Preparation for the Unified State Exam Russian language. Unified State Exam in Russian: detailed analysis of tasks with specialists

On the website you can find options for trial tests for various items such as: mathematics, social studies, literature, history, chemistry, physics, biology, geography, computer science, Russian, English and spanish languages. Tests such as the State Examination and the Unified State Exam are very serious for students, and therefore preparation for them is very important. The best way To prepare for such checks is to take tests on this site. Practice tests consist of sequential questions and answer options. After passing the test, you will be presented with the correct answers and the mistakes you made, this will give you the opportunity to test your strength and knowledge and practice before the exam.

Advantages and disadvantages of online USE tests

There are many options for preparing for exams and one of them is online tests. Of course, the essence of the tasks presented on the Unified State Exam differs from those presented on our website, but the format is the same and this will help you practice. When a student analyzes his mistakes or understands which questions are causing problems, he is given the opportunity to practice and study the subject in more depth to get a high score. Having studied the statistics, we can say that after passing practice tests, the level of knowledge and grades in lessons improves. After preliminary tests, the child adapts much faster and completes tasks better.

Mock tests won't give much good result, if when passing them you use big amount tips, since you must remember that while passing the Unified State Exam it is forbidden to use auxiliary sources, less time is given and the tasks are more difficult. If you allow yourself to use hints during preparation, you may get used to it and you will have a very difficult time in the exam. For more productive preparation, it is recommended to use various methods of studying the material, and use cheat sheets as self-testing of knowledge.

The need to prepare for the Unified State Exam

In order to successfully pass the exam, you must prepare properly and diligently. The Unified State Exam is one of the first serious tasks for schoolchildren. Especially for you - our website, where you will conveniently prepare for the upcoming exams. High scores obtained on the Unified State Exam practically guarantee a successful and prestigious university for you. And obtaining quality knowledge is a ticket to a secure and successful life. The more time a student devotes to practice tests, the higher his level of knowledge and psychological readiness for exams, since the tests presented by us are written taking into account all generally accepted methods. It is on our portal that you have the opportunity to practice before exams so that you can pass them with ease!

The educational portal “I WILL SOLVE the Unified State Exam” is my personal charity project. It is developed by me, as well as by my friends and colleagues, who care about the education of children more than about themselves. Not funded by anyone.

The distance learning system for preparing for state exams “SOLVE the Unified State Exam” (http://reshuege.rf, was created by the creative association “Center for Intellectual Initiatives”. Head - Gushchin D. D., teacher of mathematics, physics and computer science, honorary worker general education RF, Teacher of the Year in Russia - 2007, member of the Federal Commission for the Development of Testing and Measuring Materials in Mathematics for the Unified state exam in mathematics (2009-2010), expert of the Federal Subject Commission of the Unified State Exam in Mathematics (2011-2012), deputy chairman of the regional subject commission of the State Examination Agency in Mathematics (2012-2014), leading expert of the Unified State Exam in Mathematics (2014-2015), federal expert (2015 —2017).


  • To organize thematic repetition, a classifier of examination tasks has been developed, which allows you to consistently repeat certain small topics and immediately test your knowledge of them.
  • To organize ongoing knowledge monitoring, it is possible to include an arbitrary number of tasks of each exam type in training versions of work.
  • To conduct final tests testing is provided in the Unified State Exam format this year according to one of the options preset in the system or according to an individual randomly generated option.
  • To control the level of preparation, the system keeps statistics of topics studied and tasks solved.
  • To familiarize yourself with the rules for checking examination papers, you can find out the criteria for checking tasks with a detailed answer and check tasks with an open answer in accordance with them.
  • For a preliminary assessment of the level of preparation, after passing the test, a forecast of the test examination score is reported on a 100-point scale.

Catalogs of assignments are developed specifically for the portal “SOLVE the Unified State Exam” and are the intellectual property of the editors. Tasks open bank FIPI tasks, demo versions of exams, tasks from past exams developed by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, diagnostic works prepared by the Moscow Institute of Open Education, tasks from literary sources are used in accordance with licenses from the copyright holders. Users of the portal also have the opportunity to add their own assignments to catalogs, publish theoretical materials, create training courses, and correspond with their readers.

All tasks used in the system are provided with answers and detailed solutions.

If you plan to use the site regularly, please register. This will allow the system to keep statistics of the tasks you have solved and give recommendations on how to prepare for the exam.

All portal services are free.

Made in St. Petersburg, Norilsk, Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Voronezh, Ozersk, Moscow, Penza, Novocherkassk, Paris.

Copying site materials, including, but not limited to: rubrics, assignments, answers, explanations and solutions, answers to reader questions, reference books, is strictly prohibited. Using the portal means agreeing to these terms. You can put a link to the project pages.

We inform you!
The general director of Examer LLC, Artyom Degtyarev from Taganrog, named the pages of his paid website “I WILL SOLVE the Unified State Exam.” The slick and creative director explained that this was his company's policy. There are educational materials with errors inside the portal.

The Unified State Examination in the Russian language is one of two mandatory exams; in order to obtain a certificate, you need to prepare long before the exam.

Changes in the KIM Unified State Exam 2019 in Russian:

  • The number of tasks in the examination paper has been increased from 26 to 27 due to the introduction of a new task (21), which tests the ability to conduct punctuation analysis of the text.
  • The format of tasks 2, 9–12 has been changed.
  • The range of tested spelling and punctuation skills has been expanded.
  • The difficulty level of individual tasks has been clarified.
  • The wording of task 27 with a detailed answer has been clarified. The assessment criteria for task 27 have been clarified.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Russian

  • Training tasks necessary for practice. Solve tasks with answers online every day. For this purpose, over 10 exercises have been collected on each topic. will help in learning what is sufficient for a solution. An algorithm for completing the task is given - what you need to know. A video lesson with a detailed analysis is presented.
  • Essays. Until April, you need to write one essay on each possible topic (love, war, indifference, loyalty, responsiveness, moral and philosophical concepts, and so on). Select arguments at least once a week and compile your own bank of arguments.

Thanks to training you will be able to:

  1. Restore in memory the material studied within school curriculum;
  2. Reveal and address knowledge gaps;
  3. Define, which task is simple for you and which is difficult, and give it maximum attention;
  4. Bring it to automation solving some parts of a task or an entire problem;

What you need to pay attention to:

  1. All tasks are given 3.5 hours (210 minutes).
  2. You are only allowed to take a pen with you to the exam.
  3. There are more tasks this year: instead of 26 there are 27.
  4. And the structure of the tasks was divided into 2 parts:

Part 1 contains 26 tasks with a short answer in the form of a number or a word (several words), written without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

Main topics of training assignments:

  1. Speech. Text
  2. Vocabulary and phraseology
  3. Speech. Spelling standards
  4. Speech. Punctuation standards
  5. Speech. Language norms
  6. Speech. Expressiveness of Russian speech
  7. Speech development. Composition

Part 2 contains one task - an essay (200 words) with a detailed answer, testing the ability to create your own statement based on the text read.

Points for Unified State Examination tasks in the Russian language

  • 1 point – for tasks 1-7, 9-15, 17-25
  • 2 points – 16.
  • 4 points – 26.
  • 5 points – 8.

As a result, you can get maximum 58 primary points. To obtain a certificate you need to score 24 points, and to enter a university – 36.

On educational portal“Study Here” you can take various versions of the Unified State Examination test in the Russian language. Based on the results of the online test, erroneous answers to the test questions are shown. Thanks to this format, you will be prepared to take the exam. Now you know what they look like test tasks at the Russian language exam. Unfortunately, you won’t see exactly these kinds of tasks on the real Unified State Examination.

And know that when answering the questions of the on-line test on the Study Here portal, you don’t need to rush, since there are no time limits, which will allow you to better recognize your gaps in knowledge and catch up before the real exam. In addition, the Unified State Exam format is not familiar to everyone, and you need to be prepared for the test format of the exam. Although the school actively trains schoolchildren to pass the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, additional training won't hurt.

Taking the online Unified State Exam test in Russian

The more time you devote to preparation, the higher your results on the Unified State Exam in Russian will be. And the opportunity to enter the university depends on the results of this exam. . Therefore, it is worth devoting as much time and effort as possible to preparation. Online practice tests do not require much time or material costs. You can walk through them at any convenient time, making stops when necessary. If you have a difficult question, you can find the answer in the textbook and continue taking the test by completing the rule that gave you difficulty. Besides online tests The Unified State Exam on the educational portal website shows results without registering or sending SMS.

The user does not need to enter their personal information or phone number. This distinguishes our portal from others. We hope that our online Russian language tests will help you prepare for a difficult exam, find gaps in your knowledge that you will correct, and successfully cope with the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. And enter good institute, which you can choose in our rating. The list is constantly updated and contains the most actual information about higher educational institutions.

  • free training
  • unique tasks according to 2019 specifications
  • different sets of tasks for each new test
  • a form of testing close to the real Unified State Examination
  • most full information about test results - calculation of primary and test scores
  • Soon you will be able to receive individual recommendations with reference material based on the test results


You are given the opportunity to take the test, compiled according to the 2019 specification, under conditions that are as close as possible to those that will be on the real exam.

Firstly, this concerns the form of the exam itself. The Unified State Exam procedure requires a special form of filling out forms, which is unusual for students. Usually, schoolchildren have a fear of making mistakes when filling out a form. Our test is performed on electronic forms, similar to the forms that you will have to fill out in the real exam. This makes it possible to practice the skills of quickly and accurately entering answers into specially designated spaces. During the exam itself, thanks to this experience, you will not have to waste precious time reviewing answer forms.

Currently, 3 and a half hours (210 minutes) are given to complete the examination work in the Russian language. Previously, even less time was given and participants in the Unified State Examination of previous years complained about a catastrophic lack of time. The problem is that during the exam itself, no one will stand with a watch and monitor the degree of completion of tasks. Therefore, it is important to develop an internal sense of time and fit within the given three and a half hours. When performing a test, the site has a timer that controls the time spent working on the test and provides information about the time spent completing tasks. As a result of such training, the skills of quickly passing Unified State Exam tests are developed.

Secondly, the site presents unique tests developed in accordance with the requirements of the Unified State Exam 2019, i.e. The exam will have similar options for tasks. Regular training develops the skills to quickly and efficiently complete tasks, which will be useful in the exam itself.

Thirdly, the undoubted advantage of the presented test is that at the end, when you receive test results (primary and secondary scores), information about the time spent on work, the number of errors and correct answers, you have the opportunity to receive a test selected for you. reference material on problem areas in the Russian language. This will free you from having to look for required material in numerous textbooks, reference books, and the Internet.


The work consists of 2 parts. Part 1 contains tasks containing 4 answer options, of which only one is correct. Part 2 contains tasks to which you should give your own short answer.

Read each task carefully and the suggested answer options, if any. Answer only after you understand the question and have analyzed all the answer options.

Complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. If a task is difficult for you, skip it. You can return to missed tasks if you have time. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and gain greatest number points.

We wish you success!

Start testing
