Features of environmental education in younger groups. Environmental entertainment for children of the second junior group material (junior group) on the topic Ecology entertainment for children of the junior group

Entertainment on ecology in the second junior group

"Journey to the forest to Lesovichok"


To form in children an ecological culture and a system of value relations towards nature, a careful attitude towards it.


1. Develop an educational interest in the natural world.

2. Expand children's understanding of the forest and its inhabitants (animals and birds, insects), about the various habitats of animals, birds, butterflies.

3. To develop the development of basic norms of behavior in relation to nature, the ability and desire to preserve nature and, if necessary, provide assistance to it.

4. To cultivate children’s interest in the life of the forest, the ability to behave in the forest, love, respect for nature, show care and attention to all living things, and develop goodwill.

Attributes for entertainment:

2 flowers (red and yellow), large flat flowers, phonogram of birds singing “Voices of birds in nature”, “Voice of a magpie”, “Voices of the forest”, butterfly wings, Lesovichka costume, basket, carrot, apple, barrel of honey, mushroom, garbage - capsules from Kinder surprises, bags, sticks, jars, trees.

Progress of entertainment.

Presenter: Look, the sun has peeked through our window. Let's say hello to him and everyone around us.

Greeting game:

Hello golden sun- forearms connected, fingers spread,

Hello, the sky is blue -raise your hands up

Hello, free breeze -waving their hands,

Hello, little oak tree -round your palms, connect your forearms,

I live in my native land -clapping hands,

I greet you all.

Presenter: The sun is calling us for a walk. Well, let's go for a walk?

Logorhythmic game : (children stand near the chairs)

The wind blows in our faces -wave a child's arms with palms facing you

The tree swayedraise your arms up and shake them

The wind is getting quieter and quieter-gently lower your hands

The tree is getting higher and higherlift the baby's arms and pull them up lightly

Children sit on chairs.

Presenter: It turns out that there is also wind outside and the trees are shaking. Guys, can you hear someone singing?(audio recording “Song of the Magpie "). Look who came to us? (children's answers). That's right, it's a magpie.


I, white-sided magpie!

I chirped about spring,

Oh tired, oh tired!

I brought you news.(gives the envelope to the presenter)

Presenter: Magpie flew to us for a reason, she brought us a letter. This letter is from Lesovich. Who is Lesovichok? And where does he live?Is reading: “Guys, Lesovichok asks us to help him, something happened to him.” We will take a basket with us, and in the basket we will put treats for the animals.

Game "Who wants what?" - The teacher names the animal, and the children say what it eats.

Presenter: And now, I suggest we go to the spring forest to visit Lesovich! We walk around the hall, one after another.

Let's walk happily together

One two Three

We raise our legs higher

One two Three

There is a stream in front of us

One two Three

We'll jump over it

One two Three.

Lesovichok: Hello guys, do you know who I am? Where do I live?

Children: in the forest

Lesovichok: What is a forest?

The forest is the green outfit of our land.

The forest is a home for birds and animals.

The forest is our wealth.

Forest is the beauty of our nature.

The forest is a doctor, purifies the air, gives oxygen

Presenter: Here we are in the forest. Children, it’s good, in the forest, it’s beautiful, clean air, birds singing, which calms us and pleases our ears. Listen to the birds singing in the forest.

The forest has its own rules and lawsus.Animals all follow them, but humans sometimes violate them. Do you know the rules of behavior in the forest? Let's repeat them. I will tell you how some people behave, children in the forest, and you will determine the correctness with the answers “Yes” and “No”.

1 .We sat in the clearing,

Everyone drank and ate,

And then we went home -

They took the trash with them! Right?

2 .You can walk through the forest

Break branches from a tree?

3. The girls picked flowers

And they wove them into wreaths.

And the clearing is all empty -

Not a flower left! Right?

4. You can go home

Taking the hedgehog with you?

5 .The children walked through the forest,

They didn't make noise, they didn't shout,

The berries have been collected

The bush was not broken! Right?

Presenter : Well done! Lesovichok, why is it so quiet in your forest, you can’t hear any birds or see any animals? Something happened?

Lesovichok :

Trouble happened in the forest,

Everything has changed around:

The birds don't sing

Flowers don't bloom

The wind doesn't make noise

The river does not gurgle...

Presenter : Guys, let's helpLesovichkaWithgraze the forest! Do you agree?Here we are in a forest clearing. Look at this dirty clearing, what happened here?

Lesovichok :

People scattered trash

They didn’t clean up after themselves,

All the flowers have withered

The butterflies are gone...

Presenter : Guys, did they do the right thing? Let's put things in order in the clearing, and then the clearing will bloom again, and beautiful butterflies will fly to it!

A game-competition “Who is faster” is being held

Household waste is scattered on the floor: capsules from Kinder surprises, bags, sticks, jars, etc. Children are divided into 2 teams, and each team, at the signal of the leader, collects household waste in its basket.

Lesovichok: Well done, thank you, we cleared the clearing.

Presenter: Lesovichok, listen to the children, they will sing you a song.

Song “Sun” by N. Naydenova

Lesovichok: Guys, today I met insects in the forest and they were crying. I asked what happened and they said they forgot their names, let's help them remember. I will tell you riddles. Sit down in the clearing. Listen carefully.

1.Adults and children know -

He weaves thin nets,

He is an enemy to flies, not a friend.

What's his name? (Spider)

2. Here is a hard-working insect.

I'm happy to work all day.

I carry it on my back

Drags quickly... (ant)

3.What kind of guest with a hungry belly?

Is everything ringing in our ears?

Doesn't drink nectar from flowers,

Will bite us... (mosquito)

4.Who flies into every house

Along with the summer draft?

Who is buzzing dully behind the frame?

Annoying... (fly)

5. The flowers buzz all day long,

He hurries to his hive with honey.

I saved a lot of honey

For the winter... (bee)

Presenter: Well, now you can play, look, Lesovichok, the butterflies have returned to you.

Game "Gather in circles"

(2 flowers and 6-8 butterflies are placed on the floor. Children do round dances. Butterflies around the flower on the floor)

Children dance in a circle to calm music. To the sound of cheerful music, children let go of their hands and run around in all directions. At the command “Gather in circles,” the children quickly stand up in their round dances).

Lesovichok: Well done, guys, they did everything! Let's play. Guys, who else lives in the forest besides birds.

Children: Animals

Presenter: Lesovichok, we brought food for the animals, will you take it to them?

Lesovichok: Of course I will, thank you.

Presenter: The forest is a great friend not only to humans, but also to animals and birds. For them, he is their home and breadwinner. We must protect and love the big, mighty forest.


Let us love and protect the forest,

Let's help adults in this matter:

Child: 2.

Take care of forests, fields and rivers

So that everything is preserved forever!


You guys are a miracle right!

You did your best!

Well done, it’s not boring with you,

You will be professors!

But it’s time for me to run errands and check my forest. Yes, and the animals need to be happy.

Thank you for your help. And behind the tree in the forest there is a barrel for you, if you find it, you will take gifts. Bye bye!

Presenter: Let's go look for Lesovich's gift. We need to go back to kindergarten. We stood near the chairs.

Let's walk happily together

One two Three

We raise our legs higher

One two Three

There is a stream in front of us

One two Three

We'll jump over it

One two Three.

So we came to kindergarten. Where did we go? To whom? Did you enjoy the forest? Well done, I also enjoyed walking with you.


In conclusion, reading the poem by V. Orlova “The Living Primer”

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches:

Birds teach singing

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

And besides, in their work

Everything is fair.

Reflection in water

Teaches us truthfulness.

Snow teaches us purity,

The sun teaches kindness

And with all the enormity

Teaches modesty.

Nature has it all year round

You need to study.

On trees of all species -

All the great forest people -

Teaches great friendship!

Ecological fun

"Insects are our friends"


Continue to expand children's knowledge about spring changes in nature; teach to recognize and name insects.

Continue to develop children’s interest in learning, develop their attention, memory, and speech. Name the colors and their shades correctly.

To develop children's ear for music, to form musical thinking and musical memory, to develop the natural inclinations of children through all types of musical activities.


Children's costumes of butterflies, bees, ladybugs.

Decoration for creating a spring forest: on the central and side walls there is an image of a forest, birds, insects, a flat house. Audio recordings of the sounds of a spring forest. Audio recording of the song “Round Planet” from the film “Smeshariki”.

The hall is decorated thematically. The audio recording includes the sounds of birds chirping. Children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

Leading: The stream gurgled in the ravine,

Birds have flown from the south,

The sun is warming in the morning -

Came to visit us

Children: Spring!

Poem about spring

We got up early today.

We can't sleep today!

They say the starlings are back!

They say spring has come!

And it's freezing outside.

The snow is flying prickly,

And they crawl on the clouds

There are clouds in white fur coats.

We are waiting for spring. A long time ago,

And you are wandering somewhere.

It won't come without you

Sunny summer.

Leading: Spring holiday on a clear day

He came to our kindergarten.

We sing a song about spring

And everyone is very happy.

Song "Sun"

Leading: Soon the snow outside will melt, everything around us will turn green, and all nature will come to life after a long hibernation. Insects will also wake up from hibernation. What insects do you guys know? Now I’ll tell you riddles, and you try and guess.


What a beauty this is

In a clearing by a stream?

Bloomed very tender,

Little white flower…………….. (snowdrop).

He sleeps in winter, he waits for spring.

He loves sweet honey very much.

He likes to roar.

This forest animal is …………… (bear).

I wore a white fur coat all winter,

And in the spring I replaced it,

He became a gray jumper,

Little coward………. (bunny).

His figure failed -

Much thicker than a bee.

The stripes are like those of a wasp,

There are droplets of dew on the abdomen.

Look, he fell drunk -

Big, furry, fat…..(bumblebee)

Not a bird, but with wings, not a bee, but flying over flowers (butterfly)

It flies, squeaks, drags its long legs,

He doesn't miss the chance, he sits down and bites.


A jumping champion, galloping, galloping across the meadows.


I don’t buzz when I sit, I don’t buzz when I walk.

If I'm spinning in the air, I'll buzz a lot.


Striped, green, she hides in the leaves,

Even though it has many legs, it cannot run.


A butterfly flies in

Hello guys! I want to invite you to the wonderful land of insects. The path to the country is long and difficult. We must fly across the vast sea! And you don't have wings. How to be?

Leading: Don't be sad, butterfly, we will board planes and fly across


Butterfly: Here we are in the land of insects. And these are my friends, butterflies -

beauties. And... knows a very beautiful poem about


Beautiful butterfly,

I really like it

Your dress!

You're so touchy!

Mom tells me sternly:

"Let it fly, don't touch it"

Her wings!

Girls perform the “Butterfly” dance

Butterfly: In our magical country, everything is possible. I just need to say

Magic words: 1,2,3 – spin around yourself like a butterfly


Leading: Let's play.

Game "Who will take the flower the fastest."

Leading: Guys, it's time for us to turn into children. Let's say: 1,2,3 - around you

Spin around and turn into a child

Leading: Oh, look, the house, who lives here (because of the house

The buzzing of bees can be heard). Who knows a poem about bees?

Golden bee sweet honey

I collected it while flying into a clay pot.

Collected, flying through fields, meadows,

Tired of not knowing, a priceless gift to us.

Collected, I won’t hide, summer warmth,

So that it can warm us in winter.

Dance of the Bees

Leading: Yes, bees collect pollen from flowers and make honey. They never

They sit still and probably love fun games. let's play

With them.

Game "Bees" (hoop houses in the center of the circle, players walk along

To the outer circle, saying:

The sun will wake up -

The bee circles, the bee curls.

Collects fresh honey

And he carries him home.

(with the last words, the children try to take the hoop; those who don’t have enough are eliminated from the game)

After the game, the butterfly asks a riddle:

In green uniforms

In the grass, in the meadows.

Musicians live

On long legs.

Leading: Who is this guys? That's right, grasshopper. Now …. Will tell you

Poem about a grasshopper.

The grasshopper jumped and disappeared

All merged with the green grass.

"Try it in the garden

Play hide and seek with me."

Leading: And you and I know the song

About the grasshopper.

Song “A grasshopper sat in the grass”

Leading: Listen to the following poem and think about who it is?

Dot, dot,

Two hooks -

These are the legs of a beetle.

Two shiny petals

Move apart slightly.

On the right is a dot, on the left is a dot,

Black speckled sides.

I'll blow on a beetle -

Fly beyond the clouds!

Like a red helicopter

He will go straight into the sky.

Dance "Ladybugs"

Leading: Here are the different insects - some are pleasing to the eye (butterflies,

Caterpillars, fireflies), others - helpers to people (ladybug,

Ants, bees). And so that all this is always with us, we must take care

Nature, protect it. Now I'll check how you know the rules

Behavior in the forest. To do this, we will play with you the game “If I come to

Forest." I will tell you my actions, and you will answer. If I

If I do well, say yes. If it's bad, then everyone shout


If I come to the woods

And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat a pie

And throw away the paper? (No)

If a piece of bread

Shall I leave it on the stump? (Yes)

If I tie a branch,

Shall I put a peg? (Yes)

If I light a fire,

Won't I put it out? (No)

If I mess up too much

And forget to remove it? (No)

If I take out the trash,

Shall I bury the jar? (Yes)

I love my nature

I'm helping her! (Yes)

Well done! You must be a friend to all living things and behave correctly in the forest.

Leading: Now let's guys sing the song "Round Planet"

Tree, flower, bee

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet.

Ecological leisure in the second junior group
"Journey to the Summer Forest"
Author: Kovylina Svetlana Valentinovna,
teacher MBDOU Kindergarten
No. 4 “Rucheek”, Mariinsk,
Kemerovo region
Objectives: Create a joyful and cheerful mood. Through the emotional
attitude to form interest in nature; cultivate a caring attitude
to nature, a sense of kindness, belonging and empathy for everything
living things that surround us.
Progress of entertainment:
Presenter: Guys, what time of year is it now? In summer it is warm and the sun shines brightly.
Let's enjoy the sun and clap our hands. Do you want to go
for a walk in the forest? I suggest you go for a walk in the forest by train.
I will be the locomotive, and you will be the carriages. Take your seats. Let's hit the road.
Children “ride” on the train to the music of “The Bug the Little Locomotive”.
Here is the forest. Take a deep breath and feel the freshness and aroma
air filled with the smell of flowers and green foliage. Let's close
eyes and listen to how the birds sing merrily. (Recording of bird voices)
The Forest Fairy appears.
Hello guys! I'm a forest fairy! I am very glad to see you in my forest
Educator: How did you know that we were coming for a walk in the forest?
Forest Fairy: My friend, Magpie white-sided, hastened to inform. She's
knows everything about everyone. Let's go, my dears, let's take a walk. I'll show you the forest
beauty, but first, I want to ask you, do you know how to behave in
Don't make any noise! Don't pick flowers! Do not touch insects and birds with your hands!
Don't break the branches!

The rules were repeated. Now you can hit the road. Look how much
in a forest of trees. And what kind of beauty is this rustling its leaves? You
did you recognize the tree? How did you find out?
All dressed in a white dress,
In earrings, in lace foliage.
Welcomes the hot summer
She is at the edge of the forest.
The birch tree is bored and quietly whispers: “Girlfriends, well done
reds, where are you? Dance with me, make me happy"
Round dance "Oh yes birch"
Forest Fairy: Cheerfully shook the twigs, rustled the leaves gratefully
birch Guys, I have a lot of friends in the forest. Oh guys, listen, someone
jumping through the forest clearing!
(a bunny appears with a basket).
Guys, let's say hello to the bunny!
(children say hello). Oh, little bunny, why are you so sad?
How can I not be sad! I was carrying carrots to the bunnies and lost them all along the way!
Don't cry, bunny, our children will definitely help you! Guys, come on
Let's look for where the bunny lost his carrot! Look around carefully!
(children find carrots stuck all over the area into the hare's basket).
Hare: Guys, I invite you to play with me. Do you agree?
A game to develop coordination of speech and movement “The bunny walked, walked,
Hare: Oh, how you helped me, thank you! They'll run and feed their rabbits. Before
Forest Fairy. And we will continue along the forest path.
Look how beautiful the flower meadow is. And how many flowers there are on it!
Guess what flower the riddle is about.
There is a flower in the field with a yellow eye and white eyelashes.

What does chamomile look like? What do you know about her? Chamomile also heals people from
diseases, so you can’t pick a chamomile and throw it to die on the ground.
Then there will be no benefit from her, she will die.
What flower is this riddle about?
Hey, flower, blue, with a tongue, but no sound.
blue bell
Play with me.
Ring your bell for me.
A modest meadow flower.
Butterflies and dragonflies, bugs and various insects enjoy the summer. They flutter merrily
over the flowers. Let's play a fun game with you.
Game “Vanya, you are now in the forest”
Presenter: Who came to us?
Children: Bear!
Bear: Hello, guys! I heard that the children in our forest are smart, yes
skillful, I decided to take a look for myself! Do you know how to do exercises?
Children: Yes!
Bear: Then repeat after me:
We stomp our feet
We clap our hands
We shake our heads.
We shake our heads.
We raise our hands
We lower our hands
We give you pens
And we run around!
(Children repeat the words with movements to show the bear).
Bear: Well, well done! I'll go catch some fish for the cubs, if you want me
(Children come with a bear to a table with water and catch fish with nets, folding
teddy bear in a bucket. The game is played 2 times, 4 people each).
Bear: Thank you! I'll go give the cubs a treat and tell them they're babies to me.
helped! Goodbye!
Presenter: Well, guys, did you like being in the forest? But it's time for us, otherwise
They will lose us in kindergarten.

Forest Fairy: Guys, what animals did you meet in the forest? (answers).
Did you enjoy playing with them? And it was very interesting for me to be with you! I
I have prepared a surprise for you! (hands out soap bubbles to children). Well, for me
It's time to go to your forest kingdom! Goodbye, guys!
Presenter: We had a nice walk in the forest, saw and learned a lot of interesting things,
and now it's time to go back to kindergarten. Take your seats on the train
Let's head back.

Natalia Cheparenkova
Ecological leisure in the junior group “We are friends of nature”



Learn the basics of interacting with nature, rules of conduct in the forest;

Level up ecological culture;


Develop cognitive interest, motor activity, speech breathing


Cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, responsiveness.

Progress of the event:

Educator: Dear guys, today I want to invite you to go on an excursion to the forest. Want to?

Children: Yes

Educator: Then we get on the bus and go.

Children stand in pairs

Logorhythmic exercise "Bus".

Educator: Here we are. Sit down in the clearing.

Children sit on chairs.

Educator: You can’t hear the birds singing and there are no animals. It's strange, something must have happened.

An old boletus appears.

Old Boletus: hello guys, where are you from and why did you come to our forest?

Educator: We are from kindergarten. We came to the forest to breathe fresh air, listen to the birds singing, see what grows in the forest, who lives in the forest. Something is quiet in your forest, grandfather boletus, where has everyone gone?

Borovichok: Children from kindergarten came to us, scattered garbage throughout the forest, tore off flowers, destroyed bird nests, screamed very loudly... The animals and birds got scared and left the forest, I was left alone.

Educator: Storyboy, can we help the forest to bring everyone back?

Borovichok: You can help. But your children are still small and cannot cope alone.

Educator:And I will help them.

Borovichok: OK then. Look, here in the clearing there were flowers growing, and butterflies and bees were flying above them. The children picked the flowers and the butterflies flew away. To bring them back, you need to collect flowers.

A game "Gather flowers".

3 children must choose petals of the same color as the center and fold the flower.

Butterflies appear.

Butterfly: Thanks guys. Now we will fly here and collect sweet nectar from flowers.

Borovichok. Butterflies, let's thank the guys and dance with them. Let's Dance.

Dance: "Song about a Butterfly"

Children get into pairs

Borovichok: Wow, you killed me, old man. Well done, they danced joyfully.

Borovichok: The bad guys threw stones at the birds' nests and destroyed them. Now the birds have nowhere to live.

Educator: Guys, the birds make their nests for little chicks. To do this, they collect a lot of twigs. I suggest you assemble a nest according to the picture.

Did. Game Build a nest.

Music is playing "Birdsong"

Educator: It seems the birds are returning. Now they have a nest. Thank you.

Old Boletus: The birds sing merrily and loudly, rejoicing. Can you sing?

Educator: Of course we can. We know a song about a bird, and now we’ll sing it.

Song "Bird", music M. Rauchwerger, lyrics. A. Barto.

Borovichek: Well done, guys, But you still need to collect the trash.

A game "Collect trash"

Educator: What order is there in the forest now! Immediately the air became fresh and clean. Let's breathe this air.

Breathing exercises with audio recording "The Sound of the Forest"

Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth.

Old boletus. And now I will show you my forest laboratory. Here I have different objects, and you need to guess these objects.

1. Game Guess what it sounds like

2. Game Guess by smell -

3. Game Guess the taste -

4. Game Guess by touch -

Old boletus. Well done boys.


Take care guys nature

And flowers, and trees, and meadow

And animals and birds and water,

After all nature is our reliable friend!

Educator: We understand everything and will behave correctly in the forest. Goodbye Friends. It’s time for us to go home, along the forest path.

Publications on the topic:

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 982 named after Marshal.

On December 18, a wonderful sports activity “Miracle - the Snowman and his friends” took place in the middle group. Our children and parents had a blast.

Abstract of educational activities on environmental education in the senior group “We are friends of nature” Compiled by the teacher of MBDOU d/s o/v No. 7 Sharipova Anna Pavlovna Purpose: to expand and systematize children’s knowledge about nature. Software.

Abstract of GCD cognitive development in the middle group “We are friends of nature!” Asanova Natalya Demyanovna, teacher of the Volchikhinsky kindergarten No. 2. Abstract of GCD cognitive development in the middle group “We.

Summary of GCD in the form of a quiz game in the preparatory school group “Young Friends of Nature” Objectives: to generalize and consolidate children’s knowledge about the characteristics of the life of animals and plants; continue to maintain an interest in nature and problems.

Summary of an open review of educational activities in the preparatory group “Eco-preschool children, friends of nature” Instructor for FC MBDOU DS OV No. 16 MO Temryuk district, art. Kurchanskaya Ovdienko G. P. Abstract of open review of educational activities.

1. Educational objectives:
— expand knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants;
- establish rules of behavior in nature.
2. Developmental tasks:
- develop speech, attention, ability to analyze questions and riddles;
— develop the ability to give complete, meaningful answers to questions.
3. Educational tasks:
- cultivate aesthetic taste, cognitive interest;
- cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.
Demo material:
- paintings depicting birds, animals, trees, insects, outlines of flowers, clearing paper;
- pictures of tree leaves;
— audio recording of bird voices;
— cards with images of animal tracks;
- “wonderful bag”;
- gymnastic hoop.

Progress of the lesson

I. Introductory part.
Guys, today we are going on a trip through the forest, where we will check how much you know the forest and its inhabitants.

Hello forest, dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
What are you making noise about in the leaves?
On a dark, stormy night?
What are you whispering to us at dawn?
All in dew like in silver?
Who is hiding in your wilderness:
What kind of animal, what kind of bird?
Open everything, don’t hide:
You know that we are our own! (S. Pogorelsky)

II. Main part.

1. Rules of behavior in the forest.
We're in the forest. Let's repeat the rules of behavior in the forest.

Children say:
1. I only like the one
Who protects the forest world?

2. The one who doesn’t break branches
The one who doesn't scare the bird away.

3. The fly agaric will not knock over
And the fire will not be lit.

4. Who is always, always in the forest
Respects silence.

2. Trees in the forest.
Our forest is unusual, it is magical - mysteries grow in it, and this is even more interesting. What do you think a forest is?
The children answer.

Educator: With the help of riddles we will find out what trees grow in our forest.

They rush straight into the sky, upward;
Take a close look:
Not birches, not aspens,
There are no leaves, there are needles.

Not birch, not rowan -
She stands in silence.
But only the wind will pass,
All the foliage on it is shaking.

Quiet autumn will come,
The tree will become marvelous:
Leaves are bright stars,
Golden, hot. (Maple)

Russian beauty
Standing in a clearing
In a green blouse
In a white sundress.

He shakes his lush crown,
The green leaves rustle.
Look among the branches,
How many acorns ripen?

Educator: I offer you the game “Which tree is the leaf from?”

Progress of the game. Children take turns taking out pictures of a leaf from the “wonderful bag”. The child must name which tree the leaf fell from.

Educator: Well done, they correctly named all the trees from which the leaves fell. We set off further to travel through our magical forest.

3. Let's talk about birds.

Educator: What birds did you hear? What types of birds are there? What does migratory mean?
The children answer.

Educator: I offer you riddles about birds.

They interfere with the lives of other people's chicks,
And they abandon their own.
And in the forest near the edge
They keep counting the years... (cuckoos)

This bird is yellow
She is warmed by the bright sun,
The song is beautiful and long -
Whistling with a flute in the forest... (oriole)

Guess what kind of bird
Afraid of bright light
The beak is a hook, the eyes are a snout,
Eared head, this is... (owl)

Educator: We solved all the riddles. Can you recognize a bird by its voice? I suggest the game "Owl".

Progress of the game. The hoop is on the floor. This is the "owl's nest". A child chosen as an “owl” becomes a member of it. The rest of the children are “moths” and “bugs”.

They stand on the other side of the platform, the middle of which is free.

In response to the teacher’s words, “The day begins, everyone wakes up,” the “moths” and “bugs” begin to run around the playground and squat, as if collecting pollen from flowers.

When the teacher says, “Night is coming, everyone falls asleep,” the children freeze in any position. At this time, the “owl” quietly flies out to hunt - it walks, slowly waving its arms, and picks up “moths” and “bugs” that have moved. He takes them to his “nest”. “Owl” catches until the teacher says “The day begins, everyone wakes up.” Then she returns to her “nest”, “moths” and “bugs” begin to fly. The “owl” goes hunting two or three times. Then a new leader is chosen, and the game is repeated.

4. We recognize animals by their tracks.
Not only birds live in our forest. And who else is hiding from us in the wilderness? The game “Whose traces?” will help you find out.

Progress of the game. Children take turns taking pictures of animal tracks from the “wonderful bag” and answering who they belong to. (Hare, squirrel, hedgehog, elk)

Educator: Remember the riddles about the animal whose footprint you guessed.
Children tell riddles.

The scythe has no den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save you from enemies,
And from hunger - bark.

You and I will recognize the animal
According to two such signs:
He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,
And in a red fur coat in the summer.

There are needles on his back
It's amazing how the pegs are
You can't take them with your hands,
Because it… (hedgehog)

Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest,
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide.

Educator: The animals were guessed from the tracks. You know the riddles about them. Let the animals live peacefully in the forest.

5. Flower meadow.
We continue our journey through the magical forest. We came out into a clearing, but there were no flowers on it. How boring and depressing it is here. We need to plant flowers. Riddles will help us with this. There is a “clearing” in front of you. Let us help you decorate it with flowers. (Whatman paper with stems and leaves of flowers drawn on it. When guessing the riddle, the child attaches a guessing flower to the stem)

On a May day in the forest shade
He opened his flower
Bright and fragrant
White-silver. (Lily of the valley)

In little white dresses,
Yellow eyes...
You name them
Without any hint.

They are friends with the blue sky
These cute flowers.
I know them, Ksyusha knows them,
Well, do you know them?

Children take the clue flowers and “plant” them in the Whatman clearing.

Educator: Admire the beautiful clearing. Do you like being in the forest?

6. Six-legged babies.
If we solve the riddles, we will find out what insects live in the forest.

From the branch to the path,
From grass to blade of grass
The spring jumps -
Green back.

Blue airplane
Sat on a white dandelion.

Many masters
They cut down the hut without corners.

It flutters and dances over the flower,
He waves a patterned fan.

Flew over the lawn.
Will fuss over the flower -
He will share the honey.

III. Final part.

1. The main man in the forest.
Who keeps order in the forest, and if necessary, helps all its inhabitants?

So that pines, lindens, spruce
They didn’t get sick, they turned green,
To new forests
Rising to the skies
Them to the sound and hubbub of birds
Guards - who? (Forester)

Educator: Yes, guys, forester (jaeger)- the main man in the forest. What is the job of a forester?
The children answer.

The teacher summarizes the children’s answers:
— The forester supervises the planting of a new forest, protects the forest from insect pests, fire and people who cut down trees and shoot animals without permission. The forest is divided into sections. A forester is responsible for each site.

2. Summing up.
Our journey has come to an end. Who did you meet while traveling through the forest?
The children answer.

Educator b:

Dense forest, goodbye!
We are glad to be friends with you,
Good forest, mighty forest
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
