Presentation: cleanliness is the key to health for the senior group. Presentation on the topic "Cleanliness is the key to health"

“Human sense organs” - Language - ? Nose - ? Reliable protection of the body. Leather. A person sees objects, distinguishes colors, and receives information about the world around him. Distinguishes the taste of food. 1.Thin. Ears - ? Takes care of human health. 2.Elastic. 3.Soft. Hears sounds and human speech. The human ability to smell. Organ of touch.

“Cool hours about friendship” - Make new friends, but don’t forget old ones. Help a friend. Don't be greedy. Modesty Kindness Sociability Responsiveness Kindness. Performed by primary school teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Saraktash Secondary School No. 2, 1st category Garnastaeva T.M. If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him. Do not be afraid to ask for forgiveness if you have offended a friend.

“Street Movement” - G.V. Alekseev. Causes of children's road traffic injuries. Reducing road traffic injuries. Library Reading books conversation. Purpose: To clarify ideas about the street, road, sidewalk, cars. Provide basic knowledge about behavior on the street. Introduce the concepts of “crossroads” and “organized column of pedestrians”.

“Forest dangers” - Honey mushrooms. Teacher: Svetlana Mikhailovna Rudova. Inedible mushrooms. Gall mushroom. N. Rylenkov. Porcini. Henbane. 2. Wolf's bast. 1. Poisonous plants and berries. Crow's eye. Stinging insects. Lesson of the surrounding world in 2nd grade Forest dangers. 4. Forest dangers. Fly agaric. 3. False honey mushrooms. Lily of the valley.

"Have a nice trip" - Safety. I. If it’s milky in the red circle, It’s just a white spot. Cross the street when the traffic light is green and never go through a red light! Information and directional signs. Road safety. D. 4.You can ride where cars drive. Road signs. Road. C. Prohibition signs. Inspection.

“Human Body” - Can a child become. There are about 200 individual bones in the adult human body. Mikheeva Yu.V. primary school teacher Star City March 2008. Bones move muscles. Musculoskeletal system. Thanks to flexible bone joints, you can run and jump. Lesson of the surrounding world 3rd grade.

There are a total of 36 presentations in the topic

Irina Falaleeva
Presentation “Cleanliness is the key to health!”

Cleanliness is the key to health!

Instructor: Hello, dear guys! Let's talk today about cleanliness, about our hygiene. Do you think they are related? cleanliness and health?

(Children's answers)

Right! Connected. No wonder they say: « Cleanliness is the key to health.

This means that if a person clean and tidy reigns around him purity, - he observes one of the most important rules of life, allowing you to be healthy– these are the rules of personal hygiene.


Hygiene, hygiene...

I don’t know what it is.

Maybe it's a hyena beast

What did I see in the cinema?

Turned out to be in hygiene,

Nothing animalistic.

The teachers in the garden taught us hygiene.

Wash your hands and brush your teeth.

Very nice,

Very nice.

I'm not sick now

I look great.

That's what a good animal he is,

Personal hygiene!


Guys, who knows what hygiene is and what this word means?

(Children's answers)

Word "HYGIENE" came to us from Ancient Greece, and means - « HEALTH» .

Today, no one thinks about whether they need to wash their hands when they come in from the street; no one doubts the need to wash daily, clean their home, wipe off dust and dirt.

You and I know that PERSONAL HYGIENE is caring for your body, keeping it in good condition. cleanliness. We also know that following the rules of personal hygiene will help us not get sick and strengthen our health. health.

However, this was not always the case. There were times when people did not attach any importance to such things.

Most "hygienic" (clean, healthy) the era was antiquity. In Egypt, it was imperative to follow the rules of hygiene. The Egyptians washed themselves daily, washed their clothes regularly, and protected food from flies. For the Greeks, the bathroom, which all more or less wealthy residents had in their homes, was a place for receiving guests. The Greeks were very sensitive to smells and loved to enjoy all kinds of pleasant aromas.

The Slavs willingly used the bathhouse because everyone believed that washing expels diseases from the body and prolongs life.

Middle Ages (time of the knights) traditionally considered a time of ignorance, filth and epidemics (diseases).

200 years ago, people returned to long-forgotten body hygiene. Hygiene has become an integral part of our lives.

As we already know, PERSONAL HYGIENE is caring for your body, keeping it in good condition. cleanliness. Following the rules of personal hygiene helps us not to get sick and strengthen our health.

One of the rules of personal hygiene is maintaining a daily routine.

Daily routine is the correct distribution of time for the basic life needs of a person. (eating, studying, work, rest, sleep).

Why do we need a daily routine? (Children's answers)

Of course, to maintain health. Each person’s routine should include a certain time for work, rest, eating, and sleep. It is very important that a person always sleeps and eats at the same time. A person who has lunch at the same time knows well that by this time he has an appetite.

What do you think, do we follow a daily routine in kindergarten? (Children's answers)

Physical education minute "Daily regime"

The sun looked into the crib.

One two three four five.

We all do exercises.

We need to sit down and stand up.

Extend your arms wider.

One two three four five.

Bend over - three, four.

And jump on the spot.

On the toe, then on the heel.

We do exercises together.

Oh, and the tap, open!

Wash your nose!

Wash both eyes at once!

Wash your ears!

Wash your neck!

Cervix, wash yourself thoroughly!

Wash, wash, shower!

Dirt, wash away!

The second rule of hygiene is "Keep an eye on the purity of your body» .You already know what to watch out for the cleanliness of your hands, face, neck, legs. You need to wash your feet with warm water and soap every morning, take a shower or bath regularly, and don’t forget to wash your feet before going to bed.

Why is this so important to do? (Children's answers)

This is important not only because it is ugly to be unwashed, but also because our skin is constantly works: it absorbs oxygen from the air, regulates body temperature, secretes fat and water (sweat). During the day, dust and dirt from the surrounding air stick to the skin and all this prevents the skin from doing its job correctly. Dirty skin harbors bacteria that can cause inflammation. Therefore, the skin needs cleanse before bed. But at night. When you sleep, the skin continues to work and, by morning, it again needs cleaning.

And dirty people get sick more often, because harmful microbes that cause illnesses enter their bodies more easily.

The third rule of hygiene.

We clean, brushing teeth

And we live happily.

And for those who don't cleans,

We sing a song:

Hey, don't yawn

Don't forget about your teeth

Bottom up, top down

Don't be lazy about brushing your teeth.

Same thing with brushing teeth. Our teeth are covered with protective enamel. It is hard and protects teeth from damage. But if you don’t take care of your teeth, or care for them incorrectly, the enamel deteriorates, holes appear in your teeth, and your teeth begin to hurt.

How should you take care of your teeth? (Children's answers)

In the evening you definitely need clean out all food debris so that they do not spoil in the mouth. But, all bacteria We can’t clean it right away, and they can create an unpleasant odor overnight. Therefore, in the morning you also need teeth clean to wash away everything that has accumulated overnight.

Squeeze out a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto your brush.

Rinse your mouth after eating, especially if you have eaten sweets.

Use only your own toothbrush and snore it in a cup with the bristles facing up.

Good water!

Help me a little:

Wash the kids' dirty palms!

You, a piece of soap, wash us without sparing,

Our hands will become cleaner and whiter!

The next rule is "Washing our hands".

Why do we need to wash our hands? (Children's answers)

All objects we touch throughout the day contain a lot of germs that can cause serious illness. Imagine how many people touched handrails on public transport, elevator buttons and money with unwashed hands. We can ingest them in food and get sick.

Many diseases can be avoided by simply washing your hands several times a day.

Let's remember together all the cases when you need to wash your hands with soap.

Right! When we come home from kindergarten, from a walk, from a store, from a clinic.

Hands should be washed before eating.

You should wash your hands thoroughly with soap after playing with a cat or dog or other animals.

Also remember to wash your hands after using the toilet.

Let's learn how to wash your hands correctly!

1. Roll up your sleeves

2. Wet your hands and soap them thoroughly

3. Rub your palm against your palm

4. Wash between your toes

5. Wash the backs of your hands

6. Wash your fingers

7. Wash your fingers from the outside

8. Don't forget about marigolds

9. Wash your wrists

Rinse off the soap and wipe dry!

I don't think any of you need reminding that your clothes should be neat and clean.

Another rule is to monitor your appearance. What does it mean?

A person should always be neatly dressed and neatly combed. Eat proverb: “They greet you by their clothes, they see you off by their intelligence.” When they meet a person for the first time, they first of all pay attention to his appearance, and if a person does not take care of his appearance, the first opinion about him will be bad. Be attentive to your things, learn to keep track cleanliness and the neatness of your clothes and shoes.

The mirror will gasp:

Where is the comb?

Why doesn't she brush the child's hair?

The mirror even darkens with fear,

If a slob looks at him!

Keep your hair neat. You need to wash your hair and comb your hair regularly, using only your own comb.

Brushes and scissors are very necessary,

Nails shouldn't be dirty!

Nails should be clean and short-haired. When trimming your nails, you need to clean the dirt from under your nails with a brush, because this is where most of the germs that get on our hands accumulate.

So as not to sneeze from the dust,

We need to clean the house -

Vacuuming, washing floors,

Wipe tables with a rag.

The one who breathes dust often,

May develop asthma.

Tell us how you clean your room? (Children's answers)

Right! Wipe off the dust with a soft cloth, carefully place books and toys on the shelf.

What for clean carpets and upholstered furniture with a vacuum cleaner? (Children's answers)

Right! To remove particles of dust and dirt. After all, house dust is very harmful! It may cause an allergic reaction (red eyes, sneezing, runny nose).

In addition, tiny, or, as scientists say, microscopic, mites live in the dust, causing harm to our health. It is best to open the windows and vents during cleaning and ventilate the room thoroughly.

What is wet cleaning? (Children's answers)

Right! During wet cleaning, we wash floors, wipe window frames, glass and mirrors with a damp cloth, removing dust and dirt.

Observe cleanliness, you need to do cleaning not once a week, but every day, allocating a certain time for this.

A game "Apchhi"

Children are divided into two teams ( "Sneezing" And "Infected") which diverge at a distance of 5 meters from each other. Team "Sneezing", pronounce "Apchi!", and throw tennis balls at the opposing team. Kids from the team "Infected" must dodge. The one who was hit by the ball leaves the game and starts "sneeze".

Cleanliness is the key to health

Everyone should know this

And then any diseases

You will never be caught.

Be healthy!

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Slide captions:

“Cleanliness is the key to health” Health-saving education Natalya Aleksandrovna Zlobina Teacher, MADOU “Kindergarten No. 10 of a combined type”, Yemva, 2016

The presentation is offered for work with older children, as well as for educators and parents, as grammatical material when studying lexical topics. The methodological material is aimed at activating and enriching the vocabulary on the lexical topic “Human body, hygiene”, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech. The presentation contains material about personal hygiene items, riddles on the topic, and games. This speech material can be used in direct educational activities and in individual work with children. The presentation is made in Pover Point format.

K. And Chukovsky “Moidodyr” It is necessary, it is necessary to wash yourself in the mornings and evenings, And to unclean chimney sweeps - Shame and disgrace! Long live the fragrant soap, And the fluffy towel, And the tooth powder, And the thick comb! Let's wash, splash, Swim, dive, tumble In a tub, in a trough, in a tub, In a river, in a stream, in the ocean, And in a bath, and in a bathhouse, Always and everywhere - Eternal glory to water!

Introduction to hygiene items (Name the items depicted, explain why each of them is needed)

Riddles Frequent, toothy - Beware, curly head.... It’s hanging in the bathroom, dangling, everyone is grabbing at it…. It slips away like a living thing, But I won’t let it go, It foams with white foam, It’s not too lazy to wash your hands... Plastic back, Stiff bristles, It makes friends with toothpaste, Serves us diligently...

What items are we talking about? Continue with the definitions Hair wash is... A homogeneous mass for cleaning teeth is... A piece of cloth for wiping something is... Hand and body wash is...

Fizminutka Who knows how to wash clean? Who isn't afraid of water? This is us, this is us, This, this, this is us! We know how to wash ourselves, We wash our hands - like this, like this, We wash our necks - like this, like this, We brush our teeth - like this, like this. We washed ourselves like big ones, Look how clean we are! Look, look!

What personal hygiene items shouldn't be shared even with your best friend?

Game "Find a Pair"

Game “The Fourth Wheel” (Personal Hygiene Items)

Proverbs and sayings about health In a healthy body there is a healthy mind. To live in the dirt means to suffer from consumption. Don’t be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist. Where there is neatness, there is neatness. He who is neat is pleasant to people.

Used literature Tikhomirova L.F. Exercises for every day: Health lessons for children 5 - 8 years old: Development Academy, Academy Holding, 2003. – 144 p.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Lesson notes for the second junior group “Cleanliness is the key to health”

Program content: To give children an idea of ​​the importance of sanitary and hygienic measures for health. To form a healthy lifestyle in children; develop speech and logical thinking. F...

Summary of work activities in the senior group topic: “Cleanliness is the key to health”

Improve children's ability to wash toys and dry them. To consolidate and expand ideas about how to care for indoor plants. Form the habit of a healthy lifestyle. Educate...


  • give the concept of the word hygiene, convince children of the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene, cleanliness in the house, on the street, in nature.
  • to promote in children the habits and then the needs for a healthy lifestyle;
  • developing skills for making independent decisions regarding maintaining and strengthening one’s health.


  • Color illustrations, photographs on the theme “Healthy lifestyle”.
  • Envelope with riddles.
  • Demo cards.
  • Portrait of Zlyuchka-Gryaznyuchka.
  • Reminders: “Rules of personal hygiene.” (For each student).
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste.
  • Poster: “How to brush your teeth properly.”
  • Cards: “This is interesting”
  • Cards with text and poems for children.

Preparatory work: At the request of the teacher, the children collected color illustrations from old magazines and photographs on the topic: “Healthy lifestyle” and brought them to class. A poster was made from the collected material. I distributed the texts “This is interesting” in advance to the students who read well (3 students). The two girls learned the poem in advance. On the eve of the class hour, I made the following request to the children: “Whoever wants to, bring a toothbrush, toothpaste and a glass with you, and whoever can show in class how to brush your teeth.”

Progress of the lesson

  1. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Hygiene. S. Taratuta

What is hygiene,
The cat and the hyena know
Brown bear, white bear,
Hedgehog, dog and bee,
That it’s always not a sin to wash yourself,
Wash paws and hooves
Well, after that you can safely
Get down to business!
And the bee will not be allowed into the hive,
If she turned out to be dirtier,
And all they will find out
Five specks of dust among the pollen.
And the bird will always find
Half a minute to wash your face
And hurries to go down to the puddle,
Even if there are chicks!
How not to remember the raccoon here:
For him, washing is a job.
For him the basics are the basis -
First mine, then gnaw.
And every little pig
He wants to be clean from the cradle,
And the poor guy is not guilty,
What's in the dirt?

Imagine people who stopped caring about cleanliness and order. They stopped washing their faces, brushing their teeth, and keeping their apartments clean. These people would stop cleaning their shoes, taking care of their clothes, and forget how to use a clean handkerchief. Can such people be called beautiful? Healthy?

People who always take care of their cleanliness have a neat appearance and never get sick, and if they do get sick, it is very rarely.

After all, if you wash your hands before eating, germs will not enter our intestines; if you wash your face in the morning after sleep, in the afternoon when you come from the street, and in the evening when you go to bed, our pores, of which there are many in the skin, will breathe easily and our body will not be painful. It will be strong and healthy.

Cleanliness is the key to health. (On the board is the topic of the lesson, as well as color illustrations from magazines, photographs on the topic: “Healthy lifestyle.”)

How do you understand the meaning of this statement? Explain.

Today in our lesson we will talk about how to maintain your health by keeping your body clean, clean in your apartment, clean on the street, in nature.

  1. Conversation on the topic.
  1. 3 teeth

Guess the riddle: The loaf of white sheep is full. (Teeth)

What helps us digest food? In order for food to be better digested in the stomach and intestines, it is moistened in the mouth with saliva and crushed with teeth. A person’s first teeth, baby teeth, appear in the first year of life. By the age of 6-7 there are 20 of them. Some of them have already fallen out, and new, permanent ones have appeared in their place. By the age of 10-11, all baby teeth usually fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth. If a person loses a permanent tooth, a new one will not grow in its place.

Poem by S. Mikhalkov “Like our Lyuba...”

Like our Lyuba
Teeth hurt:
Weak, fragile-
Children's, dairy...
The poor thing moans all day long,
He drives his girlfriends away:
-I have no time for you today!
The mother feels sorry for the girl, the rinse in the cup warms her,
He doesn't take his eyes off his daughter.
Papa feels sorry for Lyubochka
He glues a doll out of paper,
What to do with my daughter?
To relieve toothache?

  • Why do you think Lyuba’s teeth hurt? (The tooth was damaged, there was a hole in it)
  • Why did the damage occur? (The teeth are covered with enamel. It is hard and protects the teeth from damage. But if the teeth are not properly cared for or eaten correctly, holes appear (caries)).

A tooth is a living organ. A hole in a tooth always hurts. Bad teeth also harm other organs - the heart, kidneys...

  • What should you do if pain occurs? (Visit a doctor)
  • What should you do to keep your teeth healthy?
  • What is harmful to teeth?

(On the card) Harmful:

  • gnaw nuts;
  • eat very cold and very hot food;
  • eat foods that are harmful to teeth (especially a lot of sweets).

I want to give you advice, you decide where it is and where it is no.
If my advice is good, you clap your hands.
To incorrect advice, say in unison: no.
Constantly need to eat for your teeth
Fruits, vegetables, omelet, cottage cheese, yogurt.
If my advice is good,
You clap your hands.
Don't bite the cabbage leaf
It's not tasty at all,
Better eat chocolate
Waffles, sugar, marmalade.
Is this the right advice?
No! Lyuba told her mother:
I won't brush my teeth.
And now our Lyuba
A hole in every, every tooth.
What will be your answer?
Well done Lyuba? No!
To give shine to teeth
You need to take shoe polish.
Squeeze out half a tube
And brush your teeth.
Is this the right advice? No!
Oh, awkward Lyudmila,
She dropped the brush on the floor.
He picks up a brush from the floor,
He continues to brush his teeth.
Who will give the right advice?
Well done Luda? No!
Remember forever, dear friends,
You can't go to sleep without brushing your teeth.
If my advice is good,
You clap your hands.
Have you brushed your teeth?
And go to bed
Grab a bun
Sweets for bed.
Is this the right advice? No!
Remember this useful advice:
You can't gnaw on an iron object,
If my advice is good,
You clap your hands.
To strengthen teeth,
It's good to chew nails.
Is this the right advice? No!
Well done, you didn't make a mistake,
The advice given was correct.
You need to remember for 100 years,
What is good for teeth and what is not.

Workshop “Teeth brushing”.

  • How should you take care of your teeth? (After every meal, rinse your mouth, brush your teeth with water and in the evening)
  • What does every person need to have to take care of their teeth? (Toothbrush and toothpaste required)
  • How to brush your teeth correctly? (Poster: “How to brush your teeth properly”)

Did you have a delicious breakfast?
You need to brush your teeth.
Let's take a brush in our hand,
Apply toothpaste.
And they got down to business boldly,
We brush your teeth skillfully:
Top to bottom and right to left.
From below - up and left again.
Them outside, inside
Rub it carefully.
So as not to suffer with teeth,
We move the brush in circles.
We brush our teeth carefully
After all, you can hurt your gums...
And what's next? And then
We'll rinse our teeth.
We need a mug...
Let's smile at each other,
Let's work skillfully
To make your teeth white!

Finishing the conversation about teeth, I would like to give very good advice:

Once you've eaten, brush your teeth.
Do this twice a day.
Prefer fruit to candy
Very important products.
So that the tooth does not bother you,
Remember this rule:
Let's go to the dentist
Visit twice a year.
And then smiles light
Save for many years.

  1. Nails.

Nails protect your fingertips from injury. But they can also become harmful to humans if they are grown and not kept clean. Then a large number of pathogenic microbes can accumulate under the nails. Nails should be trimmed regularly. On the arms once a week, on the legs once every 2-3 weeks (they grow more slowly). Before the procedure, it is recommended to soak your hands and feet in warm soapy water. Nails soften. The nail cut should be semicircular. If nails are trimmed incorrectly, the sharp edges can grow into the skin and cause pain and inflammation.

  1. Hair.


I've been wearing them for many years
I don't know the count.
I don’t sow, I don’t plant,
They grow up on their own. (Hair)

Hair should also be in order. Scientists have determined that hair lives up to four years. In a year they manage to grow 12-15 centimeters. To keep your hair healthy and thick, you need to take care of it, and above all, comb it daily. When combing, the hair is cleaned of dust and dirt. Once a week, you should wash your hair with hot water and shampoo. Hair should be trimmed regularly. Listen to what happened to the boy who didn't want to get his hair cut. (Read by pre-prepared students)

The boy doesn't want to get his hair cut
The boy crawls out of his chair
Screams and bursts into tears
He rests his feet.
He's in the men's and women's halls
The entire parquet floor was filled with tears.
The hairdresser is tired
And she didn’t cut the boy’s hair.
And the hair grows.
A year has passed
Another one passes...
The boy doesn't come to get his hair cut
And the hair grows
And the hair grows.
They grow, they grow,
They braid them...
“What a son,” said the mother,
-We need to buy a dress

Everything is clear with boys, but what about girls? Girls, often trying to be fashionable and beautiful, let their hair down. This, of course, can be beautiful, but not everywhere. While at school, you cannot let your hair down, because it will interfere with writing, and large bangs will block your view. Walking down the street in windy weather, loose hair will fly in different directions. In this form, you will look more like a witch than a beauty.

  1. Leather.

Why does a person need skin? The human body contains a lot of water: if it were not covered by skin, the water would pour out or evaporate in the air. And then a person would become like a prune. The skin not only retains water in the body, it also prevents it from penetrating inside. It secretes a kind of lubricant called sebum, which makes it waterproof. If the skin were not waterproof, then a person would swell like a sponge in the bath.

The skin provides excellent protection against germs. They can't penetrate it if it's healthy. The skin helps adapt to heat and cold.

Our skin is covered with tiny holes called pores. Some of them absorb oxygen from the air and help us breathe, others secrete fat, which softens the skin, and others secrete sweat, and with it some harmful substances that accumulate in the body. Dust and sweat clog the smallest pores of our skin. This causes the skin to become flabby. It cleanses the body worse. (Reads by a well-read student, prepared in advance).

A long time ago, a rich man wanted to organize a magnificent holiday in honor of his relative. Chariots with the image of the statue were supposed to appear in the solemn procession. The rich man decided to find a pretty boy, cover him with gold paint and place him on a pedestal like a statue. The idea was approved.
That same evening, the five-year-old son of a poor stonecutter from a suburban village - the most beautiful child in the entire village - ran out into the street covered in gold from head to toe. He laughed merrily. But the child's joy was short-lived. Gradually he began to feel some kind of heaviness on himself. My whole body felt tight and it was difficult to breathe. He didn't sleep all night, and in the morning he was completely sick.
With difficulty the boy survived the entire chariot procession, and when the holiday was over, he, forgotten by everyone, fell into the grass and lay there moaning. It seemed to the boy that the terrible gold was choking him, he lost consciousness and was delirious.
After all, the gold paint had tightly closed all the pores, the boy’s skin looked as if it were dead. In the morning the boy was shivering from the cold. Covered with thick gold, his skin no longer warmed him. The “golden boy” died of pneumonia.

Sad story. I'm very sorry for the boy. What conclusion can we draw for ourselves?

  1. Reading a poem by Y. Tuwim.

My dear children!
I am writing you a letter:
I ask you to wash more often
Your hands and face.
It doesn’t matter what kind of water:
Boiled, spring,
From the river or from the well,
Or just rainy.
You definitely need to wash
Morning, evening and afternoon
Before every meal
After sleep and before bed!
Rub with a sponge and washcloth,
Be patient - no problem!
And ink and jam
Wash off with soap and water.
My dear children!
I really, really ask you:
Wash more often, wash more cleanly -
I can't stand dirty people.
I won’t give my hand to dirty people,
I won't go visit them!
I wash myself very often.
Goodbye! Your Tuwim.

While we were talking, Zlyuchka-Gryazuchka came to our lesson.

The teacher, on behalf of Zlyuchka-Gryazuchka, says: And here I am, Vile-Filthy. I love guys who don't brush their teeth! Guys who don't wash their hands are my best friends! And how I love the guys who throw garbage anywhere!”

  • Guys, don’t any of you brush your teeth or wash your hands?
  • Let's explain to Zlyuchka-Gryaznyuchka why you need to wash?
  • Why is it bad to be dirty?
  • Where does dirt accumulate most on the human body?
  • When should you wash your hands?
  • How should you wash your hands correctly?

(On the card): Simple water and soap weaken the strength of microbes.

There are children in the world who do the opposite. For such children, G. Oster came up with his “Bad Advice”.

Never wash your hands
Neck, ears and face.
This is a stupid thing to do
Doesn't lead to anything.
Your hands will get dirty again
Neck, ears and face.
(“Bad advice”).

So why waste energy and waste time?
Getting a haircut is also useless, there is no point.
As you get older, your head will go bald on its own.

  • Would you use this advice?
  • Remember the fairy tale “Moidodyr” by K.I. Chukovsky.
  • What advice did Washbasin give? (Everyone is in unison, who knows)
  1. Summing up, developing rules of personal hygiene.

(Distribute such reminders to each student. Appendix 1)

And I would like to end our lesson with L. Kukso’s poem “On the Street.”

At school, in the theater, in the garden,
In the subway and on the street -
You must keep clean everywhere
Just like in your own apartment.
After all, the asphalt streets are dark
And green groves of parks, -
All this is our city, or rather,
Our living space is huge.

Guys, try to write a fairy tale about how to defeat the Vile-Filthy. (Appendix 2).

Result: As you know, recommendations in an edifying, categorical form do not evoke positive emotional emotions. And the result of the class hour I spent surprised me. The children were interested in this activity. Most of the kids in the class responded to the request to write an essay on how to defeat the Grumpy-Filthy Girl. We got some interesting stories. We returned to this topic more than once when discussing essays. They try to kick the nasty-dirty one out of everything: from notebooks, from briefcases, from desks, from the classroom. Keep your clothes clean and be sure to wash your hands before eating. Such activities develop in schoolchildren an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.


  1. Korostelev N. B. “50 health lessons for small and large.” -Moscow. “Children's Literature”, 1991.
  2. Encyclopedia “Everything about everything”.
  3. Maksinyaeva M.D. Life safety classes with younger schoolchildren. - M.: Creative Center, 2002.
  4. Tarabarina T. I., Sokolova E. I. “Both study and play: natural history” Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development” 1997.

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Identifying the most effective detergents.

Slide 3


Finding environmentally friendly alternatives to household chemicals. Testing various detergents.

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Having studied the effect of hygiene products on protozoa, we can choose the most effective and less dangerous household chemicals that can destroy not only protozoa but also bacteria common on human skin.

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Human skin is a zoo of bacteria. Washing powders Shampoos Dishwashing detergents Soaps Toothpastes Soap nuts Crystal Alunite Teeth stick Miswak

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Human skin is a zoo of bacteria

Scientists know tens of thousands of species of bacteria, and among them only a thousand or a little more pose a danger to a healthy person. Staphylococcus

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When you wash your hands with soap, a protective layer disappears from the surface of the skin, which prevents bacteria from entering the body.

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Washing powders

Ingredients: Surfactants Foaming agents Phosphates

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Dishwashing detergents

A person spends one year washing dishes in his entire life. It is estimated that a Russian family of four has to wash about five tons of dishes every year.

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Soap nuts

100% natural and environmentally friendly detergent "Soap Nuts" is an excellent replacement for household chemicals.

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Crystal Alunite

The crystal is harmless to the body, since, unlike many modern deodorants, it does not contain harmful chemical substances.

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Having conducted research on the effect of detergents on simple organisms (slipper ciliates), I can highlight the most effective means: Laundry soap Persil powder Fairy dishwashing detergent I have proven that the use of household chemicals is one of the factors in maintaining health. But, nevertheless, I advise you to use natural alternatives to household chemicals because they cause less harm to the environment and to you and me.

Slide 14


1. “Center of Expertise Test. Electronic magazine ( 2. “Yaplakal” Residents of our body ( 3. Anatoly Belyakov “Hygiene and Utopia” ( 4. Electronic magazine “House of the Sun” Cleanliness is the key to health ( ) 5. “Soap is harmful” ( 6. Crystal Alunite ( 7. Soap Nuts LLC (http: //

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