Organic milk: first after fresh milk. Organic milk is the healthiest What is organic milk

If we once thought about eating something tasty, today people are more concerned about the question of what to eat or drink that is healthy. Now people have begun to understand that chemistry and life are incompatible things, so there has been great interest in organic products. Every day, a person of any age needs to consume dairy products, because thanks to them, the body is equipped with calcium, proteins and other important sources. Even before our era, people used milk for treatment. In medical science and practice, milk is also used due to its medicinal properties.

Nowadays, there is a fashion for healthy eating, so the food market has developed organic milk. Organic milk is a product of organic animal husbandry. For organic livestock farming, the necessary conditions must be established. Animals are raised according to the principle of extensive animal husbandry. The necessary area is allocated for ecological livestock farming, and animals must also have space for walking. Walking of dairy cows is no more than two per 1 hectare. Cow pastures must be cleared within the last three years. The closed area for cows should be six square meters per head, and the open area 4.5 square meters.

For organic milk production, special attention is paid to cows and their nutrition. In order to sell milk as environmentally friendly, cows must be kept for six months. When choosing cow breeds, the primary focus is on their ability to adapt to environmental conditions, so it is best to choose local cow breeds.

Video - what are organic products and how they are produced:

Organic milk producers In their business, they pay special attention to feed, which should consist of 75% environmentally friendly ingredients. The young animals are fed natural milk for 3 months. It is strictly prohibited to feed cows with antibiotics or other medications that stimulate growth or performance.

Storage of organic milk involves strict selection of raw materials and pasteurization. Instead of artificial preservatives, natural ones are used: salt, lemon juice, spices, wine vinegar. The business plan also includes the use of modern technologies, as this increases the shelf life of milk. Thanks to modern technologies, superheated steam is passed through milk for a few seconds - this method preserves all the beneficial substances in the milk. The milk is heated to a temperature of 138°C and held for three to four seconds, this method is called sterilization.

Packaging for organic milk is produced from natural raw materials – PET, which is gradually replacing PLA packaging. The shelf life of this milk is two weeks.
Producing organic products has proven to be a profitable business idea. These products are in great demand, regardless of price. By buying organic milk, which has all the beneficial properties and is environmentally friendly, you take care of your health and the health of your family!

Video - How organic milk is produced:

Customers of our online store love milk of different composition and fat content. Some people prefer whole organic milk with maximum nutritional content. Other clients are purposefully looking for where to buy natural goat milk in Moscow, knowing about its special benefits, hypoallergenicity and easy digestibility. Fans of organic baked milk will always find it in our product line - it is incredibly tasty and tender, with a delicate aroma.

Note: Did you know that organic milk (organic is the main philosophy of our store) has a lot of amazing properties? For example, its proteins are capable of binding toxins and poisons, so natural milk is very useful for workers in hazardous industries to drink. Despite the fact that lactase (it is responsible for the absorption of milk) is produced mainly in infants, in cold climates and the lack of the proper amount of vitamin D, the body produces the enzyme even in adults.

Regardless of what farm milk you order from us in Moscow, it is always an organic product that does not contain any additional impurities or additives, because our cows eat exclusively natural food and do not take medications, stimulants or hormones. Milk production on the Ugleche Pole farms is carried out with minimal intervention from technology and mechanics: we do not treat cows only as sources of income, carefully and attentively caring for them and providing them with good walking, maintenance and the proper degree of freedom. All brands of natural milk (naturalness guaranteed) are regularly on sale.

How to distinguish natural milk from a farm from a mass product

Organic milk, due to the nature of its production, is slightly more expensive than store-bought milk. However, our customers are not used to saving on health and quality, taking care of the diet of their family members. They choose truly natural milk - the healthiest and most delicious. They are interested in how to determine at home whether the milk they bought is natural. For example, whole natural cow's milk cannot have a fat content of 1%; this figure usually varies from 3 to 5%. Milk from our farm can even form cream after several days of storage - this also indicates its quality. You won’t find anything like this in regular milk (often with added dry ingredients), which is so abundant on store shelves. Another way to find out which milk is natural in Moscow is to leave it sour: real milk will turn out to be yogurt, but powdered milk will simply spoil.

Which manufacturer produces natural milk is a question that virtually all customers ask. The Ugleche Pole company strictly adheres to state standards of natural cow's milk - GOST 33980-2016, plus USDA Organic and EU Organic Bio.

Beneficial properties of natural milk

A lot can be said about the benefits of farm cow's milk.

An interesting fact is that people value it so much that they even celebrate World Milk Day at the beginning of June. And in our country it has become famous - on this day they organize tastings to understand which brands of milk are natural and healthy; conduct cooking master classes; manufacturing companies organize competitions (for example, to determine the fat content of natural cow's milk by taste).

What exactly is so good about our milk:

  • This is a self-sufficient product - more food than drink due to the abundance of useful and nutritious substances, amino acids, enzymes, trace elements and vitamins;
  • Goat milk “outperforms” cow milk in terms of vitamin composition, albumin and globulin content; Bile is not needed for its absorption;
  • Natural milk (the expiration date is indicated on the package) helps with insomnia, especially if you mix it with organic honey from Ugleche Pole. Organic Layout";
  • In the body it is digested by almost 99%;
  • A liter of milk from the village is better than two from the store - it has concentrated benefits, taste and aroma.

Composition of milk

Despite the fact that 85% of milk is water, the remaining 15% is of exceptional importance for our body, and these are milk fats and lactose, amino acids, enzymes, calcium and 80 more microelements, B vitamins, vitamin D, A, E , K, lactoalbumin and lactoglobulin. The composition of natural milk is balanced from a nutritional point of view.

Shipping and payment

Do you need the freshest milk? “Ugleche Pole. Organic Market will gladly take on the issue of delivering baked, whole or pasteurized milk in any required volumes. We deliver natural goat milk and other products from our assortment to the addresses you specify (Moscow and Moscow region). The favorable price of farm milk in our online store is another additional plus of the purchase. On the store’s website you can familiarize yourself in detail with the entire line of organic products and find out how much natural milk or other farm dairy product you are interested in costs.

“Real milk, No. 1, is always 100% natural, specially selected, high quality, without milk powder, without additives or preservatives, made according to GOST R, made from top milk.” So many epithets and enticingly catchy names are painted on a package of milk under a well-known brand, which can be stored for as long as six months!

Many adults no longer care what is in the bag. He drinks and drinks. The main thing is that it is cold, and it doesn’t matter who is number one or number two. Everyone knows that this is advertising, which usually lies.

But children can sometimes be very picky. And not because of some advertising preferences, but because their body protests. The most common reason is allergies.

Field, Russian field... You are my youth, you are my will

The last time I drank real milk, and not this, in my opinion, half-percent surrogate, was as a child, when I was in the village with my grandmother in the Spassky district of the Ryazan region. Then, during the daily milking, housewives poured fresh milk into large cans, which were transported to the farm on horseback. It’s understandable - you ride in a cart, and you drink a glass or two. Nobody feels sorry. Let the child drink something fresh and steamy. And in the evening the neighbor will bring a three-liter can of milk.

This happened a long time ago - at the very beginning of the 90s. Since then, the democrats, as they called themselves, have changed the vector of development of the entire country, or more precisely, they have destroyed a huge country with its powerful economy. This also affected our collective and state farm system, built in Soviet times based on the traditional way of life of the rural population of Russia and based on the need to modernize rural production. The new masters of Russia destroyed large enterprises, in addition depriving the villages of support, and the farming class, which they were counting on, was never created.

Now, many years later, having arrived in the village, I discovered that the trees had grown, the roads along which people went to milk were overgrown with nettles, and there were practically no cows themselves. Like everything else - farm, stables, store. Only the fields remained. Huge flood fields, right up to the horizon! Only there is no harvest for them. Resourceful Muscovites bought up their shares from collective farmers by hook or by crook, privatized them, mortgaged them, resold them - and nothing else is sown there.

What about farmers, you ask? Indeed, how did the farmers settle in market Russia, on whom the reformers, citing Stolypin and the Americans, pinned their hopes?

The famous Russian scientist Sergei Georgievich Kara-Murza in the book “The manipulation continues. Strategy of Devastation” writes the following: “The attempt at the beginning of the 20th century to forcibly destroy the peasant community in Russia and turn the peasants into “free farmers” and agricultural workers served as a catalyst for the 1917 revolution.” And when “collective and state farms were destroyed, people were convinced that farms would become the main type of rural economy in the future market system...”

“...What did we have after 17 years of “farming the entire country”? In 2006, the number of farms amounted to 255.4 thousand, and the total land area of ​​their agricultural land was 21.6 million hectares. Of these lands, arable land accounted for 15 million hectares. This is about 15% of all arable land in Russia. On this land, farmers produced 6.5% of all agricultural products in Russia in 2006. They are far behind in the labor-intensive part of agriculture—livestock raising. Here they provide only 3.3% of total production. Thus, farmers provide Russians with a very small share of food, and use the arable land much worse than the half-strangled collective farms.” In addition, it turned out that half of the farmers, having received land, do not farm on it themselves, the scientist concludes.

“Why did farmers stop plowing and sowing? What's the matter? The fact is that a small farm cannot operate and compete with a large enterprise without very large budget subsidies. This was reliably established both in the Stolypin reform and by wise Americans. But the promised subsidies were not given to farmers and, apparently, they will not be given - enough time has passed to be convinced of this,” notes Sergei Kara-Murza.

Of course, we cannot return to the old collective farms, but the mistake must be corrected, we must look for new forms of connecting working peasant farms with large enterprises, and jointly modernize them, the Russian scientist concludes.

Field, Ugleche Polye... My heart will never forget you

The second time I tasted real milk was in Uglich, Yaroslavl region, on a modern farm of the AgriVolga agricultural holding. It began to be produced almost a year ago, in July 2012. Milk, of course, tastes different from the usual drinks that store shelves are filled with, and my little daughter, whose body is very picky due to allergies, really likes it. Milk is expensive because it is organic. In simple words, it is very, very high quality.

Firstly, the farm is robotic. Robots milk the milk: they scan the udder with a laser, wash it and quickly hand over the milk; at the same time, the computer diagnoses the animal and analyzes the milk. If the analysis is questionable for some reason, the milk is discarded. Then the robot washes itself, and another cow comes over.

Behind a sealed wall, just twenty meters from the cows, there is a dairy shop. The milk is processed in a pasteurization-cooling unit and bottled. Thanks to modern high-tech equipment, milk does not come into contact with air at any stage of its production, right up to packaging in bags, and therefore does not become contaminated. Moreover, each batch of products is taken to Yaroslavl for inspection.

Currently, preparations are underway for the launch of a plant for the deep processing of milk, which will produce an assortment united by a common brand - sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, butter. The holding, together with the All-Russian Institute of Cheese and Butter Making (VNIIMS) in Uglich, has already begun producing small batches of organic cheese. Yuri Yakovlevich Sviridenko, the head of VNIIMS, suggested making cheese from this milk.

“He tasted our milk at the dairy products competition in Sochi in September 2012, where it received a gold medal, and said: I wish I could make the same ideal cheese from your ideal milk,” recalls the commercial director of the agricultural holding, Sergei Klyuchnikov.

The cheese is made by hand and matures for 45-60 days. The institute's capabilities allow it to produce no more than 800 kilograms of cheese per month. “All products have been tested by the Yaroslavl State Institute for the Quality of Raw Materials and Food Products and comply with the Technical Regulations for milk and dairy products,” continues Sergei Klyuchnikov.

AgriVolga, operating in the Uglich district of the Yaroslavl region and uniting 15 former collective and state farms (about 800 people), is a unique production of its kind, based on a powerful base with thousands of heads of cattle. Can an ordinary farmer afford such investments? Can he repay loans on time and provide a large city (or at least not a very large one) with milk?

Fortunately, we are gradually realizing the futility and absurdity of attempts by small farms to provide food to Russian megacities. Our country can only be supplied with food by large mechanized farms, such as, for example, this Yaroslavl agricultural holding. It is engaged not only in the production of high-quality natural milk and meat, but also in breeding sheep, cattle for meat and dairy purposes.

The most important thing is that the holding is engaged in organic production. The essence of such production is that animals live in natural conditions, graze in meadows, and GMOs, pesticides, growth regulators and other agrochemicals are not used in their fodder fields. The farm is conducted on ecologically clean lands far from industrial production. On farms, conditions for keeping animals are created and maintained that ensure their health and natural behavior.

The health of ecosystems and organisms is one of the principles of organic agriculture. Of course, now many of us no longer care what kind of milk is under the lid of the package with a dozen wonderful epithets. We often rely on the conscience of the manufacturer, which cannot always be relied upon. And it’s good that in our country there are modern companies that have begun to revive Russian agriculture, that give people jobs, that care not only about their profits, but also about our health. If we adults don’t care about our health anymore, then let’s think about our children. They still have to live and live.

Opponents of organic products often say that the benefits of organics have not been proven, because... Organic foods contain the same amount of vitamins and minerals as conventional foods. Indeed, there are no studies yet that categorically prove the superiority of organic products over traditional ones. But not about milk - there are already convincing facts here.

A team of scientists led by a Washington State University researcher found that organic milk contains significantly higher concentrations of heart-healthy fatty acids compared to milk from cows from conventionally managed dairy farms. While all types of milk fat improve the body's fatty acid balance, the team concluded that organic whole milk was more effective in this regard.

This is the first study of this scale in the United States comparing conventional and organic milk - about 400 samples were examined over 18 months. Regular milk had an average ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids of 5.8:1, more than twice the ratio of 2.3:1 in organic milk. Researchers say the second ratio is much more beneficial for the human body. This is achieved by the fact that on organic dairy farms they pay special attention to the quality of grazing and use natural plant feed.

A large body of research has shown that legume- and grass-based diets help maintain cow health and improve the fatty acid profile of the milk products these cows then produce. “We knew this, but we were still surprised by the magnitude of the qualitative differences in nutritional benefits between conventional and organic milk that we saw in the study,” said Dr. Charles Benbrook, a Washington State University (WSU) and lead author of the study.”

Consuming more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3 fatty acids is a known risk factor for various diseases. , including cancer, inflammation, cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases. The higher the ratio between omega-6 and omega-3 intake, the higher the risk.

Standard Western diets typically have an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 10:1 to 15:1, with a heart-healthy ratio of 2.3:1. The team modeled young women's diets with a baseline omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 11.3:1 and examined how certain interventions could lower the ratio to 2.3:1.

It was found that the closest you can get to the ideal omega-6/omega-3 ratio is by switching from three times a day to 4.5 times a day consuming saturated omega-3 fats organic dairy products. “Surprisingly, simple food choices can lead to significant improvements in the levels of good fats we see in organic milk,” says Benbrook.

The team also compared the fatty acid content of dairy products and fish. “It was surprising to find that the recommended intake of saturated fat dairy products provided significantly more of the essential omega-3 fatty acid, aminolevulinic acid (ALA), than the recommended intake of fish,” said co-author and GUV researcher Donald R. Davis (Donald R. Davis). - Wherein Regular milk contained about 9 times more ALA than fish, while organic milk contained about 14 times more ALA than fish.“.

Organic milk is also a significant source of other omega-3 fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), but not docosahexaenoic acid (DHA),” he says. So organic milk is healthier than regular milk. And this has already been proven.

In Russia, unfortunately, there are very few Russian producers of certified organic dairy products. On the other hand, five years ago there were none at all, so the improvement is obvious.

Milk EtoLeto (for 750 ml: 99 rubles for 1% mj and 113 rubles for 3.4-4%)

EtoLeto is a brand owned by the Organic corporation and produced at the Spartak ecological farm. We know this brand, love it, eat it with pleasure, and also write about it. EtoLeto products are certified organic by Euroleaf.

Milk Ugleche Pole (122 rubles for 1 liter, 65 rubles for 500 ml - all mj 3.6% -5.2%)

Ugleche Pole is a brand of the Agrivolga company, which we have also talked about several times and even. The milk (and other products) are certified organic by the NAACP. There is also baked milk with 4% MJ, we are talking about that too. We tried not only milk, but also sour cream and kefir and can confidently say that all lovers of dairy products should try them.

Many consumers also like other brands that do not position themselves as organic - for example, “Izbenka”, “Ruzskoye Moloko” or the products of the Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant, which are popular due to their low price. However, we cannot say anything about their origin.

Research source: translation of the article “Researchers see added nutritional benefits in organic milk”, based on materials provided by Washington State University.

We, city dwellers, go to stores, buy food, but have a rather superficial idea of ​​how it all works out. For a very long time I wanted to make a popular science report on the production of dairy products, and I finally realized this idea.

One hundred and eighty kilometers from the capital, in the Shatura district of the Moscow region, there is the Spartak ecological farm. I will now tell you in detail about how this farm lives, how natural products differ from organic ones, and how the products that can be found in stores under the “This Summer” brand are produced.

1. Natural and organic

In everyday life there are many designations for “healthy” production, healthy food, cosmetics: natural, farm, bio, ecological, organic. But the word “natural” or “farm” can mean something really healthy, or it can be exactly the same thing , that in those who do not hide the chemical origin. The manufacturer does not bear any responsibility for the fact that the manufacturer writes “natural”. There are a huge number of examples of supposedly natural dairy products in green packaging, which are stored for six months without refrigeration in Tetra-Pak packages. It is clear that there is only one color left from naturalness. And even if the milk is actually natural, not from powder, no one can guarantee what the cow was treated with, what she ate and what was added to the milk so that it would not turn sour a little longer, and what would end up in the body along with her milk.

Certified organic products are another matter. To meet the requirements of a certifying body and be able to claim that a product is organic, a manufacturer must meet a huge number of requirements. For example, for dairy products:

– fields where cows graze should not be fertilized with any chemicals for more than five years
– the farm should be located in an ecologically clean area, far from factories and factories
– production should not harm the environment
– cows should receive only healthy, clean nutrition, grown on the same organic fields
– cows cannot be treated with any chemicals, only homeopathy, but it is better to care for them so that they do not get sick

And several hundred more different requirements, from illumination of the barn with natural light to packaging (environmentally friendly, only glass for drinks, only paper for potatoes, and so on).


In order to rightfully be called an organic farm, it is necessary to annually confirm a special certificate. The investors of this farm chose the strict Swiss commission “bio.inspecta”. This is one of the most highly valued and difficult certifications to obtain. But it’s worth it - there aren’t many consumers, but they are demanding and are particularly fanatical about everything they eat. By the way, only products under the “This Summer” brand have a similar European certificate in Russia.

The inspector collects samples of soil, food, products and takes them to his Swiss laboratory. Observes the behavior of cows and various little things. All in order to check whether everything corresponds, whether “bio.inspecta” can guarantee that “This Summer” really meets their requirements.

If a person is concerned about what products he consumes, then he should study all this. There are many certifying bodies. Here are the main certificate logos that can be found in Russia; there are several dozen in European countries. There is one unifying European one - “Euroleaf”, it will stand next to every logo of European certification bodies.


I came here at the moment when the cows were returning from the pasture. They are such smart animals that they go to their place without a prompt from the shepherd. True, there is a hierarchy in the herd, and those cows that are higher in it can easily afford to chew first from their neighbor’s feeder, and only then go to their place.

This room contains about two hundred heads. It must be well lit, so that in any place where the animal stands, one can read without straining.

I really love the smell of cows. Here it is not at all poisonous, and even smells more like ground corn.

2. But cows still do not remain unattended.

3. Each cow has a passport like this. With the name, breed, age, date of insemination and calving and other notes of the farm workers. All the cows here are of the Kholmogory breed - dairy cows. Due to the fact that the Kholmogory breed was formed in the harsh conditions of the Russian North, this cattle is less susceptible to colds. In the case of organic farming, this is very important because cows cannot be treated with antibiotics.

4. At the entrance for people there are mats soaked in disinfection solution.

5. New barn under construction. Should be erected by November.

6. Food

Cows graze in the fields every day. Chemical fertilizers began to be used actively after the war all over the world, including in Russia, to guarantee the harvest, thereby ensuring food security. But it is still possible to even find land suitable for organic farming. There are not many such areas in the Moscow region. Of these, Shatursky and Volokolamsky districts are the two most environmentally friendly. The farm chose Shatursky based on a combination of various factors.


8. After grazing, the cows are fed with more substantial food - freshly harvested corn - succulent feed from ground tops and cobs.

A drinking bowl is visible on the right side of the frame. To fill this small reservoir with water, the cow presses a plastic button with its nose.

9. Corn is ground in such a beast-machine.

10. About the horns

A new barn for 600 heads is being built - the largest free-stall barn in Europe. Free housing of cows is a requirement of the certification commission, and simply the philosophy of running this type of farm.

A cow is a horned animal. Without a leash, it can easily injure a neighbor. So, so that they don’t butt each other, either on purpose or by accident, the cows are gradually dehorned. Cutting down is prohibited, because it makes the cow uncomfortable. It is allowed to cauterize at a young age with an injection of lidocaine or smear with a special ointment. True, cows can rub off the ointment by scratching against the wall. I met a couple of unicorns (-:


12. The emergence of new generations

Cows in position are kept in a separate room. They are milked only for milk for the calves, they stand without a leash on soft straw, eat and walk. Happy motherhood, so to speak.


14. Another bonus for cows is an automatic carder. In order for the megaruff to start spinning, it is enough to swing it. Cows know this. I knew too, so I was extremely careful (-:

15. The most colorful shot, I couldn’t resist.

16. As I wrote above, nothing is done with the material from the bull, so calves are born equally of both sexes. The bulls are not suitable for dairy production, so they are sold to the public. And they raise chicks. A young cash cow now costs 200,000 rubles on the market.

These calves were just recently born. They have already been licked by the mother cow, so they are dry. The day after birth they are transferred to a “nursery”.

17. Here is the “nursery”. Here the calves grow stronger within two weeks.

18. The calves suck on everything they come across. For example, my finger.

19. Of the five tons of milk that one cow produces per year, 300-400 liters go to the calf. They are also fed with whey and skim milk. And of course, hay and corn, as soon as they catch up to “kindergarten”.

20. After two weeks, they are transferred to a “kindergarten” from a “nursery” to be kept together.

21. Calves are shy and curious companions at the same time.

22. And then I couldn’t resist acting out. The cap could be removed.


24. From the “kindergarten” the cow does not enter the general herd. Until insemination, she is kept separately, in a “school”. The first insemination occurs at the 15th month, and the first calving occurs at the 24th month of life. Like humans, cows carry their calves for 9 months. Only they are born more independent, unlike human children (-:

And it is after calving that the cow becomes milking. Like this!

25. Milking

Cows are milked automatically. Special milking machines are brought into the barn and connected to the udder (the top right photo of the collage shows the things that are put on the udder). Directly from there, the milk flows through a pipeline into the milk collection tank. At each stage the milk is filtered (mechanically). Milk does not see white light until production is released - everything happens in a closed loop.

After milk collection, milking equipment is taken to the washing room. It is connected to this system and water is pumped through.

26. Reservoir for collecting milk. From here it is pumped out by a milk truck and taken to the processing plant.

27. Factory

The plant is a five-minute drive from the barn. The milk truck pumps the milk into tanks for processing, and then it is thoroughly washed from the inside.

28. Here it is, the reverse side of the flushing system.

29. Incoming milk and finished products are checked in a simple laboratory. A cunning laboratory is needed where there is chemistry.

30. Processing shop. Here the milk is pasteurized and kefir or baked milk is made. I haven’t drunk the last one in a million years, I got into it and became a fan.

31. And this is the curd shop. Baths in which cottage cheese remains.

32. In these drum machines, excess liquid is separated from the curd. Ice water flows through the tubes to aid the process. Ice water is also used to quickly cool milk after pasteurization.

33. Packing cottage cheese.

34. Dispenser-dispenser, but each package is additionally weighed. The excess is removed, the missing is reported.

35. After cooking, the sour cream is kept in the cold for some time. Only after this the label is glued.

36. “This Summer” is sold in retail at Globus Gourmet, Azbuka Vkusa, Bakhetla, Spar, Scarlet Sails and Metro. And for some it is more convenient to order home delivery.

Do you see the green leaf icon? This is the same certificate.

37. Glass containers are produced at a plant in Gus-Khrustalny. It can be returned for recycling to the courier (if you regularly order it from the online store), or brought to the offline store “Bio-Market” at the address: Rublevskoye sh., 30, bldg. 1. For each bottle or jar they give 8 rubles (-:

38. An ice water generator was discovered.

39. Now we have reached the end of this story. The products are packaged and taken to stores.

40. The lifespan of milk from the moment of milking to the end of its term is only five days. Therefore, it is sold only in Moscow and the Moscow region. To sell products in other regions, it is necessary to build an organic farm there. A purely local matter.

To become an adherent of organic products (and organic can be not only food, but also cosmetics, perfumes, home care products, diapers and even clothes) or not is a matter of immersion, a very personal one. Decide how much everyone is ready to take care of themselves and the health of future generations.

41. I passed the post, your Dasha.
