Law and organization of social security what they study. Law and organization of social security - how and where to get a specialty

Specialty: Law and organization of social security

02/40/01. Qualification: lawyer

Secondary vocational education
2 years 10 months – 3 years 10 months
State accreditation
Acceptance of documents until 05.04.19
Reception after: 9th and 11th grades

How to go to college for Law and Social Security Organization after 9th grade!

The right adult decision. According to statistics, people who choose college after 9th grade find work faster and start an independent life. Pay attention to the promising specialty Law and Social Security (02/40/01). Do you want to become a lawyer and really help people? By enrolling in the specialty Law and Social Security Organization, you will receive necessary knowledge! You will be taught:

  • Realize professional interpretation normative legal acts for the implementation of the rights of citizens in the field of pension provision and social protection (Mandatory knowledge for pension fund employees);
  • Advise citizens and representatives of legal entities on the provision of legal services (These skills are useful for paralegals);
  • Maintain databases of recipients of pensions, benefits, compensation for other social benefits, as well as services and benefits up to date. (Social service employees cannot do without these skills).

Will the cost of training justify the future salary of a college graduate with a degree in Law?

It will definitely justify it if you want to work. Graduates of the specialty Law and Social Welfare at first can apply for the positions of social worker and legal assistant. Let's figure out how much college tuition costs and what the prospects are.

What does a social worker do? In the public perception, social workers care for elderly people living alone. Today, social services require specialists with a legal education who can guide citizens in matters of obtaining financial assistance, restoring documents and property rights. No college cost can compare With social significance your future profession.

How much does a social worker earn? From 7 to 40 thousand rubles. Believe me, social workers rich career prospects . You can always take the position of head of the social support department or even go higher. The main thing is to remember that after 9th grade colleges teach the basics of the profession, and experience makes a professional.

What does a paralegal do? This vacancy is an excellent chance for law and social security students to gain practice in legal disciplines. A legal assistant is his right hand. He is engaged in sorting documents, inventorying them and preparing extracts from them. The basics of legal practice can be taught in colleges after the 9th grade, but you will have to look for practice yourself. I think the opportunity to do a job I love will more than cover the cost of college.

How much does a legal assistant earn? From 15 to 50 thousand rubles. Having gained experience as a legal assistant, you can safely go for a higher legal education. After graduating from college after 9th grade, you can enter a university without the Unified State Exam!

The work of a lawyer is such that he is always at the center of various disputes and conflict situations. However, it is wrong to assume that the main task a specialist is not winning a court case, but the opportunity to avoid starting a process. The success of many companies is determined, among other things, by the degree vocational training lawyer. A good employee must wisely use loopholes in the laws and act within the legal framework, providing an advantage for the company with his decisions. In this regard, people who have completed courses in the specialty “law and organization of social security” are in great demand among employers.

Where can I work with a diploma in Social Security Law and Organization?

Thanks to the large amount of knowledge acquired, graduates have the opportunity not only to receive specialized education, but also improve general level competencies.

After completing training, specialists can work in the following specialties:

  • protection of the rights of citizens in matters of pension provision and social protection;
  • organizing the activities of social protection bodies and Pension Fund structures;
  • defending the interests of citizens in social issues, including in the courts;
  • social and legal protection of citizens;

In addition, lawyers with a diploma of secondary vocational education can apply for positions in social protection committees, pension funds, passport offices, and also perform the duties of an assistant notary or lawyer.

Diploma sample
sample diploma

What is included in the training program - Law and organization of social security

Duration of training within basic course training of specialists in the profession “Law and organization of social security” is designed for a period from 1 year and 10 months to 3 years and 10 months. During the preparation process, students study a large number of professional and highly specialized disciplines that will help them realize their potential in many industries in the future.

Professional disciplines include:

  • Theory of Government and Rights;
  • constitutional law;
  • administrative law;
  • environmental law;
  • civil law;
  • family law;
  • labor law;
  • financial right;
  • civil process;
  • statistics;

Upon completion of training, all students receive a state-issued diploma of secondary vocational education in the specialty “Law and organization of social security”.

Are you decisive and purposeful, know how to defend your position, make all decisions carefully and are not indifferent to the problems of other people? You have all the prerequisites for mastering the profession of a lawyer with a specialty in Law and Social Security Organization.

More detailed information about the specialty “Law and Organization of Social Security” can be obtained from a consultant. To apply, you must send a completed application () to admissions committee to email address mail [email protected].

Admission occurs without entrance exams and without Unified State Examination (GIA) results on the basis of the submitted educational document.

Advantages of the specialty “Law and organization of social security”

The undeniable advantage of this profession is its versatility. Studying disciplines of various directions, based on the results of training you will be able to:

  • To navigate the regulations governing the rights of vulnerable groups of the population and apply them in practice.
  • Protect and represent the interests of elderly people and low-income citizens, providing full documentary support of the process.
  • Provide targeted assistance to those in need through consultations on issues of social and legal protection and legal regulation pension payments, benefits, etc.
  • Understand the intricacies of organizing the work of a pension fund and design its budget, expense and income items, using modern software products.

This will give you the opportunity to apply for work in the social welfare service and notary office, legal advice and court, funds social insurance and branches of the Pension Fund.

Secondary vocational education is available to everyone remotely!

You want to enroll in the specialty “Law and Social Security Organization,” but you do not have the opportunity to change your place of residence or leave your family or job for a while. Consider studying remotely.

Features of distance learning training

The educational and methodological program will be mastered according to your individual schedule. Free access to educational materials, electronic textbooks, and the library will allow you to master the material in the disciplines in full. Throughout the entire period of study in the specialty “Law and Organization of Social Security” you will not have to leave your place of residence, even during the session.

After passing the state exams, you will receive a state diploma with the appropriate entry. All intermediate sessions are held remotely.

By enrolling through the Center for Distance Education and Advanced Training, you will be able to:

  • study in educational institution, whose activities are accredited and licensed;
  • continue your studies and major in “Jurisprudence”.
Name of specialty Price Link
1 Tourism RUB 16,500/semester

How are the professions of law and social welfare organizations different from similar ones? Let's look at practical examples! If you are studying in this specialty, looking through options, or simply interested in the subject, be sure to read on.

General characteristics of the profession

It is immediately worth highlighting the basis on which the entire subject is built and educational process. This is, of course, the right: laws, regulations and various documents containing them. Next comes the trial and its attendant disciplines.

Basic knowledge in jurisprudence is fully consistent with other legal disciplines. What will be given to you in them is no more and no less. So what's the difference? And here the second part of the name of the specialty makes itself felt. Social welfare organizing is about working with people who have problems complying with civic standards.
Slope Details

According to the constitution, the Russian Federation is a social state. This means that social programs have the highest priority in the country's policy, and the law should be aimed at improving and strengthening them. Citizens, as the main value of such a state, are the reason for which it exists.

In fact, a huge number of holes appear in social programs, caused by a variety of reasons, but undoubtedly familiar to you. And the people who fall into these holes suddenly find themselves pulled out of the system. Or, even worse, put in the position of guilty without any reason. While the inconvenience of the former can be easily resolved by making requests to the necessary places and re-issuing papers, in the case of the latter, it often ends up in court. And this is far from the worst thing that happens!

A lawyer from this direction must have the qualities of a philosopher, psychologist, economist, political scientist and financier. And they try to teach all this there. If possible.

Application in practice

It is already clear how wide the application of the knowledge gained after training can be. Yes, they are limited by the legal industry, but in the legal industry they are not limited by practically anything. So, what choice does a graduate have upon completion of their studies? You can realize yourself in:

  • labor law;
  • civil law;
  • insurance business;
  • social security law.

Labor law

How can you characterize labor law? This is the origin, conduct and termination of labor activity. In more detail, this is everything that happens from the moment an employee arrives for an interview until he is fired (or he quits himself). What can happen in this interval? Whatever! Labor law- quite a popular industry in major cities, where people change jobs most often, sometimes even several times a year. How can we get by without incidents? And a lawyer can solve them. For a fee.

To work in this field, you will need to complete a number of more courses and obtain a license, but this is the easy part. The main thing is that you will be qualified as a lawyer upon completion of your studies.

Civil law

These are property and personal non-property relations of the parties. How vague the formulation is, so wide is the range of activities. Simply put, it is any thing whose belonging to someone raises questions. A leader in the legal services market for several years, but at the same time one of the most complex aspects of law. You will need perseverance, good memory and melancholic character. If this doesn’t apply to you, then read on, there’s more to come!

Insurance business

Here, perhaps, there is no need to explain much. The insurance business, which has seriously developed in recent decades, is aimed at society and is clearly social in nature. Just what you need. Moreover, you will be welcome on both sides: both insurance companies interested in minimizing payments, and people interested in ensuring the opposite.

Social security law, constitutional law

These two subjects are taught separately. But in life they are very interconnected things. You will know the most about them, because they are your profile.
Working with people and working with laws. Knowledge of ethical standards. The ability to competently analyze a situation and explain it to people. Ability to develop and examine legal acts. All this is the law and organization of social security.

Working in this specialty requires analytical skills, attentiveness and good memory, and the ability to quickly find the necessary information. After all, when considering each specific situation, a lawyer needs not only to express his opinion on it, but to give an extremely accurate and correct explanation with references to all current laws and acts relating to it. In addition, communication skills and emotional stability are desirable.

It is necessary to possess and develop such qualities as humanity and goodwill, tact, endurance and self-control, observation, initiative and responsibility, erudition. In a word, everything that people value so much in others. It is the social nature of the profession that is key to it.

This profession requires quite a lot from a person, therefore, in the absence of necessary qualities it may seem quite complicated. But if they are present, it will provide an opportunity to develop in several directions at once. Communication, accurate data and sober analysis, when combined correctly, result in a very interesting lifestyle.

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By the end of the 9th and 11th grades, many schoolchildren already have a clear idea of ​​their future career. The legal profession has remained at the peak of popularity for many years, and this is not surprising: judges, prosecutors, lawyers and corporate lawyers have high salaries and enjoy special respect in society - after all, they know all the laws and know how to use them competently when solving complex problems.

Where should a high school student start studying legal science? We invite everyone who is interested in laws and wants to work not only for themselves, but also for the benefit of society, to our college to major in Law and Social Security Organization. This specialty is the starting point in a lawyer's career. After graduating from college, its graduates can easily enter the University to major in Civil Law and continue their studies in interesting disciplines.

Study – Law and organization of social security in college

Teaching in college with a degree in “Law and Social Security Organization” is conducted according to modern standards, using educational technologies developed by Synergy University. The children are dealt with by experienced legal practitioners who discuss with them in detail the most current cases from their professional practice. At lectures and seminars, the norms of civil, financial, criminal law, the basics of statistics, management and even entrepreneurial activity are studied.

Immersion in the legislative environment occurs through interactive classes. In our college, no one will force you to cram textbooks - we understand that this will not lead to the desired result. We try to do everything to make it really interesting for students, so that jurisprudence turns from a set of abstract norms into an applied science. After graduating from college, a graduate can enter the Faculty of Law, but is also free to choose any other faculty of our University: after all, knowledge of the laws is required absolutely everywhere.

Let's take a closer look at the elements of our college's training program. Social security is an element of state social policy aimed at improving the quality of life of citizens. First of all, we are talking about pension funds and other institutions, the services of which citizens can use to resolve complex life situations. Social security is closely intertwined with law, since the receipt of any government benefits is strictly regulated. In the “Law and Organization of Social Welfare” program at the college, we teach to take a responsible attitude towards the norms of the law and to perceive jurisprudence not only as a prestigious and elite professional field, but also as a socially significant field of activity. As a result, our graduates are already initial courses studying at the university successfully undergoing practical training in large legal associations, government institutions, and begin to build a career with a clear understanding of their mission throughout the state.

Receive a legal education after 11th grade at the Economic Business College of Moscow South-Eastern Administrative District, majoring in lawyer. Prepare to enter law college after 9th grade.

  • Admission without exams
  • Dormitory with Internet access
  • Flexible payment terms
  • Assistance in education

40.02.01 “Law and organization of social security”

Advantages of the specialty Lawyer

This specialty is one of the most prestigious

Great choice of places to get a job after college

Individual education program

Training of our graduates in an abbreviated form at universities

Qualification: Lawyer

The profession of a lawyer is very important, because such a specialist guarantees citizens the protection of their rights and freedoms and regulates the order in relations between authorities state power. The specialty “Law and Social Security Organization” is very prestigious, and the legal profession is considered respectable and highly paid.

IN Everyday life a person is often faced with the need to turn to a lawyer to manage and make important decisions, while lawyers themselves are in serious personnel positions. The qualifications of employees in legal positions directly affects the success of any large enterprise. The higher it is, the more successful the company will be. It is these specialists who conduct the activities of business entities, relying on the current legislation Russian Federation.

What can a lawyer do after graduating from college? Competent specialists are especially in demand during a crisis situation to quickly make the most rational decision in a given situation and normalize it within the framework of the company’s economic activities. Lawyers help people resolve controversial and conflict situations in accordance with the law. They try to minimize losses and prevent the development of conflict. Such specialists are in high demand in the social sphere.

They provide legal support to citizens in social protection authorities, pension fund branches and others. government organizations. Lawyers provide assistance in obtaining social benefits and pensions, provide consultations on legal issues, and provide support in controversial situations, regulate property relations.

What do law school students study?

First of all, students at our College of Law in Moscow study the legal system of the Russian Federation. Thus, they receive a basis of legal knowledge and skills, as well as legal practice and support skills. Having completed their studies in the specialty “Law and Organization of Social Security” at EBK College, graduates can continue receiving a legal education at a higher educational institution.

The programs of our law college and partner universities are similar and complement each other. Therefore, graduate lawyers after our college can continue to deepen their knowledge of the legal specialty, because they have already developed the foundation. Creation partnerships between educational institutions helps to prepare competent specialists with a legal basis and practical experience ready to continue further educational process.

The student gains knowledge both in narrow areas and in social, cultural and humanitarian disciplines.

Where can a college graduate lawyer work?

College graduates with a degree in Law and Social Security Organization can be employed in legal and law enforcement agencies of the public or private sector. Graduates of our law college in Moscow based on 11 classes are in demand in social protection authorities and branches of the pension fund and other government organizations with a social orientation.

Activities of the Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law

  • conducts theoretical and elective classes;
  • develops games and competitions on legal topics;
  • supervises research papers;
  • develops complex thinking;
  • teaches you to think independently;
  • helps in forming your own opinion on the world around you.

Is it possible to enter a law college in Moscow after 9th grade?

No, you can enroll in EBK College in Moscow to become a lawyer only after completing 11th grade. The student will study for 1 year 10 months. Students in grades 9-11 can attend preparatory courses during the school year.

List of Subjects for Law Students to Study in College

  • theory of state;
  • municipal law;
  • law and civil procedure;
  • family law;
  • tax law;
  • right of special protection;
  • environmental law;
  • notary;
  • business law;
  • judicial and executive acts.

Where does internship take place at the College of Law?

Our students undergo internships in the judicial system, departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other organizations leading legal activity.

  • pension fund branches;
  • social protection authorities;

Continuation of legal education after college in Moscow based on 11 classes

Lawyer - college graduate receives a diploma of secondary education vocational education. Then he can receive specialized education in legal fields at partner universities using a shortened form of education.

The following universities are perfect for continuing specialized education after graduating from our college:

  • Academy of the FSB of the Russian Federation;
  • Russian the University of Economics them. G. V. Plekhanov;
  • Moscow Finance and Law University (MFUA);
  • Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after. V. Ya. Kikotya;
  • Moscow Financial and Industrial University “Synergy”;
  • Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. I. M. Gubkina;
  • Moscow University named after S. Yu. Witte.

What positions do legal graduates of our college in Moscow hold?

  • investigator;
  • passport office worker;
  • legal advisor;
  • HR specialist;
  • paralegal;
  • court employee;
  • an employee of a public or private organization engaged in legal and legal activities;
  • human resources department inspector;
  • employee of junior and mid-level officers in judicial and law enforcement services.

Professional activity of a lawyer after college

After graduating from college, a young lawyer must have all the necessary skills to conduct law enforcement and legal activities, which meet the plan of secondary vocational education and do not require higher education. A notary's assistant, an investigator, a passport office employee, a junior investigator, and an assistant lawyer will always be in demand in various fields.
