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Any document has three components:

  • content;
  • structure;
  • style.

Typically, the contents of a document are not presented in any order, but have a certain structure . Structure is the composition and order of parts (blocks) of a document.

Style document determines the form of output of its contents to a particular device (for example, a printer or display). The concept of style includes the characteristics of the font (name, size, color) of the entire output document or its individual blocks, the order of pagination, the location of blocks on pages and other parameters.

Document markup languagesare artificial languages ​​designed to describe the structure of a document and the relationships between various objects of the structure. Markup data is also called metadata

The first markup language is GML language .His immediate heir was SGML language a standard generalized markup language that defines the rules for writing document markup elements.

document markup language requirements:

  1. The language must be human readable.
  2. Marked up document files must be text and encoded using code symbols ASCII
  3. The language can use links to both internal resources (in the same document) and external resources (in other documents).

In SGML and similar languages ​​use special document markup tools:

  • document structure;
  • descriptors or elements and their associated attributes;
  • entities;
  • comments.

SGML Docs have a tree structure.

Descriptors in SGML placed at the beginning (opening descriptor) and at the end (closing descriptor) of each element (item).

Attributes these are simple symbolic constructions ( items ), which are added to elements to clarify the effect of the descriptors.

Generic markup languages ​​like SGML , allow the use of attributes that can be associated with up to 15 different types of values, including:

  • References to any resources outside the document that are typically referred to as entities ( entities).
  • Unique identificator ( ID ) element in the document.
  • Identifier pointers ( ID Pointers ), having cross-references for those elements that have ID mentioned in the document.
  • Designators or element attributes that define the designations in the element's content.
  • Character data ( character data), or CDATA , which are any valid characters that cannot act as attribute values.

Comments allow you to add information that will not be visible after processing the document. Comments do not affect the speed of document processing and are not considered or processed as part of the content SGML -document. They are simply included in the source text.

To check the compliance of a document with a given type of markup, special programs are used analyzers (parsers). Parsers are either standalone programs or part of an SGML document processing program. In order for the parser to perform document verification, a special document is created calleddefining the document type

HTML language is a language application SGML for use in Internet with a fixed structure, a fixed set of elements (descriptors) and their attributes, as well as a fixed set of entities. advanced markup language XML (Extensible Markup Language). XML language is a subset of the language SGML , fully compatible with it.

XML provides a wide range of functionality that is not available in HTML

4 . 3 .2. HTML versions and extensions XML

First version hypertext markup language HTML (HyperText Markup Language), just like the Web technology itself, was developed by Tim Berners Lee in 1991. HTML languageis an implementation of the SGML language rules for a document type that has been named documents HTML. The language specifies a fixed structure, a fixed set of tags and their attributes, and a fixed set of entities. HTML document processing programs are called Web-browsers . The result of document processing is Web-page , displayed on the display screen.

In 1994, the Internet Support Group IETF ( Internet Engineering Task Force) developed the HTML 2.0 specification, which began the widespread use of HTML on the Internet Internet . In the same year, the W3C (World Wide Web Corporation) consortium was created, uniting 165 commercial and academic organizations, developers and users (from its creation to the present, this organization has been headed by T.B. Lee). The latest version of the HTML specification, HTML 4.01, was adopted by the consortium in December 1999.

  • XML provides a wide range of functionality that is missing in HTML

The latest version of the XML language specification, XML 1.1, was adopted in April 2004.

Based on the XML language, the W3C concern has developed a further development of the language HTML XHTML language (Extended HTML extended HTML). The first version of this language, XHTML 1.0, was adopted in January 2000. This version is actually a reformulation of HTML 4 as an application of XML 1.0. It is expected that further development of the HTML language will be carried out in accordance with the XHTML specifications.

A new version of XHTML, XHTML 1.1, was adopted by the W3C in May 2001. This recommendation defines a new module-based XHTML document type. Each XHTML 1.1 module contains one or more HTML language elements and/or attributes.

According to the specification, documents XHTML 1.1 consists of the following groups of modules XHTML:

Core modules are modules that are required to be present in any document type that conforms to the XHTML specification (this group includes modules Structure, Text, Hypertext and List).

Applet module containing a single element< applet > (this element has been deprecated and it is recommended to use the element instead< object > ).

Text extension modules, which define various additional text markup modules (this group includes modules Presentation, Edit and Bi-directional Text).

Form modules (this group includes modules Basic Forms and Forms).

Table modules (this group includes modules Basic Tables and Tables ).

Image module , which provides basic image embedding capabilities (this module can also be used independently in some implementations by client image cards).

Client - side Image Map module , which provides elements for client image maps (for this module to function, the module must be enabled Image).

Object module , which provides support for including general-purpose objects.

Frames module , which provides elements related to frames.

URL (this element calculates relative document URLs).

Name Identification Module , used to identify certain elements in HTML documents.

Legacy module , which defines elements and attributes that were no longer recommended in previous versions of HTML and XHTML and are no longer recommended.

4 . 3 .3. Types of HTML and XHTML structures

According to specification HTML 4.01 for documents HTML defines three structures , described by three DTDs. Developers Web -pages must include one of three type declarations in their documents. The difference between DTDs lies in the elements they support. Announcement DTD should be placed at the very beginning of the document.

HTML 4.01 Strict DTD (strict definition) includes all elements and attributes that are not canceled ( deprecated ) and are not used in documents with frames.

HTML 4.0 Transitional DTD Definition (transitional definition) includes all elements included in the strict DTD , as well as canceled elements and attributes.

HTML 4.0 Frameset DTD Definition (definition for frames) includes, in addition to elements of the transition DTD, frames.

First line of document HTML , defined in accordance with the specification XHTML

This line specifies the version to use XML and document character encoding. When encoding characters in XML double byte code is used Unicode . As parameter values encoding most commonly used encodings UTF-8 , in which the values ​​of the first 128 characters are represented in one-byte encoding, characters of the most common languages ​​(including Russian and Ukrainian) are represented in two bytes, and the remaining characters are represented in three bytes. Encoded UTF-16 all characters are represented by two bytes (these encodings are recommended for Russian and Ukrainian documents HTML).

Markup languages

Markup language(text) in computer terminology, a set of characters or sequences inserted into text to convey information about its output or structure. Belongs to the class of computer languages. A text document written using a markup language contains not only the text itself (as a sequence of words and punctuation marks), but also additional information about various parts of it - for example, an indication of headings, highlights, lists, etc. In more complex In some cases, markup language allows you to insert interactive elements and content from other documents into a document.

It should be noted that markup language is Turing incomplete and is not generally considered a programming language, although strictly speaking it is.

HTML (from English) HyperText Markup Language-- “hypertext markup language”) - developed by British scientist Tim Berners-Lee around 1986-1991 at the European Nuclear Research Center in Geneva (Switzerland). HTML was created as a language for the exchange of scientific and technical documentation, suitable for use by people who are not specialists in the field of layout. HTML successfully dealt with the complexity of SGML by defining a small set of structural and semantic elements called descriptors. Descriptors are also often called "tags". Using HTML, you can easily create a relatively simple but beautifully designed document. In addition to simplifying the document structure, hypertext support has been added to HTML. Multimedia capabilities were added later.

Initially, the HTML language was conceived and created as a means of structuring and formatting documents without linking them to reproduction (display) tools. Ideally, text with HTML markup should have been reproduced without stylistic and structural distortions on equipment with different technical equipment (color screen of a modern computer, monochrome screen of an organizer, limited-sized screen of a mobile phone or device, and programs for voice playback of texts). However, the modern use of HTML is very far from its original purpose. For example, tag

, used several times to format the page, is intended for creating the most common tables in documents. Over the years, the core idea of ​​HTML platform independence has been sacrificed to modern multimedia and graphics needs.

XML(English) eX tensibleM arkupL anguage-- extensible markup language; pronounced [ ex-em-eml]) is a markup language recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The XML specification describes XML documents and partially describes the behavior of XML processors (programs that read XML documents and provide access to their content). XML was designed as a language with a simple formal syntax, convenient for creating and processing documents by programs, and at the same time convenient for humans to read and create documents, with an emphasis on use on the Internet. The language is called extensible because it does not fix the markup used in the documents: the developer is free to create markup according to the needs of a particular domain, limited only by the syntactic rules of the language. The combination of a simple formal syntax, human friendliness, extensibility, as well as being based on Unicode encodings for representing the content of documents has led to the widespread use of both XML itself and many derivative specialized languages ​​based on XML in a wide variety of software.

XHTML(English) Ex tensibleH ypert extM arkupL anguage-- Extensible Hypertext Markup Language) is a family of XML-based web page markup languages ​​that replicate and extend the capabilities of HTML 4. The XHTML 1.0 and XHTML 1.1 specifications are recommendations of the World Wide Web Consortium, but its development is currently stopped with the recommendation to use HTML. New versions of XHTML are not released.

The main difference between XHTML and HTML is how the document is processed. XHTML documents are processed by their own module (parser) in the same way as XML documents. During this processing, errors made by developers are not corrected.

XHTML conforms to the SGML specification because XML is a subset of it. HTML has many features in the processing process and has actually ceased to belong to the SGML family, which is enshrined in the draft HTML 5 specification.

The browser selects a parser to process the document based on the content-type header received from the server:

· HTML - text/html

· XHTML - application/xhtml+xml

· For local viewing on the client, the selection is based on the file extension.

· In Internet Explorer up to version 8, there is no parser for processing XHTML documents.

WML(English) Wireless Markup Language-- "wireless markup language") is a document markup language for use in cell phones and other mobile devices using the WAP standard.

The structure resembles a somewhat simplified HTML, but there are also key differences, since WML is aimed at devices that do not have the capabilities of personal computers (small screen, not all devices can display graphics, small memory size, etc.): all information is contained in WML in the so-called “decks” (eng. deck). Dec is the minimum block of data that can be transmitted by the server. The decks contain “cards” ( card) (each map is limited by tags And). There should always be at least one card in one deck, but there can be several. At the same time, only one card is displayed on the device screen at any time, and the user can switch between them by following links - this is done to reduce the number of requests to the server for information; at the same time, the size of WML pages should not exceed 1-4 kilobytes.

VML(English) Vector Markup Language-- vector markup language) developed by Microsoft to describe vector graphics. VML was introduced to the W3C in 1998 by Microsoft, Macromedia, and others. Around the same time, Adobe, Sun, and several other companies submitted papers on PGML. Both of these languages ​​later became the basis for SVG.

PGML (Precision Graphics Markup Language, loosely translated into Russian - “precision graphics markup language”) - an XML-based markup language used to describe vector graphics on a web page (diagrams, individual interface elements) in the form of text in XML format, uses an image construction model , similar to PDF and PostScript. It was submitted to the W3C consortium by Adobe Systems, IBM, Netscape Communications and Sun Microsystems in 1998, but was not accepted as recommended. Almost simultaneously, Microsoft submitted its VML project for consideration, and a year later a more advanced SVG language was developed, based on the idea of ​​two technologies. SVG has been recommended by the W3C and has become the primary format for describing vector graphics on a web page.

SVG(from English S calableV ectorG raphics-- Scalable Vector Graphics) -- Scalable Vector Graphics Markup Language, created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and a subset of the Extensible Markup Language XML, is intended to describe two-dimensional vector and mixed vector/raster graphics in XML format. Supports both still and animated interactive graphics - or, in other terms, declarative and scripting. Does not support description of three-dimensional objects. It is an open standard that is a recommendation of the W3C consortium, the organization that developed standards such as HTML and XHTML. SVG is based on the VML and PGML markup languages. Developed since 1999.

XBRL(English) eX tensibleB usinessR exportingL anguage, lit. Extensible Business Reporting Language is an open standard for presenting financial statements electronically. The XBRL format is based on the extensible markup language XML. XBRL uses XML syntax as well as XML-related technologies such as the XML namespace, XML Schema, XLink, and XPath. One of the purposes of XBRL is to represent and exchange financial information, such as company financial statements. The XBRL language specification is developed and published by the independent international organization XBRL International, Inc.

To improve the visual perception of the web, CSS technology has become widely used, which allows you to set uniform design styles for many web pages. Another innovation worth paying attention to is the URN (English) resource naming system. Uniform Resource Name).

A popular concept for the development of the World Wide Web is the creation of a semantic web. The Semantic Web is an add-on to the existing World Wide Web, which is designed to make information posted on the network more understandable to computers. The Semantic Web is a concept of a network in which every resource in human language would be provided with a description that a computer can understand. The Semantic Web opens up access to clearly structured information for any application, regardless of platform and regardless of programming languages. Programs will be able to find the necessary resources themselves, process information, classify data, identify logical connections, draw conclusions and even make decisions based on these conclusions. If widely adopted and implemented wisely, the Semantic Web has the potential to spark a revolution on the Internet. To create a computer-readable description of a resource, the Semantic Web uses the RDF (English) format. Resource Description Framework), which is based on XML syntax and uses URIs to identify resources. New products in this area are RDFS (eng. RDF Schema) and SPARQL (eng. Protocol And RDF Query Language) a new query language for fast access to RDF data.

Hello dear reader. It's time to talk about HTML markup language, with the help of which absolutely all Internet sites were created - both Russian and bourgeois and even Chinese. But this is not a programming language, as some people think, but a hypertext markup language.

Let me remind you that hypertext is text that contains links to other pages and documents. The markup language shows where and how some text element should be placed, for example, a paragraph, heading, list, etc. The CSS language, closely related to HTML, is responsible for the design of these elements, which makes the design of website pages beautiful, readable and lightweight. for unloading the page code.

In addition to CSS, html can be supplemented with functions of the PHP and JavaScript programming languages, which give pages interactivity, i.e. ability to respond to user actions.
With the help of all these tools you can create any complexity and any functionality. The HTML language itself is responsible only for markup

Web page from inside

<br>This is my website <br>

This is my text

In this given code you see the commands - tags which are sometimes called descriptors. They are enclosed in angle brackets. Tags are mostly paired. Opening<>and closing, with a forward slash. All HTML markup language code is nested within each other, and resembles a “matryoshka doll”, where one container is nested inside another.

The figure below shows the decoding of this code:

And here is what the same page looks like in the Mozilla Firefox browser. I showed where the text is displayed header Title and text tag Body

How to create an html page

For clarity, copy the text with the tags above into any text editor, for example, notepad, and save it to your desktop. Right-click and select “rename”. Instead of the .txt extension, like a regular text file, specify the .html or .htm extension. The notepad icon will change to a browser icon, which you can click to see your first web page.

If the extension is not displayed, then you need to do the following.

Find on your computer: Appearance and Personalization - Folder Options - View.

It is always useful to show file extensions so that attackers cannot count on you to open a file with an infection like “gift.jpg”, which will actually be “gift.jpg.exe”. It is very easy, without the extension that Windows hides by default, to mistake the “malware” launch file with a hidden .EXE extension for a regular picture.

Watch a video on creating HTML pages

Programs for creating HTML pages

Writing Html hypertext markup code manually without experience can seem like an ordeal of attentiveness and endurance. But, believe me, only by strengthening your skills in this way will you be able to proudly call yourself a webmaster.

For intelligent control over writing HTML code manually, there are many programs with code highlighting. Notepad++ is the most popular among amateur developers. PHP Designer, Dreamweaver

The last two programs are paid, but old versions, which are no worse than new ones, can be found on the Internet for free and legally used for your needs. Dreamweaver is a visual editor. It itself converts your text with design into code. In any case, you will not regret getting to know this tool.

Why then learn to write code by hand? The thing is that any visual editors, even the editor built into WordPress, sometimes generate so much junk code of their own that the pages weigh many times more than those written with the help of your head and hands. Yes, if you also take into account that search engines are now paying attention to the cleanliness of the code, then you will inevitably think about studying HTML in order to control the entire process.

In general, Dreamwaver will replace a good teacher at first. Use this program and see how an html page is written. The main thing is, don’t be lazy to look at the top window of the program, where the code is generated. Note for yourself where the program does something unnecessary.

What is a browser really?

Many people believe that the browser is designed to search for sites on the Internet, and that this is its purpose. Thus, in the understanding of the PC user, an erroneous opinion is created about the purpose of the browser. In fact, a browser is a program for interpreting html code, CSS code, JS code, etc. In other words, it is an application software tool for displaying web pages and other documents.

The capabilities of modern browsers are truly great. After all, web pages contain graphics, videos and texts of different formats. The browser reads the html code, sees the video material, graphic and text code embedded there, and correctly displays all this on the device screens. Tags help him with this, these ordinary English words in angle brackets<>.

The browser sees, using tags, which part of the text that it interprets is the name of the site, which is the heading, what needs to be presented as a paragraph, where to place the picture and along the way solve many problems associated with the various languages ​​​​embedded in regular HTML.

HTML markup language and basic tags

tells the browser that this is an HTML document
here is information for search engines
content is displayed in the browser window
page title

Headings: from largest to smallest
Bold and italic text highlighting
link text Tells the browser that this is a link with the text " link text«

Creating a new paragraph

paragraph alignment ( left, right, justify or center)
Tells the browser to create the form

This table is provided to show only the main descriptors.

In the modern version of HTML5, along with new tags, a huge number of new features have appeared that website developers never dreamed of 10 years ago.

Styles in an html document

When a browser displays the content of a web page, it displays headings in one style, paragraph text in another, and different font sizes. This is enabled by default in every browser. But we want to see individual designs for web pages, and CSS comes to the rescue here. Cascading Style Sheets Language. Using CSS, you can set the design of any element, you can create any design for a web document.

CSS is a styling addition to the HTML language and would not exist without it.

Styles in Html are implemented like this:


If an external style file is used styles.css, then it connects to the html document like this:

Example of writing CSS rules:

p(color: black; font: x-small).

Tells the browser what the paragraph color is

black- black, and the font size is x-small(small)

This is how, for example, I style the content at the beginning of each article on this blog.

(border: 2px outset green;
border-radius: 10px;
width: 360;
font-family: "Yeseva+One";
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 1.2em;padding:10px 10px 10px 20px;
margin:10px auto 20px;
background-color: #a7cece;

there is an interesting fragment in the last line: background-color: #a7cece;

#a7cece – this is the html color. Using the HEX character set - the hexadecimal system: numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F, you can set absolutely any color. A nice aquamarine one is set here.

I will return to the topic of CSS in separate publications.

How to Learn HTML Markup Language

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  • Andrey Bernatsky. Be sure to check it out!
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