The full moon in January is a red moon. Astrologers report a unique lunar eclipse

Today, Wednesday, January 31, 2018, the inhabitants of the Earth will witness a unique coincidence of astronomical phenomena - a Supermoon, a total lunar eclipse and a Blue Moon. Mystics see a lot of strong energy in this day, and spectacle lovers are looking forward to an event that promises to be especially colorful.

The full moon on January 31 was named a blue moon because it will be the second one this month, the site writes. The lunar month turned out to be shorter than the calendar month, and therefore the full moon fell on January 2 and 31, respectively. February is the darkest month of the year, because we will never see the full moon in the sky.

The full moon on January 31 is called the Supermoon - at this time the Earth's satellite approaches it at the shortest possible distance, and therefore appears simply huge in the sky. Visually, the disc increases in size by 10-15%. Astronomers do not see anything special in the phenomenon, but for romantics this time is more suitable than ever for dreams and observations of the sky.

Simultaneously with the full moon, a total eclipse of the moon awaits us - due to falling into the Earth's shadow, the satellite will take on a bloody hue, so lovers of mysticism can simply squeal with delight.

The lunar eclipse in January 2018 will be visible to residents of all of Russia, as well as adjacent countries - Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, and the Baltic states. In addition, residents of the western part of North America, Canada, Asian countries, Hawaii, and Alaska can follow him. But residents of South America and Africa will find themselves without this spectacle.

If we talk about time, the eclipse will be clearly visible for a short period of time - from sunset to 19.00. In more detail, the Moon will begin to enter the shadow of the earth at lunchtime, and therefore daylight hours will prevent us from fully enjoying the phenomenon.

On January 31 at 13:49 Moscow time, the Moon will touch the earth's penumbra - at this time a penumbral eclipse will begin. It is poorly visible to the naked eye, but as the Moon approaches the edge of the Earth's shadow it will become increasingly noticeable. At 14:48 the Moon will begin to sink into the Earth's shadow. It will be completely submerged by 15:51. The maximum phase of the eclipse will occur at 16:29, when the Moon will be near the center of the Earth's shadow. In total, the Moon will spend more than an hour in the Earth's shadow.

The exit from the earth's shadow will begin at 17:08. At this time, the Moon will rise above the horizon and acquire a reddish-brown, “bloody” hue. The Moon will finally emerge from the shadows in two hours - at 19:09.

For those who, for objective reasons, do not have time to watch the spectacle in the sky, the broadcast can be seen on the Internet - NASA specialists will observe the eclipse through special telescopes and promise to broadcast it to residents of the entire planet.

The influence of the moon on humans has long been proven by scientists from various fields. As you know, during Full Moons and eclipses it intensifies significantly, and therefore doctors on this day urge everyone to be as careful as possible.

Those who drive or do heavy physical work should be especially careful - the full moon can affect well-being, aggravate chronic diseases and lead to loss of mental balance.

On this day, it is recommended to put off all important matters and if you cannot fully rest, take care of your routine, routine, and little things. Don’t sort things out and don’t make serious decisions, because you may later regret what you did under the influence of a mystical and rather energetically difficult day.

Try not to drink alcohol or eat heavy foods - it is best to spend the day in lightness and not succumb to mood swings.

Many may be bothered by headaches, heaviness, weakness and powerlessness - do not despair, the influence of the full moon will decrease tomorrow and disappear completely in a few days. If you can provoke the body and go to sleep, occupy yourself with something not too important and serious, devote time to household chores and completing small tasks at work.

Energy flows out of you. Try to find a worthy use for it. It is advisable to use its power for creation, otherwise it will take a long time to eliminate the consequences.

Today will bring you a small victory, but it can also be a moment of well-deserved triumph. If this does not happen, then perhaps it is worth considering whether something needs to be changed.


Today will be an extremely successful day for you in terms of acquiring useful contacts. They may not seem so at first glance, but in the future they will certainly justify themselves.

Today you have to work a lot with your tongue and ears. By the evening you will not be able to remember anything you heard, if you do not take notes, you will have to talk about too much.

Today your imagination will run a little. Not quite to the point of pink elephants, but decent. In this regard, there is no need to convince anyone of anything today. It is quite possible that you yourself are mistaken.

The taller you are, the more often you will have to bow when entering doors. It’s worth remembering this as you strive to grow more and more. Are you moving too fast?

Personal relationships are the corner that will bring joy to your heart. Today you will have to spend a lot of energy maintaining the status quo. The less you care about it now, the more work it will cost you later.


If you are asked “How are you?”, this does not mean that you need to immediately and with all detail start telling how. Watch yourself, today you may be overly verbose.

The ultimate goal that you have set for yourself is much more significant than all the circumstances that interfere with its achievement that stand in your way. Don't let them stop you.

You are so deep in the search for perfection that you may find yourself alone. No one is perfect enough to meet your needs. Maybe we should reconsider them a little?

Today you may not have a very clear idea of ​​why you are actually here and what they want from you. Don't hesitate and ask questions. You'll understand later.

Today you will be like a porcelain vase - thin, graceful and very fragile. Any situation fraught with conflict should be avoided.

In ancient times, such a phenomenon was considered a bad sign. The Blood Moon on January 31, 2018 will be visible to residents of the European part of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, as well as Canada and a number of other countries. In addition, the lunar eclipse can be observed in North America, Europe and some Asian countries. What does the bloody moon portend to earthlings?

In the old days, a lunar eclipse was considered an omen of approaching disasters and catastrophes, especially if the night star turned blood red. But should we be afraid of this unusual astronomical phenomenon? Or maybe this time can be used to?

Information for reference: the beginning of the lunar eclipse occurs at 13:51 Moscow time. The unusual astronomical phenomenon will last until 19:08, and its maximum phase will occur at 16:29.

What did our ancestors think about this?

From time immemorial, a lunar eclipse has been considered a bad sign, almost as bad as a solar eclipse. People believed that such a heavenly sign was a harbinger of disasters, crop failure, epidemics, and pestilence. If the luminary, among other things, turned bloody red, then it was believed that a bloody war would soon break out. Court magicians and priests performed complex rituals designed to “cancel” possible disasters.

Nowadays, the blood moon is no longer considered a uniquely bad sign. Esotericists use the period of eclipse to perform various magical rituals. There is also an opinion that if you make a cherished wish during a supermoon, it will certainly come true.

A lunar eclipse is still an extraordinary phenomenon, capable of influencing a person’s well-being and mental state. To avoid exposing yourself and others to unnecessary risk, try to refrain from the following activities whenever possible:

  • Driving
  • Visiting crowded places
  • Making large transactions or expensive purchases
  • Strength training, excessive physical activity
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Gambling
  • Performing other actions associated with psycho-emotional stress

If you feel unwell, brew tea with mint and chamomile, relax passively, or even lie down to sleep for a couple of hours. The loss of strength will not last long; most likely, it will pass by the evening of January 31st.

How to make a wish come true for a lunar eclipse

People who practice magic know that a lunar eclipse enhances the effect of witchcraft. This rather rare astronomical phenomenon is used to perform rituals to get rid of alcohol addiction, smoking or other bad habits. The “blood moon” can be successfully aimed at a loved one. You can also try to make your cherished dream come true.

To make a wish for the blood moon on January 31, 2018 (super blue moon), proceed as follows. You will go outside at the peak of the supermoon, at about half past five Moscow time. Cross your arms over your chest, look at the moon and say

« The night light is shining, walk across the sky, bring me good luck! Don't refuse my request! I want it to come true... ( here make your wish in any form). Amen!».

The effect of the ritual can be enhanced. To do this, you need to leave 13 silver (lunar) colored coins in the place where you read the plot. For example, these could be ruble or five-ruble coins.

A supermoon is the moment when the full Moon is as close as possible to perigee (the point of our satellite's orbit closest to Earth). At the same time, it seems that the Earth’s satellite shines 30% brighter, and its diameter is 14% larger. unique in that it coincides with a total eclipse of the Moon. The color range of this phenomenon is determined by the upper layers of the atmosphere, through which the light falling on the Moon passes. Depending on the composition and state of the atmosphere, the Earth's satellite will acquire a reddish or brownish tint.

“On January 31 at 15:51 Moscow time, the Moon will be completely immersed in the earth’s shadow - at this time a total eclipse will begin. Depending on the state of the atmosphere and some other factors, the darkening of the lunar disk during a total eclipse may differ from other total lunar eclipses. It can be very dark, when the Moon is practically invisible in the night sky, or it can be light, when the Moon is clearly visible even at full phase,” the Moscow Planetarium said in a statement.

Astronomers predict that at 16:29 Moscow time the Moon will turn blood red and will be near the center of the Earth's shadow. At this point, the maximum phase of the total eclipse will occur, which will last approximately 77 minutes. Then the Moon will begin to gradually emerge from the Earth's shadow. In this case, the phases of the Moon will very quickly replace each other until the Earth’s satellite opens completely. This will happen at 7 pm.

It is noteworthy that this will be the second supermoon since the beginning of the year: . And the combination of three phenomena at once - eclipses, supermoons and full moons - was last observed more than 150 years ago, in 1866.

Red Moon

It will be possible to observe an unusual phenomenon throughout almost the entire territory of Russia, scientists promise. But the full phase of the eclipse will be best visible to residents of the Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

“Total lunar eclipses occur once a year on average. Consequently, this coincides with a supermoon once every 20-30 years. This phenomenon will be best seen east of the Urals - from 17 to 20 hours. In the European part of Russia, the Moon will already rise in the total eclipse phase. This means that it is best to start observing immediately at sunset - at this moment the red moon will rise,” explained astrophysicist Stanislav Korotky, scientific director of the Ka-Dar observatory, in a conversation with RT.

As reported on the website of the Moscow Planetarium, in the capital the reddish-brown Supermoon will appear above the horizon after 17:00. After this, for about an hour you will be able to observe how the reddish tint gradually disappears from the moon’s disk - provided that the sky is cloudless, of course.

However, you shouldn’t expect any particularly striking visual effects, experts say.

“There will be nothing unique. The term “Supermoon” was coined by an astrologer who believes that the Moon, at its closest approach to the Earth, somehow influences nature. But that's not true. In reality, changes in the size of the Moon cannot be noticed by eye. If the weather is good, we will be able to observe a regular lunar eclipse,” Igor Lisov, editor-in-chief of the Popular Astronomy magazine, told RT.

For those who, due to bad weather, will not be able to see the lunar eclipse, the Virtual Telescope Project will organize a broadcast of this phenomenon.

However, the Supermoon eclipse is not just a pretty picture. According to NASA experts, the eclipse will allow scientists to see what happens when the surface of the Earth's satellite quickly cools.

“You can take a new look at the moon's landscape if you observe it during an eclipse using a thermal imaging camera that will detect infrared radiation from the surface of the satellite,” The Guardian quotes Paul Hayne, a specialist in the Laboratory of Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado at Boulder. “In this case, normally invisible areas around some craters begin to glow because the rocks around them are still warm.”

The next time earthlings will be able to observe a total eclipse of the Moon is July 27, 2018. It will last a record 103 minutes. All Russians will be able to see it, except residents of northern latitudes.

If you live in the Western United States, you simply can't miss this major astronomical event in just a few days. If your homeland is another country, but you still want to take a look at such a rare lunar phenomenon, you may need to hurry up and buy a plane ticket.

Triple combination

The last time the “blood moon” shone in the sky was March 31, 1866. Now, a little over 150 years later, something similar is expected. And even more than that.

In fact, a rare phenomenon that is eagerly awaited not only by astronomers, but also by other lovers of celestial bodies, is a combination of three events.

This is not only a supermoon and a blood moon, but also a blue moon.


Residents of the Earth can observe this phenomenon when the full moon is as close as possible to our planet. Then our natural satellite looks especially bright and large. This approach to the Earth enhances all visual effects of the Moon by 14%.

The first supermoon of the year was visible on January 1-2. The expected event will be the second. That is why the moon is also called blue, because this will be the second full moon in a month, which is quite rare. This phenomenon occurs only once every 2.7 years.

During this process, there will also be a lunar eclipse, which will cause a “super blue blood moon.”

When an eclipse occurs, the Earth will position itself between the Sun and the Moon, blocking all sunlight from our satellite. This will give the Moon a copper-red hue.

Where and when can you see

According to NASA, this phenomenon can be noticed on January 31 before sunrise in Alaska, North America and Hawaii. And during moonrise, this event can be observed in Asia, Australia, the Middle East, New Zealand and eastern Russia.

The most striking and impressive effect of this phenomenon can be seen in Hawaii, Alaska and the West Coast. In the east it will be more difficult to observe the moon, and therefore you should not expect such vivid impressions. The eclipse will begin at 5:51 a.m. ET. Then the Moon will appear in the western sky, and the eastern one will brighten, making observations difficult.

Therefore, for residents of the East Coast, it is advised to climb to a height with an open view to the side where the sun rises, and observe from 6:45 in the morning.

However, the Moon will still provide the best view of its incredible beauty for areas such as New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, and East and Central Asia.

Yesterday, on the last day of January, the maximum phase of the red Supermoon began - the Earth's satellite turned red-brown and was completely immersed in the earth's shadow.

1. The total eclipse phase began at 15:51 Moscow time and the reddish-brown Supermoon rose. In general, the duration of the eclipse was 3 hours 24 minutes, and its total phase was 1 hour 16 minutes.

2. The total eclipse could be observed under clear skies throughout Russia, except for the western and southwestern regions. The apparent diameter of the Moon increased by about 8%, and the Earth's satellite itself became reddish-brown.

Malaga, Spain. (Photo by Jesus Merida):

3. The entire total phase of the eclipse is visible beyond the Urals, and the shadow eclipse from beginning to end is in Siberia east of the Irtysh, in the Far East.

St. Petersburg, Russia, January 31, 2018. The building in front of the moon is the Lakhta Center under construction in the Primorsky district. The skyscraper will be the northernmost in the world and the tallest in Russia and Europe, surpassing the Moscow Federation Tower skyscraper by 88 meters, although in terms of number of floors it will be inferior to the 100-story Akhmat Tower skyscraper currently under construction in Grozny. If we take absolute height, then the Lakhta Center will take second place among the tallest buildings in Russia and Europe, second only to the 540-meter Ostankino TV tower. (Photo by Anton Vaganov):

4. The current eclipse is unique in that it falls on a supermoon - the moment when the Moon is close to the point of its orbit closest to the Earth. This is already the second supermoon since the beginning of the year - the first took place on January 2, when the Moon came as close as possible to the Earth. The second full moon of the month is often called the blue moon.

5. Thus, on January 31, 2018, the sky presented a rare combination of three astronomical factors: a total eclipse of the Moon, which was both a Supermoon and a so-called Blue Moon. It turns out to be a Bloody Blue Moon.

6. A supermoon occurs every year, but it coincides with an eclipse quite rarely.

7. Bloody Blue Moon in Barcelona ignored conventions and appeared in the usual yellow color, Spain, January 31, 2018. (Photo by Albert Gea):

9. Bloody Blue Moon in Daraya, Syria. (Photo by Alaa al-Faqir):

11. And this is Norway. (Photo by Heiko Junge):

12. Moon in Ankara and plane. (Photo by Murat Kaynak):

14. Santiago, Chile. (Photo by Pablo Sanhueza):
