic of brave, strong, strong-willed men. True, they are also distinguished by their special impatience and ardor. Such representatives of the stronger sex do not know how to compromise, which can often cause conflicts both at work and with loved ones.

But if the nose resembles a bag, expanding downwards. This is a clear sign of ability to conduct financial transactions. True, such people measure everything around them exclusively in monetary terms, taking advantage of any chance to increase their well-being.

It is also worth taking into account the color of the nose. Unless, of course, in front of you is a person suffering from alcoholism, then a reddish nose may indicate significant financial difficulties in the life of its owner, as well as the impossibility of significant promotion. By the way, this may even be due to the fact that for some reason such people do not evoke sympathy. It is always difficult for them to form a positive opinion when they first meet. In this case, only a good, flexible character can help.

To all that has been said above, we can add that big noses are also an excellent

barrier against infection and even allergies. Since the owner of a large nose inhales the entire required volume of air through it, it is well filtered using the mucous membrane. But those who have this thinner facial feature also have to breathe through their mouths, which naturally leads to a greater likelihood of all kinds of colds and infections.

It should also be noted that people with non-standard appearance, as a rule, have excellent artistic qualities.

Thus, we can sum it up by expressing our deep conviction that a guy’s big nose is a rather attractive feature, indicating the originality of this individual.

The human face is like an open book. And those who know how to read it can learn a lot of interesting things about the interlocutor, his thoughts and intentions.

Physiognomy - the science of reading faces

The science of reading faces is called physiognomy. As experts point out, it originated in China many centuries ago. Some believe that facial features can predict the fate of their owner.

Despite the fact that it undergoes changes with age, the main features - eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips - remain unchanged, and sometimes become even more expressive.

Physiognomy is widely used knowledgeable people in many fields of activity. Regardless of nationality, race, age and gender, emotions always manifest themselves in the same way.

Thus, mentalists, or very attentive people, can “read” a person even before signing a business agreement or predict how important negotiations will end.

The main facial features that physiognomists work with

Specialists in the field of physiognomy are in great demand in business and the corporate world. There are five main facial features in total:

  • eyes;
  • brows;
  • lips;

Main parameters of the nose

Let's focus on the nose and take a closer look at its features. The nose is located in the center of the face and is its most convex part.

The following parameters can be considered decisive.


  • A long nose indicates that a person is stubborn.
  • It strongly hints at the possibility of great achievements in the intellectual sphere or the capriciousness of a given individual, as physiognomy interprets it.
  • means melancholy, such a person is calm, thoughtful and reliable.
  • People with short noses are open, positive and friendly.


  • A thin and slightly angular nose can be a sign of poor concentration. If a small hump is added to this, the person is most likely proud and stubborn; he is not alien to a certain aggressiveness and determination.
  • The narrow nose is a hardworking person, but any benefits do not come easily to him and require exhausting work from him.
  • Non-emotional and calculating individuals, as a rule, have a nose with a flat back and wide wings.
  • If a woman has a small nose, she is quite jealous, and if she has a tall nose with a pronounced back, she can easily compete with any man for a high position in society, says the science of physiognomy.

tip of the nose

  • If this part The nose has a rounded shape, a person has every chance of becoming a prosperous and successful person.
  • When the tip of the nose droops, the person is hypersexual.
  • Physiognomy characterizes a sharp nose as a treacherous and unreliable nature.
  • The tip of the nose, like the beak of an eagle, means vindictiveness.

  • Full and large tip - good-heartedness, friendliness, tendency to act to the detriment of one’s interests for the sake of others.
  • An overly saggy tip that hangs over upper lip, doesn't talk about positive character, but indicates a tendency towards betrayal.
  • Physiognomy interprets an upturned nose as freedom from sexual prejudice and the inability to keep secrets.
  • Rancor, suspiciousness and suspicion are the eternal companions of a person with a split nose.

In general, physiognomy considers as many as 24 signs related directly to the nose, and this amounts to about 576 different variations.

Nostril width

The width of the nostrils, like the shape and length of the nose, can say a lot about a person’s character. Their width determines the temperament of a person. It is believed that a person with wide nostrils can inhale a large number of air, which is the main source of life.

A person with wide nostrils is quickly inspired by an idea and is ready to take action at that very second, but very quickly cools down and is deflated. Long-term goals are not his strong point.

A person with narrow nostrils will be the complete opposite of the previous one. He performs tasks efficiently that require a long time, and also has a balanced character, as physiognomy states.

A hooked nose gives its owner a changeable disposition. Impermanence manifests itself in all areas of life. Many different ideas come to him, which is why a person rushes from one type of activity to another and cannot decide. In addition, such people are easily hurt. Sometimes in the process of communication they can rub their hump, which means that some words have touched the person to the quick.

Nostril shape

  1. Nostrils triangular shape indicate caution and greed.
  2. Square nostrils characterize an active, assertive and determined person who is ready to go to the end to achieve his goal.
  3. The round shape of the nostrils, as a rule, belongs to creative individuals and inventors. Rationality is the main component of the character of such people.
  4. Oval nostrils are a sign of adventurism and a thirst for adventure.

Big and perfect nose

The science of physiognomy is an interesting and multifaceted one.

What it should be like. Experts define it as smooth, with a rounded tip and well-defined wings. Such a person is distinguished by courage, passion and determination.

But the so-called physiognomy is attributed to open, friendly and cheerful people. They are characterized by a quick temper, and they also need approval and encouragement.

A split nose is in most cases a sign of a tyrant. Such a person combines suspicion, suspiciousness, as well as shyness and embarrassment. At the same time, he has outstanding intelligence and is able to solve problems that many people have struggled with. A striking example of a man with a cleft nose was Joseph Stalin.

Nose color

The color of the nose, according to physiognomists, also plays a role in determining a person’s character.

For example, a shiny nose is considered a sign of future success and financial prosperity. Pink, golden and peach colored noses also fall into this category.

But the red color promises loss. Earthy or gray shade nose indicates hidden diseases, green - a person is not inclined to return monetary debts. Even such subtleties can be determined by looking at the human nose.

Physiognomy states that the nose characterizes the life of a person between the ages of 40 and 50. At this time, a person already occupies a certain position in society, and one can judge his capabilities in terms of building a career.

You can predict a person’s character by their nose, but a lot also depends on the person himself. Even the most ideal nose that promises success will not help an alcoholic or drug addict achieve success. The most convenient part of the face by which one can judge character is the nose. Physiognomy provides a basic concept of determining people’s inclinations, but is not 100% effective, since human behavior depends on many factors.
